All about age in the modeling business. All about age in the modeling business I want to become a model VK

Every girl at least once in her childhood imagined herself as a model gracefully defiling along the catwalk or posing in front of a photographer. Then it seemed to us that the life of models is carefree and full of joys: big money, fame and numerous fans. But what is really fraught with a modeling career? What difficulties will you have to overcome on the way to success? So let's open the cards...

Varieties of modeling business

Before you become a model or give your child there in order to ensure a chic future, you need to have at least some idea of ​​​​the traditions of the fashion industry, types of modeling business and what kind of "tricks" this prestigious profession is fraught with.
To date, there are several areas of modeling business:

top models(they are fashion models) - girls who professionally demonstrate clothing models of various fashion houses. Catwalk models are by far the most in demand, they work in the so-called live shows, which are broadcast all over the world. The task of top models is to profitably present this or that outfit in such a way as to encourage people to buy clothes. As a rule, the height of fashion models is not less than 170 cm, and the weight is not more than 55 kg, but, of course, there are exceptions. There are also age restrictions. Today become a model at 14- this is normal, and even correct, because then there will be more time for self-improvement and development in the field of modeling business. But to make a career on the podium after 20 years is almost impossible.

With fashion models the case is different. Unlike fashion models, fashion models are girls and boys professionally posing in front of the camera. The main requirement for such girls is photogenicity, the ability to pose correctly and naturally, as well as the ideal condition of the skin, hair and teeth. The height and weight of a person here is already of secondary importance. But an important role in this work is played by the girl's penchant for acting, because sometimes you have to portray either an innocent girl or an angry tigress, and here, as you know, one cannot do without artistic skills. Be sure to read the article about one of the most popular modern fashion models -.

fitness models
- these are girls who regularly engage in strength training, fitness and improving their own body, thanks to which they take part in photo shoots, videos and promotional activities. The emphasis in the work of such models is placed, first of all, on a spectacular sports figure, a harmoniously developed athletic physique. Fitness models are constantly participating in various competitions and media projects in order to demonstrate a luxurious athletic figure and get paid for it, as, for example, a bikini fitness champion does -
As you can see, models are different, and the modeling business itself is very multifaceted and which path to choose - each decides independently, and at the age of 14-15 years. The main thing is not to shelve your stellar plans, otherwise become a model at 30 no longer possible, unless, of course, you look like a teenager.

Where is modeling taught and why are modeling agencies needed?

Entering the fashion industry and achieving fame is not so easy. A pretty face and an asthenic figure are not enough for this. You can’t do without certain knowledge and skills, and you need to gain experience anywhere, but in special model schools.
Firstly, classes at modeling schools provide an opportunity to participate in fashion shows, prestigious photo shoots, sign contracts with well-known advertising companies and fashion houses. In other words, it is precisely such schools that the future "sharks of the fashion industry" are born, who will stop at nothing on the way to their dreams. Here you will be taught the rules of the fashion show, they will show you how to move along the catwalk, it is advantageous to stand in front of a photo and video camera, and you will be given basic knowledge about the style and art of proper makeup.

How to announce yourself?

The first and most important condition for a "breakthrough" of a young model is the presence of a good professional portfolio. This is a kind of visiting card of the model, especially for those who decide to devote themselves to photography. A set of shots must be perfect if you want to get a job with a good agency. The portfolio should contain at least 2-3 portraits (full face, profile and three-quarters), a few waist-length shots and more full-length photos.
Free themes are also welcome if it shows you from good angles. If you want to reveal your talent, then hold a photo session with several photographers, and in different genres: studio photography, street photography, erotic photography, and so on. This will give you the opportunity to master the skills of posing, so that later you feel free and at ease.

How to get a job?

The difficulty of finding a job is often due to the lack of work experience or skills in professional posing, defile and other skills for cover girls. The first thing to take care of is to be confident in your courage and readiness to learn. A magnificent well-groomed appearance is your main trump card, which will become an advantage in employment. But, in addition to external data, you need to have a basic arsenal of a future supermodel: a portfolio, a certificate of graduation from a model school, recommendations, if any. Next, use the Internet: find sites with vacancies for top photo models, leave a resume, attach some professional photos (portrait, full-length photo, photo in a swimsuit) and wait for an invitation to the casting. The more resumes you send to different agencies, the higher your chances of finding a job.

success and fame

It is impossible to predict your success in advance, you yourself are the architect of your happiness. Unfortunately, just knowing how to become a famous model is not enough, you need to act endlessly: participate in various competitions, photo shoots, presentations, do not refuse anything, even low-paid projects. To put it differently, you need to permanently declare yourself and advertise in every possible way, no matter how “commercial” it sounds, but it is difficult to achieve fame and money in another way. This is the path that many top models have gone through, as well as the sharks of the modeling business: Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford, Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell. It's hard to believe that these stars once paraded for $200 a day?! Today it is their daily income. Feel the difference. In this profession, endurance, zeal, and determination are important, otherwise no natural data will help. Do not stop and develop, and then success will be with you!

