Ring of mercury on the hand meaning. Rings, palmistry

It is known that the ring has a closed circle, which symbolizes integrity and unity. The ring has no beginning or end, therefore it is associated with eternity or infinity.

Infinity wrapped around a finger has long been a symbol of power, a sign of belonging to a higher caste. This is probably why the ring served as an indispensable attribute of priests, magicians and kings.

For instance: King Solomon had a magic ring with which he could command angels, demons, all the elements and spirits of nature.

Here it is appropriate to dwell in more detail both on King Solomon himself and on his ring in order to understand the essence of the rings in general, and the rings on Jupiter's finger in particular.

The wisdom of Solomon in the aphorisms of Theano:

What is the use of labor for a person ...
The end is the same for all, in the end - the end.
What is the use of wisdom when you do not apply,
And you just quote, you lose years and days ...

Famous parable:

In his youth, King Solomon was presented with a ring with the words that when it would be very difficult for him, whether sad, or scared, let him remember about the ring and hold it in his hands.

Once in the kingdom of Solomon there was a crop failure. Pestilence and hunger arose: not only children and women died, even the soldiers were exhausted. The king opened all his bins. He sent merchants to sell valuables from his treasury in order to buy bread and feed the people. Solomon was in dismay - and suddenly he remembered the ring. The king took out the ring, held it in his hands ... Nothing happened. Suddenly he noticed that there was an inscription on the ring. EVERYTHING PASSES, he read.

Many years later. King Solomon became known as a wise ruler. He got married and lived happily. His wife became his most sensitive and close assistant and advisor. And suddenly she died. Grief and anguish overtook the king. Neither the dancers and the songstress, nor the wrestling competitions amused him ... Sadness and loneliness. Approaching old age. How to live with it? He took the ring: "Everything passes"? Longing squeezed his heart. The tsar did not want to put up with these words: out of annoyance, he threw the ring, it rolled - and something flashed on the inner surface. The king raised the ring, held it in his hands and read: "THIS WILL PASS."

Many more years passed. Solomon became an ancient elder. The tsar understood that his days were numbered and while there was still some strength he needed to give the last orders, to have time to say goodbye to everyone, to bless the receivers and children. “Everything passes,” “This too,” he remembered, grinning: that's all gone. Now the king did not part with the ring. It has already worn out, the old inscriptions have disappeared. With faint eyes, he noticed that something appeared on the edge of the ring. What are these, some letters again? The king substituted the edge of the ring to the setting rays of the sun - letters flashed on the edge: "NOTHING PASSES" - Solomon read.

It is in these inscriptions on the ring that the main wisdom lies.

Now let's go back to the ring:

What does Solomon's ring (Jupiter's ring) look like and where is it?

The ring bends around the base of Jupiter's finger or goes in a semicircle along the hill of Jupiter. It can be a solid semicircle or part of it.

If the ring is on both hands, then such a person is endowed with mercy and the ability to sympathize with people.

If the ring is on an inactive hand, this person holds back, does not develop his abilities.

If on an active hand - we have in front of us a person who successfully develops his talents.

In ancient times, the ring was given great importance, it was considered a magical item. In our time, the ring is more an element of beauty and social status. Now the choice of the finger on which the ring will be worn is determined only by fashion or by random choice. However, knowing astrology or palmistry, you can approach the choice of a ring more seriously.

Let's take a closer look at jewelry rings on the fingers in order to understand the essence of the "natural rings" on the palms:

According to astrologers, the thumb is the finger of Venus. The Romans and Greeks, protecting their masculine power, wore iron rings - signets on their thumb, since the thumb is a symbol of the phallus, and iron is a tribute to the husband of Venus, the blacksmith god Vulcan. Even the ancient Greeks and Romans considered the thumb to be a symbol of the phallus and wore iron rings on it to protect their masculine power. According to psychologists, such people try to assert themselves by any means, and first of all, sexually.

On the thumb it is recommended to wear the ring for people who are emotional and have huge reserves of energy. The thumb is associated with Venus, the goddess of love and fine art, therefore the ring gives a person a subtle feeling of beauty, the ability to rejoice at all that is beautiful. For example: A.S. Pushkin often wore a ring on the thumb of his right hand. Venus endows a person with the desire for partnership, for the conclusion of an alliance with a loved one, harmony. Today it is very rare for people to wear a ring on this finger.

A copper ring works best for your thumb.

On the index finger, representing Jupiter, is best worn by indecisive and shy people. The ring on the index finger makes them more confident, increases their self-esteem, and also brings them luck and success. Such a person acquires an inner faith in his own strength, becomes more discerning, wiser, haughty and more powerful. If both fingers of Jupiter are humiliated (both on the right and left hand), then such a person will stop at nothing in an effort to achieve his goal.
It is recommended to wear a ring made of tin or gold.

On the middle finger, the finger of Saturn, it is recommended to wear the ring to people in whose fate there are many failures, obstacles or difficulties. It is also recommended to wear a hereditary family ring on this finger. The ring on Saturn helps to cope with difficulties, gives strength to fight adversity. The ring helps those who practice meditation. If the rings are on both fingers of Saturn, then this person is endowed with fatalism and detachment from everyday life.

Ring finger, the finger of the Sun, emphasizes the passion for beauty, exquisite things and wealth, serves as a guarantee of a heart connection, helps self-expression. Therefore, it is suitable for lovers of pleasure and people hungry for fame and fortune. Gold, like the metal of the Sun, is best for strengthening love in marriage.

Rings on the finger of the sun, often, are worn by modest people who have a great desire to attract attention, since they cannot or do not know how to draw attention to themselves in another way.

