Spells for a child's cough. Prayer for cough in a child

Complete collection and description: prayer for cough and runny nose for the spiritual life of a believer.

Cough is one of the most common and unpleasant symptoms of respiratory diseases. During the cold season, it annoys many sick people and causes a lot of suffering, especially if it acquires protracted character. Typically, special medications are used to treat coughs. medicines, presented in pharmacies in a huge variety. However, getting rid of this scourge and recovery will come much faster if you combine a magical cough spell with pharmaceutical drugs.

How the cough spell works

Every magical spell represents a special verbal formula that comes into close contact with a person’s energy field and has a certain effect on it. The cough spell is also no exception.

The cough spell belongs to the category of healing rituals. The principle of operation of any healing spell comes down to the fact that its vibrations, communicating with the patient’s biofield, launch a special program, as a result of which the human body is tuned to recovery. The cough conspiracy works according to the same scheme.

Cough spell: rituals for different occasions

Plot for cough after a cold (“frog plot”)

A very simple spell that quickly helps eliminate a cough. It is usually read during the period of treatment of colds, when the main signs of the disease have already gone away (i.e. the patient has begun to recover), but the cough remains as a residual symptom. The words of the conspiracy are:

Cough spell for washing water

A cough spell cast on holy water taken from the church. Church water is used in many rituals and ceremonies, so it is advisable to always have a supply of it in your home.

Cough spell on needles

This cough spell is aimed at those cases when the cough is accompanied by a sore throat and sore throat.

First you need to prepare all the items necessary for the ceremony: church candle – 1 piece, new sewing needles – 6 pieces, a bowl of clean water , tweezers(to hold the needles). Ritual time: sunset .

Performer's procedure:

  1. Light a candle, wait for a good flame, say the first sentence of the conspiracy.
  2. Take one needle and heat its end red-hot on a candle flame (it’s better to hold the needle with tweezers so as not to burn your fingers). Throw a hot needle into a cup of water, while pronouncing the second sentence of the spell.
  3. Produce similar actions with the remaining 5 needles, reciting for each the corresponding part of the cough spell.
  4. After all the needles are in the water, you need to carefully drink from the cup 6 times in small sips (be careful with the needles). If the ritual is performed to treat a child, water can be given to him from a teaspoon (also 6 times). There should be some water left in the container.
  5. At dawn, take this bowl of water and needles and head to a lonely tree: stick the needles into the bark of the plant (trunk), pour the remaining water under the roots. Go home without looking back and without starting conversations with anyone.

The text of the conspiracy is as follows:

If your cough is accompanied by a sore throat

Below, this cough spell is relevant for cases when the patient, along with a cough, is also bothered by a severe sore throat. The text is whispered into a glass of holy water:

The sick person must drink the enchanted water or gargle with it.

Conspiracy for lingering cough

A prolonged cough is treated with water, which is used in the following plot. This water is used for washing. The period of the ceremony is 3 days in a row (cannot be skipped).

Plot-amulet against coughs and colds

If you want to deal with a cold and all the unpleasant symptoms that accompany it as little as possible, I recommend protecting yourself (or your loved ones) with one simple conspiracy. Read it in the morning, before you start washing your face. It is especially useful to use this plot during the cold season. The text is:

A few more conspiracies that will ensure your health and longevity - watch the video:

If a child coughs

It just so happens that children have weaker immunity compared to adults. During the cold season, many of them are affected by the disease. Any mother has a hard time enduring the suffering of her child, and any mother can protect her little one from illness with the help of a folk plot.

If a cough attacks a child, a spell using bee honey can help get rid of the symptom. It should be pronounced either by the child’s mother, or by the grandmother, or by another person who definitely does not wish the little one harm. It is believed that the plot will work more effectively if the baby’s godmother reads it.

The text of the spell should be spoken over a teaspoon of natural honey, then the bee product should be dissolved in warm water and the resulting drink should be given to the child. Words:

The ritual should be carried out for several days in a row until the baby feels better.

It is allowed to cast this spell on cough syrup so that the magic will enhance the healing effect of the pharmaceutical drug.

The nuances of treating a child’s cough using a conspiracy

Children are naturally very impressionable. Therefore, the performer must be sensitive when using magical spells for the treatment of a child. It is recommended to adhere to several conditions:

  • the plot should be chosen as simple as possible, so as not to inadvertently frighten the child or confuse him, and it is better not to carry out the ritual in front of his eyes at all;
  • the drugs being charmed should be pleasant and, preferably, sweet in taste - so that the baby does not refuse to take them;
  • You should not read the plot in front of skeptical household members;
  • It is better to give water in an opaque container so as not to raise unnecessary questions;
  • The ritual should be performed until the disease subsides and the sick child’s condition noticeably improves.

Independent use of a cough spell

Healing spells mostly belong to white magic. The condition for their effectiveness is the obligatory faith of the performer (the patient) in the power of magic and the power of words. A person using a cough spell must certainly believe in the power of the magical effect and not doubt the positive result - then recovery will come as soon as possible. Many cough conspiracies are accompanied by a certain complex ritual actions– they must be carried out exactly according to the instructions, nothing can be excluded.

The use of medicinal cough spells in no way means a complete abandonment of medications. The use of medications must be mandatory! Folk conspiracies for cough must be used along with traditional therapy as not the main, but aid .

Thank you! Usually, after an illness, a cough persists for a long time. I tried a spell for a long cough - and less than a week passed. unpleasant symptoms disappeared. This is a record for me!

