The healing properties of blue clay - composition, use in recipes for treatment and home cosmetics. Blue clay medicinal properties and uses How blue clay works

Blue (Cambrian) clay or blue keel - fine-grained sedimentary rock gray.

If clay in water gives a pure turquoise-blue tint, most likely a dye has been added to it - copper chlorophyllin. Masks made from this “blue clay” color the skin pale green. Real clay does not dissolve in water, but settles at the bottom of the container.

Blue clay from mud springs and clay quarries, contains radium. In very small quantities it is used to treat and prevent skin cancer, but in large doses radium is toxic.

When preparing clay mixtures, use plastic or ceramic dishes. In metal dishes, blue clay loses its beneficial features.

Where did blue clay come from?

Blue clay appeared at the bottom of the Cambrian seas more than 500 million years ago. Under the influence of weather conditions, it was formed from the minerals kaolinite, spar, some varieties of mica, limestone and marble.

When temperature changes, microcracks appear in minerals. Water gets into them and, freezing, destroys the stones to the smallest dust. Over time, rock particles accumulate and become saturated with water, forming blue clay.

The history of the discovery of blue clay - from the Amazons to Cleopatra

Blue clay was first discovered on the island of Lesbos, in northern Greece, in the Aegean archipelago. In ancient times, the warlike Amazons living on the island used blue clay... as war paint. When the Greeks managed to capture the rebellious beauties and wash away the clay from their faces, they were amazed at the beauty of their captives. Many Amazons were sent to court as concubines, exchanged, or given as gifts to the rulers of neighboring countries. This is how the whole world learned about the secret of the beauty of indomitable warriors. Even Cleopatra herself made masks for her hair, face and body from blue clay.

Today blue clay is mined in the Crimea (Sapun - Gora), from Sevastopol to Simferopol and in Altai in quarries at least 20-25 m deep. Then the clay is washed and cleaned of impurities, dried and packaged.

Effect and use of blue clay

Blue clay is an excellent cleansing, disinfectant, regenerating and anti-inflammatory agent. Even ancient Greek doctors noticed that in clay pots, milk does not sour for up to 3 days, and meat sprinkled with clay crumbs does not spoil for a long time. Almost 4,000 years later, modern scientists have confirmed the ability of clay to neutralize microbes and toxins, prevent rotting and decomposition.

Face and hair masks, anti-cellulite wraps and facial compresses are made from blue clay. Blue clay is also used for clay baths. Penetrating into the middle layers of the skin (dermis), blue clay stimulates metabolism and skin regeneration. Blue clay is suitable for any skin type. Solutions from blue clay (1 teaspoon per glass of water) are drunk to cleanse the body. Such healing properties blue clay possesses due to its composition.

Chemical composition of blue clay:


100g blue clay

Importance in cosmetology

Silicon (Si) Strengthens nails and hair, promotes rapid healing of wounds
Calcium (Ca) Regulates metabolism in the skin
Aluminum (Al) Promotes scarring of seams, reduces pores, cleanses the skin of pimples and blackheads
Manganese (Mn) Anti-allergen, resolves bruises and swelling
Iron (Fe) Provides a beautiful blush
Sodium (Na) Tightens enlarged pores, mattifies the skin
Zinc (Zn) Controls the saturation of the skin with amino acids, strengthens nails and hair
Magnesium (Mg) Reduces allergies and stress, strengthens hair and nails
Potassium (K) Controls the amount of fluid in the skin
Nitrogen (N) Tones the walls of capillaries and blood vessels, gives a healthy complexion
Chromium (Cr) Outputs excess liquid, prevents the development of cellulite
Phosphorus (R) Increases the body's resistance and makes the skin elastic
Molybdenum (Mo) Stimulates skin regeneration
Copper (Cu)
Nickel (Ni) Normalizes sebum secretion
Silver (Ag) Cleanses and activates the protective functions of the skin
Cobalt (Co) Promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus
Radium (Ra)

0.006-0.012 µg

As an alternative prevention for skin and breast cancer

Hello, dear reader. Today I want to touch on the topic of blue clay. I've heard a lot about her, about her medicinal properties, and every time I heard it, I wanted to buy it. But for some reason I thought that it was impossible to buy from us good clay, but to be honest, I didn’t really want to buy some kind of dried mud. So I was left without clay, and with an ever-increasing interest in blue clay. Meanwhile, they even showed on TV about its benefits.