Pinky ring, the finger of Mercury, enhances such qualities as eloquence, efficiency, flexibility of mind, sleight of hand, resourcefulness, deceit, intrigue. That is why the little finger - the finger of Mercury, patronizes diplomats, doctors, businessmen, orators, politicians, lovers of gambling or flirting. It is the ring on your finger that helps to restrain these qualities of your character. Psychologists are sure that people with rings on their little fingers often tell lies, are extremely resourceful, prone to betrayal and adventures.

It is better for clairvoyants and esotericists to wear silver rings, since silver helps to develop magical abilities, intuition, the gift of divination or foresight. But esotericists advise wearing not only rings, but silver bracelets.

You probably know a lot of what has been written. But it is in these concepts that the main essence of the "natural rings" on the palms lies.

Now let's get a little familiar with the meanings of these rings, or rather, semirings:

1. Ring of Jupiter on the hill of Jupiter under the index finger - a tendency to analysis, a sign of fame, power, wealth, as well as a predisposition to telepathy, clairvoyance, extrasensory perception. They are good managers and consultants. Double ring - enhances all of the above. The gift of understanding others: excellent psychologists, astrologers.

The ring of Solomon or "the sign of the Master", this is a type of the ring of Jupiter, has a semicircle not only on the inner side of the hill of Jupiter, but also, as it were, closes on the outside (as if a closed ring) - a sign of wisdom and life experience, such a person has a broad outlook ... But in a broad sense, it is customary to put equality between the ring of Jupiter and the ring of Solomon.

2. Ring of Saturn on the hill of Saturn under the middle finger - fatal and difficult to overcome obstacles that haunt a person all his life, collapse in any area. Constant uncertainty about success. These people tend to be grim losers.

3. The ring of Apollo on the hill of the Sun under the ring finger - a person is talented, but often cannot realize his gift, creates in the "table", the absence of all moral and moral principles.

4. Ring of Mercury on the hill of Mercury under the little finger - poetic, literary talent, eloquence, musical ability, and in general, an indicator of giftedness.

5. "Family ring", at the base of the thumb, where the finger joins the palm - an indicator of attitude towards family values ​​and loved ones.

"Family ring" - it is the Family line or family line
Let's consider in more detail:

1. Line of the Family in the form of a large chain - symbolize strong family ties that arise as a result of proper upbringing and caring love in the family circle. In this person's life, the family will always continue to play a major role. A person with such a hand will make every effort to create a reliable and loving family home.

The main goal is a quiet life, children, stable and tender relationships in the family.

2. A large chain-like family line is gradually transitioning into a thin chain or a straight line - this means that a person who was previously very attached to the family gradually loses a close emotional connection with it.

3. The chain-like family line has a large gap in the middle - the person has been away from the family for a long time.

4. One straight family line - symbolizes independence from the family. Such a person will resist support from any relatives out of pride. He will strive to blaze his own path in life, doing what he wants. Such a person has a serious disagreement with one of the parents.

5. Two direct family lines - although, for this person, family life will be important, but he will not take family responsibilities very seriously. Such a person, although he will try to bring joy to his parents, will not tolerate pressure from them.

6. Family line in the form of a lattice, in the form of several short ragged lines and separate islands - this indicates a very unhappy home life from childhood and later. Obviously, there were quarrels or other emotional problems with parents, brothers or sisters.

That's all!

You may not have thought that rings are the key to a person's aspirations and character. A person subconsciously puts a ring on the finger that plays an important role in his life, that is, what he strives for, and so it is easier for him to achieve his plan. I conducted statistics and found that 70% of people wear rings on the middle and ring fingers, which is considered the optimal norm, because the middle finger is associated with fate and career, and the ring finger is associated with luck, beauty and harmony, therefore, a person seeks to create a career, a family , to arrange life and be happy - this is for the majority. Some wear a ring on their index finger, which is now common. The index finger speaks of the desire for leadership, power, if a person wears a ring on this finger, then he subconsciously strives to be the first, considers himself a leader, sometimes, regardless of others, he tries to achieve his goal at any cost, as well as strive for material pleasures. People who wear a ring on their little finger are distinguished by strong independence, who sometimes do not want to listen to other people's opinions and decide everything for themselves. The little finger speaks of communication and independence, deviated to the side from the other fingers speaks of a strong independent character. Also, if the little finger is small, then the person becomes shy and not talkative and may also enhance the positive qualities with a ring. A ring on the thumb - speaks of its own hidden individuality. Such people have their own zest. Wearing the ring in this manner indicates that a person wants to be different from others. Many times I observed this position of the ring among the so-called informals and people with a non-traditional orientation. I also noticed that they paint their nails in an unusual color for everyone, for example, dark blue or black, which is also important ...

It symbolizes success in the professional and social spheres of life, talks about ambition, self-confidence, the desire to lead other people, independence, a sense of justice and purposefulness.

2. Hill of Saturn

It is associated with reliability, practicality, punctuality, responsibility, conscientiousness, and the ability to concentrate. Indicates a tendency towards introspection. In some cases, it may indicate a gloomy character.

3. Hill of the Sun

Responsible for artistic talents and a sense of beauty, love of creativity and self-expression. Symbolizes harmony and happiness. Indicates the ability to find a common language with others.

4. Hill of Mercury

Responsible for quick wits, unpredictability and the desire for independence, diplomacy and the ability to build relationships with people.

5. Hill of outer Mars

Speaks about the attitude towards aggression. Responsible for self-control and perseverance, courage and determination, the ability to stand up for oneself and keep the defense. Characterizes relationships with strangers. This hill is also called - defensive, upper, negative.