Good conspiracies. They will definitely come in handy during the cold season.

My grandfather has been suffering from a cough for a long time. After reading the article, I definitely decided to carry out a conspiracy to help him.

Two weeks ago, I was admitted to the hospital with an attack of suffocation and severe coughing. At the hospital I was treated and discharged home, with recommendations for further treatment. Together with traditional treatment I will read a plot for a lingering cough. Only now the moon is growing. And on what moon should you start reading cough conspiracies?

I think that cough conspiracies should be read as soon as they appear. Why wait in this situation? Even if they don’t help, then there will be no harm from them. Try one first and then the other. If you believe in their power, they will help.

If you want to get rid of something (disease, damage, evil eye) you should always read it on the waning moon, and to add (money, love) on the waxing moon

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The unknown world of magic and esotericism

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Summer flashed by without us even noticing. Along with the rain and slush, colds and flu came to us. It's time to turn to white magic spells, which will help you heal quickly and not cause complications.

You will need coarse salt and clean, preferably spring water. Pour water into a glass, throw in three pinches of salt and say directly over the glass, so that your breath touches the surface of the water:

“Mother, fast water, wash away all the pain, all the aching from the servant of God (name), take them to deep sea, pull them into the deepest pools, put stone clamps on them so that they never emerge again, forget about the servant of God (name) forever.”

Now dip your middle finger right hand into the charmed water and drop a drop on yourself (or the person you are treating) on ​​the forehead, chest, left and right shoulder with the words:

“I command with holy water, I conjure with white salt: go away, all the aches, come out, all the pain, from the violent head, from the zealous heart, from the clear eyes, from the black eyebrows, from the bones, from the brains, from the fingers and joints.”

You can also try herbal vitamin tea. Other drinks will also work – tea with honey, warm milk, fruit juice. Take a cup of drink to left hand and say right above it:

“Frola and Laurus, Blasius and Kharlampy, Nicholas the Wonderworker and St. George the Victorious, King David, Mother Helen, Holy Catherine, remove and demolish, extinguishing the illness of the servant of God (name) with my conspiracy, your order. Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen".

Of course, the faithful companions of a cold are a runny nose and cough. And you can try to get rid of them by calling on magic for help. Take a red rag and wipe your nose, throat, and chest with it. Then wrap this rag around the nail and drive the nail either into dry wood or into a well-dried log or block. Say at the same time:

“I’m not hammering a nail, but I’m pinning down a disease. Just as this nail will no longer be useful anywhere, so the illness will not return to me. May all these words be strong and sculpted, stronger than strong stone, harder than solid iron. To all my words the key and the lock, from now on and forever!”

It’s also a good idea to say several times throughout the day:

“It doesn’t leak, doesn’t burn, doesn’t hurt, doesn’t itch. Amen".

You can get rid of a cough this way. Say:

“I conjure chest heat, heart phlegm, aching dryness, from the red rising sun, from the spruce tree, birch, aspen and buckthorn tree, from all the holy trees. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Even if you don't believe in magic, try these spells - they won't harm you.

Getting rid of coughs and colds with spells

In the autumn-winter period, colds, fever and cough in children and adults are common. If you categorically do not accept treatment with “chemical” drugs, then the only way out is traditional medicine, enhanced by folk spells for health. There are many such rituals, they can be general purpose or specifically for a specific ailment.

It takes place at dawn. It is read on the patient by a spellcaster. After reading the patient’s name in the spell, he must open his mouth and not close it until the end of the procedure. At the end of the reading, the caster crosses the patient’s open mouth three times.

“The lips of the servant of God (name of the patient) open,

try to help me. Let the Holy Spirit in

drive away cough and illness. Let it be so. Amen"

A ritual performed at sunset. A glass of holy water and a smooth white, smooth stone are placed in front of the patient. The material should be natural, not pressed chips or concrete, ideally white marble. The healer says the words:

“I, servant of God (name of the healer), will go out, crossing myself,

sprinkled with holy water, in an open field, on the steppe.

In that clean field, a stone lies and is silent -

doesn’t wheeze, doesn’t cough, doesn’t get sick, doesn’t get sick.

So would the servant of God (name of the sick person)

didn’t wheeze, didn’t cough or get sick,

was always full of strength and unharmed. Amen"

In this case, the sick person must produce the following actions. At the words "crossed himself, sprinkled with holy water" be baptized and sprinkle yourself with holy water, then after saying your name, the patient takes a white stone in his hands and lightly taps himself on the chest.

Cough on needles

The ritual is performed at sunset, when, in addition to coughing, you feel a sore throat and sore throat. On the fire of a church candle, the tips of six needles are heated red-hot, and one by one they are thrown into a cup of holy water with the words:

“3 sisters - you are baby devils,

twigs and wheezes - I will leave you in 6 fiery arrows.

My first arrow will definitely pierce the devils' eyes.

My second arrow will pin their legs.

My third arrow will close the wheezing mouth.

My fourth arrow will tie the hands of the evil twigs.

My fifth arrow will pierce their hearts.

And my sixth and last arrow will drive the spirit out of them.”

You need to throw hot needles one by one, according to the list of arrows in the plot. After finishing reading, carefully take six small sips from the cup. If the ritual is performed on a child, then you can scoop up water with a wooden spoon and give it to drink. At dawn, go to a lonely tree, preferably at an intersection, stick needles into its trunk, while saying:

“What is not spilled, not given, not drunk,

buried from 3 sisters, through a log and a stump,

through holy water"

Water the roots of the tree with the remaining holy water. Walk back without looking back and without talking to anyone along the way.

