Why is someone else's wedding dreaming: is there a celebration planned? Why is someone else's wedding dreaming? Dream interpretation someone else's wedding Why is someone else's wedding dreaming for a woman.

Did you see the bride and groom in a dream and woke up in confusion and bewilderment? Take a look at the dream book, find out why someone else's wedding is dreaming. Wedding chores in dreams reflect your worries and anxieties about some serious matter. They dream when in reality it is difficult for you to solve problems that accumulate until you start to act decisively.

Why is someone else's wedding dreaming

If you dreamed of a wedding where you are a guest, the dream book interprets that this is a good sign, the news that your business will expand. To be a guest of honor in a dream means that someone from close relatives needs help. Do not refuse, today you will help, tomorrow - you.

Take a closer look at those around you, if you are suddenly lucky to see a wedding procession - in the near future you will be able to win someone's heart.

What does the dream book say about the wedding of relatives

The dreamed marriage of loved ones calls to pay attention and care to them. Mom's dreaming wedding will warn about the impending depression in mom, it's time to visit her, chat over a cup of tea.

If you saw the wedding of the groom or husband in a dream - beware, you will have difficult unreasonable experiences and jealousy. Consider whether it is worth destroying happiness because of unfounded fantasies. Stop, count to ten, smile - well, where is he without you, so beautiful and smart?

Why is your daughter's wedding dreaming? To get rid of the burden of worries. A white dress is a very good omen, red or blue - the dream book warns that there will be envious people who will spread rumors about it. But the dream book interprets the wedding of a sister or brother as career successes awaiting them.

Why see mourning at someone else's wedding in a dream

Sometimes in a dream at someone else's wedding there are people in mourning. As the dream book says, these people can expect an unsuccessful marriage (marriage). Do not sit idly by, do everything to make them happy. Also, such a dream may mean that your long-planned trip will fail.

A dream in which the newlyweds celebrate the wedding secretly from their parents warns of a meeting with an insidious, selfish woman who will try to capitalize on your gullibility.

What a dream promises love affairs

When a merry party with a richly set table bursts into your sleep, an incendiary party with friends awaits ahead, at which a new fateful acquaintance is possible. You danced - beware, intrigues, deceit and deception on the part of the opposite sex are possible. But if at someone else's wedding you are surrounded by a lively crowd of men and women, you must try not to get lost in your own intrigues.

It will be especially wonderful for those who were kicked out of the wedding in a dream - the dream book says that they will be bypassed by problems and adversities for a long time.

Pleasant surprises for married

It is useful for family people to know that partying in a dream at someone else's wedding means expecting surprises. If both of them dreamed about it at once - prepare a baby carriage, there will be a happy addition soon. One of the spouses sent the newlyweds on a honeymoon trip, which means that magical harmony has come in intimate life.

What does a dream wedding mean?

In life, everything is subject to its strict laws, but in dreams absolutely anything can happen.

Therefore, the world of dreams is so attractive and captivating. Especially when something amazing is dreaming, after which the hands themselves reach for the dream book - find out as soon as possible what this dream means?

Girls and even adults, married ladies, often dream of a wedding. Such a dream can cause a whole storm of emotions and be interpreted in different ways. But take your time!

Let's take a look at the dream books, and try to understand correctly and precisely what the wedding is about, how to interpret such an ambiguous dream and what to expect from fate?

Ah, this wedding ...

It is difficult not to remember or ignore such a dream. After all, a wedding itself is a rare, solemn, unusual event. And if it is in a dream, then certainly it is some kind of important sign!

First of all, it is worth remembering all the details of this dream, and only then look into the dream book - a wedding can be dreamed of for various reasons and mean completely different things. And the main thing is not to confuse anything. So, the most common dreams are as follows:

  • Own wedding.
  • The marriage of a friend or sister.
  • Your own daughter's wedding.
  • Someone else's wedding where you are a guest.
  • Failed celebration.

Also, a wedding can be dreamed of by a married or unmarried young lady - and this is also very important. So, having understood the basic conditions, remembering important details and details, you can safely look into dream books and discover the secrets of the unknown, mysterious world of dreams ...

Dreams come true ... It is a pity that only in dreams!

In general, a dream wedding itself is always a very important and serious sign, and such a dream must be interpreted correctly. And your own wedding - even more so.

If an unmarried girl or woman dreamed in a dream that she herself is getting married - and it does not matter who appeared in the role of the groom - this means that serious changes are coming in life.

Alas, such a dream does not directly mean that they will propose to you or that you will get married in reality. Although the mysterious dream books are silent about which area to expect big changes, so everything can be!

Therefore, the difficult and important question of what the wedding is about, or rather your own wedding, is definitely not easy to answer. One can only expect with confidence a new, decisive stage in life, some kind of new milestone.

At the same time, most likely, nothing here depends on yourself, but more on fate. Calm your train of thought, meditate, reflect on your life and look very intently and attentively which direction you are moving in, whether it is right.

Do not be afraid of changes - after all, as you know, they always only happen for the better. Even if it doesn't seem that way from the start.

Knowing why a young and still unmarried girl is dreaming of her own wedding, you can safely expect a new stage in life - open up internally, trust fate and wait for the best!

Marry again?

But when a married woman dreams of her wedding, the situation here is completely different. Do not rush to conclusions, this does not mean at all that a new marriage awaits you! But still, such a dream is a reason to think.

If a married lady suddenly dreamed that she was going down the aisle with someone (no matter who), then most likely she is subconsciously unhappy with her marriage. Perhaps, in the depths of his soul, he wants to break out of him.

Often such a dream can signify impending difficulties in the marriage union. But how it will cost and how it will end, it depends only on you.

As almost every dream book suggests, a wedding for a married lady is an important sign. This is a call to think well and seriously, reflect on the situation, be honest with yourself and try to understand what is really happening in her marriage at the moment.

But such a dream is always only dreamed of by wise and reasonable women, and it means that if you do not spare your time and effort, think carefully, you will find the right way out of the current, possibly difficult, situation.

You will definitely be able to find in yourself the wisdom and strength to save, restore relationships, refresh feelings, and create a new, even brighter and more prosperous stage in family life.

Surprise for mom - daughter goes down the aisle!

Of course, if a mother sees in a dream how her dear, only, beloved daughter in a wedding dress is going to get married, this can cause a real shock.

What to think, what can this mean, is the daughter really hiding something? Without exception, all mothers are worried and terribly "wind up" such situations, but you should not do this. If you had such a strange and unexpected dream - the wedding of your own daughter - first calm down.

  • This can easily mean that you and your daughter may begin, or may have already begun, some small conflicts, friction, misunderstandings, but nothing serious.
  • A wedding in a dream is always a symbol of change, and perhaps your daughter will have an important, new period in her life. Perhaps it will be difficult, but important and inevitable.

