Hypnosis treatment: when, to whom and for what? Treatment with hypnosis, hypnotherapy, hypnosis online The use of hypnosis for the treatment of enuresis in children.

The treatment of psychological disorders with the help of hypnosis is always associated with the area of ​​some kind of rumors. In the minds of the common people, even with 2-3 higher educations, hypnosis is some kind of magical gift, and the hypnotist himself is considered either as a generic folk healer or a circus artist. The session is presented exclusively in a cinematic way. The patient is introduced into such a deep trance, he supposedly must have such a powerful change of consciousness that the psychotherapist can do whatever he wants. It turns out a very funny picture. On the one hand, people want to be put into the deepest trance and do something useful with them, but on the other, it's scary. What if the hypnotist leaves in the subconscious some terrible coding-installations that will lead to monstrous consequences?

It should be said right away that the treatment of panic attacks with hypnosis is quite possible, it can be very effective and give amazing results. However, first things first. We will format the text in the form of basic questions and give truthful answers to them.

Psychological disorders can be successfully treated with hypnosis

Imagine a pack of monkeys being let into a china shop. Funny animals famously had fun with the goods, and then briskly fled into the jungle, at the place of registration. What will be in the shop? Absolutely the same as in the mind of a person suffering from these attacks. Images, symbols, ideas, truth, lies, awareness, denial - all this is lying here and there in a broken form. The PA is only one of the signs of this pogrom. If you analyze, understand, you will always find a couple of additional neuroses, or even some more serious disorder. Attacks in this context are something very frightening and disturbing, which is why they come to a psychotherapist with them. The task is to take and clean up this "china shop" together. Or rather, so ... The role of the psychotherapist is to prompt the patient what he should do. Something completely broken - throw it away, fix something, put everything in its place. And the patient himself will do the main work.

These monkeys from our example are what the patient himself launched into his consciousness. The time to scatter stones has passed, it is time to collect them.

What is the role of hypnosis in therapy?

Accelerating and optimizing the process. Everything can be solved with just one session. But more often than not, patients are not ready. They try to control everything - themselves, the environment, the therapist. Even when he showed 10 times that there will be no deep trance, that he needs a patient who hears and understands everything, people still tense up and interfere with themselves. Most of the time is spent preparing the patient.

Hypnosis helps speed up and optimize the healing process

We will not use the term "subconscious" from the period of the birth of psychoanalysis. Let's say a little more ornate - deep layers of consciousness, not constantly realized, but always working. It is very difficult to throw new information there being in a daily state. We need a trance, but it is better to say “soft trance”. This is where the work takes place if it is carried out by a competent psychotherapist. Hypnosis is just a tool, a method of communication with your consciousness.

What happens during a hypnosis session?

It's impossible to say for sure. It depends on the psychotherapist, on the school to which he belongs.

Treating panic attacks with hypnosis can be more like meditation. In this case, the role of the therapist is to help the person enter a trance or other desired state and manage the process of meditation.

For example, fear, controlling and witnessing parts of consciousness can be visualized as separate images. In this case, from fear, you can get information about what role he played in the patient's life. They just don't show up. Sometimes they protect from something, for example, from rash acts. Such psychological theater can:

  • cause real surprise. After all, these images will give the most truthful information;
  • resolve the internal conflict, and therefore extinguish the neurosis caused by it.

Hypnosis can even help resolve internal conflicts.

Individual characteristics, including those that create conditions for working together, a large number of other factors make it useless to read reviews of hypnosis for panic attacks. What is good for one is not good for another.

Is hypnosis dangerous?

Passions around this topic are too inflated. Hypnosis in psychotherapy is a set of techniques, and they can be simply learned and mastered.. Trouble can only be caused by hypnotists who will try to put you into a deep trance when a person is not aware of what is happening to him. Consciousness is already in the power of the “monkeys” from our example. The inner world is in chaos.

