Poems for a male friend from a woman. Heartfelt poems for a male friend The best and kindest words of gratitude for friendship and wishes in honor of friendship to your best friend in prose: text

You are without a doubt my best friend
You won't suddenly meet people like you
Friendship is like wine
She needs time to pass

To infuse and strengthen
I suffered a little more!
I've known you for a long time
With you it’s simple and easy for me!

Despite any adversity
Always guard your friendship carefully.
Move the world around you
True friends will help.
It's better not to joke with deception,
After all, the paths will diverge.
And if you endure pain in this world,
Friends will remain with you forever.

Thank you friend for everything
For kindness, warmth and generosity of soul.
Let your heart burn with fire.
And loneliness never dries your lips.
Be always good, fate will appreciate it,
Actions and deeds will be assessed fairly.
Wider step and more fun, with a song,
With someone like you, the world is fun and not crowded.

Friends - there is so much in this word -
Love is support and support,
Only a friend's strong shoulder
Will always support you
With friends you can go into the fire
And drink beer "Obolon"
And they'll walk on the water,
Then think about food
Then go on a picnic.
Fry a shish kebab there already
Drink some vodka beer again
And sail home in a submarine
Fly through the air in a car,
Then sit in the toilet all night
After all, a friend will forgive and a friend will understand...
Where will it suddenly take us...

You can talk about friendship for a long time,
After all, it is different for everyone.
For some, a friend is one who drinks a lot,
For others, do not feel the lies.
You can't build friendship alone
Only two can pull it off.
I dedicate these lines to my friend,
Who does not dare to reproach.
To the one who walked next to me in life,
Who supported and helped more than once,
And for so many years he was himself.
He was with me during a difficult time in that life.
Only he alone will always understand and say,
The word that will silence you.
He will forgive everything and tell everything,
And he will never praise.
Let's get drunk together if our hearts cry.
We can fight, but not out of malice.
He means a lot in my life.
Thank you to fate, for bringing us together.
And if you don't understand, my friend,
I said all this about you.
And even if I become a beggar,
But if necessary, I will give the whole world.

Heartfelt and short poems for your best friend

I won't tell you what friendship means,
I will give you both time and warmth -
Everything that maybe you need more,
Than the infinity of everyday words.
I will give you strength and effort,
I will respond and come to you when
Suddenly loneliness and waiting for a miracle
They will lower the mood to the bottom.
I'll help you when things get difficult,
I'll try to understand your unusual world
And the light in my window will always be on
Compared to the others, apartments that are not yours.
I won't tell you what friendship means...
It seems to me that words are unnecessary here,
Just ask me what you need
And I will come when others don't come.

Friend, let me hug you from the heart,
Any door is open to someone like you.
Give yourself more attention
After all, behind someone like you there is only fame and even mania.
Faithful, good, kind and brave,
It's not scary to be at gunpoint with you.
You inspire with just one glance,
After all, the girls are happy about it too.

This is the message
It happened to me
I hasten to congratulate you as soon as possible
In a friendly way to you.

And in the line of wishes
I'll write it down for you now:
Love, dreams and joy,
Not knowing anything is a refusal.

Let fate not bypass you,
And protects you
And there is a ringing in my heart
Naughty - spring!

Create in the name of light and love,
Call on friendship and loyalty for help.
And if you weaken along the way?
Know that the high spirit has wings.
Only those who are capable of true friendship are capable of
Who gives all the light of his soul to people.

I know it's not easy to find FRIENDS like you.
You warm my heart with your smile!
You always try to understand, console, encourage.
You are ready to share sadness and joy with me.
I can entrust my cherished dreams to you.....
I'm very, very lucky to have

Everyone has their own path in life.
Cross the line of selfishness
And open your heart for friendship,
Infect with a spark of optimism.
Let the fire of this friendship burn,
The darkness around you burns
And, like the strongest magnet,
A bright, beautiful world will attract you.

My friend, there is joy and love,
There is everything that will happen again and again,
Although in other hearts, not in ours.
But, dear brother, both you and I -
We are only dreams of Beauty,
We are just drops in eternal cups
Unfading flowers, Undying gardens.

