What can a woman's breasts say about its owner? Here's What Your Breast Shape Says About Your Personality What Your Breasts Say About.

Women tend to look at parts of their body. They constantly wonder: Do their breasts look normal? Undoubtedly, this is a personal matter for everyone and, probably, it would be indecent to show someone your breasts, or to ask someone about it. Hair growing in different places, their color, irregular shapes... each person is built differently. There is no worse feeling than being naked and thinking to yourself, “I hope things aren’t so bad for me” (maybe you’re a confident person who’s not self-conscious about your body, but most of us suffer from such thoughts) .

If you think your breasts look like some kind of space mutant, fear not: it's likely that you have normal breasts. Growing up (especially in America), we don't see as many breasts on women! As a rule, these are fake forms, the ones we see on models underwear or these are the absolutely perfect breasts of film actresses. Here are some examples for comparison that allow you to critically evaluate your own bust.

Here are some signs that you have normal breasts:

Hair around the nipple

If you have anywhere from two to fifteen hairs growing around your halo, that's normal! Obstetrician-gynecologist Mary Jane Minkin of Haven, Connecticut, notes that about 30% of women have hair around their nipples (though not one of them ever talks about it). Every woman has a certain number of hair follicles on her nipples, and if you notice that you have a few hairs sprouting, this is completely normal. If their number increases, this may be a sign of the development of a gynecological disease - polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), if this worries you, consult your doctor!

Lumps in the chest

If hard lumps in the mammary gland bother you, don't worry - this is a normal part of the process of female puberty. Sometimes you may feel many lumps in your breasts before or during your period. The breasts consist of glandular tissue and a small layer of fat, so they are dense and this is not a reason to panic. But if you feel your breast and find a hard area about three centimeters in size, consult a doctor.

One breast is larger than the other

If you notice that one breast is a different size from the other and you are ashamed of it, you are not alone in this, believe me. According to official data from the British reality show “I'm Shy About My Body,” about 40% of the fairer sex suffer from breast asymmetry, which differs by at least one bra cup size. Even Jennifer Lawrence admitted that there is nothing wrong with different breast sizes and that her breasts are also asymmetrical (I love her for her frankness).

Pimples on halos

Sometimes young women notice small pimples on the surface of the areola. These are the Montgomery tubercles. Their number in different women varies from 3-4 and up to 30 in the area of ​​one gland. Most often, during feeding and pregnancy, special watery substances are released from the glands. If you notice that you have more bumps than other girls, this is not a cause for concern. To examine your breast, raise one hand and, using light pressure with the fingers of the other hand, palpate the mammary gland, this will reveal nodules.

Breasts pointing in different directions

According to Laurie Cases, a plastic surgeon in Chicago and associate professor of surgery at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, the angle of your nipples will depend on their location on the body. Thus, if the nipple is higher on one breast, it may point upward, while the other will point to the side. It is very rare for breasts to be symmetrical, and therefore it is completely normal for them to point in different directions.

Presence of stretch marks

Stretch marks are normal for most women. According to the UK's National Health Service, seven out of ten girls develop stretch marks during puberty. This happens because your body grows very quickly and your skin cannot keep up with such a fast pace. There is no need to be ashamed of stretch marks on your chest, this is most likely a sign that you are the owner of a nice plump pair!

Cone-shaped breasts

It is normal to have conical breasts with pointed nipples. In case you don't know, there are six different bust shapes. Some are more common than others. Don't worry, everything is fine!

Inverted nipples

Inverted nipples look like dimples because they are flush with the areola or pressed into the breast. What's interesting is that you weren't born with an inverted nipple—it happens during puberty when the breast ducts don't stretch properly. According to one study, about 10% of women have this type of nipple. Even if the statistics aren't that great and you have inverted nipples, you're definitely not the only one. There are many different types nipples!

Do you think that you have normal breasts? Did someone tell you that this is not so? Tell me about it in the comments below!

