How much maternity pay to unemployed mothers. Payments to non-working pregnant women

Many non-working expectant mothers are worried about what payments they are entitled to in connection with the future addition to the family.
In the article, we will describe what payments a pregnant unemployed woman has the right to claim, what documents and where to provide, and so on.

What are the benefits for pregnant non-working women?

Every non-working mother has every right to apply to the social protection department at the place of registration and (or) to the CPC in order to receive financial assistance.

Maternity allowance- if a pregnant woman quit her previous job, she can register with the labor exchange. By registering there before the onset of the maternity leave, she will receive money in the amount of 850 to 4900 rubles.

One-time payment to a non-working mother during early pregnancy- if the expectant mother registered at the Employment Center before the 12th week, the money for the registration itself at this time is in addition to the pregnancy allowance. Will be paid by destination and maternity allowance payments. For this reason, those pregnant women who do not have and did not have an official job cannot receive this type of compensation. However, there is one caveat, this rule does not apply to female students in a position who study at universities on a full-time basis and to women who quit due to the liquidation of the company.

Lump-sum payment at the birth of a child- one of the parents can receive a lump sum payment. If 2, 3 or more children are born, money will be allocated for each newborn.

Monthly financial assistance for caring for a child- if a mother does not receive material assistance due to the fact that she is unemployed, social protection appoints her subsidies from the day of the child's birth until they reach 1.5 years of age.

How to get maternity benefits for non-working women?

The rights of unemployed pregnant women to receive any unemployment benefits can only be retained until the 30th week. Then they are removed from the register or take a break on the basis of a sick leave. If a woman did not work at all, then she can only receive financial support in the form of subsidies for caring for a child up to 1.5 years old.

Who pays maternity benefit to a non-working woman?

Is maternity allowance paid to a non-working woman? The question worries everyone who plans to give birth in the near future.

If a woman did not work anywhere, or quit herself even before she became pregnant, no one will give her a maternity allowance, because for a certain period of time the woman is removed from the register at the labor exchange. Even if, upon returning from vacation, she returns to the register at the Employment Center, the payment will not be assigned.

The size of the maternity allowance for non-working women

In Russia, motherhood is encouraged in monetary terms. Unemployed mothers can get:

  • One-time compensation at birth in the amount of 16 350 rubles;
  • Childcare allowance paid monthly. An unemployed woman receives 3065 rubles for her first child, and 6131 for her second or third child. If twins or triplets are born, then the subsidies are summed up;
  • Monthly financial assistance.

Payment terms and conditions may vary depending on the region.

List of documents

Documents for receiving benefits for pregnant non-working women:

  • Statement;
  • Original and copy of the child's metric;
  • If this is the 2nd child, you must also provide the metric of the first, if the first child died, you need a death certificate;
  • If dad does not work or is studying at a university, provide a certificate stating that he does not receive financial assistance from the state;
  • Notary-certified copy of the work record book;
  • Certificate from the SZN stating that unemployment compensation is not being issued;
  • A document confirming the fact that the child lives in Russia with one of the parents;
  • If the parent is studying full-time at the university - a certificate from the place of study.

Sample application for the appointment of benefits

In order for an unemployed mother to receive financial assistance in connection with the addition to the family, she must apply to social protection with a statement.

Sample application for the appointment of a lump sum payment in connection with the birth of a child

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The maternity allowance for non-working women is entitled to the same as those who carry out labor activities. Only the payer and the amount of payments will be different.

Who is entitled to payments

Cash payments are due to working women on maternity leave. But there are also categories of unemployed women who are entitled to benefits. These include:

  • full-time students;
  • contract employees;
  • employees dismissed in connection with the liquidation of the company.
Important! If the pregnancy proceeds without complications, then seventy days can be obtained before childbirth and the same number after. Rest time is lengthened if the expectant mother is diagnosed with complications or multiple pregnancies.

A woman can go on vacation ahead of time if she lives in environmentally unsafe areas:

  • regions, contaminated after the Chernobyl accident;
  • pollution after the accident at the Mayak plant.

Who is not entitled to maternity benefits

Not all unemployed mothers-to-be can count on government support.

