Presentation "alternative energy sources". Wind energy


Energy consumption, and with it its cost, is increasing all over the world, and our country is no exception. But the planet's resources are beginning to deplete, and environmental problems are causing increasing concern. That is why interest in non-traditional, environmentally friendly energy sources - wind, sun, waves - is constantly growing.

This paper examines low-power wind power plants. The experience of their operation, technical characteristics, efficiency and convenience are analyzed. Based on this, a conclusion is drawn about the advantages of using such installations in some industries and remote areas.

The prospects and possibilities for using low-power wind power plants in Russia are described, as well as the successful experience of implementing similar projects in other countries.

Energy comes from the wind

Farmers, gardeners, shift workers, geologists, and livestock breeders are experiencing an acute shortage of energy. And in areas that are relatively prosperous in terms of energy supply, things are far from being in the best possible way. Power outages due to natural disasters, the crisis of non-payments and simply theft of wires are becoming - alas - a common occurrence. If we also remember that, according to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, 80% of high-voltage power lines in the country are extremely worn out, the situation seems completely sad. And we have long been accustomed to living in illuminated houses, watching TV, using a refrigerator, computer and other household appliances, so we perceive even a short-term power outage as a small, but still a real disaster.

How much energy do we need?

At the 3rd International Scientific and Technical Conference “Energy Supply and Energy Saving in Agriculture” held in May 2003, very alarming words were heard. “Destructive processes have been taking place in rural electrification in Russia since 1990. Rural power grids have fallen into disrepair,... service has been eliminated,... interruptions in power supply have increased,... tariffs have increased exorbitantly,... the administration of RAO UES has not only canceled the preferential tariff for agricultural power consumers, but in many regions tariffs are set 20-30% higher than for industrial consumers and the urban population, there is no investment,... at the same time, the need for everyday life and personal households has increased. We are looking for an alternative in power supply” (from the speech of Academician of the Russian Agricultural Academy I.F. Borodin).

About 30% of farms and 20% of garden plots in Russia are not connected to electrical networks at all. The construction of new power lines to supply remote isolated consumers is extremely slow due to a chronic lack of funds, and diesel generators often function inefficiently, and besides, they require regular and qualified maintenance, motor fuel is becoming more and more expensive, its delivery is not reliable and economical enough...

Meanwhile, the average “energy basket” of a rural resident has been calculated, to which, at least summer period, it is quite possible to include owners of country cottages. It is 115 kilowatt-hours a month. The figure was not taken out of thin air, but is made up of the requirements for ensuring the so-called “intellectual life”. This includes lighting, radio, television, a household refrigerator, an electric razor, a boiler, small household power tools, a computer, and a garden pump. Let’s not forget that recently a lot of household appliances have appeared that run on built-in batteries that need to be recharged periodically: flashlights, Cell phones, the same electric shavers, power tools, etc.

Of course, in winter you will need more energy - the house needs to be heated. But since the tradition of stove heating in Russia not only does not become obsolete, but is also experiencing a kind of revival in the form of the emergence of new designs of ultra-economical stoves, and there is no shortage of firewood, additional electricity consumption is not expected here. So where can you get this bare minimum? One of the possibilities is low- and ultra-low-power wind energy.

VEUMM: small does not mean small

Modern wind power plants are divided into two classes: powerful ones, hundreds of thousands of kilowatts, called network-connected because when there is no wind, the consumer is supplied with energy from the network; and autonomous, working in conjunction with a battery. As a rule, the power of autonomous installations does not exceed 5-10 kW. They are called: low-power wind-electric installations (LPP).

The German scientist and practitioner Heinz Schulz drew attention to this unique class of wind-electric installations. He coined the term “Kleine Windkraftanlage” (“small wind power plants”).

It is believed that in areas with average annual wind speeds of less than 4 m/s, the use of wind energy is unprofitable. However, this statement does not apply to small, easily accelerated wind power plants for charging batteries and multi-leaf installations for lifting water. The settlement of the American and Australian interior, where most areas have average annual wind speeds of less than 2 m/s, would have been impossible without them.”