6. Inner Mars Hill

Indicates decisiveness, aggressiveness, self-control and endurance, the ability to defend one's opinion and bring the work started to the end. Responsible for relations with relatives and friends. This hill is also called aggressive, lower, positive.

7. Hill of the Moon

Determines how well a person has developed intuition and instincts, sensuality, imagination, sensitivity. Indicates love for water travel.

8. Hill of Venus

Indicates relationships with relatives and friends, speaks of love for pleasure, is responsible for sensuality, vitality and vitality.

Small fragments scattered by collisions of comets and asteroids - all this dust accumulates in some "gravitational corners" around the Sun, forming rarefied rings. Such a dust ring, filled with asteroid debris, exists around the Earth's orbit. Now scientists are reporting Mercury's own ring and asteroids orbiting Venus. “It's not every day that you find something new in the inner solar system,” stresses astronomer Mark Kuchner.

Guillermo Stenborg and colleagues at the US Navy Research Laboratory used data from a pair of twin STEREO satellites leading. For such studies, it is necessary to accurately take into account the contribution of radiation reflected by the dust particles surrounding the star. Therefore, Stenborg et al. Developed a model describing the movement of dust in the vicinity of the Sun. She showed that a dust ring has accumulated along the orbit of Mercury, which is five percent denser than neighboring regions.

Previously, this was considered not very likely: Mercury is not massive enough and is too close to the Sun to hold its own dust ring. Nevertheless, it is observed throughout the entire orbit. Scientists estimate that the ring is more than 4,800 kilometers wide, far exceeding its diameter.

In parallel, Mark Küchner and Petr Pokorny from the Space Flight Center. Goddard NASA studied the dust ring of Venus. It is much larger than the Mercurian (25 million kilometers high and 9 million kilometers wide) and 10% denser than the environment. The existence of a dust ring in the orbit of Venus was first proven back in 2007.

It was assumed that it, like the dust in Earth's orbit, is made up of fragments of continuously colliding bodies from the asteroid belt. However, all attempts by Küchner and Pokorna to model this process ended in failure: the Earth's gravity "collected" a stream of dust from the asteroid belt, preventing it from reaching the Venusian orbit. This made scientists think about a different origin of the local dust and simulate other possible scenarios.

As a result, they came to the conclusion that there is dust on their own source, a group of asteroids orbiting the Sun together with the planet. Most likely, these are large fragments left over from the time of the formation of Venus. Modeling has shown that if there were at least 10 thousand such asteroids in its orbit 4.5 billion years ago, then today there could be about 800 of them. However, telescopes still have to find them to confirm the accuracy of these - so far purely theoretical - results ...

Current page: 10 (total of the book has 16 pages) [available passage for reading: 11 pages]


100% +

Depending on the features of the inscription on the hill, Solomon's ring makes it possible to distinguish a person's belonging to a white, gray or black magician. Figures 5.79 show all three rings, where the white magician's ring is highlighted in white, the gray magician's ring is highlighted in gray, and the black magician's ring is highlighted in black.

Ring of the white magician located under the very index finger, at the top of the hill of Jupiter. It is a semicircle that has a regular shape and encircles the hill without going beyond its limits. This is a strong energy sign that speaks of spiritual development and psychological ability to understand the deepest feelings of people hidden from the eyes. As a rule, such people unconsciously attract others to themselves, they go to them for advice or any other help due to the fact that they are endowed with natural kindness and life wisdom, and thanks to the ability to instinctively feel and understand the problems of others, they can suggest a way out of any everyday troubles. By itself, the ring does not give great abilities for magic, but thanks to dedication, these inclinations can be successfully developed and applied to help people. This sign should in no way be confused with short horizontal lines on the surface of the hill of Jupiter, since such chaotic lines indicate problems in achieving their ambitious plans. When analyzing this ring, it is necessary to note how it interacts with other palmar lines or signs on the hill of Jupiter. For example, if the ring is connected with the Heart line, then such a connection gives the ability to understand other people's family and love problems. A ring that connects or somehow contacts a square on the hill of Jupiter gives the ability to feel, advise or teach others. If the ring is connected to the belt of Venus, then this is a special gift of understanding other people with the help of intuition.

Ring of the gray wizard is located on the hill of Jupiter, just below the ring of the white magician and, encircling this hill, should go slightly to the hill of Saturn. A person who has such a ring should very clearly monitor his speech and not speak, much less wish other people badly. For example, if he wholeheartedly wishes someone happiness, kindness, etc., while doing it on emotions and from a pure heart, then all the good that he wished can come true, and vice versa, cursing the person in his hearts, he condemns him to failure. The ring of the gray magician is the middle one, both literally and figuratively, and its owner is capable of doing both good and evil. Also, this ring has one more amazing property: its owner should not be offended, since the evil directed at him is able to “reflect” and, multiplying, affect the offender. Moreover, the stronger the offense, the more time will pass before the return blow, and the more powerful it will be.

Ring of the black magician goes from the line of Life and encircles the bottom of the hill of Jupiter, going deep into the hill of Saturn. This ring gives the ability to practice black magic, but if you do not practice it, then they will not be able to open up. In everyday life, this can be expressed in the fact that such a person can easily jinx, especially if there are signs of some of the 6 enemies of a person on his hands - anger, envy and greed.

Despite the fact that the rings of a gray and black magician give the ability to practice magic and endow a person with occult talents, I do not advise you to be zealous in their development, since for any negative or violence, even mental, committed on another person, you will have to fully to answer and work off these sins, if not in this, then certainly in the next life.