A person does not trust himself and easily introduces himself into hypnosis, which causes his heartbeat, suffocation, hand shaking and depersonalization. And then the therapist will "help" in the matter of enslavement. But nothing critical will happen anyway. It is not necessary to hear about the same thing that some terrible things are happening under hypnosis. Well, people who are too suspicious may not need to go for it. And not because the hypnotist is potentially dangerous, but because a suspicious person is able to make an elephant out of a fly.

Do not trust those who say about:

  • special gift;
  • healing powers;
  • waves of magnetism and other things.

Nothing terrible is hidden behind this, but still one should not confuse the stage stage and medical practice.

The hypnotist must have a medical degree. Can't deal with charlatans

So, hypnosis for panic attacks is an effective technique practiced by a small number of psychotherapists. The main difficulty is that the patients themselves are not ready, and not many people want to prepare, look for common ground. However, if you find "your" psychotherapist who practices suggestive techniques, then they alone can create conditions in order to forget about panic attacks forever.

The treatment of panic attacks with hypnosis has mostly positive reviews, but if the patient and the psychotherapist are ready for joint creative work.

Hypnosis is a mysterious and mystical phenomenon. There is such a phenomenon as therapeutic hypnosis or hypnotherapy, when a person’s subconscious is influenced in order to get rid of mental disorders, neurological defects and psychosomatic diseases. There is a lot of controversy about the benefits and harms of this method. Today, only certified doctors and psychologists have the right to use it, and most "hypnotherapists" are charlatans. It is important to understand in which cases hypnosis is applicable and safe, and when it can harm.

Hypnosis can be used for medicinal purposes

Application of hypnosis

Hypnosis is used both as an independent and as an auxiliary method of treating psychological problems and psychosomatic illnesses. It is not the hypnotic trance itself that has a therapeutic effect, but the attitudes and images suggested to a person.

The main areas where hypnosis is used:

  • in the complex of cognitive therapy for depression, phobias, anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorders, stress disorders;
  • when a person is freed from addictions - alcoholism, drug addiction, gambling, etc .;
  • treatment of insomnia and other sleep disorders;
  • treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (irritable bowel syndrome), urinary system (enuresis);
  • therapy of skin diseases;
  • relief of pain syndromes;
  • treatment of overweight patients;
  • preparing patients for surgery.

Hypnotherapy is not practiced to correct memory lapses, treat amnesia, etc. Impressions and images received in trance look real and believable. The patient has a false memory.

Treatment of psychosomatic diseases with hypnosis

The presence of the disease leads to psychological disorders. There is also an inverse relationship. Some diseases occur in a person against the background of frequent stress, psychological problems, social conflicts, etc. Hypnosis treatment is often used for psychosomatic diseases (the disease can be called psychosomatic if physiological pathology was excluded during the diagnosis).

Classic psychosomatic illnesses include:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • ulcers of the stomach and duodenum;
  • ulcerative colitis;
  • neurodermatitis;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • essential hypertension (hypertension).

Today, irritable bowel syndrome, migraines, psoriasis, vitiligo, enuresis, obesity, and infertility are also added to the list. These diseases in 5% of cases have a psychogenic origin.

Hypnosis is used when differential diagnosis did not reveal organic disorders, and traditional therapy did not work. But if you start treatment with hypnosis without an examination, you can aggravate the disease.

Hypnotherapy will help patients with neurodermatitis

How is the session

A hypnosis treatment session differs little from a regular session with a psychotherapist. Only the patient will have to lie down on the couch.

First, the therapist listens to the patient, learns about his problem. Then they discuss it together and try to find solutions. It is important for a specialist to determine the depth of the disorder and how much a person is interested in recovery. The patient is then laid on a couch and put into a state of hypnotic trance. Different specialists have their own ways to do this. All of them represent a monotonous effect on one of the channels of human perception: vision, hearing, tactile perception. Sometimes three channels are affected at the same time.