There are 7 types of female breasts in total, and each of them speaks not only about physiological characteristics!

American psychologists analyzed the physique of girls and women who sought advice on various issues, and came to surprising conclusions: breasts can tell a lot about character!



One of the rare types considered the most attractive, writes Home. This is the type of breast that plastic surgeons are most often asked about. Its owners are usually spoiled by male attention, very self-confident, ambitious and career-oriented. Such ladies will never tolerate cheaters, try to keep a man and suffer because of unhappy love: they respect themselves too much for this!


This type of female breast is most often found in tomboyish girls. Friendly, active, often into sports or having a “male” hobby like rock climbing or kayaking, these girls are always the center of male attention. Excellent friends and confidants, they are aware of all the heartfelt experiences of those around them, and often such close friendships unexpectedly develop into great love, and such a girl will be faithful to her partner, constant in her affections, and will become a mother-friend for the children, so they can roller-skate together.


Owners of this type of female breast shape are usually very open and sincere, they are free from intrigue and gossip, they are decent and always ready to support those who need help, sometimes to the detriment of their own interests. They are sometimes reproached for being too straightforward, but they do not set out to hurt or offend anyone; simply being honest and frank is part of their nature.


As a rule, this breast shape indicates heightened emotional sensitivity. Girls with drop-shaped breasts tend to exaggerate the scale of problems, worry about trifles, and are generally very sentimental. They are the ones who dream of a prince on a white horse, somewhat idealize their partner and perceive any failures very painfully. But they will appreciate the romantic impulse, will idolize the person who cares and protects them, and will become the most caring mothers.


They say “unsinkable” about such people: it seems that there is no situation in which this girl would fall into despair. She is always full of strength, optimism and energy, and her true experiences are hidden from prying eyes. She can sob into her pillow at home, but she will never show her emotions in public. It’s the same with communication: she has hundreds of friends with whom she can have fun, but her close friends are literally 2-3 people whom she truly trusts.


Emotional swing - typical condition for these women. From love to hate there is one step - this is also about them. Their mood is changeable, like the weather by the sea, and it can change for no apparent reason. However, they are the ones who are capable of the most creative ideas, non-standard thoughts and an unconventional approach to solving problems, since they immediately consider several ways to resolve the situation and never get hung up on one thing.


Ideal housewives, keepers of the hearth, ready to help everyone, surround them with care and attention, feed, warm and give wise advice: psychologists are convinced that despite all the stormy youth and considerable madness that such girls are capable of in their youth, they grow up to be wonderful mothers, and then grandmothers adored by their grandchildren, whose house smells of pies, who know how to console in the most hopeless situation and always find the right words for each.

We've all seen articles about what your smile or hairstyle can tell you. But what about the shape and size of the breast?..

Do you think your breasts are the result of genetics alone, or does lifestyle play a role here too? What about temperament? It influences habits, right?

Regardless of whether you believe us or remain a skeptic, you will probably be interested in reading about your option.

Try it and you will probably be surprised by the results.

You are refined and intelligent woman. You value brilliance, intelligence and art. Besides, you are a smart and “cool” woman. For any man.

You don't have to be the most outgoing person in the group to be admired by others. Everyone appreciates you for your intelligence and your achievements.

You have always done well in school, achieved success in your career, read a lot of books and can carry on a conversation on any topic. You put logic and rationality first and emotions second. Some may think that you are too cold, but this is not true. You just have a stable and strong character.

Large and full breasts.

You are a stubborn person and a born leader. You rarely ask others for help, because a superwoman like you knows how to handle everything herself and not be a ninny.

You are successful in everything you put your mind to. This is all because your decisions are worked out carefully and at the highest level.

You feel the world more deeply than other people, and you know how to draw conclusions by getting to the bottom of things. While almost everyone else looks only at the outside.

“Perky” breasts, nipples turned away from each other.

