The secret of wish fulfillment. How wishes come true, or the practice of “household magic” A note in the book “Journey to a New Life”

How do we miss miracles in life? I so want everything to happen by itself, in the most amazing and favorable way. Where does it come from in us? Maybe from children's fairy tales? In them, a hero with a pure soul and an open heart always gets what he wants, and everything turns out just magically. Here it is! I want magic, surprises and a holiday. They make our life much brighter and more interesting, improve our mood, inspire and encourage us to create. How to live joyfully and easily? How to make wishes come true?

“Desires are necessary to keep life constantly in motion” (S. Johnson)

It wasn't easy at first. As soon as desire arose, doubts immediately arose. I felt that guessing and doubting is the same as pressing the gas and brake pedals at the same time. But how to release the brakes and move forward? How to learn to control your thoughts in order to get what you want with their help?

Controlling the power of thought

The first thing to do is to put a filter on sad and unpleasant thoughts. Replace each negative statement with the opposite, life-affirming one. So that the picture being presented changes along with the words. Sometimes you come across such strong negative thoughts that they don’t want to be remade for anything.

And how to be?

You can come up with a phrase that would fit any situation. For example: “Everything is going as it should, and every day it gets better…”. And repeat until the unpleasant thought is forgotten. The secret is simple: we cannot think about several things at the same time. And only by switching to positive or neutral thoughts, we displace the negative. If the maintenance of mental order is made a habit, then gradually reality will change, sparkle with joyful and bright colors. And desires will no longer need to overcome the opposing force of doubt. Then they will be performed easily and freely.

Simple and complex desires

Why do some desires come true easily, as if by themselves, while others seem impossible? What is the difference between simple desires and complex ones?

If we have a clear idea of ​​what we want, and we know the ways to achieve it, then we understand that by taking certain steps, we will get what we want. Then everything seems simple, and there is almost no doubt. And if the image is blurred, and we present it only in general terms, then we don’t understand at all how to get it. So we think that everything is complicated and unrealizable.

To make difficult desires easier, we need to strengthen their weaknesses. How can you clearly describe and feel what you want, imagine yourself in the moment when everything came true. Think about what could be the confirmation that this happened.

What will you see and feel when what you want happens?

For example, documents. This may be a technical passport for the desired car with your last name, a contract of sale for a house, an order for appointment to a position. Or a marriage certificate, a diploma of graduation from a higher educational institution, an extract from a bank account on crediting the desired amount ... Each time, remembering what you want, complete the picture so that it becomes lively and voluminous.

Ways to achieve

What if this has never happened before? It is better to start with what is on the surface, with what is available. The main thing is to act. If you want a car - go for a test drive, buy a house - look at options, change jobs - subscribe to vacancies, send out resumes. You just need to do it with interest, getting joy from the process itself. It's like walking towards the tallest building in the city without knowing the route. You would keep it in sight and move along the road that you saw in front of you. And one day they would reach the goal.


By doing everything in our power, we confirm the desire to have it. For example, you want a new job, imagine what it should be, but do not make any attempts to find it. It speaks of a lack of intent. Use every opportunity, ask yourself: “What else can I do now?”. And do it. Switch your attention to the path, and let desire remain a guide.

The truth of desire

If at the thought that the desire has already come true, you have exceptionally joyful experiences, then this desire is true. The feeling that this is exactly yours, and no matter what happens, you will still strive for it. You know exactly what you need it for. Nothing should be embarrassing. If fears and concerns arise, then this cannot be yours yet. So, if you want a new expensive car, but are afraid of theft, then you won’t get a car either. If you think that men cannot be trusted, then getting married will be much more difficult. It is necessary to deal with the nature of these fears, and desires will come true more often.

Let go of desire

It is not worth waiting every day and celebrating that nothing is happening. Just do other things. Remembering the desire, switch thoughts from doubts to completing the picture of what you want so that it becomes more and more real.


Sometimes you want something so badly that you can't think of anything else. And it is simply impossible to imagine that the wish will not come true. Ask yourself what is your fear? What happens if you don't get what you want. Answer the question: “What will I do in such a situation?”. And then you will understand that there is a way out.


