Test: Are you ready for motherhood?

We share useful tips - Information portal I think this is one of the most interesting tests I've taken recently. It is very tempting to find out how developed a woman is!

maternal instinct

Taking a test and learning something new about yourself is a very interesting activity.

Sometimes qualities are revealed that you didn’t even suspect about! And I looked at the picture, chose an object, read the transcript of my choice and was surprised at the accuracy of everything that was said there. Wow, well, it’s as if it was written right from me! And generally speaking, psychological tests

– this is an amazing thing, fascinating and, in a sense, educational. After all, we can really learn a lot of interesting and new things about ourselves from simple answers. And most importantly, to pass the test you don’t have to answer a lot of confusing questions, and it takes very little time, just a couple of minutes. So today we want to offer you interesting test

, after going through which you can find out how strongly the maternal instinct is developed in you.

I think this question interests every woman and girl who, sooner or later, will also become a mother.

Look at the picture and choose from the four proposed images of a woman the one that you think is most suitable for the role of mother for this baby.

Then read the explanation of your choice on the next page. We hope you will now learn something very interesting about yourself!

1. You chose the woman in the first picture. You are a wonderful, very positive person, completely independent and full of energy. The most precious thing in your life is your family, which you value very much. You value your friends and always care about people, even those you don't know well. You have a big, kind heart, open to everyone, which is why everyone loves you. You are very cheerful and a kind person

. You attract the attention of the opposite sex, but your beauty and self-confidence do not allow them to reveal your true feelings.

2. You think that the real mother of the child may be the woman in the second picture. You are a very popular person. You have a huge amount of energy hidden within you. You have a lot of friends. But, first of all, you will always stand up for your family and your values. You strongly believe in certain values ​​in life, adhere to good morals and firmly stand on the fact that the secret embedded in faith. You are the kind of person who believes that helping others is very important. You attract people to you with your positive attitude and cheerful disposition.

3. You chose the woman in the third picture.

People are drawn to you; they see you as an assistant, a savior and a friend who will be there and help in any situation. You are thoughtful about your feelings and guard your heart. You achieve success through deep relationships. A person like you is a giver in life. You do not take, but you give all of yourself, and if you love, then you love with all your heart.

4. You chose the woman from the fourth picture.

You are a strong-willed, infinitely free and absolutely free person. You don't go with the flow, but you go in the direction of the wind. People around you admire your strength and independence. All your feelings are open, you live with your soul open to love and kindness. Your feelings are broad and correct. Everyone considers you to be a truly genuine person.

Well, how did you like this test?

And finally, we invite you to watch a video in which you can take 3 more unusual tests, and at the same time check the state of your psyche. Almost four million people watched this video and decided on a rather original choice: Are you crazy or not?

We wish you pleasant viewing and new interesting discoveries within yourself!

Do you think there is a “grandmother’s instinct” similar to the maternal instinct? (+)) and got the best answer

Answer from Myauchka[guru]
no, I don’t really believe in that. Well, my mother reacted very coolly to the news of pregnancy, and when her daughter was born and she saw her, took her in her arms, touched her, love immediately appeared)) And a friend’s mother didn’t want to know about her pregnancy (and in marriage from her husband) and she doesn’t bother with her child. She doesn’t want to, doesn’t attract her. She doesn't have any grandmother instinct, it turns out. .
But in general, it seems to me that the maternal instinct is strong because the child is your direct blood from your tummy. And for the grandmother, even though it’s her own blood, but... she’s not the one who bears the fruit, there’s a different feeling here, in absentia, or something...

Answer from Oliya Bernatskaya[guru]
I don’t know for sure, but I think that the grandmother’s instinct also exists....

Answer from Natali[guru]
if there is a maternal instinct, then there will be a “grandmother’s instinct”

Answer from Marla[guru]
My mother only loves her granddaughters, and she doesn’t care about her grandson...

Answer from ANGEL OF YOUR DREAMS[guru]
If a person loves children in general, then it’s quite possible

Answer from Anastasia[guru]
Probably my mother-in-law is the owner of this “grandmother’s instinct”... She cried when she found out that I was pregnant, bought packs of vitamins and carried kilograms of fruit, cottage cheese, fish and everything that pregnant women need to eat.
I kept calling and asking how the pregnancy was, what the doctors were saying.
She shed a tear of happiness over the ultrasound photo. From the first weeks I began to buy all the children's clothes for almost the entire first year of the child... although they didn't even know who it would be...
For someone who offended me, a pregnant woman, I was ready to rip out anyone’s throat.
She still lives far away... She calls every day to talk to her grandson. She didn’t sleep before night and cried if she found out that he got sick in the first two years of his life... And she came to visit for a day and didn’t let him off her hands, she fulfilled all the children’s whims... In general, as they say, she dotes on the soul.
She sees him once a month, because she has to travel far.

