How to make your face look older. How to look older than your age? Correct behavior with men

We chose Andrey Gubin as a testing ground for the experiment. All these years we have copied his style and habits, and the secret codes of the Universe are hidden in his music.



“The main sign of a respectable gentleman (besides the mortgaged estate) is a strict model haircut", - says the expert. It has a limited number of modifications and is convenient in that it does not need styling: the shape of the hairstyle is set only with scissors and is not disturbed by gusts of wind or blows with blunt objects. In addition, this service (of course, with varying degrees of virtuosity) will be provided to you in any regional hairdressing salon, having understood perfectly.

According to the expert, “steel-rimmed glasses turn even a poor student from a culinary college into a co-owner of a respected law firm”. If you do not wear glasses, then make yourself, after consulting an optometrist. Needless to say, steel glasses expensive brands give you even more, haha, points at a business dinner.

A clean-shaven face says little about your personality. Modern, established men let go of curly stubble (a custom borrowed from Hispanic gangsters). “In addition to carefully trimming the stubble, it should have a well-defined pattern,” the expert specifies. The same applies to the mustache and beard: they should not resemble wild thickets, but a noble park of the Baroque era.

“The darker the skin, the older the person's face seems,” says Yulia to the approving hum of millions of stylists. In addition, frequent visits to the solarium dry out the skin, which further increases your apparent age. Just do not overdo it, otherwise you will turn into a mummy.

A tie (if worn on a shirt, and not on a naked body) indicates your attention to conventions, which is a sign of either a mature husband or just a bore. Although sometimes it's the same thing.

Bad idea

Artificial gray hair.Natural gray hair has no pigment, so artificially aged hair will look like slickness and provocation.

Mustache brush.A mustache in the form of a massive cornice above the mouth opening looks appropriate only in a set with a crystal owl and the title "Life member of the connoisseur's club". Without these accessories, you will look older, but not smarter.



“There is a great variety of youth hairstyles, and almost all of them, unlike“ adults ”, consist of haircuts and styling," explains Yulia. The more styling gel, varnish and paint are involved in your hair sculpture, the more you look like an informal, with whom there is nothing to talk about, except for snowboards and marijuana.

Find plastic glasses, preferably with brightly colored details, and put them on your nose. Do not be surprised that now you often hear the mocking exclamation "Hipster!" behind the back. Bright cheap glasses are young; in addition, according to Julia, the thick frame is a kind of mask that hides bags under the eyes, wrinkles and your wise adult look.

Yes, again the stubble. But young people do not even out the contour of the stubble, allowing it to grow as it has to over the entire face. “However, in your case, the negligence must be feigned: the length of the bristles must be carefully regulated, otherwise you will look overgrown, not young,” the expert warns.

Losing a few pounds seems to be the only really healthy thing in this whole masquerade. After 30 years, the metabolism slows down, and your hamburger is equal to a dinner with a Big Mac in scale of consequences.

Bad idea

Piercing.If you pierce your nose or cheek, you will get a few minutes of hellish pain, several hours of moderate pain and suppuration, but you will not look younger for a month.

Temporary tatoos. If a tattoo is accidentally washed off from a simple hit of orange juice on it, then this, as they say now, is generally not fun.

Dreadlocks... Dreadlocks, that is, tangles of hair, which until recently seemed to be the squeak of advanced youth, are now associated with reggae, hippies and alternative rock - in short, with old stuff. In addition, you can get rid of them only by practically shaving your head.

"I wish I could look older!" - such a thought comes into the minds of many teenagers who want to seem older, smarter and more attractive. Then some time passes, and those same boys and girls who dreamed of getting old a little are already thinking how to keep their youth longer. Do you recognize yourself or your friends? A person constantly wants what he does not have. Maybe it's better to enjoy the delights of your age, because everything comes in due time? Let's not turn experimenting with age into the main goal of our life, so as not to be disappointed later.

But if there is a desire to sometimes look a little older, then there is nothing wrong with that. The main thing is to do everything in moderation. How to look older for a girl or a guy? Let's talk about this.

How to look older for a girl

We work on ourselves in two directions: appearance and mind. As for appearance, here you need to pay attention to hairstyle, makeup and clothing.

