Extracurricular activity "reflective flicker badge". Extracurricular event on traffic rules in elementary school Introduction to the topic of the lesson

Class hour on the topic “Flickers are our friends!”
Conducted among students of grade 6 “B”.
Goal: preserving the life and health of children. prevention of children's road traffic injuries.
Tasks (questions that need to be addressed):
- getting to know flickers;
- how does the flicker work?
- why flickers are visible from afar;
- how to use flickers correctly;
Equipment and materials:
Technical means – computer, laptop (multimedia, screen);
Presentation “flickers are our friends”
During the classes:
Give the floor to those present! (5 minutes)
Teacher: Hello, guys! Today we have an open class hour called “Flickers are our friends!” Our school actively works with children on traffic rules, you know this. Most recently, you and I took part in the “Road Marathon” competition, namely, we filmed a video clip, but today we will talk about how important it is to save your life on the road and that important subject that will help us with this. This item is called a flicker!
2 Slide (our tasks).
In order to understand what each of you should learn after our class hour, we need to clearly formulate the tasks that need to be resolved. So, pay attention to the slide. (tasks are read out)
“What is a flicker?”
“How does a flicker work?”
“Why are flickers visible from afar?”
"Flickers of Nature"
how to use flickers correctly3 Slide “WHAT IS A FLICKER?”
So, let's begin to solve the tasks assigned to us!
Guys, what is a flicker? Where have you already met him? Why do you think flickers are needed in general? (students' answers are listened to)
Well done! All your assumptions are correct, but for a more complete “picture” of clarity, listen carefully to what I’m going to tell you now (5 min)
4 Slide: “Information about flickers”
Many traffic accidents occur at night, when visibility on some sections of the roadway may be limited. And casualties could have been avoided if every pedestrian, aware of his responsibility, made sure that he and his child were visible on the road. Wearing flickers (also known as retroreflectors, retroreflectors, reflectors, reflectors) is most relevant in the autumn-winter period, when the risk of being undetected on the road at night increases. Therefore, you should take care of your own safety and purchase flickers.
A pedestrian with a flicker is visible to a motorist at night from a distance of up to 400 meters.
In countries where a law on mandatory wearing of reflectors has been adopted, such as Finland and Belarus, the number of accidents involving pedestrians at night has actually decreased. Flickers on clothing reduce the risk of hitting a pedestrian at night by 6-8 times!
Let's take a closer look at why a flicker is needed. Within the city, the car speed should not exceed 60 km/h, but very often drivers forget about this. Therefore, let’s take as an example the speed of a car outside a populated area - 90 kilometers per hour. At this speed, the car travels 36 meters in one second. Without flickers, a pedestrian on the road becomes noticeable at a distance of no more than 70 meters. This means that it takes the driver less than two seconds to stop. Not every person driving will have time to react. If the reflector is visible 400 meters away, then the car at the same speed will cover this distance in 11 seconds. And this is already enough for the driver to react correctly to the appearance of a person on the road.
From personal experience: I, as a motorist, will tell you that pedestrians who have reflective elements clothes, command respect (a short story about how I was driving in a snowstorm and saw a pedestrian with a flicker, thanks to which I reacted in time) (3 min)
5 Slide “Photos of various flickers”
Let's turn to the slad and look at what kind of flickers there are, where they occur and what can serve as flickers.
Flickers are reflective elements. Cheerful and bright stickers, bracelets, small badges that reflect the light of headlights, can be placed on your hand, jacket, jeans or backpack. You can also observe reflective stripes on workwear or uniforms of traffic police officers. An elementary example is outerwear. Many manufacturers place reflective strips on jackets for safety reasons. The boys know exactly what a reflector is; many have bicycles. So in this case, the reflector is not just a decoration, but also your protector! Road signs are also covered with a special reflective layer so that drivers can see them from afar and thereby navigate the road at night. (2 minutes)
6 Slide “How to make a flicker?”
We have highlighted such a characteristic of flickers as the ability to reflect light. But not all bodies and objects have this ability?! Let's figure out how flickers work.
The basis of any flicker is reflective paper, film or paint. Having any of the above at hand, anyone can make a flicker of any shape or size with their own hands.
7 Slide “How does flicker work?”
Let's now figure out what are the advantages of flickers and why do we see them from afar? In one word, we will learn “How flicker works”
The work of the “travel amulet” is based on a simple physical phenomenon. A reflector is a device or surface that is capable of reflecting light back to its source in darkness with minimal light scattering. Flickers have high brightness and reflectivity, due to which the safety of the wearer is ensured by high visibility of clothing. The reflector visually signals the driver about a person on a dark road when he is illuminated by car headlights. The driver sees the pedestrian and the direction of his movement in advance, from afar, and can brake or go around him in time.
As for the technical details, the action of flicker is based on the elementary optical process of retroreflection, that is, reflection of the light flux, which returns in a direction close to the direction of its emission. (3 min)
8 SLIDE “law of light reflection”
IN next year you will begin to study a subject such as physics. It is the laws of physics that explain the reflection of light from various surfaces. Looking ahead a little, I will briefly tell you about how light is reflected from bodies.
When a ray of light falls on a body, the angle at which it falls is ultimately equal to the angle at which the ray is reflected. In the daytime we can clearly distinguish various objects, but in the dark everything is different. That's what flickers are for. But they are structured differently and the law of reflection in the case of flickers “works” differently than with other objects.
9 SLIDE “law of reflection for flickers”
As we have already said, “The basis of any flicker is reflective paper, film or paint.” Retroreflective films are a complex multilayer optical device that allows you to achieve such an effect that the reflected beam will be almost exactly directed in the direction of the light source, thanks to the multiple refraction of light, no matter where the beam initially falls. This is the ability of flickers to be visible more clearly.
Video about flickers.(7 min)
10 SLIDE “Flickers of Nature”
Guys, can you give examples of what I call nature flickers? (if they don’t answer for a long time): perhaps some of your pets have eyes that, as they say, “glow in the dark?” (answer: cat). Yes, that's right, but it should be noted that the eyes do not glow, but reflect light from some light source. Let's figure out why this happens.
VIDEO “why do cats’ eyes glow in the dark”

