How to become a fashion model for a 37-year-old woman. All about the age in the modeling business

Every girl at least once in her childhood imagined herself as a model, gracefully defiling the catwalk or posing in front of a photographer. Then it seemed to us that the life of models is carefree and full of joys: big money, fame and numerous fans. But what does a modeling career actually conceal? What difficulties will you have to overcome on the path to success? So, let's open the cards ...

Varieties of modeling business

Before applying to a model or giving your child there, in order to ensure a chic future, you need to have at least some idea of ​​the traditions of the fashion industry, types of modeling business and what "tricks" this prestigious profession is fraught with.
Today there are several areas of the modeling business:

Top Models(they are also fashion models) - girls who professionally demonstrate clothing models of various fashion houses. Runway models are most in demand today, they work in the so-called live shows, which are broadcast all over the world. The task of top models is to profitably present a particular outfit in such a way as to encourage people to buy clothes. As a rule, the height of models is not less than 170 cm, and the weight is not more than 55 kg, but, of course, there are exceptions. There are also age restrictions. Today become a model at the age of 14- this is normal, and even correct, because then there will be more time for self-improvement and development in the field of the modeling business. But to make a career on the podium after 20 years is almost impossible.

With photo models this is not the case. Unlike fashion models, photo models are girls and boys who professionally pose for the camera. The main requirement for such girls is photogenicity, the ability to pose correctly and naturally, as well as the ideal condition of the skin, hair and teeth. The height and weight of a person is already of secondary importance here. But an important role in this work is played by the girl's penchant for acting, because sometimes you have to portray either an innocent girl or an angry tigress, and here, as you know, you cannot do without artistic skills. Be sure to read the article about one of the most popular modern fashion models -.

Fitness Models
- these are girls who regularly engage in strength training, fitness and improving their own body, thanks to which they take part in photo shoots, videos and advertising activities. The emphasis in the work of such models is put, first of all, on a spectacular sports figure, a harmoniously developed athletic physique. Fitness models constantly participate in various competitions and media projects in order to demonstrate a gorgeous athletic figure and get paid for it, as for example does the bikini fitness champion -
As you can see, models are different, and the modeling business itself is very multifaceted and which path to choose - each one decides independently, and at the age of 14-15 years. The main thing is not to postpone your stellar plans indefinitely, otherwise become a model at 30 is no longer possible unless you look like a teenager, of course.

Where is modeling art taught and why are modeling agencies needed?

Entering the fashion industry and achieving fame is not easy. A cute face and asthenic figure are not enough for this. You cannot do without certain knowledge and skills, and you need to gain experience not somewhere, but in special model schools.
First, classes in model schools ah give the opportunity to participate in fashion shows, prestigious photo shoots, conclude contracts with well-known advertising companies and fashion houses. In other words, it is these schools that the future "sharks of the fashion industry" are born, who will stop at nothing on the way to their dreams. Here you will be taught the rules of a fashion show, show you how to move on the catwalk, stand in front of a photo-video camera, and give you basic knowledge about the style and art of proper make-up.

How to declare yourself?

The first and most important condition for a "breakthrough" young novice model is the presence of a good professional portfolio. This is a kind of business card of the model, especially for those who decided to devote themselves to photography. A snapshot set must be perfect if you want to get a job with a good agency. The portfolio should contain at least 2-3 portraits (full face, profile and three-quarters), several waist-length shots and more full-length photographs.
Free themes are also welcome as long as they show you in good angles. If you want to reveal your talent, then hold a photo session with several photographers, and in different genres: studio photography, street photography, erotic and so on. This will give you the opportunity to master the skills of posing so that later you will feel free and at ease.

How to get a job?

The difficulty of finding a job is often due to a lack of work experience or professional posing skills, fashion shows and other skills for the cover girls. The first thing to take care of is to be confident in your courage and willingness to learn. A gorgeous well-groomed appearance is your trump card, which will become an advantage in employment. But, in addition to external data, you need to have a basic arsenal of a future supermodel: a portfolio, a certificate of graduation from a model school, recommendations, if any. Next, use the Internet: find sites with vacancies for top photo models, leave a resume, attach a few professional photos (portrait, full-length photo, photo in a swimsuit) and wait for an invitation to the casting. The more resumes you send to different agencies, the higher your chances of finding a job.

Success and fame

It is impossible to predict your success in advance, you yourself are the architect of your own happiness. Unfortunately, just knowing how to become a famous model is not enough, you need to act endlessly: participate in various competitions, photo shoots, presentations, not give up anything, even low-paying projects. To put it differently, you need to permanently declare yourself and advertise in every possible way, no matter how “commercial” it sounds, but it is difficult to achieve fame and money in a different way. This is the way many top models have gone, as well as the sharks of the modeling business: Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford, Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell. It's hard to believe that these stars once defiled for $ 200 a day ?! Today it is their every minute earnings. Feel the difference. In this profession, endurance, zeal, and dedication are important, otherwise no natural data will help. Do not stop and develop, and then success will be with you!

Who is the right model?