You are one of those people who only plays by your own rules. On the one hand, you - modern woman, which values ​​innovation. On the other hand, you can only march to the beat of your own drum. Participation in political life and the “herd instinct” are not about you.

Most people rightly believe that you are a progressive person and ahead of your time in terms of your level of thinking. On the other hand, people of puritanical morals may not like you. But that's their problem, not yours, right?

You know how to do outrageous things, but at the same time you have a unique sense of style.

Big nipples pointing down.

You are an optimist and even a dreamer! Women like you always see only the bright side of life. They remain kind and positive, even when they are seriously suffering from shyness inside.

But relax! Nobody is judging you. On the contrary, many more people love you “for your optimism,” and very few people despise you “for your naivety.”

Everyone knows that you are not only a cheerful woman, but also damn smart.

Perky, erect nipples.

You are fiery, passionate and brave girl! Men adore you. They never cease to be impressed not only by your appearance, but also by the depth of your personality.

Sometimes you can be very cruel and even treacherous, but this is only because you are used to always getting what you want. Therefore, if someone cannot give it to you, it is better to step aside!

You are not used to thinking through your words and actions far in advance; you often act on emotions. But it seems to you that living differently is simply boring!

Large nipples looking straight ahead.

You have a good heart. Other people always view you as reliable and good friend, to whom you can always come with your problems and ask for advice.

You are well-mannered, ready to always console your loved ones and help them.

You don't like gossip and gossipers, and there are two reasons for this. Firstly, you don't like to rush to conclusions and base them on first impressions. Secondly, judging and criticizing others is not in your rules at all.

In public, you are ready to only admire your friends and loved ones. You throw out the hard truth only in the eyes and only when you think that it will help the person.

Small breasts with large nipples.

You are the very embodiment of wisdom and self-esteem. In addition, you constantly strive to become better and better, to endlessly develop yourself.

Gaining new knowledge gives you a lot of pleasure, as does developing new skills. And, surprisingly, you also like to ask philosophical questions.

The very idea of ​​struggle and competition disgusts you. You are a pacifist woman. You hate drama and try to stay away from it. There is no swearing in your company.

Big and pert nipples facing away from each other.

You are quite a complex person. And it’s still aggravated by the fact that you creative person, and you are popular.

Even when your heart is full of sadness, you continue to be a charming woman. Men flock to you like bees to honey.

You are smart, your brain is always rich fresh ideas, you love making plans and living according to a schedule. But only according to the one that they compiled themselves, without external pressure.

All men know that, on the one hand, you reliably cover their back, serve as a reliable rear, and on the other hand, they just can’t get used to the fact that you cannot be controlled.

High nipples pointing in different directions.

People may think that you are a shy girl, but this is only the first impression. And it is based on the fact that your head is truly full of hopes and dreams.

But at the same time, you are a real great friend and are not afraid of any work and any difficulties.

Large breasts with high nipples.

You are a dreamer and an optimist. You love to explore everything that is outside your cozy world. You are not one of those who hide in your shell.

Women like you are very sociable and love to have fun. People remember you by your big and sincere smile. They know that you have a great character and a positive attitude towards life.

You make everyone around you feel great. Because your happiness rests on the happiness of your loved ones.

Small nipples, pointing down.

People often say that you are a holy woman. And that any room glows from your presence.

You are often the center of attention, you know how to manipulate people, but you don’t like to do it.

And you are also an intelligent and seductive woman who, from the point of view of men, has only one drawback: she cannot be made submissive.

You crave adventure and hate being stuck in routine, mundane, and boring activities.

Medium-sized breasts and nipples turned away from each other.

You are a mysterious woman who can also become a reliable partner. People trust you with all the deepest secrets of their souls. Because they know: you won’t talk.

Other women and men are very comfortable communicating with you; they never have any questions about whether you can be trusted.

You are not cold, but at the same time you prefer to keep your distance from most people around you.