I remember one program where it was said that one poisonous berry grows in Africa (I didn’t remember the specific country, the attention was switched to the clay itself). And the program was specifically about poisonous plants. I love watching useful programs. So, local parrots also live there and eat these poisonous berries, and this is their main food. Only after the berries, for dessert, so to speak, do they swallow the clay and feel great.

So I really wanted to have such a magical piece of clay at home. But my desires were in the “I would like” category and I did nothing to make my desires come true. And last year I met one folk herbalist, Alexander Ivanovich. I walked past his counter for a long time, but popular rumor still led me to him.

I've heard a lot good reviews about him, but for myself there was still nothing for me to go for. I bought herbs from local herbalists, and prepared some myself. And one day, I just wanted to consult with Alexander Ivanovich, and I approached him. I was lucky that there was no one around him, although usually there are a lot of people standing around. This is probably what prompted the conversation.

We talked for more than half an hour. In my articles I already mention a folk herbalist. During the time we spoke, several doctors approached him. Some say hello, and some get ready, which Alexander Ivanovich does himself. And during the conversation, I saw a package on his makeshift counter with the inscription “Blue Clay”. I asked why blue and not light blue.

The answer was simple, the darker the clay, the higher its Radium content. The lighter the clay, the more kaolin it contains. In general, any clay is useful. That is, the older the clay, the darker and healthier it is, and, to put it simply, the more saturated with minerals useful to us.

And one more interesting fact, clay is almost completely absorbed by our body. All those beneficial vitamins and minerals contained in clay remain in our body.

Chemical composition of blue clay

Blue clay contains a large number of microelements and minerals. In terms of its composition, it is even healthier than most fruits. Here's an example chemical composition blue clay and the influence of elements on our body.

The table was not compiled by me, but taken from the site This table gives a rough idea of ​​the composition of blue clay. Nobody will give you accurate data. The fact is that even from one source, but from different places, the chemical composition will be different.

Blue clay healing properties

Blue clay has many different healing properties, but I would like to note:

  • Excellent absorbent properties (you can take 2 teaspoons with a glass of water)
  • Antibacterial (previously, even meat was stored by sprinkling it with clay). We can cover wounds with clay solution, it heals.
  • Antirheumatic (immersion in mud baths, or compresses)
  • Anti-cellulite (mainly compresses)
  • Analgesic properties (applying to a wound)
  • Various diseases of joints and bones (prevention and treatment in the form of masks, compresses and immersion in mud baths)
  • General body cleansing (internal)
  • Use for cosmetic purposes (very widely used in the form of masks, to combat wrinkles, for hair growth, etc.)
  • Helps the immune system (by improving metabolism and mineral saturation)
  • Accelerates blood circulation (blood moves more actively under compresses)
  • Used for chronic arthritis (complex, both internally and in the form of compresses)

The list goes on, but the main thing to remember is action. Clay improves metabolism, both externally and internally. When applied externally, there is a rush of blood to the places where the clay comes into contact with the skin, and it is saturated with the minerals contained in the clay.

When used internally, the body receives a large group of minerals that blue clay contains. And what’s also good is that it binds waste, toxins, and pathogenic bacteria and removes them from the body.

Blue clay application or how to use

There are several uses for blue clay.


Over time, you can gradually increase the amount of clay at one time to a tablespoon, but it is advisable to start with smaller doses. Wash down the clay with clean water, in the amount of 150 - 200 grams. If you want to immediately take a tablespoon, your body may react by vomiting. And it’s not so easy to swallow a tablespoon of clay. I was convinced of this from personal experience.

You need to get used to it gradually. The course of admission is 1 - 1.5 months. But as the specialist said, you can take it constantly. This is a cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract. And our immunity, as you know, largely depends on our intestines. If you are interested in the topic of boosting immunity, I recommend looking through the pages of our blog. We pay a lot of attention to immunity. For example, read how this can be done using delicious.

You can also drink clay water. To do this, take 4 tablespoons of crushed clay (to the size of a pea or powder), fill it with clean water, preferably spring water, without chlorine. All this is for one liter of water, or, more simply, we do it all in a liter jar. Stir with a wooden stick and leave to infuse for one night.

In the morning we drink on an empty stomach. Maybe a glass, maybe more. Shake before use, wait a minute until heavy particles sink to the bottom. You need to drink cloudy water, you will get more benefits.