Having understood correctly what the daughter's wedding is about, you must certainly draw the right conclusion and take everything to alleviate the situation.

1. If you really noticed that your relationship with her has somehow become colder, you began to move away from each other - take action. Apologize sincerely if you were wrong about something, talk to her peacefully and kindly, tell her how you love and value her.

Try to improve your relationship with your daughter every day. Then you yourself will thank yourself, and even more so, there will be no end to her gratitude.

2. If your relationship with your beloved beautiful daughter is really in perfect order, then a dream can signify big and serious changes. And every dream book confirms this. The daughter's dreaming wedding should become an excuse for the mother to help, support, do everything possible so that these changes do not pass painfully for her beloved daughter.

This can be a new job, admission to a technical school or institute, or vice versa, graduation, the beginning of a new relationship - in general, any new milestone. Support, but do not pressure - help with your affection, love and care, and then, no doubt, everything will be fine.

Is she married?

Often, girls and women dream of their own sister or friend proudly walking down the aisle. I want to tell her such a funny dream right away, discuss it, gossip - after all, you don't have to take a walk every day at a sister's or girlfriend's wedding!

But do not rush to tell, first find out why the wedding of your friend or, perhaps, your own sister is dreaming. And what to expect from such night vision.

Every interpreter, including Miller's famous dream book, makes it clear that such a dream is meaningful for you, not for the “bride”. If you had to be a guest at the wedding of your sister, friend, and indeed, you dreamed of someone else's wedding, this means that now you are going through a not very favorable period.

For some reason, all the main, vivid, significant events pass by you, all the most interesting and significant happens to others. And you, perhaps, even try, as much as possible, to get into the center of events, but for some reason you remain out of work.

As you can see, if someone's wedding is dreaming, be it a sister, girlfriend, employee or even a neighbor, this is a hint that fate, for some reason, wants to keep you away from big events. Do not worry and do not scold fate!

After all, she presented you with such a dream - you had to be a guest at someone's wedding. This means that the Universe is telling you: wait, now is not the time for active action.

For example, it may well be related to both work and personal or social life. Now you have a period when it is worth resting, stopping, not making sudden movements and just watching.

Perhaps, having understood why your sister's wedding is dreaming, and indeed someone else's wedding, you can stop for a minute, take a closer look around and understand something incredibly important. Try ...

Dreams are a mystery!

If you dreamed of yours or someone else's failed wedding, you should know that you are a prisoner of dreams. You dream and fantasize more than you live your real life, and this can cause various problems.

Live reality, but analyze your dreams. After all, they can be extremely helpful in life, suggest, direct, warn.

A wise and caring Universe always gives us hints, leads us by the hand, opens doors and shows us the right way. She will always warn about dangers or wrong steps, and even tell you how to behave correctly so that any life situation is resolved in the best possible way.

The main thing is to trust fate, listen to her whisper, be attentive and listen to your intuition. We are so accustomed to act prudently and correctly, to live only with intelligence and logic, that we completely forget how much intuition and listening to the heart can give!

Try it - and you will be surprised how much is hidden within us, how much a single short dream can show and tell, and how easy it is to manage your life correctly, make the right decisions and avoid failures, if you only know how to listen ...

Dream interpretation, the meaning of sleep: wedding in a dream

Why is the wedding dreaming? This accepted event is interpreted in its own way in dream books. What will happen in reality to a person who sees herself in a dream in front of the altar? Is it possible that such a dream would turn out to be prophetic?

Many people wonder what the wedding is about. For the fairer sex, such a dream seems to be a harbinger of happy events. Is it really?

Miller's dream book: a wedding in a dream

Miller believes that a person who dreamed of a wedding will in reality quickly find a way out of a difficult situation that has long disturbed him.

  • To a woman who sees herself in front of the altar, fate hints that she needs to change her priorities, otherwise her life will not work out in the best way.
  • A marriage proposal accepted in a dream is a harbinger of fulfilled plans and hopes, as well as an increase in status in the right circles.
  • A dream in which a loved one associates himself with another girl means that all worries and doubts in reality are ridiculous and groundless.
  • If a young lady is sleeping and sees herself already married to her lover, this does not bode well for her.
  • A dreaming someone else's wedding predicts someone's unhappy fate, illness, or a failed trip in reality.

Why dream of a wedding according to Vanga

The all-seeing Vanga prophesies that life is preparing a fateful meeting with his soul mate who saw himself in a dream as a guest at a wedding event. This will happen at a fun meeting of mutual friends and will become one of the main events in the biography. A person who is dreaming of his own wedding will soon face a difficult choice that can change his entire future destiny. Being an honored guest at someone's wedding means that in reality the sleeping person needs immediate help from someone around him, and this support must be provided so that in the future you will not find yourself in a similar situation.

Loff's dream book: a dream about a wedding

Talking about what the wedding is about, Loff starts from the events that happened to the person in reality. Maybe he's really going to tie the knot? Then such a dream is only a projection of the expected events. Perhaps the sleeper is in the process of solving some important life task? In this case, a dream about a wedding can mean discord and confusion in his soul. A sad event will portend an unsuccessful outcome of events in reality, and a joyful one - a happy one. In addition, a wedding in a dream may hint that a person has taken on too heavy a burden, which in reality he is not able to cope with.

A dream about a wedding in Freud's deciphering

Freud gives his own interpretation of what the wedding is about. He believes that such a dream is associated with a sexual relationship between two halves. Moreover, such a dream means that in the bed of the spouses everything is harmonious to envy. If the sleeper has not yet had sexual intercourse, then he is simply afraid to start them in reality.

Dreaming wedding according to Tsvetkov

This interpreter testifies that the wedding is dreaming about a very disturbing reason. To a sleeping person, such a dream can predict a sad fate, even death.

Dream interpretation Hasse: dreamed of a wedding

Hasse deciphers a dream about a wedding as a promise of an early marriage to unmarried people. For spouses, such a dream portends an imminent addition to the family. If the sleeping person sees himself dancing at a wedding, then in reality he is in danger from the opposite sex. A dream in which a person marries himself testifies to his future happy marriage. If the dreaming wedding turned out to be very crowded, then a period of confusion and confusion begins in the fate of the sleeping person.

Why dream of a wedding in a dream

A dream wedding is a symbol of the unity of spirit and body, as well as male and female energy. This is a difficult and ambiguous image, as it symbolizes changes in life. More often than not, these are positive changes, but it can also lead to restrictions and the emergence of new responsibilities. If there are any changes in your life, a dream about a wedding may indicate them.