Answer from YumelkaFish[guru]
Naturally, when I told my mother that I was pregnant, she was happy and began to control me in every possible way (dress warmly, eat well, walk slowly), but no one bothered with my belly. Already when it was weeks... well, over 30, the running tubercles on the stomach were clearly visible - the mother sometimes put her hand, and in the last weeks, when we came to visit them, she already asked, “Get out already...”)) A son was born - the first and most beloved grandson of our 41-year-old grandmother) But what I began to notice was that my mother, who was still quite young and an adequate woman in all respects, began to manifest grandmotherly instincts like “dress a child in three fur coats - he’s freezing!”, “you You don’t feed him enough,” “Oh-oh, don’t cry, go to your arms quickly” - that is, everything that parents usually avoid and try not to teach) And I remember very well when! younger sister my mother was born and asked her grandmothers not to do this, and how was everything forgotten so quickly??))) My sister is 15 years old.

Answer from Good eh[guru]
If you love your grandchildren as a joke, they will take revenge on your children, but seriously, there is no greater happiness on earth than my grandson.

Answer from Amira[guru]
my parents really wanted grandchildren and love the baby more than me and my brother, although we are far from deprived of love, even though we live in another city. But my husband’s parents live with us and I don’t see any special love or desire to communicate with their grandson in them, maybe because he is their 4th...

Answer from I don’t have a husband, I’m restoring capitalism[guru]
Yeah, ours burst into tears looking at the ultrasound printout, and that’s where all her love and interest ended.

Answer from Dreamer original[guru]
there is definitely no such instinct - I tried to show my mother ultrasound pictures and tell her how I was feeling and how the baby was doing, but she kept repeating - you will give birth - I don’t want to see you anymore and neither do your children - she dreamed of a granddaughter, and I have 2 boy... Now she loves kids. so this instinct was acquired after the birth of children

Answer from happinnes exists[guru]
I don’t know about instincts... But it’s not true that grandmothers love their daughters-in-law’s children less. Communication with grandchildren depends on a lot and on the relationship with the daughter-in-law too. I had a good mother-in-law, we got along well and she loved our son no less. than her daughter’s children (and she also has acquaintances, the mother-in-law comes there 2 times a week, 80 kilometers away, so that her daughter-in-law can relax and go somewhere. And her mother lives on the next street and drops by once a month to do something and run away )

Answer from Oliya[guru]
damn... when she took my father-in-law's son in her arms, she immediately began to cry, you are my son, let's go home, I'll pick you up, I have an instinct for you and they say milk may appear... .
I wanted to make her crazy right away, now I try not to communicate, out of harm’s way

Answer from It"s me[guru]
Of course have. I am a future mother-in-law, my son may soon start a family. And I was just thinking about how wonderful it would be if I had grandchildren! And it doesn’t matter who his daughter or son is. I'm already waiting and rejoicing. I'm just waiting for my grandchildren...
I understand that I should not interfere with young people raising their children, but only help! Give advice when asked for advice. Offer your help and never refuse when they ask for help!

Answer from 3 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Do you think there is a “grandmother’s instinct”, similar to the maternal instinct? (+))

It’s great if this hour coincides with the desire and opportunity to have a child. For those who are still tormented by doubts, this test can help.

1. When you think about children, then...

a) first of all, remember that these are worries and responsibilities - 3 points.
b) ready to play with them - 0 points.
c) want to educate them, teach them - 6 points.

2. What would you rather advise a childless couple?

a) surrogate mother - 1 point.
b) IVF - 4 points.
c) adoption - 7 points.

3. How do you feel about the mass of tests and examinations that a pregnant woman must undergo?

a) positive, because we're talking about about the child’s health - 1 point.
b) wary - 3 points.
c) calmly, because I myself will choose and determine what I and my child need - 7 points.

4. What will you do if you do not share the doctor’s opinion on the management of your pregnancy?

a) I will try to reduce communication with him to a minimum - 1 point.
b) I will look for a doctor who is more attractive to me - 5 points.
c) I will require a consultation - 2 points.

5. Which of the suggestions would you consider most important after the birth of a child?

a) recover physically and psychologically - 5 points.
b) make sure that he is healthy and will develop normally - 3 points.
c) strong financial situation of the family - 2 points.