Do you want to become a model so that the whole world is at your feet? Do you dream of repeating the career of Tyra Banks or Natalia Vodianova, finding your own prince or even more than one, and generally living like in a fairy tale? But is it possible?

Difficulties of life models

What do you know about the modeling business?

It is hard work. Money in it does not come easily.

  • The work of the model is a constant lack of sleep. Because castings can take place at different times and, what is important, in different cities. Will have to leave immediately to the other end of the world in the middle of the night and on the first call.
  • You have to be away from your family and friends. In the background will be personal life.
  • It may be necessary to give up a good rest and be content with sleeping on a plane or train.
  • Plus, the careless attitude of colleagues and customers. After all, they evaluate models as a favorable background for their clothes, as an interior or as a walking hanger. And, by the way, they have the right - because they pay for it. But not everyone can handle this attitude.

In addition to all of the above, you can find a bunch of other horrors of the modeling business on the Internet.

To become a real model, you need to follow the following rules:

  1. Fit according to specifications
    Girls should preferably meet certain parameters:
    • Growth from 178 cm to 2 meters.
    • Age. There are also models of children, starting from birth. Working with them has its own characteristics, but the workload for children is no less than for adults. In adult shows, girls start working at the age of 14. At this age, the model has more chances for a successful career than a 25-year-old lady.
    • Dry body. Today, girls without forms are in fashion: thin legs - sticks, a complete absence of a stomach and small breasts. Finding a dress for a girl with at least the second size is very problematic in any design studios. Therefore, such ladies are rarely invited to shows.
    • Recently, plus size models have also become relevant.. Puffy beauties can also try their luck on the catwalks of the world. But the demand for such figures is small. To achieve success in this narrow industry, you need to try very hard.

    If you do not meet any of the above parameters, do not be upset. This does not mean that the doors of the modeling business are closed for you. , it just means that you will have the hardest time in this business to prove your suitability and uniqueness among all the models in the world.

    • By the way, today models of unusual appearance are in demand because the world is tired of ideal beauties. The public wants to see the same simple girls with minor flaws. Therefore, lop-eared girls smile at us from billboards, a lady with a noticeable gap advertises mascara, incredibly large eyes and very large plump lips flaunt on the pages of magazines, and a hooked nose becomes a recognizable highlight of its happy owner.
    • Previously, it was believed that the model should be clean, like a white sheet of paper. Now it's not scary if she has scars or tattoos. They give the model a special uniqueness. They make her stand out from the crowd of ordinary girls. But the fashion for wearable drawings is changing, but the tattoo remains. And soon butterflies and flowers on the body will only interfere with work.
  2. Know how to work in front of the lens
    The main partner of the model is the camera. You need to be able not to be embarrassed by it, take spectacular poses, present your figure and what you are wearing, skillfully emphasize the advertised product. Do not create problems for the photographer with your misunderstanding. To issue a greater number of different and high-quality photographs, so that the customer has plenty to choose from.
  3. Be able to transform, because a model is almost an actress
    Today - a countess, tomorrow - a homeless woman. It is necessary to make the viewer believe in the invented legend. A useful skill is to quickly change emotions in front of the camera. Anger at joy, surprise at the seal. Do whatever the photographer says.
  4. A good walk is essential for the podium
    You need to confidently stay on heels of any height and configuration. Read also:

    Whether it's a platform or stilettos. The model should walk beautifully without heels. Be able to change the gait depending on the clothes that she will be wearing.
  5. Be outgoing
    People want to work with fun and simple people. Fashion designers don't like bitches, nobody likes them.
  6. know languages
    Mainly English. After all, half of humanity speaks it. It would also be nice to know French and German. Read also:
  7. Build an excellent portfolio
    This is proof of your aptitude, a graphic resume. A portfolio is a set of photographs that best describes you. The first half of it is a snap - a photo without retouching, makeup, accessories and other beauty. Such photos are usually taken in swimsuits and black high-heeled shoes.