  • A wedding in a dream promises a new acquaintance.
  • If you see newlyweds in a dream, the dream warns of change.
  • Seeing a wedding departure in a dream - to receive good news.
  • Participation in the field warns of important matters.
  • If you are arranging someone's wedding, in reality there may be obstacles in business.
  • The dream in which you see yourself at the wedding of a loved one portends that in reality you may experience disappointment or fear for the life of your loved one.
  • If in your dream the table at the wedding is empty, be patient - a streak of failures awaits you.

If you dreamed that you were having fun at a wedding, in reality you can expect a party with friends, where you can meet your soul mate. If in a dream you accept wedding greetings, then in reality you will soon receive good news. If someone asks you if you had a wedding, such a dream predicts the imminent appearance of a loved one.

The meaning of a dream from a wedding strongly depends on who it dreamed of - a man, a married woman or a young girl:

  • If a woman dreamed that she was getting married, but at the same time she felt unhappy or indifferent, then this portends disappointment in love, and, probably, you will get sick.
  • If a girl sees in a dream that she is being married to an elderly person, then this dream warns against illness.
  • If a woman dreamed that someone was wearing mourning at her wedding, she would have to be unhappy in marriage.
  • For a single man to see himself as married is a misfortune.
  • If a woman dreamed that her beloved would marry another, then in real life she will have to suffer from empty worries and unfounded fears.
  • If it seems to her that her parents do not approve of her choice, it means that a real engagement will cause condemnation of her relatives.
  • If a girl sees a secret marriage in a dream, it means that she needs to learn how to control her impulses.

But if during a dream you see yourself at someone's wedding, this means that you will successfully find a way out of a difficult situation that was the cause of your troubles.

Dream Interpretation Wedding

If in a dream you attended a Wedding or, moreover, you happened to be a Bride or Groom at a Wedding, Dream Interpretations will give you very contradictory predictions on this score. Old Dream Interpretations traditionally believe that Wedding is not a very favorable way of sleeping. A wedding in a dream portends you sorrow, Adversity, Death or divorce. However, Modern Dream Interpretations have a completely opposite opinion on this matter, believing that your own or someone else's wedding in a dream is a very positive sign, indicating that in reality you are facing major and most likely the most positive life changes.

I dreamed of a wedding or wedding, I dreamed of my own wedding (for single)- to get married soon; thoughts of marriage.

One way or another, the dream provoked your own feelings and thoughts about marriage. You can make the final forecast based on the analysis of what you saw. If Your Own Wedding has pleased you, It means that in reality you are already ready to get married. And vice versa, If the Wedding, even in a dream, was a frightening step for you or simply unacceptable, it means that it is too early for you to start a family in reality.

Seeing your wedding in a dream, Walking at your wedding in a dream (for family people)- happiness, well-being; otherwise - the death of someone from the family, Own illness or death.

In the traditional interpretation, dreams such as "my wedding" have long been considered a prophecy of all kinds of troubles, troubles and problems. However, in the modern interpretation, such dreams are considered very positive, portending you a transition to a new, very favorable life stage.

Being a bride at a wedding, Seeing yourself as a bride in a dream (for young unmarried girls)- the wedding is not destined to take place; otherwise - to an early marriage.

In old interpretations, a girl who saw her wedding received a forecast that her wedding was unlikely to take place anytime soon. In modern interpretations, dreams of this kind are pleasant to decipher from a different position. Probably, the question of marriage is very relevant for you now, you are striving for it in every possible way. These emotions provoked such a dream. For girls Who do not think about marriage at all, the Dream carries a forecast that very soon a serious and long-term relationship will really appear in your life.

Seeing yourself in a wedding dress, Wearing a wedding dress (for married women)- pleasant changes in life and business; otherwise, dissatisfaction.

Having become a Bride in a dream, you can expect that some joyful changes will take place in your life. However, such a dream may indicate that your current relationship with your spouse has lost the brightness of emotions and freshness of feelings. You want to feel desired and loved again, Like a Bride.

To be a groom at a wedding (for unmarried people) - to marriage; to a serious illness.

Seeing yourself as the Bridegroom in a dream, you subconsciously tried on this image. And whether you were comfortable in this status in a dream, Or you felt extremely uncomfortable and uncomfortable, You can judge whether you are ready for a waking marriage.

Be the groom at your wedding, Prepare for your wedding (for married people)- troubles; the most favorable changes in life and business.

A wedding is both a very joyful and troublesome event. By deciding to get married, you take on new obligations and a huge burden of responsibility. Probably, in reality you will have to voluntarily take on some responsibility (obligations), which provoked such a dream.

I dreamed of my own wedding without a groom or without a bride- unsuccessful life changes.

I dreamed of a wedding without rings or without a veil- troubles; do not dare to make a commitment.

I dreamed of a wedding that did not take place, I dreamed of a runaway bride- failed marriage; otherwise - your plans, Changes are not destined to come true.

Dreamed of an abandoned bride, a bride without a groom- it will not be possible to get married; otherwise - the collapse of plans and hopes; strong concern about the upcoming wedding.

These kinds of dreams can appear for one of three reasons. First, a wedding in a dream symbolizes some major life changes or obligations that you have to take on. A failed wedding is a sign that what you have planned is not destined to come true in reality. Second, dreams of a failed wedding can be dictated by dreams of a wedding and delays in the realization of this dream. Third - it is not uncommon when such dreams come on the eve of a really appointed wedding. In this case, the dream does not carry any important prognosis, but is a consequence of daytime experiences about such an exciting and responsible event.

Dreamed of someone else's wedding, girlfriend's wedding- to a fun event; otherwise, envy.

Perhaps, you really will soon have to attend some noisy and fun event (and, not necessarily a Wedding). Or the dream was provoked by subconscious envy of a friend who is going to marry before you.

Dreamed of a dead bride, Seeing the corpse of a bride in a dream- Unfortunately.

A very disturbing dream, which portends the most negative and dramatic events.

Dreamed of two weddings, Two brides in a dream, Many brides- major changes in life; many joyful and pleasant events.

The Wedding Seen in a Dream Symbolizes life changes. Two Weddings- this is a sign that your entire habitual way of life should change dramatically, you have something large and ambitious ahead.

Dreamed of a beautiful, young girl in a wedding dress- Fortunately.

Dreamed of an elderly bride in a white dress- disappointment, deception.

See the Wedding from the side- good sign. However, Only if it was a beautiful, Merry Wedding. If the Wedding in a dream was grotesque (strange) in nature, the Dream promises very unpleasant events in reality. Major deception or disappointment is possible.

Dreamed of a bridal bouquet, Catching a bridal bouquet in a dream- to an early marriage; otherwise, envy of the happiness of others.