  1. Non-working housewives cannot count on maternity benefits.
  2. Expectant mothers who did not work officially are deprived of the right to issue payments.
  3. Fired on their own initiative.
  4. Part-time students are also not eligible for payments, unlike those who study full-time.

Do you need on this issue? and our lawyers will contact you shortly.

One-time allowance for those who stand up on theaccountingon the early pregnancy

Women who are entitled to social benefits can apply for two payments at once: the maternity allowance itself and the payment for early admission to the antenatal clinic.

To receive an additional payment, you must register before twelve weeks of pregnancy.

Early registration is confirmed by a certificate from the antenatal clinic.

How the liquidation benefit is paid

Liquidation of a company is an event that does not depend on the will of employees. If a woman officially worked, and social insurance contributions were transferred from her income, then social guarantees are relied on.

Important! You can get preferential conditions when assigning payments if you register at the labor exchange on time. It is necessary to appear for registration no later than twelve months from the date of termination of the contract.

3 cases when transfers are made:

  • liquidation of a company or reorganization;
  • termination of business activities;
  • loss of lawyer status.

The bulletin gives the right not only to take a vacation, but also to receive cash payments.

Expectant mothers receive full payment for their vacation in BiR. The amount of compensation is not very large, it is only 300 rubles. But this amount rises every year.

Attention! During the maternity leave, the unemployed person is not removed from the register. The transfer of unemployment benefits is suspended while there is a vacation in the BiR. But then payments are resumed again. Thus, the social guarantees, approved by the state, remain.

But the right to receive unemployment benefits remains when two conditions are met:

  1. Not more than one year has passed since the date of termination of the contract.
  2. The reason for the dismissal is the liquidation of the company.

In other cases (dismissal at will, did not work before registration at the employment service, did not work for more than one year), maternity payments are not allowed.

You can choose child care payments. However, then the unemployment benefit will not be transferred.

Transfer through social protection of the population

If the company was reorganized or liquidated, then the payer is the social protection of the population. You should contact the specialists at the place of registration.

Attention! The labor exchange does not make maternity payments to the unemployed. Here you can get only transfers related to the lack of work.

3 documents for applying to social protection:

  1. a statement signed by the applicant in his own hand;
  2. an extract from the work book, which confirms the reasons for the termination of the contract;
  3. a certificate from the labor exchange stating that the applicant is registered as unemployed.

For citizens who are engaged in business, one more additional document is added. It is necessary to submit a certificate to the tax inspectorate about the termination of activities.

A sick leave is required. A document is drawn up at thirty weeks of pregnancy. The document receives legal force after medical specialists put down signatures and affix a stamp.

The payment is made from the federal budget. Targeted transfers are made to the regional budget.

The decision on the application is made no later than ten days after its registration. The transfer is carried out no later than the twenty-sixth day of the month when the appeal was registered.

Contract Employee Benefits

Expectant mothers who serve under a contract can receive a monthly allowance.

These include employees:

  1. penal system;
  2. fire fighting service;
  3. customs authorities.

To apply for a benefit, you must write an application. A certificate issued by locally, locally residence. You also need a certificate from a medical institution, certified by the signatures of doctors and a seal.

BiR manual for full-time students

The receipt of payments is not affected by the type of training - paid or free. Payments will be made at the expense of funds from the budget allocated to the university. The accreditation degree of the institution is also not taken into account.


  • take the application and documents to the accounting department at the place of study;
  • the money will be given in the form of a scholarship.

From the documents, you will need a certificate of incapacity for work, issued at a gestational age of 30 weeks.

One-time state aid for the birth of a child

A one-time transfer is due to the mother or father of the child. The guarantee is provided regardless of the social status of the citizen.

The size of the transfer is 16,350 rubles. 33 K. Law No. 81- FZ is the main legal act governing the procedure for registration. It contains provisions on the assignment of benefits to citizens with children.

One of the parents can get the money at the place of service.

Non-working citizens should contact the specialists of the department of social protection of the population at their place of residence.

Important! You can also get money when you adopt a baby. When deciding on the appointment of benefits, it matters the age of the baby at which there was an adoption. Download for viewing and printing:

Registration of payments at the parent's place of work

3 nuances of payment processing:

  1. You must have time to submit an application no later than six months from the date of birth of the child.
  2. Social security rights are lost when a child is born dead;
  3. When two children are born, the transfer is made for each of them.