For cough with honey

Usually performed on children. It can be read by a mother or grandmother, but the plot has special power if it is read by a godmother. You cannot perform a ritual under duress, the intention to help must be sincere and the desire strong. To carry out the ritual, you should say a spoonful of natural honey:

“A little baby, a dear baby,

Mother of God, help me heal,

So that the cough would not choke him, he would let him sleep and live peacefully.

I conjure, I persuade, I ask,

Give baby (name) health, strength,

Let everything bad go sideways,

And good, healthy things will always be with him.

Place honey in a glass of warm water and stir until dissolved. Give your child a drink before bed. You should drink this water until relief begins, which should occur in two or three days.

For colds

If your child has a cold, then in the evening, after putting him to bed, read the spell for water:

“I brave enemies, drive away illness, drive away all troubles, relieve pain,

I apply the protection of the Lord Almighty.”

Wash your child three times in a cross pattern with this water and put him to bed. This ritual is very effective when performed on the waning moon.

From temperature

A small hard rock is taken - basalt or granite, so that it does not collapse from the heat and instant cooling, and is washed clean. Water, preferably spring water or from a well, but also suitable from a pump room or artesian well, taken at dawn. The stone is heated in the fire of a candle while the plot is read:

“In an open field, in a wide expanse,

The stone is flammable,

And on this stone a big woman is sitting.

In her white hands there is trouble, a hot frying pan.

The white frying pan does not burn her hands.

She's not hot, she's not cold, and she's not getting chills.

So that the servant of God (name)

There was no chills or fever,

So that she gets well soon and gets up.

Which word will I speak?

Which word I won’t finish

The Lord God will tell you and order the illness to go away.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

And drops into a glass of water. A patient with a fever is wiped with this water and allowed to drink three times. Relief should come very quickly.

For a runny nose on a red handkerchief

Any red cloth is taken, the patient blows his nose into it, the cloth is wrapped around a nail, and it is stuck into a crevice or hole in a dry tree. The following words are read:

“I’m not inserting a nail, but I’m pinning down a disease.

How this nail won't be useful anywhere else,

So no more snot coming out of your nose.

My words are strong and molded,

Stronger than solid stone

Harder than strong iron.

Key, lock, tongue.

From now on and forever!”

For a runny nose, take birch infusion

We prepare an infusion of dry birch buds - you can buy it at any pharmacy. Half a teaspoon per glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Strain and when the water has cooled, give the patient a drink, after reading the plot:

“Water will wash away the snot, wash out the nose,

so that it doesn’t burn, doesn’t get damp,

I didn’t sneeze, I didn’t hurt.

If the ritual does not help on the same day, it must be repeated the next day.

Ritual on the tree

If you are suffering from an old runny nose or cough, we perform the following ritual. Before dawn we put on ours old clothes and we wear it without taking off a single item until sunset. After sunset we find and hug the old willow tree, and say the following words:

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Conspiracies of the Siberian healer. Issue 18 Stepanova Natalya Ivanovna

Conspiracy for lingering cough

Conspiracy for lingering cough

If a person’s cough does not go away for a long time, then he needs to wash him with charmed water three evenings in a row. They speak to the water with these words:

I will stand face to face in the evening dawn,

The holy icon is on the wall, the cross is on me.

Zoryushka Maremyana, you are red and rosy,

Take from me the coughing, suffocation,

Carry it across the ocean-sea, into a wide expanse.

Everything will be taken there, everyone will be accepted.

There is something baked and cooked for the guests,

And my water is full of words.

Like the dawn Maremyana does not cough, does not sneeze,

He doesn’t inhale or suffer from various ailments,

So I wouldn’t be sick,

She didn’t cough, she didn’t grieve.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

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From the book Miracle Healing in a Whisper author Mother Stefania

For sore throat and cough This conspiracy is best read at dawn. Stand at the window with a jar of water in your hands and say three times: Water-turn, Elijah’s wife, wash the servant of God (name) his throat, and his nose, and his mouth, and his sinuses, and his head, and his brains, so that were sick, not itchy, not

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For a cough Take new scissors that you have never used to cut your hair before and go to the river, but you can just turn on the cold water in the tap harder. Use these scissors to cut the water 40 times, whispering: I cut the water, I cut it, I say, I conjure. One - the servant of God (name) inhaled with a gulp, two -

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A conspiracy against polyps in the intestines (a very strong conspiracy) The following ancient conspiracy helps to cope with this illness: Just as Christ’s wound overgrown and left no trace, so you, disease, disappear without a trace from the servant of God (name). Go down to a dead field, onto gray moss, onto a dry stump. WITH

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Love plot (a plot that is valid until death) On one day, in three churches, submit notes for the peace and health of the one you want to bewitch. After that, go to the cemetery, find three graves there in which men are buried who bore the same name as

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How to get rid of a cough Answering your numerous requests, I offer you, my dear readers and students, several reliable and simple ways, helping to get rid of cough. Wash a medium-sized beetroot, peel and cut in half. Remove the center of the beets

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Conspiracy for the unjustly convicted (conspiracy when re-examining a case) Before filing an appeal, read the special conspiracy. Read it a second time when the petition is finalized. The plot is as follows: The Most Holy Theotokos walked along the earth, Walked, approached, From

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Spell for psoriasis (spell for egg whites) At midnight, take an egg and separate the yolk from the white. Read a special spell over the protein three times in a row, smear it on the affected areas of the skin and leave it overnight. Perform the ritual twelve nights in a row. During treatment

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Conspiracy from excess weight(a very effective spell) On the waning moon, read a special spell over the water, which you then use to wash your face before going to bed. CONSPIRACY

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Conspiracy for intestinal polyps (very good plot) Just as Christ’s wound healed and left no trace, so your illness will disappear without a trace from the servant of God (name). Go down to a dead field, onto gray moss, onto a dry stump. From this day, from this hour, from this minute, from my order. Amen. Amen.