Sometimes a girl only crosses the threshold of the agency, and experts already see and know that she was created to be a model. Why? Because she has an extraordinary appearance, she feels strength, energy and there is something attractive. But it is also true that young people who take their first steps in this field must sacrifice a lot and work hard for the benefit of their future careers. Preparation is not easy: visit the gym every other day. Forget about the delicacies and delicacies, learn to relax in front of the camera lens, study intensively English, take care of the condition of the skin, etc.

This work involves not so much a demonstration of your beauty, but who you are. The model is not required to be dazzlingly beautiful. In order to become a model, a girl must be a little bit of an actress - be able to feel the right mood for a photograph and convey it. Here, undoubtedly, photogenicity plays an important role, for example, as in Kate Moss. She has an extremely photogenic face, and therefore it is impossible to photograph her badly.

It turns out that those of the girls who make a brilliant career with lightning speed attract attention from the first time. They differ in many ways from the rest, they have something very attractive, and besides, they are not stupid. A good model should have a head working. A stupid and childish woman will never break through the market and make a career, because she cannot overcome fierce competition, cannot bear the heavy burden of everyday work. Not to mention how difficult it is to mentally endure separation from loved ones. Her destiny is to work once as a photo model, acting for domestic magazines, occasionally flickering at fashion shows.

I want - it means I have to

Usually agencies try not to deal with models who agree to work from time to time. The girl must be 100% ready - that's what agencies need. Sometimes they have to refuse the services of young ladies who are only on the staff and whose portfolio has never been demanded by clients. If the model is unable to reset for a year overweight and reduce 2 cm in the hips, vowing that he does jogging in the park every day, then they also part with her. If she chronically forgets about casting, then they do the same. And yet the most reliable and indicative test of a future career is going abroad. Agencies complain that many parents are convinced that school is the most important thing. And often it is the parents of young and promising girls or their grooms who choose the means of pressure on them. Not understanding and, moreover, not wanting to delve into the fact that a trip to Tokyo, Milan or London is for girls nothing more than a colossal investment in a successful future. What does it mean? New life experience, study in English, useful acquaintances and connections, and finally, "quick" money and, moreover, a lot. Today, however, the state of affairs looks more optimistic. A growing number of girls are realizing that careers won't be waiting for them on the doorstep forever. And those who are smarter combine the work of the model with stationary or distance learning.

Angelic patience

What does it take to become a truly in-demand and professional model? The models themselves admit that patience is the most important thing in their profession. You need to be in the right place in the right time... For the first six months, you may not have to do anything at all. And when the girl already completely loses hope, suddenly, as if something is revealed, unblocked - and offers begin to pour in. There is fierce competition at the auditions - up to 200 dazzlingly beautiful girls come there ... How likely is it that they will pay attention to you? And again, waiting ahead.

Models have a lot of other problems, for example, girls get very tired from photo sessions. They complain that some sessions can last 10-12 hours in a row. All this time, at least most of it, you do nothing while preparations are underway. This is make-up, fittings ... Somewhere at 22.00, the most important thing begins, and it is very difficult to save strength and energy so that the skin shines and the look is piercing. That is why everyone who is familiar with the profession of a model firsthand asserts in one voice that their work is not honey at all, but hard exhausting work. Indeed, the beginning model is so far only at the edge of the chain of this entire complex system: decisively everything is determined by photo-graphs, stylists, make-up artists ... Often, models are literally perceived as hangers ... Some clients do not care at all about their well-being girls, nor their health. This is why being strong in this profession is so important. If you yourself do not worry, then do not hope that someone will take care of you.

Leap forward

Those who think that at the very beginning of a career a model should be energetic and assertive are deeply mistaken. And if an outwardly attractive girl is constantly constrained and squeezed in front of the camera lens, unable to relax? At the first photo session, her lips are tightly compressed, wooden, clumsy movements? Well, these are quite natural things. Someone is better at a photo session, someone is worse. Of course, you can learn to relax to a certain extent when you need it. And in this case, time and experience are good helpers. And not all girls learn the basics in the same way, not to mention personal qualities. In addition, not everyone is ready to accept the fact that the client is always right. The customer is God and the king for the model. He places an order, says what he needs, but only one thing is required of the model: to be ready for shooting, appropriately dressed and wearing makeup, even if she doesn't like something. If a girl demonstratively declares that she will not get up early to fly to Berlin (without naming a good reason for refusal), then she will be answered that such behavior can only be afforded by famous stars all over the world, but certainly not a debutante.

What can a novice model afford? It turns out that the administrator can allow the girl not to participate in the photo session if she worked late the day before, say, until 22.00. And no one will demand that by six o'clock it was fresh like a morning rose. At the same time, the work of a model, like other creative professions (artists, musicians), requires sacrifice for the sake of the body. It happens that the model, if the client insists, proceeds to the photo session without getting enough sleep.

There is an opinion that all models without exception drink, use drugs and hang out all night in expensive nightclubs. Indeed, it is difficult to argue, since in the modeling business the environment is quite specific, but there are even more temptations. And of course, fans, flowers, sparkling cars ... All this can turn the head of young girls who are taking their first steps. But smart girls always try not to allow provocative moments, and then they will not have to receive ambiguous offers at their own expense.