  • Hairstyle - hair is better middle length or moderately short, dark in color, without bangs. Light strands, curls, long hair or too short, voluminous bangs - all this makes you look younger. To look not only older but also prettier, do stylish haircut (for example, a square) from a good hairdresser and support it. Dark hair - does not mean black, because black does not suit everyone. Ask your hairdresser to choose a shade of hair a few shades darker for you and color your hair.
  • Makeup - lipstick in rich dark tones (brown, red, raspberry and their shades), mascara - black, blush - dark or bronze (on the cheekbones), eyeshadow - dark tones (brown and gray scale). Makeup should be non-defiant and harmonious. If you paint your eyes brightly, it is better to apply gloss or lipstick in pastel shades to the lips. If the lips are highlighted, then the eyes should be painted to a minimum. All together - vulgar, stupid and repulsive!
  • Clothes are preferable to "non-youth", classic cut: trousers, skirts, dresses, jackets. Beautiful blouses and shirts in a strict style will be good, the image will be complemented by scarves and scarves, stylish but strict earrings and rings, high-quality watches.

A bronze tan (don’t overdo it!), “Feminine” scent, high-heeled shoes will help you look older. Do not forget to become an adult not only in appearance but also in behavior. A calm tone, a confident look, an even, loud enough voice, the ability to listen to the interlocutor, knowledge in many areas is what you need. You should become a good conversationalist and an interesting person who has his own opinion, knows a lot and knows how.

How to make a guy look older

A guy is made older and more attractive by a pumped-up figure, so from now on the gym is yours best friend! You can also visit the solarium - a beautiful male figure combined with tanned skin looks great!

Make it stylish men's haircut, buy a good men's perfume. Dress in business style we do not recommend if the figure and appearance do not allow it. This will make you look funny. It is better to choose a stylish modern men's clothing for his age. It is better to choose dark or neutral colors. Avoid bright prints, cheap imitations. Clothes do not have to be expensive, but they must be selected with taste and only emphasize their dignity.

Avoid sportswearif you do not play sports. Leave the hoods, sweaters with zippers, kangaroos, stripes, sports shoes and sneakers for the audience. Grown men know how to choose clothes according to the occasion. Learn you too. Casual option: jumpers, shirts, vests, trousers or dark jeans.

Style is largely manifested in the details, and therefore do not spare money for good gloves, a stylish men's scarf and wallet.

And of course, as with girls, reinforce your outward image with your behavior. We also recommend that many are interested, constantly improve, learn something new, learn to be a good conversationalist. Develop yourself as a person, and then everything will be fine!

Now you know how to look older. And yet I want to say once again that one should not spend all his youth on this desire. After all, youth is so unique, and when it passes, you will look older anyway, but it will be impossible to return the charm of adolescence. Learn to enjoy your life, your age and your appearance, and then you will be truly happy.

Are you a grown woman with a cute baby face? Do you dream of looking more mature for your age? There are several tricks to help you look older.

Some ladies want to know how to look older. This is a very strange desire these days. After all, you see, most women, on the contrary, want to know how to look younger.

So here are some tips and tricks for you to help you look older and get rid of your baby face faster.

Don't put a ton of makeup on your face

This is the most common mistake many women make. Before applying makeup on your face, remember a simple rule: the less makeup, the better. Yes, you want to look older, but that doesn't mean you have to use all the contents of your bag.

No need to wear high-heeled shoes to make you look younger

You've probably heard that girls look older in high heels, but this is actually not true. Women who wear high heels and a lot of makeup do look younger in appearance. Young women, on the other hand, use these same tactics to look older. Do you understand what I mean? Wearing high heels and lots of makeup is actually just proving that you are younger than you look.

Change your wardrobe

If you want to look older, choose strict, not too stylish clothes... No, you don't need to dress like you've just joined the book club, but go for classic outfits that aren't too flashy. Dark straight jeans paired with a plain white tee and low-heeled shoes will add a few extra years to your current age.

Focus on one area of \u200b\u200bthe face

Yes, it might be a little tricky in the beginning, especially if you're used to wearing a lot of makeup. But instead of putting all the makeup on your face, focus on one area. For example, tint your eyelashes a little and move your lips with dark lipstick, or vice versa. This makeup, with an accent on the eyes or lips, only makes you look like you're trying too hard to hide your age.

Stay away from fashion trends

This may sound unexpected to you, but it really needs to be done. Yes, as a rule, all girls are big fashionistas who follow the latest trends, but you don't have to be like that. No matter how hard it is for you, try not to litter the closet. unnecessary things... You have to stick to one style. All young women of fashion follow the latest trends, but you don't need that. If you're unsure about certain trends, you don't need to follow them, instead try to stick to a classic, simple style.

