Congratulations on Catherine's Angel Day in prose and poetry. Congratulations to Catherine on her name day and angel's day Congratulations to Katya on St. Catherine's Day

You and I have good reasons for the holiday,
After all, today is the day of St. Catherine,
My dear Kitten, I congratulate you,
A sea of ​​joy, love, on this day I wish
Katyusha, your name is the best in the world,
And you yourself are the best on the big planet!
Be as kind, gentle, and beautiful,
And I also wish you to always be happy!

Today is your angel day, Katyusha,
I congratulate you with all my heart!
May the sun always shine on you,
Let the sorrows go away!

Great Heavenly protection for you
Already given from birth: beautiful
Be wise, be faithful in friendship,
In love - happy and know no evil!

On St. Catherine's Day I wish you great happiness, goodness in your heart, faith in your soul and fulfillment of all your desires! May your Guardian Angel always protect you and help you walk the right path! May every moment be filled with love, positivity and success!

Today I congratulate you, Katyusha,
After all, this is your holy day.
I wish you well, I wish you well
And warmed the heart so that there was peace.

May the heavens protect you from grief,
And faith protects the soul everywhere,
Let love and happiness warm you
And the world inside you sings with joy.

Happy St. Catherine's Day,
I congratulate you.
Let her protect
And always keeps peace.

May he be with you
Angel - name, destiny.
The difficult path is illuminated
Yours, on the path of life.

Happy St. Catherine's Day
I congratulate you today,
Good luck, love and faith to you
I wish you a bright holiday.

Let the Holy One protect
Will take away trouble, adversity,
Let him help and advise,
Will lead you by the hand to happiness.

On St. Catherine's Day
Be guarded by an angel
Be happy, healthy,
And kind, not harsh!

We congratulate all Katyushas,
We wish them all earthly blessings,
Smile, don't bother
And just live in abundance!

Don’t touch me so that trouble
Always believe in the best
Swim in a sea of ​​joy,
Enjoy the glorious life!

Happy Angel Day, Katenka! Let him take care
Holy to you from sorrows and adversities.
May hearing prayers help in business,
May the mercy of heaven appear in miracles.

I wish you warmth, Katyusha,
Perseverance and strength in spiritual struggle,
Happy and strong, united family
And may you be proud of your children.

I congratulate you on St. Catherine's Day,
May God send your beloved man,
So that I always carry you in my arms,
I was healthy and had enough strength for everything!

Love and happiness and good luck to you,
To solve all problems easily,
May you be both wise and beautiful,
Smiling, cheerful and happy!

Let life be full of successes,
Carried forward by a high wave,
And will bring you to where heaven on earth is,
And your beloved, dear, is waiting for you!

On St. Catherine's Day
You are celebrating your name day.
Your patronage
Let her give it to you.

Let him protect, let him hold
And let him give you hope.
Lights the path with happiness
And sadness is driven from the heart.

Let him stand behind you,
Let him protect you from mistakes.
Will lend a helping hand
And let him bring good luck.

Accept, Katyusha, congratulations,
After all, today is your Holy Day.
May her blessings
He will be next to you everywhere.

May success never leave you,
Love takes care of your heart.
Congratulations again with all my heart!
May the world always bloom around you.

Good day! In the city of Alexandria in the second half of the third century, the girl Catherine, a future canonized saint, saw the light. She was born in abundance, in a family that was not disadvantaged financially, therefore, upon reaching the age of seventeen, she already had an excellent education. Catherine herself was awarded many virtues and was also incredibly beautiful. The girl had many fans, but, unfortunately, she refused everyone’s attention.

She revealed her will to her parents, saying that her chosen one would only be the one who would be better than herself in everything. Catherine’s mother helped her daughter by arranging a meeting with the holy elder, who revealed the truth to the girl. After this visit, the fate of St. Catherine was determined. The tragic death of the girl reunited her with the Heavenly Bridegroom, bestowed by fate. We celebrate St. Catherine's Day - December 7th.

Congratulations on Catherine's Day in verse

Happy St. Catherine's Day,
Martyrs who fell for Christ,
I wish you, myself and everyone,
So that faith in us, as it lives in it.
And December 7th is not just a date,
This day reminds everyone
Orthodox love is rich in the soul,
Relieves diseases and problems.

