Coloring the ends of the hair in a different color. Coloring the ends of the hair

Tip coloring hair has several techniques.

This is giving the hair the effect of natural burnout by dyeing it in lighter shades. With greater popularity, painting began to be used not only with light shades, but also with colored ones.

What techniques are used in each individual case, we will analyze below.

How to dye the ends of your hair at home: the main principles

There are three techniques that at first glance seem exactly the same. But this is only at first glance.

  • ombre- translated from French is interpreted as a shadow. The essence of the technique is to darken the strands with paint to a tone or slightly darker than the existing ones. At the same time, the hair is completely enveloped in paint.
  • Balayazh- translates as sweeping. The technique consists in applying a color that imitates burnout. At the same time, the master works with a brush like a broom. The paint is applied only to the surface layer of curls.
  • Shatush- the technique is to stretch the color, which is more suitable for the existing one. The strands are taken in a chaotic manner, the master makes a small indent from the roots and stretches the paint along the entire length of the hair.

Principles of painting by each of the methods:

  • At home, the method is most easily performed balayage . It does not require special skills. The strands are taken alternately, the paint is applied only to the top layer. For a more natural effect of burnt curls, you can collect the tail and apply a tone on top.
  • Color Stretch Method - shatush harder to do on your own. For the best effect, a second pair of hands is sometimes required. To do this, a tone is taken and applied to the strand by stretching. On the top, the layer of paint should be minimal. The closer to the ends, the more carefully the hairs are wrapped around.
  • Technique ombre the most difficult, and if there are no special skills in painting, then it is better to consult a specialist. The method requires the application of several shades for the upper and lower parts. In this case, it is necessary to make a smooth transition between them.

What color is better to dye the ends of the hair?

For each hair color, there are the most suitable shades according to the color scheme. Therefore, the masters are guided by a palette of shades that is closer to the natural and available hair colors of their clients.

What color can you dye the ends of dark hair?

Shades suitable for dark hair:

  • light and blond colors,
  • chocolate and beige
  • copper,
  • silver,
  • caramel,
  • gold,
  • neutral,
  • light shades of ashy.

For a radical change in the image, it is allowed to use bright colors of green, purple, red, yellow, blue, pink and their shades.

What color to dye the ends of a blonde's hair?

Representatives of luxurious shades of blond can use darker tones compared to the existing one. It can be:

  • blond,
  • brown,
  • chocolate,
  • ashy.

For a blond, the use of bright shades of pink, purple, yellow, turquoise is also acceptable.

What color to dye the tips of light blond hair?

For light blond, colors will be acceptable both dark and light. Suitable:

  • chocolate,
  • caramel,
  • ashy,
  • golden,
  • copper tones.

The use of bright colors is also likely.

What color to dye the ends of the hair of a brown-haired woman?

It is preferable for brown-haired women to use:

  • golden,
  • platinum,
  • ashy,
  • chocolate,
  • copper.
  • caramel tones.

To give shocking, you can use brighter colors.

What color to dye the ends of red hair?

For owners of fiery curls fit:

  • orange shades,
  • chocolate,
  • copper,
  • golden, several tones lighter or darker than their color.

How to color the ends of your hair with paint

For painting, there are several techniques for applying color:

  1. ombre- the hair is divided into strands, each of which is dyed and wrapped in foil. Moreover, painting occurs in such a way that less paint is applied closer to the root, and more to the tips.
  2. Shatush- hair is collected in a ponytail and bouffant is made. The brighter you want to get the tone, the weaker the pile becomes. If you want to give a natural effect to slightly burnt hair, then you should comb the strands well. Further, the strands are collected in one and painted from the outside.
  3. Balayazh- the hair is divided into zones, then each is dyed in several tones of the same color. Moreover, the painting can be chaotic, the shades should intersect and merge into each other. This is to make the transition smoother.
  4. Dip-dye- coloring in color shades. Hair is divided into strands, each of which is separately dyed with several shades of the same color, ranging from lighter to darker.
  5. Pastel- for this technique, special crayons are used. Dark hair needs extra moisture. Separate strands are twisted into a tourniquet and rubbed with chalk. After drying, it is necessary to comb the curls.