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Summary of an extracurricular event for the prevention of children's road traffic injuries “Our friend is a flicker”

The extracurricular activity summary was sent by: Makarenko Yuri Mikhailovich, teacher of history, social studies, life safety, municipal educational institution secondary school No. 8, Stavropol Territory, Krasnogvardeisky district, village. Dmitrievskoe email: [email protected]

"Our friend is a flicker."

The event was held for 1st grade students and their parents, as well as for the teaching staff as part of the campaign to distribute sets of reflective devices.


To facilitate the process of communication with the audience, the term “flicker” is used as the name of the reflective device.


  • Teacher;
  • Traffic police representative;


  • 1st grade students;
  • Parents;
  • Teaching staff.

Target: Explain to children the need to constantly use a reflective device - a flicker.


  • Explain to children what flicker is;
  • Explain the need to use flickers;
  • Teach children how to use a flicker correctly;
  • Strengthen the ability to use a flicker;
  • To consolidate the understanding of the need to use flickers;
  • Repeat the rules for a young pedestrian.

Didactic material:

  • A set of reflective materials (flicker, packaging, information materials);
  • Information posters (tablets);

Event plan:

  • Appeal to children and parents, teachers
  • Demonstration of flicker and rules of use
  • Testing acquired knowledge and skills
  • Distribution of flickers

Progress of the event


Hello! Today we will talk about what worries everyone - both children and adults. We'll talk about safety. We all live where there are a lot of streets and a lot of cars. You already know how to behave properly on the street. Let's remember simple rules pedestrian:

  1. Cross the street only at a pedestrian crossing;
  2. Cross the street only when the traffic light is green;
  3. To cross the street, first look left and then look right.
  4. Never play on the roadway

What other safety rules are there? Our guest will tell us about this now (position, last name, first name, patronymic)

Traffic police representative:

Hello, dear children and parents, teachers. Be sure to follow the rules traffic, which your teacher just reminded you about. There is one more rule to be safe on the street at night.

There are many people who work outside at night, in the dark. In order to be visible to drivers, they wear special clothing.