A woman's breasts are an incredibly attractive part female body. We pay a lot of attention, effort and money to her beauty. But something else is more important - her health. What changes can tell you appearance breasts? Read the secret signs of your body!

11. Your nipples itch

This exciting sign is a good reason to pay attention to your hygiene. What products do you use to wash your body? How natural is their composition? First aid for itching is to thoroughly wash the breast skin to remove possible soap residues. Afterwards, you need to apply a cream with hydrocortisone to the skin of your chest, which will instantly soothe the irritated skin and bring relief. And, of course, plan a trip to the store to choose a new cosmetic soap or. Prefer cosmetics from trusted brands!

Clothing can also be a clear irritant to the skin of the chest. New underwear, lace negligees or push-up bras look great, elegant, and expensive. But they can be made from low-quality materials using potentially dangerous dyes for leather and various compounds, causing allergies. The only way out of this situation is to part with products that cause discomfort.

Unfortunately, there is a third reason why your breast nipples can become a source of unbearable itching. This is Paget's disease - breast cancer of the nipples, a very rare form of the disease. It is accompanied not only by constant itching, but also by peeling and irritation of the nipples, yellow or bloody discharge from the mammary glands. If any of these symptoms are familiar to you, visit your doctor immediately. Your health is in your hands!

12. Your breasts are painful, small lumps can be felt under the skin

This sign is familiar to many women from school. It was breast tenderness that was the first harbinger. Pain spoiled the life of the fair sex throughout the entire “red period”, affecting several days before and several days later. Then she left without a trace, but 3 weeks later she appeared again.

If these feelings sound familiar to you, there is a great solution. Foreign doctors advise taking vitamins on days when you feel pain in your chest. Take 200 mg of vitamin B6, 300 mg of vitamin E and two capsules of 500 mg of evening primrose oil. This scheme taking vitamins will relieve you from discomfort. But before you start following it, consult your doctor.

If increased sensitivity Your breasts have only just started to bother you, but previously your periods were painless, think about adjusting your menu. Excessive consumption of coffee, as well as drinks containing caffeine (Pepsi, energy drinks, Coca-Cola) sometimes lead to the symptoms described above. To ensure your breasts return to normal, limit their use.

13. White liquid comes out of the nipples

This happens to every woman from time to time, and it is absolutely natural. We have already said that the main purpose of a woman’s mammary glands is to feed her offspring. So your body stimulates itself so as not to lose the skills inherent in nature.

One more possible reason white discharge from the breast may be caused by taking some medicines. Side effects include an increase in blood levels, and as a result, the production process starts. breast milk. There is no need to worry about this, most often it is temporary and everything will go back to normal as soon as you stop taking the prescription medications. However, you should definitely inform your doctor about the occurrence of this symptom.

14. Bloody discharge comes from the nipples

This is a very alarming sign, even if you notice this symptom in only one breast. Bloody discharge may indicate the formation of malignant tumors. Consultation with a doctor is required!

15. Your nipples are tense

The dance of butterflies in the stomach and tension in the chest are signs familiar to all women sexual arousal. If there is a handsome man or a gallant gentleman nearby, don’t think about your breasts, think about your partner! Each of us knows how to silence breasts and relieve sexual tension.

Well, if sex is the last thing that worries you now, and the nipples of your breasts are tense, there’s nothing wrong with that either. Just dress warmly, you're cold. It's a cold season outside.

16. Veins are visible under the skin of the chest

Those with snow-white skin are sung in songs and praised in odes. Artists dedicate their paintings to them, men confess their love to them. Women with fair skin never go unnoticed, as do the veins that are visible through the thin skin.

Barely distinguishable “paths” may indicate a representative of the fair sex’s predisposition to sunburn. It's all about the thin porcelain skin, it just shows off what's hidden underneath. In this case, while sunbathing, a woman must use products with a protective factor of SPF 50. Sunbathing topless is strictly contraindicated, as this increases the risk of breast cancer.