    The snap includes full-face and profile portraits. They are needed for an adequate assessment of the figure and facial features. The second half of the portfolio is artistic. It is desirable to place photos of different directions in it. Cheerful and carefree, serious and strict, so that a potential customer can see the breadth of your capabilities as a model. Those. I could be sure that you can take on any order and fulfill it perfectly.
  8. Fill out questionnaires to all the agencies you like and send photos there
    It is very difficult for a single model to find a job. Agencies coordinate work, find orders for girls and boys, send them to auditions, and provide comprehensive assistance to young stars. And for their services they take a certain percentage of the income of models.

    But the choice of agencies should be taken more than responsibly, because there are a lot of charlatans around. You need to look at how many years the agency has existed, how many models it has, what their successes are, what are the biggest contracts. And also that they offer you what guarantees what help. It is imperative to draw up a contract, preferably together with your lawyer, so as not to fall into financial slavery. Or at least consult a knowledgeable lawyer about possible pitfalls and dangers.
  9. To be a model, you need to have a great desire to be, constantly improve and develop
    After all, the world does not stand still. Younger and more promising girls can come to replace you, so you need to maintain your competitiveness as an employee.
  10. Following all these rules, any girl can become a model. The main thing is to develop abilities in yourself, stubbornly move towards the goal and not stop. on the way to her.

    How to become a model - what secrets do you know? We will be grateful for your opinion!

At what age can you start working? How long does a modeling career last and when should she retire? What affects the duration of work? We answer all questions about age in an article prepared by the PODIUM.LIFE website.

In the modeling industry, along with the sphere of fashion and advertising, over the past two decades, full of revolutions, there have been significant changes. The world has expanded the boundaries of consciousness and what seemed incredible the day before yesterday, and yesterday a challenge, has become absolutely familiar today. We are no longer surprised, but rather repeat the phrase "quite expected." The boundaries are blurred and now a 70-year-old grandmother in a bathing suit is smiling at us from the glossy pages, advertising a famous brand. In this article we are talking about an important topic in modeling - age.

Traditionally, the starting point in modeling is considered to be the age of 12-14 years. Still, you can not call it the beginning of a serious career. The child, despite the possible numerous shootings, is not fully aware of the whole essence of his activity. For him, this is more of a fun, a hobby than a job, so the responsibility for all activity lies on the shoulders of the parents. Frankly, most of the children studying in the model school came there at the request of mom and dad, and at this age we accept everything that adults inspire us. Of course there are children, for example, like Thylane Blondeau or Laneya Grace, who themselves take the initiative at the age of 13 are removed for Hugo Boss and Ralph Lauren. But this is as rare as good model schools in the provinces. So, this period can be characterized as a trial period. As they grow up, children become more aware and, in the end, they come to the conclusion whether they want to devote their lives to modeling or not.

According to many professionals, the ideal age to start a solid occupation, and not just a passion for modeling, is 18-19 years old, when an emerging personality can soberly assess their abilities, work on shortcomings, set goals and understand all the ins and outs of the industry. The first contracts and trips abroad may not be immediately, but with perseverance and constant work, many doors will open before you.

Previously, the average career peak age was 20 years old. Today, according to statistics, this figure has risen to 23. Now a modeling career can be started even after 30. Girls and boys of appearance compete with younger colleagues. And their plus is that, due to their age and, as a result of wisdom, they look at many situations in a completely different way.

On American television they even launched a show "Podium 30”, where the participants prove the possibility of concluding contracts with prestigious modeling agencies and top brands.

Surely you know about Jacqueline Murdoch who became a model at 82. Chance meeting in the park with a famous photographer Ari Seth Cohen turned into a shoot for Lanvin, and later cooperation with the leading brands of the world. Jacqueline, Unlike Jackie O'Shaughnessy, - another woman who tried her luck in modeling at the age of 60 - did not finish her career after the first experience and successfully continued to pose for eminent designers.

However, there are rare cases when older models pursue their careers to the fullest, like their younger counterparts. Firstly, although the market has a demand for adults, the volumes are not so large, especially in Russia. Such an audience is loved on the programs “Let's Get Married” and “Live Healthy”, in advertisements for dentures and powders. Secondly, as you know, in order to earn your bread and butter through modeling, you need to work hard. Lots of. Where can we get strength and enthusiasm for our grandmothers?

In general, four factors influence the duration of a career in relation to age - the field of activity, external data, territorial location and life principles.

In any direction of the modeling business, there are standards. Yes, the frames are constantly shifting, but in the case of age, it is only ± 5 years in some of the areas.

