Summary of nodes on the cognitive development of middle-aged children, we'll go into the woods, we'll find a fungus." We'll go into the woods, we'll find a fungus We'll go into the woods, we'll find a fungus

Summary of joint educational activities.

Use of gaming technologies

in joint activities of adults with children of primary preschool age (3-4 years).

Game educational situation “We’ll go into the woods, we’ll find a fungus.”

Educational tasks

Foster love and respect for nature

Develop children's ability to actively participate in joint activities


- expand the cognitive horizons of children, continue to introduce the names of mushrooms,

Develop coherent speech, attention, memory, thinking.

Developmental tasks:

Development labor activity

Development of emotional responsiveness, desire to help the game character

Developing curiosity and activity

Preliminary work with children: looking at illustrations with edible and edible mushrooms, guessing riddles about mushrooms, talking about autumn in the forest.

Integration of educational areas:

“Artistic creativity” “Labor” (development of work activity), “Cognition” (expanding the horizons of children), “Socialization” (development play activity), “Communication” (development of free communication), “Reading fiction"(listening to a poem).


dummies of mushrooms, illustrations depicting mushrooms, fairy-tale character toy Old Man - Lesovichok, autumn leaves, baskets, hat masks.


Educator:Well, guys, we have harvested the harvest from the garden. We stocked up for the winter. You can also go for a walk in the forest and pick mushrooms. The forest is far away, we'll go by car, take your seats! (imagination game “Into the forest to pick mushrooms” in music, accompanied by the performance of the song “Chauffeur”)

Educator:And here is the forest, full of fairy tales and miracles! Let’s take two leaves each, dance with them and sing a song (dance with leaves).

Educator: Guys, look who’s greeting us, Old Lesovichok!

Lesovichok: Hello kids, girls and boys, why did you come to my forest? for mushrooms? First, guess my riddles and play with me, and then you will go looking for mushrooms. (riddles about mushrooms, game “Edible is not edible”)

Lesovichok: Oh, what a great fellow you are, you guessed the riddles and played with me, now go collect mushrooms. (Children collect mushrooms in baskets to the music)

Educator:Well, we’ve collected all the edible mushrooms in your clearing, Lesovichok, and now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten. Goodbye, Old Man Lesovichok!

Lesovichok : Goodbye, guys! Come see me again forest clearing take a walk and pick mushrooms!

Larisa Chekalina
Abstract of GCD on music in younger group“We’ll go into the woods, we’ll find a fungus”

Types of children's activities:

gaming, musical and artistic, communicative, productive.

Software tasks:

Emotionally respond to the beauty of autumn nature; perform movements in accordance with the content of the lyrics; actively and kindly interact with peers and the teacher in playful and cognitive activities.

Progress of the lesson

Musical director

Today we will take a walk through the autumn forest. Choose your boyfriend (find a couple)

We'll go into the woods and find a fungus.

But, children, be careful. Show a picture of a fly agaric mushroom and boletus mushroom. This mushroom is a fly agaric. It is inedible. It must not be collected or touched by hand. Let's try to look for an edible mushroom - boletus. You can prepare many dishes from it.

Sing the first verse of the song “Mushroom”, lyrics by O. Vysotskaya, music by M. Rauchwerger. Children look for “mushrooms” while singing along to the song.

We'll go to the woods

We'll find a fungus

Small and foldable

In a smart hat

We'll find the fungus.

Do you know this mushroom? That's right, it's a fly agaric.

Well done for not picking it up right away. We won’t touch him, but we’ll sing a song for him.

They form a round dance around the fly agaric and sing with the children the second verse of the song “Mushroom”:

We came to the forest, We found a fungus,

Small and foldable, We found a fungus in a smart hat.

You see, guys, how deceiving our mushroom’s appearance is. He is prominent and handsome, but dangerous to others.

Well, these mushrooms are just for us. Feel free to take them.

"Dance with Mushrooms"

Musical director.

Now tell me, children, where were you and what did you see?

Children talk.

Yes, autumn has many gifts and surprises in store.

The teacher invites the children to the table, on which there are parts of the mushroom and glue prepared for appliqué from colored paper. On a thick sheet of large-format white paper, children collectively make an appliqué of a fly agaric.

Katya doll watches the kids at work


This mushroom is familiar to me. I just forgot the name.

Children. This is a fly agaric mushroom.

Kate. Is this an edible mushroom?

Children. No. This is an inedible mushroom.

Musical director

Well done! Now I suggest you play.

Musical game “Who is the most beautiful in the world?” L. Starchenko

The children say goodbye and leave the hall.

Valentina Tsarenkova
Modeling lesson in the younger group “We’ll go into the woods, we’ll find a fungus”

Target: Learn to sculpt an object from two parts; development fine motor skills hands; cultivate love for the environment.

Material: Toy - fungus; colored plasticine; oilcloths; napkins - for each child.

Progress of the lesson:

Educator: Children, look, I have a basket, and you need to guess what is in it.