From the author's book

For a lingering cough If a person’s cough does not go away for a long time, then he needs to wash him with charmed water three evenings in a row. They chant the water like this: I will stand face to face in the evening dawn, the holy icon is on the wall, the cross is on me. Zoryushka Maremyana, you are red and rosy, take it from me

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Cough spells are a magical remedy that will help cope with this problem. Such rituals can be used to treat cough in both adults and children. It is recommended to perform such conspiracies for yourself, and if you need to cure a child, then the ritual is performed by his mother or grandmother.

There is no person who is insured against various diseases and ailments. And among the entire list of health problems, cough occupies a special place.

This problem may be a symptom of a seasonal illness, allergy, or other more serious illness.

Cough spells will help cope with this problem, curing both the child and the adult.

Ritual for health

This magical ritual is read in the daytime by a person who wants to recover. If you get sick Small child, then the cough conspiracy should be done by his blood relative: mother or grandmother.

“With your lips the truth is spoken,
The magic word will come to my aid,
It will be possible to heal the servant of God (name),
The disease will leave him and will not return.
The Holy Spirit will come into him, diseases will come out.
It will be like this and no other way.

In extreme cases, it may take up to two months.

The magical power of water has been known for centuries. Our ancestors successfully used the liquid to treat various diseases.

To perform this ritual you will need holy water. As a last resort, you can use spring water. It is not recommended to perform the ritual with water taken from the tap.

Late in the evening, a cough spell is read on water:

“In the distant sea, in the blue sea,
Buyan Island exists, but it is a distant island.
I, servant of God (name), will go out into the street,
I will overcome the high mountains, I will cross the deep sea,
I will find that unknown island,
On that island there grows a mighty oak,
I will bury my strong cough under the oak tree,
Your illness, your problem,
I'll bury it deep, I'll bury it well,
So that he remains there forever and ever,
I will return from the island, from the sea, healthy and powerful,
I will leave all my ailments under the big oak tree.
Now I don’t know such a disease, such a misfortune.

Magic words must be repeated three times. You should drink the charmed water and go to bed. In the morning, it is recommended to read the “Our Father” prayer nine times. As a rule, improvement occurs within a few days. If within two weeks a person does not feel better, then the cough spells should be repeated.

The only thing worse than your own illness is your child’s illness. However, it can also be dealt with using magic. This ritual should be performed by a person who wishes good things to the baby.

Most often, cough spells for children are read by mothers or grandmothers, but both a godmother and an aunt can do this. It is important that a person’s intentions are pure and his wishes for good are sincere.

To perform the magical effect, you will need a teaspoon of honey, which must be placed in a glass of water.

Preliminarily the words are read:

“A little baby, a dear baby,
Mother of God, help me heal,
So that the cough would not choke him, he would let him sleep and live peacefully.
I conjure, I persuade, I ask,
Give baby (name) health, strength,
Let everything bad go sideways,
And good, healthy things will always be with him.

The enchanted honey dissolves in water and the child must drink this mixture. It is recommended to perform the ritual every day until the illness subsides. On average, relief comes within a few days. belief magical power words will help you achieve your goal.

When the illness goes away

If a person has almost recovered, but fears for his well-being and does not want to catch the virus again, cough spells for recovery will help him.

Magic words are read in the morning, on the day when the disease begins to recede.

“Lord save me, save the servant of God (name).
Mother of God, protect me, strengthen my health, protect me from illness.

The words should be repeated seven times. After such a ritual, the entire healing process should go faster.

In order for cough spells to work and the result to not be long in coming, you need to turn to magic only when a person believes in the power of magical influence and its effectiveness.

Since ancient times, people have turned to magicians, healers and healers, wanting to get rid of ailments and improve their health. Conspiracies – effective remedy improve your well-being. Since these rituals are creative, the performer does not risk losing the gift or other “side” effects.

It should be understood that any therapy, including magical therapy, is possible only after a correct diagnosis of the disease, since the same cough can be of a viral or allergic nature, acute or chronic form. The ritual should begin with obtaining information about the disease, and then with its cure. Collaboration official medicine, folk remedies and spells work wonders.

As with any other conspiracy, the treatment conspiracy must be carried out exactly according to the instructions. It is also important to sincerely believe in success.

Rules for reading health conspiracies

When performing a conspiracy ritual, certain rules must be followed. Only in this case will the event be a success.

It is important to choose the right time. For health spells, this is sunrise. Moreover, words have the greatest effectiveness and magical effect at the moment the sun immediately appears over the horizon. In other words, a prayer or text of a conspiracy must accompany the rising of the sun.

It is advisable to go outside to perform the ceremony. If this is not possible, you should open a window, preferably one facing east, and read by the window.

How does the conspiracy work?

The spell is pronounced on an empty stomach or no earlier than 3-4 hours after eating. The text is pronounced in a calm tone, with full awareness of what is happening. You cannot read from a computer or phone screen. You should copy the words by hand and read from a piece of paper. It is best, of course, to learn by heart.