6. Who, in your opinion, should be responsible for raising a child up to 3-4 years old?

a) only me - 3 points.
b) perhaps grandmothers or a nanny - 2 points.
c) the entire family in which he was born - 6 points.

7. Do you think that a big belly...

a) natural for such a period - 7 points.
b) does not decorate anyone - 1 point.
c) it even suits some women - 2 points.

8. What do you think is important for a child to grow up happy?

A) strong family with honest relationships - 7 points.
b) maternal love - 2 points.
c) wealth and living conditions - 3 points.

9. How do you feel about adoption?

a) it’s not for me - 0 points.
b) this is possible if there is a material base - 1 point.
c) I dream of taking a child - 5 points.

Add up your scores and see your findings.

From 55 to 46. At first glance, your too calm attitude towards motherhood reveals real feminine wisdom. Your relationship with your child will most likely be smooth and harmonious. Bravo, you will be a wise mother!

From 45 to 32. More feelings and emotions! Do not forget that a child, especially an infant, is far from as important about comfort as the mother’s sincere and caring attitude towards him. Become warmer, softer, do not try to copy the behavior of too busy and wealthy mothers who simply bribe their children with bright clothes and toys.

From 31 to 10. Your hyper-responsibility can lead to an authoritarian parenting style, and subsequently transform into a very unpleasant form of maternal egoism. There is no need to make sacrifices - believe me, the child needs your love and emotional support much more than such fierce, almost neurotic maternal love.

Every woman has a maternal instinct by nature. But today, when the ideas of feminism are gaining popularity, many women are in no hurry to have offspring. Test yourself: how morally “ripe” are you already for such a serious step in life...

1. How old are you?

B) Over 25.

2. Are you married?

A) No (or divorced).

C) Civil (or guest) marriage.

3. Do you have a brother or sister?

A) No, but I have never suffered from this.

B) No, but I always dreamed about it.

B) Yes, and this is the person(s) closest to me.

4. How many children would you like to have?

A) Somehow I didn’t think about it.

B) At least two.

C) I’m afraid that at least one would have the opportunity to “get back on his feet.”

5. What are you able to sacrifice for the sake of motherhood?

A) Not with a figure!

B) Career.

C) Everything you need for a child to be born and grow up healthy.

6. What scares you most about having a baby?

A) Breastfeeding: I heard that it hurts and the breasts then sag...

B) Lack of funds for a nanny.

C) Prices for children's things, etc.

7. Are you a night owl or a morning person?

A) 100% night owl, I like to sleep until lunch.

B) I am a “dove”: I get up early and go to bed late.

Q) I’m a morning person, getting up at 6 in the morning is not a problem for me.

A) A type of windbreaker jacket.

B) A disease that I had as a child and was smeared with brilliant green.

B) Infectious childhood disease.

A) No way. It exists, like many other things in the world.

B) Negatively, especially on later pregnancy.

C) This is unacceptable for me, only for medical reasons.

10. Who would you like your child to be in the future?

A) A famous artist or athlete to glorify the family name.

B) Educated and wealthy man so that he can provide me with a decent old age.

IN) Happy man who have found their place in life.

Let's sum it up

If more answers are “A”. It looks like you are not ready to become a mother yet. For this, you are too frivolous and... know little about the subject. Read the articles on the website in the “Pregnancy and Motherhood” section more often, and perhaps in six months you will more naturally imagine yourself next to a charming little one in a stroller!

If more answers are “B”. You will be the “right mother” for your baby. But it’s worth looking at yourself from the outside: aren’t you too selfish? Do not forget that a child is born not only “so that there is someone to give a glass of water in old age.” Learn now to respect the personality of your unborn child, read more specialized literature, and everything will be fine.

If more answers are “B”. You have long been “ripe” for motherhood, but something is pushing you to keep putting off this wonderful event “for another year.” Don't be led by your fears! Don't forget that a woman's main purpose is to be a mother. Monitor your health regularly and avoid bad habits, and everything will work out for you.


According to the observations of A. Abiev, a special study of the expression of basic instincts in sexological patients helps to obtain important objective additional information about the characteristics of a personality’s orientation, its harmony or disharmony. Our own study of this issue in the practice of working with borderline patients shows that the study of instincts helps to clarify diagnostic criteria (neurosis, psychopathy), which prompted us to create an “instinct scale.”

Formula of human instincts

I. Self-preservation instinct (IS).

0. I do not value my life, I often have thoughts of leaving this life, I have attempted suicide.

1. I am devoid of selfish feelings; serving people and the ideal is the main thing in my life. I can't lie. In the name of honor and justice, I can consciously sacrifice my life.