Standing on a strong leg

Now it's in a basket.

(Children's answers).

Today we are with you in the forest let's go mushroom picking. Will seek mushrooms under the fir trees and birches. (game "Collect mushrooms.)

Now tell me what they are mushrooms? (edible and non-edible).

Name which ones are edible mushrooms are in my basket. Tell me what parts it consists of mushroom? That's right, here's the cap and the stem. Now please make one like this fungus. Yes, not just one, but whoever can. What should we do first? That's right, divide the lump and sculpt a leg - roll out a column in your palms; then flatten the remaining piece to create a hat. We connect both parts. (Children get to work)

Are you done? Well done! Then let's add it all up mushrooms, which we put together in this basket and say together: "We are in let's go to the woods, We found mushrooms» . We will treat them to the forest inhabitants of squirrels, hedgehogs and bunnies.

Lesson notes

"We'll go to the woods,

We will find the fungus."

in the second junior group

Program content:

Foster love and respect for nature,

Expand the cognitive horizons of children, continue to introduce them to the names of mushrooms,

Develop coherent speech, attention, memory, thinking.

Benefits: dummies of mushrooms, illustrations depicting mushrooms, fairy-tale character toy Old Man-Lesovichok, autumn leaves, baskets, hat masks.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator : Well, guys, we collected the harvest in the garden, we also cleaned everything in the garden. We stocked up for the winter. Now you can go for a walk in the forest and pick mushrooms. Do you want to go to the forest?

(children's answers)

Educator : The forest is far away and it’s hard to walk. How to get there?

(children's answers)

Educator: Amazing! The car is waiting for us, take your seats!

(imagination game “Into the forest to pick mushrooms” in music, accompanied by the performance of the song “Chauffeur”)

Educator: And here is the forest, full of fairy tales and miracles! And how fresh and clean the air in the forest is! How beautiful it is in a forest clearing! How many painted leaves - green, red, gold! Let's collect them soon! Let's take two leaves, dance with them and sing a song.

(dance with leaves)

That's how beautiful autumn bouquet We'll take him and take him to the group!

Oh guys, hush, hush,

What rustling noises am I hearing?

Do you hear?

Who could it be?

Look, it’s the Old Man Lesovich himself who came to our forest clearing!

Old man-Lesovichok: Hello, kids! I'm very glad to see you here autumn forest. I saw how beautifully you dance and sing songs. Probably tired? So sit down in a forest clearing and relax.

I want to tell you a riddle, you try to guess it.

Antoshka is standing, but on one leg.

(children's answers)

Educator: That's right, children! Tell me, Old Man, what kind of envelope do you have?

Old man-Lesovichok:So it contains pictures for the guys. I want to hear if they know mushrooms?

Educator: Fine. Just sit and look at the kids. Tell me, children, where do mushrooms grow?

(children's answers)

Educator : Now try to guess riddles about mushrooms.

(children’s answers are accompanied by finding and showing pictures of mushrooms)

What can we say about this group of mushrooms?

(children's answers)

Educator: Right! And since they are edible, what can you do with them?

(children's answers)

Educator : But here’s a hedgehog. Listen to the riddle about him too.

What kind of mushroom is this? What is he like?

(children's answers)

Educator : Tell me, which of the forest inhabitants really likes to pick mushrooms?

(children's answers)

Educator: But now we will look and find out.

(dramatization with children)

Educator: Mushrooms grew in our small forest. Their hats are big, and they are so different. A mouse ran past and saw a mushroom:

Mouse : These are beautiful mushrooms

I'll take it to my daughters!

Educator: What are you doing, mouse?

What are you, mouse?

Just ask the kids.

All the guys say:

Children: Mice don't eat mushrooms!

Educator: A little fox ran past

And I saw mushrooms.

Fox : There are so many mushrooms here, I’ll take them to my daughters!

The children say in chorus:

Fox cubs don't eat mushrooms!

Educator: A hedgehog and a squirrel ran by

And we saw mushrooms.

Let's ask our guys:

Do hedgehogs eat mushrooms?

Do squirrels eat mushrooms?

(children's answers)

Belka: I’ll dry my mushrooms on a thin branch.

Hedgehog: I'll take my mushrooms

Right into the hedgehogs' bushes!

Educator: How many more mushrooms are there?

Hiding under a bush!

Everyone sits quietly

And it’s as if they were saying:

"Find me, my friend,

Take it to your box!”

And we'll go now

And we'll collect mushrooms.

We take edible mushrooms,

Inedible ones - let's go around!

(game "Collect mushrooms")

Educator: Well done boys! We picked a box full of mushrooms. And all are edible! There are chanterelles, honey mushrooms, aspen boletuses, and boletus mushrooms here. Well, now it’s time for us to return to kindergarten... It’s so nice in the forest that you want to take another walk, and I suggest walking.

Goodbye, Old Lesovichok!

Old man-Lesovichok: Goodbye, guys! Come and take a walk in the forest clearing!

(Children leave the hall to musical accompaniment)