Ring of saturn- this is a semicircle that begins between the fingers of Jupiter and Saturn, surrounds the finger of Saturn and ends between the fingers of Saturn and Apollo, crossing the entire hill of Saturn (Figures 1.80).

The ring of Saturn can form a regular semicircle or consist of two separate lines intersecting on the hill of Saturn. You can also find open circles, but in any case, their ends will form an unfinished ring of Saturn. An unfinished ring, although it has unfavorable properties, in its characteristics, it will have some positive qualities in comparison with a completely closed ring, since the energy coming from the finger will partially overcome this barrier.

Since this ring completely cuts the hill of Saturn, it creates obstacles in the path of energy, which makes the hill of Saturn flawed, cutting off its wisdom, seriousness and poise, turning these qualities into disadvantages. It also gives pessimism and uncertainty about the future and is the main limiting factor in the development and objective perception of reality. Very often, the ring of Saturn appears after negative events in a person's life, being a reflection of his inner state. Along with this, the ring speaks of a person's tendency to often change friends, place of work, residence, jump from one business to another and not bring everything started to its logical conclusion, which will result in a complete collapse of any field of activity.

Apollo's ring Is a semicircle under the ring finger (Figure 1.81).

The ring of Apollo indicates the desire by any means to become famous, to attract attention or to advertise oneself. Such people live according to the principle “the end justifies the means”, so all their thoughts will be only about fame and about the desire for recognition. Quite often, they consider themselves superior and better than others. However, when these people fall from the top and lose everything they have, they are often ridiculed by others. A torn or poorly expressed Apollo ring indicates bad taste and inability to present oneself in society.

Ring of mercury Is a semicircle located under the little finger. It is very rare on the hands and has a different, more common name that is used by palmists and is called the widow's sign. This ring indicates the impossibility of marriage and appears, as a rule, after a strong shock or shock associated with a divorce or a difficult breakup. This sign is very rarely associated with a person's karma and is most often acquired as a result of any very negative events in a love relationship. The ring of Mercury can equally be found on the palms of men and women.

Signs in the hills
Hill of jupiter

Cross on the hill of Jupiter- a sign of happy love and good marriage. The cross on the hill should be straight, clear and well defined. The presence of a distinct cross on a hill can give its owner a quiet, calm, balanced family life; smart and caring children; a husband (wife) with a good education and job, and sometimes financial condition; relatives providing material and moral assistance and support. The large sign on the hill increases the period of happiness, and the small one is not so generous and short-lived. If the cross is wrong, crooked or wavy, then its qualities become negative, making family happiness inaccessible.

By the location of the cross, you can determine when a person will enter into a happy marriage. If the cross is located at the line of Life, then the marriage will be concluded at an early age. If he is in the middle of the hill, then happiness in marriage will be in the middle of life, and if at the base of the hill, almost at the finger of Jupiter, then family happiness will be found at the end of life.

Star on the Mount of Jupiter indicates a happy career and gives a person very strong patrons. The star sign itself indicates the ability to non-verbally influence other people. Along with this, the star is a sign of well-being, and a person who has it in the palm of his hand will be able to gain great power and achieve a high position in society without any effort. The star located in the center of the hill indicates an acquaintance with an outstanding person who will change the life of the owner of the sign. If the star is located at the highest point of the hill, then such its location gives a high position in society, success, honor and respect deserved by the owner of the hand. The star, which is displaced from the center of the hill towards the thumb, indicates that a person is included in the circle of the mighty of this world.

Lattice on the hill of Jupiter aggravates the properties of the hill of Jupiter, making a person domineering, narcissistic, selfish, overly proud and distrustful. It is rather difficult for him to find happiness in marriage due to the perverse qualities of Jupiter. Since the lattice is multiple Ketu lines, such a combination of lines gives a person disbelief in his success, thoughts of defeat, loss of meaning in life and faith in himself, which will be compensated by an overestimated self-esteem and painful ambition.

The square on the hill of Jupiter(Figure 1.82) is a sign of protection and stability of social status. Such a person is not afraid of life's trials, since the Higher powers take care of him. The square also protects against losses and conflicts during a clash of interests, it is a sign of a stable social position, which corresponds to the level of claims of the owner of the sign and protects against overestimated ambitions, excessive ambition and selfishness. In palmistry, the square on the hill of Jupiter is usually called the teacher's square, since it testifies to an innate talent for teaching other people, the ability to correctly and clearly present information and explain material. It is considered a rather lucky sign and serves as an expression of natural inner strength and stamina.

In my practice, this sign was rare and endowed a person, in addition to all of the above, with amazing resilience on the way to achieving their goals. The owners of this mark, even during the reorganization of firms and enterprises, were never fired, and they always surprisingly stayed afloat and kept their jobs. This is truly a karmic protective sign that protects its owner from the loss of social status, position and work. According to Vedic knowledge, the sign also gives protection in obtaining education.

The triangle on the hill of Jupiter is one of the most auspicious signs. It indicates diplomatic and tactical ability and demonstrates the ability to make the right decisions and see the problem from different angles. The sign endows a person with special charisma, the ability to lead other people and is an indicator of a natural talent for leadership. In addition, the triangle is an indicator of favorable conditions for education and a sign of spiritual development. Its owner will be successful in activities related to administration, business, civil defense and military service.

Trident on the hill of Jupiter enhances the properties of the hill and will help its owner become famous, increase material wealth, as well as achieve professional and social recognition. This is a sign of success by occupation. As long as this sign is present on the palms, a person is lucky in all endeavors, including through risky and daring actions. He can also talk about the acquisition of large property and wealth.