He will take a dream from the area, He promises an early marriage. However, the Dream could appear in you in response to a feeling of envy for the happiness of others (for example, If a close friend is getting married, and you are still not married).

Be a guest at a wedding, Be a witness or witness at a wedding- to a fun pastime; otherwise, pleasant changes in personal life.

In all respects, a very auspicious dream, But only if the wedding seen and all the characters who participated in it were cheerful, beautiful and healthy.

Dreamed of the date of the alleged wedding- sign of fate.

Very often, the Numbers Heard or seen in a dream are Really significant dates. It is necessary to remember exactly the Wedding Date Received in a dream. Probably, this day in your life will have some very important event (not necessarily a Wedding).

Seeing a daughter in a wedding dress in a dream- to the imminent marriage of the daughter; otherwise - to a serious illness of the daughter.

In the traditional interpretation, such dreams foreshadowed illness for a girl who married in a dream. Probably, your daughter is really about to undergo major life changes. And it was you who caught this signal, since you are a very close and dear person for your daughter. However, the Dream about the marriage of your daughter could appear in your mind as a response to the emotions You are experiencing in reality. For example, Daughters will have to leave home for a long time, Change their place of residence, Go to study, and so on. The upcoming event in reality is perceived by you as a painful and long break with your beloved child, which provoked such a dream.

Married woman wedding

Dream interpretation for a married woman wedding dreamed of why a married woman dreams of a wedding? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a wedding in a dream for a married woman by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - An uninvited guest attacks and (or) rapes a married woman

The need to conquer a new level in relationships with men. To be ready for this, you have to be independent.

Dream interpretation - to get married to a married woman


Dream interpretation - Wedding

A wedding is a funeral. To marry is to die. Dreaming of a wedding and a gulbische - there will be a dead man in the family. To be at a wedding is a great grief, to marry your husband is death. To take part in the wedding: for the unmarried - they will soon marry; for married people - children; dance at a wedding - beware of persons of the opposite kind; seeing your own wedding is family happiness; to be at a wedding among men or women is a confusion in life. Seeing a wedding train - you will kindle someone's female heart with love or seduce a man; a treat at a wedding - meeting with friends.

Dream interpretation - Wedding

To hear a conversation about a wedding in a dream or take part in it - to sadness and chagrin. Being in a dream at a wedding or a church wedding is a sign of an illness of sadness and disappointment. A secret wedding in a dream means that you should behave more carefully so as not to damage your reputation. For those getting married, such a dream predicts a quick death. If in a dream you witness a quarrel at a wedding, then soon you will learn about the death of a loved one. If in a dream you are married to your husband (wife), then the dream predicts death for you. To see guests at a wedding in a dream is a sign of great family happiness. But if in your dream they are dressed in black, then sadness or a message about the death of a relative awaits you. If this happens in a dream at your own wedding, then the dream predicts you an unhappy family life. If at the wedding the table is empty, then you will have a collapse of hopes and a streak of bad luck. Wedding greetings in a dream portend the receipt of news of good luck in business. If you dream that someone asks in a dream, is it true that you got married (got married), then expect big changes in your life. Often such a dream predicts that you will have a new lover (beloved). To be at a friend's wedding in a dream is a harbinger of the imminent news of his death. Talking to someone at a wedding or eating at it means illness or trouble.

Dream interpretation - Wedding

There are many folk expressions dedicated to this wonderful event in a person's life: "Snow and rain on the wedding train - live richly", "Red wedding day - live red, but poor", "Snowstorm on the wedding train - the whole snowstorm will blow out", "Under throw away the money at the wedding ceremony - the young will be rich "," They cherish the wedding candle, and light it to help with the first childbirth "," There is no wedding without divas "(without miracles)," When young people meet at the gate, fire is laid out (from damage) " ... The wedding could have arisen in your dream, because in real life some changes have happened to you. Being a groom or a bride in a dream at a wedding is a sign that soon you will make a very important decision that will affect your entire future life. Perhaps it will help change your life for the better. If you are attending a wedding as a guest, then such a dream means that the changes that are taking place will not affect your life in any way. You will strive to be in the thick of things, but your attempt will be in vain. If in a dream you saw yourself at a wedding as a witness to one of the young, then you are expecting quick changes in your personal life, and these changes will be for the better. If you dreamed that you are a toastmaster who is holding a wedding, then in reality you need to wait for now with entertainment and finish your difficult work, otherwise you will not be able to achieve your goals for a long time. Seeing a wedding procession in a dream is a prophecy that no changes in your life are expected in the near future. Interfering with the passage of the wedding in a dream is a bad sign. Such a dream means that someone around you is hostile to you and wishes you harm.

Dream interpretation - Wedding

Seeing yourself at the wedding, know that you will soon find a way out of unpleasant circumstances. The young woman who dreamed of a secret wedding, most likely, does not have a very good disposition. If a girl accepted the offer in a dream, then in reality she will deserve universal respect. In addition, all the promises made to her lovers will come true. If in a dream she thinks that her parents will not approve of her marriage, then in real life they will react badly to the engagement. A dream in which a loved one marries another portends you unreasonable suffering and empty fears. If a bachelor dreams that he is married, this is a sad omen. A young woman who sees someone in mourning at her wedding will not have a very good family life. The Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about the wedding as follows. Seeing a wedding in a dream is good news, which, although not directly related to you, will still affect you too. If you dreamed of your own wedding, it means that soon you will be presented with a surprise, and you will need to treat it with maximum understanding and guess what it means. Walked in a dream at a wedding - a fun party awaits you with your old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become the meaning of your whole life for you. Were in a dream at your wedding - soon you will need to make a difficult decision. Most likely, your future life will depend on this decision. If you dreamed that you were attending a wedding as an honored guest, then in real life, someone close to you will really need your help. Do not refuse this person, because very soon you will need his services too.

Dream interpretation - Wedding

Being at a wedding means experiencing troubles, sadness, perhaps the loss of a friend or illness. Being a groom at a wedding is in danger. If the marriage has taken place, this is a very bad omen. For a sick person, a dream about a wedding predicts death. For a woman, dreams of a wedding do not have such a dark meaning. But they still mean anxiety and sadness, especially if you dream of a secret wedding or a wedding without parental consent. If in a dream at a wedding someone is in mourning, in reality the marriage of a person who has such a dream will be unsuccessful. Sometimes a dream about a wedding for a man is a prediction of the appearance in his life of a woman who is spiritually close to him, and for a woman - the appearance of a man for whom she will experience passionate love.

