The man was left without a pension and Tovmasyan. The man was left without a pension

The Pension Fund of Russia recorded new wave refusals to pay insurance pensions. The Ministry of Labor explained that not everyone will be able to count on future payments. Achievement retirement age no longer guarantees full payment. Due to a lack of points, many Russians may lose their insurance coverage.

Who is affected by the refusals?

The refusals began last year. As a rule, people who do not score the required number of points are deprived of part of their pension. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation assured that cases of refusal to accrue an insurance pension are still isolated. Last summer, PFR Chairman Anton Drozdov said that 47 thousand pensioners do not have the minimum length of service. He estimates that this is about 1% of the total.

What are these points and how does your pension work out now?

The point system of pensions appeared in Russia three years ago. Payments are divided into two types: insurance and savings. To calculate the insurance pension, which is exactly what we are talking about, an individual coefficient is used. In other words, every year labor activity person is transformed into points.

How are they calculated?

The scoring scheme is calculated using a formula. The number of points required to receive an insurance pension only increases every year. If in 2017, in order to receive a pension, it was enough to score 9 points, but now it is already 13.8. Those retiring in 2025 will need to accumulate twice as much - a minimum of 30 points. In this case, the minimum experience increases to 15 years. Before the introduction of the point system, this figure was five years. The annual increase in length of service requirements implicitly increases the retirement age as a whole.

What do you need to do to get points?

In addition to the length of service requirements, deductions made during the period of employment are taken into account. That is, citizens with a certain level of income will be able to apply for a future pension. The salary should be higher than the minimum wage: in 2018 it is 9,489 rubles. The greater the salary and length of service, the correspondingly higher the future pension.

Who is at risk of missing out on their pension?

Employees who receive their salary in an envelope do not receive points due to the fact that the employer did not transfer money to the pension fund for them. Citizens receiving low white wages also risk being left without a significant part of their pension contributions.

There is another problem: public sector employees receive salaries in accordance with the approved tariff schedules, and their size has recently increased. But at the same time, people began to be registered not for full time, but for half or a quarter. Insurance premiums are paid from this part of the salary. It turns out that due to this, the employee will lose his insurance pension in the future.

It turns out that these people will be left without a pension at all?


Those who have not accumulated the required number of points are entitled to only a social pension. Its size is significantly less than the insurance premium, and the payments themselves begin five years later: women can count on it at 60 years old, and men at 65 years old. Thus, retirement for this category of citizens is delayed. This year's size social pension is about 5 thousand rubles. In addition to this, citizens are additionally paid benefits so that the total amount reaches up to living wage in the region.

Can years of experience not be counted?

If the company in which a person worked went bankrupt, often after years it becomes difficult to raise information about pension contributions and this data may not be counted.

The only way to challenge this is to go to court. There is a Supreme Court ruling according to which a citizen has the right to bring two witnesses to the Pension Fund. They must confirm that he actually worked for this company.

What else affects your future pension?

There are coefficients that affect the size of the pension, both plus and minus. After a certain salary threshold - 85 thousand rubles - the size of the future pension will be influenced solely by the length of service. For example, by receiving the maximum salary and accordingly making contributions to the pension fund for the required 15 years, a citizen can count on a pension in the amount of 16,985 rubles. The pension of an employee with a maximum salary, whose work experience is 30 years or more, will be 29,156 rubles. You can calculate the approximate size of your future pension using the calculator on the website of the Russian Pension Fund.

A reduction factor has been introduced for military pensioners. Long service payments to retired military personnel amount to 72% of their salary.

What about maternity leave?

The length of service also includes periods of leave to care for children up to one and a half years. After the birth of the second child, the points awarded during maternity leave are doubled. According to the formula, 1.8 points are counted for the first child, 3.6 points for the second, and 5.4 points for the third and subsequent children.

Why is this happening?