VEUMM are simple and cheap to install, operate and repair, are environmentally friendly, do not require virtually any maintenance during operation, periodic adjustments, etc. A wind motor-generator pair can do without a gearbox, which further simplifies and reduces the cost of the design and increases its reliability.

No other class of non-traditional energy installations has such a comprehensive set of essential properties. Moreover, they can provide energy supply in regions with an average wind speed of only 3-5 m/s. In fact, the owner of the VEUMM acquires almost complete independence from both traditional energy producers and natural phenomena.

Compared to Europe and the USA, much fewer wind turbines are produced in our country. Perhaps this is due to the lack of awareness of potential consumers or the relative cheapness of liquid fuel, but there are manufacturers of wind generators in the country, and their products are not inferior in quality to foreign ones. Based on design characteristics, manufactured units are divided into two groups. The first includes installations with a power of up to 1000 W. As an example, we can cite a family of installations produced by the St. Petersburg enterprise FSUE Central Research Institute Elektropribor. These are mobile devices with a three-blade wind wheel with a diameter of 1.5 or 2.2 meters, the installation of which is so simple that the consumer can handle it independently. When packaged, the unit (without battery) is placed in two boxes with a total weight of 50 kg.

Fig.1.Examples and appearance VEUMMM.

The installation has an original weather vane system, which constantly orients the wind wheel towards the wind and at the same time protects the device from too much wind pressure. Like any ordinary windmill, in the horizontal plane the weather vane under the influence of the wind is capable of turning in both directions by several turns. When the wind stops, a special spring returns it to its original position, preventing the cable from twisting, which is used to remove the energy. In addition, the generator, together with the wind wheel, is capable of rotating in a vertical plane. If the wind becomes too strong and threatens to damage the installation, the wheel with the generator rotates around a horizontal axis, optimizing the wind pressure, up to an angle of 900, when the blades are parallel to the air flow.

The installations of the second group (UVE 1000 and UVE 1500) are close to stationary. A five-blade wind wheel with a diameter of 3.3 m is mounted on a prefabricated mast made of pipes with steel braces. The mast requires a foundation and special devices for installation and dismantling. To protect against strong winds, a different solution is used. The generator is mounted asymmetrically on a rotary bearing. When wind pressure increases, the generator body begins to sail, turning the wind wheel in a horizontal plane. The wind subsides and the weather vane spring returns the wheel to its previous position.

It is also worth noting that if the specific cost of foreign European analogs of wind turbines with a nominal power range of up to 5 kW ranges from 1.4 to 6.4 euros per watt, then the same figure for most Russian wind turbines is three times lower.

The transition to the energy sector of medium-power wind turbines is quite simple to implement by creating energy complexes (EC) consisting of several installations (5-10 units). The summation of power is carried out on a single battery. Although such a complex cannot be placed on six dacha acres, it will still occupy a small area. The rated power of the EC can be increased to 10-15 kW, peak power - up to 20-25 kW, output - up to 1800 kWh/month, but the manufacturing cost is reduced by 3-4 times.

Such a complex is capable of completely providing energy, not just a large farm or a small village. It should be noted that in this case it is necessary to provide a power reserve in the form of a diesel power plant.

Thanks to its truly unique performance properties and technical specifications VEUMM are capable of not only ensuring the everyday life of rural and country houses. They can be an alternative in solving the problem of providing energy to a wide variety of autonomous stations: navigation, radio relay, meteorological, servicing oil and gas pipelines, etc.

Many such stations are located in hard-to-reach areas at a considerable distance from human habitation - on the coast of the Arctic Ocean, in the taiga and tundra, where delivering the necessary equipment is a considerable problem.