Island on the hill of Jupiter weakens the positive qualities of the hill and indicates lowered pride, ambition, self-esteem, low ambitions and lack of desire to achieve goals, which will negatively affect the social status and career growth of a person.

Points on the hill of Jupiter not to be confused with moles. A point is one of the forms of manifestation of Ketu in the palm of your hand, which gives hardships in a career, professional difficulties, frequent changes in jobs or occupations.

Vertical line on the hill of Jupiter enhances the qualities of the hill and endows a person with ambition, the desire for freedom and a better life, administrative qualities and the ability to manage.

Sign in the form of the letter "N" on the hill of Jupiter indicates good luck in trade and commerce. But in order for a person to start this activity, he needs a push from the outside and the help of influential patrons.

Sign in the form of the letter "V" on the hill of Jupiter speaks of fame and popularity among a narrow circle of people.

From the hill of Jupiter, you can also determine how many formations a person will have. By education, according to Vedic knowledge, we mean not that which we receive in educational institutions, but life education, built on deep mastering of the material, penetration into it and used in our activities. The formation looks along clear and long vertical lines on the hill of Jupiter, while, as there are such lines, there will be as many formations in a person. If the line is long, distinct, clearly traced and occupies the central part of the hill, then this indicates the education received, which the person will use in his life. If the line is crossed out or it is short and thin, then the person's education will either be incomplete or will not be used by him in practice.

For example, refer to Figures 1.83, which clearly shows how this system works. The girl received 5 educations in various fields and is a very talented and versatile person. But when analyzing these lines, it can be seen that there are only two long and strong lines, and the other three are small, thin and crossed out. From this we can conclude that of all the received and completed formations in her life, only two are used, and the other three are not used at a given time. The large lines crossed out by the comet indicate that the girl is now at a crossroads and for some reason cannot decide in the direction of her implementation, and the crossed out short lines indicate that, although these areas have been studied, they will not be useful in life.

Hill of saturn

Cross on the hill of saturn- a sign of danger due to vehicles and means of communication, and most often manifests itself as the likelihood of an accident on the road. The cross in the center of the hill aggravates its qualities and indicates the inability of the owner of the sign to withstand the realities of life, it can also speak of pessimism.

A cross shifted towards the hill of Jupiter is called a widow's cross in palmistry. Basically, he is found on female hands and says that the spouse will outlive her husband. The sign also indicates a serious emotional state about the loss of a loved one, which must be clarified by the rest of the signs in the palm of your hand, and only when confirmed by them can it indicate the death of a partner.

Star on the hill of saturn suggests that fatality determines the course of many events in a person's life. A very dangerous and difficult sign, which is considered only in conjunction with the rest of the lines and signs. The star will work at the moment when there are negative signs or signs of abrupt changes on the main lines, in other cases it is a simple warning sign. The star sign on the Mount of Saturn is very rare, and in my practice I met it only twice, which indicated periods of karmic predestination and predetermination of the course of many events in a person's life.

A star located on the hill of Saturn at the end of the line of Fate indicates sudden death due to accident, murder or terrorist act.

The star, located between the hills of Saturn and Apollo, signals the danger of death from electricity or from a snakebite. In addition, the sign may indicate living with a person who has a fatal fate (to be specified by the palms of a partner).

Lattice on the hill of Saturn(Figure 1.84) reports on a difficult life full of worries, strong egocentrism, a predisposition to gloomy depressions and melancholy. The lattice aggravates the favorable properties of the hill, and since, according to the Vedas, the lattice is the lines of Ketu, it gives all kinds of deprivation. The life of the owner of this sign is like a vicious circle, troubles return to him again and again. Very often a person creates such a life and problems for himself; getting hung up on some idea and not getting the expected results from it, he goes into depression. As soon as a person gets out of this state, the grid will disintegrate or favorable signs will appear instead.

Triangle on the hill of saturn(Figure 1.86) gives a penchant for the occult sciences and parapsychology, as well as the ability for mystical activity. According to tradition, the triangle on the hill of Saturn is considered the sign of the palmist.

Square on the hill of Saturn(Figure 1.85) testifies to protection in life from dangers and from fatal fate. The square on this hill neutralizes other negative signs, protecting against any threat and keeping its owner in physical health. A very auspicious and strong sign given to a person for merits in past lives.

Circle on the hill of Saturn may indicate a passion for black magic and the risk of getting into trouble because of this sinful activity.

Island on the hill of Saturn weakens the properties of the hill and indicates a difficult life.

Many vertical lines on the hill of Saturn, called the Ladder of Success,- a sign that success in life will come only through hard work and dedication of the owner in the struggle for their goals and ideals. This is an ambiguous sign, which, on the one hand, gives a person the opportunity to realize himself and achieve success, but on the other hand, it indicates that nothing is given to the owner of such a sign for free.

Apollo hill

Star on the hill of Apollo(Figure 1.88) has many favorable interpretations and reports: about financial success, wealth, fame and good reputation in society; achieving prominence; sudden wealth and good health; a good marriage and a talent to shine on stage, as well as a sign that gives luck and fame in the acting profession. Implementation of plans in the absence of the Apollo line will not give a person satisfaction in life. With a lonely star, no Apollo line, success will come too late or come at a high cost. The star located on the Apollo line is a great success in the chosen field of activity, especially in the field of art and creativity.

Cross on the hill of Apollo(Figure 1.87) - a sign of temporary financial difficulties and the impracticability of cherished desires for any reason. Delay in business and difficulties in the implementation of the plan without the protection of third parties. In the absence of the Apollo line - bad luck in life. If the cross touches the line of Apollo, then this is a sign of disappointment and dissatisfaction with what has been achieved.