In many ways, changes in pension system are associated with the fact that a large generation is retiring, while the number of young working people is steadily declining.

On the other hand, the size of the pension largely depends not on how much money a particular employee contributed during his career, but on the current volume of funds in the Pension Fund.

An old acquaintance of mine, a man who has published with us more than once, who worked at the Polyvinyl Acetate plant for many years, contacted the editorial office of GA. The name of this retired engineer (retired 78 years old) is Toros Tatevosyan, or Toros Tadevosyan. This, in fact, is the reason for Uncle Toros’s appeal to the editor, and before that to the court: “T” or “D”? That is the question.

LET'S SPEED THROUGH THE WORK BIOGRAPHY OF AN ENGINEER , an innovator, and later an avid gardener. Let’s keep silent about the mind-boggling size of the pension that his native state determined for him. Toros T. was helped to stay afloat by a garden in one of the suburbs of Yerevan, the habit of working, now on the ground, and the help of children. However, over time, some changes occurred in the family's life. Due to illness, the wife of a pensioner needs constant, careful care and therefore went to visit her daughter in France.

Another daughter, who has lived in Russia for more than 30 years, is a teacher at the conservatory, insists that her father spend more time with her in Nizhny Novgorod. This is how the idea of ​​registering a pension in Russia, the legal successor of the USSR, for which T.T. worked all his life, appeared; his 65 rationalization proposals at one time brought an economic effect of 2 million rubles. That is why the innovator turned to domestic pension structures to have his business transferred to Russia. Received in May 2015 last pension in Armenia, T.T. I expected to become a Russian pensioner in June. But...

"Is this your work report? Eh?"

In Soviet times, the name Tadevosyan appeared on the Armenian page of the innovator’s passport (“ Թադևոսյան "), and in Russian - Tatevosyan.

THERE WERE SIMILAR RECORDS IN THE CERTIFICATE OF MATURE, ENGINEERING DIPLOMA, DRIVING LICENSE , other documents completed in 2 languages. When passports were changed with the advent of independence, the Armenian and English versions actually coincided: in both cases there is a “d” in the middle. However, Tatevosyan is written in the work book. When it was necessary to translate the document into Russian, the notary gave a certificate that the book was issued to T. Tadevosyan.

In Russia, doubts arose: whether the applicant with the letter “d” is the same worker with the letter “t” who worked for so many years for the benefit of the Land of the Soviets. Here you can, of course, get hung up on the literalism of officials, but even more picky literalists sit above each of them. Therefore, they explained to the pensioner that he would have to prove a fact of legal significance, namely that Tadevosyan is the same Tatevosyan from work book, opened in July 1959.

Two paragraphs from the court verdict

Citizen T.T. On August 1, he filed a claim with the court of first instance of the Arabkir and Kanaker-Zeytun districts, in which (in the final version) he asked to confirm that the work book of the July 1959 sample had been issued to him.

THE DECISION OF JUDGE R. BUNIATYAN HAS MANY REFERENCES TO VARIOUS ARTICLES OF THE CIP , from which it follows that the parties in civil proceedings must themselves prove the reliability of the facts presented, that in case of disputed evidence, negative consequences are assigned to the party, that the court evaluates all the evidence in its entirety, analyzing it and being guided by internal conviction, etc. After all these maxims explaining the legal basics in civil cases, in the last two paragraphs it was indicated that Kentron notary Nune Sargsyan, having approved the translation of the work book from Russian into Armenian, noted that it was issued to T. Tadevosyan. Based on the foregoing "in the absence of differences between surnames" the court found that T.T.’s statement should be rejected. That is, it turns out that the judge, having recognized the fact of issuing a work book to a person with the letter “d” certified by a notary, rejects the statement of claim of the same person, which contains a request to confirm that very fact.