It is important to remember that desires come true easily for those who treat them easily. Just enjoy playing magic. After all, games are designed for fun, and winnings are just a nice bonus. And if something doesn’t work right away, just tell yourself: “I’m not a wizard yet and I’m just learning.” And keep going.


Who do we order? To whom do we address our desire? Universe, subconscious, creator? Let's trust who we are talking to. So - do not rush, do not doubt the answer. The Universe always says “yes” or “yes, but later” to our questions. If you believe, then everything will come true, because according to our faith it is given to us.


The universe is generous for the fulfillment of true desires. Therefore, never limit yourself in guessing what will bring you sincere joy.

Environmental friendliness

You do not want the fulfillment of a wish to harm you or someone else? Keeping in mind the responsibility for my thoughts, I always add: “ And may everything come true for the benefit of me and the entire universe, much better than I can imagine". Thus, I agree to the best scenario, excluding situations in which I would ever regret my desire.


Don't forget to give thanks. Even if desires are not fulfilled, be grateful. We cannot foresee everything in our life. And what is not fulfilled is also, perhaps, for the good. After all, everything that happens is always for the best. It’s just that we don’t see right away what is the best.

What are you losing?

To play this game or not, everyone decides for himself. But, if you play, you will always be in the black: at least - enjoy the game, as a maximum - get what you want. If the game captivates, desires begin to be fulfilled easily and freely, and this whole process becomes a habit, bringing joy and raising your mood.

The most important thing is mood.

Miracles simply adore funny eccentrics and eccentrics. And if you do not consider yourself one of them, then at least during the time of making wishes, appoint yourself temporarily acting as a wizard. Turn on the full positive, turn off the logic and make your world more wonderful!

Being a wizard is not easy, but very simple. You just need to turn on a good mood, add inspiration, imagine the implementation and let go of doubts.

Wish fulfillment methods that work almost flawlessly.

To bring the picture to life. This method is very simple and great for getting a new job, buying property and traveling. But it also requires persistence.

Please provide as much detail as possible about what you want to achieve. Enter mentally into the picture drawn by the imagination. Touch the elements of the interior. Tell yourself: "This is mine!".

Take a look around. Find some solid proof that it's yours. It can be documents, personal items in a closet or on a table. And if this is a trip, then consider a store sign in a foreign language. Stay there as long as possible, try to catch the smells, consider what the people around are wearing, what the weather is like. Mentally leave there some important thing for you, for which you would definitely come back.

How are you feeling? If you have experienced joy, then this is definitely yours. And it takes some time for the picture to appear in reality. Now, every time, remembering your desire, immediately transfer yourself there, continue to get used to it. Do what you would do in reality. Walk around the rooms, water the flowers, stroke the cat, make tea, sit on a bench near a popular attraction.

And everything will definitely come true! I learned.

A wish list. Much has been written and said about this method. It is really very effective when you want to let the flow of miracles into your life. But there are features to keep in mind.

Start writing only in a very upbeat, cheerful, joyful and light mood. Turn to the Universe and list everything that you already have and for which you are grateful to life. On this wave, continue to write in the present tense what you would like to receive and live.

Imagine that this is already in reality. Wish a lot, from the heart, without thinking much, at least 50 points. Feel the delight of magic. At the end, wish happiness and love to everyone in the Universe! Close the list and move on to other activities.

Usually miracles begin to happen on the same day.

Magic mirror. In which mirror do you look most often? Designate it magical and it will embody whatever you wish. This method is great for when you want to buy nice new clothes that you just can't find or don't have enough money for.

Stand in front of a mirror, imagine yourself in this thing. Think over the color, length, trim elements, at least in general terms. And to the question about money that has arisen in your head, say out loud: “And let it cost so much that I can easily buy it!”. Feel the joy of the new thing that you will soon have. And every time, remembering the desired thing, go to the mirror, fasten, correct, examine. You can also imagine yourself with a suitcase or travel bag leaving the house, where you are waiting for a taxi to the airport to travel.

This is a game, and let it bring joy.

Write a poem to get it done as soon as possible. If you are at least a little able to rhyme words, then this method is for you. It is necessary to write a small and, perhaps, not even very coherent rhyme about how wonderfully everything is done with you and comes true for the better.

Turn on the joyful mood, and may inspiration be with you!