In a state of hypnosis, a person's attention is narrowed, directed inward. The images and attitudes suggested by the hypnotist are perceived much more sharply than in the normal state. In a trance, a person does not realize where he is, in imagination or in reality. Sometimes he acts as a passive outside observer.

The purpose of therapeutic hypnosis is to find out the true cause of the disease. To do this, the therapist asks the patient questions or creates images that could push him to the right answer. Then the person is given installations that help in solving the problem. The hypnologist is an authority that makes you obey.

For recovery, one session of hypnosis is not enough. The result after a single immersion in consciousness lasts about a week. Therefore, the treatment is carried out in a course. The number of sessions is determined by the individual's sensitivity to hypnosis. If it is low, the patient will only go into a light trance and will need 10-15 appointments with the hypnologist. If you have the ability to go into a deep trance, 5 sessions are enough.

Ericksonian hypnosis

American psychotherapist Milton Erickson argued that hypnotic trance, like sleep, is a natural human need. From time to time, everyone involuntarily plunges into it.

Involuntary immersion in a trance also occurs with a monotonous impact on the analyzers. When reading a book, many have caught themselves more than once that they do not perceive what is written. Consciousness hovers somewhere else while the eyes follow the line. The same thing can happen while listening to music, sorting out small objects in the hands.

Ericksonian hypnosis is also used to treat psychological disorders and their physiological manifestations. For the session, the patient is not "sedated" and is not laid on the couch. The specialist simply creates conditions that help a person to plunge into a natural trance. The hypnologist acts only as a guide to consciousness, and not as an authoritarian voice, as in the classical approach.

Treating children with hypnosis

Many childhood illnesses are the result of mental instability, unstable emotional background. Treatment of children with hypnosis is perceived negatively by parents. They fear that interference with consciousness will affect memory and mental development. All these fears are unfounded.

Psychological disorders in a child can be treated with hypnosis. In the process of therapy, the child gets to know himself better, learns the correct worldview, his psyche becomes more stable.

The Ericksonian approach is used to treat children.

self hypnosis

Self-hypnosis is a popular treatment for psychological disorders, phobias, obesity, and skin conditions. It is also used to control pain. Often the ability to self-hypnosis develops in a person after hypnotherapy sessions.

For self-immersion in a trance, four components are necessary:

  • motivation (awareness of the necessity and importance of the result);
  • relaxation (for the practice of immersion, time is needed, the elimination of distractions, irritants, a state of complete rest);
  • concentration (the ability to focus consciousness on one point);
  • visualization of the desired result.

The tool in self-hypnosis is self-hypnosis.

You can learn the technique of self-hypnosis at a session with a psychotherapist. For immersion use the repetition of code phrases. The effectiveness of the method, when performed correctly, is the same as that of classical hypnosis.

Contraindications for use

Entering into a trance is forbidden for some people. Hypnosis contraindications include:

  • epilepsy (if an epileptic seizure starts during a session, it can be fatal);
  • some heart diseases (pre-infarction condition);
  • breathing problems.

Also, hypnosis treatment should not be applied to patients who experience panic fear before the session. Therapy can affect them differently and aggravate the course of the disease.

Epilepsy is a contraindication to hypnotherapy


Hypnotherapy is a safe and painless method of healing for many diseases of psychogenic origin. Hypnotherapy is used for people of all ages.

Today you can find many ads of charlatans who offer to cure any disease with hypnosis. Therefore, before choosing a specialist, you need to check his qualifications.

Helped us:

Vyacheslav Goncharenko
Psychotherapist, hypnotherapist

Daria Suchilina
Psychologist, psychotherapist

Since we immediately set a serious tone, we will do without introductory passages, leave the gypsy hassle alone, and talk about myths and witchcraft along the way. “In general, hypnosis is a set of practical skills, knowledge and skills that help the emergence of a trance in another person and / or in oneself, and the use of this state to initiate the changes that the patient needs,” says our expert Vyacheslav Goncharenko. And then, of course, he deciphers his words.