How to dye the ends of your hair in a bright color: step by step instructions

  1. Prepare everything you need.
  2. Comb your curls.
  3. Divide your hair into zones, and those into parts.
  4. Apply paint to a small area. Apply colors less or lighter at the root, and darker or more at the tips.
  5. Wait until completely dry or, if you wrapped your hair in foil, wait 25-30 minutes and rinse.
  6. Comb your curls and enjoy the result.

How to dye the ends of your hair pink: ideas with photos

How to dye the ends of your hair red?

Hair dyeing in bright shades of red can be done using any technique and on any shades of hair. This color will emphasize your individuality and creative nature. It is advisable to carry out dyeing on dirty hair.

Before dyeing the ends of dark hair in a bright color, it is necessary to pre-lighten them, otherwise the colored paint will not be taken.

  1. Put the curls in order and divide into parts.
  2. Color each strand in turn to the level that you marked with the top.
  3. Apply paint on curls so that it is less at the border of staining, and more at the tips.
  4. After a certain time, comb the dyed strands to create a smoother transition effect and wash off the paint.

How to dye the ends of your hair purple?

The technique of painting in purple is not particularly different from others. You just need to choose the execution method.

If you want a smooth transition, then you should apply the paint unevenly and randomly in the upper part.

If you prefer a straight line, then you should immediately outline the staining area from beginning to end and color the strands.

To give the effect of purple tips, it is not uncommon to use several colors to color them; red, pink, blue, dark blue. Small strands of hair are dyed with these colors in a chaotic manner, and the overall color scheme of the dyed tips is close to purple.

How to dye the ends of your hair blue and blue?

All shades of blue look great both on a contrasting background and on light tones of platinum blond. If your goal is to change the image, then you should try a similar experiment. Choose the technique that works best for you and get started.

How to dye the ends of your hair red?

Red has many shades and is suitable for both representatives of fiery hair and owners of other hair colors. Red gives the effect of copper, perfectly contrasts with the hair of brown-haired women. And on fiery curls it looks more concise, giving a reflection of other tones.

How to straighten the ends of your hair?

In order to give a clear line when painting at home, you need to clearly wield a mirror and a hair brush.

  • Put the curls in order and divide into zones.
  • Do everything in front of a mirror.
  • Divided zones break into smaller parts.
  • Determine the line to which the paint should reach.
  • Then, using small elastic bands, pin it up, try to keep the elastic bands on the same level.
  • After that, apply paint to each individual strand.
  • Wait until completely dry and rinse.
  • Comb your hair.

How to dye the ends of the hair for a while?

For temporary coloring, a set of specialized pastel crayons is suitable. They will create a great creative effect. The method is suitable for those who want to change something, but are not sure what exactly is needed. The color will delight you until you wash your hair.

  • Dark hair needs to be moistened, but light hair does not need it.
  • Divide your hair into strands, then twist each of them into a bundle.
  • Finely rub each tourniquet individually.
  • Wait for it to dry and comb your curls.

How to dye the ends of your hair with tonic at home?

With the help of tonic, the effect will last a little longer than with pastel crayons. In some cases, the effect disappears after 3-4 washes.

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While the trend of naturalness comes into fashion, young and energetic girls do not want to blend in with the crowd. Now you can dilute the gray everyday life and add zest to the image not only with the help of clothes. Acid, fiery and bright shades of hair have conquered the entire beauty industry and have firmly settled in the hearts of fashionistas. If you decide to change your image and want to express your inner world “through your hair” as much as possible, then let's figure out the coloring techniques together and make this world brighter.