Dream interpretation - Wedding

Being at someone's wedding - you will successfully find a way out of the situation that caused your anxiety; for a woman - to see a secret wedding - you should learn to restrain your desires and impulses; for a girl - to agree to get married - you will greatly grow in the eyes of people who have an influence on your destiny, and you will justify their trust; for a girl - your parents do not approve of your choice - a real engagement will cause condemnation of relatives; for a girl - your lover marries another - you will suffer from empty worries and groundless fears; for a single person, being married is a misfortune; for a girl - someone is dressed in mourning at your wedding - you will be unhappy in marriage; this happens at someone else's wedding - an unenviable life awaits your friend or relative. Also see Parents, Mourning.

Dream interpretation - Wedding

Walking in a dream at a wedding is a fun party with your old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become the meaning of your whole life for you. Being in a dream at your wedding is evidence that soon you will need to make a difficult decision. Most likely, your whole future life will depend on this decision. If you dreamed that you were attending a wedding as an honored guest, then in real life, someone close to you will really need your help. Do not refuse this person, because very soon you will also need his services.

Dream interpretation - Wedding

To take part - for unmarried - an early marriage; for married - children; dance at a wedding - beware of the other sex; own wedding - happiness in marriage; to be at a wedding in the company of men or women - your affairs will get confused

Trying to determine why someone else's wedding is dreaming, you need to remember not only as many details of the plot as possible, but also the emotions that the sleeping person himself experienced in a dream. Such dreams are interpreted in different ways. They can be both positive and negative harbingers.

In Miller's dream book, someone else's wedding is seen as a positive sign from a dream. Especially if a woman or a man is present as a dear guest. You can be sure that after such a dream in real life, the sleeper's business will grow and develop. Don't worry about your own future.

In Aesop's dream book, it is described that attending the wedding of strangers symbolizes the dreamer's predicament in reality. The person is tired of the pile of troubles and cannot imagine how to cope with them alone. But help will arrive soon. Someone from the outside will help the sleeping person quickly deal with problems and, finally, breathe freely.

The Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga interprets the plot under discussion as follows: if a person attended someone else's wedding and sees many familiar faces at it, then soon his loved ones will need help. Its provision should be taken seriously. Indeed, in the near future, the dreamer will have to seek reciprocal support.

Preparing for someone else's wedding

Did you have to participate in preparing for someone else's celebration? This is a clear sign that in real life a person, out of the kindness of his soul, constantly takes on someone else's responsibility and solves the problems of even completely unfamiliar people. Most likely, another reason for this behavior of the sleeper is his inability to say "no". You need to make an effort to master this science. If you cannot do this on your own, you can use special psychological trainings.

If the dreamer prepares outfits for someone else's wedding (dress, suit) or even helps to try on festive images for future spouses, it means that in reality a passionate bright intimate contact awaits him. Both partners will be satisfied with what has happened. Just do not expect that a fleeting affair will result in something serious.

To be a guest in a dream

If in a dream the sleeping person turns out to be a guest at someone else's wedding, then such a celebration symbolizes certain obligations for him. First of all, you need to remember how fun and joyful the holiday turned out to be.

If the celebration takes place exclusively in a positive way, then this is a sign that the person is on the right track. You can not be afraid of the obligations that he is offered to assume. But a sad boring event suggests that it is better to categorically refuse such offers. A woman or a man will not pull them either spiritually or physically.

Being a guest at your friend's wedding and at the same time putting on a mourning suit is a very bad sign. He promises a close friend or relative of the sleeping person an unsuccessful unhappy marriage. If someone around in the near future is planning a wedding celebration with his soul mate, then it is worth advising him to think a few more times and carefully weigh his decision so as not to make a fatal mistake.

To dream of someone else's wedding without a groom

A very unusual sign is a dream with a marriage without a groom. If a girl who soon plans to get married herself sees such a dream, then it is likely that it simply symbolizes her inner fears and experiences. Many women suffer from prenuptial syndrome. Everyone is worried that the holiday may fail, something will go wrong, or the beloved man will suddenly change his mind about associating himself with his soul mate for life. If such fears are really present, then the plot seen does not require any special interpretation.

If a woman in a dream is very worried that someone else's wedding is taking place without a groom, this means that the sleeping woman herself has some problems in love relationships. The fair sex understands that she puts too much pressure on her soul mate, restricts the freedom of a man out of jealousy and commits other common female mistakes. Surely it seems to her that she will lose her beloved if she looses control. The plot he saw suggests that it is necessary to stop the pressure. Otherwise, a man can really run away from an uncomfortable relationship for him.

What is the dream of an unmarried girl, a woman?

A woman who has never been married herself also often dreams of someone else's wedding.

There are several interpretations of this type of dream:

  1. For a very young lady, such a plot promises the fulfillment of her cherished desire in the near future. Since the celebration is someone else's, it will be realized with the help of strangers. Perhaps even complete strangers.
  2. For a woman who has already been married and divorced, the dream in question is a harbinger of an early acquaintance with an interesting man. A whirlwind romance will begin, which will continue for quite some time. True, he will not grow into a new marriage. But the dreamer should not worry about this, it is better to just enjoy her new relationship, which will bring her many positive emotions.
  3. It happens that an unmarried woman sees herself as a guest at the wedding of her lover with another woman. In this case, you can perceive him as a harbinger of conflicts, quarrels and other troubles in a love relationship. Most likely, it will be the man who is to blame for them. In order not to lose a loved one, you need to try to resolve the conflict on your own and offer a competent compromise.

If a girl herself dreams of a beautiful solemn wedding, then other people's holidays may dream of her without much meaning. It's just an extension of daytime dreams. Under such conditions, there is no need to be puzzled by a detailed interpretation and to look for a special meaning in the plot.

A very noisy, cheerful wedding of a colleague or boss portends a rise in the career ladder for a man. Finally, he will be able to take the place at work that he has long dreamed of. A similar plot sometimes promises the fulfillment of a desire that has already been forgotten. Perhaps the man decided that he would not be able to achieve his goal and tried to stop thinking about her. And suddenly what he wants instantly materializes for him.

If a man acts as a toastmaster at someone else's holiday, such a plot warns him against excessive entertainment in real life. It must be remembered that the first thing you should always do the work and only then plunge headlong into boundless fun. The dreamer's habit of doing the opposite often leads him to problems with his superiors and does not allow him to actively move up the career ladder.

Mourning at someone else's wedding is a negative sign. For the near future, a man should give up long trips and any flights.

A wedding is always associated with fun, positive emotions, love, etc. And what does it mean if during a dream you dreamed that you were at someone else's wedding celebration? We suggest looking for the interpretation of such a dream in several popular dream books of our time.

Dream interpretation of Gustav Miller: why other people's weddings are dreaming

According to the interpretation of this dream book, if a girl dreams that her lover is marrying another, then such a dream promises her groundless fears and vain experiences. If a representative of the fair sex sees herself in mourning at someone else's wedding celebration, then she will have to worry about the unenviable fate of one of her close friends or relatives.

someone is getting married in a dream

Answering the question: "Why are other people's weddings dreaming?" In general, the presence of other people at such a holiday is regarded by Freud's dream book as an exceptionally good sign.