  • The promo segment is replete with young people from 17 to 22 years old. Most often, models are found here at the initial stage of their career, because only they can walk all day in high heels for a small fee.
  • The age of hostesses ranges between 19-28 years. Employers want to see attractive, well-groomed and, most importantly, sociable models. The hostess is a trustee of the company, so it cannot be too young, 23-25-year-old representatives of the fair sex are more likely to be invited.
  • At parties, there are mostly girls from 20 to 27, less often after 30 years. It cannot be said that the key point here is the appearance of the model, since the casting managers conduct a strict age selection. The probability of getting a job in the segment of modeling parties for a girl, albeit immensely beautiful and young looking, but aged 35, is very small.
  • But with the catalog, everything is different and it makes no sense to mark the boundaries here, since the market is replete with goods for people of all ages: on the set you can hear the laughter of a five-year-old child and the cough of an elderly man. The problem is that this happens very rarely.
  • The same is true for the advertising industry. Here you have dentures, and children's cookies, and seasonal discounts in Letual b. Obviously, the age from 20 to 30 is most in demand, the main reference point now falls on the young. And then, not so often we see the older generation in commercials. Given the fact that there are a lot of people who want to dream of advertising processed cheese, someone in all the years of trying never gets on a billboard.

With the progression of cosmetology and medicine, it has not become difficult to look young and fresh at 35. The duration of your career will depend on how much you can maintain the beauty of your face and body tone. The “baby face” models are especially lucky, their pretty faces will look 20 for a long time. Western brands love to work with them, and the Asian market generally idolizes models with plump cheeks and a naive look. But even with youth, sparkle in the eyes and a slender figure, after 30 you will hear the word “no” more often. Precisely because customers look at your personal data.

Again, a reference to the market. In Russia, as you know, the modeling business is not on the same level as the Western one. The competition is high, and the work is not so much. That is why, in an effort to earn money, many models master other skills along with photo posing, say, a hostess or a promo. You must understand that in our country there is still an age limit in a career. It is unspoken, but the actual sunset is 30.

As a rule, the parent agency responsible for the development of the model, based on its type, tries to send it abroad. They send both very young girls and older ones. And if the model is in demand in Europe after 25 years, the native agency, of course, will continue cooperation and extend the contract, which is signed for at least three years.

The option of moving abroad is also often considered. There are many examples of models leaving the country due to certain circumstances and, settling in a new place, sign a contract with a local agency. As long as there is demand for your face, they will work with you.

At a certain period of life, every girl and every young man has what is called a change of orientation, principles, values ​​change, new priorities appear. There is no exact figure, but usually after 28 some models are preparing to start a family, others are thinking about entrepreneurship, and still others are changing their profession. Modeling initially remains as an additional source of income, and then becomes a hobby.

So, in fact, you can become a model at any (conscious) age.

The boundaries of the age of the beginning of a career and its end are blurred and they depend on many factors. However, there are certain statistics that determine averages. Beginning of work - 11-12 years old, peak - 23 years old, end - 30 years old.

The hostess and promo segments are open up to 30 years old, the catalog invites those over 40 to work, advertising is mainly aimed at a young audience.

If you remain attractive, you can get interesting offers even after 30 years, but having a good income will depend on your willingness to work hard.

It is possible to try yourself as a model after 45, but it is unlikely to make good money on it.

In Russia, there is high competition and little work. Leaving to work abroad, the model can extend her career for a few more years.

When life principles change in a certain period, modeling ceases to be the main source of income.

The fashion industry is great and modeling can become a passion. Tyra Banks started modeling at just 15 years old! Starting when you're still a teenager can be a really good way to become a model. In order to make things easier for you, we have put together the steps that will tell you how to become a model for a child or teenager.

The most important steps:

1. Tell your parents that you are interested in becoming a model. If they object, then just leave it. If they think that this is a good idea, then start working in this direction.

You can star in a play, go to a training center or studio, or go directly into the modeling world. It's important to remember that great models started when they were teenagers - just like you!

2. Plays are a great way to help with your future career. Having experience is great, but just because someone else has more experience than you doesn't mean they're better than you. Everyone starts with what you have.

3. Create a portfolio. *Portfolio creation is the same as for older and more experienced models, you and the parent/guardian can go to e-mail sites or professional photographer sites to find a photographer who is looking for a model to build a portfolio, some of them may even do it's free.

4. Show your parents what you have researched and found out. Write it down, print it out or show it to them. Make sure you present it in a way that will make your parents happy and also have fun!

5. Make sure you have all the information you need, such as how much it costs and how often you will be attending modeling school. If they decide that you should take extra classes, then your teachers will help you. But if your parents won't let you go to modeling school, there's still hope! It's not about who took the most expensive classes or was the best teacher, it's about you and building your portfolio and skills for a successful future.