You will need:

Shatush, ombre, balayage

After Kathy Schillingov posted a photo with a new hair color in 2010, a million fans, stars and stylists reacted with admiration to the fashion trend. Bright ends of hair began to appear on all celebrities, thereby giving the trend even more popularity. The girls, under the impression, began to run to beauty salons with a request to color the tips, but the hairdressers repeat the mantra “shatush, ombre, balayage”.

What are complex terms and what is their peculiarity?


    The technique of hair coloring is to use two close shades when coloring curls. Shatush usually gives the effect of burnt hair, but today you can choose any color for dyeing. Color shatush will look like a smooth transition from a dark shade to a light one.


    A dyeing technique in which the ends of the hair are dyed a different color. Creative ombre allows you to use your imagination to the fullest. For example, color the ends from dark blue to emerald green.


    Dyeing the ends of the hair in several colors that harmoniously combine with each other. Shades can be two or three, and the transition between them is both smooth and sharp. Unlike highlighting, with the help of the balayage technique, the hair is dyed in a horizontal direction.

How to dye hair

When all the terms and methods of dyeing are clear, it remains to find out with what you can dye your hair.

If you want to achieve a long-term effect, of course it is better to use professional paints. But sometimes you want to cheer yourself up for one evening, or come to a holiday and surprise all your friends in an original way. In this case, colored crayons for hair, mascara or tonic will come to the rescue.

Hair crayons, which are very similar to ordinary chalk - these are dry paints. Fatty ones resemble cream shadows and are more convenient to apply, but completely uneconomical.

Dry crayons will last longer than greasy crayons.

colored ink pretty versatile for hair. It can be applied not only to hair, but also to eyebrows and eyelashes. The effect is short-lived, but bright and expressive, compared to tonic. Tonics give only a shade and are washed off with each wash of the head.

If you are a lover of everything natural, but follow fashion and trends, there is a way out for you too. Folk remedies, as always, have occupied a niche and have proven themselves well. Hair is beautifully stained with beetroot and carrot juice.

Coloring with paint at home

You will need:

  1. Hair dye.
  2. Paint brush.
  3. Foil.
  4. Gloves.
  5. Rubber bands for fixing hair.
  6. Towel.

An important tip: if you decide on a bright coloring of dark hair, first you need to lighten the ends.

  • We divide the hair along an even parting into two equal parts.
  • We comb the hair forward and fix it with elastic bands at the place where the colored tips should begin.
  • We distribute the paint at the ends of the hair and wrap them with foil for 10 minutes.
  • After 10 minutes, remove the foil, comb the hair 10-15 cm above the tips, thereby making a smooth transition.
  • Wrap the curls again with foil and leave for the time indicated in the paint instructions.
  • We wash the strands, dry them and again apply bright paint, only to the very bottom of the tips, and wait for the specified time.

Finding mint or hot pink hair dye is unlikely to work. But it is easy to get by mixing different colors.

Coloring the tips is a profitable solution that allows you to stand out from the crowd and refresh your hair. More and more girls prefer to carry out processing using the ombre, balayage or deep-dye technique. Such variations allow you to change the appearance without resorting to drastic measures. Consider each technique in order, we give step-by-step instructions.

Method number 1. Ombre technique

Ombre hair coloring is a lightening of the ends of the hair, which allows you to achieve a smooth transition from a natural shade to the selected color.


  1. It is important to remember forever that hair preparation begins 10-14 days before the intended coloring. Once every 2 days, make nourishing masks that will strengthen curls from the inside. After aging the composition, rinse the strands with an infusion based on medicinal plants.
  2. If you have previously dyed your hair along the entire length, 2 weeks before the procedure, stop using shampoos and rinses designed for highlighted / colored hair. Otherwise, the pigment will linger in the structure of the curl, and the ombre will turn out to be unpredictable.
  3. To make the final result look natural, choose a shade for the tips that is not too different from the main hair color. If possible, use a tinting composition or ammonia-free dyes.
  4. After selecting the paint, you need to choose the intended place to start the ombre. Do not dye strands close to the roots, give preference to the earlobe area or the middle of the neck. It is in this place that the transition of natural color and clarified should be.
  5. Before the procedure, take care of rubber gloves. Change into old clothes, cover the floor with plastic sheeting or newspapers. To apply the composition, you will need a foam sponge or brush.

