Presentation of the role of family in education. The role of the family in raising a child

Parent meeting

Subject: “Family and school. The role of the family in raising a child"

MBOU "Secondary School No. 51" Kasyanova L.E.

Family is the cradle of a person’s spiritual birth

We are growing together as a family

The basis of the foundations is the parental home.

All your roots are in the family circle,

And you come out of this family into life.

In the family circle we create life,

The basis of the foundation is the parental home.

Family values







Family communication

  • Family communication is the attitude of family members towards each other and their interaction;
  • exchange of information between them, their spiritual contact;
  • The range of communication in a family can be very diverse. In addition to conversations about work, household chores, the lives of friends and acquaintances, it includes discussions of issues related to raising children, art, politics, etc.

Parents' tasks

  • creating confidence in the child that he is loved and cared for;
  • treat your child at any age lovingly and attentively;
  • constant psychological contact with the child;
  • interest in everything that happens in the child’s life


Responsive Families


Hostile families


Problems of family education

  • The lack of affection that our children experience;
  • Child endangerment syndrome - parental behavior towards the child, accompanied by physical, psychological and moral trauma;

Love and appreciate your Family!

A.S. Makarenko wrote:

“If you want good children, be happy.”

Formula for true parental love

“I love you not because you are good”,

and “I love you because you exist.”

Attitude towards the child

  • Look at your child as an independent person.
  • Treat your child politely and kindly.
  • Talk to him about household chores, about your family, so that the child feels like a member of the family.
  • Assign some family responsibilities to the child, and do this from a very early age.
  • Respect his trust, views and plans.

Honest attitude

  • Always prove by your behavior that you can keep your word.
  • Conduct yourself so that the child is not afraid to come to you with any question, even when he feels that the question is sensitive.
  • Prove to him in practice that he always receives a truthful answer.

Fair treatment of the child

  • Teach him to achieve the best results in everything.
  • Praise him for the results achieved and his efforts, if they are insignificant.
  • Figure out what's going on, and then shame and punish.
  • Conduct yourself in such a way that the child is not afraid to come to you and confess to those actions for which he will have to be punished. Let him believe in your fairness and ability to appreciate your efforts.

What should you avoid?

  • Don't treat him like a small child.
  • Don't spoil him and don't do for him what he could do himself.
  • Don't spoil him by giving him everything he wants. Teach him to appreciate what he gets.
  • When raising a child, both parents and others must act in concert. Otherwise, internal contradictions will arise in the child.

A child is a mirror of the family; Just as the sun is reflected in a drop of water, so the moral purity of the mother and father is reflected in the children. V.A. Sukhomlinsky

A child learns what he sees in his home, who is rude in front of his wife and children, who loves the tongue of debauchery, let him remember that he will more than receive from them everything that he teaches them.

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Family is the most important thing in life for each of us. These are close and dear people, those whom we love, from whom we take example, whom we care about, to whom we wish goodness and happiness.

Parents were and remain the child's first educators. Raising a child in a family is a complex social and pedagogical process. It includes the influence of the entire atmosphere and microclimate of the family on the formation of the child’s personality. Family education is a system of upbringing and education that develops in the conditions of a particular family through the efforts of parents and relatives. Family education is a complex phenomenon. It is influenced by: heredity and biological (natural) health of children and parents, material and economic security, social status, way of life, number of family members, place of residence of the family (place of home), attitude towards the child.

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Family is the cradle of a person’s spiritual birth

You and I are growing up in a family circle. The foundation is the parental home. All your roots are in the family circle, And you come into life from this family. In the family circle we create life, the basis of the foundation is the parental home. Communication in the family Communication in the family is the attitude of family members towards each other and their interaction; exchange of information between them, their spiritual contact; The range of communication in a family can be very diverse. In addition to conversations about work, household chores, the lives of friends and acquaintances, it includes discussions of issues related to raising children, art, politics, etc.

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creating confidence in the child that he is loved and cared for; treat your child at any age lovingly and attentively; constant psychological contact with the child; interest in everything that happens in the child’s life

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Formula for true parental love

“I love you not because you are good,” but “I love you because you exist.” Problems of family education The lack of affection that our children experience; Child abuse syndrome is the behavior of parents towards a child, accompanied by physical, psychological and moral trauma;

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Family values

IN LOAN revenue understanding respect love agreement

Slide 7


and the work team, and moral support, and higher human affections (love, friendship), and a space for relaxation, and a school of kindness, and a diverse system of relationships with parents, brothers, sisters, relatives and friends, morals and tastes, manners and habits, worldview and beliefs, character and ideals... The foundations of all this are laid in the family.

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In family

the child receives the basics of knowledge about the world around him, and subsequently the culture itself.

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The child’s ideas about good and evil, about decency, about respect for material and spiritual values ​​are formed.

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with close people he experiences feelings of love, friendship, duty, responsibility, justice.