Most requested parameters

Growth. For a career abroad, girls with a height of 175-181 cm have chances. Small ones (172 cm) can be invited to work in Japan. If your height is below average, you can not dream of working abroad. Although among the models there are those who more than compensate for the lack of growth with a memorable face and excellent acting skills. If your height is 169 cm, it is better to forget about your modeling career altogether. Try your luck where there is a "card index of persons", in particular in agencies for the registration and employment of extras. However, be on the lookout - many of them have a very dubious reputation.

Age. The ideal age for beginners is 14-19. If you are more than 21 years old, then the chances of becoming a model are minimal. It's unlikely that any of the top modeling agencies will hire you. Unless your advantages are exceptional beauty and undoubted talent ... Although, as practice shows, girls and older people are employed in the modeling business, they are of a completely different caliber. These models have reached star status. The lower age limit is 13 years. However, such young creatures do not work abroad. Agencies sign a contract with them and then observe how the figure, other parameters and growth change as the applicant matures. If a teenage girl has long legs and her parents are also tall, her chances of becoming a model in the future are very high. She will be invited for cooperation when she turns 15, that is, when she is formed and takes on a feminine shape.

Weight. It is just not important. And the parameters are important first of all. In order to work abroad, the size of the hips must not exceed 90 cm. Waist? 58-60 cm. If the girl has 2 cm more, the agency will send her home. Remember, in order to correctly measure the volume of the hips, the centimeter should not "fit" tightly. The model must be thin, but not too thin (and, of course, not haggard). Nobody is going to terrorize her about losing another 1 cm. The final decision is only for her.

Bust. 90% of clients and potential customers want to see girls with small breasts. The maximum is size C. Big breasts, unfortunately, are not suitable even for advertising underwear... And at the shows? Less is better.

How to become a model

When going to a meeting with a manager, be natural. As a matter of fact, it is most appreciated by professionals from modeling agencies.

1. Take care in advance that you have clean, washed hair. Do not spray with varnish, do not do stylish styling and do not fancy anything at all. You must be natural as you are.

2. This requirement also applies to maki yazh. If you put on your makeup too loudly, defiantly or - attention! - very diligently, you will be asked to wash everything off (the agency should see what kind of skin you have). Therefore, apply only foundation on your face, a little shine and blend your eyelashes.

3. Don't dress either extravagantly or sexually provocative. The best clothes are a thin skinny sweater and jeans. You can also bring a skirt, jacket or suit and high-heeled shoes.

4. If you pursue the goal of working as a model abroad, you should speak English, at least at the spoken level. So it is better to navigate in an unfamiliar environment, for example, at a casting, or immediately understand the requirements of the photographer.


Build a professional portfolio to help you qualify for a modeling school. It is necessary to include as many high-quality photographs as possible. Try to take full-length photographs more often to demonstrate all the advantages of your figure. Take some portraits as well to show your soulful eyes, beautiful skin and sensual lips.

Make your portfolio as diverse as possible. To do this, you can include in it, in addition to color, black and white photographs. You should also be photographed not only in the studio, but also in various other decorations. Try to always depict different poses, facial expressions and choose interesting costumes for photo shoots.

Follow the activities of the model schools in your city. From time to time they recruit for courses, which is reported on the official website. In this case, you need to immediately send a letter with an application for participation to the specified address, attaching a portfolio with photos and information about yourself.

Wait for a response from the model school or visit it yourself. Be extremely careful, learn from models who have already completed courses. Find out who is in the teaching staff, what is required for admission, what is the cost of training, and also what are the connections of the given institution. It is very good if the chosen one cooperates with a professional modeling agency, in this case you will have a good chance of succeeding in the future as a model.

Take part in the competitive selection to study at a model school. The priority chances of passing it are those with a pleasant appearance, aged 12 to 18 years, height from 170 cm and parameters (chest, waist, hips) closest to the values ​​of 90-60-90 cm. Applicants are usually interviewed, and it is it that can help you stand out among a large number of competitors with an attractive appearance, figure and a rich portfolio.

Prepare for your interview. Choose the clothes that you think look the best. Do not overdo it with makeup, so as not to look too "cute". Prior to the meeting, admissions officers will most likely already be familiar with your portfolio, so be prepared to answer their questions. Very often the selection jury asks applicants to tell about themselves and why they decided to become models. You will have a chance to shine in front of the commission and make a positive impression if you decide ahead of time how best to structure your story.

Start by being a very versatile girl. It will be great if you tell us what success you have achieved in studies, sports and other spheres of life (you can even demonstrate received certificates and other awards, if any). Next, you can tell the admissions committee that your next height that you want to achieve is the modeling business, and you really want to succeed in it, perhaps even connect your future life with it. All this will significantly increase your chances to "shine" against the background of other applicants who are not very smart.

Dreaming of becoming a model, but not sure where to start? FashionTime compiled instructions on how to make this dream come true.

Model age

You can start your modeling career at the age of 14, the average 16-year-old model in the West is already considered a professional, has experience in photography and fashion shows.