If the text of the conspiracy is short, it is read in one breath, exhaling with “Amen.”

Repeating it will help strengthen the power of the conspiracy. However, this needs to be done an odd number of times - 3, 5, 7. For those who are especially patient, repeating the text 40 times is possible.

Help from others

To read many health conspiracies, it is better to resort to the help of a third party. At the same time, the performer himself must be healthy and have clean, smooth skin. If the text is read by a believer, then before the ceremony he must put a cross on himself three times, and at the end of the procedure, read “Our Father.”

According to sources, you cannot talk about the conspiracy that took place, otherwise it will not come true. The performer or the patient himself should never talk about him, even in confession. You cannot ask for money for reading a health plot. But the patient must definitely thank the performer.

A simple spell to improve health

The plot is made during the growth period of the month. It is enough to say the following words for 3 days:

“It’s a young month, father, golden friend. Just as God gives you golden horns, so he will give me health.”

You need to repeat the ritual looking at the month. It's better to go outside. IN otherwise- open the window wide.

An ancient ritual to improve health

It should be carried out during the waxing moon, preferably immediately after sunset. You will need to prepare 5 white candles, definitely from the church. They are placed on the floor in the shape of a star with five corners. They light it, the performer of the ritual goes to the center of the star.

Turning alternately to each side of the world, he says:

“May the autumn winds that blow me, the summer rains that water me, the spring sun that warms me, the winter snow that cools me, bring me health and longevity. Let it be so. Amen".

You should move slowly, turning your gaze to one of the cardinal directions. You can’t turn around or squint your eyes to the side.

Conspiracy for severe cough

A painful cough exhausts the patient. If there is no escape from it, a special conspiracy will probably help. The patient himself does not have to perform this ritual; a performer is required. The ritual is performed during the day.

“Servant of God (name), open your mouth. And the Holy Spirit will enter into those lips, the Holy Spirit will enter and cough and drive out illness. He will expel you for a long time, forever. May the Higher powers help me. Now and in the century of centuries. Amen".

When it is mentioned that the mouth should open, the patient opens his mouth and remains in this position until the end of the spell. After which the performer crosses the patient’s mouth three times. The conspiracy will be valid provided that all participants truly believe in it.

An ancient cough spell

This conspiracy must also be carried out by the performer, and not the patient himself. It is done in the evening, closer to night. Preferably on a waxing moon. In addition to the text, it implies sacred actions performed by the patient. A glass glass filled to the brim with holy water is placed in front of the latter. Nearby is a white stone, always flat and smooth.

“Servant of God (name of the patient), I will go out into the open field, sprinkling myself, crossing myself (at this time the patient makes the sign of the cross three times and sprinkles himself with water). And in that field the stone is white, smooth. He doesn't cough, nothing more, doesn't choke. Let the servant of God (name of the patient) not cough, get sick, or wheeze (with these words, the performer takes a stone in his left hand and taps on the patient’s chest). The night will pass, the dawn will come and the cough will take away. The servant of God (name of the patient) will be full of strength, healthy and beautiful. Amen".

How to get rid of a strong cough using enchanted water?

Water spells have a special magical effect. Here it is better to trust a person with pronounced abilities for magic, with a clean and bright aura. The ceremony is carried out in the morning. You should prepare a glass of holy water in advance. Then the tip of the needle is red-hot and thrown into the water. There should be 6 such needles. Then it’s time to pronounce the text:

“3 devils, you are blood sisters, chest wheezes and sickworts, I will run away from you. And 6 arrows with fire will help me. One arrow will pierce your eyes. The second will tie your hands, and the third will nail your feet. The fourth arrow will seal your lips forever. The fifth will pierce the hearts. And the sixth will forever pacify and calm the devils.”

Then the patient is asked to drink 6 sips from a glass. This must be done with caution so as not to swallow the needle and inject yourself. If the patient is a child, it is permissible for the performer to give him something to drink using a wooden spoon.

After this, the performer of the conspiracy must immediately stick the needles into the trunk of a perennial oak tree and water the roots with the remaining water. The following text is pronounced:

“What they didn’t finish, didn’t spill, didn’t add, from the pine-weed sisters, three devils, was buried under a tree stump.”

Spell for sore throat and cough

Often a cough is accompanied by a sore throat. In such a situation, holy enchanted water will again help. Above it, previously poured into a transparent glass, they say the following:

“Kosyan and Demyan will aim their bow, that arrow will find severe pain. A painful illness will leave the throat of God's servant (name of the patient), and rush back to where it came from, never to return again. The painful cough will remain forever. Amen".

Religious reading: conspiracy prayer for a severe cough to help our readers.

There would never be a person who has never had a cold. Cough is an integral part of this disease. In addition to a cold, a cough may indicate problems with the lungs, allergies or other severe illness. Therefore, in order to get rid of it, it is necessary to use a cough spell.

Cough spell

True or not

If you believe in magic, then the results from such magical influences will not be long in coming. But if you are an ardent skeptic, then it is better to seek help from a doctor. Cough conspiracies are a good alternative to visiting doctors. Especially if you do not have the opportunity to use the services of professionals. Causes of cough may include:

Spoilage has one peculiarity: one of its symptoms is coughing. Therefore, in order to heal a symptom, it is necessary to get rid of the main cause of its occurrence.