Gradually, many stations were switched to automatic mode, but the problem of their energy supply is still quite acute. It is necessary not only to reduce the costs of their maintenance and service, but also to guarantee reliable operation. VUEMM are suitable for these purposes. They are simple and reliable in manufacturing, operation, transportation, installation, and repair. Finally, compared to any other energy source, they are extremely cheap.


The abstract presents one of the possibilities for solving the problem associated with the energy supply of agriculture or private property through the use of wind power plants. Such installations can become an alternative to traditional methods of power supply to these facilities.


Solonitsyn A. The second coming of wind energy // “Science and Life”, 2004, No. 3.

Heinz Schulz. “Kleine Windkraftanlage” Technik. Erfahrungen. Mebergebnisse. Okobuch Verlag, Staufen, 1993.

Fateev E. M. Wind engines. - M.: GINTI of mechanical engineering literature, 1962.

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Wind energy on earth is inexhaustible. For many centuries, people have been trying to turn wind energy to their advantage by building wind stations that perform various functions: mills, water and oil pumps, power plants. As the practice and experience of many countries have shown, the use of wind energy is extremely profitable, since, firstly, the cost of wind is zero, and secondly, electricity is obtained from wind energy, and not by burning carbon fuel, the combustion products of which are known to be dangerous. impact on humans. Due to constant emissions of industrial gases into the atmosphere and other factors, the temperature contrast on the earth's surface is increasing. This is one of the main factors that leads to an increase in wind activity in many regions of our planet and, accordingly, the relevance of the construction of wind stations - an alternative source of energy.

Wind electric Rotary wind power station (WPP) It transforms kinetic energy wind flow into electric. A wind farm consists of a wind-mechanical device (rotor or propeller), an electric current generator, automatic devices for controlling the operation of the wind engine and generator, and structures for their installation and maintenance.

Wind power plant A wind power plant is a set of technical devices for converting the kinetic energy of wind flow into mechanical energy rotation of the generator rotor. A wind turbine consists of one or more wind turbines, an accumulating or backup device and automatic control and regulation systems for the installation's operating modes. Remote areas, insufficiently supplied with electricity, have practically no other economically viable alternative, such as the construction of wind power plants.

Wind has kinetic energy, which can be converted by a wind-mechanical device into mechanical energy, and then by an electric generator into electrical energy. Wind speed is measured in kilometers per hour (km/h) or meters per second (m/s): 1 km/h = 0.28 m/s 1 m/s = 3.6 km/h. Wind energy is proportional to the cube of wind speed. Wind energy = 1/2 dAtS3 d - air density, A - area through which air passes, t - time period, S - wind speed.

Power (P) is proportional to the wind energy passing through a surface ("swept surface") per unit time. Wind power = 1/2 dAS3

Wind is characterized by the following indicators: Wind is characterized by the following indicators: average monthly and average annual speed in accordance with gradations in magnitude and external characteristics on the Beaufort scale; maximum speed in a gust - very important indicator stability of wind power plant operation; direction of the wind/winds – “wind rose”, frequency of changes in wind directions and strength (Fig. 1); turbulence is the internal structure of the air flow, which creates speed gradients not only in the horizontal, but also in the vertical plane; gustiness - change in wind speed per unit time; wind flow density, depending on atmospheric pressure, temperature and humidity. wind can be a single-phase, as well as a two-phase and multiphase medium containing drops of liquid and solid particles of different sizes moving inside the flow at different speeds.

Use of wind energy In 2008, the total wind energy capacity increased worldwide to 120 GW. Wind power plants around the world produced about 200 billion kWh in 2007, representing approximately 1.3% of global electricity consumption. Worldwide, more than 400 thousand people were employed in the wind energy industry in 2008. In 2008, the global wind power equipment market grew to 36.5 billion euros, or about 46.8 billion US dollars. In 2007, 61% of installed wind power plants were concentrated in Europe, 20% in North America, and 17% in Asia. In 2009, wind farms in China generated about 1.3% of the country's total electricity generation. In China, a law on renewable energy sources has been in force since 2006. It is expected that wind energy capacity will reach GW by 2020. In 2009, wind farms in China generated about 1.3% of the country's total electricity generation. In China, a law on renewable energy sources has been in force since 2006. It is expected that wind energy capacity will reach GW by 2020.