Myths about hypnosis

First, there is a common myth that the ability to hypnotize is a gift. In fact, it can be learned. The second point - also from the category of superstitions - concerns a trance, supposedly mystical, a special state of the psyche that the hypnotist induces. But nothing like that. Trance is a natural, physiologically necessary state for each of us.. You will be surprised, but we stay in it many times a day. You go by car or subway in the morning, watch a movie, read a book, listen to music, daydream, work at a computer, after all. What is common in all situations is this: you have a certain object for fixing attention and you are immersed in yourself - in your thoughts, images, sensations, experiences. At such moments, you are to varying degrees removed from the outside world, but still maintain contact with it. This trance is called household or natural.

“In Ericksonian hypnotherapy (the essence of which is below. - Approx. WH), a person, of course, is more abstract and immersed in his internal processes. And on the mental and physical level, it triggers the desired internal changes. Sometimes this happens spontaneously, in a natural trance, but more often in cooperation with the therapist,” says Vyacheslav.

You ask what happens at the level of physiology at such moments? The question in a million - because it's just a mystery for now. The topic, of course, is being actively studied, but there is no single, generally accepted theory, although there are many concepts. For example, physiologist Pavlov believed that hypnosis is a partial sleep, in which almost all parts of the brain are dormant, but the “watchman” remains in the cerebral cortex, and the hypnotist contacts with him. But there are other explanations as well.

“For example, there is an opinion that in a trance, the activity of the left hemisphere of the brain decreases, while the right hemisphere increases (the first, we recall, is responsible for logic, and the second for creativity. - Approx. WH). And this is also a myth,” says Vyacheslav Goncharenko. - Let's just say that during hypnosis, the work of the centers and systems of the brain is exactly different from the "usual" state. But the nature of these changes depends on many factors, including the goals of the sessions. For example, hypnosis works well with acute and chronic pain. And today there are many studies on how a person's subjective perception of it changes in a trance. This is because the systems in the brain that are responsible for pain begin to function differently.”

Hypnosis Methods

Among specialists (especially young ones), the so-called Ericksonian hypnosis is gaining popularity recently. Its founder, MD, psychotherapist, psychiatrist American Milton Erickson (born in 1901, died in 1980) made a huge contribution to the development of the subject of our conversation. Actually, speaking roughly, hypnosis is now usually divided into Ericksonian (EG) and classical. The latter is most often understood as directive (DG).

What is the main difference between EG and DG? “In my opinion, in the message that is explicitly and implicitly transmitted by the“ hypnotist ”to another person,” says Vyacheslav Goncharenko. - In a directive approach, it is - "I have power over you." And from it follows the corresponding form of communication: authoritarianism, the idea of ​​submission, suggestion. In Ericksonian hypnosis, the message "I will help you gain power over yourself" is communicated. From which follow equal, respectful "working" relations, the indirect nature of suggestion, permissiveness, that is, the client's right to naturalness and spontaneity: to communicate as he communicates, to enter a trance as he enters, to behave in it as he leads, and exits as it comes out. Accordingly, here we have a high percentage of hypnotizability - almost 100%, because trance is natural, and the patient himself (his unconscious) chooses the changes.

How does everything look from the outside? Alas, not very scenic. It is like a conversation between two intelligent people, one of whom (the therapist) tells a long interesting story, sometimes pausing. The second listens to him, immersed in his thoughts, often with his eyes closed, but not necessarily. Mostly silent, but sometimes he also says something - if he wants or the interlocutor asks. Sometimes he draws - also being in deep thought. And at the end of the session, it “emerges” from there. No one, as a rule, waves a pendulum in front of a patient. Although the therapist, at the request of the client, may use this “props”, and also dim the lights, turn on the music, if it’s easier for a person to get into a trance.