I'm afraid the reader is confused. And me too. Perhaps the applicant should have more accurately outlined in the claim his demand for confirmation of the fact that the holder of the 1959 work book T. Tatevosyan and the holder of the RA citizen passport T. Tadevosyan are the same person, born on January 20, 1938 and registered according to place of residence at the address: Yerevan, st. V. Ambartsumyan, etc. and so on.

The logic of the above paragraph is based on common sense and is dictated taking into account the approaches of Russian pension officials who doubted whether “this is the right Fedot or the wrong one”? This means that our domestic servants of the law must deal with this ill-fated “spelling “d” - “t” and help the citizen of Armenia, who brought the same economic effect of 2 million rubles to the republic. However, what does it matter: brought it - didn’t bring it. Almost At the age of 78, he lost his Armenian pension, and the “legal successors of the USSR” doubted it. work experience, recommend that “Fedot” apply for an old-age pension in Russia.

It’s curious, if Judge R. Buniatyan had an uncle named Toros Buniatyan (born 1938), whose work record book included Toros Buniatyan, what would his nephew advise him about “establishing a fact of legal significance”? Would the judge's uncle be able to prove that he is him or would he have to suffer the "negative consequences arising from the controversy of the evidence presented"?

Let's try again

T.T. filed a complaint with the Court of Civil Appeal. I presented there all the available documents from the Soviet period.

IN THE LANGUAGE INSPECTION, BY THE WAY, TO HIM (SIGNED BY THE CHIEF S.ERITSYAN) issued a certificate that Tadevosyan, Tatevosyan, Tatevosyan could be variants of the same surname. I would like to hope that in the second instance, guided by “inner conviction” and the spirit and letter of the Law, they will deal with the “split personality” and agree that TaDevosyan did not steal TaTevosyan’s work book and is the natural father of his 3 children (even though they are TaTevosyans) . We will tell the reader about the point or comma in this “spy” story as the court plot further develops.

The Russian Pension Fund has recorded a new wave of refusals to pay insurance pensions. The Ministry of Labor explained that not everyone will be able to count on future payments. Reaching retirement age no longer guarantees full payments. Due to a lack of points, many Russians may lose their insurance coverage. Who is entitled to it and what to do so as not to be left without funds in old age - in the material of the portal

Who is affected by the refusals?

The refusals began last year. As a rule, people who do not score the required number of points are deprived of part of their pension. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation assured that cases of refusal to accrue an insurance pension are still isolated. Last summer, PFR Chairman Anton Drozdov said that 47 thousand pensioners do not have the minimum length of service. He estimates that this is about 1% of the total.

What are these points and how does your pension work out now?

The point system of pensions appeared in Russia three years ago. Payments are divided into two types: insurance and savings. To calculate the insurance pension, which is exactly what we are talking about, an individual coefficient is used. In other words, every year of a person’s work activity is transformed into points.

How are they calculated?

The scoring scheme is calculated using a formula. The number of points required to receive an insurance pension only increases every year. If in 2017, in order to receive a pension, it was enough to score 9 points, but now it is already 13.8. Those retiring in 2025 will need to accumulate twice as much - a minimum of 30 points. In this case, the minimum experience increases to 15 years. Before the introduction of the point system, this figure was five years. The annual increase in length of service requirements implicitly increases the retirement age as a whole.

What do you need to do to get points?

In addition to the length of service requirements, deductions made during the period of employment are taken into account. That is, citizens with a certain level of income will be able to apply for a future pension. The salary should be higher than the minimum wage: in 2018 it is 9,489 rubles. The greater the salary and length of service, the correspondingly higher the future pension.

Who is at risk of missing out on their pension?

Employees who receive their salary in an envelope do not receive points due to the fact that the employer did not transfer money to the pension fund for them. Citizens receiving low white wages also risk being left without a significant part of their pension contributions.

There is another problem: public sector employees receive salaries in accordance with the approved tariff schedules, and their size has recently increased. But at the same time, people began to be registered not for full time, but for half or a quarter. Insurance premiums are paid from this part of the salary. It turns out that due to this, the employee will lose his insurance pension in the future.