If one parent "sits" at home, and the other serves, then the transfers are assigned to the one who works. In the event of a divorce, money is due to the parent with whom the children remain.

To receive an application addressed to the director of the company, a statement is written. You must ask to transfer funds. The application is accompanied by a document confirming the birth of the child, as well as a certificate of non-receipt of payments by the spouse.

Where to get unemployed benefits

When social insurance contributions were made for citizens, you should contact the specialists of the Social Insurance Fund.

Reception of non-working citizens is carried out by specialists of social protection of the population.

Most companies make transfers to employees' bank cards. In some enterprises, the practice of handing out funds remains. When an application is submitted to specialists of social protection of the population, a bank account is written in the application, where the transfers are made.

The accounting department requests the following list of documents from employees:

  • statement;
  • certificate from the registry office (form F 24);
  • mother's and father's passports along with photocopies;
  • birth document;
  • certificate from the second spouse on non-receipt of funds.

Social Security can make a transfer by post or to a bank card.

Attention! To receive an additional transfer, you must attach a certificate of admission to the antenatal clinic at an early date.

October 7, 2017, 00:43 Oct 19, 2019 00:35

Non-working mothers who decide to have a 2nd child can receive support from the state. The amount of assistance is less than that of working mothers, but sufficient to provide babies with everything they need.

What non-working women can get at the birth of their second child

The state has established different payments to mothers who have given birth to the 1st, 2nd child and subsequent babies. Officially employed women are entitled to receive unconditional state support. Women who do not work and give birth to a second baby often ask themselves the question of what state support they are entitled to, being on maternity leave for the second time.

Unemployed and working mothers on maternity leave: is there a difference in accrual

When the mother is not working, the employer does not make payments to the Social Insurance Fund, and therefore these mothers cannot count on the support that working women receive. However, the state has foreseen such situations, and provides certain social benefits to the most vulnerable categories of the population. This includes non-working mothers who are going to give birth to a second baby. Therefore, the appropriate support is provided, but its size is smaller than that of a working mom.

Employment status is as follows:

  • workers - women who are officially employed, the employer regularly makes appropriate deductions;
  • unemployed - women who are unemployed or unemployed, but not registered;
  • unemployed - women with the status of unemployed and registered at the Employment Center.

Thus, unemployed and unemployed mothers belong to different categories. But the payments are the same, albeit with slight differences.

Payments to a non-working mother: a list of payments due to the unemployed for the 2nd baby

A non-working mom is entitled to benefits such as:

  • for bearing a child and childbirth - paid once;
  • baby care, paid every month.

If she lost her job due to the liquidation of the company, being pregnant, then she has the right to receive additional material support.

What child benefits are paid at birth: generic 2018

A non-working mother receives a maternity allowance, the value of which is one hundred percent of the average salary received for the previous 2 full years. She will receive this payment if she was dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization, or the termination of the activity of the individual entrepreneur, or as a self-employed population, or because of bankruptcy.

If she underwent full-time training during this period, then she will receive payments of similar scholarships. And if she was a contract soldier, she can receive an amount similar to the monetary allowance.

If she is registered as a temporary unemployed person, then the corresponding payments will not be paid to her from the beginning of the decree. And after it ends, the benefits will resume.

A pregnant woman registered before twelve weeks receives a payment of 628 rubles. 47 kopecks anyway.

At the birth of a child, also regardless of whether he is the first, second or what in the account, what position the mother occupies and other circumstances, she is entitled to a payment in the amount of 16,759 rubles. 09 kopecks If two or more children are born at once, then the allowance is allocated for each baby. In addition, at the oblast level, separate payments are also provided for at birth. And if twins or triplets appear, then additional, sometimes substantial amounts are paid.

Non-working mother's monthly allowance

A non-working mother is also entitled to receive a monthly care allowance up to the age of one and a half years. The amount of the allowance for the 2nd child is 6,284 rubles. 65 kopecks. This is twice as much compared to how much a woman receives for 1 baby (3,142 rubles 33 kopecks). Payment is made no later than the twenty-sixth.