The truth about hypnosis treatment

The Internet often offers to treat addictions, phobias, stress, neuroses, allergies, depression, psychosomatic illnesses (those caused by repressed emotional experiences) with hypnosis. And supposedly with the help of suggestions you can lose weight. Vyacheslav Goncharenko, in principle, confirms that yes, hypnotherapy can indeed be used in the cases listed, but - a nuance! - most often it is used as an aid.

Hence the logical conclusion: hypnosis is not a panacea. And not a medicine, but a tool, such as a scalpel. And what can be cured with a scalpel? " Hypnosis works well in conjunction with traditional medical methods.. It is able to enhance the effect of individual components of drugs, reduce/remove side effects, cope with pain and psychological suffering that often accompany the healing process,” says our expert. - Recently, the relationship of hypnosis with the activity of the central nervous system and neurogenesis has been actively studied, which also serves as an auxiliary tool during the recovery period after strokes and injuries. In medicine, treatment is always a complex and multifaceted process. And you need to start from a specific task.

But, you must admit, it is very difficult to stop asking an expert about those same persistent myths. “With the help of hypnosis, it is allegedly possible to master various superpowers, such as “sleep for 4 hours a day, maintaining complete clarity of consciousness”, “enter a state of heightened perception”, “stop the internal dialogue”; and in general, there are different desires associated with violence either against oneself or against others, Vyacheslav reluctantly gives up. – And what is the result? We sit with the client, we figure out why he needs to “sleep little and work a lot”, “overclock the brain”, and so on. We are talking about the so-called facade queries. There is what a person wants and what he really wants, and often there is an abyss between these two points. The outcome of the work depends on whether it can be overcome.

About sleep, we are sure, now many have also become interested. We answer: no trance can replace it. Hypnotherapy helps a little and temporarily compensate for the lack of night rest. if the situation requires it. But then you still need to sleep, the body will take its toll.

The choice of a specialist

The main fear associated with hypnosis is that you will lose control over the situation, you will be zombified, and then some malicious installation will be introduced. The main argument of the skeptics is: “You won’t inspire anything to me, a person with intellect.” All this concerns, first of all, the directive approach. The fact is that people are more suggestible and less (which, by the way, does not depend on the level of intelligence). There are professional specialists, there are charlatans. Direct instructions or orders used in DGs act on a small percentage of clients, the rest, as a rule, do not accept them (the percentage of hypnotizability is low). And the person leaves disappointed in therapy or, even worse, in himself: “Even hypnosis did not help me!”

“I can’t say that DG does not work, is harmful or ineffective. It also has its own areas of application. For example, it works well with various kinds of dependencies,” says Vyacheslav Goncharenko. - In addition, at a certain stage of Ericksonian therapy, the use of directive suggestions can also have an effect. Everything, of course, depends on the level of training of the specialist. And session security, by the way, too. “As someone once said, in the therapy room, at least one person must understand where two are going. And it is better that it was a psychotherapist, - continues our expert. - That's why, if necessary, you should first of all contact a doctor or a qualified psychotherapist who owns EG. It's one way to keep yourself safe."

Authoritative places among those where the Ericksonian method is taught are the Foundation. Milton Erickson, from Russian - Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology, Institute of Group and Family Psychology and Psychotherapy. Plus, if you are in search of this kind of specialist, pay attention to the “How to distinguish a professional” block. And keep in mind that you will have to work with him in the same team. At the first meeting you will feel any kind of discomfort - go to another: well, not your person, it happens.

How to distinguish a professional

Below we have listed the important qualities of an Ericksonian hypnotherapist. Enjoy!