In December we Orthodox holiday we note
The Holy Great Martyr Catherine is called,
This is a merry, groovy holiday,
It is especially dear to young people.
Co happy holiday I congratulate you
I wish you happiness, joy, great love,
May you succeed in everything in life,
Life is always successful and fun.

Since ancient times, St. Catherine's day,
It was always a fun, youth holiday,
Fast sleigh racing,
The main, popular entertainment was then.
I congratulate you on a wonderful holiday,
I wish you joy, good luck and goodness,
May your dream come true this holiday,
So that, like Saint Catherine, you will always be wise.

According to Christian legends, Catherine treated the sick,
She was a great prophetess for unmarried girls,
Helped pregnant women during childbirth,
And she could foresee the future.
Happy St. Catherine's Day, I congratulate you,
May you have luck and success in life,
May the gift of fate be your gift,
Live in prosperity, abundance, happiness.

Catherine was a saint in legends,
She was considered the bride of Jesus Christ,
He gave her a beautiful ring,
And the Lord awarded Catherine with an aura of holiness.
I hasten to congratulate you on a happy holiday,
I want to wish you great love and happiness,
Let everything in life be like in your fairy tale,
Let your guardian angel protect you.

On the eve of Catherine's holiday,
Unmarried girls fasted
They believed that this would appease the great martyr and she
He will send them a kind, good groom.
Let me congratulate you on Catherine's Day,
Wish you luck, happiness and goodness,
May good luck always accompany you,
Prosperity, love to you, family warmth.

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel Catherine

Katya is a kind soul,
And she looks good too.
Can be a reliable friend
Faithful, devoted wife,
Loving and tender mother,
An affectionate and diligent daughter.

He will support and understand everyone,
Find the right way out
He will caress you and regret it
And it will warm you with care.

Let her eyes laugh
All ideas are a success,
Let's wish you well and peace
On the bright holiday of name day!

A magical, joyful day - your name day,
The day of your intercessor - St. Catherine,
Congratulations Katya, on a wonderful holiday,
Let the bright light of heaven illuminate your path!
May your saint protect you from misfortunes,
I wish you happiness and love, dear!

On St. Catherine's Day,
I wish you well.
Be happy, successful,
Let the house be full of warmth.

May your faith only grow stronger,
And God protects from all adversity.
I wish you great health,
And may the year be successful!

Ekaterina is your name,
It has many meanings.
It contains love, kindness, and care,
It contains both sadness and a lot of work.
He has the ability to keep faith,
Give warmth and support to your loved ones.
There is both mystery and sunshine in it,
The ability to truthfully select an answer.
Know that you have the holy name,
Always bear this name with honor.

Congratulations on Saint Catherine's Day,
From the heart, with respect, with warmth.
I wish you peace, happiness, health,
The house was filled with love.

May heaven protect you from harm,
Let inspiration reign in your soul.
Let the family love and understand everything
And in general, so that everything is at its best.

Beautiful congratulations on St. Catherine's Day

St. Catherine's Day
Arrived on December 7th
A reminder for people
That we don’t live in this world in vain,
What we must, like the saint,
Never forget about faith throughout your life.
Congratulating you today,
I hasten to say: let the losses
They always pass you by
Let joy, knocking on the house,
Will remain there forever,
And let the fire burn in your soul!

Wishes in verses for St. Catherine's Day

On St. Catherine's Day
I want to wish you
So that the path of life is long,
There was no need to suffer.
So that the one who was called “the wife of Jesus”
I sent you from the heavens of the saints:
I believe in goodness, bright feelings,
And there are many other different benefits!
Let it be in your thoughts, in your body
There lives a beautiful, kind spirit,
So that I can do everything and have time to do everything,
And suddenly I met love!

To you, one of many Katya,
Today I would like to wish:
Let it help you in life
Heavenly saint to you,
Bringing warmth.
May you always be very beautiful,
There were envious people out of spite!
May they give you days and nights
More earthly joy,
Enjoy your fabulous moments.
Satisfied, Katya, be fate!
Love, good luck, good mood!

Congratulations to your daughter on St. Catherine's Day

St. Catherine's Day –
A holiday of faith and warmth,
Katka on our name day,
Snow-white winter!
Fairytale mood
Anticipation of a miracle
Enlightenment of all human souls...
Accept, daughter, congratulations!
We are for you today, on holiday,
We wish you different joys,
Let your dreams come true
And you will become happy!