A word about model schools

As a rule, a novice model is faced with the question: "Do I need to study somewhere, go through a paid school of models, learn the podium step in order to appear in the agency fully armed?" Leading representatives of modeling agencies, both Western and domestic, unanimously answer this question: "No!" And that's why.

Many of them are seriously convinced that it is impossible to become a model, that modeling - like acting or writing - is something innate, or at least a state of mind. The founders of all kinds of schools and model courses, who are constantly expanding the market for services, disagree with this. As a rule, such organizations are the same American "scam". And their goal is still the same - taking away money.

Alessandra Ambrosio at the Victoria's Secret show

But a modeling school can be a good help for a novice model if she is with well-known, time-tested agencies (for example, Point Model Management,President Model Management,Lukovsky model agency as well as a studio school "Vyacheslav Zaitsev Fashion Theater").

Remember that there are two ways to get into the modeling business. The first one is a meeting with a scout. Most of the models have been found by scouts who travel the world in search of new faces. Thanks to them, yesterday's teenagers, who hung out in clubs and cafes, walk the catwalks of Paris and Milan in a couple of months (or even weeks). If you want to be among them, but you have not yet met a scout, then use method number two - contact the agency.

In order for communication with agency representatives to be crowned with the signing of a contract, the future model needs to carry out the following preparatory work.

Step 1. Choosing a specialization

Focusing on your own preferences and capabilities, decide for yourself which model you want to become. There are several types of models, here are some of them:

1. Runway model

The ideal of the catwalk model was described in Nabokov's "Lolita": "boyish hips" and "semi-developed breasts". Textbook 90-60-90 gave way to 86-61-86. A centimeter in front, a centimeter in the back is a job loss. This happened with the famous Canadian model. Coco Rocha, which did not fit into the zero size and was forced to retire. Another important characteristic is height (from 175 to 185 cm). A good half of the failed careers are associated with this parameter. Although there are exceptions here too - Kate Moss (169 cm).

2. Lingerie model

The ideal lingerie model is "angels" Victoria's Secret (Gisele Bundchen,Molly Sims,Helena Christensen,Karolina Kurkova)... Their parameters may not be as canonical as those of regular catwalk models: 86-91 (bust), 58-63 (waist) and 86-90 (hips). A beautiful body plays a key role: not too thin and not too athletic. Another important parameter is age (you can become a lingerie model from the age of 21).

3. Plus size model

They are models with sizes 46-54.

4. Body part model

All happy owners become them. beautiful hands, feet, hair, earlobes, which will be used in advertising for watches, shoes, shampoos and jewelry.

6. Promotional model

Any owner of a wide smile can become it. Benevolence and patience are the main strong points.

5. Glamor model

In this context, the word "glamor" does not mean bohemian life, yachts, exotic cars and expensive hotels. "Glamorous model" is a girl (18-25 years old) in a bikini (or without), posing for men's magazines on the hood of this most expensive car. Parameters: 86-91 (chest), 56-61 (waist), 86-91 (hips).

Stars as large as and are in a special category of models. high fashion (high fashion models) and combine the functions of a lingerie and a runway model. Most modeling agencies are organized according to the principle of a wide profile, in which they will tell you what your potential is and what model you can become.

One of the most effective ways to make yourself known in the modeling community is to create your own page in professional social media. networks. The largest of them - "Model Business" on site... Here the accounts of all major modeling agencies have been collected, and in the section "Free Models"- profiles of everyone who wants to be noticed by the professionals of the fashion industry.

"The biggest mistake aspiring models make is that they don't thoroughly find an agency," says the scouting director. Ford Models Aaron Newbill... Thousands of girls and boys fall on the hook of pseudo-agencies, which in America are called "scam". The purpose of these agencies is to raise money.

Signs of false agencies:

Paid database.
- Imposing services (photographer, stylist, paid school of models).
- The promise of a stellar career (immediate employment, exorbitant fees).

How to protect yourself:

Do your own mini-investigation (make sure the agency is officially registered in directories like Yellow Pages).
- Avoid agencies that provide webcams and escort services (participation in such events is a black mark for a serious model).
- Models from 14 to 18 years old are better off attending auditions accompanied by their parents.

So, you have selected several agencies that you would like to work with:

1) Carefully read all the information provided on the official website.
2) Browse the database of models, compare their types, try to establish if there is something in common between them and you.
3) Before you start filling out the application form online or make an appointment (casting), make sure you have a set of high-quality photographs (portfolio).

Step 3. Creating a portfolio

A portfolio (book) is a resume of a model, a picture book that shows where, how, when and with whom the model worked, what skills she acquired. But a portfolio is also a menu, based on the appetizing items of which the client makes a choice in favor of one model or another.

The novice model, who has no experience in filming and fashion shows, has no beech. But it makes no sense to come to the agency without him either. In order to interest the agency and not lose face, young starlets are invited to hire a professional photographer and take several high-quality pictures, which will become the first building blocks of a future career as monumental as a palace.

Photo requirement:

A good portfolio should show how comfortable the model is in front of the camera and reveal the full range of emotions and movements that she possesses.
Less is better: A few great shots are better than a whole album of mediocre ones.
- The size of standard photographs is 20x30 (see additional conditions that apply to photographs on the official website of the agency).