(clothes are shown on the poster)

These clothes have special designs that glow brightly in the rays of car headlights. It's light now, and these drawings are invisible. But as soon as a little light hits them in the dark, these designs on clothes will shine brightly. Such drawings are on the clothes of police officers, road workers, and all people who work on the streets and roads at night. This is for safety reasons.

Traffic police representative:

All little pedestrians and their parents need to think about safety. These flickers were invented especially for children; they reflect the light of car headlights and will protect you in the dark on the street.

This flicker can be worn on any clothing, and warm jacket, and for a summer shirt. Look, one simple movement - and the flicker securely grabbed my hand (demonstrates the flicker, puts it on himself).

Flicker will reliably protect you on the road. This is your friend, helper and protector.


Guys, let's try to put on the flicker, learn how to use it correctly (calls several people one after another, puts on and removes the flicker, the children try to do it on their own).

Traffic police representative:

You are convinced that using a flicker is not at all difficult, but very interesting. I want everyone to understand how important flicker is for little pedestrians. This luminous strip will protect the life and health of children

Now each of you will receive a flicker. I would like to ask you to use it yourself and tell your parents and friends about Flicker. And never break traffic rules!

(children are given sets of reflective devices)

Traffic police representative:

Let each of you try to put on a flicker. Flickers are made so that you can easily put them on and take them off. Do not forget that it is better to store the flicker rolled up, then it will be obedient longer (children put on and take off the flickers. The teacher and the traffic police officer help them in case of difficulties).


Look carefully, there is a reminder for a young pedestrian. We have already recalled the basic rules today. Let's repeat them.

Survey of children:

  1. At what traffic light can you cross the street?
  2. Where can pedestrians cross the street?
  3. Who will protect the pedestrian in the dark?

(children answer questions)


Now you all remember the rules well. Let's respect them.

Sample text of an additional conversation with parents

Dear parents!

Take the time to study correct behavior children on the street, the health and lives of our children depend on it. It is you who can and should explain to them how important it is to follow the rules of the road.

Your children were given flickers - reflective devices that can protect them in the dark. They tried to make flickers interesting and attractive for children. But the child quickly gets used to new toy. Your task is to explain: the flicker is not a toy, but protection and safety on the road at night, and teach them to use the flicker constantly.

Many of you are now thinking: “My child doesn’t walk down the street alone at night.” Even if this is the case, teach him to wear a flicker.

Firstly, even if the little pedestrian is not alone on the street, it is better to protect him and yourself. Wear flickers and let drivers see you and your baby from afar.

Secondly, children do not stay small for long and sit at home in the evenings, and follow the rules safe behavior Let them get used to it now.

Finally, the most important thing. There are scary statistics on road traffic accidents. They show that more than half of children injured in road accidents are pedestrians. It is in our power to try to change the situation for the better.

Make sure children don't forget to wear flickers. Explain the importance of following traffic rules. Try to follow them yourself, because this is the only way to ensure the safety of roads and streets for our children.

Auxiliary equipment

Posters specially designed in the same style as a set of reflective devices are used as auxiliary equipment for conducting an open lesson. The posters contain basic traffic rules for young pedestrians and drawings illustrating the rules for using a flicker. An additional element was the image of the heroes of the lesson: a traffic police officer and a road worker.

After the event, these posters can be placed in preschool and school institutions.

"Staff Police Officer"

This option takes into account participation in open lesson“Our friend is a flicker” of a real traffic police officer in uniform.

As a complement to the look, which will clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of reflective materials, the kit is complemented by a safety vest. This vest is well known to children and adults. Its color is combined with the color of the flicker, which gives the image an artistic completeness.


This option demonstrates the presence of reflective elements on the workwear of people involved in road work.

Children need to be explained that such work is carried out at night so as not to interfere with traffic. Reflective elements reliably protect road workers when work is carried out on busy streets, because they are clearly visible in the headlights.

Results of the event.

Experience in distributing reflective devices shows that distributing reflective devices directly to children is not effective enough. Children use flickers for a while, then lose interest in them. The main audience is children 5-10 years old who do not decide on their own what and when to wear; their parents do this for them, so it is advisable to involve parents in participation in the event.

In municipal educational institution secondary school No. 8 s. Dmitrievsky:

  • 90% of children confirmed that they immediately learned to use a flicker.
  • 90% of children reported that they really liked the flicker.
  • 80% of children told their parents about flicker.
  • 65% of children would like to give a flicker to their friends to keep their friends safe.