A ritual that boosts immunity

To cast a cough spell, you need to find a suitable prayer and believe in a positive result. It is necessary to read the plot during the day. The ritual must be performed by a patient who experiences these symptoms. If it concerns a child, then it is better to conduct it to a blood relative. This could be a mother or grandmother standing over the child:

“By pronouncing these words, I ask for help from higher powers to save me (the child) from serious illnesses. Let them disappear from our lives and never return. They only spoil our lives and do not allow us to live to our full potential. I can't sleep, I can't eat. Suffering must disappear and a healthy spirit be restored. So that no infection can take hold anymore. Amen".

The prayer against cough is read three times. Reading should be done daily until the disease subsides. Often, more than seven days are no longer required. But, there are situations when the disease is complex and does not want to go away. In this case, it may take several months for complete recovery.

Ritual using holy water

Cough spells can be performed over holy water. Her healing properties have been known since ancient times. Our ancestors also treated diseases, the evil eye and other problems with its help. Even in modern times, it remains no less relevant. A cough spell with water can heal even the most protracted cough. If you do not have the opportunity to take holy water, then use spring water. Just remember that tap water is not suitable for the ceremony. Read the conspiracy against cough over water every evening:

“In the deep blue seas there is one healing island called Buyan. So I want to overcome all possible obstacles and get to it. I am not afraid of mountains, oceans, deserts and animals. I can overcome anything. I will find an oak tree on the island that has healing and magical properties. It is under him that I will give the earth the cough that torments my loved ones. He will definitely never return from there and will not disturb us. My return in good health will give peace to everyone around me and bring peace. Amen".

The plot must be read three times. The water that has been enchanted must be drunk quickly and go to bed. In the morning, read the Lord's Prayer. As the reviews of those who have tried have shown, the result makes itself felt after a few days. If there is no improvement, repeat the ritual. But, to be sure, it’s better to wait a couple of weeks.

Ritual for children's cough

Children get sick much easier. Due to the fact that they love to learn a lot of new things and never sit still, the disease clings to them faster. There is nothing worse than a child's illness. An adult can still be patient and not show that he feels bad. But if a child is sick, then he himself suffers, and his parents suffer. Children need to be given a lot of attention, but this is not always possible. This is why mothers love to use a spell for a child’s cough.

A prerequisite is that it must be carried out with a pure soul and love for the child. It is not necessary for a blood relative to do this. This is quite within the power of a godmother or aunt. Take a spoon with honey and read the plot:

“My little, dear little man (name) is sick. I ask the Mother of God for help. Help me heal a baby who is very sick. He doesn't deserve this. Let all negative influences bypass him and never bother him again. Let there be only health and positive moments in his life.”

Place a spoon in a vessel with water and dissolve the honey. The child should drink this consistency. It is better to carry out the ritual every day until improvement occurs. It is quite difficult for children to recover. This is due to the fact that they have weak immunity. Therefore, in addition to this plot, read also the plot to increase immunity. This way you can not only cure your child, but also protect him from further diseases.

Spell for severe cough

A dry cough always brings inconvenience, because after it, your throat also starts to hurt. If the cough is quite severe and does not go away, then you need to use a spell for a severe cough. It is carried out using water. You can speak it yourself, or you can purchase it from a magical specialist or from a healer.

If you decide to act on your own, then you need to read the following words every day for a month:

“Toads tend to croak in the swamp. But while they are croaking, the servant of God is suffering from a strong dry cough. Let the disease spread to the swamp animal, and leave the person alone once and for all. Amen".

Spell for cough and sore throat

Say the following prayer every evening:

“The bow goes into the arrow, so let it take the disease into it. The arrow will shoot and send the disease back to where it came from. It doesn't need to come back again. Amen".

Every morning, going out into the yard, read “Our Father” and ask the Almighty to take away your cough. Give the example of the morning dawn, which does not have such problems. If you need a strong cough spell, then seek help from a professional magician. He will give you instructions to improve your well-being.

Treatment of cough with needles

The principle of the needle spell for coughing is known to many and is one of the most effective. In order to perform the ritual, you need to throw needles into a vessel with water. Their number should be six. Say the following words into the water:

“The devils decided to send illness to the servant of God. But they won't succeed. We will fight them for a long time, and sooner or later we will win. The needles will help drive out evil spirits from this house. Moreover, they will never return here again. The first needle will disrupt their vision, the second will disrupt their ability to move, the third will prevent them from uttering curses, the fourth is needed to tie their hands, the fifth will help wound their heart, and the sixth is needed to completely destroy them. Amen".

Very effective spells for treating children's cough can be found from the Siberian healer Stepanova. They allow you to quickly and efficiently avoid coughing. Natalya is a fairly popular healer, whose collection includes thousands of different spells. We can confidently say that you will find the one that is needed exactly in your situation.

A spell for a severe cough. A good way to talk about coughing yourself

Good and strong way To get rid of a strong cough with the help of magic, read for yourself an effective and proven cough-relieving spell. Treatment of cough with a conspiracy is carried out as follows. Buy a new needle and use it to hem the hem of a dress or shirt so that the stitch goes back counterclockwise. When you finish hemming, before tying a knot at the end of the thread, say words of a healing spell for cough :

The stitch went backwards

And God’s servant (name)’s cough went away.

This way my cough will go away.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.