Wind energy in the Republic of Belarus Wind energy, like any economic sector, must have three mandatory components that ensure its functioning: 1) wind energy resources, 2) wind energy equipment, 3) developed wind infrastructure. For the wind energy industry in Belarus, the wind energy resource is practically unlimited. The country has a developed centralized power grid and a large number of free space not occupied by economic entities. Therefore, the placement of wind power plants (WPP) and wind power stations (WPP) is determined only by the competent placement of wind power equipment on suitable areas. The possibilities for purchasing foreign wind technology are very limited due to the lack of sufficient choice of exactly the equipment for WPP and WPP that corresponds to the climatic conditions of Belarus, as well as powerful opposition from those responsible administrative workers from the official energy sector The lack of infrastructure for the design, implementation and operation of wind technology and, accordingly, practical experience and qualified personnel can only be overcome through active cooperation with representatives of developed wind energy infrastructure abroad.

Winds that form in continental areas and northern latitudes are characterized by sharp gusts and frequent changes of direction, and differ from the rather calm winds of the European sea coast (Netherlands, Germany). The structure of the wind changes depending on the height above the earth's surface, while the stability of the air flow increases in high layers of air. The difference in wind temperament requires a certain constructive approach when creating a wind farm. The proposed solution is universal for winds of any direction and speed, including storm winds.

1 Renewable energy sources. WIND ENERGY. BELSKY Alexey Anatolyevich Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. ABRAMOVICH Boris Nikolaevich Federal Agency for Education State educational institution higher vocational education St. Petersburg State Mining Institute named after. G.V. Plekhanov (technical university)

2 Wind energy in Russia Russian scientists are pioneers and creators of theories describing the use of wind energy. The theory of an ideal windmill was first developed in 1914 by V.P. Vetchinkin based on the theory of an ideal propeller. In this work, he established the concept of wind energy efficiency of an ideal wind turbine. In 1920 prof. NOT. Zhukovsky outlined the theory of the “NEZH Windmill”. The theory of an ideal windmill prof. N. E. Zhukovsky is called the classical theory; it states that the maximum wind energy efficiency of an ideal wind turbine is 0.593. From the point of view of practical application, the theory of an ideal windmill is most fully presented by Prof. G.X. Sabinin, according to which the coefficient of use of wind energy by an ideal windmill is 0.687. Research shows that Russia has the highest wind potential in the world. In the European part of the Russian Federation, the capacity factor of stations can be increased to 30%, and in the Far North - up to 40%. About 30% of Russia's wind energy potential is concentrated in the Far East, 16% in Siberia, 14% in the North and less than 25% in other regions (in the Lower and Middle Volga and Caspian Sea, Karelia, Altai, etc.) .