There are many more techniques, choose and try. Remind yourself more often that you are wizards. ANDyou will feel the unique taste of reality control.

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author.
In case of health problems, do not self-medicate, consult a doctor.

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Imagine that a year / two / five has passed and that everything has already changed in your life. All your desires have come true and you live exactly the way you always wanted. For example, now you are working at your favorite job, you met a loved one who married you, you have a large and comfortable house where little legs will run very soon, since you are already expecting a baby. And you are from the future, where all this has already happened, write a letter to yourself in the past. Describe in detail and in detail all the good things that happened in your life.

In order for all your dreams to come true, it is important to do this practice of fulfilling desires correctly. Namely - really imbued with the feeling that you already have it all. That this has already happened to you. And rejoice. Sincerely, from the bottom of my heart. It is this energy message of your joy that changes the structure of fields in the Universe, it is he who materializes the desired into reality.

When you describe in a letter your wishes that have come true, do not limit the Universe in the possibilities of fulfilling these wishes. For example, if you want a new car, don't go into detail like, "I got a new red car that I won the lottery." Thus, you severely limit the ability of higher powers to help you. After all, if the car were, for example, any other color, then it would be easier, and if the ways to get it were not limited to winning the lottery, the likelihood that you would have a new car would greatly increase.

The next rule is not to use “not” particles. The universe does not understand them and does not hear them. It turns out that if you write "not sick", then in fact it turns out "sick". Be careful, as you may not get what you really meant.

Also, do not write too difficult to implement desires. For example, if you write yourself a letter from the future, where only one year has passed, then it is unlikely that you will become a millionaire this year if you previously worked as a seller in a store, right? Unrealistic desires, most likely, will not come true, and then you will be disappointed in this technique.

What is the difficulty of such a practice of fulfilling desires? That you must clearly understand what you want from life. Where do you see yourself in a year/two/five years? What should surround you. In fact, only a mature person can have such a clear idea of ​​their values ​​and desires. (if we talk about women) will not be able to answer the question, what is the purpose of her life and what does she want from her in general. She will not even describe the man she would like to meet if she is still single (which is very likely, since she is immature).

Therefore, before you sit down to perform this practice of wish fulfillment, make sure that you know well what you want. And I remind you - be careful in your desires, they can come true!

They can change a person's life and outlook. They help to properly tune the senses and mind, manage energy flows and be in harmony with the Universe. There are a large number of esoteric methods and practices for working with consciousness and changes in one's life. This article will consider how esotericism, fulfillment of desires and the laws of the Universe are interconnected.

If a person longs for something for a long time, but cannot get it in any way, perhaps the problem lies not in fate or evil fate, but in himself. From the point of view of esotericism, the embodiment of any desire requires the observance of two main points: the removal of internal restrictions and the correct formulation of the goal.

Realization of dreams and internal conflicts

Removing restrictions is the main stage on the way to the speedy fulfillment of desires. Cherished dreams will remain dreams if the following internal contradictions exist:

  • the belief that the fulfillment of a desire is a very difficult and lengthy process for which you do not have enough resources;
  • lack of self-confidence for the implementation of the plan;
  • focus on obstacles to achieving the goal;
  • the absence of any action to fulfill the desire.

It is imperative to get rid of these negative attitudes, and you will immediately feel a surge of energy and strength necessary to achieve what you want. Esotericism helps in this, bringing the fulfillment of desires closer and removing internal restrictions. There are three main ways that allow you to remove all obstacles to your dream:

  1. Belief in the reality of the fulfillment of desire

Let the Universe give you what you want, do not analyze the options for achieving the goal, do not look for obstacles. Just believe that the dream will become a reality very soon.

2. Visualization

In some cases, it can be difficult to sincerely believe in the reality of the fulfillment of desires. Visualization is one of the most powerful ways to remove internal blocks and find a state of harmony. Imagine your dream in great detail, feel the joy of its realization. You can draw what you want, print a photo or describe it in words, the main thing is to experience strong emotions of joy and gratitude by visualizing the goal.

3. Positive attitude

The Law of Attraction is one of the main laws in esotericism and in the Universe: what we think about is attracted to us. It is important to concentrate on only in a positive way, cast aside doubts and fears. The more often you think about your desire as a real event, the more you believe in it and experience many positive emotions. Joy, delight, gratitude that appear in your mind, generate the energy necessary to achieve the goal.