How to find a photographer:

  1. You can use the services of one of the photographers who work with each modeling agency.
  2. Search on your own (via the Internet, among friends, through advertisements).
  3. Make sure the photographer you choose specializes in modeling portfolios, if not, do your search again.
  4. Discuss with the photographer all the details of the shooting (images, angles), negotiate in advance the cost of all services (do they include the services of a stylist, make-up artist?), Specify the time and place of shooting (being late for a future model is unacceptable).
  5. The key point in a relationship with a photographer is mutual understanding (he must clearly understand what you need, and you must completely trust him).

Imagine that your portfolio is a story (short but gripping) that you have to tell the agency.

Important: a professional model portfolio costs $ 500-1500. For a beginner model who is unable to pay out of pocket, it is enough to present the following set of photographs to the agency: 1) a close-up shot (face in profile and frontal view); 2) a full-length photo (in a swimsuit or in tight-fitting clothes that emphasize the dignity of the figure).

Your first visit to an agency is the first impression, which, as you know, cannot be made twice.

  • Find out in advance about the time of the casting (come 15 minutes before the start. Being late is tantamount to failure).
  • Ask for a dress code (this may be mini and high heels or skinny jeans).
  • Clothing should be simple. "Leave Evening Dress on the floor of the house and put on something simpler so that we can see your figure, "says the scouting director Ford Models Aaron Newbil.
  • Light make-up, simple hairstyle, nothing pretentious and provocative.
  • Don't try to be someone else to get the agency interested, be yourself.
  • Simplicity, naturalness and self-confidence - these are the components of the successful completion of any casting.

Be ready:

  1. Tell about yourself.
  2. Answer truthfully questions (about health, hair, skin, weight and parameters). Speak only the truth and nothing but the truth.
  3. Follow the instructions (walk, smile, demonstrate acting skills - emotions (sadness, fear, joy) - it is advisable to rehearse all this at home in front of a mirror)

Step 5. Getting the result

If you were refused, this does not mean that you cannot become a model. This means that the agency at that moment needed a different type, or you made a number of mistakes that can be avoided in the future.

  1. Analyze your behavior at the casting (were you too assertive, cheeky, rude?).
  2. Analyze your appearance(did it contradict the dress code established by the agency?).
  3. Constantly work on yourself (improve your figure, develop as a person).
  4. If you sent an application online and did not receive a response within 2 weeks, look at the photos (portfolio) that you sent (amateur, low-professional pictures will not attract the attention of agents, which means they will hack your career in the bud).
  5. Think about your image, seek advice from professionals (photographers, stylists).

If you are accepted, you will most likely be offered a contract. Types of contracts:

  • Exclusive contract gives the agency the authority to charge interest on all of the model's income. For the duration of the contract, the model is prohibited from entering into any relationship with other agencies. In return, the model is surrounded with warmth and attention, they are engaged in its promotion and rating increase.
  • Non-exclusive contract allows the model to look for work anywhere and in any way, to enter into other non-exclusive contracts with other agencies.

    In practice, especially abroad, all the clauses of the contracts are mixed and the final version of the contract, which the model will take in hand, depends on many factors, including the professionalism of the model.

Before signing a contract:

Do not accept verbal promises (all clauses of your contract with the agency must be documented).
- Do not sign the contract before you read it inside and out.

Signing a contract with an agency is just the first step towards your dream. The beginning of a career is usually the hardest time. "You need to have a strong character," says booker. Elite Caroline Bodet... - Many novice models feel insecure and weak. They don't get a job right away. ”You have to be disciplined and attend castings all the time, even if you are not very lucky at first.

Remember, without temporary difficulties and failures, not a single, even the most stellar, career has developed!

Help site:

Fashion Community School of Models

At the Fashion Community School of Models, you will not only gain basic knowledge about the world of fashion, beauty and show business, but also learn the hard art of being a professional model. During the course, you will study the following areas:

  • Defile. You will learn what a model step should be, how to walk the catwalk correctly, as well as confidently and calmly navigate even the most difficult catwalks.
  • Acting skills. You will learn how to behave and teach in any society. After all, it is not enough to be just a beautiful girl, you also need to skillfully present yourself. The knowledge gained will help you to easily pass the auditions and be confident with your customers.
  • Choreography. Basic lessons of a light version of choreography, which will develop flexibility, plasticity, as well as strengthen muscles, develop and consolidate posture, etc.
  • Makeup and style lessons. Classes with the best professional makeup artists and stylists will allow you to learn how to take care of your face, apply makeup correctly, and master the basic basics of style. You will receive all the answers to your questions, how to properly emphasize your individuality and look advantageous in any situation.

At the end of the course, you will receive a professional photo session with the best photographers for your portfolio as a gift! Recording is carried out by phone (+79096296622) or by mail (

Glossy Magazines - The Bible of Modern Women, No Offense to Bible Authors and modern women, but it is so. And many girls dream of being "the face of the cover" - or at least shining on the catwalks of Moscow, Almaty, Milan, Paris, New York. Some of the most popular reality TV shows are Janice Witch Model School and America's Next Top Model with Tara Banks. So how do you become a model? Where to begin? And is it as glamorous and profitable as young creatures think, looking at themselves in the mirror and dreaming, dreaming, dreaming ...