The square on the hill of Apollo testifies to financial and creative success. Luck in life, and with a successful coincidence of circumstances, the opportunity to make a person who is not too rich in talents popular, and this will not cost him much effort. Protection from creative loss and disappointment, as well as protection from ambition in the desire for fame.

Circle on the hill of Apollo is one of the luckiest signs on the hill. Gives fame, popularity and a penchant for creativity and art. Prosperity will be achieved in a persistent but safe way. If the circle has rays on the sides and it resembles the sun, then such a sign testifies to world fame due to talent and dedication.

Apollo's Hill is the only place in the palm of your hand where the circle has a favorable meaning. Located in other places, the circle carries a destructive meaning and endows its owner with negative characteristics.

Lattice on Apollo's Hill- a sign of superstition. Gives insane pride, sometimes insanity and a tendency to reckless acts based on vanity. Often, a person will have nervous breakdowns due to the lack of an opportunity to express themselves, while a wide lattice speaks of a desire and desire to become famous, and a narrow one - of mental problems.

Island on the hill of Apollo gives fickle success and unfavorable social relationships. Difficulty in achieving happiness and success in the business that a person is engaged in. If the island is on the Apollo line, then this indicates a loss of reputation due to a public scandal.

The triangle on the hill of Apollo indicates talent and success in the creative field. It is also a mark of art critics and historians. Success in science is possible thanks to the scientific mindset and the ability to get to the bottom of the truth. The triangle speaks of a talent for painting and art, and thanks to this talent, discoveries in these areas are possible. The sign gives a calm attitude to fame, prosperity in life, so unexpected material upsides do not spoil such people.

Trident on the hill of Apollo close in meaning to a star. He points to the fame and wealth that a person earned as a result of mental activity, as well as a high origin, gifts and talents in the field of art, a strong material and social position.

Many vertical lines on the hill of Apollo talks about the dispersion of their strengths and abilities, disorientation in choosing the path for self-realization. Very often they are found in the hands of those people who have many hobbies, but cannot stop in one direction from all the diversity and develop it.

Hill of mercury

Star on the hill of mercury gives brilliant success in science, business or politics due to natural eloquence. A person with a star in the center of a hill possesses a rare cunning and can become either a talented con man or a talented businessman. In which direction he will turn and which path he will take in life, it is necessary to clarify by the signs on the entire hand. A star on a favorable hand gives eloquence and great success in the field of science, in entrepreneurship or big business, and on an unfavorable hand - the talent of a swindler, a tendency to theft and treachery.

Cross on the hill of mercury(Figure 1.91) testifies to the financial difficulties of a person and, in the same way as a star, but to a slightly lesser extent, endows a person with a tendency to theft, lies and deception. In order to understand whether a person is inclined to theft, a number of chirological factors must be observed: the cross on the hill must be wrong, the little finger must be crooked, and the impression of a "bad" hand must be created. The modern interpretation also says that the cross on the hill belongs to real computer geniuses and people who are very well versed in technology.

Square on the hill of mercury(Figure 1.90) endows a person with energy and the ability to make instant decisions, and also protects against stress, mental strain, material losses and shocks. Such a person is not inclined to theft, talkativeness, bragging and at the same time is reliable, faithful and keeps his word.

Lattice on the hill of Mercury indicates dishonesty and resourcefulness of a person, as well as a tendency to financial fraud. The owner of this sign cannot be trusted in anything due to the fact that he constantly lies, fiddles and dodges, and he does everything, no matter what he undertakes, to please himself, regardless of the opinion of other people.

Triangle on the hill of Mercury endows a person with wit, ingenuity and diplomacy. This sign is found in the hands of diplomats, politicians and successful businessmen, that is, people who are able to use the situation to their advantage. In addition to the skill of communication and good luck in business, the triangle means excellent abilities for scientific activity, endowing its owner with logic and theoretical thinking.

Circle on the hill of Mercury indicates the danger of poisoning or indicates an accident. Sometimes on a given hill there may be not one, but two or three circles. They should not connect or touch each other, but be located separately, with the minimum circle size being 1 mm, and the maximum size from 7 to 10 mm.

Point on the hill of Mercury- This is the sign of Ketu, giving hardship in the spheres for which Mercury is responsible. An extremely unfavorable sign for businessmen, as it bears losses, shocks and material losses.

Samaritan lines(Figure 1.89) - a sign of sensitivity, kindness, selflessness and love for children. Typically, the Samaritan lines are three to six lines located vertically on the hill of Mercury. Also, this sign means a caring and compassionate nature, sensitive to other people's pain. Such a person sees his duty in caring for the less happy, he is endowed with pity for the unfortunate and capable. Along with this, the lines indicate the ability for healing and the gift of healing. If the sign is on a passive hand, this is a sign that a person has the ability to heal, but for some reason he does not use them. If the lines of the Samaritans appear on an active hand or on both at once, this means that a person has discovered in himself the gift of helping people and, being involved in the world of healing, can spend some part of his life helping others and devoting himself to healing. Very often such lines are found in the hands of talented doctors or nurses.

Mount of Venus

Star on the Mount of Venus indicates success with the opposite sex due to charm and natural magnetism. Success in any endeavor and numerous victories and adventures on the love front.

A star at the bottom of the Mount of Venus indicates exposure to negative influences from the opposite sex. A star located in the middle or upper part of the hill, on the contrary, is an auspicious sign and indicates success in the field of love and the ability to influence the opposite sex. The sign gives heightened passion, sensuality and sexuality. The star at the base of the thumb, which is next to Malika Rekha, speaks of a difficult relationship with a partner that does not satisfy the owner of the sign.