Through gray everyday life
Through different destinies
Sometimes without seeing anyone around
WE are walking fast
Not feeling friendship
And we don't notice anything at all...

A friend knows good luck
Just like in trouble sometimes.
If he doesn't hide his soul.
Feelings are not kept in check.

A friend knows good luck.
If luck is yours
Doesn't make a friend happy, that means
Your friend is as crafty as a snake.

Or bitter envy
His mind was eclipsed
And, coveting your success,
He won't forgive anything.

He won't forgive... But otherwise
He will tell you about it.
A friend knows good luck
Sometimes more than in trouble.

You'll make your choice one day
And you will find a true friend,
And the road through a bumpy life
You will walk shoulder to shoulder with him.
Fate for two is like a song.
It is given to you forever.
Love, hope and faith
Given as a reward to the living.

Heartfelt poems for a friend to tears

I have a best friend
He is the most worthy
If something happens suddenly,
Brave and stubborn
He will come to the rescue
And he will extend his hand.
Together we move forward
Forgetting about boredom!

I am very comfortable with you,
You are a person with an open soul.
You are the hero of my life, because we are cut from the same cloth...
And it’s unlikely that anyone will take your place

With someone like you you become kinder
Or maybe even a little wiser.
I'm proud of you and always admire you
And I have no doubt about our friendship!

There is no more valuable gift in the world,
What is the attention of loved ones and friends?
The stars smile brightly at me
And my soul became brighter.
The night opens its arms,
The day is not burdened by problems.
I dress happiness like a dress,
So it doesn't hurt inside me.
We often feel completely alone,
We are looking for a dear heart like light.
And with hope we look at the windows,
Where love is, it finds its answer.
Don't lose friends, don't lose
Let your memory protect them,
Just don’t forget the good
Only go forward with good things!

Everyone in the world talked about friendship,
But only I suddenly understand
What is the only answer for you now?
After all, you are my true, faithful friend!
And so that nothing happens in our lives
You can be sure that I will always come!
I just want them to get it equally
We have joy, happiness, sorrow and misfortune!

You, my friend, listen to me,
I say, without embellishment,
You are the best for me,
We are a decree for each other!
For you through fire and water,
Without hesitation I will rush
We will carry friendship through the years,
You and I are friends forever!

On your birthday, I wish everything to be perfect! May the bird of luck constantly circle around you! So that if the career is successful, if the salary is decent, if the friends are loyal, if the family is strong, if it is cognac then it is seasoned! rating:-7 ↓

Happy birthday from the bottom of my heart! You almost never see real men anymore, so you are our rarest, most rare specimen. On my way, I wish you to conquer all career ascents, all women’s hearts and life’s peaks! -44 ↓

On your holiday, I wish you to be a real favorite of fortune! Let this capricious girl, out of many applicants, always choose you and help in all matters! -12 ↓ - Congratulations to the man in your own words

Over the years, you become stronger, wiser, more tolerant - and it is these qualities that take life to a different level, at which real values ​​become obvious and everyday trifles become indifferent. Today you understand very well that the main thing in life is the attention of loved ones and their love! So let this love be overflowing in your life! I wish you to be infinitely happy! 73 ↓

Happy birthday! Always be happy with what you already have, but never stop setting big life goals for yourself. Let the feeling of love always warm you in your bosom, and let your loved ones be a reliable support in life. I wish you to always be cheerful, enjoy life, be happy, healthy and loved! 107 ↓

Dear birthday boy, you have a lot ahead happy years- let them be filled with new ambitious goals, the love of loved ones and the recognition of others! I wish you health, positivity and joy around you, and most importantly, longevity so you have time to enjoy these joys! -16 ↓ - Congratulations in your own words

Happy birthday to a real man! I wish you to take only what you need from life, not to accumulate too much, not to waste your time on trifles, and to be able to appreciate what comes most easily! I wish you a stable income, peace in the family, harmony in the soul, and most importantly, health - it is never superfluous! 83 ↓

May you have as much money as your wife desires.
Let there be as much health as mother desires!
And if you are late in the evening, then let it be for the reason that your wife is thinking about, and not your mother! 9 ↓

I sincerely wish that every new day of your life will be filled with optimism, interesting creative ideas, meetings with friends and like-minded people. I wish you health, family happiness and always good mood! 55 ↓

I wish you to always be surrounded by friends, beautiful women, an interesting and well-paid job, so that you can have vacations on the seaside more often and so that you can always be confident that tomorrow will be even better! 38 ↓

As a real man, I wish you that your nerves and will are steel, your hands and feelings are strong, your gaze and step are confident, and your family is always a reliable support. I wish you to continue to remain an example of success and determination, the standard of a real man! 35 ↓

You are a wizard! You know?
You are healing my soul!
You are definitely telling the truth.
You listen with your heart and remain jealously silent.