Should you change your haircut?

Well, in most cases, yes. For example, a bob haircut is very trendy this season. This is a kind of bob - a short haircut that adds age. It is especially popular with young women. The advantage of this haircut is that it fits almost any face shape and looks good on both curly and straight hair.

Forget the high ponytail

Yes, almost every girl likes to wear her hair high ponytailbut in fact such a playful bow makes you look younger. Your best bet is to pull your hair into a low ponytail to make you look a little older.

Wear as little jewelry as possible

This does not mean that you should completely give up jewelry. Jewelry you need to select exclusively for each image, and not wear everything that you have in your casket. If you wear too much jewelry, you will smell cheap and tasteless. So, only wear products and accessories that go well with your outfits.

Get a strict cashmere coat

You can't even imagine how much you need this thing in your wardrobe! Accustomed to wearing a warm sweater or denim jacket? Great, but you should also have a coat in your wardrobe. Don't buy a bright coat. It should be either gray, black, or camel. Why? After all, these are the colors that go well with all classic outfits.

Never wear ugg boots

Yes, these boots are really comfortable, but if you want to look like an adult and not a fourteen year old, just forget about them and that's it. Wait, though! You can carry them around the house. But seriously, tight pants and ugg boots are not the most suitable outfit for adult women. If you want to look older, stop wearing clothes that are meant for a teenager.

Monitor your posture

Your posture changes everything. Adult women stand and sit straight, do not slouch. If you slouch, you are not emitting this vibration. When you stand or sit up straight, you automatically look older. So, constantly check that your head is slightly raised and your shoulders are straight.

The combination of the color of the bra and clothes

If you wear a black bra under a red tee, you're probably sixteen. You see, people don't even need to know how old you are, everything is visible anyway. Yes, this is a small and insignificant thing, but believe me, people notice it. So, make sure your bra matches well with your blouse and your breasts are fully covered. Believe me, this makes you look more neat.

Now that you know how to look older, use some of these tips in your daily life. But do not overdo it so that the opposite does not work out. It may be difficult for you at first, but over time you will do all of these things automatically.

Grown women usually dream of bringing back youth and youth and looking accordingly. Unfortunately, it is impossible to turn back time, although, if desired and constantly working on oneself, a young, attractive appearance can be saved for many years.

It is difficult for women dreaming about this to understand why some girls are trying to find an answer to the question of how to look older than their years. This is usually of interest to adult girls who look much younger than their age, or teenage girls who want to grow up as soon as possible.


They meet, as folk wisdom says, according to her. She is actually able to radically change the image, rejuvenate, and, if necessary, make older.

Thanks to her, you can look stylish, and here are the tips professionals give to those who want to look older.

Jeans, trousers

In general, jeans are considered youth clothing, but practice shows that they can be worn at any age. Moreover, the style of this popular type of dress will help create the image of a young and mischievous girl or, conversely, a self-confident, purposeful young girl.

If you're looking to look older, there are a few things to consider. simple rules jeans selection:

As for the trousers, it is better to opt for a plain classic dark colors... They should not be flared - the best option are pipes or trousers, slightly narrowed downwards. By the way, this also applies to jeans.

If a girl wants to look older than her age, she will have to give up such an element of the wardrobe as leggings. An excellent replacement for them will be black trousers, which can be narrowed down and made of thin fabric.

In the summer, to escape the heat, you can replace the trousers with plain breeches, but it is better if they are not light, but dark tones. You can dwell on a brighter color, but then on the breeches there should be no decorative elements, patterns, especially bright ones.


It doesn't have to be solid. Nevertheless, a girl who wants to look older does not need colorful clothes. You can experiment with beige, purple, muted red, pale pink, blue tones. But it is recommended to resort to them only if there is a jacket of such colors, under which there will be a light blouse.

When choosing a suit, give up white, orange, yellow - you need to stop at them if you want to look younger.

The skirt, whether it is part of a suit or worn without a matching jacket, should not be too short, but it should not be too long.

An older girl should wear straight-cut skirts. You can stop your choice on a slightly tight-fitting version, but bouffant skirts not worth wearing.

Whatever cut this wardrobe element may be, it can be with a cut, but not with the side, but with the back.

It is advisable to choose denim skirts without embellishments, monochromatic, but a blouse, T-shirt or T-shirt may have discreet decorative elements. Moreover, the top may not be monochromatic, but only if it is not made in bright colors.