Coloring technology

  1. Comb your hair, apply an anti-electricity agent if necessary. Open windows so you don't breathe paint fumes. Prepare the composition for the ombre: mix in equal proportions hydrogen peroxide (20% concentration) and bleaching hair powder (sold in cosmetics stores). If desired, you can use ready-made brightening paints, they are more gentle.
  2. Make a straight parting with a comb, collect the hair in 2 tails. Dissolve the first, divide it into 6-8 equal curls, fix each strand with an elastic band for African braids. Do the same with the second ponytail. If you have dense and thick hair, divide it into 10 curls.
  3. Next, take a comb with small teeth close together. Make a pile at the transition point from which staining will be performed. Such a move will help to get a smooth and harmonious coloring.
  4. Scoop up the bleach with a sponge or brush, color the tips, work your way up. When the first light layer is applied, color each strand a second time, but now work them more carefully.
  5. Pass the hair through your fingers, apply the pigment to the uncolored areas. After that, moisten the brush / sponge in the dye, wring out the edge of the container, gently blot the bouffant area. Treat in a similar way (2 applications + transition zone) each strand of two tails. If it is inconvenient to paint the parietal region, use a mirror.
  6. After all the manipulations, view the curls. It is important that the transition is blurry, do not make it sharp. Next, cut the foil into rectangles, wrap the dyed tips and part of the natural shade.
  7. Maintain the required interval during which the bleach will work. As a rule, 20-30 minutes are enough for full clarification. Periodically open the foil to evaluate the result.
  8. When the desired effect is achieved, wash off the bleach with water and plenty of shampoo. Do not apply rinses or hair masks for 8 hours after the procedure.

Method number 2. Technique "Balayage"

This coloring technique allows you to make the natural shade of the hair more expressive, without the need to make drastic changes. Since the dyeing technology involves horizontal processing, at the output you will get dark or light highlights located over the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hair. The most popular variant of balayazh is the "shatush" technique - clots of light are located at the ends of the hair.

  1. Wash your hair the day before the procedure, do not use conditioner or masks, only shampoo. Dry your hair naturally, comb through.
  2. Divide the hairline first with a cross at the back of the head (horizontal and vertical parting), fix three parts out of four with elastic bands. Divide the loose section into curls about 2 cm thick.
  3. Twist each strand into a bagel (bun). Pull out one curl, dip the tip of the brush into the paint. Keep the instrument in a horizontal position.
  4. Make a few arbitrary strokes in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tips, twist the hair into a tourniquet and a bun, fix it. Do the same with the rest of the section curls, proceed to the processing of the remaining parts.
  5. When all hair is processed and twisted, soak the composition according to the manufacturer's instructions. As a rule, the duration is about 30-45 minutes.
  6. Wash off the color with running water and shampoo, make a mask or apply conditioner to maintain the color. Style your hair with a flat iron so that the highlights are clearly visible.

Method number 3. Dip-dye technique

Deep dye suits bold girls who are not afraid to experiment with bright shades. Coloring technology is a combination of several colors. Tones move from one to another gradually or abruptly, it all depends on personal preferences.


  1. The "Dip-dye" technique involves pre-lightening the tips, on which a bright pigment will subsequently be applied. If you are a natural fair-haired lady, skip this step. Girls with dark hair need to purchase bleach and a professional series activator.
  2. Also buy a bright paint of your choice online or at a hairdressing store. Shades of any color will do, you can use neon pigments.
  3. Decide on the place of the intended staining. You can apply pigment to 10 cm of the tips or process the curls, starting from the middle, affecting most of the mop. At the same time, long-haired young ladies are advised to buy a lot of coloring pigment, since the consumption will be impressive.
  4. Choose a place for staining. The ideal option is a bathroom with natural light or fluorescent lamps. Lay a plastic film on the floor, put on a hairdressing cape, rubber gloves. Wrap an old towel around your neck, secure it with a clip.