2. I don’t like to lie, I value justice and try to defend it, but without sacrificing myself. Material well-being and health care do not play a big role for me.

3. Material well-being and spiritual values ​​are equally important to me. I sympathize honest people, but without the inclination to fight for justice. I find compromise solutions in any situation. I will not suffer for others; first of all, I think about myself.

4. Selfishness is the main thing for me, material well-being is the main thing in life. I will never go against circumstances to my detriment. Accumulating valuables gives me pleasure. Justice and honor mean nothing to me when it comes to my own benefit.

5. I am concerned about my health, I constantly protect myself, I am indifferent (indifferent) even to close people, I protect myself from anxiety. I dedicate my life to my health. I am suspicious (suspicious), I am afraid of any disease, I willingly undergo treatment. Most of all I value my health and life, I am afraid to die.

II. Food instinct (PI)

0. The thought of food disgusts me; if I eat something, I induce vomiting and get rid of the food I have eaten.

1. Food is not the main thing for me, I eat because it is necessary. Always a bad appetite.

2. My appetite is below average, I can forget to eat without noticing it, especially if I’m busy with something, I easily endure hunger.

3. I have a good appetite, I eat with pleasure, I try to follow a food regime in any conditions, the feeling of hunger causes discomfort.

4. I like to eat delicious food, my appetite is “above average”, I eat a lot, I like to drink. I consider myself a gourmet, I like to cook myself, I find new recipes for different dishes, I like to treat people to my own cooking.

5. I am constantly hungry and think about food, I eat a lot, often indiscriminately, I am gluttonous, this does not bother me. I am overweight.

III. Sexual instinct (SI)

I have no desire for sexual intercourse at all. I'm always indifferent to it, or even disgusted.

1. I experience sexual desire 1-2 times a year. Intimacy does not give satisfaction and joy. Sometimes there are erotic fantasies.

2. Sexual desire occurs no more than once a month. The romantic side of a relationship is more interesting than the physical intimacy. Not sure about your sexual abilities.

3. I have a “normal” sex drive 3-4 times a week. There is no uncertainty or discomfort, almost always a bright orgasm.

4. I have a strong sex drive; with a loved one, attempts at intimacy can be daily. I give myself to love without reserve, there is no uncertainty, there is only joy and desire.

5. I have an irresistible desire for sexual intimacy; sex is the only, main goal of my life. Such a concept as love is less significant than “sex”. I like sophisticated forms of intimacy, homosexual tendencies appeared.

IV. Maternal/paternal instinct (MI)

0. I don’t have children and don’t want to have them. They are indifferent or disgusting to me. I don't like cats or dogs.

1. I don’t have children, I don’t like them, I’d rather have a cat or a dog.

2. I have a child, but I don’t love him. The appearance of a child is associated with the desire of the husband (wife).

3. I have one child, his appearance was welcome for me. I won't refuse to have another child,

I take the difficulties of parenting calmly. I love children in moderation.

4. I love children, I want to have many children, I can easily endure all the difficulties and stress associated with raising them. Children love me.

5. Children are the only meaning of my life, I tremble over them, I am ready to sacrifice everything for them, forgive them everything. I can foster someone else's child.

V. Cognitive instinct (CI)

0. I have no desire to learn anything, I consider it an “empty” matter.

1. Studying has never given me any satisfaction.

2. I sometimes listen to conversations about new books, but I don’t like to read them. I’m more willing to watch entertainment programs on television - things that everyone watches.

3. I like to study, to learn “new things”, I strive to keep up with the general level, but I am not eager to become a “scientist”. I want to know as much as I need to live.

4. Books, reading, education occupy a large place in my life, I read a lot, collect books, but all this “without fanaticism.” Learning something new pleases and inspires.

5. The meaning of my life is to constantly learn new things in life, science, and art. I constantly read, when I have free time, I write myself. I devote myself entirely to learning new things.

Instinct scale

This scale is built on a quantification principle and allows you to determine the severity of each instinct by a certain coefficient from 0 to 5.

Practice has shown that patients are comfortable filling out the proposed questionnaire, which indicates the adequacy of its descriptors.

There are many options obtained after filling out the FIC scale, however, the essence of their meanings can be reduced to several main types. If all descriptors have the number “3” after filling out the scale, we have an average “normative” option, indicating the normal, biologically determined expression of basic instincts, stipulating a “harmonious” combination of basic personality traits and stable behavior in a normal situation in which there are conditions for “saturation” of each of the instincts.