Your parents named you Katya
In honor of the faithful bride of Jesus Christ,
And today, on your bright name day,
We want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts:

So that your life is bright and pure,
How is the landscape outside the window now, how winter is it?
I hastened to create it for you.
May you be able to do everything:

Complete your studies successfully, then
Start a family, arrange your own home.
Live like in a fairy tale with your loved one,
Stay so cute forever!

I want on Catherine's Day
Congratulate your entire family,
I wish you strong, strong love
And may the house be a full cup!
Spirituality, faith and goodness
Let them not leave him.
Let this saint from heaven
Always protects you all
Let there be harmony in all areas:
In feelings, in the household, at work,
Let there be no barriers,
After all, you only live for happiness!

From St. Catherine in the afternoon
I congratulate you heartily,
The grace of the soul to you in it
I wish you endless blessings.
And let grace inspire
Your soul is a sure sign,
So that the heart strives to its zenith,
But it wasn’t a cancer crawling in my chest.

On St. Catherine's Day
Joy, love and strength,
I wish you quietly
I didn’t hear it so bad.

St. Catherine's Day
May it bring you warmth,
And will add faith, strength,
Into your sensitive hearts.
Let him fill them with love,
Happiness, joy, goodness,
And let the place be healthy
Will leave it there forever.

Happy St. Catherine's Day
I'm glad to congratulate you,
Let happy pictures
Your life is always full.

Touching congratulations for St. Catherine's Day in verse

Let's pray to Saint Catherine
And let us give her honor and praise.
He covers us in love and in teaching,
And the spiritual light of warmth and love pours.

Let's light a candle in the temple in front of the icon,
Let us pray before the image of the Holy One.
Bless your family and friends, Ekaterina
And we believe together with you!

Happy St. Catherine's Day!
In every case, like her,
May you reach the top
May fate help!

Never give up
You are from faith in Christ,
Smile at all adversities,
This mission is simple!

On St. Catherine's Day
Congratulations to all Katyushas.
And for you on the name day
There will be a toss today.

May the sun shine brightly on you,
An angel gives you help,
He will celebrate fate with happiness,
Will give peace and quiet to hearts.

May Katy have luck,
We wish them love
And great inspiration
To make your dreams come true.

May it be St. Catherine's day,
Reminds people of the past
That we are united by faith,
About the fact that we live for love.

And let the bright light today,
The memory of our souls will illuminate us.
And the name of the bright martyr
He will resurrect distant times.

Holy prayers to Catherine
We illuminate our lives,
That is wisdom in learning,
That is the long-awaited fruit,
Victory in a love fight.

We glorify Christ with you,

And our life will become different

Cool congratulations for St. Catherine's Day in verse

St. Catherine's Day,
These are the hearts of the name day,
Will help everyone in their personal happiness
Find family, love,
The saint helps us
Strengthens our faith,
Brings souls closer to happiness
Brings families together again.

Winter evening, long evening,
How can we pass it?
On St. Catherine's Day,
Let's take the girls for a ride.

The sled is flying down the hill,
Oh, you can’t catch up with the girls...
Not for money, not for fame
These winter fun...

Christian teaching for people
Catherine the Virgin brought
That's why she suffered torment
The virgin received the nickname Saint.

It was named so for a reason.
And her day is the seventh of December.
And this is a bright, glorious holiday
The whole world will celebrate Orthodoxy!

Elder holy prayer feat
He created in a secluded cave.
To the beautiful Virgin, Catherine,
He revealed the image of the Creator in Jesus.

Having undergone holy baptism in water,
The light of God penetrated the dead soul.
Filled my heart with life and love.
God made an alliance with the saint.

Catherine is holy and faithful.
Gave her life for Jesus Christ,
She preached the great truth,
The one and true God the Father!

Oh, you who preserve holiness,
I won the spiritual dispute,
Wealth, rejecting fame,
I ended up in prison, suffering.

You weren't afraid of the threat,
I did not renounce and did not bow down,
And the Angel broke the wheels,
And again a miracle appeared.

You will remain holy forever,
An example of Faith, impartiality.
Deliver us, Virgo, from pain,
And give your participation.

SMS wishes Happy Angel Catherine's Day

Happy St. Catherine's Day!
Warm smiles for no reason,
Bright, sunny news
And gift invasions.

I wish you colorful moments,
Huge gold investment.
Bright health and joys
And noble differences in life.