There is also a mat. capital allocated when the 2nd or subsequent baby appears. At present, its value is equal to 453,026 rubles. At the same time, if earlier it was possible to use money (only for its intended purpose) when the baby reached three years old, then changes have now been introduced. According to them, monthly amounts can be allocated from the capital, which a woman spends at her own discretion.

What are the charges for unemployed pregnant women when a company is liquidated?

According to Adm. Regulation No. 653 of September 22, 2014 (title - at the end of the article), if the employer is unable to fulfill obligations to subordinates, this obligation is taken by the FSS, where the company is listed. Therefore, a pregnant woman dismissed due to liquidation has the right to receive due payments. Having submitted the necessary documents to this organization, she will receive all the benefits that would be transferred to her if she were employed.

Features of calculating benefits for an unemployed mother for 2 children at the regional level

All of the benefits described above are paid at the state level. But in addition, separate benefits are allocated from the regional budget.

These payments are set in different amounts in each region, depending on the demographic situation and financial capabilities. There are benefits:

  • when registered at an early date;
  • when a baby appears;
  • at the birth of twins, triplets and more children at once;
  • monthly payments for care;
  • and even regional mat. capital.

At the same time, not only the amount of support differs, but also the types, as well as the conditions of provision. You can find out what benefits are provided in a particular area from the social security authority. They are also provided whether Mommy is working or not.

How to get a pregnant woman's allowance for her second child: sequence of actions

To do this, a woman needs to contact the authorities for the protection of the population, having previously prepared a package of documents. It may differ from the type of benefit. But in general, the following papers are required:

  • an application to be filled out directly at the department;
  • pension certificate;
  • a certificate from the hospital or a document about the birth of a baby;
  • marriage and divorce documents (if any);
  • identity cards;
  • an extract from the employment record of the last job (if any).

In some cases, additional documents are required.

When to receive

These or those types of benefits are allocated at different periods. For example, you can get money for registration up to twelve weeks when you are already pregnant.

The lump sum for the birth of a baby is granted after the baby is born. To do this, a woman needs to contact the social security authorities no later than six months from the moment of its appearance. When you can receive regional benefits, you need to find out directly in the social services offices. services at the place of residence.

Thus, the state is currently helping mothers in difficult situations. This assistance is complemented by all sorts of preferences provided for reg. level. As a result, unemployed women who decide to give birth to a second baby will be able to provide children in the first years of life and themselves with everything they need.

Useful video

The mechanism of social support for families with children in our country has been functioning for a long time and is quite well-established. The legislation defines a list of child benefits that are paid both to parents raising children and to people who are just preparing to become parents. However, for the appointment of this or that benefit, as well as for establishing its amount, many factors are taken into account, including the fact that the parents are employed.

Obviously, the highest social guarantees are received by those families in which the parents are officially employed, because in this case they are subject to compulsory social insurance. By paying contributions to the Social Insurance Fund (FSS), they receive a guarantee of payment of various cash benefits in case of temporary disability, including in connection with the birth of a child.

However, non-working parents are not deprived of state social support. They are also guaranteed by law some child benefits. True, in this case, payments are made in the minimum established amount.

The right of non-working parents to receive child benefits

Speaking about benefits for non-working mothers, it should be noted that if parents have been employed for at least several years up to the birth of a child, then they receive quite significant maternity benefits from the Social Insurance Fund. The amount of these payments depends on the size of the average monthly income for the two full calendar years preceding the year of birth of the child. Of course, the cash benefit will be high if the official wages are high. But even with insignificant official earnings, the availability of employment when a woman goes on maternity leave guarantees quite tangible material support for the family. What can parents who are unemployed or work illegally expect? Is a non-working mother eligible for child benefits?

According to the current legislation, the lack of official work for parents is not an obstacle to social support for the child. Child welfare payments are provided to non-working parents who:

  • do not work due to the employer's bankruptcy procedure;
  • recognized as unemployed in the manner prescribed by law due to the liquidation of the organization;
  • dismissed due to the liquidation of the organization during the period of maternity leave or parental leave;
  • are not subject to compulsory social insurance in case of temporary disability or in connection with maternity (non-working women, schoolchildren, students).

