Gems for your blood type. Precious stones are selected by blood type Precious stones are selected by blood type

Scientists have repeatedly stated that people with the same blood group have common character traits, demeanor, and even their fates are often similar.
There are 4 blood types in total and certain gems and minerals correspond to them.

1 blood group 0 (I)

Hunters, businessmen. This is the oldest blood type.
Undisputed leaders and confident people. They have stable willpower, strong character, and a desire for power. Straightforward, hard going through changes. They constantly strive to conquer new peaks and move forward. They are strong in spirit and hardy, do not like to waste their time on trifles.
For all their activity, they need to work on their arrogance, selfishness and self-confidence.
For people with the first blood group, stones of the warm part of the spectrum from yellow to red are suitable (they help to fight stress, give harmony), as well as purple and purple colors(give relaxation and love):
golden aventurine, yellow onyx, chrysoprase, citrine, amber, carnelian, moss agate (caramel), rose quartz, pink pearl, charoite, cat's eye, ruby, rhodonite, coral, bull's eye, topaz, garnet, jasper, tourmaline, tiger's eye, amethyst.
If a person is overly domineering, hot-tempered or cruel, it is better to choose silver instead of gold.

2 blood group A (II)


People with this blood group are patient, persistent, practical, hardworking, carefully think over their actions, and executive. They know how to adapt to environment find mutual language with other people. They are friendly, prone to conflict-free relationships. Reliable, organized, like order. In love, they are constant, caring and romantic.
Their disadvantages include excessive responsibility and scrupulousness - this they can harm themselves. They are prone to depression or, on the contrary, are too emotional.
For people with a second blood group, stones of green (protects against troubles, gives success in endeavors) and blue tones (attracts money, improves health) are suitable: sapphire, turquoise, serpentine (serpentine), chrysoprase, jade, malachite, heavenly agate, moonstone, lapis lazuli, aventurine, emerald, jade, agate, green onyx, opal, topaz, onyx, jasper, cat's eye, tourmaline quartz.
The metal is gold.

3 blood group B (III)


Very inquisitive people, they gravitate towards new impressions. They are ready to do an interesting job for hours, but it is extremely difficult for them to do something because they “need”. They do not tolerate routine, it is constantly necessary to feed them with novelty. They know how to present themselves beautifully, gallantly look after, they have a lot of charm. Too emotional. They have flexible thinking, a penchant for creativity and creativity.
Negative character traits include the inability to concentrate on one activity for a long time. Succumb to frequent mood swings. Not overly diligent and disciplined. It is difficult for them to forgive injustice and they can even break off the relationship if hurt out of feelings. Overly independent.
People with the third blood group are suitable for red and orange stones(to stimulate mental processes), blue and green (to calm nervous system):
golden aventurine, yellow onyx, citrine, amber, carnelian, moss agate (caramel), rose quartz, charoite, cat's eye, coral, bull's eye, pomegranate, jasper, tiger's eye, turquoise, serpentine (serpentine), chrysoprase, jade, malachite , celestial agate, moonstone, lapis lazuli, aventurine, green onyx, tourmaline quartz.
Plus, "wanderers" need purple stones, especially creative people and those who like to think, reflect, analyze - amethyst, charoite, aventurine.

4 blood group AB (IV)

Mixed type. This is the rarest blood type.

Such people are kind and considerate to others. Emotional, creative, sensitive. They have a wonderful taste, altruistic, good-natured, disinterested, benevolent. Honest, fair, friendly, not vindictive.
Their disadvantage is emotionality. Everyone takes too much to heart, and they suffer too often from this. Impractical, and often look like "out of this world."
They combine both the pros and cons of the previous groups. The group is actively developing, but at the same time it has a weak immunity, therefore, the same stones are recommended for them as in the first blood group, as well as products with multi-colored stones.
Turquoise, serpentine (serpentine), chrysoprase, jade, malachite, celestial agate, moonstone, lapis lazuli, aventurine, green onyx, jasper, cat's eye, tourmaline quartz

Based on research by renowned naturopath James D "Adamo" on the therapeutic effects of color on people depending on their blood type, some recommendations can be made.