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Rules for parents

Rule 1. - recognition of the child’s personality and his inviolability. Rule 2. - formation of adequate self-esteem. Rule 3. -involving the child in the real affairs of the family. Rule 4. - develop the child's willpower. Rule 5. - learn to plan. Rule 6. - demand fulfillment of household duties and errands. Rule 7. - teach how to communicate with other children and people. Rule 8. - to form moral qualities: kindness, decency, sympathy, mutual assistance, responsibility.

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Rules of reasonable education. Rule 1

  • Slide 15

    Rule 2

  • Slide 16

    Rule 3

  • Slide 17

    Rule 4

  • Slide 18

    Rule 5

  • Slide 19

    Rule 6

  • Slide 20

    Rule 7

  • Slide 21

    Rule 8

  • Slide 22

    Rule 9

  • Slide 23

    Rule 10

  • Slide 24


    Thus, a child in a family is an inexhaustible source of vital impulses and emotional stimulants for parents. And the desire to develop in your child abilities that will help him enter a new life painlessly encourages adults to constantly work on themselves. It is not for nothing that many great teachers believed that family education is, first of all, the self-education of parents: it is very difficult to instill in a child those qualities that you yourself do not possess, and to wean them from those that you constantly demonstrate.

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    Chinese proverb: “Good family”

    Once upon a time there lived a family. She was not simple. There were more than 100 people in this family. And she occupied the whole village. This is how the whole family and the whole village lived. You will say: so what, you never know there are many big families in the world, but the fact is that the family was a special world, and harmony reigned in that family and, therefore, in the village. No quarrels, no swearing, no, God forbid, fights and strife.

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    Rumors about this family reached the very ruler of the country. And he decided to check whether people were telling the truth. He arrived in the village, and his soul rejoiced: all around was purity, beauty, prosperity and peace. Good for children, calm for old people. The lord was surprised. I decided to find out how the villagers achieved such harmony, and came to the head of the family; Tell me, how do you achieve such harmony and peace in your family.

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    He took a sheet of paper and began to write something. I wrote for a long time. Apparently, he was not very good at reading and writing. Then he handed the sheet to the bishop. He took the paper and began to sort out the old man’s scribbles. I took it apart with difficulty and was surprised. Three words were written on paper: LOVE, FORGIVENESS, PATIENCE. And at the end of the sheet: A hundred times LOVE, A hundred times FORGIVENESS, A hundred times PATIENCE.

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    Love and appreciate your Family!

    A.S. Makarenko wrote: “If you want good children, be happy.”

    Slide 30

    List of sources

    Rivina E.K. Introducing preschoolers to family and ancestry. M.: Mosaic - Synthesis, 2008. Vetokhina A.Ya. Parent meetings in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard. From: “Teacher” 2014. Dialogues about education: A book for parents / ed. V.N. Stoletova; M.: Pedagogy, 1985 Kovalev S.V. Psychology of the modern family. M.: Education, 1988 Culture of family relationships: Collection of articles. M., 1985 Selevko G.K., Selevko A.G. Find yourself. M.: Public Education, 2001 Education without offense - Don’t hit a child - http://im4-tub-ru. Beating of children - Family - http://school8mog

    View all slides

    Slide 1

    Parent meeting Topic: “Family and school. The role of the family in raising a child"

    Slide 2

    The family is the cradle of a person’s spiritual birth. In the family circle, you and I are growing. The foundation is the parental home. All your roots are in the family circle, And you come into life from this family. In the family circle we create life, the basis of the foundation is the parental home.

    Slide 3

    Slide 4

    Communication in the family Communication in the family is the attitude of family members towards each other and their interaction; exchange of information between them, their spiritual contact; The range of communication in a family can be very diverse. In addition to conversations about work, household chores, the lives of friends and acquaintances, it includes discussions of issues related to raising children, art, politics, etc.

    Slide 5

    The tasks of parents are to create confidence in the child that he is loved and cared for; treat your child at any age lovingly and attentively; constant psychological contact with the child; interest in everything that happens in the child’s life

    Slide 6

    The formula for true parental love is “I love you not because you are good,” but “I love you because you exist.”

    Slide 7

    The lack of affection that our children experience; Child abuse syndrome is the behavior of parents towards a child, accompanied by physical, psychological and moral trauma; Problems of family education

    Slide 8

    Rules for parents Rule 1. - recognition of the child’s personality and his integrity. Rule 2. - formation of adequate self-esteem. Rule 3. - introducing the child to the real affairs of the family. Rule 4. - develop the child's willpower. Rule 5. - learn to plan. Rule 6. - demand fulfillment of household duties and errands. Rule 7. - teach how to communicate with other children and people. Rule 8. - to form moral qualities: kindness, decency, sympathy, mutual assistance, responsibility.