6.0 m/s>7.5 m/s>8.5 m/s>9.0 m/s>11.5 m/s 5.0-6.06.5-7.57.0- 8.58.0-9.010-11.5 4.5-5.05.5-6.56.0-7.07.0-8.08.5-10 3.5-4.54.5- 5.55.0-6.05.5-7.07.0-8.5 " title="3 Weather station Closed areaOpen areaSeashoreOpen seaHills and mountains >6.0 m/s>7.5 m /s>8.5 m/s>9.0 m/s>11.5 m/s 5.0-6.06.5-7.57.0-8.58.0-9.010-11.5 4.5-5.05.5-6.56.0-7.07.0-8.08.5-10 3.5-4.54.5-5.55.0-6.05.5 -7.07.0-8.5" class="link_thumb"> 3 !} 3 Weather station Closed areaOpen areaSea shoreOpen seaHills and mountains >6.0 m/s>7.5 m/s>8.5 m/s>9.0 m/s>11.5 m/s 5.0-6, 06.5-7.57.0-8.58.0-9.010-11.5 4.5-5.05.5-6.56.0-7.07.0-8.08.5-10 3.5-4.54.5-5.55.0-6.05.5-7.07.0-8.5 6.0 m/s>7.5 m/s>8.5 m/s>9.0 m/s>11.5 m/s 5.0-6.06.5-7.57.0- 8.58.0-9.010-11.5 4.5-5.05.5-6.56.0-7.07.0-8.08.5-10 3.5-4.54.5- 5.55.0-6.05.5-7.07.0-8.5">6.0m/s>7.5m/s>8.5m/s>9.0m/s >11.5 m/s 5.0-6.06.5-7.57.0-8.58.0-9.010-11.5 4.5-5.05.5-6.56.0- 7.07.0-8.08.5-10 3.5-4.54.5-5.55.0-6.05.5-7.07.0-8.5" > 6.0 m /s>7.5 m/s>8.5 m/s>9.0 m/s>11.5 m/s 5.0-6.06.5-7.57.0-8.58, 0-9.010-11.5 4.5-5.05.5-6.56.0-7.07.0-8.08.5-10 3.5-4.54.5-5.55, 0-6.05.5-7.07.0-8.5 " title="3 Weather station Closed areaOpen areaSeashoreOpen seaHills and mountains >6.0 m/s>7.5 m/s>8 .5 m/s>9.0 m/s>11.5 m/s 5.0-6.06.5-7.57.0-8.58.0-9.010-11.5 4.5- 5.05.5-6.56.0-7.07.0-8.08.5-10 3.5-4.54.5-5.55.0-6.05.5-7.07 .0-8.5"> title="3 Weather station Closed areaOpen areaSea shoreOpen seaHills and mountains >6.0 m/s>7.5 m/s>8.5 m/s>9.0 m/s>11.5 m/s 5.0-6, 06.5-7.57.0-8.58.0-9.010-11.5 4.5-5.05.5-6.56.0-7.07.0-8.08.5-10 3.5-4.54.5-5.55.0-6.05.5-7.07.0-8.5"> !}

4 GOST R “Non-traditional energy. Wind power. Classification." GOST R “Non-traditional energy. Wind power. Terms and Definitions." GOST R “Non-traditional energy. Wind power. Wind electric installations. Test requirements."

5 GOST R “Non-traditional energy. Wind power. Classification." Wind turbines are classified: - by type of energy generated (mechanical and electrical); - by power (high power over 1 MW; medium power from 100 kW to 1 MW; low power from 5 to 99 kW; very low power less than 5 kW); - by area of ​​application; - by purpose (stand-alone, hybrid, network); - based on the type of operation (with a constant or variable speed of rotation of the wind wheel); - by control methods (control by wind wheel, ballast resistance, frequency converter); - according to the structure of the energy generation system (type of generator).

8 Methods of orientation to the wind Automatic installation of the wind wheel to the wind is carried out in the following four ways: 1) by the tail, which acts similarly to a weather vane; 2) windroses acting on the rotating part of the windmill through a gear drive; 3) by placing the wind wheel behind the wind turbine tower according to the principle of setting the tail to the wind; 4) installed in the wind by an electric motor.

9 1. Blade 2. Rotor 3. Mechanism for turning the blades 4. Braking device 5. Low-speed shaft 6. Multiplier 7. Generator (SMFC or AMDP) 8. Controller 9. Anemometer 10. Vane 11. Gondola 12. High-speed shaft 13. Gearbox gondola turning 14. Gondola turning engine 15. Tower Construction of a modern wind power plant (WPP) with a power of 100 kW or more

11 Wind turbine power P in =f(V) where P in is the power on the multiplier shaft (kW), R is the radius of the wind wheel (m), r is the radius of the hub of the wind wheel (m), ρ is the air density (kg/m3), ν – wind speed (m/s), ξ – wind energy utilization factor, η m – multiplier efficiency.