A spell helps against a tick bite - a prayer against ticks that you need to read to yourself before going to the forest or a place where ticks accumulate. You can read the prayer for a conspiracy against tick bites both at home and while directly in nature. It happens that a person has already been bitten by a tick and what to do in such a situation. First, without wasting time, remove the tick from the skin and on the way to the nearest clinic you need to talk about the tick bite. The conspiracy against a tick bite is performed as follows. Take a dry blade of grass (from the root) and move it around the wound counterclockwise, saying the prayer for tick-borne incantation three times

Get rid of the foul odor of sweat and increased sweating(hyperhidrosis) will help a strong conspiracy told by one village grandmother-witch. A conspiracy against sweat will quickly help rid the body of excessive sweating for any person: a woman or a man, a child or an adult, you just need to read the magic words of the spell - the conspiracy and perform a simple ritual. The conspiracy against hyperhidrosis of the armpits, arms and legs has already helped people. You can read a lot of real reviews about the anti-sweat plot and be convinced of its effectiveness. Conspiracies will not tell you about the 2 most effective conspiracy for the treatment of excessive sweating: One is read at home, the other is a spell for sweating

There is a proven method against boils and ulcers that will help to instantly reduce inflammation on the skin and get rid of boils, boils or purulent inflammation using a white magic spell. No need to spend money on expensive creams and pharmaceutical products against boils. A conspiracy from Chiri will help you, which you need to read yourself or ask a person close to you to do it. A plot against a boil or a plot against chiriya is a fairly effective method of combating this disease, which is successfully used in folklore

The spell for warts is best read on the waning moon. When you go outside, find a dry straw that is still standing and not knocked down by the wind or pressed to the ground. To whisper a wart, tear off a straw and carefully touch the straw to each wart that needs to be removed 3 times, read the plot for the treatment of warts:

Spurs on the feet cause severe pain in the heel, which can be cured with a good heel spur spell. This plot must be read strictly on the waning moon. To perform a magical ritual against heel spurs that will relieve pain when walking, you need a basin of water at room temperature and a rooster’s foot with a spur. To treat heel spurs with a spell, pour water into a basin, throw a rooster leg into it and, standing in this basin, say the words of the spell three times that will help get rid of spurs on

This spell, read on a beef or pork bone with meat, will help you speak to a sore bone on your leg and get rid of bumps. A bone on the foot is usually called a grave bone and most often appears in a person who has crossed the path of a funeral procession. This is a kind of damage that you can quickly get rid of by doing a simple ritual of magic with reading a conspiracy. Painful growths on the legs - the bone is read out for the waning moon (waning month). Boil cabbage soup with cabbage and a meaty bone, and when the cabbage soup is ready, remove the bone with meat from the broth, eat some of the meat yourself (directly from the bone), and leave a little. For the meat remaining on the bone, read the conspiracy against growth

There is a good conspiracy for the good health of yourself, your child or your beloved husband, which you need to read once a year. A spell for good – heroic health will allow you to be healthy all year round and not get sick even during an epidemic. If you want to have good health with the help of white magic, this powerful spell is what you need. You need to read the spell for health 1 time at dawn and 1 time at sunset. The spell to be healthy lasts exactly a year, so don’t forget to redo it again after a year! And the text of the spell

Have you and your husband decided to have a baby, but can’t get pregnant? To get pregnant and give birth, read the conspiracy to give birth to a healthy child. Perform a magical ritual and read an ancient conspiracy to conceive and give birth to a child. After carrying out this ritual and reading the plot, even those for whom modern medicine predicted childlessness could successfully become pregnant and give birth to a boy or daughter. This white magic ritual for the birth of a child lasts 40 days. Take a long rope made of natural material (cotton, hemp, etc.) and for forty days, every midnight, tie 1 knot on the rope each time while saying a birth plot

If a person has low blood pressure, a prayer for low blood pressure addressed to Saint Angelina will help raise it and bring it back to normal. Treatment with spells and prayers has been practiced at all times; herbalists, healers and sorcerers have always helped people restore health and bring blood pressure back to normal. To do this, they read conspiracies after which the blood pressure rose and nausea and weakness quickly went away. People have forgotten these methods, but white magic preserves them and will help with the help of prayer - a conspiracy from low pressure restore your health. Before you start reading, be sure to measure your blood pressure.

If you have hypertension and headaches from surges in intracranial pressure have become almost daily, know that conspiracies and prayers from high pressure will help bring your blood pressure back to normal and quickly restore your health without taking medications or pills. For this purpose, magicians and witches read water spells, after which the pressure returned to normal and the headache and weakness quickly went away and never returned. Modern people forgot these ways to quickly lower blood pressure and today healing magic will help you with quick and effective conspiracy prayers to get rid of such a problem and knock down the intracranial arterial pressure. After reading the plot

Treatment of the liver for cirrhosis at home can be carried out using a spell used among the people for the prevention and treatment of the liver. You need to read the plot for the liver 3 days in a row at 6 o’clock in the morning with holy water, which should be drunk an hour before meals and during attacks. A strong conspiracy intended to treat a person’s liver needs to be read in a low voice, bending over the water, so that the water sways from your

You can read the plot for a hernia both for yourself and for the treatment of a hernia in a child, the plot is white and suitable for everyone. In Rus' one of effective ways struggle umbilical hernia There was always a conspiracy against hernia. At all times, people all over the world believe in the power of the healing word and the effectiveness of various rituals. To quickly get rid of a hernia at home, people used prayers or spells. Having knowledge of a magical ritual, you could independently cast a spell on an umbilical or inguinal hernia, help a loved one or child in treating this illness, because if you read a strong white spell for a hernia, you can cure a hernia in a newborn with an old spell. Ritual