Dream interpretation of Vanga: why are other people's weddings dreaming

If in a dream you saw yourself having fun at the wedding of other people, then in real life you will attend a great party in society.There you will have the opportunity to meet a person with whom you will most likely have a love relationship. A dream in which you see yourself as an honored guest at someone's wedding means that in the near future some of your close friends may need your help. Be sure to find the time and the opportunity to do it in reality, because it is possible that you may also need something from him.

If you marry in a dream: Intimate dream book

A stranger to you in a dream, is considered by this source as a harbinger of a frank conversation with your current partner about intimate relationships that took place in your life in the past. This conversation can be very stressful and unpleasant, so try to think ahead of what you will say and how.

Dreamed of someone else's marriage (marriage): Russian dream book

Seeing someone else's wedding in a dream - to some serious changes in your life, which will not keep you waiting long. If you are attending the celebration as a guest, then the changes in your destiny will be extremely positive.

Vintage English Aliens Wedding

If you dreamed that you came as a guest to someone else's wedding celebration, then in the near future you will have a very pleasant and long-awaited meeting. Also, such a dream can be a harbinger of success in business or promotion.

Esoteric dream book: someone else's wedding in a dream

The compilers of this dream book argue that if in a dream you are watching someone's wedding from the outside, without taking direct part in the celebration, then in the near future some unpleasant events are likely in your city or state that will not directly affect you, but will deliver many unpleasant moments, experiences, worries and worries.

Why is someone else's wedding dreaming of an unmarried girl? This contradictory image can be interpreted both positively and negatively. The dream book recommends taking into account the most outstanding features in a dream.

What are you afraid of and what are your dreams?

It is worth remembering that most often someone else's wedding reflects real fears and concerns. You are trite to be afraid of being alone, but passionately dream of family life, looking at more successful friends.

But the dream book is sure: to see someone's marriage is much better than your own, because most often it hints at very sad circumstances.

Everything will change soon!

At the same time, the presence at someone else's wedding promises major, but strictly kind changes, in particular in his personal life.

If you have visited a celebration in a dream, your dreams will come true soon. And you can see the wedding in the church even of strangers shortly before meeting, which may end in marriage.

Have fun and wait!

Why is someone else's wedding dreaming of an unmarried girl yet? In a similar way, the fear of adulthood and, in particular, intimate life is reflected.

If the celebration was especially cheerful and magnificent, then the dream book predicts: you will go to a friendly party, where you will meet your destiny.

Dreamed that you were present at the wedding of strangers as a witness? Certain events will bypass you, but you will have to worry.

There is no reason for jealousy!

What does it mean if your own boyfriend marries an unfamiliar girl? In reality, attacks of jealousy and suspicion will overcome, but they have no basis.

In a dream, you found yourself at a wedding party of a friend who beat off your groom? The dream book advises you to be careful: you are surrounded by insincere people who can do real meanness.

Expect good luck at work!

Were a witness at the wedding of friends? Trying to be in the thick of things will lead to deep disappointment.

Someone else's wedding to an unmarried girl also promises excellent prospects in the business field, but everything in her personal life will remain unchanged.

Have you met a wedding convoy by chance on the road? In love, a streak of bad luck will begin. Did you manage to join the walking crowd in a dream? In the real world, suddenly get what you want.

Postpone your trip!

Why dream that at the wedding of a familiar person, the guests were dressed in mourning clothes? The dream interpretation believes that there will be a reason for worrying about a loved one.

After such a dream, you should not go on a trip or a planned trip. You will be deeply upset over an unexpected surprise.

What did you do at the wedding?

Would you like to get an even more accurate transcript? Remember what you did in a dream at someone else's holiday.

  • Congratulations to the newlyweds - meeting with friends.
  • Dancing - danger from the opposite sex.
  • Having fun - close happiness.
  • Sad - trouble in the future.
  • We sat at the table - good luck in all areas except love.
  • Got drunk - disappointment, sadness, inadequate assessment.

It's time for a change!

Why dream about how terribly they envied the bride? The dream interpretation suspects that in reality you will very soon experience a similar feeling. This is also a signal that you need to stop comparing yourself to others.

What is the dream of someone else's wedding in a dream according to a dream book?

A married woman dreams of someone else's wedding ▼

Seeing someone else's wedding in a dream for a married woman means a grandiose family celebration. with relatives and close people will give a positive mood.

A man dreamed of someone else's wedding ▼

Why is someone else's wedding dreaming for? Expect to meet someone you haven't seen for a long time. It can be an old acquaintance or a good one. Communication will be joyful.

What are you doing at someone else's wedding in a dream?

Attend someone else's wedding in a dream ▼

Attending someone else's wedding, according to the dream book, is a warning of possible troubles in loved ones. Be involved and show your dear people in difficult times.

Dance at someone else's wedding in a dream ▼

She dreams that at someone else's wedding - a person of the opposite sex has bad intentions towards you. You should be careful not to lose your vigilance, not to allow close communication with strangers.

How do you watch someone else's wedding in a dream?

See someone else's wedding from the side according to the dream book ▼

A dream about someone else's wedding, seen from the outside, portends good news related to you indirectly. Be happy for others, especially if the case concerns your loved ones or relatives.

Did you dream of someone else's wedding nearby?

Video: Why is someone else's wedding dreaming

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Had a dream about someone else's Wedding, but there is no necessary interpretation of the dream in the dream book?

Our experts will help you find out what someone else's Wedding is about in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

    I dreamed about the wedding of my acquaintances, who exactly was - I don't know. This wedding was also attended by my boyfriend. There were not many people, and we were all getting ready to meet the bride. She had to go down the stairs. Please help me find out what this means, because the other day I quarreled with my boyfriend.

    Hello, in a dream my ex-boyfriend had a wedding, as a guest with a bouquet of flowers, I watched the celebration in the doorway. But the groom did not have a bride, which surprised me, and with my eyes I tried to distinguish her among the crowd of people, but my attempts were in vain. He was there alone at the festive table and was very happy. And some woman stood in the corner, said something and would not let me in there to congratulate. Called clearly the name and surname of the groom.

    I dreamed that my wife and I on a trip got to someone's wedding, our acquaintances were not there, and it turned out that my wife was asked to be a witness at this wedding. Everyone went to the restaurant to celebrate, but they didn’t let me in. I tried to get inside, but could not. The end.
    And on the same night, my wife dreamed of her sister’s deceased husband with whom in a dream they swore very much.
    What would it all be for?