15 Options for hybrid complexes of wind turbines and diesel power plants (VDU) VDU in which the wind turbine operates in parallel with the diesel power plant VDU with a “switched off” diesel power plant Block diagram of the wind turbine in which the wind turbine operates in parallel with the diesel power plant Block diagram of the VDU with the “switched off” diesel power plant Share of wind turbine participation in energy generation up to 70-85%. The level of achieved fuel economy is 65-90% of the total. The amount of harmful emissions from diesel power plants is reduced by 40-70%. The share of participation of wind turbines in energy generation is up to 25%. The level of achieved fuel economy is 20-30% of the total.

The complex is designed to supply power to facilities located in areas with medium and strong winds. Provides consumers with high-quality electricity (220V 50Hz) with an average consumption of up to 600 kWh per month (with average winds of 4.5 m/s). Composition: Wind generator "Breeze 5000" Cable 70 m Charge regulator with ballast resistance and electric. brake Inverter 96V/220V, 50 Hz Batteries Mast Wind power station “Breeze-Leader”

The complex is designed for guaranteed power supply to facilities located in areas with medium and weak winds. Provides consumers with high-quality electricity (220V, 50Hz). Composition: Wind generator "Breeze 5000" with 70 m cable Charge regulator with ballast resistance and electric brake Inverter 96V/220V, 50 Hz Diesel load optimization unit and diesel generator Control unit Batteries Mast Wind-diesel complex "Breeze-Diesel+"




By 2020, the share of wind energy in electricity production will reach 10%. World practice in the operation of networked wind power plants shows that the accuracy of forecasts of energy output from wind power plants with hourly planning on the market a day ahead today exceeds 95%. Since 1980, the installed capacity of wind turbines in the EU has increased 290-fold, while the cost of generation has fallen by 80% over the same period. The appearance of every 5% of the share of wind farms in the electricity market leads to a decrease in wholesale prices by 1% (analysis of the electricity markets of Northern Germany and Denmark). 1% growth in energy from renewable energy sources gives an additional 1.5% growth in GDP. Modern wind turbines connected to the power grid operate with an installed capacity utilization factor of 0.15 to 0.37. Power plants using non-renewable energy sources operate with a coefficient of 0.4 to 0.8. In 2008, the installed capacity utilization factor of all power plants in Russia was 0.5. The noise from a modern wind turbine at a distance of 200 m is equal to the noise of a refrigerator in the kitchen. 22 World wind energy

23 World wind energy 1.5 MW2.5 MW3.6 MW5.4 MW A 3800 m 2 70 m A 5000 m 2 80 m A 8500 m m A m m

Completed by: Panov Roman, 10a

Teacher: Gavrina I.E.

Alternative energy is a set of promising methods of obtaining energy that are not as widespread as traditional ones, but are of interest because of the profitability of their use with a low risk of harming the ecology of the area.

An alternative energy source is a method, device or structure that makes it possible to obtain electrical energy and replaces traditional energy sources that operate on oil, extracted natural gas and coal. The purpose of searching for alternative energy sources is the need to obtain it from the energy of renewable or practically inexhaustible natural resources and phenomena. Environmental friendliness and cost-effectiveness may also be taken into account.

The leading environmentally friendly source of energy is the Sun.

The energy of the Sun is calculated by the formula:

where, R e is the emissivity of the Sun

Wind energy is a branch of energy specializing in the use of wind energy - the kinetic energy of air masses in the atmosphere.

Windmills that produce electricity were invented in the 19th century in Denmark. The first wind power station was built there in 1890, and by 1908 there were already 72 stations with a capacity of 5 to 25 kW. The largest of them had a tower height of 24 m and four-blade rotors with a diameter of 23 m. The predecessor of modern horizontal axis wind farms had a power of 100 kW and was built in 1931 in Yalta. It had a tower 30 m high.