  1. Dilute the paint with the activator according to the instructions. Part your hair in a straight parting with a thin comb. Tie one part in a ponytail, comb the other. Divide your hair into thin curls to make it easier to apply the bleach.
  2. Dip a brush or sponge into the paint, spread evenly over the ends of your hair, then immediately wrap each curl with foil. Do similar manipulations with the second section of hair. To facilitate the coloring of the back of the head, use a mirror or the help of a friend.
  3. Wait for the time specified by the manufacturer in the instructions for use. Before washing off the composition, unfold the foil in several places and evaluate the result. If it turned out to be insufficient, increase the exposure time.
  4. After lightening the tips, dry your hair, dilute the bright paint according to the instructions. Divide the hair into strands, alternately apply the pigment to the clarified part of the curls. Wrap each curl in foil, soak for 30-45 minutes, rinse with water. Be sure to use conditioner after finishing coloring.

Previously, overgrown roots were considered bad manners, but modern trends are leaving their mark on society. Consider ombre, balayage, or dip-dye tips. Do not exceed the exposure time, follow the instructions.

Video: how to dye the ends of your hair in a bright color

How to dye the ends of your hair in a bright color - this question worries all radical and non-radical fashionistas this summer. Colored strands dyed only from below have become very popular.

In what only shades young girls and fashionable older women are not painted: blue, purple, pink, bright red, create the effect of gray hair and so on, you can’t list everything.

You can dye only the tips, or you can make bright colored tips on hair already dyed in a radical color. What technology can be used to do this? There are several methods. This procedure is best done in a specialized salon, but you can try it at home. First you need to discolor all the strands. Then, using special paints, paint the roots in one color, and the tips in another. The color on the latter can be created using a resistant paint that will last a very long time, or you can use tonics that will be washed off fairly quickly. There is a special crayon for coloring. Multi-colored strands can also be used to decorate the hairstyle.

The question of how to dye the ends of your hair in a bright color on your own is not at all difficult - you can only choose contrasting colors. For example, the hair is white, and the tips will be bright blue. For brunettes, the tips are painted in bright red tones.

Well, by far the most popular color for such coloring is pink in all its shades. This color is chosen by both blondes and brunettes. it is the pink tips of the hair that can be seen today in famous stars.

The tips can be made multi-colored and used for this maximum of shades - among the most popular are pink, lilac and blue shades. It will look just amazing.

How to dye the ends of your hair in a bright color at home:

So, consider the option with preliminary clarification. We do not touch the hair on top, we are only interested in the tips. We take an elastic band and divide the hair by about half, apply a pre-lightening composition (make a few careless strokes with a brush) and leave it on the hair, focusing on the time indicated in the instructions for your specific product. You can start coloring the tips in a bright color the next day. Now we choose a coloring agent - it can be a tonic, a coloring mousse or a permanent paint for a more lasting color. Again, we separate the hair with an elastic band and apply the coloring composition only to the ends (we stand according to the instructions).

As a result, we get bright colored strands:

Another option is to paint the tips with different colors - for this, two or more types of paints are used. The dyeing technology may be as follows: if the hair is dark, then it will need to be pre-lightened or if it is light, then just dye it in your chosen bright shades in two tones:

A technique called "balayage", "dip dye" or "ombre" allows you to create a unique image. Any woman can acquire a special individual style and become simply inimitable. You can choose any shades, especially you need to give preference to those that suit a particular type. Before staining, it is desirable to get rid of split ends. This can be done simply by slightly trimming the hair, or you can choose a trendy haircut. During dyeing, in order not to miss strands or individual hairs, it is advisable to apply diluted paint on your fingers and “feel” the strands well. It is not necessary to color all the tips. With a certain haircut, it is required to color only some of them, for example, inside. Then all the hair from the crown must be removed and pinned up, and then the dye is applied to the desired place. The painted edging looks very stylish and very original. This method is very successful. If the hair is dyed in the middle, then the impression of regrown strands will be created. The longer the hair, the more beautiful this technique looks. Now that you already know how to dye the ends of your hair in a bright color, you can safely break into experiments. You can use any paint that is expensive and not very - to create a permanent shade and washable - who has enough money and imagination for what!