Is there a connection between influence natural stone on a person's condition and blood group? This is one of the few questions that should not be answered in ancient medical treatises. It was only in the 60s of the last century that nutritionist James D "Adamo came up with the idea of ​​a blood group as a factor determining the difference between people. He, and later his son, Peter D" Adamo, developed a whole nutrition system based on special properties of each blood group. Subsequent searches for the relationship between a person's blood group and the influence of the environment on him became a logical continuation of research.

Color therapy and stones

Color therapy is based on the interaction of waves colors with the frequency characteristics of human organs. Peter D "Adamo's research on the effect of stones on people with different blood types is based precisely on the difference in color.

Blood group I (0)

People with the oldest blood group receive energy from all shades of red and orange. They need warm radiation in order to feel confident and increase the protective properties of the body. The color purple increases their activity of thought and strengthens their will.

Blood group II (A)

The second blood group arose at a time when a person was learning to provide himself with food using the agrarian method. People with such blood are calm and patient. They differ significantly from people with the first group in many aspects. And a completely different color scheme is useful for them.

Radiation of the cold part of the spectrum - blue and green colors - has a positive effect on people with the second blood group. Of the stones that we use in our products, people with blood group A are advised to pay special attention to jewelry with blue topaz, chrysolite, chrysoprase, turquoise.

Blood group III (B)

Almost simultaneously (by historical standards) with the second blood group, the third appeared. Its appearance was caused by the need to adapt to colder living conditions. People with the second blood group are sensitive, prone to creativity and individualism. They are most susceptible to the influence of the environment and their energy requires a comprehensive recharge.

Holders of the third blood group are useful all the colors of the rainbow. Any of the gems will effectively affect their energy field. And, as if especially for them, nature has created a noble opal that can simultaneously emit almost the entire color spectrum.

Blood group IV (AB)

The most modern group blood - the fourth - is not very common. An organism fed on such blood has received the sum of the benefits that people with the second and third blood groups have. At the same time, such a fusion also created the basis for some contradictions and conflicts in the immune system.

Recommendations for a person with type AB blood are similar to those for people with type A blood - they need stones of cold shades to calm the nervous system. They should also pay attention to purple stones (for example, amethyst), the color of which soothes, relaxes and helps harmonize contradictions.

The famous naturopath James Adamo believes that blood type determines a lot in a person's life. And it is on her that you should be guided when choosing food and jewelry. If you want the stone to work for you, help you and become a talisman for you, and not just stylish decoration, use the blood group matching method.

James Adamo's research is most popular in blood-type diets, a weight loss and healing technique that has been tested by thousands of people. For jewelry blood type registration is still fashionable novelty rapidly gaining popularity.

First group (0)

The most ancient blood group, the rest came from it. The first group is widespread; it is found in about a third of the world's population. Among specialists in the study of personality traits in people with different blood types, it is considered that this is a group of leaders. The main features of people with the first blood group are willpower, self-sufficiency, activity, the desire to lead, the desire for power. For the first group, the term "hunter" was introduced, since meat predominates in the diet, digestive and the immune system very strong, the metabolism is efficient. But the weaknesses - difficult adaptation to new environmental conditions and changes in nutrition - are precisely designed to compensate for the jewelry worn by people with the first blood group. The stones of the warm part of the spectrum, from yellow-orange to reds and purples, will have a beneficial effect on them. These are noble ruby ​​and semi-precious tourmaline, pink pearls, rhodonite, garnet, coral. If the person for whom you choose jewelry is too domineering and cruel, it is better to prefer delicate pearls and tourmaline, giving up rubies that enhance these properties.