It is not at all necessary to have a completely impeccable appearance, it is enough to have the correct facial features and some individuality, zest. The model can be thin or plump, but without extremes. To work on the podium, the optimal height should be from 175 cm.

However, external data is not always sufficient. To break into the modeling business, you need to have taste and intelligence, since there is still a connection between the outer form and the inner content. A girl should be flexible, be able to choose the right pose in order not only to advertise herself, but also to meet the requirements of a given topic.

How to start?

1. Find an agency and a modeling school to be your “guardian”.

2. Make a good portfolio with a professional photographer.

2. Don't dream of a modeling career if you're not hardworking.

3. Do not respond to suspicious ads that promise big money to "young and beautiful".

4. Maintain your appearance: go to the pool, gym, beauty salon for a massage.

5. Do not use drugs and do not smoke - it spoils the complexion and worsens the state of health.

6. Treat others kindly, don't be overconfident.

7. Never act like a "star". Modesty and a sense of humor are respected in this profession.

8. Study foreign languages ​​if you want to make a career in the West.

9. Develop intellectually, read fiction, the press. Don't think that looks are everything.

Firstly, you need to understand that the beauty that nature has given is one of the points on the way to a successful career as a model, the second and most important point is the inner state of mind. The future model must be 100% ready for hard and exhausting work.

Secondly, you should carefully choose a model agency in which the model will first undergo training, and if the exams are passed positively, it will remain to work in it. Be on the lookout! The school of models must have a license, and most importantly, if the exams are passed positively, the agency must issue an international certificate. It is important to realize that the agency that takes on modeling education will have a big impact on your career. The “mother” agency, which provides the model with work, takes money from the customer, pays part of this money to the model, and keeps the difference for itself. In order to successfully pass castings (selection of models for a certain job) in the future, it is necessary to make a professional portfolio and compositing.


The portfolio consists of several dozen photographs taken by a professional photographer, size A-4. A good portfolio cannot be done with a soap box at home. A professional portfolio costs between $ 250 and $ 1,500 in Russia. Overseas, a portfolio is much cheaper, and the quality of photos, work of a stylist and make-up artist is much better. But you can get to a foreign photographer either for a lot of money, or by becoming a professional model.

Composite is like a business card. Four of the best photos from the portfolio are placed on the composite, personal information about the model (last name, first name, patronymic, country, city, contact information, full information about the "mother" agency), and most importantly the parameters of the model (height, weight, age, eye color, hair length, etc.).

But here, too, not everything is so simple. A model who wants to build her career on world catwalks must have an attractive appearance, be artistic, with impeccable taste, be video and photogenic, attend hundreds of different castings. Participation in auditions does not guarantee a job. But you shouldn't be upset. Casting in any country exists in order to choose a model to participate in a specific project. And at the casting, the final choice of the model is made not by the employee of the modeling agency, but by the customer. It is very important to present yourself correctly to the customer, who, having closed his eyes for a second, immediately presents her in the image in which he builds the whole concept of work. Of course, many financial expenses depend on the model herself: she builds a wardrobe with her own money, applies makeup herself before casting (and sometimes even before shows and photo shoots), spends money for professional cosmetics from her personal budget, and pays for photos for a portfolio from her own pocket. When the agency, in which the future model began to undergo training, sees a future star in her, it takes on the payment of stylists, makeup artists and photographers.

Persistent and ambitious models are much more likely to actually achieve something on the catwalk. Such a model will never miss a single casting, not a single show. Even if she herself does not work at shows, she will at least take part in a model “get-together”.

"Runway" models

What is a model? The word itself is immediately associated with fashion shows. That is, this is a person who professionally demonstrates clothing models. Previously, the word "fashion model" was used more often, but then this word was replaced by a more appropriate one - "model". And this is correct, because models are not only female, but also male, and children can also be “models”.

In the world of haute couture, a model is a person (man, woman, child) who demonstrates a variety of toilets at all sorts of fashion shows, emphasizes the beauty of the toilet with his skill and exposes the work of a designer in a favorable light.

The most popular in this area are "catwalk" models. They work in live shows of clothing collections, which are then broadcast on television. The whole elite usually gathers for such shows. In such shows, the model must make the audience believe that the thing created by the designer is for him and that it should be bought. The catwalk model must be able to move gracefully, to present the displayed outfit with her “face”. Constant rehearsals are the basis of their daily work.

It should also be noted that many of the models have made a successful career, becoming the "property" of the famous fashion designer. The model working in the "haute couture" salon is called in the fashion world " cabia". This is a privileged caste of models. Most often these are the tallest of the models. Their runs on the podium cost a decent amount. But they also do not appear on the podium often: twice a year. And I also participate in presentation shows.

The next hypostasis of models for shows - " small model". But this is only taking into account their growth. This is the image of the average person. Their height does not exceed 172 centimeters. Most often, these models represent goods from regular stores and ready-to-wear clothes. But if a real theatrical show is required for the show, this is their fiefdom, since they are the most plastic. In our opinion, a small model should be the most talented, because such shows require more artistry and strength.