If earlier regrown roots were considered bad manners, but now an increasing number of girls prefer to dye only the ends of their hair with paint. This technique looks stylish, beautiful and unusual. In addition, it allows you to emphasize the appearance without radical changes. Do you want to try this method for yourself? Make an appointment with a beautician or read on our website how to dye your hair ends at home, and become a real beauty.

Balayazh is a longitudinal coloring with strands, which allows you to create an interesting play of shades and achieve natural burnout of the ends. Here are a few key points that every beginner master should know:

  • The head before the procedure does not need to be washed for at least a day;
  • The color of the tips should not contrast with the main tone of the hair, it should adapt to it;
  • Strands for dyeing should not be of the same thickness;
  • During the procedure, you will not need caps and caps. Hair dries naturally.

The balayazh technique looks very harmonious and neat, and it does not burn the strands, which is also no less important. Want to try? We invite you to do this with our website!

So, how to dye the tips of the house using the balayage technique if the hair is short?

Step 1. With a comb with rare teeth, comb the hair all over the head. To maintain the effect, you can sprinkle the strands with varnish, which will prevent them from falling under the weight of the product.

Step 2. With the help of a comb, we divide all the hair into 5-6 equal bundles.

Step 3. On both sides we apply a coloring clarifier to them. We start at the crown and move to the back of the head. We retreat from the roots about 2.5-3 cm.

Step 4. Having finished staining, we wait three minutes. We take a small amount of paint and smear it closer to the roots, gently blending with a brush.

Step 5. Leave the coloring agent for half an hour and wash my hair with shampoo.

Step 6 Done.

Balayazh on long hair

If you have long hair, you can use one of two coloring options:

Method number 1. We tie the hair into a low ponytail and grease the ends with a coloring composition.

Method number 2.

  • We divide the hair into several strands (their number depends on the density of your hair). Experts advise to alternate thick and thin strands.
  • At the level where the color change is planned, we tie elastic bands.
  • We color the ends of the strands with a coloring agent.
  • We stand it for 30 minutes and wash my hair with shampoo.

Dip dye at home

The dip dye technique (from English - dip) breaks all records among young girls who are happy to dye the ends of their hair in poisonous shades. And they do it with the help of paint or food coloring.

Method 1 - for brunettes

  1. We place the ends of the strands on the foil.
  2. We paint them with a brightening agent (we look at the time in the instructions).
  3. We wash off the composition and apply the desired paint to the tips.
  4. Keep it for 30 minutes and wash your hair with shampoo.

Method 2 - for blondes

  1. Dilute the food coloring of the desired color in a bowl.
  2. We dip the ends of the hair into it.
  3. We are waiting for 10 minutes.
  4. Rinse your head with clean water.

Coloring the ends of the hair at home is very quick and easy. now any girl can turn into a goddess without leaving the threshold of her own house.

Dyeing the ends of the hair (42 photos): methods and techniques of dyeing

Coloring the ends of the hair is one of the original ways to emphasize the appearance and give freshness to the image. In addition, such staining is a great alternative to a complete color change, especially if you are afraid of radical changes. In this case, you can show your imagination by playing with the tips in various colors, which can be both discreet and brightly contrasting.

Naturally, the coloring of the ends of the hair is carried out only if they are completely healthy, do not split or break, because if you carry out the procedure on the diseased ends, the curls will become like an ordinary washcloth.

Common painting techniques

Today, hairdressers offer coloring in different techniques. Read about the most popular below.

Balayage technique

This method involves painting in such a way that a bright contrast is created between the ends and the main color. It is especially suitable for bright, creative individuals who are not afraid of experimentation and love bright, saturated colors.