6. Search the Internet for jobs for models of your age.

Even though you're a teenager, it's important to remember to be professional, show up early, be nice, and present your portfolio in a good way.

7. Practice to create your own runway walk. Make it your "brand name". The generally accepted style of gait is shoulders back and relaxed, slight swaying of the hips, legs straight and one foot in front of the other.

Remember not to jump or wiggle your hips too much.

The designer you'll be working for will likely give you some advice on how they want you to walk the show, based on the construction of their clothes: whether it's modern or more outlandish, be prepared to change the way you walk.

8. Remember, always be nice to the people you meet at modeling shows and competitions and the photographers you work with. You never know when you will see them again. Connections are very important in modeling, this is show business, after all.

9. Be prepared for any audience you encounter. Some people may like you, some may not. Take all of this as "constructive criticism" and unleash your inner Anna Wintour.

Remembering her teenage years, almost every second girlfriend from the yard dreamed of becoming a model. Is it true? We looked with admiration at the long-legged luxurious beauties defiling on the catwalks of Milan, Paris and New York, watched with bated breath how they pose in front of the lenses and act in films and videos. We wanted that too. Since that time, everything has changed: we grew up and did not become top models, but girls are still wondering how to become a model - successful, desirable, rich and famous. The new generation of top models, it-girls, who made their careers thanks to Instagram, teaches us to be natural, but at the same time work on this naturalness, build a personal brand and strengthen it with all available image marketing methods.

What is a parent agency? MA is an agency from the home country of the model, which finds foreign agencies for its ward and helps to conclude contracts with them. For its services, the parent agency (in our opinion - "mother") receives 10% of the earnings of the model abroad.

Solely because this X agency was already representing a couple of my model friends who spoke highly of it, I decided to take a chance and persuaded my father to sign a two-year contract with them.

After signing this contract, I was invited a couple of times to the agency for test shootings (tests). I took about 10 "professional" photos. And literally a month later we signed my first contract with a foreign agency. In my case it was Hong Kong. But in any other case, it could be Paris, or Milan, or New York. It all depends on the contacts that your mother agency has, and, of course, your appearance. I want to emphasize that I did not pay for trial photos or anything else!

All this I lead to the fact that I personally have little faith in the stories of agencies, that you first need to go through modeling school, pay a certain amount of money, make a portfolio, then you will be entered into the database, and “we will call you.”

All this “smells” like an elementary “pumping out” of money.

If you look at the beginning of the career of any top model, then it was the scouts who found each of them: someone in the fruit market (Natalia Vodianova), someone in the airport (Kate Moss), someone in the shopping center (Gisele Bündchen), someone in a nightclub (Claudia Schiffer) and so on. The list is endless!

On their vivid example, it is obvious that no one graduated from any model schools, did not pay anyone anything, they simply believed in them, they saw potential in them. That's all. You can learn how to walk the catwalk and pose yourself, if there is a desire.

Having flown abroad, I did not know anything, but I had a crazy desire to learn. I asked my acquaintances, already successful models, to teach me how to pose and walk on the catwalk, listened carefully to the photographer's instructions about the angles of my face, studied the already finished pictures and memorized the poses that were beneficial for me.

"The road will be mastered by the walking one."

Everything comes with practice, so do not think that you can become a model only after completing a special school or courses. If they see potential in you, they will invest money and give you the opportunity to return this money when you start earning. And not vice versa.

I am by no means saying that you should not go to a modeling agency yourself. Maybe you just never met a Model Scout on the street (although these days they go to both public schools and universities). Perhaps you should come to a modeling agency and just “show yourself”.

But be careful.

Don't be fooled by agents telling you that you have to pay right away for portfolios, makeup lessons, catwalk lessons, and so on. - only to be included in the database of models. This is most likely how it will end. You will part with a solid amount of money, gain little-needed knowledge about which brush to apply blush on your cheeks, and will remain “hanging” in their database.

This is the basis for the money earnings of little-known agencies.

If you still have a desire to become a model, do not be lazy, ask your friends and girlfriends of girlfriends: there will probably be already working models among them who can bring you to their agency and introduce you to their agent.

This happened to me when I decided to change my parent agency "X" to a more successful agency, let's call it "Y". My friend has been working with "Y" for a long time and was very pleased with them. I asked her to introduce me to her agent, which she gladly did. After a half-hour conversation, I had a contract in my hands with the Y agency, which collaborated with European and American agencies, and not just Asian ones, as was the case with X.