It's important to remember, it's important to know
How is it possible to heal with words?
How can you love a friend so much?
Keep the value of friendship faithfully!

I only know you through correspondence
And it seems like a long time ago.
You have become a very close friend to me,
And you live in my heart.

I don't know you at all yet
But I'm getting to know you little by little
I always miss your letter,
I want it to come as soon as possible.

I often imagine you in my dreams,
What kind of guy can you be?
But you are beautiful, I know that for sure!
No one can forget you.

Soldier, you are strong in this service,
And you can withstand any pain.
But know that there is always someone who needs you,
Who warms your blood in your veins.

Don't hang your nose in the face of bad weather,
Believe me! You will also experience a sea of ​​happiness.
Just stay yourself
And remember that I am next to you.

Fortune will smile on us together,
And your efforts will bear fruit,
With which your soul will drink,
And I will complement all your dreams.

I believe in you without a doubt
Although I don’t know how to help,
But with a woman’s affection I will warm you,
Driving away loneliness.

You are my old friend who lived next door,
I stand in thought with my head bowed:
Remember how you played, turning to childhood,
How, creaking, the swing sang its tune.

You are important today, I am super elegant,
We restrainedly nod our heads to those we meet,
Only we both know: our essence is constant,
And it’s always easy for us to communicate with you.

So let the people around talk carelessly,
A woman cannot be friends with a man forever!
A woman and a man are friends so successfully,
How every person dreams in life!

You and I are the owners of enormous value.
Without decreasing it, increase it.
There is no disputed truth,
The value of friendship is heart-shattering.

Be with me in joy and in sorrow,
On the day when I cry and laugh.
I have a sea of ​​happiness with you.
Without you there is only sadness in my heart.

Your wife is beautiful
I have a great husband
And once we were in vain
They took up the joint tug.

The nerves have become so elastic
What can't be said by sight
The fact that we were spouses...
You and I are friends now!

A male friend is cool, -
That's what wisdom says,
But when we meet for some reason
The heart is beating, the eye is burning...

If on some circle,
On some turn,
The man became my best friend
So you have ALREADY become a friend!

We spend it together with you
Our cultural leisure
I'm interested in you
And fun, my friend.

I value you very much
And I'm glad that I'm friends with you.
You will always help, give advice,
There are simply no others like them!

Let's go for a walk today
Shoot beautiful girls!
Let's order a nice table at the bar:
Snacks, a hundred vodkas...

Don't envy a friend if the friend is richer
If he is more beautiful, if he is smarter.
May his wealth, may his good luck
The straps of your sandals will not be worn out...

Move more vigorously along your path,
Smile wider at his success:
Maybe bliss is on your doorstep
And perhaps need and crying await him.

Cry his tears! laugh loudly!
Feel it with your full heart up and down!
Don’t stop your friend from rejoicing in success:
This is a crime! This is a super vice!

Men, it turns out, also don’t mind experiencing magical power words. And there are even secret phrases that any man is fooled by. Believe me, it works on men! The man will understand that his efforts were not in vain. Important to remember! Pleasant and sweet words, phrases of gratitude and admiration help improve the mood of the recipient.

The selection includes affectionate phrases for your beloved man, pleasant words as compliments for every day. You can also treat a male friend tenderly and express your respect and admiration using kind words, especially if the relationship promises to develop into something more than just friendship.

Affectionate phrases for your loved one in prose, which you can write in an SMS message or say to your man in person.

Kind words to your beloved man in your own words

What words will please a particular man is known only to the woman who is next to him. But the compliment must not only correspond to his style and lifestyle, but must also be sincere and said without irony.