Cherished desire: the correct wording

Allowing the dream to become a reality and believing in its realization is the main step in esoteric practice, but it is equally important to formulate the desire correctly. Esotericism says that the fulfillment of desires depends entirely on the ability to choose a cherished goal from a variety of aspirations and fix it. The following simple rules will help in this:

It is better to write down the desire on paper, taking into account as many details as possible. By writing down something, we invest additional energy, as well as structure the flow of our thoughts.

Time limits should be set. Time is one of the main points that many do not take into account when dreaming about something. Be sure to clearly state the time frame in which your desire must be fulfilled.

When writing down your dream on paper, you should not use the wording “I don’t want”, denial is incomprehensible to the Universe. Better focus on what you want.

Formulate the desire in the present tense, in the form of a statement. Do not use phrases such as: “I will buy”, “I will receive”, “I will do”. They assume that the action takes place in the future, and it will take a very long time for the wish to be fulfilled.

After the goal is formulated, you can safely entrust the implementation of the dream of the Universe. Your task is to focus on positive emotions and take certain actions for the fastest result. Subject to the rules that esotericism offers, the fulfillment of desires will not keep you waiting.

It is very important to arrange them beautifully. When we formalize our desires, we attract them to our field at the energy level, our mind gets used to them and tunes in to them.

It is very important that the process of making wishes be associated with some physical actions: this is how we anchor wishes in the material world.

We offer you three practices for the fulfillment of desires!

Envelopes with wishes

One of the wonderful practices that will help you feel your desires is to create a special wish book that you can review next year.

How to create a wishlist

  1. Buy a beautiful paper album. Each sheet of this album can be dedicated to desires for a particular area of ​​life. Desires can relate to femininity, family, relationships, apartments and its amenities, finances, travel, etc. You can also sign each page: "Love in my life", "My finances", "My femininity."
  2. Stick small envelopes on the pages of the album. Different colors can symbolize different areas, for example: red - love, sex, partner relationships; yellow - prosperity and money; green - health; purple - creativity and self-realization, etc. Envelopes can be of any size and shape - use your imagination 🙂
  3. Enclose beautiful pieces of paper with your desires in envelopes. You can also write mini-letters.
  4. Seal the envelopes. After a wish is made, it is very important to relax and forget about it, and therefore we seal the envelopes until next year.
  5. Tie the album with a beautiful ribbon and on New Year's Eve put it under the tree with the words: " May my wishes come true by the will of God for the benefit of me and all living beings!»

After the New Year, put the album in a secret place until next year 🙂

magic candle

The practice is very beautiful and deep. It is held for seven days without a break. It is unfavorable to interrupt any initiated ceremony, so try to calculate your strength and time. If you cannot finish it, then it is better not to take it from the very beginning, because a break energetically weakens any practice.

  1. Take a small church candle and use a felt-tip pen to apply six divisions of equal size to it. It will turn out seven parts - this is the seven days of practice.
  2. Insert the candle into the candlestick and write your wish on paper.
  3. Place the wish sheet under the candlestick and light the candle. While the candle burns to the first line, speak the essence of your desire to the fire. Extinguish the candle at the edge.
  4. Remove the candle with the leaf under it on the windowsill until the next day.
  5. On the second day and all subsequent days, repeat the ceremony.
  6. On the seventh day, when the candle is almost burnt out, take a piece of paper and light it from the flame of the candle.
  7. Throw the ashes into the wind through the window.

Your wish will come true very quickly and favorably for everyone around you!

Sky lanterns with wishes

One of the wonderful ways to make your wishes can be to launch sky lanterns.

  1. Buy sky lanterns. You can buy one for all wishes, you can buy a separate sky lantern for each wish.
  2. Write your desire on a beautiful piece of paper and attach it to a sky lantern. You can write a wish list and attach them in the same way.
  3. On New Year's Eve, launch a heavenly lantern into the sky and imagine how your desires go to God and receive his blessings. As you turn on the flashlight, say: It's all in God's hands!»

Watch as the flashlight flies far into the sky until it turns into a shining dot. Release your desires with him and switch. And go celebrate the New Year with your family!