  • Ethics. This person is primarily a doctor or a psychotherapist, which means that he is obliged to comply with the norms of his profession, medical ethics.
  • attentiveness, sensitivity- the ability to notice the slightest, on the verge of changes in the client during the session.
  • Flexibility- the ability to find a common language with any patient and use his behavior or messages for therapeutic purposes.
  • Faith in the client's resources and the ability to identify them during the conversation.
  • Ingenuity. Sometimes a specialist right on the go has to come up with any (often unique) technique, technique for a specific client at a certain point in time, using points 2-4.
  • Abstract thinking: the ability to build and tell therapeutic metaphors, stories with hidden meanings at the request of the patient.
  • Ability to work effectively in trance. Yes, the therapist is also in it. One part of him is in this state, and the second must perform official duties: select words, build metaphors, think over strategies, design techniques.

What is self-hypnosis?

This is self hypnosis. The same rules apply to him as when working with a hypnotherapist. A specialist can train his clients in the right skills so that patients can practice on their own if necessary.

“There are many self-hypnosis techniques,” says Daria Suchilina. – Some of them are carried out in the waking state, when a person repeats simple formulas to suppress painful thoughts and sensations, to replace them with beneficial ones. Another option is to learn to consciously achieve relaxation, track unpleasant sensations and, together with them, let go of anxieties, emotional and physical pain. Aerobatics - auto-training combined with biofeedback. A person is connected to sensors and devices, such as a cardiograph, an encephalograph or an oxyhemograph, and changes in readings are monitored in accordance with different experiences. And he learns to notice the smallest sensations in the body and compare them with the readings of the instruments. After six months or a year, you can consciously regulate blood pressure, heart rate, smooth muscle contractions.

Hypnotherapy: types, principles and methods of hypnosis - What diseases can be cured with hypnosis

Hypnotherapy is a modern method of treating many diseases. Treat with hypnosis in most cases, as well as drug and nicotine addiction.

A positive outcome in treatment depends on the person himself and his ability to succumb to hypnosis.

During a hypnotic session, the patient falls into a trance, and it is easy to suggest any information to him.

A positive effect will occur in the treatment of only those diseases that have arisen due to psychological or emotional factors.

The main factors in the occurrence of diseases are constant and workload.

If the disease has arisen due to fears or experiences, in a state of hypnosis, you can help a person find a way to solve his problem, and after leaving the trance, he will be healthy and confident.

Principles of Hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy is based on the manipulation of human thoughts during trance.

During such a state, the patient does not have his own thoughts, he only listens to what is suggested to him, and directs all his strength into the direction of activity that is recommended to him.

Quite often, this technique is used in the treatment of personality disorders. Thanks to hypnosis, various phobias can be cured.

This area of ​​activity is popular not only in the treatment of mental illness, but also in traditional medicine. Clinical hypnotherapy helps people with CNS disorders. (Central Nervous System).

Basic Hypnotherapy Methods

Many people believe that hypnosis is a recent development and cannot bring healing results. This opinion is wrong.

Hypnosis and its healing properties have been known since ancient times.

Due to the treatment of different diseases, various methods of hypnotherapy have been developed.

The most popular of them:

  1. Levitation method;
  2. Hypnosis through visual contact.

Verbal hypnosis

Verbal hypnosis is also called sound hypnosis. A hypnotherapy session begins with the impact of words and sounds on the patient's receptors.

This method is used when the patient cannot independently concentrate his attention on a particular subject.

Visual hypnosis is not suitable for such people, since they will not be able to enter a trance state. In addition, this technique is used to treat people who suffer from hysteria.

Levitation method

"Hypnosis of levitation" is very often called the method of light hand. It is especially popular in Western countries.

This technique has a number of features that make it easier for a person to enter a hypnotic state.

Efficiency is achieved due to the fact that the patient can independently control his body and emotions.

Ericksonian hypnosis got its name from the name of its inventor.

During a hypnotic session, the patient takes an active part, but does not have access to his own subconscious.

Erickson's hypnotherapy does not always bring positive results. Several sessions are required to consolidate the effect obtained. This type of therapy does not harm the health and psyche of a person.

visual hypnosis technique

This is the most famous method for putting a person into a trance state.