    I had a dream that my girlfriend is marrying her beloved man, but he does not like my life situations in life and her mother comes in and says well, hello, zetek, that's all I don't remember any further

    I dreamed about a gypsy wedding. There I collected change. And instead of candy candy wrappers. The bride is without a wedding dress, but at first she was wearing a veil. We talked, she showed me an adult daughter. She invited me to celebrate with them. Everything.

    Good afternoon! I dreamed that I was a witness at a wedding I don’t remember, but my suit looked very much like a wedding dress, it was a fluffy skirt and a white blouse, the wedding took place in the city where I was born

    I am married with two children. But there is one person who lives in my heart. I dreamed about his wedding, as if I was passing by, I decided to come in to congratulate. There were a lot of guests at the wedding, smart children, flowers. I see his blonde bride. There is no feeling of envy or anger, just mild sadness. I don’t see him and he doesn’t see me. At the end of the dream, his guests ask him to sing a song. He goes and sings. He sees me, comes up, is very glad to see me, and asks how I got here (we live in different cities). I say that I came to congratulate. Hugs, I whisper to him to be happy that the bride is very good. And he hugged me and does not let go. I say, Dima, probably enough, the guests are all watching. And that was the end of the dream.

    I dreamed of 2 weddings with newlyweds unfamiliar to me, more precisely, their faces were not visible, even more precisely I communicated only with the bride. There were a couple of friends among the guests, and on both I was responsible for gifts, and on both brides I was asked to make a landscape of gifts for some reason with a waterfall. after showing the bride the picture, the dream ended, after the first, immediately the second wedding, and after the second he woke up.

    Hello! I worked as a waiter at a wedding. Going to work, I forgot the shoes I needed at home. I had to put on some shoes first, they were torn on my toes. Then others, the backdrop was torn off. I saw young people. The table was poor at first, then it became fill up with full plates.

    I dreamed that I got a job in a rich house and there was also a daughter there, she washed dishes and the owners had a wedding of children, and for some reason everyone was in black and white clothes, it was strange to me, but I talked with the hostess and was glad that I got here that I can improve my financial situation

    Hello, I had a dream that someone unfamiliar to me had a wedding, I don't know how I ended up there, but I ended up there just to go somewhere, since the wedding was in an unusual place, something reminiscent of a church or another crowded place, when I just appeared there the newlyweds were a little indignant, but then I picked up the microphone and began to congratulate them, they burst into tears from my congratulations.
    Please tell me

    walking in the park, ... then I leave the forest, a summer cottage village, passing by one house, on the left I see a wedding (but I don't see the bride and groom), the wedding host sits at the table (not at the festive, but at her worker), and announces the guest of honor At this time, I pass by and then I have a conversation with my former colleague about the fact that I have to go home, but I have no shoes, and I show holding rolled sports shoes in my hands, and she answers me that she has no shoes no, but he'll go and look at the socks ... then I look to the right and see buses with numbers indicating the route ... 5..0..4 ... then I unfold the sports ones, they are not covered in mud, but I see stains ... all the guests are around weddings ... I step aside to put them on and Klava (the employee) stands in front of me and tries to cover me with panties .. I don't like it, I try to remove them ... then I find myself in the bed of my acquaintances (all in clothes), first I lay in the bed near the wall, and then in the middle ... and I could not understand why I was in this place and sleep with no mi!

    Hello. I dreamed of a wedding to which I was invited with my friend. Preparations were under way to dress the bride, who was my friend's daughter. Gradually, guests arrived with gifts, relatives from the bride's side. Food and ready-made meals and drinks were placed everywhere. Everything happened in the village, which I, as it were, knew for a long time, was there, and now it was upset, renewed: beautiful tiles on the sidewalks, clean houses, everywhere revitalization, cleanliness and a feeling of warm, pleasant weather.

    I describe the dream of my mother, she is sick with cancer of the 4th stage, incurable, we are doing everything to cure and she has a dream about the wedding. The wedding was someone else's, but in our house, which we have not completed and cannot because of illness. She dreamed that we sold the house there was a wedding of strangers and she went out into the street and says what will happen? What now? how to live? Something like that! I am 14 years old want to know this to the good news, maybe hearsay? dreamed about 3 weeks ago)))

    Tonight I dreamed about the wedding of my second cousin and her (already 2 years old) husband, it was something like a wedding, but I knew in advance that I would be bored there and went to the park. Everything would be fine, but my mother dreamed of a wedding tonight, and from their side

    I dreamed of a double wedding, they played it in some village, but I singled out only one pair of bride and groom, saw their outfits and they danced in some meadow, only faces I don't remember them, I was a guest at their wedding, only my husband was next to me for some reason I didn’t see it, but we were waiting for the second pair when they arrived only they drove by in a white smart car. Why is this dream and why do married women dream

    I dreamed about the wedding of strangers. It was as if I was standing not far from the newlyweds. And I dreamed of another couple of strangers in non-ceremonial outfits, who came to this wedding, supposedly to mess it up (wedding).

    I came to someone else's wedding, there were not many people sitting at the table, I did not see the bride and groom, and I came to the wedding with an unfamiliar guy and then this guy left and I was left, why is this dreaming

    Hello! I dreamed that I saw an unfamiliar girl in a wedding dress, she was sitting in an armchair and a familiar guy who just stood near the armchair and looked at me, and the girl, too, who I like! What is it for?

    I remember the moment when the bridesmaids stood and I was among them. They were all in dresses of a cold shade of purple, and for some reason I was in white, like the bride (this is my former classmate, wait, we don’t communicate with her, in principle, like before, but we have one good friend in common). Everyone stood, chatted, after which the celebration began, and I (as I later understood judging by my upset look and feelings), for some unprecedented reason, did not get to the celebration, although I was either a witness, or was responsible for something.
    As a result, I just stood in confusion in the middle of the street and was very sorry that I had let the young ones down. Although not on purpose

    I dreamed that a little acquaintance girl was going to my house and preparing for the wedding. Boseong is visiting her fiancé and her loved ones. The table is set at home and all my relatives and friends are happy and walk with them. I sit with them too, but I don't like it all. I don’t understand why they are all so happy for the unknown girl whom I saw in reality. And I don't like that all this is at my place and my mother is having fun too ... and my friends in dresses of the same color with her friends ...
    I myself am actually married.

    I was a sponsor and organizer of someone else's wedding. I chose a dress for the bride. The salon offered me old dresses with yellow spots. I asked for new and white ones. The bride was dressed in a strange dress that looked like a curtain. I offered her another option, but she did not agree. and fled. There were few people at the wedding itself, but everyone was familiar to me.