Second group (A)

Naturopaths refer to people with this blood group as the "farmer" type in accordance with the historical processes of its origin. When the nomadic lifestyle characteristic of hunters moved to a more sedentary one, a new group blood. Now it is present in about 37% of the world's population. The characteristic character traits highlighted by specialists are obvious from the name: constancy, rationality, thoroughness, organization, good adaptation to changes in the environment and nutrition, a tendency to collective interaction. Since the "farmers" have a sensitive nervous system and some inertia, it is useful for them to wear stones of blue and green tones to stimulate life processes and mental activity. For example: emerald, sapphire, jade, lapis lazuli, opal, topaz, onyx, turquoise, jasper, snake's eye.

Third group (B)

The third blood group arose as a result of the migration of races, therefore it is called the "wanderer" or "nomad" type. Such blood flows in the veins of about 20% of the world's population, and these people have flexible thinking, a penchant for creativity and creativity, activity and striving for new things. That is why the recommendations in the field of choosing stones are so difficult - "wanderers" should combine red or orange stones with blue and green, depending on their mood. It is also good to keep purple stones on hand that cause good mood that evoke memories and aiding thought. These are amethyst, charoite, aventurine.

Fourth group (AB)

The rarest type of blood, which has less than 10% of the population - it arose later than all, therefore, with all the flexibility of the immune and nervous systems, with all the psychological balance, it is susceptible to various influences and diseases. People of the type sometimes referred to as "the enigma" are dreamy, creative, and open-minded. Ideal stones are blue and green, as for the second group.

Important subtleties

Gold is considered beneficial if it is worn by an altruist, a person open to the world, kind and considerate to others. If gold jewelry was purchased dishonestly, it will bring great misfortune, beneficial features stone will not work. Silver stimulates the emotional world of a person.

It is believed that the lucky sets of the total number of stones in all jewelry that you wear are 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and the number eight and 13 should be avoided. The purer the stone, the stronger its properties. The most powerful stones are donated, not jewelry bought for oneself. By the way, if you plan to give a faceted crystal or a finished piece of jewelry, then before handing it over, be sure to wish the new owner happiness.

V last years methods of "blood matching" have become extremely popular, based on the idea that a person's blood type is able to determine his behavioral, food, love and even energy moods. (for more details see Blood type is a mirror of a person).

Perhaps the choice of jewelry is connected with the last point - as fans of the blood group system claim, it is in this case that the stone or a precious metal will be able to enhance your energy, become your protectors and talismans that bring good luck (see. The combination of stones in jewelry - basic rules).
Let's find out which gems are recommended to be worn in jewelry different groups blood.

I blood group - Hunters

Approximately 30% of the world's population has the first blood group. People by nature are active, strong, willing to be leaders. However, they are too straightforward and difficult to adapt to change, and stones in the warm end of the spectrum, from yellow-orange to reds and purples, will help them get their way. This is noble ruby and semi-precious tourmaline, pink pearls, rhodonite, garnet, coral. However, if the person who will wear the jewelry is overly domineering, hot-tempered or cruel, it is better to prefer calm pearls and tourmaline to ruby, and choose silver instead of gold.

II blood group - Farmers

The most common blood type, it is found in 40% of the world's population. These people are distinguished by a calm character, organization, inclined to collective interaction, and adapt well to a new environment. Since the "farmers" have a sensitive nervous system and some inertia, it is useful for them to wear stones of blue and green tones... For example: emerald, sapphire, jade, lapis lazuli, opal, topaz, onyx, turquoise, jasper, snake's eye, and from metals - gold.

III blood group - Wanderers

This blood type is found in about 20% of the world's population. These are people with flexible thinking, prone to creativity, with a constant striving for something new. It is best for these people to combine stones:

red with blue, orange with green
People are creative, seekers, prone to mood swings, so stones of both groups are recommended for them, that is, red and yellow, like in the first group, if the mood is zero, or green and blue, like in the second group, if they are excited. Plus, "wanderers" need purple stones, especially creative people and those who like to think, reflect, analyze - amethyst, charoite, aventurine.