A star located anywhere on the hill of Venus in a woman is evidence that she attracts men like a magnet, regardless of her appearance and clothing, and this attraction extends until the moment the star is present in the palm of her hand. Often, the sign gives stormy and passionate romances, but along with this, troubles from the envy of rivals and jealousy of partners.

Cross on the hill of Venus- a sign of the only love for life. According to traditional interpretations, it indicates that the owner of the sign can experience a genuine and real feeling of love for only one person in life, which is specified along the lines of Influence in the palm of his hand. If a small cross is located next to the Life line from the side of the hill of Venus, then this is a sign of quarrels with relatives, in which the owner of the sign is to blame. If the cross is between the line of Destiny and the line of Life, then in this case there will be obstacles in the career from relatives.

Lattice on the Mount of Venus indicates inconsistency of character, oversexuality and sensitivity. The owner of such a sign is characterized by the predominance of carnal pleasures and physical desires over spiritual ones, licentiousness and perversion of nature.

If the lattice is small (not more than 1 × 1 cm or 1.5 × 2 cm in size) and at the same time does not cover the entire hill of Venus, but some area, then this sign is interpreted as a correct intuitive decision, judgment or human action obtained thanks to his psychic abilities. This sign does not work all the time, but periodically, and does not lend itself to conscious management.

Square on the Mount of Venus gives protection from passions, emotions and falling in love, as well as from the experiences associated with them. If the square adjoins the line of Life from the side of the Rahu hill, then such a sign may speak of temporary isolation from society, solitude or imprisonment. If the square adjoins the line of Life from the side of the Ketu plain, then this is a sign of deprivation and refusal from public life, such as a deliberate departure to religion or sect. The signs of deprivation will be discussed in more detail in the corresponding section.

Island on the hill of Venus, close to the line of Life or located next to the line of Influence, indicates a person who can easily fall under the influence of his partner. In the presence of strong feelings for him, strong idealization is possible, indulging his whims and whims. The island weakens the beneficial effects of the hill and creates sensory and sexual problems.

The circle on the hill of Venus a rather controversial sign, which, on the one hand, gives a high sexual potential and the necessary sensuality and attractiveness, and on the other hand, indicates poor health and the impossibility, because of it, to translate these qualities into practice. According to the interpretation of the ancient palmists, the sign can report an accident on land.

Triangle on the Mount of Venus indicates that a person's reason affects the area of ​​feelings and subordinates them to his will, but at the same time brings balance to the character of the owner of the sign. The triangle on the hill of Venus is a sign of calculation in love and affection, calmness and harmony in a relationship with a partner, the ability to control and restrain oneself. To clarify the interpretation, you need to look at the quality and nature of the Heart line, which will indicate the prevailing guna in which the owner of the hand is located, as well as the presence or absence of signs of 6 human enemies.

Upper Mars Hill

Star on the hill of Upper Mars is a very controversial sign and is clarified by other signs in the palm of your hand. Its main interpretations are as follows: death in war from a gunshot wound and military honors. Promotion to a high military rank or a reward for bravery, that is, for participating in hostilities. Through patience and perseverance, a person will achieve all the best and receive recognition.

Cross on the hill of Upper Mars indicates secret enemies or physical damage that promises a life full of quarrels and conflicts with people. The owner of the mark has a difficult and unyielding character, because of which he often enters into open confrontation with others, as a result of which he can lose control of his emotions and cause bodily harm to a stranger. In addition, the owner of the sign himself may be physically injured due to reckless behavior, frequent quarrels and cockiness.

The square on the hill of Upper Mars restrains the rage and unpredictable antics of its owner, protects against bodily harm, aggressive attacks and numerous enemies. In order not to provoke fate and, as a result, not to burden karma, such a person always needs to control his emotions.

People have loved to wear rings on their fingers for a long time. It turns out that wearing a ring can affect the inner state of a person. For example, with its help you can pacify too violent temperament, or, on the contrary, add decisiveness to too modest persons. It is interesting that the rings on the fingers can affect not only the internal state of a person, but also his health. And the point here is in the metal from which the product is made and the finger on which it was put on.

The meaning of the rings on the fingers. Choice of metal and stone

Scientists have long ago discovered about 400 active points on the hands associated with various internal organs. Therefore, the rings worn on this or that finger directly affect the state of these very organs. In this case, it is the minerals and metals used in the product that have an effect. So, to relieve irritability and eliminate headaches, silver products are perfect, and to recuperate, it is recommended to wear gold. Also, gold will help people suffering from blood pressure and stomach ulcers. Let's find out how the ring should be worn so that it will help its owner.

The finger of Mars is the thumb. The meaning of the ring on the finger of Mars

From the point of view of astrology and palmistry, the thumb is related to Mars, and this planet is primarily responsible for the manifestation of the strength, will and ego of a person, his energetic and physical activity. The ring on the thumb should be worn primarily by people who are hyperactive, especially in the physical plane, whose strength and energy is overwhelming. It is believed that wearing a ring on the thumb pacifies overly temperamental people, restraining possible emotional outbursts, the manifestation of aggression or brute force. In ancient Rome and Greece, men wore a ring on their thumb in order to protect their manhood. According to psychologists, lovers of ringing their thumb try to assert themselves in the world by any means.

Thumb Ring Metal

In astrology, iron is considered the metal of Mars, and steel, which is an alloy of iron and carbon, is also a suitable material for a thumb ring. In addition, steel has magical properties, it is able to cleanse the body of harmful energy and restore energy balance. For example, steel is often used to make protective amulets for warriors.