Elena Yurina
Development of an event within the framework of the month of prevention of road traffic injuries among children “Safe Childhood”

During one day, members of the YID detachment carry out actions, Events and record the number of participants. Their task: attract the attention of students as much as possible in order to tell or remind everyone that they need to follow, know and follow the rules of pedestrians and cyclists.

Progress of the day:

1. Organizational fee. Distribution of duties. Planning the day. Preparation of props.

The organizational gathering and distribution of responsibilities is carried out in advance, preferably for the activity of the association of interests of the UID. All YID participants gather, the leader reads out the plan "Green Street Day", new proposals and wishes of the participants are listened to, then everything is approved and responsibilities are distributed. The group responsible for information prepares and designs a visual stand, and also prints flyers and leaflets for the squad. The group responsible for props selects props (cars, road signs, wands, costumes, squad uniforms, etc.) necessary for organizing the day. An impromptu theater group is recruited, those responsible for the stations are appointed, and the leaders of actions and operations are assigned.

2. Organization and conduct of the event « Safe way home»

Promotion « Safe way home» includes the distribution of flyers with instructions on how to proceed the road, as well as leaflets from the YID detachment calling for knowledge and observance of the traffic rules for pedestrians and cyclists. At the same time, the presenters ask questions and interview passers-by of different ages on the topic of traffic rules, and they talk about the need to follow traffic rules.

3. Promotion-survey “Do you often break pedestrian rules?”

The survey action is conducted by the presenter. Asked by passersby question: “Do you often break the rules for crossing the street?”. If the answer "often", then to the pedestrian zebra crossing (which is posted on the stand) the survey participant sticks a red circle, and if the answer "No, not often", then the participant sticks a green circle. Based on the number of circles, we can sum up how often students violate traffic rules.

4. Game-travel through stations “Remember the rules of movement, like the multiplication table”.

The travel game is organized as follows way: during the break, 4 stations operate, members of the YID detachment conduct classes at the stations, is being developed a schedule for visiting station classes to avoid crowding. 1st station "Let's go, let's go": here guys can meet various types transport and solve riddles. 2nd station "Rules traffic» : here members of the JID squad offer various situations that can happen on the roadway with pedestrians and drivers, as a result of which children may get hurt, you need to understand the situation and name the correct one its resolution. 3rd station « Road signs» : here participants are asked to assemble puzzles in which they must guess and name correctly road signs. Also, determine the exact name of the layouts road signs, which the leading stations will offer them.

5. Video salon "YuID Stories"

The video salon operates in the corridor during three breaks. On the multimedia screen, everyone can see cartoons on the topic of traffic rules, as well as videos from the traffic police squad "Green Street", which reflect the work of a detachment of young traffic inspectors.

6. Operation “Did you take a flicker with you?”

The operation is performed on class hour. Created "team of inspectors" of the squad members, goes to the school offices and checks for the presence of flickers on everyone children, in the absence of flickers, add "violators" V "black list" and have a conversation about the urgent need to purchase a flicker. The next day check: did you purchase a flicker? "intruder".

7. Impromptu theater “Only green light!”

Impromptu theater is organized in the corridors of an elementary school. The actors come, put on costumes, call the viewer, act out a situation on the topic of traffic rules, and the viewer must say what was right in this situation and what was not. This way the viewer becomes a participant in the production, and at the same time repeats the rules of movement.

8. Summing up

At the end Events"Green Street Day", members of the YID detachment gather to sum up the results of the day's work. All the pros and cons are discussed, new proposals are made for carrying out such Events, the number of students who took part in this is also counted event.

Impromptu theater script

Lived in big city girl. Her name was Little Red Riding Hood because she loved the color red very much.

And then one fine day Little Red Riding Hood was going to visit her sick grandmother. She took the basket of pies and went to the bus stop. The girl reached the stop, and from around the corner the Wolf, right there, was already waiting for her with a ball in his hands. And says Red Beanie:

Little Red Riding Hood, where are you going?

And the girl answers him:

I'm going to my grandmother, bringing her pies.

The wolf imposes itself:

Can we go to your grandmother's house together?