Happy St. Catherine's Day!
Be it, you are protected
From trouble and adversity,
May happiness shine in your heart!

Give affection to your loved ones,
Dedicate your soul to God,
Live life beautifully
Let sadness pass by!

On St. Catherine's Day,
It's Katyusha's name day.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
Katya-sun, don’t be sad,
Your happiness is ahead
Wait a little.
There will be joy, there will be laughter,
And success in all matters!

On St. Catherine's Day,
Katya, congratulations.
To be happy and loved
I wish it from the bottom of my heart.

Patroness let
Saves you from trouble
And on the right track
Instructs in life.

Ask her to help
Pray from your heart
Open for her alone
The door to your soul.

The beginning of winter is snowy,
December seventh day,
A gentle image glows
From the icon, the face of the Holy One.

Saint Catherine
This day is dedicated
To the very depths of the soul
The Virgin's gaze is turned!

Will comfort and help
Reach the heights of destiny,
And by the power of God's Faith
Keeps all Katerinas safe!

Short poems for Catherine's Day

Holy prayers to Catherine
We illuminate our lives,
That is wisdom in learning,
That is the long-awaited fruit,
Victory in a love fight.
We call upon you, most pure virgin,
We glorify Christ with you,
May deep faith be with us,
And our life will become different!

Patterns of white delicate cobwebs
Winter draws dashingly on the glass,
We ask Saint Catherine
Help you and me find destiny,

Looking out the window at a winter picture
We pray for happiness and family,
Find your soulmate
May you be lucky to start a family!

The pattern is intricate
Frost is drawing in the window,
Winter after sunset
Desperately casting spells.

And the girls are guessing
In the evening Katerina.
Congratulations to Katyusha,
It’s her name day, after all.

Katyusha, Katenka, Ekaterina,
We hasten to congratulate you lovingly,
You, your holy name,
Today is December 7th!
So smile, Katyushenka, you are ours,
Don’t play around and eat porridge :)

Our Katya, Katerina,
Your holiday has arrived!
We wish you peace
And mental strength.

Be cheerful and beautiful
Away with anxiety and sadness,
Let the fairy tale come true,
The distance will become bright!

Today is the name day
At Katya-Katerina's -
From a naughty girl
Favorite kitten.
I want to be close to you,
Warm up with a gentle gaze,
And more in this world
I need nothing.
Katyusha, be patient a little,
And everything will be OK with us!

Congratulations on St. Catherine's Day in prose

Congratulations on the bright and blessed holiday of St. Catherine! May Saint Catherine never leave you, help you, guide you in everything, and protect you from troubles! I wish you true happiness, patience in difficult periods, strong faith in your soul, pure thoughts and a calm path in life!

Happy St. Catherine's Day! I wish you to always remain yourself, appreciate sincerity and freedom of choice. Bring light and goodness, be cheerful and smiling, rejoice, love and enjoy life. May you always be lucky in all matters. And the soul burns with all its colors and shares affection, attention, care and warmth!

I cordially congratulate you on St. Catherine's Day. May your angel protect you from adversity, sing good songs when you are sad and give you hope when your heart is anxious. I wish you great willpower, I wish you true happiness and joy, I wish you to continue your path in life with sincere faith and the good light of your soul.

Happy St. Catherine's Day! I wish you eternal beauty, fidelity and love, joyful events, considerable happiness and wonderful days. Let every gray moment fill with colors, and let all the bad things disappear to the farthest distances.

Happy St. Catherine's Day! I wish that the gracious hand of the patroness will protect, protect and keep you in the most different periods of life. So that light and prosperity live in families. Be loved and loving, forgive and let go of grievances. Happiness, love and peace!

The meaning of the name Ekaterina: “pure”, “immaculate” (Greek).

From childhood, Ekaterina differs from other children in her original ideas, unusual games invented by herself. Katya is a bit of a greedy girl, she likes to accumulate things and stock up. He loves himself very much and will not tolerate competitors. If she notices someone's superiority, she will do everything to prevent it.

Catherine is somewhat indecisive. She can’t immediately decide what she really needs. However, with all this, she does not need the help of others. She believes that she can handle any task and any complexity on her own.

He chooses a job to his liking. If this is not the case and she doesn’t like the job, then she won’t be able to stay there for long.