This is the rarest blood type, found in 10% of people. They are open, creative people. The fourth blood group combines both the pros and cons of the previous groups. The ideologists of the system disagree on which stones are optimal for group 4, but since the group is actively developing and at the same time weak in immunity, most recommendstones of green and blue tones (emerald, malachite, labrador) , as well as products with multi-colored stones

Many girls love jewelry with beautiful stones, but few know how to choose their own stone that suits your energy and even blood type.

Today we will tell you which stone or mineral corresponds to your blood type and will help not only protect you, but also strengthen your energy field.
Scientists have repeatedly stated that people with the same blood group have common character traits, demeanor, and even their fates are often similar.
There are 4 blood types in total and certain gems and minerals correspond to them.

1 blood group 0 (I)

Hunters, businessmen. This is the oldest blood type.

Undisputed leaders and confident people. They have stable willpower, strong character, and a desire for power. Straightforward, hard going through changes. They constantly strive to conquer new peaks and move forward. They are strong in spirit and hardy, do not like to waste their time on trifles.

For all their activity, they need to work on their arrogance, selfishness and self-confidence.
For people with the first blood group, stones of the warm part of the spectrum from yellow to red (help to fight stress, give harmony), as well as purple and violet colors (give relaxation and love) are suitable:
golden aventurine, yellow onyx, chrysoprase, citrine, amber, carnelian, moss agate (caramel), rose quartz, pink pearl, charoite, cat's eye, ruby, rhodonite, coral, bull's eye, topaz, garnet, jasper, tourmaline, tiger's eye , amethyst.

If a person is overly domineering, hot-tempered or cruel, it is better to choose silver instead of gold.

2 blood group A (II)


People with this blood group are patient, persistent, practical, hardworking, carefully think over their actions, and executive. They know how to adapt to the environment, find a common language with other people. They are friendly, prone to conflict-free relationships. Reliable, organized, like order. In love, they are constant, caring and romantic.

Their disadvantages include excessive responsibility and scrupulousness - this they can harm themselves.

They are prone to depression or, on the contrary, are too emotional.
For people with a second blood group, stones of green (protects from troubles, gives success in endeavors) and blue tones (attracts money, improves health) are suitable:
sapphire, turquoise, serpentine (serpentine), chrysoprase, jade, malachite, celestial agate, moonstone, lapis lazuli, aventurine, emerald, jade, agate, green onyx, opal, topaz, onyx, jasper, cat's eye, tourmaline quartz.
The metal is gold.

3 blood group B (III)


Very inquisitive people, they gravitate towards new impressions. They are ready to do an interesting job for hours, but it is extremely difficult for them to do something because they “need”. They do not tolerate routine, it is constantly necessary to feed them with novelty. They know how to present themselves beautifully, gallantly look after, they have a lot of charm. Too emotional. They have flexible thinking, a penchant for creativity and creativity.

The negative character traits include the inability to concentrate on one activity for a long time. Succumb to frequent mood swings.

Not overly diligent and disciplined. It is difficult for them to forgive injustice and they can even break off the relationship if hurt out of feelings. Overly independent.
For people with the third blood group, red and orange stones (to stimulate mental processes), blue and green (to calm the nervous system) are suitable:

gold aventurine, yellow onyx, citrine, amber, carnelian, moss agate (caramel), rose quartz, charoite, cat's eye, coral, bull's eye, pomegranate, jasper, tiger's eye, turquoise, serpentine (serpentine), chrysoprase, jade, malachite , celestial agate, moonstone, lapis lazuli, aventurine, green onyx, tourmaline quartz.
Plus, "wanderers" need purple stones, especially creative people and those who like to think, reflect, analyze - amethyst, charoite, aventurine.