It turns out that these people will be left without a pension at all?

Those who have not accumulated the required number of points are entitled to only a social pension. Its size is significantly less than the insurance premium, and the payments themselves begin five years later: women can count on it at 60 years old, and men at 65 years old. Thus, retirement for this category of citizens is delayed. This year the size of the social pension is about 5 thousand rubles. In addition to this, citizens are additionally paid benefits so that the total amount reaches the subsistence level in the region.

Can years of experience not be counted?

If the company in which a person worked went bankrupt, often after years it becomes difficult to raise information about pension contributions and this data may not be counted.

The only way to challenge this is to go to court. There is a Supreme Court ruling according to which a citizen has the right to bring two witnesses to the Pension Fund. They must confirm that he actually worked for this company.

What else affects your future pension?

There are coefficients that affect the size of the pension, both plus and minus. After a certain salary threshold - 85 thousand rubles - the size of the future pension will be influenced solely by the length of service. For example, by receiving the maximum salary and accordingly making contributions to the pension fund for the required 15 years, a citizen can count on a pension in the amount of 16,985 rubles. The pension of an employee with a maximum salary, whose work experience is 30 years or more, will be 29,156 rubles. You can calculate the approximate size of your future pension using the calculator on the website of the Russian Pension Fund.

A reduction factor has been introduced for military pensioners. Long service payments to retired military personnel amount to 72% of their salary.

What about maternity leave?

The length of service also includes periods of leave to care for children up to one and a half years. After the birth of the second child, the points awarded during maternity leave are doubled. According to the formula, 1.8 points are counted for the first child, 3.6 points for the second, and 5.4 points for the third and subsequent children.

Why is this happening?

In many ways, changes in the pension system are due to the fact that a large generation is retiring, while the number of young working people is steadily declining.

On the other hand, the size of the pension largely depends not on how much money a particular employee contributed during his career, but on the current volume of funds in the Pension Fund.

To assign any type of pension in Russia (and there are 15 of them only through the Pension Fund), certain conditions must be met. If they are met, a pension is assigned; if they are not met, it is not assigned. The old age insurance pension is no exception. To assign it, you need to reach retirement age (55 years for women, 60 for men), have insurance experience (in 2017 - at least 8 years, in 2018 - 9 years) and the required number of pension points (in 2017 - 11, 4, in 2018 - 13.8). If we're talking about about citizens who work officially and receive a “white” salary, from which the policyholder pays insurance premiums, then it is not difficult to fulfill these conditions.

Today, the average length of service of citizens who apply for an insurance pension is 35 years! Even with a minimum salary during this period, you can earn more points than the minimum required. Problems arise mainly among those who do not work officially. Every year the Pension Fund assigns 1.8-1.9 million old-age insurance pensions. Of this number, refusals due to a lack of pension points or length of service amounted to 1.2%, of which only 0.4% were rejected due to a lack of pension points (8.3 thousand people for the entire country). In the Belgorod region, such situations are rare.

The requirements for minimum length of service and points when assigning an insurance pension in accordance with the law increase every year. According to the pension formula, which has been in force in Russia since 2015, to obtain the right to insurance pension for old age in 2018, you must have at least 9 years of experience and 13.8 pension points.

In this regard, citizens, in order not to be left without an insurance pension, need to work only in organizations with official registration of labor relations, a white salary, with which the employer makes contributions to the future pension of employees.

As you know, insurance premiums are paid only from white wages, and the higher your official wage, the higher the pension will be. The problem of increasing the level of wages of Belgorod residents, and, consequently, future pensions, is now considered one of the priorities by Governor Evgeny Stepanovich Savchenko. On his instructions, a commission was created to increase wages and legalize shadow employment. The Pension Fund is actively involved in this work, since rising wages ultimately affect the increase in the average pension in the region.