    On the night from Thursday to Friday, I dreamed of the wedding of strangers, at the same time the funeral of the groom's father was taking place, where I was present with my mother. These people are strangers to me and not familiar. Then it turned out that I made friends with the groom and his witness. I remember that at the end of my dream I cried, how sincerely I cannot say. Thanks.

    in a dream at someone else's wedding as a guest, I don't know anyone, but in a dream it feels like we know each other and I got there by invitation. for some reason, the wedding staff greeted us with ridicule and made fun of the bride's outfit

    I dreamed of how they called me and said that my classmate was getting married, which I like and he somehow shows signs of attention, constantly touches me at school. looking for a dress in tears and I woke up

    I dreamed that I was with familiar people (acquaintances in a dream). I was in some kind of incomprehensible building ... Then we all went out into the street and met the wedding procession. Many cars arrived and the cortege consisted only of red cars. Bright red cars, very beautiful. Then the unfamiliar Bride and Groom came out. And they entered this incomprehensible building, then another cortege of exactly the same red cars arrived, but the newlyweds were different. And I woke up

    I was standing with a friend and I was invited to the wedding and I took me to the street at the table and I turned around. I came back to the table and everything went badly and I wondered at two graves even longer and I think I’d come to the funeral and to the wedding

    It was summer outside, I was at a wedding, then I went somewhere, and on the way there was another wedding, they came with a mortgage, I went with them, we came under the bridge and the guys began to settle down near the shore, put a boat with a table on some stone in the water and another end on the shore and put a 2-liter box of juice on the table and I reached for it while standing in the middle of the boat with one foot on the shore and the other on a stone then I saw that it was not a stone but a big turtle and I was already flocking on the board and in place of the table chair and she slowly crawled around the legs and turned out to be a small crocodile about a meter, and he rushed at me, I caught him by the mouth from the inside so that he would not bite Then I tried to twist Obi's mouth and threw it aside and jumped away from him and stood there some guy and I know him in a dream, and the crocodile crawled to him and wanted to bite his leg and I woke up.

    Good afternoon! I dreamed about the wedding of my brother, one of the young people I like. I can't decide in my life with which of the two guys to connect my life, but I dream of a wedding with this guy very often.

    I was dressed like a bride. At the wedding, I was with a guy, but then I left him home, on the way I got into many more weddings, one of the weightless people hugged me and congratulated me. Then I turned around and a handsome guy came up to me, who sang a song to me and stroked my hair….

    Hello. I dreamed about the wedding of an ex-girlfriend. I happened to be passing by and saw that she seemed to be getting married, the bride in white, seemingly without a photo. I came closer to make sure that my friend was a bride or it seemed, and it turned out that there were a lot of brides, I looked at them, it seemed like she was not among them, and then one was standing with her back to me, and I’m sure it’s her, but I either woke up or didn't go up to her. So I'm not sure exactly whether it was or not. What can dream about. I woke up without a heavy sleep sensation.

    celebrated someone else's wedding, went to take pictures, hung ribbons, drove over a large bridge over the river, then returned home letting fireworks, the mood was incomprehensible to roofing felts or sad

    The plump bride in a pink dress embroidered with gold, knee-length. A rich room, a lot of unfamiliar people, but as if I know them. There is a lot of red and gold, a lot of laughter. There was no swearing at all, not even raising the voice .. Only laughter, fun.

    I watched from the sidelines at someone else's wedding, they called me to join the festivities, but I refused, because I did not know either the groom or the bride. The wedding was merry, all the guests were dancing. Celebrated the wedding on the terrace. Outdoors, in summer.

    I left the entrance and saw that two weddings were being celebrated nearby, people were walking, dancing. There are trucks instead of limousines. People are dressed in gray, black clothes, the bride is in a white dress. But I did not come close, but only watched from the side.

    I dreamed of someone else's wedding, a couple who got married, I know, the groom was slovenly dressed in a dream, there is a jacket, pants, but no shirt, the bride is neat and cute, but in real life she dislikes me. I saw this picture and woke up abruptly

    Good afternoon! I dreamed that I was going to the wedding of my deceased sister, but I did not see her. And the wedding itself seemed to take place in the hospital. It takes some time I’m already in the toilet of this hospital, but I still did not do my business, some then 2 little girls and their mother (who has no children in her real life). I went out and went to the table, I saw my husband with some guy sitting talking and laughing (in real life, my husband and I are not on good terms), but In a dream, I seem to understand this, but he pretends that everything is fine and jokes with me and smiles, but I'm not, I'm just offended by him. I turned around and went home for the phone. And then my husband woke me up.

    A friend's daughter is getting married. Really 25.08.2019. And then I see her daughter comes out and she has a bald half-head and a tattoo on a half-face like a singer. I forgot her name, and she and the guests and mother sabirat to go to the groom

    I dreamed that I was preparing everything for the wedding of my younger sister (she is now 15), building a large, incomprehensible hall, decorating it, then I had to go for millet, and I had to go a very strange way, where I passed there were small aquariums with animals , I climbed into one aquarium and there was a beaver, he was talking to me (I don't remember what), then when I got out of the aquarium, I saw that all the others had crocodiles, I quickly ran away from there. Arriving home, I saw my sister in ordinary home clothes, I asked her - did you look at everything? - she said yes - then her parents came and went into the room where we were, they sat on the sofa, and at that time we began to look for glasses and champagne, and suddenly my sister starts yelling at me - why did you put millet here? ! - I come up and see millet, take it and go back, take my and my sister's glasses, and I don't know why I'm trying to pierce with a pin with such a white head, and when I pierce I give it to her with the words - our bride - and try to pierce my glass, and mine doesn’t pierce, I say, “don’t care,” and when they poured champagne for us, I looked at my sister and she drank from a glass with a pin, and I didn’t

    I dreamed that I saw a heart-shaped balloon through the window, above it, a halo, and inside the balloon, the bride and groom, they are happy! I watched them for a long time! It was a very pleasant dream.

    It was the wedding of a classmate, at the wedding there were a lot of my acquaintances, most of whom are classmates, in my opinion, she doesn't even know. There was a lot of fuss, everyone was running. The bride was not even wearing a dress. Everything went as if in a store of some kind. I didn't understand what was happening. Some kind of spice was thrown into my hair. I went to look for where I can remove all this. I found a room where there were many guests, they were sitting, listening to music. There was also a box of candles for the ritual at the end of the wedding. But the candles were in glass jars, I also said that I had never seen anything like this, and that they are usually like disposable small candles. I told about it, and the bride told me that they were told that they needed such. I also said that maybe they were told by old traditions. And there were a maximum of 10 of these candles, and there were many more guests. Because all the guests were brought through the back entrance, and there was a feeling that the newlyweds did not even know them. There was also a large window in this room, and behind it was like a track. I saw her and woke up.