Types of child benefits provided by law for non-working parents

Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 "On State Benefits to Citizens with Children" establishes several categories of unemployed citizens who are entitled to receive child welfare benefits. For each of these categories of citizens, the types of benefits, their amounts and criteria for assignment are established separately. Let us consider this point in more detail (hereinafter in the article, the amounts of benefits are indicated as of 2017).

Employer bankruptcy

If it is impossible to carry out work activities in connection with the employer's bankruptcy procedure, a woman can apply for compulsory social insurance in full in the form of "direct payments" from the territorial body of the FSS in accordance with the social guarantees established for employed citizens. In this case, she receives the following benefits:

3. Lump-sum allowance for the birth of a child in a fixed amount of 16,350.33 rubles.

4. Monthly allowance for caring for a child until he reaches 1.5 years in the amount of 40% of the average monthly earnings for the two previous full calendar years for each child, but not less than 3,065.69 rubles. for the first child and 6131.37 for the second and subsequent (for three children or more - no more than 100% of the average monthly income before dismissal).

Dismissal in connection with the termination of the organization

If a woman is recognized as unemployed in the prescribed manner within a period not exceeding 12 months from the date of dismissal from her former place of work in connection with the liquidation of the organization (termination of activities as an individual entrepreneur or self-employed population), she has the right to benefits in the form of compulsory social insurance in the bodies of social protection of the population (SZN) at the place of residence:

1. Maternity allowance in the minimum established amount of 613.14 rubles. per month:

  • RUB 2861.60 in 140 days;
  • RUB 3,188.64 in 156 days;
  • RUB 3,965.36 in 194 days.

2. Additional payment for early registration up to 12 weeks at a fixed rate of 613.14 rubles. in addition to the maternity allowance.

In addition, in the form of state social security through the territorial bodies of the SZN, a woman receives:

  • Lump-sum allowance for the birth of a child in a fixed amount of 16,350.33 rubles.
  • Monthly allowance for caring for a child until they reach 1.5 years of age in the minimum established amount of 3,065.69 rubles. for the first child and 6131.37 for the second and subsequent.

Dismissal due to the termination of the organization's activities during parental leave or maternity leave.

Upon dismissal during parental leave or maternity leave in connection with the liquidation of the organization, as well as when the husband is transferred from military units in foreign countries, the woman receives in the form of compulsory social insurance in full at the place of work before dismissal or in the form of "direct payments" from the FSS the following payments:

1. Maternity allowance in the amount of 100% of the average earnings for the previous two full calendar years or according to the minimum wage. When calculating on the basis of the minimum wage, payments will be:

  • RUB 34,521.20 - with normal childbirth (140 days);
  • RUB 38,466.48 - with complicated childbirth (156 days);
  • RUB 47,836.52 - with multiple pregnancies (194 days).

2. Additional payment for early registration up to 12 weeks at a fixed rate of 613.14 rubles. in addition to the maternity allowance.

3. Lump-sum allowance for the birth of a child in a fixed amount of 16,350.33 rubles. (before dismissal - in the form of compulsory social insurance, after dismissal - in the form of state social security through the territorial bodies of the SZN).

4. Monthly allowance for caring for a child until he reaches 1.5 years in the amount of 40% of the average monthly earnings for the last 12 calendar months preceding the month of parental leave (for mothers also - the month of dismissal during maternity leave ), but not less than RUB 3,065.69. for the first child and 6131.37 for the second and subsequent (in the form of state social security through the territorial bodies of the SZN).

In the absence of work.

Non-working women who are not subject to compulsory social insurance (including students, full-time students) receive the following benefits:

  1. in the amount of a scholarship (only for pupils and students, in the form of state social security at the place of study).
  2. Additional payment for early registration up to 12 weeks at a fixed rate of RUB 613.14. in addition to the maternity allowance (only for pupils and students, in the form of state social security at the place of study).
  3. Lump-sum allowance for the birth of a child in a fixed amount of 16,350.33 rubles. (in the form of state social security through the territorial bodies of the SZN).
  4. Monthly allowance for caring for a child until they reach 1.5 years of age in the minimum established amount of 3,065.69 rubles. for the first child and 6131.37 for the second and subsequent (in the form of state social security through the territorial bodies of the SZN).