Speak beautiful words men! After all, you dear women, I like it when men tell you them every day. Men are the stronger sex, but they all have hearts that yearn for the beauty of words, and there are souls that “fly” with happiness if you speak beautifully.

I don't have enough words to express how much I love you.

I love you very very very much!

When you are not around, I feel so empty and lonely. And the sun doesn't shine so brightly, and the grass isn't so green. Let's spend more time together?

I want to wake up next to you every morning.

Handsome my favorite.

Do you know why I believe in miracles? Because the miracle is you! Beloved, plunge into my eyes, fill the niche of emptiness with your gaze... I will not get tired of repeating “I love.” I won’t get tired of repeating “I’m sorry.” I will cover your life with love, so that in this life you will rarely be sad...

You are the dearest of all. More dear than even my mother, although I love her very much. For me, you are the most precious person on the entire planet. Thank you so much for being with me.

My love for you is so strong that I will follow you to the ends of the earth. No matter what happens to you, I always want to be near you.

My kitten, I feel very lonely without you. I want to always, always be next to you. I dream that we would purr words of love to each other, and never get tired of doing it.

Your sexuality lights up my body with fires of desire and passion. Please extinguish it with hugs, kisses and touches. I'm really looking forward to everything related to you.

Nice words for a man

You can not only speak words of love to your beloved man, but also write them. Hear tender words love is very pleasant, and reading them is even more pleasant. Today everyone has mobile phone, and the “send SMS” function is attached to any model, so you can send pleasant words to your loved one at any time. The selection includes the most pleasant words to your beloved man in your own words in prose, which can be used in an SMS message for a charming declaration of love to your soulmate.

I remember all the gifts that I have been given throughout my life. Your gifts are the best, because you are the best. Each of your gifts is a little “pleasure” of the soul, which, like the apple of your eye, is guarded by memories.

You are a jack of all trades.

I dream of falling asleep on your shoulder every evening.

Just the thought of being separated from you kills me.

Don't give me stars from the high heavens! Don’t give me the sun, the moon... Give me only your love, filled with sincerity and passion. Your feelings are more important to me than anything else!

My beloved angel! You gave me your wings, you gave me your heart. These are priceless gifts. What do you want instead? Take everything... Take all of me...

Sometimes in life you understand how much your love is needed, only yours, and I won’t love anyone again... My soul screams, wait, don’t go, I will always think about you, I will never give you to anyone... After all, this is for two - for us dear and dear...

You combine the incongruous perfectly.

Darling, thank you for being by my side...

I can't wait to see you.

You are the best in the whole wide world.

I want to be with you forever.

No one knows how to kiss like you.

You are my dream that came true thanks to our meeting. I am glad that we are together, my beloved. Let's always be together, both in joy and in misfortune. We need each other.

I love your facial features.

Your friends imitate you because for them you are ideal.

I will not deceive you for anything in the world. You deserve only the purest truth. Even if the truth is bitter to taste, I will still give it to you, since you deserve truthfulness. And I will make her bitterness sweeter every day with the help of kisses.

You can find a way out of any, even the most difficult, situation. When you say that everything will work out, I believe that it will, because I can rely on you in everything.

I will write confessions to my love and ask the rain not to touch them when he wants to go for a walk. My love is something lasting, something eternal... It will never be possible for me to stop loving you, because I don’t want it myself!

It is difficult to say about you that you are good at your job, because you are indispensable in it.

You are the only one for me.

For me, you are warmer than the sun, softer than clouds, more fragrant than flowers. I am the happiest woman in the world, because my happiness is you.

I don’t feel as completely safe with anyone as I do with you.

You're like smoking, I seem to be dabbling, but I'm starting to get used to it...

Didn't realize that you loved animals?! I know that only kind and sensitive guys are capable of loving animals.

Good words for a man just like that

A man may get tired of listening to long “prefaces”. Men value the essence, not the “water of words.” Try to stand still and not move from foot to foot. Otherwise, the man will think that you are cold and will change the subject. Don’t be afraid to experiment and use more and more pleasant words. So that a man’s beautiful words in his own words do not become boring at a distance, you should replenish your vocabulary of “tenderness”.

I can't imagine what I would do without you.