The methods of cleansing the body of toxins are so varied; for many, popular methods are healing spells to cleanse the body, which need to be read on the waning moon. During the waning moon, with the help of a conspiracy, you can independently cleanse the body of toxins and toxins at home, while at the same time very quickly cleanse the intestines and even lose a little weight with the help of this ancient conspiracy. IN folk medicine It has long been known that if you read a special spell to cleanse the body, it will adjust the body’s biorhythms for self-cleansing and as a result, the very next day after using this method of cleansing, your well-being improves, headaches go away,

This good spell for osteochondrosis has helped many to quickly relieve pain from the lower back or neck. Exacerbation of osteochondrosis, what to do and how to quickly cure osteochondrosis of the spine of the neck and lumbar region? In folk medicine, there are many ways to effectively cure osteochondrosis, and one of them is casting a spell. The plot for osteochondrosis must be read on an aspen stick with a knot (a branch from the main branch), which must be burned after reading the plot, so it must be dry. While moving an aspen stick over the sore spot, say a spell for treatment

A conspiracy to heal from an illness must be read into the wind, this is the only way to let go of the illness and quickly recover by getting rid of any ailment that for a long time did not respond to treatment. The village conspiracy of the Old Believers helps to quickly recover from the most common human diseases. Both men and women can read this plot, for example, to treat women’s diseases, colds, and even sore throats from a sore throat. You need to read the plot for all diseases on your own outside in windy weather; after reading the plot, the wind will take the disease and carry it away, healing you from the disease and helping you quickly recover and regain your health. Going out into the yard, standing facing

Spell for cough and sore throat

Cough is an eternal companion of colds and various respiratory diseases. But a cough can also be a sign of other, more serious illnesses that require prompt treatment.

It can have dire consequences - this includes bronchial asthma, pneumonia, and tuberculosis - the list of diseases against which cough will be the main symptom is truly enormous.

A cough can exhaust a person half to death; it prevents him from sleeping, eating, or breathing. In addition, the consequences of a prolonged, untreated cough are severe complications that develop into chronic stages that cannot be treated. That is why, along with conventional cough remedies, folk remedies are widely used, including cough spells.

That is why, along with traditional methods of cough treatment, folk remedies for cough treatment and cough spells are especially popular.

How to talk about a cough?

The main advantage of the cough spell is the ease of its use; with this remedy a person can easily heal himself.

You need to read the words of the conspiracy with faith and humility, act as suggested by the treatment with folk remedies used with a specific conspiracy - and after a short time the fight against cough will give its results. There are also conspiracies against coughs, which are read by another person at the request of the patient.

It is better to find out the cause of cough before treatment with conspiracies: after all, cough is a symptom of the development of the disease, and folk remedies used for cough do not always help against the disease - the cause. The cough will be cured, but the cause will remain, deepen, and return with even more severe consequences, which cannot always be cured with folk remedies.

If the cough appears from a cold that has already been healed, it is enough to read the “frog plot”, without supplementing it with any actions. A cough with a sore throat is treated by sprinkling with enchanted water, and you can make the water yourself at home, or ask your grandmother or magician.

A cough, like any other disease, can be caused intentionally - some sorcerers do this. This type of cough is the most difficult for a person to bear; he has no objective external reasons

(viral or bacterial infections, inflammatory processes, etc.). A person “barks” like a dog, bursts into coughing, but cannot do anything about it. Simple treatment with folk remedies will not help either. Such an illness must be cured by a conspiracy. At dawn, with the first ray of sun, you need to go out to the threshold, cross yourself and ask God to take away your cough, comparing yourself to the busy dawn, which “doesn’t cough or bark.” You may need a stronger cough spell - it all depends on the strength of the effect. Behind strong conspiracy

It's better to contact a professional. Sometimes a person's cough can be relieved with a glass of water. Six are thrown at him thin needles

The charmed water should be drunk in small sips (take six sips), the rest of the water should be poured under a tree, and six needles from a glass should be stuck into the tree bark.

When folk and not so folk remedies have helped you in your fight against cough, you should consolidate the result. There is a special conspiracy for this - it is called a cough conspiracy for recovery. It should be read in the morning of the day when the illness began to recede; they need to be repeated seven times, looking out the window at the rising sun (the spell is done before noon).

How to help a child with a cough?

Folk remedies for cough can be used to treat both adults and children. Usually, simple conspiracies that are not related to relieving a cough are performed for oneself, but if a child is sick, the ritual should be performed by the mother or grandmother (the ritual can be performed by a third party if he wishes the child well).

It is clear that the only thing a woman can endure worse than her own suffering is the suffering of a child, but they can also be alleviated with the help of folk remedies. Rituals and spells applied to a child must be delicate - God forbid they frighten or simply confuse the child.

Do not contact unclean spirits, do not speak medicine in front of your child.

The preparations that you prepare from the enchanted components should be convenient to take and not disgusting in taste. The easiest way is to take a teaspoon of honey, dissolve it in water and give it to your child to drink.

Perform the ritual until the illness subsides. You can also use pertussin and lazolvan to enhance the therapeutic effect, plus the child will not suspect anything. It is better not to perform magical rituals in front of a child also because skeptical relatives or friends will start laughing at him and will discourage the child from believing in a miracle - then no conspiracy will help.

Also, when performing a ritual with needles (yes, it can also be performed for a child), you need to be very careful - let’s drink not with sips, but with a spoon. In this case, it is better to take an opaque glass - so that no one asks unnecessary questions.

The main thing is Faith. Faith in the power of the Word, in the power of the Spirit, in the power of God, which helps a person overcome any illnesses and troubles in life.