It is also important for non-working parents to know that unemployed citizens who are entitled to both the monthly parental allowance and the unemployment benefit receive only one of these benefits. The right to choose an allowance is given to an unemployed citizen.

In addition to the listed child benefits, unemployed parents may be provided with other social benefits for children, the list and amounts of which are set individually in specific constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Can an unemployed father qualify for child support

The list and amount of social benefits for families with children, as well as the list of citizens entitled to receive certain benefits, is determined by the Federal Law of May 19, 1995 No. 81-FZ "On State Benefits to Citizens with Children."

In particular, not only mothers, but also fathers, other relatives, guardians who actually care for the child are entitled to a monthly childcare allowance. If more than one person is caring for a child at the same time, one of these persons is entitled to a monthly benefit.

The right to a lump sum at the birth of a child is also granted to either parent or to a person replacing a parent.

At the same time, of course, maternity benefits are provided only to mothers, as well as benefits for timely registration of pregnant women with medical organizations.

What benefits are eligible for non-working women during pregnancy and childbirth

According to the law, employed women during pregnancy and childbirth receive a pregnancy and childbirth allowance, as well as an additional payment for early medical registration (up to 12 weeks of pregnancy). Non-working women can receive these benefits if they lose their jobs due to bankruptcy or the termination of the employing organization, or are full-time students or students.

The next two types of benefits do not depend on the fact of employment or training. This is a one-time allowance for the birth of a child, which can be paid to both the mother and the father (or another person who replaces the parent), as well as a monthly allowance for caring for a child up to one and a half years old - it can be issued for the person directly caring for the baby.

Are there other benefits for mothers besides maternity benefits?

Federal Law No. 81-FZ of May 19, 1995 establishes other types of child benefits, the payment of which does not in any way depend on the parents' employment.

In particular, when placing a child for upbringing in a family, a lump sum is assigned in the amount of 16,350.33 rubles. This allowance is paid in the form of state social security for all forms of transferring a child to a family (adoption, guardianship and guardianship, foster family).

A one-time benefit in the amount of 25,892.46 rubles. assigned to the pregnant wife of a conscript for a period of pregnancy of at least 180 days.

A monthly allowance of 11,096.76 rubles is paid for a child of a conscript serviceman under the age of three. Payments are received by the mother of the child during the period of his father's military service.

Low-income families with many children are provided with an allowance for the third child and subsequent children under the age of 3 years. The allowance is assigned for each child in the amount of the subsistence minimum established in a particular region, and is paid to one of the parents.

In addition, at the birth or adoption of a second child and subsequent children in the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2018 inclusive, regardless of the social status of the parents, they are provided with maternity capital. In 2017, the amount of maternity capital is 453,026 rubles.

What documents must be provided to the FSS for non-working parents to receive child benefits

Speaking about benefits for non-working mothers, it is necessary to take into account that employed parents are paid child benefits directly at the place of work. In case of unemployment of parents, the issues of receiving benefits are resolved in the territorial body of the Social Insurance Fund. If the job is lost due to the bankruptcy of the organization, you need to go to the territorial body of the FSS, to which the employer was “assigned”. Pupils and female students of full-time education with questions of receiving benefits for pregnancy and childbirth should contact the place of study. In other cases (including to receive other benefits for children), you should contact the social protection authorities at your place of residence.

The list of documents required to receive this or that benefit can be advised at the local department of social protection. As a rule, when contacting the FSS body for child support, you must have the following documents with you:

  1. passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation (original and copy);
  2. birth certificate of the child for whom the payment will be assigned;
  3. birth certificates of all other children in the family;
  4. for guardians - a document confirming the adoption or establishment of guardianship;
  5. a certificate from the work of the second parent or from the social protection service of the population that he is not receiving the requested allowance;
  6. for those previously employed - a salary certificate for the two years preceding maternity leave and for the current year (an application for requesting this data from the Pension Fund, if it is impossible to obtain it from the employer);
  7. in the event of bankruptcy of the employer - a court decision that entered into force on the actual impossibility of receiving payment through the employer;
  8. application for the appointment of payments (to be completed on the spot).

The necessary documents can be submitted not only in person, but also in electronic form on the official website of the Foundation, as well as through the portal of state services of the Government of the Russian Federation or through the “My Documents” service of the MFC.