Your eyes are magical lights. If I drowned in them, I would be the happiest! The reflection of your eyes is my world...

You will always protect me from everything in the world. I'm behind you, like behind a stone wall.

There is no person dearer to me than you.

I know that I will miss you more tomorrow... than today, because today I miss you even more than yesterday!

I am sure that I will be able to cope with everything, because you will be by my side.

I laugh, but there is a wound in my heart. Life is not enough for me without you...

I really like where you live, I really like your car, you have cute and cheerful friends. Let's go watch football this weekend!

When I'm sitting at work, I absolutely can't think about what I'm doing. I just remember what we did last night.

I miss your hugs.

It's so good that you came! And I’m completely confused here (explain the problem). Without you, I won't be able to figure it out at all.

I'm behind you like behind a stone wall.

You are very strong, I feel so protected in your arms.

Darling... You gave me wings, thank you.

Marry me and I will be the happiest woman in the world.

You are my prince on a white horse.

You have such stylish things, only a man with excellent taste could buy such things.

I can’t live like this anymore, I feel bad without you, my love, and day is not day, and night is not night, come back soon, dear...

With you next to me I feel so feminine.

I'm so glad I met you. I could never even believe that such amazing people exist!

I dreamed about you. And you came true... I thought that this only happens in fairy tales, but you convinced me otherwise. My love, you are everything to me! I ask one thing: don’t turn into a dream again. I need you real, real.

You have such gentle but strong hands. You could probably rip someone's head off if you wanted to.

How are you doing at work? Darling, I really want your every success to multiply a thousand times, and multiply every day.

What would you like to eat tonight? I'll just go to the store and buy all the best. And in the evening we will celebrate the fact that we have each other.

I would be happy to have a son who is responsible like you.

You are the most interesting conversationalist I have ever met.

Your opinion is as important to me as anyone else's.

I've been making this recipe for a long time, but I've never had such an amazing dinner as the one you made today.

Tender words to a guy in your own words

Romantic words for a guy, sweet for the ears and making your loved one smile, original and sensual. Every girl dreams of love, happiness and tenderness that her chosen one will give her. Therefore, kind, beautiful and tender words addressed to your loved one will help you express to her everything that has accumulated in your heart and soul, and strengthen your relationship with him.

You have gentle fingers. You always know how to make me feel the most ardent desire.

I'm so calm next to you.

I couldn't even imagine that I would meet someone like you.

You turned into my desire without even knowing it. I thank my fate millions of times for the fact that you have come true and become a wonderful reality in my everyday life.

For your love, my affectionate hero, I am ready to die. But I will live to enjoy your feelings. Take mine. Let's switch. Changing feelings is a pleasant experience.

If I could ever win at least one million dollars, I would have my breasts enlarged. I know: it's harmful. But I also know what size female breast do you like it. I want to bring into reality everything that you feel sympathy for.

I am so grateful to you for everything you have done for me.

There are many cures for love, but there is not a single sure cure.

What beautiful eyes and hands you have, soft lips, strong-willed face, gentle fingers. I'm going crazy from the smell of your perfume. I would look at you and not look away...

I adore you... Because I love you!

You're so smart. Next to you, it is clear to me that I still have a lot to learn in order to achieve a level of intelligence like yours.

You are the most the best man in the world! You are even better than the best. And I am the happiest.

I want you to give me hope forever.

I really like serious men!

My life became brighter when you appeared in it.

I want to make love to you right now!

Words for a man you like

Saying beautiful words to a man you really like is not a problem at all. Choose ready-made phrases with or without jokes - and everything will be great! Therefore, the beautiful words presented will convey to the man you like all your feelings and emotions. Affectionate and beautiful words spoken to a man in his own words at a distance help him to open up to the fullest, to feel more confident and strong.

I have long wanted to tell you that you are very beautiful. According to you beautiful eyes and by your courageous facial features I recognize you from a thousand.

Your smile is very contagious.

Of the men with whom I communicate, only you can I trust with my secrets and discuss frank topics.

Your love brought me back to life.

You are so caring and gentle.

How lonely I feel without you, my little kitten... To always be with you is such a happiness that cannot be described in words. I will prove to you through actions that you are the best of men...