17. Breast skin “ripples”

The same should be done if the neoplasm differs from that described above. Because a lump in the chest is always an alarm bell. Don't sit still, act and everything will be fine!

Be healthy and beautiful!

We have already learned to read character by hand and face. But did you know that breast shape is key to a woman's core personality traits? But first, let's go back a little into history to understand where this classification comes from.

In 18th century Spain, there was a belief that a woman's fate was written on her body, and the distance from her chest to her stomach predicted what awaited her in the future.

Prediction based on breast shape was also practiced in Thailand and Japan. The specialist determined the character and fate of the woman by studying the shape and size of the breasts, and compared them with diagrams and diagrams, and then rendered his verdict.

In 2005, Italian researcher Piero Lorenzoni presented his results in the German newspaper Bild, where he compared women's breasts to various fruits.

There is also scientific evidence that there is a connection between breast shape and a woman's temperament. The thing is that certain genes carry DNA that is responsible for the shape of the breast and the functions of the brain.

What shape do you have?

1. Lemons - small and symmetrical

You are elegant and intelligent, and your way of thinking is different from most. Comfort and peace of mind are of paramount importance to you. You love to read and prefer to spend time alone.

You can be described as an emotionally stable person and you can easily laugh at yourself. In life you seek balance. Others admire your professionalism.

2. Papaya - elongated and directed downwards

You are a superwoman with a willful and independent character. You always weigh everything carefully before taking any action.

You have tremendous self-control. You can be called a calm, purposeful and successful woman. All these qualities are characteristic of excellent leaders.

3. Apples are small, slightly sloping and look in different directions

You move through life at your own pace. You are carefree and good at taking risks. You are characterized by spontaneity and progressive views on life. Others consider you a real charmer.

4. Pears - triangular, downward pointing with large nipples

You are feminine and sensual, but have a strong character. You constantly strive to be better and are open to new ideas. You radiate positivity and optimism and always see the glass as half full. Spiritually developed loving nature and very constant - it's all about you. In addition, you have a great sense of humor.

5. Cherries - standing and looking in different directions

Like the cherry that represents the color red, you are passionate and courageous. You are eager to take on challenges and can make quick decisions. Cheerful and perky nature, able to entertain. You are a woman who will always be the life of the party.

6. Melons - spherical and pointing down

You kind woman, which you can rely on. You are willing to go to great lengths to help others. People can trust you with their secrets, confident that they will stay with you forever.

Often you play the role of a mediator, restoring harmony between conflicting parties. You are generous and caring, and others feel at home with you.

7. Nectarines - small and dangling with large nipples

You are reasonable, wise and noble. You always strive for self-improvement and love to learn something new. You can be called a peace-loving woman who tries to stay away from scandals. Remember that nectarines are the food of the gods, so you can be called a real queen.

8. Grapefruits are round and look in different directions

You are a creative person who always has a lot of ideas. You know how to plan and give new meaning actions. Your full breasts represent femininity, confidence and high self-esteem. It is quite obvious that others simply adore you.

9. Oranges are medium, round and look in different directions

You are a virtuous and pleasant woman who knows how to get along with other people. You are also very accurately able to determine the character of other people. For this reason, others always ask for your advice and opinion on various issues. You are a hard worker and a devoted friend.

10. Pineapples - big with prominent nipples

You are cheerful and hospitable. You can be called an idealist, an optimist and a very romantic person. You have a special ability to make other people feel better. You are a charismatic woman who attracts others like a magnet.

11. Plums - small with nipples pointing down

You are like a bright ray of light, full of energy. When you walk into a room, you are immediately noticed and remain the center of everyone's attention. You love adventure. However, you have a very simple outlook on life, preferring to think that love is all you need.

12. Mangoes are medium, looking in different directions

You are a mysterious person, although a truly reliable person. Others know that they can rely on you when they need to carry out some plans. You yourself are used to setting high standards for yourself, and if others do not meet your standards, you can easily erase them from your life.