The decision on the payment of benefits must be made within 10 days after the application is filed. If the decision is positive, the applicant is charged a payment, otherwise he is given a reasoned refusal. Payment of monthly benefits from the Social Insurance Fund is carried out by the 15th day of each month. At the request of the applicant, payment is made by wire transfer to the recipient's bank account (bank card) or by transfer to the address of the post office.

If an officially employed woman decides to have a child, she takes maternity leave, and the employer pays her maternity leave. This is a prerequisite established by law, and the employer has no right to refuse maternity payments to his employee. But what about female housewives who don't work anywhere? Do pregnant unemployed women have the right to maternity benefits and benefits?

In contact with

Types of payments

In our state, motherhood is encouraged and protected in every possible way. Of course, we cannot compete with Western developed countries in this regard yet, but still better than in some. Take China, for example, where parents have to pay tax on their second child. In our country, on the contrary, the goal is to improve demography, so even unemployed women are entitled to various benefits and payments.

What payments and benefits are due to a non-working pregnant woman:

  • The payment of maternity benefits for non-working women is not eligible. Compulsory social insurance is not intended for them.
  • The one-time payment for the birth of a child to a non-working mother is 15,512.65 rubles. This amount is not issued every month, but only once.
  • Maternity payments to non-working mothers in 2016 amount to 2908.62 for the first baby, 5817.24 rubles for the second, third and subsequent child. It is paid until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years.

When applying for maternity benefits to non-working people, the woman must prove that she is not receiving unemployment benefits at that moment by providing the relevant help. This is strictly controlled and verified.

Since many women in our country, despite the fact that they are officially considered unemployed, still work somewhere without registering, they can also receive all these payments. Certainly, if they had an official job, the amount of payments would be much higher, but the situation in the country is such that many, not only women, but also men, agree to work unofficially, the main thing is that there is at least some kind of work. Therefore, women working unofficially can also be included in the category of unemployed. True, they should not expect any payments from their employer., because there is no chance, because it is for this purpose that he does not register his employees, so as not to pay taxes, sick leave, maternity.

Benefits for female students

This right is given only if the pregnant student is a full-time student.... The maternity allowance is equal to the amount of the student's scholarship. The amount of 581.73 rubles. she will receive if she registers. Immediately after the birth of the baby, the lump sum payment to the student mother will be 15512, 65 rubles. For childcare, they also receive 2908.62 rubles, if he is the first, and 5817.24 rubles - if the second and the next, But, in most cases, students have this first child, although there are exceptions when some women, being young , give birth to children, and enter the university a little later.

Lump sum at the birth of a child

Its size is 15512, 65 rubles this year. To get unemployed, you need to contact the social security authorities, provide them with:

  • statement
  • a certificate from the registry office, which confirms the birth of a baby
  • an extract from the work book of a young mother. This is required to provide information about her last job to prove that she is not working.

Also, if there is a second parent, you may need a certificate from the APSO stating that such an allowance was no longer assigned. The decision on payment is made by the social security authorities within 10 days after the submission of all the above documents.

How to get a monthly childcare allowance

This must be done after the baby is born. To do this, you also need to contact the social security authorities for registration or temporary registration, providing an application and the following documents:

  • birth certificate
  • if there are older children and their birth certificates

Also, the second parent must provide a certificate from the SPS, confirming the fact that such an allowance has not been assigned in another area. The woman must provide a certificate from the employment service confirming that she is not receiving unemployment benefits at that moment. The decision on the appointment of maternity benefits for the unemployed is also made by employees of the social security authorities within 10 days from the moment the application and the necessary documents are submitted there.

How do I get postpartum benefits?

Today, you do not need to wait for the postman or go to the post office yourself. Usually money is transferred to a bank card or mother's account. If there is no account and card, you can quickly open them. Many mothers, if they do not have a special need for money, often do not touch this money, and they accumulate in the bank. As a result, some may accumulate quite a decent amount. As for the monthly child allowances for children from 3 years old, they are scanty and amount to an average of 200 rubles. Depending on the region of the country, their size may differ from each other, but not much.

See also the video of what payments are due to non-working mothers:

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