Sometimes Catherine is inclined to do things that she later regrets. She needs close person, who will help her understand her own inner world. Often this person is her husband. Sometimes it takes her a lot of time to find such a husband. He manages to do everything that is necessary around the house.

Other forms of the name Ekaterina: Katya, Katenka, Katerina, Katyusha, Katena, Katyunya, Katyulya, Katyura.

Katyukha, dear, hello.
I wish you happiness for a hundred years,
Let your dreams come true
After all, you wish for a lot.

Become a businesswoman, go out into the world,
Allow yourself to eat some sweets
And devour a delicious cake,
And you won’t gain weight.

Well, in general, my dear,
Congratulations to you today.
Live, catch luck by the tail.
Let it be this way and not otherwise.

Happy holiday, Ekaterina!
Be always, always loved.
We wish you happiness and success,
Smiles, joy and laughter.

We also wish to live in abundance,
You will never lack anything.
We wish you light and goodness,
We wish you tenderness and warmth.

Katya, I sincerely congratulate you. I wish you to always remain beautiful, sincere, kind, open, wise, cheerful, and confident. Katyusha, may your goals lead you to the end of success, may the dreams of your heart always come true. Be loved, happy and irresistible!

I love you, Katyusha,
Congratulations today,
To be happy in life
I wish you.

May fate fulfill
All your desires
Let love give
Tender confessions.

Dear Katerina -
Tenderness, good luck,
To be happy
To bathe in happiness.

Katya, Katenka, Katyusha,
You are the girl we need.
It's fun, funny with you,
Interesting and easy.

Be always, always like this -
Sweet but naughty.
And they will always be with you
Your true friends.

And good luck too
Lights the path of life.
Lots of joy and love!
Be happy always.

Great name. Fate is like a picture.
You are a queen in life, Catherine!
You have been very strong in character since childhood,
Active, successful and in love with life.

Katyusha, accept congratulations from us.
We wish you all together now
Reach grandiose and vibrant heights,
Let love always live in the heart.

Congratulations, dear Katyusha,
I wish you all the best in the world!
Let the one you need be nearby
Who will understand everything and support your every step!

Let the smile on your face shine
And gives everyone a wonderful bright light,
And let everyone know on this day,
That Katenka is not happier in the world!

I congratulate you, Katya.
I wish you no troubles in life,
The picture of fate is like a puzzle,
Collect from links of happiness.

Fragments of joy, delight
Put it in your mosaic,
Interspersed with beautiful love
Always treasure it immensely.

Add health elements,
Pieces of passion, kindness
And complete the masterpiece bright
A cell of a fairytale dream.

Congratulate us, Ekaterina,
There is a reason for you today
Remind me how beautiful you are
And wish you so much happiness.

So that your eyes shine joyfully,
Let the smiles never leave you,
Fate gave you success,
Harmony reigned in life!

We wish to bypass sorrows,
So that changes are planned,
To make you even more fun
And may all your dreams come true!

I congratulate you, Katyusha!
I wish you great, sincere love,
Let her warm you with her light,
And let your soul become warm, like in summer.

Be just as trembling, beautiful,
And stay happy, of course.
Be healthy, always cheerful,
And let your cherished dream come true as soon as possible.

All the young people looking for happiness
Catherine is chosen as their patroness,
She takes away all bad weather,
You just have to pray to her.
You were born on St. Catherine's Day,
Today you celebrate your name day,
Let good angel protects you
May the Lord help you in everything.

Dear Katenka, happy angel day to you,
May your dream come true on this day,
May luck accompany you
May your patroness protect you.
Let good friends you are surrounded
Let them love, appreciate, understand,
Let the house be full,
May joy dwell in him forever.

I wish you a wonderful life from the bottom of my heart,
May your dreams always come true,
Let flowers bloom for you even in frosts.
Let your life be like spring water,
May you be lucky in everything, always,
Let luck not pass you by,
Let happiness come to your home.

Today, Katyusha, you are celebrating your name day,
May happiness and goodness protect you,
May your life be beautiful
Let all sorrows and evil run away without looking back.
May a good angel always protect you,
Let reliable friends surround you,
Let life flow like a full river,
May your home always be full.

St. Catherine's Day is a joyful holiday,
The youth were looking forward to him
They had sleigh races like little pranksters,
They rested their souls, that’s all.
Happy Angel Day to you, Katyusha, congratulations,
I wish you a pure and beautiful life,
May your patroness protect you
Be always healthy and happy.