You should know that in the world of modeling business there is also “ fitting model". Believe me, other models owe a lot to her. After all, it is she, who never goes to the podium, who spends so much time and effort on a successful show of the collection. The greatest designers and tailors work with this model as they test, fit and fit their creations. And only thanks to them the leading models of the catwalks can rest. Try to stand for at least an hour yourself, trying on a dress, then you can understand how hard their work is.

This is, in a nutshell, all about the work of models on the catwalk. However, you must admit that without photographs, magazine covers, simply advertising brochures, the model's rating will not rise high. But a good photo can instantly light up a new star of the modeling world!


Today fashion model and model are two different professions. I hope that you will agree with this. Although there are examples when the model successfully combines these two hypostases. The most obvious example in the modern modeling business is, of course, Claudia Schiffer!

One way or another, the work of a photo model is extremely exciting! But it's not just glitter and glory. This is, first of all, a huge, titanic work! For a model, and even more so for a photo model, it is not enough just a beautiful appearance, you also need to have a great sense of purpose, efficiency and be ready to constantly change yourself and your appearance. This profession is somewhat akin to acting. After all, the model should be able to express the mood of the intended image with her face, figure, movement, convey his feelings to the viewer with a few skillful strokes. And all this in that short moment when the camera shutter clicks. Agree, a very, very difficult profession! And if we add to everything the dazzling light of the searchlights, and the constantly changing work schedule, and the shooting conditions themselves - either in the pavilion, then in the fresh air, in the morning or in the evening. I hope we didn't scare you too much?

And, of course, the most important thing in the profession of a photo model is being photogenic. Every person, and not necessarily young, can become a photo model under one main condition: he must have this elusive ability - to be photogenic in a photograph.

It is a misconception that any model should have the notorious proportions of 90-60-90. The model may not have standard model sizes, but the proportionality of the figure is still important.

Of course, in the world of fashion, a stable stereotype of the model has developed. Many write about this, but we will repeat it again. What is the classic feminine standard? This:

Runway models - height 172-180 cm, clothing size 42-44;
- small models - height 165-172 cm, clothing size 40-42;
- full models- height 172-178 cm, clothing size 43-52.

So, for a photo model, compliance with this standard is not the main thing! Photogenicity and the ability to create a certain image in the frame are much more important. Sometimes a person's appearance can be so original that, despite his proportions and sizes, he becomes attractive to other people, because he is bright and extraordinary.

And this is exactly what is required for a successful career as a photo model! After all, the main task of this profession is advertising. Any product in order to be successfully sold must have its own face. It is the fashion model that attracts the attention of a potential buyer, making him especially attractive.

What else should you know if you want to try yourself in the profession of a photo model?

First of all, you need to understand what type of model you can refer to yourself. There are many directions in the modeling business.

Let's take something like “ part-model", That is, a model that demonstrates individual parts of the body. This is also a demanded profession, for example, in jewelry business or advertisements for cosmetics and body care products. A beautiful neck, a breathtaking chest, or long, beautifully sculpted legs ... you can show them off.

Another direction - " glamor model". In short: this is a fashion model whose specialty is nude and semi-nude photography. Moralists may start to resent, but, nevertheless, for such filming, talent is also needed. Not everyone will be able to feel at ease and at ease in front of the camera in a half-dressed form.

Five myths about modeling business

The beauty of the Silver Age, Vera Kholodnaya, would not have been cast by a professional modeling agency. Cleopatra and Aphrodite would be out of work. Meanwhile, hundreds of model schools offer to turn any Cinderella into a princess in a couple of months, regardless of the parameters and external data.

According to various sources, there are more than three thousand modeling agencies in Russia, in which more than one hundred thousand models work. In Moscow alone, the number of modeling agencies has long exceeded a hundred. However, according to the customers, who provide those very models with work, there are not even a dozen professional agencies among them, and the most picky ones talk about only three or four. So it turns out that only a few dozen girls are really in demand on the Russian model market. Meanwhile, almost every agency has a model school that churns out beauties in a couple of months. Model making is a very lucrative business.

Education in schools costs from $ 500-700 monthly plus the cost of making a girl's business card - a portfolio consisting of a set of professional photographs ($ 500-1500), cosmetics, etc. And that's at least.

Although the prices are different, the subjects in such schools are about the same: stage step, choreography, the basics of acting, practical exercises with a make-up artist, stylist, hairdresser, which should teach a girl to emphasize her dignity and create new images. To teach you how to pose, obligatory photo trainings are held. Individual courses can provide reviews on art and costume history, nutritional knowledge, and psychological training. After training, the newly-made model is given a diploma, which in most cases can only be hung on the wall - it's just a piece of paper.

According to professionals, there are no more than five model schools with a good reputation in Moscow. The most famous of them are the Anatoly Kulakov School at the Russian Academy of Models and the Vyacheslav Zaitsev School. Their diplomas are quoted in modeling agencies. But even from graduates of prestigious schools, only a few become models. They are simply not in demand on the Russian market, and not many manage to break through to the West.