Stones for the ring on the finger of Mars

Those who like to wear jewelry on their thumb should choose products with blue stones, which will help to bring to life the most daring enterprises. In addition, such stones will restore the functioning of the nervous system and eliminate distraction. Red stones, on the other hand, will not only diminish the ability to reason logically, but also reduce self-confidence. Green ones will increase the protective properties of the body, and yellow ones will strengthen the nervous system. Recommended stones for wearing on the thumb are lapis lazuli, turquoise, diamond, amethyst, alexandrite, amazonite and aquamarine.

Jupiter's finger is the index finger. The meaning of the ring on the finger of Jupiter

According to astrologers and palmists, the index finger corresponds to Jupiter and personifies the power of this planet. Jupiter in astrology symbolizes power and what accompanies it: authority, recognition, success, wealth. In addition to everything, this is the planet of moral principles, any expansion, intellectual and spiritual development. The ring on the index finger promotes the acquisition of knowledge and also attracts luck and success. It is recommended to put the ring on the index finger of indecisive individuals, in this case, their self-esteem will increase and self-confidence will appear.

Index finger ring metal

Rings are best worn from the metal of Jupiter - tin, at least from friendly gold, silver is an unsuitable material for a ring on the index finger, it is believed that luck will turn away from the owner of a silver ring on the index finger.

Stones for the ring on the finger of Jupiter

The index finger is responsible for a person's abilities and talents. Therefore, choosing the right stone, you can significantly improve the situation in business, gaining the ability to influence other people. It is better to wear jewelry with stones in blue or navy colors on the index finger. A ring with aquamarine, turquoise, topaz, sapphire or lapis lazuli in a gold setting will look great. A ring with an opal will strengthen family ties, and with a coral will relieve stress.

Saturn's finger is the middle finger. The meaning of the ring on the finger of Saturn

Saturn is a planet of structure and strict order, self-discipline, maturity. The middle finger is also called the finger of fate, since it plays a significant role in determining the fate of a person. The ring on the middle finger affects the inner core and goals of a person, his life orientation.

Haunted by failure? No problem! If various difficulties and obstacles often arise on your way, then it is enough to put the ring on your middle finger and there will be much less of them. A person wearing a ring on this finger will be able to cope with any difficulties, having acquired the necessary strength for this. If there is a birth ring, it is also recommended to wear it on the middle finger.

Middle finger ring metal

Choosing a ring for your middle finger, palmists and astrologers advise you to opt for lead - the metal of Saturn. A ring of lead enhances the Saturnian qualities in a person, that is, makes him more persistent, wise, organized, realistic, etc. If you do not want to wear lead rings, then give preference to silver, titanium, iron or its alloy - steel.

Stones for the ring on the finger of Saturn

The middle finger is responsible for destiny. Therefore, a properly selected decoration can really help to achieve the set goals in any social endeavors, as well as to distinguish the owner from the general "gray mass". It is recommended to wear black or purple stones. So, it can be sapphire, garnet, agate, jade, chalcedony, spinel, onyx, amethyst or obsidian.

The finger of the Sun (Apollo) is the ring finger. The meaning of the ring on Apollo's finger

The ring finger is associated with the sun. The sun in astrology symbolizes the essence of man, his creative principle, conscious will and spirit. This is the inner fire that constantly burns inside us and makes us create, express ourselves, love and burn with passion. The ring on the ring finger, as it were, emphasizes our passion for who or what we love. All aesthetes who love beauty and sophistication are advised to put a gold ring on their ring finger. In this case, it will help the owner on the path of self-expression and gaining wealth and fame. In addition, it is customary to wear a gold wedding ring on the ring finger.

Ring finger metal

The metal of the Sun is gold. Gold, better than other metals, enhances love and strengthens marriage. Those who want to find their other half should not wear silver rings on their ring finger, because this metal, unlike gold, does not contribute to the acquisition of marriage bonds.

Stones for the ring on the finger of the Sun

The ring finger is associated with the heart, and therefore the ring worn on this finger will affect the possibility of finding happiness in love. To attract warm feelings, it is recommended to choose rings with red or yellow stones, such as ruby, tourmaline, topaz, pomegranate, carnelian, red jasper, jadeite, citrine.

The finger of Mercury is the little finger. The meaning of the ring on the finger of Mercury

Mercury in astrology is the planet of reason, intellect, adaptation. He is responsible for our intellectual capabilities, information interaction with the outside world and the exchange of information through various communications. Mercury patronizes businessmen, diplomats, mediators, speakers, trade workers, transport workers, and the media. Those who are related to the listed areas and professional areas, and also need sleight of hand, flexibility of mind and the ability to express themselves beautifully, should wear a ring on their little finger. It will help you find a common language with any person and establish the necessary contacts. The ring on the little finger helps gamblers to eradicate gambling addiction in themselves and suppress the craving for various kinds of adventures.

Pinky ring metal

In astrology, the metal of Mercury is liquid mercury, but due to its toxicity, it is not used in the manufacture of jewelry, although there are copyright rings interspersed with mercury, which is placed in a closed capsule. But since Mercury is essentially a "diplomat" and is not conflict with other planets, it is not bad if the ring on the little finger is made of platinum, titanium, aluminum or its alloy, silver or copper-silver alloy.

Stones for the ring on the finger of Mercury

If a person feels the need to establish contacts and connections, he should pay attention to the little finger and decorate it with a ring with a stone of green or yellow shades: amber, agate, chrysoprase, carnelian, topaz, citrine or chrysolite.

Now that you know what secrets the rings keep, you can improve your life and fill it with new incredible events.