Saint Catherine was the patroness of pregnant women,
During difficult births, prayer to her helped many,
We praise the Great Martyr for her goodness,
Prayer takes away all anxiety and evil to it.
On Angel's Day, Katyusha, I wish you happiness,
Let bad weather disappear forever,
Let beautiful love come to you,
May the good angel always take care.

Young girls revered the feast of St. Catherine,
We dreamed of marrying a good betrothed,
Before going to bed they wondered about Catherine,
To see the groom, they put a piece of bread under the pillow.
For you, Katyusha, congratulations today,
May the patroness send you a blessing,
May luck always accompany you,
May your guardian angel always protect you.

Like a queen, like a goddess,
You are ideal in life.
Dear Ekaterina,
I didn't expect it myself
That there are people in the world
That they always do good
You are the best on the planet
You are like water in a spring
You fill your soul with light.
Katya, my dear,
I wish you from the bottom of my heart,
And always be the same!


Let him play louder than the carcasses!
Today is Katyusha's holiday!
Although you can’t count around,
Let's congratulate them all!
Let's have a great name day!
There will be all Catherines
Grateful all year long:
How the people walked on their day!
To the littlest Katyushka
We prepared the toys.
For big Catherine
There is raspberry jam!
Average Katya-laughing
We will give away three cheesecakes!
Let's not leave our Katyas
On the holiday of the name you will be bored!


Ekaterina, I hasten to congratulate you
Happy holiday, Happy Name Day!
I want to leave trouble behind,
May every day be loved by you!

So that all your hopes come true,
You will illuminate the path with purity!
So that your heart is filled with love,
I wish you luck to take a look!


There is a wonderful beginning in your soul,
I have met few people like this.
You can console with reliable advice,
Your (inner) world is filled with mysterious light.

May your angel fulfill any wishes
And happiness makes you dates,
May a devoted friend always be with you
And everything you wanted will come true, suddenly.

Katya, let trouble fly past you,
And fortune will always smile on you!


Beautiful, Ekaterina,
Lover, bride and wife,
You are so young, beautiful, sweet,
You were given to me by God from heaven.
I live, you have no soul,
I live marveling at myself
Why were you given to me, dear,
I owe everything only to you.
Why are you making me such a slob?
You love so much, no matter what,
I love you and I'm dear,
You don't need anything in life.
Katyusha, so accept my worthless gift,
After all, you deserve more
Please accept this congratulations,
I wish all the best!


The royal name is Catherine,
Proud, unapproachable.
Be royal, Catherine,
Strict, relentless.

We hasten to congratulate you on your birthday,
We want to wish you everything.
So that my daughter and granddaughter are respectful,
Your mother would be proud of you.

Be cheerful, and, of course, beautiful,
Don't notice the passage of time.
Be the happiest person in the world,
Forget the troubles.

And keep our congratulations as a memory -
He will help you
Poems from the heart, and with love, only for you,
They won't let you get discouraged.


With your royal name
We will overcome adversity.
With a pure and direct soul
The whole mood has been set for life.

Majesty, severity in it
Will be up last days.
Calmly trust people -
Gullibility will not.

A dreamer by nature -
Expect great things through the years!
Look at this congratulations,
Summarize yourself!


Katyusha, daughter, dear,
Cheerful and lively.
Today you have become a year older,
May all your dreams come true!

Quite recently
You were little
Now she's prettier
Of course, I've grown up.

We are the same as before
We care, we love
This greeting was written
Specially for you!


May all your dreams come true,
You truly, rightfully deserve them!
Let the flowers bloom for you
And never in my life have I grieved.

Always be as beautiful as you are
It’s as if you came to us from an unprecedented picture.
And a lot of simple happiness for you,
You are our everything, star Catherine!


On this clear sunny day
Let's read congratulations to Katya:
Here is the same bright blue sky
We wish Catherine,
Many happy long days
Faithful wonderful friends.
Let the mood be wonderful
All year round (not only on birthdays),
So that after many years
I always saw the sun in the clouds!


For Katerina the most kind word
We will not tire of repeating it again and again.
You illuminated our lives forever
She gave us her friendship and kindness.
We also want to give you a gift in return
Our recognition and our desire to thank:
Blessings to you, and love, and beautiful dreams!
So that you suddenly become the happiest!