The hairstyle attracts the attention of most people around, which is why before the procedure, the curls must be put in order - cut and treat split ends.

The following combinations look great in this technique:

  • chestnut, dark chestnut looks great with bronze hues;
  • eggplant color is combined with burgundy;
  • a shade of sandre will emphasize the pearl color;
  • bronze tone looks harmonious with amber shades.

Note! The above list is far from complete. Much depends on the type of appearance, as well as individual preferences. In addition, remember that if you have dark or black hair, the ends must be lightened, this is the only way you can achieve a good result.

Ombre hair color

This technology is now at the peak of its popularity. It involves a smooth transition of color from the tips to the roots. Thus, the color is stretched along the entire length, here the main condition is a soft and smooth transition.

In this method, two or more shades are used, and everything looks especially charming on long curls, where the smoothness of the transition can be traced along their entire length. The main advantage of this method is that the roots can easily grow back, and it will look natural and beautiful.

Note! The ombre hair coloring technique is considered very complex and time-consuming, it is far from easy to do it yourself, because the result is mostly of poor quality, and sometimes everything looks even funny. Therefore, in order for everything to look perfect, it is better to contact the master, who will select the desired shades, and the procedure will be carried out according to all the rules.

Dip-Dye Technique

This method involves painting the root zone in blond, but the tips in different bright contrasting colors. Here the palette can be varied, you can dye the ends of your hair blue or red or purple. It all depends on your imagination.

In general, all of the above techniques are variants of two-tone staining, of course there are differences between them, and you should not think that the methods are identical.

If you are wondering how you can dye the ends of your hair, then a lot depends on the individual characteristics of the curls. Someone will need an ammonia-free composition, and someone will need resistant paints. The original color is also important, because blondes, for example, can simply tint everything with more gentle compositions, but brunettes will also need a clarifier.

You can also emphasize the tips without coloring them, you just need to purchase special crayons or powder. The price of these products, by the way, can please you.

The advantage of such funds is that the effect lasts until the first shampoo, and the color palette will help to color the curls in all the colors of the rainbow. So if you don’t want to paint the curls with paint in too bright colors, or you are afraid that a new hairstyle will simply not suit you, you can safely buy crayons or powder.

Painting process

Today, among the girls there are many who would like to change the image by tinting the ends of the strands.

Dyeing the ends of your hair at home will not be very difficult, you just need to decide which hair dye will suit your original color and prepare all the necessary tools:

  • elastic bands for strands;
  • coloring agent;
  • sponge;
  • foil;
  • comb;
  • balm;
  • shampoo;
  • gloves.

Coloring instructions for short strands:

  1. Comb the hair in such a way that the strands are raised to the top, and their tips stick out. If necessary, secure them with invisibility or hairpins.
  2. Put a thick ball of coloring composition on a piece of foil.
  3. Gently run the foil over the ends.
  4. Use a hair dryer to dry everything a little, and leave for about half an hour.
  5. Rinse the paint thoroughly under running water, apply a balm.

Procedure for medium strands:

  1. Comb the hair carefully, divide it into squares, and tie each strand with an elastic band.
  2. Take a ponytail, substitute a piece of foil under its tip, and spread the paint with a brush or sponge.
  3. Wrap the end of the strand with foil, leaving everything for 30 minutes. If desired, you can wrap your head with a towel so that the coloring composition works better.
  4. Wash your hair well with shampoo and apply balm.

Coloring long curls:

  1. Comb the hair well, dividing it into strands.
  2. In the event that you want to get the effect of random color blotches, you need to hold the strand in your fist, applying the coloring composition with a brush, and pinch the tip with crumpled foil.
  3. If you would like to get a perfectly even line, then here the procedure must be started from the lower zone. It is necessary to separate the bottom of the curls, and tie the rest at the crown. Apply the composition with a brush and immediately hide the ends in foil. Separate the next part of the hair and do the same.
  4. After half an hour, rinse everything off and apply conditioner.