The essence of the method lies in the concentrated observation of some rhythmically moving object. The object can be a coin or a pendulum.

During observation, certain commands are spoken to a person in a monotonous voice, they help the person to relax and enter a trance faster.

This method is most often used to treat nicotine and. But no one gives a guarantee for a positive result.

Diseases that can be treated with hypnosis

Hypnotherapy can be used to cure many diseases. This practice has been used to treat diseases since the mid-18th century.

People who regularly take hypnosis courses feel much better than everyone else. They are in good physical and mental condition.

Thanks to hypnotic sessions, you can relieve pain symptoms in stomach ulcers, gastritis, and also reduce the frequency of seizures. With the help of hypnosis, blood pressure and heart function are normalized in people.

There are people who do not believe in the healing effect of such sessions, and those who believe and have experienced it for themselves are very pleased with the result.

A hypnotherapist will help you get rid of addictions, phobias, regular stress, and also help you lose weight.

Thanks to hypnosis sessions, you can cure the above diseases, as well as many others. A positive result is formed due to the suggestion of certain information in a state of trance.

Trance itself has a therapeutic effect on the body. While in it, the work of all internal organs and the respiratory system is normalized.

There are no clear indications for hypnotherapy treatment. Only a specialist can recommend medication or treatment in such a non-standard way. People who have the same medical condition may respond differently to hypnotherapy.

Contraindications for hypnotherapy

Hypnosis is one of the least researched methods of treating diseases. It should be used only after the advice of a doctor.

As with other types of treatment, it has a number of contraindications:

  • You can not come to the session after the recently transferred or;
  • It is also prohibited for people with pronounced heart failure;
  • Hypnotic sessions are prohibited during colds or infectious diseases.

Some complications may arise during a hypnotic session. During a trance, the therapist may lose contact with their patient.

This will lead to the fact that the patient will not be able to get out of the state of hypnosis.

Especially people with hysteria are at this risk. In addition, an exacerbation may occur after the end of the course of treatment.

Any disease that has subsided for a while can, after a while, become more active with renewed vigor. There are cases when patients become addicted to hypnosis. This state is called hypnomania. It has 3 stages.

At 1 there is severe drowsiness after sessions. In stage 2, a person becomes lethargic and irritable after treatment. At stage 3, a person cannot get out of a state of hypnosis for a long time, such a state can even last for several months.


Before going for a hypnotherapy session, you need to weigh all its advantages and disadvantages and be sure to consult with your doctor.

Video: Hypnotherapy

Many people, hypnosis treatment associated with something supernatural, mystical; hypnotherapy it seems to them as an immersion in a deep hypnotic sleep, in which a person can be hypnotized to fulfill the desires of the hypnotist, or to find out from him all his secrets, while he himself hypnosis allegedly can make people obedient and manageable "zombies"; some think that the hypnotist doing some kind of passes can make them fly (levitation) or immobilize (catalepsy).

What is the modern hypnosis in the practice of psychotherapy, which can help hypnotherapy and how it happens hypnosis treatment, and of course, with what psychological problems all this helps, as well as the harmful effects of hypnotic exposure, we will consider in this article.

Modern hypnosis, hypnotherapy, hypnosis treatment in psychotherapy, including online

Without using suggestion, modern hypnosis will help you reach the level of detachment from reality (hypnotic trance), which is familiar to almost all people (for example, drive a car, and at the same time think about something else, and then not remember how you got to the place, or listen interlocutor, and at this time withdraw into yourself).

This detachment allows a person to change some deep-seated beliefs, using their internal resources and at the same time learning, acquired limitations that have accumulated over a lifetime can be eliminated.

Milton Erickson argued that hypnotic trance itself is therapeutic.