You need to drink this liter of water throughout the day. Then in the evening we fill the jar full again and repeat the same way the next day. One clay can be poured for up to 7 days. Then pour out this clay and again prepare a solution using 4 spoons.

You can drink this all the time, there are no special restrictions. As in the case of dry clay, the stomach is cleansed. In addition, it also restores the mucous membrane. If you've ever held raw clay in your hands, you've probably noticed that it's greasy and slippery in your hands. It is due to this mucus or “fat” that the mucous membrane is restored.

This clay solution should be stored in a glass container in the sun in a closed container to prevent dust from entering. Our body doesn't need extra garbage.

Compresses and simple clay coating

You can prepare clay for coating from dry clay and water. Just add clean water to the consistency of sour cream, stirring only with a wooden stick. Some people also add essential oils, but I don’t recommend doing this without the advice of a specialist. On the contrary, you can only harm yourself.

  • You need to smear the clay on the body in a thick layer so that it does not dry out (for this it is even better to make a compress from cellophane). Dried clay does no good and washes off worse.
  • Dissolve blue clay only with clean water and preferably in a clay or glass container (if you don’t have one, then in an enamel one).

Some examples for using clay.

Blue clay for gums. Apply the creamy clay solution to the gums and try not to eat it for at least 15 - 20 minutes. You can try rubbing it into your gums. If you ate it earlier, it’s still good. No need to spit it out, rinse with water and swallow. The gums will stop bleeding.

Blue clay for hair. Apply the same clay as a thick mask to your hair. Cover with a bag to prevent drying out for 30 minutes, then rinse with plain water. Hair will become thicker and silkier.

And a couple more interesting recipes for using blue clay for hair.

Blue clay for skin. Just like with hair, apply a layer of clay to the skin and cover with film. Can be used on the face to eliminate wrinkles. Or you can apply it to any part of the body to restore blood circulation and nourish the skin with minerals. The skin becomes soft and silky. The time the clay remains on the skin is no more than 20 minutes. Just be careful, clay tightens pores and dries out the skin.


You can also take baths. Ideally, do this in mud baths. But you can do it yourself. In sanatoriums they take a bath made of nothing but mud; we cannot afford this at home. Therefore, we will follow some advice.

Tips for taking a bath with blue clay:

  • The water temperature should be about 37 - 40 degrees, as experts told us, a little warmer than body temperature. Then the maximum effect is achieved.
  • The value of such a bath is its regularity. Ideally, it should be taken once a week. You can use up to 500 grams of dry clay per bath. More is possible, but should not be done. Better more regularly. It is not advisable to take more than 3 baths per week. We learned this on the shore of a salt lake. This applies not only to baths, but also to smearing in general.
  • You can start by sitting in the bathtub for 15 minutes. The maximum time is 30 minutes, but this is only after gradually increasing the time spent in the bathroom.
  • You can’t dry yourself with a towel; if you need it urgently, just dip it in water. Ideally, the body should dry itself.

Blue clay contraindications

It is worth limiting the use of blue clay when:

  • acute inflammatory processes
  • for heart diseases
  • for kidney problems
  • for hypertension
  • for diseases of the thyroid gland

I would also like to note that when used externally, the skin becomes red. But this is normal, unless, of course, you added a lot of essential oil to the mask and did not burn the skin. This is due to the rush of blood and does more good than harm. It can also dry out the skin, if severely, even to the point of peeling. On dry skin it is better to apply a clay mask along with essential oils, but this is only on the recommendation of a specialist.

Based on my experience, I can say that frequent use of clay can also be harmful. I conducted an experiment, after drinking alcohol in moderation, I wanted to find out whether it was possible to remove alcohol from the body. For example how this can be done.

If you can take charcoal every 2 hours, then my body refused to take blue clay. After two doses, 2 hours apart, I “vomited” the clay. Moreover, the intoxication was mild; it was an experiment. So I use clay in the morning, for prevention. But not constantly, but for a short course, about two weeks. Although you can take it constantly.

How to store blue clay

The herbalist recommended that I store the clay in a glass container in the sun. We have dry clay. Ideal place for this purpose - a window sill. Just store it in a sealed container to prevent dust from getting in. I removed the cover for the photo shoot.