I love it when you look at me like that.

My sunny one.

Only you I manage to understand perfectly.

Kind words to a man! A selection of the most pleasant and original phrases to express feelings. All couples call each other with diminutive words, thus giving the relationship a certain individuality and intimacy, but you need to remember that not all guys want to wear one or another nickname and do not always want to be “bunny”, “sunshine” or “doggie”.

Tender phrases written in your own words will convey your inner experiences to his heart.

Affectionate phrases for your beloved man from readers

Tender words to your beloved man

Good words for a man are not just said, they must be earned!

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Affectionate and beautiful words spoken to a man in his own words at a distance help him to open up to the fullest, to feel more confident and strong. Psychologists say that due to the fact that male psychology different from women's, it is necessary to avoid long and intricate expressions.

The man you love needs to be pampered. Or that guy who you really like and is currently your favorite. Do not pay attention to appearance: this is secondary for a guy - he is taught such a thought from childhood. But emphasizing in a compliment those parts of the body that excite is a non-trivial decision. These can be strong arms, wide chests and even elastic buttocks, why hide it!

All words about love are beautiful in their own way, because they put their soul into them. But there are special ones, the most beautiful and wonderful ones, they are the ones who will always find a response in the soul of the one to whom they are addressed. There are not as few of them as it might seem at first glance, and everyone will find those that will express the depth of her feelings. Love is difficult to describe in words. She's too versatile.

It happens that a girl doesn’t have a husband or lover yet, but she does have a faithful comrade. In such situations, you may want to say nice words to your friend so that he understands how dear he is to you.

Most girls constantly receive compliments, but guys are often deprived. Take time for your friends, tell them how dear they are to you, in prose or in poetry - it doesn’t matter. There is meaning only in your friendship, which overcomes all obstacles.

Pleasant words to a friend should come from the heart, no matter how beautiful the phrase sounds, if your eyes sparkle and you take your breath away with excitement, everything becomes clear (for example,). And what kind of guy would be unpleasant to receive a few warm words from his girlfriend. Here are some examples for addressing a male friend:

  1. Friendship is when we ride bikes together, and our “other” halves stay at home. Friendship is when I call you at three o’clock in the morning because I’m sad, and you’re already on your way to me. Therefore my words to the best friend- stay the same. You already have everything you need.
  2. I dedicate it to my boyfriend friend. My best, most faithful friend, forgive me if I don’t always answer your calls and don’t cook your favorite dishes every time. Thank you for calling not for business, but just to chat and for loving my pies so much. Without you, it would be very difficult for me to live alone.
  3. I once stayed the night with you, my friend. Your wife grumbled a lot, but you were able not to quarrel with her, and did not forget about me - thank you for not abandoning the Past for the sake of the Present.
  4. Fate and God choose relatives for us, but with whom we will be friends in life - we choose ourselves. My friend, I am so glad that, despite all the gods and fates of the world, we still managed to meet and understand who we are to each other.

Remember that only true friends, knowing the whole truth and secrets, continue to love you. may cost a friend more than the most expensive gift, so think about them in advance, because there are not so many impromptu masters. Thus, pleasant words to a friend will not only help maintain your friendship, but will also explain to your friend how dear he is to you:

  • If only more people like you and I wouldn’t be afraid to walk at night in the rain and without slippers. Where you live, the sun always shines, it’s dry and there are soft flower meadows around.
  • Our friendship is as strong as steel and as long as the longest boa constrictor. Thank you for not betraying me when it was difficult and not turning away when I was wrong. Thank you for always having time to chat with an old girlfriend.
  • You are wonderful my friend, you are simply beautiful in your imperfection. You are the only one in the world and, perhaps, no more is needed - you are the embodiment of the best fantasies. I'm glad that we have common memories and books.
  • No one ever wanted to go to first grade, we all just wanted to meet friends like you!

So, it doesn’t matter what nice words you say to your friend, the main thing is how it happens. Wait for a quiet moment, preferably alone. This way, no one will stop you from expressing all the kind and affectionate words that have accumulated over the years of friendship. Every man, both friend and husband, needs to at least sometimes hear pure and sincere compliments - this preserves the relationship and prolongs life.