Hypnotherapy is associated with the difference in the work of the two hemispheres of the brain, one of which (usually the left one) is responsible for words and speech, logic (consciousness), and the second (usually the right one), manages images (the unconscious), and when, during therapeutic hypnosis, a person enters in a trance (is withdrawn), the left hemisphere with its logic and criticality weakens somewhat, and the hypnotherapist helps the client work with the unconscious, where, in fact, our problems live.

How hypnosis helps, what problems hypnotherapy is suitable for, and what is treated with hypnosis

Hypnosis helps to solve the problems of self-esteem, self-affirmation, preparation for exams;

relieve personal and professional stress, family tension, marital problems, functional sexual disorders (frigidity, impotence), panic attacks;

Hypnotherapy is suitable for anxiety, insomnia, spasmophilia, phobias, fears, obsessions;

it helps with depressive, emotional disorders and related disorders;

hypnosis relieves post-traumatic stress syndrome;

Hypnosis treatment in pulmonology and otolaryngology: asthma, allergies, rhinitis, sinusitis, akufena, loss of taste and smell;

gastroenterology: ulcers, colitis, chronic gastritis;

cardiology: vascular disorders, some cardiac arrhythmias;

neurology: some headaches, including migraines, tics, facial paralysis;

gynecology: severe pregnancy, nausea and vomiting, childbirth, some types of infertility, bleeding, urinary disorders;

dermatology: allergies, psoriasis, urticaria, hyperhidrosis, improved scarring of burns;

Psychotherapy together with hypnotherapy helps with addictions: tobacco, alcohol, overeating, the Internet, games, drugs;

eating disorders: bulimia, overweight;

Hypnosis relieves acute or chronic pain, makes analgesia, anesthesia;

Hypnotic help for cancer patients: pain, psychological support, reduction of secondary effects of treatment, prolongation and improvement of the quality of life;

assistance to AIDS patients, prolongation and improvement of the quality of life, psychological support;

Children are treated with hypnosis: enuresis, learning problems, self-affirmation, family relationship problems.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of problems that hypnotherapy can help with.

How is hypnosis treatment, hypnotherapy and modern hypnosis

During a session of modern hypnosis, the client is in a sitting position, which initially removes him from sleep, because. in hypnotherapy, there is an interaction between the hypnologist and the client, i.e. a person who has come for treatment with the help of hypnosis is awake and takes an active position, which excludes any manipulation and suggestion from the hypnotherapist.

In hypnotherapy, mostly words are used, the client can be both in a deep trance and in a superficial one, which does not interfere with the healing process, you can also close your eyes, or you can keep them open.

At the initial stage of hypnotic treatment, a conversation takes place to collect data and the principles of hypnotic influence and problem solving using hypnosis are explained.

If you trust your hypnotherapist, you will likely be able to resolve many of your psychological and emotional, and in some cases, physical problems.

However, you should beware, however, as elsewhere, hypnotists of scammers who have nothing to do with hypnotic treatment and helping people, but they know how to use trance for their own benefit.

Is there a harmful effect of hypnosis on the psyche, contraindications for hypnotherapy, and who does not benefit from hypnosis treatment

Psychoses are usually contraindications to hypnotherapy. But even in these cases, psychotherapists working with pathologies of this kind use some of the technical aspects of hypnotic treatment.

In fact, the only real contraindication to hypnosis is going beyond the usual psychotherapeutic framework.
Modern hypnotherapy cannot be dangerous - provided that it is carried out by a real hypnotherapist and the hypnosis is preceded by well-collected information about the client.

Hypnosis does not help only those who do not have their own desire to be treated and change.

Is it possible to use online hypnosis and what can be cured with hypnosis, online hypnotherapy

By pure hypnosis, it is impossible to cure via the Internet, online, of course, because. direct contact with a hypnotherapist is necessary, however, for many of the psychophysiological problems listed above, online psychotherapy and psychoanalysis with some elements of therapeutic hypnosis are possible.

In other words, hypnotherapeutic intervention, hypnosis treatment, one way or another can manifest itself in psychotherapy or online consultation, both through