Little Red Riding Hood accepts offer:

I'll be glad.

And then the Wolf offers:

Let's play ball while there's no bus?

The girl agrees:

The Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood begin to play ball. And suddenly the ball slipped out of the girl’s hands and rolled out onto the roadway. Little Red Riding Hood ran after the ball, and at that moment a bus came around the corner - and drove straight towards the girl! It’s good that other passengers waiting for the bus noticed this in time and pulled the girl onto the sidewalk. Moreover, they explained to her that playing with a ball and other games near the roadway are very dangerous, and in most cases lead to accidents on the road. road and injuries.

The Wolf and Little Red Riding Hood thanked the passengers, promised not to do this again, hid the ball in their bag and got on the bus.

Before they had time to move, the Wolf invited the girl to eat the pies that she was taking to her grandmother. Little Red Riding Hood took a pie with jam from the basket, divided it in half and wanted to give half to the Wolf, but at that moment the bus suddenly braked, and the girl was thrown aside. She smeared a nearby passenger and fell to the floor.

The passenger was indignant, but helped Little Red Riding Hood up and explained that public transport While it is moving, be sure to hold on to the handrails so as not to fall. And under no circumstances should you eat ice cream, cake or other bulk, fatty or sweet foods on transport, as this can cause harm to nearby passengers.

Little Red Riding Hood hid the pie in the basket and took hold of the handrail. Soon they arrived at their destination, got off the bus and walked along the sidewalk along roads. They walked and walked, and suddenly the girl remembered that they needed to get to the other side. And on the roadway there is car after car, there is no way to get to the other side, and you don’t want to wait until they stop. At that moment the Wolf decided to run across the road. Taking Little Red Riding Hood by the hand, he rushed forward, straight onto the roadway. And a car comes towards them...

It’s good that the driver was an experienced driver and managed to stop in time. He got out of the car and explained to Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf that if there is no underground crossing nearby, then you need to find a pedestrian crossing, wait for the traffic light to turn green and only then cross the road. And, if there is no traffic light, then you need to look left, then right, then left again and, making sure that there are no cars, cross the road.

Little Red Riding Hood and the Wolf went to the pedestrian crossing, waited for the traffic light to turn green and crossed the road. Having passed the road, they headed further, straight to grandma’s house. And my grandmother lived very close by. And they were no longer in danger along the way. The grandmother was already waiting for her granddaughter and was very happy about her arrival. Little Red Riding Hood treated her grandmother to pies and told about everything that had happened to her. road. The grandmother once again warned the girl not to break the rules again. traffic, was always vigilant and attentive to road.

Squad flyer and leaflet

Riddles for the station "Let's go, let's go"

There is both water and air,

The one that moves on land

It carries cargo and people.

What is this? Tell me quickly!


The brothers are ready to visit,

They clung to each other,

and rushed off on a long journey,

They just left some smoke.

He goes, cuts the wave,

grain flows from the pipe.

Wonder bird, scarlet tail,

flew into a flock of stars.

Where a new house is being built,

a warrior walks with a shield.

Where he passes, it will become smooth,

There will be a flat area.


He starts digging and replaces a hundred shovels.


What kind of car:

Neck like a goose

Strength like an elephant?


This horse doesn't eat oats

instead of legs there are two wheels.

Sit on horseback and ride it,

Just drive better.


Doesn't fly, doesn't buzz,

A beetle is running down the street.

And they burn in the beetle's eyes

Two shiny lights.

A fable bird is flying,

and people are sitting inside,

talking to each other.

Early in the morning outside the window

Knocking, and ringing, and chaos.

On straight steel paths

Red houses are walking around.

They don't feed me oats,

They don't drive with a whip,

and how it plows -

Dragging seven plows.

A mole got into our yard,

digging the ground at the gate.

A ton of earth will enter your mouth,

If the mole opens his mouth.


Does it ever rain

Four wheels?

Tell me what they are called

Such miracles?

Watering machine

I am at any time of the year

and in any bad weather

very quickly at any hour

I'll take you underground.

Running, buzzing.

Looks into two eyes

Only the red eye will look -

He'll be rooted to the spot.


There's a house going down the street

takes us to work.