    Slide 9

    Love and appreciate your Family! A.S. Makarenko wrote: “If you want good children, be happy.”

    Slide 10

    List of sources Azarov Yu.P. Family pedagogy. M.: Politizdat, 1982 Afanasyeva T.M. Family. M.: Enlightenment, 1985 Dialogues about education: A book for parents / ed. V.N. Stoletova; M.: Pedagogy, 1985 Kovalev S.V. Psychology of the modern family. M.: Education, 1988 Culture of family relationships: Collection of articles. M., 1985 Selevko G.K., Selevko A.G. Find yourself. M.: Public Education, 2001 Education without offense - Don’t hit a child - http://im4-tub-ru. Beating of children - Family - http://school8mog Family school of love -

    Note: “Be yourself, look for your own
    path. Know yourself before you want to
    get to know children.
    Before outlining the range of their rights and
    responsibilities, be aware of
    what he is capable of himself.
    You are the child you should be
    before others, learn, educate,

    Dear parents!

    Today we have another parent
    We need to think about
    How do you want your
    baby in a few years
    what role will your family play?
    in its formation?

    What influences the upbringing of children in a family?

    More than once or twice, teachers
    psychologists and sociologists
    set themselves the task
    compare character and
    features of family
    relationship with the level
    moral education
    It turns out that meanwhile
    and others exist
    clear connection.

    Family and children's behavior

    You can select
    different groups
    families and
    different types

    Signs characterizing a family

    Psychologists suggest highlighting
    as the main features,
    characterizing the family,
    the following:
    harmony of family relationships;
    educational features
    parents' efforts.

    Horizontal relationships:


    Vertical relationships:

    First group of families:

    . In families of the first group, relationships
    between parents and children are built on
    mutual respect, caring for each other,
    The contradictions that arise are not
    protracted nature and are resolved without
    Such families maintain close ties with
    school, parents and teachers act

    attitude to
    those around them
    Respect for elders.

    Second group of families

    Also present here
    family consistency
    But the attitude towards raising children
    more passive.
    Relationships between
    parents and children as soon as possible
    call it coexistence.
    In such families, authority
    parents are short.

    Among adolescents raised in such families, the following can be distinguished:

    along with
    qualities and

    Third group of families

    Their most characteristic
    feature - conflicts.
    such parents

    About such teenagers we can say:

    being brought up
    in such families
    often refer to

    Fourth group of families

    These are families in which no one
    interested in the inner world
    child. Their main rule:
    “So that I study well and lead
    behave decently."
    Relationships between parents and
    children are deprived of intimacy,
    openness, mutual understanding.

    What do we get?

    As a result of this
    education –
    complete rejection
    moral child
    the norms of your family.


    Therefore, parents should
    always remember that moral character
    child - his views, his
    attitude towards people - in a huge
    degrees depend on
    how a teenager sees his
    parents at home, in the family.

    "CHILD -

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    Slide captions:

    On the topic: “Raising children in a family” “A CHILD IS A MIRROR IN WHICH HIS PARENTS CAN SEE THEMSELVES.” Parents' meeting Prepared by V.P. Shevtsova - socialist. teacher MBOU "Boarding School No. 30"

    Dear parents! Today we have another parent meeting. We need to think about the question: What kind of person do you want your child to be in a few years, what role will your family play in his development?

    Traditionally, the main institution of education is the family; what a child acquires in the family during childhood, he retains throughout his entire subsequent life.

    It is in the family that the child receives his first life experience, makes his first observations and learns how to behave in various situations.

    It is very important that what parents teach the child is supported by specific examples, so that he sees that in adults, theory does not diverge from practice. (If your child sees that his mom and dad, who tell him every day that lying is wrong, without noticing it themselves, deviate from this rule, all upbringing can go down the drain).

    Each parent sees in their children their continuation, the realization of certain of their attitudes or ideals.

    Each family objectively develops a certain system of upbringing, which is not always realized by family members.

    Basically, the following parenting styles are distinguished: democratic, authoritarian, permissive.

    In a democratic style, the interests of the child are taken into account first. “Consent” style. In an authoritarian style, parents impose their opinions on the child. “Suppression” style. With the permissive style, the child is left to his own devices.

    The family is the main environment for personality formation and I would especially like to note the importance of the criminogenic impact of the family on the child. The family has great opportunities to keep a child from crime, unfortunately, these opportunities are often not realized and the reasons for them are as follows:

    indifferent attitude of parents towards children, lack of control over their behavior; pedagogical and legal illiteracy of parents, their inability to exert the right influence on children; frequent conflicts in the family, leading to contradictions in family pedagogy; loss of authority by parents, mutual alienation; parents do not maintain contact with the school.

    The main factors in preventing crime among adolescents are: the presence of close mutual understanding in the family; friendly, trusting relationships between parents and children; constant, but reasonably permissible, control over the behavior of minor children.

    Thank you for your attention!