However, more often, in practice, in patients with borderline mental disorders, there are variants with a predominance of one (or two) instincts, which allows us to talk about the “accentuation” of any of them, or, about the “main” “predominant” instinct, clearly standing out from all the others. This may indicate the main “orientation” of the personality (for example, with absolute values ​​of “5” for the food instinct, there are clear signs of so-called “food” behavior; with a similar value of the sexual instinct, there is an accentuated “sexual” behavior, or even sexual perversions, etc.).

Therefore, the formula in the case of “norm” can be written: A-3, B-3, B-3, D-3, D-3; with accentuation of “eating behavior” with Pickwick’s syndrome: A-3, B-5, B-3, D-3, D-3, etc.

Extremely low values ​​of any of the instincts also indicate abnormal psychobiological properties of the individual (for example, with a value of “O” in column “B” (PI), we can talk about “anorexia nervosa,” and with a value of “O” in column “ B" (SI) - about frigidity).

This kind of “hypernormative” or “hyponormative” variants are more often observed in psychopathic individuals (“food” psychopathy, “sexual” psychopathy, “moral” psychopathy).

The most common are variants of the formula in which the phenomena of “discordance” or “disharmony” of instincts are expressed, that is, there is a clear predominance of the indicator values ​​of one or two instincts, with a significant decrease in others. So, for example, a sharp decrease in the indicator of maternal instinct with an increase in the indicator of sexual instinct or food instinct, of course, objectively reflects the disharmony of the entire personality and the psychopathic behavior of such patients.

It will also be of clinical significance to establish a “hierarchy” of instincts in each subject, highlighting the “basic” instinct that determines many general mechanisms of behavior and particular variants of situational reactions. At the same time, we objectively discover the cause of external (or internal) conflicts when there is a discrepancy between personal instinctive orientation and predisposition to a real situation in which the main instinct remains, as it were, not “closed”, unsatisfied. The simplest clinical example of this kind is the formation of a neurosis of expectation of failure (E. Kraepelin’s term) in a man with a pronounced sexual instinct (high sexual constitution) after marriage. marry a woman who has an extremely low (or low) score on the sexual instinct scale.

Here, as a result of the refusal of intimacy on the part of the wife, the husband develops a shortening of the duration of intercourse, then a fear of failure when attempting intimacy again, and this fear over time can become so strong that a secondary weakening of the erection occurs, and subsequently, in some cases, complete sexual isolation is noted.

Determining the “harmony” or “disharmony” of instincts in the personality structure, which is objectively recorded after filling out the FIC scale, is naturally an additional method against the background of clinical-psychopathological study, however, this method of additional diagnostic assessment of the hierarchy of individual layers of the personality can be a valuable aid for objectification clinical data with biological indicators, which in itself is extremely important in psychiatry and its border area. Naturally, other rating scales can be proposed, both of a more directed nature and of a general type.

It seems certain that the leading method in the psychiatry of the future (including in borderline psychiatry) will remain clinical-psychopathological, the reserves of which have not yet been fully used (the development of research into various aspects of general and special psychopathology in borderline states).

It can also be predicted that the intensification of a person’s mental life, various traumatic situations (wars, conflicts) - indicators that do not tend to reduce the degree of their impact - all this will determine the relevance of borderline psychiatry and its problems, both general medical and social.

It is also impossible not to foresee that future borderline psychiatry will receive a new impetus for considering its problems precisely in the aspect of epistemology, taking into account the tendency to synthesize all sciences. As for the philosophy of psychiatry, we can assume the development of the complementary principle of N. Bohr (object and subject studying it).

To summarize what has been said, we can make an attempt to predict the future paradigm of psychiatry and that section of it that studies the border area. At the same time, it can be noted that there are signs indicating that the “nosological paradigm” will be replaced by the “molecular biological” (or “molecular genetic”) paradigm, however, in this case, apparently, the clinic will be studied in parallel with studies of molecular structural level, and even more precise differentiation of clinical criteria will be achieved (definition of obsessive disorders, affective manifestations, etc.). It is also possible that the familiar terms “neurosis” and “psychopathy” will disappear over time (just as they were not in the vocabulary of medicine in Antiquity), or the emergence of a different epistemological meaning of these terms in accordance with diachronic linguistics according to F. Saussure. Perhaps new terms will appear (“affectopathies”, “personopathies”, “instinctopathies”, and those that are currently not very common (“alexithymia”) will become established.

Of course, we can discuss only individual options for the possible transformation of the system of views on mental illness and borderline mental disorders, and it would be a mistake to make categorical judgments.

Ovsyannikov S.A. History and epistemology of borderline psychiatry. M.: Alpari, 1995. - 205 p. pp.179-185