Under no circumstances should clay be stored in iron containers. In general, clay should never come into contact with iron. As a result, it loses its properties, and it is Radium that suffers the most. And the more blue clay stands in the sun, the more it is saturated with Radium, and this has been proven experimentally. Unfortunately, I don’t remember which institute.

If the clay is in a creamy state, then it is better to store it in the refrigerator, tightly closing the container. If the container is tightly closed, it can be stored for a very long time.

In compiling this article I used personal experience, data from personal conversations with experts, as well as from free sources on the Internet. No copyright was violated.

To create a convenient and comfortable life on a private plot, it is necessary to resolve such pressing issues as the organization of sewerage, lighting, and, of course, water supply.

Often the only solution is to drill a well. Even if there is a central water supply, if there is such an opportunity, land owners acquire wells, which allow them to save money on paying for water supply, not depend on interruptions, which occur quite often, and get better-tasting water.

Often when drilling, the problem is the appearance of blue (blue) clay. What does blue clay mean when drilling a well, is it worth drilling further, will there be an aquifer underneath it? Or is it better to abandon water extraction in this case?

What is perched water?

Water located at a relatively shallow depth (up to 30 meters, sometimes a little deeper) is called perched water.

They can be found in sand, clay, or gravel. Of course, it is easier to “get to the bottom” of this layer, but in fact, water from the upper layers is not always suitable for drinking, since this layer is subject to contamination, both from the surface of the water and from leaky (or insufficiently sealed) cesspools.

Thanks to natural circulation, water that enters the soil from sewer pits mixes with water that fell into the ground after rain (which is saturated with pesticides and other fertilizers) and with the waters of the upper aquifer. So it’s a stretch to call the water in the upper aquifer a bit of a stretch.

In addition, water reserves in the upper layer are not constant; they depend on the time of year and the dryness of the period.

Blue clay when drilling a well indicates that you have reached a dense formation, which protects the second aquifer, located much deeper, from ingress of perched water.

Second layer

That is, the appearance of blue clay indicates that your water carrier will be much cleaner, and you will receive water that is completely suitable for drinking, and the well will also be quite water-rich.

Depending on what kind of equipment is used to develop the well, your drillers may not reach the aquifer.

However, experts still recommend getting to the water layer if possible, since the fact that blue clay appears when drilling a well is a kind of guarantee that you will receive truly clean water that will not require serious filtration.

We hope that the article was useful to you. We will be grateful if you share it on in social networks.

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Blue clay is common not only in folk healing, but also in cosmetology. Today we will study its properties and use for facial skin, joints, cleansing the gastrointestinal tract, losing weight, and fighting cellulite. Share your results in the comments, and also tell us about your experience using natural raw materials.

Blue clay - general properties

Improves blood circulation

Due to the fact that the clay contains iron in a large volume, the quality of blood improves and its microcirculation accelerates. The raw material also seals the walls of blood vessels and cleanses the lymph from toxic substances.

Cleanses the gastrointestinal tract

At its core, blue clay is a natural absorbent that absorbs poisons and removes them from the body. If the raw materials are taken orally, a comprehensive detoxification can be carried out. Judging by numerous reviews, along with cleansing, a person loses weight.

Pain relief

Some people don’t know that a clay solution can be used internally to eliminate painful sensations. Clay is also used externally as compresses, lotions, masks, etc.

Promotes healing

Due to its antibacterial properties, clay is often used to treat abscesses, wounds of various types, boils, burns, cracks in the skin, dermatitis, psoriasis, etc. In all of these cases, the composition promotes rapid tissue regeneration.

Rejuvenates the skin

Blue clay has proven itself as the best remedy facial skin rejuvenation. Below we will study the properties and application in this particular situation. In short, natural raw materials replenish collagen production, smooth out wrinkles, nourish, saturate tissues with moisture and oxygen, and eliminate pigmentation.

Strengthens the immune system

To increase the body's protective functions, it is necessary to take a product made from clay and water orally. This solution is especially effective during colds, flu epidemics and the off-season.

Treats joints

Traditional healers have been using clay for many years to treat joint pain, arthritis, and arthrosis. After just 3 sessions, swelling is eliminated, pain and tightness go away.

Blue clay for weight loss and cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract

Not everyone knows what to take rock You can go inside. If you want to lose 2-3 kg. in a month, carry out a comprehensive detoxification, increase immunity, and also improve your overall health, then make a solution.