The video in this article will help you easily cope with painting, because it demonstrates the whole process in a visual way.

If you want to dye your hair, you can do it yourself without the help of specialists. To do this, you just need to choose the paint, properly prepare the hair and properly care for them after painting.

Hair preparation

Wash your hair 48 hours before coloring at home. Use only natural detergents, applying paint after using them will be most effective. Avoid conditioners, they remove natural oils from the hair, which negatively affects the coloring process. If your hair is too dry, rinse it daily for 5 minutes for a week. This will prevent your hair from drying out after coloring.

Paint and accessories

There are a large number of colors and tones of hair dyes that can make you a blonde, brunette or, for example, a brown-haired woman. If you are planning to dye your hair for the first time, try to choose a dye that is slightly lighter or darker than the color of your hair. You should also use the least resistant paint, this will allow you to quickly wash it off if you decide that you made a mistake with the color.

To avoid getting paint on your clothes, place a towel or piece of cloth over your shoulders. Wear gloves (latex or rubber). Prepare the paint by diluting it in a bowl according to the instructions.
Paints with minimal durability can be washed off after several shampooing procedures (6-26 times, depending on the type of paint).

Coloring at home

Divide your hair into 4 strands, divide each strand of hair into smaller buns. This way you can color them more evenly. Start coloring your hair from the very base towards their ends, so you will avoid the formation of heterogeneities in color. To apply paint, use a special brush. After finishing applying the dye, leave it on the hair for the time indicated in the instructions for use. Strictly follow this instruction. Long-term retention of dye on the hair will make them very dry.
If you have a lot of gray hair, you can hold the dye a little longer than indicated in the instructions.


Wash your hair under cool, running water over a sink or shower. Wash your hair until the water runs clear. While washing your hair, paint will drain from your hair, do not worry, these are its remnants, your hair will already be dyed by that time. Some paints are sold with a special conditioner, it can also be purchased separately. Apply it thoroughly along the entire length of the hair and leave for two days. Do not use a hair dryer, hair should dry naturally.

Today, the balayage hair coloring technique is very popular and fashionable - dyeing the ends of the hair in a color that is significantly different from the main hair color. With this hair coloring technique, you can emphasize the style and personality of each woman.

You will need

  1. - foil;
  2. - dye;
  3. - a brush for applying dye;
  4. - rubber or cellophane gloves;
  5. - comb.


  • To color the ends of short hair, bouffant so that they stick up. Apply dye of the desired color to the foil. Flip the foil dye down and run it through the ends of your hair.
  • To color the ends of the hair on semi-long and elongated haircuts, divide the hair into small squares and collect them in ponytails. Wrap the base of the ponytails in foil, and apply the necessary dye to the tips.
  • If your hair is long or you have a haircut with clear contours, do the “edging” with a brush. Under the tips of the hair that you plan to dye, place the foil and apply the desired color of paint with a brush.
  • By coloring the roots and ends of the hair in different shades, you will get a beautiful iridescent effect, which is especially noticeable on long hair. To achieve this effect, use the following combinations of shades: for the roots - sandre, and for the tips - pearl (summer color type), for the roots - eggplant, and for the tips - burgundy (winter color type), dark chestnut and bronze (autumn color type), bronze and amber (spring color type). Apply the dye of the desired shade to the ends of the hair according to the method of dividing the hair into squares. After obtaining the desired color, wash off the paint and dye the hair roots in the traditional way.
  • Apply the dye to the roots of the hair so that it borders on the already dyed ends of the hair. This will make it possible to get a smooth transition from one shade to another. After 15 minutes, comb your hair, stretching the dye on the dyed ends of the hair. Make the transition from the middle of the strand, at the beginning or at the end. To make the transition especially smooth, make the borders of the transition in different places of the strands. Leave the dye on your hair for 20 minutes, then rinse it off with plenty of water. Apply a balm to color-treated hair that will fix the color and give it a healthy look.