The dress

Sundresses are one of the favorite wardrobe items of many girls. But he makes the image younger, so those who want to look older should wear sundresses as little as possible, preferring dresses.


For autumn and spring it is worth choosing a classic coat, and for the winter a fur coat. In the summer there are also cool evenings for which you should reserve lightweight windbreakerdesigned in neutral colors. A good option would be leather Jacket black color. Fur vests can also give solidity, and it is better if they are of a light tone.

Pay attention to the fact that bright, patterned sweaters are also not worth picking up. Moreover, they can be both light and dark, but the best option is a combination of light and dark shades.


With its help, you can also significantly influence your image. The first thing a matured girl needs to know is that her image should not have a lot of jewelry.

It is worth giving up accessories such as:

  • Elastic bands, hairpins, earrings, rings, pendants, clips with animals, flowers, hearts and other "nice";
  • "Hand made" baubles, beads, bracelets, other handmade jewelry;
  • Headbands for hair regardless of whether they have decorative elements or not.

Here are some rules for choosing jewelry:

Another rule to consider is never wear silver and gold with jewelry. You need to choose one thing.


Without it, your image will be incomplete. If you are not a fan of bright makeup, you can choose a discreet style.

To protect yourself from the negative effects of cosmetics on delicate skin, select only high-quality products from well-known brands. Pay attention to the fact that cosmetics should contain vitamins and nutrients. In this case, not only will it not be harmful, but it will also be useful.

You can only ask yourself in your youth. Still - hardly a thirty-year-old woman wants to throw herself five years. However, the same applies to men. In fact, the question of how to look older is asked in many forums on the Internet. Let's try to figure out who might be interested in the answer to it, as well as how to achieve what both men and girls want: the methods will undoubtedly be different.

Time flies, life passes rapidly, and when the younger generation literally steps on their heels, you are unlikely to be interested in how to look older. Rather, looking for an answer to this question is the prerogative of people in adolescence... Remember yourself - after all, I wanted so much to look at least 20 at 16 in order to start an independent life, charm older children, graduate from school, and so on. There are some methods to help you achieve the desired effect, since it is so necessary.

How to look older for a girl?

The best option is to change your style, make an unexpected hairstyle, update your wardrobe, habits, and use cosmetics. The main thing here is not to overdo it. Otherwise, the makeup will look like coloring will highlight the flaws, and the hairstyle will completely amaze others with an absurd look. Let's figure it out in more detail.

  1. Hairstyle. You need to go to a competent stylist. He will select the optimal color for your hair. It is believed that dark curls add years. The same can be said about short haircuts, such as a square. In any case, the "mouse" tail will not add to you years, it is generally terribly unattractive.
  2. Cosmetics. If you are interested in the answer to the question of how to look older than your age, then you should fork out for good makeup... Mom's not going to fit. Makeup should be moderate so that the face looks natural. The abundance of powder, eyeshadow or lipstick on it will not add years to you, you will just look defiant or ridiculous. It is necessary to use dark tones, brown, gray, ink should be black. If you decide to use dark red lipstick, then you need to make up only slightly. Age adds not the amount of make-up, but the ability to apply it, which, as they say, is "evident".
  3. Clothing. You'd better choose an elegant style. You should not, of course, dress up in "grandmother's things". But in your wardrobe of elegant blouses, tailored trousers and beautiful dresses there should be more, and shirts and jeans - less.

Of course, appearance matters a lot for how others perceive you. But do not forget to read. There should be an “imprint” of intelligence on the face.

How to look older for a guy?

Everything is simple here. No need to dress up too strict if you look much younger than your age, it will look funny. Better go in for sports, build muscle, start shaving to give the image some brutality. Clothing should be youthful, but stylish, expensive enough and suitable in size. Pay attention to your behavior with others as well. If in response to any question you are filled with a thick blush, then it is worth working on

And now the "bad" advice. They, of course, need to be read, but in life, do the opposite.

1. Eat junk food, gain weight, with everyone extra kilogram you will look older.

2. Do not use cosmetics or skin care products.

3. Sunbathe more, soon your skin will start to age.

4. Lead a dissolute lifestyle, your motto from now on - "more casual relationships."

5. Never read anything. You don't need self-development.

6. Do not exercise.

7. Abuse alcohol, smoke.

You will see that after a certain period of time the answer to the question of how to look older than your years will cease to worry you. Outwardly, you will add not one year, but ten.

More seriously, there is no need to ask how to look older. Appreciate your youth, it is so short-lived.