Therefore, before diving into the abyss of the modeling business, it is worth parting with some myths.

Myth 1. Any girl can become a model, even if her height is less than 170 cm, and her figure is far from the cherished standards of 90x60x90.

If you are serious about becoming a model, take a mini test. Your age is 14 (and younger), but not older than 19. Height - from 175 to 180 cm, girls above and below are considered "marriage". It is curious that in the West the minimum height for models is 178 cm. A pretty face - yes, the classic correctness of features is optional. Many fashion designers are chasing the "wrong" faces that have a twist. An indispensable condition is an ideal figure. If 90x60x90 - great. Although professionals believe that 90 cm is too much for the hips, they say: there is a base, but we will dry the excess. Flawless condition of skin and hair (preferred natural color) - necessarily. Ability to move, good manners are useful. Your plus if you know a foreign language, ideally two - English and French. And that's not all. The main thing is the ability and desire to learn. People who work with professional models tell thousands of stories when girls jokingly win prestigious modeling contests and then disappear into oblivion.

Myth 2. Fashion models earn a lot.

Only a few can count on fabulous earnings. And then, if she is lucky and the girl falls into the category of top models. Usually a professional agency is able to provide permanent work for 50–70 models, although there are three times more of them in the catalog. Many girls work from time to time.

The agencies do not like to discuss the earnings of models in agencies, but, according to the stories of customers, the prices for the services of models are on average from $ 30 to $ 100 per show, of which a certain percentage goes to the agency. This is 10 times less than the European minimum. Therefore, for Russian models, the main source of income is video and photography, advertising. If you're lucky, of course.

It is no coincidence that four years ago the founder of the Russian modeling business, the Red Stars agency, left the Russian market and now works only in the West. As Vitaly Leiba, president of Red Stars, said at the time, the models' salaries were not enough even to pay for electricity in the agency's office.

New face managers find potential models literally on the street. In such cases, the agency assumes all costs for cutting the found diamond. Having started to work, the girl reimburses the expenses, usually they are stipulated in the contract.

The most beautiful story of the transformation of Cinderella into a princess is the story of Natalia Vodianova. She is one of the few who reached the top of the model Olympus. A simple girl from Nizhny Novgorod, who, yesterday traded bananas and potatoes in the market, helping her mother, conquered Paris, New York and Milan. During Ready-to-Wear Week in New York, nineteen fashion designers selected her for their fashion shows. All the newspapers wrote about her affair with the British Baronet Justin Portman, and the gorgeous wedding was a worthy conclusion to the story of Cinderella. Wedding Dress for Vodianova, Tom Ford himself sewed. The Russian baroness gave birth to a son and a month later triumphantly returned to the podium. Today, she boasts huge royalties and a $ 5 million contract with the cosmetics concern L'Oreal.

Myth 3. It is not necessary for a beautiful girl to be smart.

Knowing the vicissitudes of the Russian modeling business, many girls today have two or three higher educations. The age of the model is short, you can retire at 25. Although the heads of agencies say that many manage to work great even at 30 years old. Girls take to the podium after the birth of one or two children, but these are rather happy exceptions.

Myth 4. Russian beauties are appreciated all over the world.

The myth was invented by journalists in the early 90s. Russia was just beginning to open up to the world, and the boom in the popularity of Russian models was associated with this. For the first time, girls from Russia got the opportunity to travel abroad for work and very successfully fit into the standards of European appearance. Since then, the standards themselves have changed little: with the same external data, blondes are still more popular in the modeling business than brunettes. According to Anna Azarova, who worked for eight years in Paris modeling agencies, starred a lot in commercials, and then in the films Poor Nastya, Masha Berezina, in Moscow she has much less work than in Europe: “Bright brunettes in Russia doesn't need it. "

The whole world traditionally chases after interesting faces, in our country, on the contrary, they like the classics more, so that the model is like a picture. In Russia, they value a face on which one can “paint”, each time creating a new image.

Often, novice models are offered to seriously "work" on their appearance: not just get a haircut, but remove freckles, reduce or enlarge their lips. By the way, the career of the model Olga Pantyushenkova in the West went up after she cut her hair baldly on the advice of an agent. Not everyone is ready to make such sacrifices.

Myth 5. Working as a model is easy.

“Not many girls keep up with the rhythm of a fashion model's life: you need to get up early, constantly be in shape. Sometimes one shoot ends at three in the morning, and the next starts early in the morning.

Many believe that if they signed a contract with an agency in Paris, it means that now money, contracts and other attributes will fall on them by themselves. beautiful life, and they forget that you need to work hard and hard, ”the model Lyudmila Isaeva admits.

First of all, you need to work on yourself. The story of Lyudmila Sadovskaya, who immediately after winning one of the Elite contests signed a contract for 150 thousand dollars, but could not work it out, because she recovered greatly, is a real horror story for girls. “In order to become a successful model, you need to follow several rules: always smile, never complain, do not talk on the phone, do not say that you are tired, be polite with everyone and do not get fat,” one of the first describes the rules of behavior of a novice model Russian stars Tatyana Zavyalova.