The bulk of the cost of wind energy is determined by the initial costs of building very expensive wind turbine structures.

Fuel economy

Wind generators consume virtually no fossil fuels during operation. Operating a 1 MW wind generator over 20 years can save approximately 29 thousand tons of coal or 92 thousand barrels of oil.

  • Prove that wind energy is the converted energy of solar rays.
  • The energy of the sun controls the weather on Earth. Wind is formed as a result of non-uniform heating of the air: in places more heated by the Sun, warm air rises, and cold air takes its place. Thus, wind energy is a derivative of solar energy.

tidal power station(PES) - special kind hydroelectric power station, using the energy of tides, and in fact the kinetic energy of the Earth's rotation. Tidal power plants are built on the shores of seas, where the gravitational forces of the Moon and the Sun change the water level twice a day. Fluctuations in water levels near the shore can reach 13 meters.

To obtain energy, the bay or river mouth is blocked with a dam in which hydraulic units are installed, which can operate both in generator mode and in pump mode (to pump water into the reservoir for subsequent operation in the absence of tides). In the latter case, they are called pumped storage power plants.

Wave energy- energy transferred by waves on the surface of the ocean. It can be used to perform useful work - generating electricity, desalinating water and pumping water into reservoirs. Wave energy is a renewable energy source.

Wave energy is the concentrated energy of wind and eventually solar energy. The power received from the disturbance of all the oceans of the planet cannot be greater than the power received from the Sun. But the power density of electric generators powered by waves can be much greater than for other alternative energy sources.

A solar power plant is an engineering structure that converts solar radiation into electrical energy. The methods for converting solar radiation are different and depend on the design of the power plant.

Types of solar power plants

  • SES tower type
  • Dishes-type SES
  • SES using photo batteries
  • SPPs using parabolic concentrators
  • Combined SES
  • Balloon solar power plants

These power plants are based on the principle of producing water vapor using solar radiation. In the center of the station there is a tower with a height of 18 to 24 meters (depending on the power and some other parameters, the height can be more or less), on top of which there is a reservoir with water. This tank is painted black to absorb heat radiation. Also in this tower there is a pumping group that delivers steam to the turbogenerator, which is located outside the tower. Heliostats are located in a circle from the tower at some distance. A heliostat is a mirror with an area of ​​several square meters, mounted on a support and connected to a general positioning system. That is, depending on the position of the sun, the mirror will change its orientation in space. The main and most labor-intensive task is to position all the station mirrors so that at any given time all reflected rays from them hit the tank. In clear sunny weather, the temperature in the tank can reach 700 degrees. These temperature parameters are used in most traditional thermal power plants, so standard turbines are used to produce energy. In fact, at stations of this type it is possible to obtain a relatively high efficiency (about 20%) and high powers.

Geothermal power plant (GeoTES) is a type of power plant that generates electrical energy from the thermal energy of underground sources (for example, geysers).

Geothermal energy is energy obtained from the natural heat of the Earth. This heat can be achieved using wells. The geothermal gradient in the well increases by 1 °C every 36 meters. This heat is delivered to the surface in the form of steam or hot water. Such heat can be used both directly for heating homes and buildings, and for generating electricity.

Renewable (alternative) energy sources account for only about 1% of global electricity generation. It's about first of all, about geothermal power plants (GeoTES), which generate a considerable part of the electricity in the countries of Central America, the Philippines, and Iceland; Iceland is also an example of a country where thermal waters are widely used for heating.

Tidal power plants (TPP) are currently available only in a few countries - France, Great Britain, Canada, Russia, India, and China.

Solar power plants (SPP) operate in more than 30 countries.

Recently, many countries have been expanding the use of wind power plants (WPP). Most of them are in Western European countries (Denmark, Germany, Great Britain, the Netherlands), the USA, India, and China. Denmark gets 25% of its energy from wind