Not on chicken thin legs,

And in rubber boots.

Karagai Secondary School, branch

MAOU Dubrovinskaya secondary school, Vagai district, Tyumen region

Teacher-organizer Abusagitova R.R.

Event for junior schoolchildren

« Flicker - for the driver to see"

Target : Prevention of children's road traffic injuries.


    To strengthen in children the skills of safe, civil behavior on the roads.

    To develop in children a sense of responsibility for the safety of their health and life

    Involve parents in the problems of children's road traffic injuries.

    To form in children basic knowledge about reflective elements

Equipment: road signs, clothes with flickers glued on, presentation

Newspaper material used " Bon voyage childhood"

Progress of the event

Speech by YID members.

Hello, Alina, Elina, Sabrina!

Hello, Danirs, Ilnazys, Damirs!
Hello girls! Hello boys!

Hello pedestrians and cyclists!
Hello, future drivers, doctors!

Hello future motorists!

And just good people, Hello!

UID members welcome you
Those who know road signs

Those who study the rules of the road

Those who are ready to tell you

How to avoid accidents on the roads

The motto of our meeting today is:

“Light up! Attach a flicker to your clothes!

Let the driver notice you!”

Teacher. Guys, tell me why pedestrians become victims of road accidents? (children's answers)

Teacher. Many traffic accidents occur at night, when visibility on some sections of the roadway may be limited. And casualties could have been avoided if every pedestrian, aware of his responsibility, made sure that he and his child were visible on the road.

Members of the UID .

1st Yuidovets. Today we present a sure way to be visible on the roads at night. After all, now is the most short days. We go to school - it’s still dark, we return from school - it’s already dark.

2nd Yuidovets. That's why we want to talk a lot about flickers

3rd Yuidovets. Who knows what a flicker is? ( Slides )

Flickers are reflective elements. They are most relevant in the autumn-winter period, when the risk of being unnoticed on the road at night increases.

Without flickers, a pedestrian on the road becomes noticeable at a distance of no more than 70 meters. This means that it takes the driver less than two seconds to stop. Not every person driving will have time to react.

A pedestrian with a flicker is visible to a motorist at night at a distance of 150 - 400 meters.

Flickers on clothing reduce the risk of hitting a pedestrian at night by 6-8 times!

In countries where a law on mandatory wearing of reflectors has been adopted, such as Finland and Belarus, the number of accidents involving pedestrians at night has actually decreased.

Flicker is an English word that means "flicker".

There are different flickers: yellow, white, red,

And they are all very important,

Keep citizens safe!

The best flickers - white or lemon - yellow color. They are the brightest.

- Flickers are fun and bright stickers, bracelets, and small badges that reflect the light of headlights. They can be placed on your hand, jacket, jeans or backpack. You can also observe reflective stripes on workwear or uniforms of traffic police officers. The boys know exactly what a reflector is; many have bicycles. So in this case, the reflector is not just a decoration, but also your protector! Road signs are also covered with a special reflective layer so that drivers can see them from afar and thereby navigate the road at night.

The game “Assemble a walking path” is being played. - dynamic pause

YID members show off their clothes (vests, jacket, backpack, pants, jacket, hat) with reflective elements to the performance of the song “On the Road of Goodness”

1st Yuidovets: If you have a light reflector,

You look fashionable wherever you go.

2nd Yuidovets: Badges and stickers, pendants, bracelets

They will save your life in any part of the world.

3rd Yuidovets: With reflectors, most tragedies can be avoided

All: Prevent!

Demonstration of the video “I am visible on the roads "(duration 2:15)

Teacher. Guys!

With reflectors

You will be seen perfectly!

So it will be safe!

You really need security!

Safety is very important to you!

That's why today we're giving you a flicker so that the driver notices you. Wear them and be visible and therefore safe!

(the music turns off, the Yuida members hand out flickers.)

1st Yuidovets: Reflect in the dark

To be visible everywhere

And then any driver

He will definitely see you.

2nd Yuidovets: Follow the traffic rules on the roads!

Safer to live

We'll wear flickers

Dark night, white day

Feel free to go with flicker!

3rd Yuidovets: Remember, there is only one life

She is the most important.

Safety is a wish

All: And thanks for your attention!