  • dilute in 0.25 l. purified warm water 20 g. clay;
  • stir and use the composition.

This is not to say that diluted clay is tasty, but it is worth it. Literally after 3 weeks of taking it, you will get rid of swelling, lose at least 2 kg, and remove toxic substances and toxins.

Admission rules:

2. Slowly increase the concentration of the main substance until you reach 30 g. for 250 ml. water. You don’t need to pour in a lot of clay at once to avoid vomiting.

4. Duration of the course – no longer than 1.5 months. Then follows a 6-month break, if necessary, therapy is repeated.

Blue clay for facial skin – masks

Blue clay has proven itself excellent in the field of skin care. Let's study the properties and application for the face in more detail.

Basic Rules:

  • the composition is applied to cleansed skin;
  • a wrist test is done first to rule out allergies;
  • the mask is not distributed around the eyes;
  • The product is applied 1-3 times a week, it all depends on the skin type;
  • Exposure time is no longer than 20 minutes.

No. 1. Narrowing pores

To cleanse the pores, you need to combine carbonated mineral water with clay powder, mix to a paste and apply to a steamed face. After 20 minutes, remove the product, wash your face with cold water and wipe with ice.

No. 2. Comprehensive skin nutrition

Blue clay has nutritional properties, and the application in this case will be as follows: mix 5 ml. lemon juice, 30 gr. powder clay, 40 gr. sour cream. Add water to obtain a dense mass. Distribute it and leave for a third of an hour.

No. 3. Giving overall tone

To rejuvenate, add blush and tighten sagging areas, prepare a product. Combine 10 ml. olive oil with 30-40 gr. clay. Enter purified water after the fact. Distribute the thick mass and set aside for a quarter of an hour.

No. 4. Elimination of dryness, flaking

This mask is suitable for those with dry epidermis. It is prepared from 20 gr. clay, 10 ml. olive oil, 10 gr. honey. Water is added in such quantity to obtain a dense mixture. After application, wait 15-20 minutes.

No. 5. Rejuvenation

Blue clay has an excellent rejuvenating effect. Properties and applications in cosmetology have been well studied. To prepare a compress, you need to dilute the clay with herbal infusion. A decoction of dandelion, St. John's wort, sea buckthorn, mint, chamomile or yarrow is suitable. Dip the gauze, folded in several layers, into the cosmetic liquid. Leave the compress on your face for at least half an hour.

No. 6. Cleansing from blackheads and blackheads

Mix equal amounts (25 g each) of rice flour and clay in a cup. Add some water to make a paste. Apply for a third of an hour. After washing your face, it is recommended to wipe it with almond or peach oil.

No. 7. Fighting pigmentation, freckles

To cope with age spots, you need to mix 6 grams. finely ground sea salt and 25 gr. clay. Pour in water to obtain a thick mass. Apply the product for 10 minutes. Give a light massage.

No. 8. Elimination of oily shine

To normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, you need to make regular masks. Combine 90 ml. water and 60 gr. clay. Herbal decoctions are also suitable as a liquid base. Distribute the homogeneous mixture over your face for 20 minutes.

Blue clay for joints

Blue clay has proven itself well not only in cosmetology, but also in medicine. Learn the properties and uses for joints in more detail.

No. 1. Baths

If you have systematic problems with the spine, it is recommended to take a bath with warm water. For 5 l. water accounts for 60 grams. clay, pour this mixture into the bath. Stir and go to rest in the bath for a third of an hour. After that, take a shower and go to bed.

No. 2. Compresses

For serious diseases associated with joints, you need to dilute the clay to a thick, creamy mass. Leave to infuse for 2.5 hours. Next, heat the mixture over steam bath up to 45 degrees. The paste should be placed on gauze and wrapped around the sore spot. Secure the compress with a bandage and wrap warm cloth. Remove after 45 minutes.

Anti-cellulite wraps with blue clay

1. Add 120 g to warm water. clay. The paste should not be too thick. Enter 40 g. ground cinnamon and 4 drops of orange essential oil.

2. A homogeneous mass is applied to pre-steamed skin. Wrap problem areas in plastic.

3. Warm yourself with a warm blanket. Wait 50 minutes. Rinse off with hot water, rubbing the skin with a terry towel.

Blue clay is in demand in home cosmetology. Unique properties and the simple use of the composition allows you to deal with pressing problems. Tell us about your experience using clay in the comments.