I couldn’t get past this publication on I often receive questions by email asking for recommendations on where to store my pension. To be honest, I never transferred my pension savings from the state to some kind of non-state fund.

Although, they are actively lured there by high incomes.

And also, in which they offer to put 12 thousand rubles into a pension account per year and the state will add the same amount to you...

So, let's read...

The State Pension Fund demanded that the responsibility of non-state funds be tightened in order to stop a wave of fraud that has swept across Russia. Thousands of people have already become victims of the scam.

They all suddenly learned that their savings had been transferred to private pension funds. It has already been established that documents were falsified in batches, but the damage from these frauds has yet to be calculated.

They ask that this strange scam in non-state pension funds not be called theft. Relatively honest way the taking of money is not new, and money is not allegedly stolen - it is simply transferred from account to account without the knowledge of its owner. In the last two weeks alone, the State Pension Fund has received three and a half thousand complaints.

“I received not one letter, but two. It followed from them that I submitted the application not once, but twice,” says victim Elena Natmetdinova.

Elena has never written any applications to change the way she manages her pension money, but her money has recently been managed by the non-state fund “Blagosostoyanie”. If you believe the registered letters, Elena persistently achieved this. And as a result, she achieved it. “I allegedly submitted an application on December 8th. But it was not approved because it was written incorrectly. But I didn’t stop there and submitted a new application on December 31st. He was satisfied,” says Elena.

Andrei Reut's request was also satisfied. The deputy editor-in-chief of Izvestia himself did not make any requests. But the registered letter is in hand, which means the issue is resolved.

“At first it was a shock! When I received chain letters from pension fund, they warmed my soul. And I didn’t give money to private foundations, not because I’m an unconscious silent person, but because I understand perfectly well that private foundations will screw it up and steal it,” says Andrei Reut.

Non-state pension funds are now taking things by storm. All attempts to get an explanation fail. The Norilsk Nickel Foundation, which has received one and a half thousand complaints, does not want to show people statements allegedly written by them.

The fact of fraud in non-state pension funds is confirmed, but who the fraudster is is not yet known. According to official information from the State Pension Fund, the culprit may be agents - those who, for a fee, recruit new clients and find ways to convince them that it is better to keep the money in a non-state fund. Afterwards, an agreement is concluded, a statement is written, and the money is transferred. The total amount of savings transferred in this way is 3 billion 600 million rubles.

"Competition in the market pension savings has worsened,” notes Nikolai Kozlov, Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Russian Pension Fund. “Accordingly, many non-state pension funds and the agents they authorize cross the line of what is permitted - they simply forge signatures and illegally transfer funds from citizens’ pension savings.”

It’s easy to carry out the operation - the database of Pension Fund clients can be purchased at almost any city market.

There are also many questions regarding non-state funds. It turns out that they took strange statements from agents without checking the signatures. This is exactly what you will have to pay for. The state pension fund offers everyone who does not want to cooperate with non-state companies to write a refusal of services. This means that the money spent on agents was wasted. Whether there are fraudsters within the structure itself remains to be seen.

“Based on every violation, dishonest work of an agent, and especially a manager, we make personnel decisions,” assures the press secretary of the Non-State Pension Fund “Norilsk Nickel” Irina Tsytovich. “Next, we submit these materials for consideration to law enforcement agencies.”

Who exactly was fired and how many dubious cases are now being studied by the police. Norilsk Nickel has already apologized: “The Fund is monitoring the current situation on a daily basis, comprehensive work is being carried out to optimize the activities of the Fund’s sales and inspection departments, new software has been introduced, and the security staff has been expanded.”

NPF "Welfare", which Elena complained about, does not apologize and refuses to comment. To refuse the services of the fund itself, you will have to suffer. You need to not just write an application, but prove that the previous application is invalid, the signature is not yours, your passport data was stolen, and you had nothing to do with it. The review period for each document is one month.