How do you like the idea of ​​​​becoming a sort of kind fairy aunt for herself? I wanted to - I lost five kilograms, I wanted to - and the HR manager of an international corporation calls you and, stammering with excitement, asks you to head their branch in New York, in Manhattan itself.

Esotericists, sorcerers, magicians and other mysterious personalities argue that in order for "dream come true" to become a reality with the help of the power of thought or personality magnetism, certain rules must be observed:

1) Don't "talk" about your desire left and right.

The stump is clear that you want to brag to your girlfriend that in exactly 300 days 20 hours and 13 minutes you will be fluent in English, but the fulfillment of desires by mental power is a magical process and does not tolerate energy leakage;

2) It is very, very recommended, before turning on the magnetism of the personality, to spend some time alone in order to listen to your desire: mine - not mine? Is this really what I want, or is it my neighbor Svetka who “twisted” me that it’s time, they say, to get married?

Well, then what will I do with this happiness, attracted by the power of thought?

3) You should not think that in order to become the happy owner of a brand new smartphone, you just need to lie on the couch and imagine how you show off this miracle of technology in front of your friends.

Personality magnetism only works in conjunction with actions: the Universe will start throwing up opportunities for you to earn money for a new phone, take you to stores with good prices, and protect you from unscrupulous sellers.

In a word, with the help of the power of thought, a wish will come true faster and with less energy, “without noise and dust”;

4) When you have decided on the desire that you want to fulfill with the help of mental power, do not try to doubt that this is possible.

We found time to turn on the "rear"!

5) Personality magnetism does not work instantly, like a magic wand or a hair from the beard of old Hottabych, so get ready to wait a bit.

And the larger the desire, the more time the Universe needs to fulfill your request. So do not beat the dishes out of anger if you did not manage to learn how to drive a car in 15 minutes.

6) Your desire, in order to fulfill it with the help of personality magnetism or mental power, should be as clearly formulated as possible, like questions in the program “What? Where? When?".

That is, no thought “I want to get married”, but “I want to get married before the end of this year for a brown-eyed IT specialist with separate housing.” Well, you understand what we mean: the more accurate the desire, the faster your “order” will be completed;

7) The goal must be realistic to achieve with the power of thought.

Alas, it is unlikely that you will be able to become an English princess. Although, wait - Prince Harry, in my opinion, is not yet married ... Let's turn on our magnetism!

8) Your desire should not hurt the interests of other people or negatively affect them.

You, after all, are not a medieval witch to send pestilence on neighboring cattle (read - on the cat Murzik in our enlightened 21st century). Yes, and you get, thanks to the power of thought, exactly the same as you “send” to the Universe.

That is, if you want fame, money and the respect of your colleagues in addition to attracting the thought - get it, “broadcast” it so that your ex-husband loses his job - you also find out where the Employment Service is in your city. Such is the circulation of energy in nature and the action of magnetism.

9) You must be as focused as possible on what you want to achieve with the power of thought, and there are a thousand and one options for how to do this, here are just a few:

- paint your desire from A to Z and reread your scribble several times a day.

By the way, it is not necessary to eat after each reading and write again ☺ - on the contrary, charge the paper with your energy;

- come up with your own personal positive affirmation and say it out loud or in your thoughts as often as possible(e.g., "I'm a successful self-employed person," "I make $5,000 a month," "I'm winning the damn pumpkin pie competition.")

The main thing is not to scare random fellow travelers in the subway and colleagues!

- create a "dream map" to achieve the fulfillment of desire with the power of thought: attach pictures of what you want (cuttings from magazines, newspapers, printouts from the Internet, etc.) on a large piece of paper. Label it all with "This is me, this is my red Ferrari" caption.

For example, you want to get married terribly. So sculpt indecently happy newlyweds, baby dolls on the hood and "cute" hearts.

Look at your card more often to strengthen the magnetism of the personality and breathe another portion of energy into your desire.

Such clippings can also be attached to a regular cork board. Computer-savvy citizens can use special programs for drawing.

10) After the wish comes true with the help of the power of thought, do not forget to thank the higher powers for their generosity - you know, like everyone else, they love polite people.

By the way, at the next “order” (do you have more than one desire?!), this will definitely be credited to you.