Happy birthday greetings to my husband's father in prose. What date is Father's Day in Russia? Congratulations in verse and prose to husband, father from daughter Congratulations on Father's Day prose

Dad! Happy anniversary to you. I have a wonderful dad, as anyone who knows you can tell you. You have an iron character and a steel will. You are not self-confident - you are a very confident person. You are always in control of the situation, you can be relied upon, you can ask for advice on any matter. I’ll simply say: with a dad like you, life in the world is very easy and calm. Let me congratulate you on your birthday. May it bring you a good mood, joy, warmth in your soul. I wish you all the best, brightest in your work, in your destiny. I wish you to always be on the rise, to be on the rise. Never get sick, never grow old in soul until you are ninety, and if you succeed, until you are a hundred. May all your wishes come true, may your plans and dreams come true.

My dear father! Today, on this wonderful day and moment, accept the best wishes - prosperity, prosperity, good luck, prosperity, longevity and great happiness. May all your plans come true, and may your dreams and desires come true. Happy anniversary, dad!

Dear Dad!
Today is your holiday - Anniversary. All your closest and dearest people have gathered around the table, and you accept congratulations from colleagues and friends. Let me also say a few words.
Even though I am no longer the little baby you carried in your arms and rolled on a swing, you are still very dear and important to me. I wish you to enjoy life day after day, despite the difficulties, move forward and always feel the support of those whose love and respect are dear to you and so necessary!
Happy Birthday daddy!

Dear father, you are strong, kind and understanding. I learn a lot from you. May all the good that you, dad, do, return to you many times over. I wish you health, happiness, success, and you already have the love and respect of your loved ones. Happy anniversary!

Today is your dad’s anniversary and I am incredibly pleased to congratulate you on your day. Because you are a very dear person to me, who gave me life and taught me how to live. You gave me a lot to live for and never reproached me for anything. I am very lucky that you are my dad. A dad who will be sorry when I feel bad, a dad who never offends me, a dad who is always there and will never let anyone offend me. You, dad, are like an Angel to me, who always protects me from everything bad. Happy birthday daddy, I wish you a lot of joy in life. You are the best.

Dad! Thank you for beeing! I congratulate you on your anniversary and wish, first of all, to be healthy, and you already have everything else! Don’t change your beliefs and don’t change your principles, be confident in the future!

Dear Dad. You, like a wise and kind mentor, have become our teacher, friend, hope, and support. Thank you for your wise advice, for your friendly shoulder, for your fatherly love. Today you have become another year wiser. We wish you not to lose heart, live with a smile, believe in luck and celebrate only victories. Happy anniversary!

Dear father! On your anniversary, I want to thank you for the way you raised me. You always found the right words of support, and examples of courage and wisdom, kindness and severity will forever remain with me. He will help raise my son, and for you - a grandson, who is like his grandfather in everything!

Dad, happy anniversary! You have always been and remain for me an example of kindness, courage, intelligence, nobility and determination. Thank you for understanding and support! May the fire never go out in your soul, may the love of life never pass away, and may your plans come true.

I will never cease to be amazed at your patience, dad, your desire for the best, for our sake. Your care for us. You are just a godsend for me. You have the kindest heart. Today, I want to congratulate you on your anniversary with all my heart. And wish you the best. May all your plans always come true in life. All dreams came true. After all, you deserve the most wonderful life. Let your heart know neither disappointment nor resentment. May it always be warm from the kindness of your soul! You are dad, the most precious thing I have. Please accept these congratulations from me. And know that you are the best.

Dear daddy, we congratulate you on your anniversary! On this glorious and significant day, accept heartfelt congratulations and warmest wishes from our entire large family! May every new day bring a sea of ​​smiles, an ocean of positive emotions and a storm of delight!

Dad, I congratulate you on your anniversary and wish you to remain the same wise and understanding mentor for me and, of course, the best father in the world. Let us, your family, not upset you, but bring only joy. Happy Holidays and have a great time.

In the world before us, so many words have already been said about mom, but for me personally, dad is support, reliability and rear. Thank you, father, for your upbringing, rigor, integrity and love. They made me a man. May fate be favorable and kind to you. I wish you only health, because you are used to getting everything else yourself.

Lately, we have often received questions from readers about what date is Father's Day in 2018. Therefore we answer: in many countries of the world Father's Day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. Father's Day in Russia in 2018 and in Ukraine is also celebrated on June 17. But they began to celebrate it in America.

As for the history of the holiday, the legend says the following. A woman named Sonora Smart reflected during a Mother's Day church service in 1909 that her father, William Jackson Smart, had raised her and five other children after her mother's death. Sonora wanted to thank her father for everything he did for her, because he really sacrificed a lot for the children. Therefore, Sonora turned to local authorities with a proposal to establish a new holiday, they supported her and planned to organize festivities on June 5 - the birthday of William Smart, but there was not enough time to prepare them, and the holiday was moved to June 19. Soon the holiday became popular in other cities of the state. As a result, Father's Day began to be celebrated on the third Sunday in June.

Happy Father's Day touching greetings

So that you can congratulate a dear person on the holiday, giving him a lot of your warmth and love, we offer you congratulations on Father's Day poems.

Now daddy's day has come.
I want him to give joy,
Good health for the next year,
Mutual love forever.

And so that sadness does not touch,
Friends remained reliable
Good luck, endless happiness.
Dear dad, Happy Father's Day!

You are the father - the head of the family,
You won't find anything better in the world.
You are both our friend and teacher,
You are mom's bodyguard.

Happy Father's Day, my dear,
We are all proud of you!
We wish you health
And a big hug!

Father's Day is a joyful holiday
The best, brave men.
I hasten to congratulate all fathers
Happy this very big holiday.

Being a father is not an easy task,
You always need to be responsible.
Being a father means a lot
This means love for years.

May your children always respect you
Dear men, fathers.
May heaven protect you from troubles,
From sadness, adversity, gray hair.

Be happy, healthy forever
And warmed by the love of family.
May your world be illuminated with love.
Every moment of yours will be joyful.

Happy Father's Day
Sincerely and tenderly!
Sunshine, happiness - endlessly,
Faith and hope.

Behave yourself
Be an example to children.
Dad, you're the only one -
The best on the planet!

You are the strongest, the smartest,
And the kindest, finally!
I love you just madly
And I'm proud of you, father!

I wish you great health,
Always be number one!
I tell you with love:
You, dad, are the best of men!

Happy Father's Day, beloved dad,
Congratulations, dear,
I will say thank you for everything,
Friend, my dear assistant.

Be healthy always, daddy,
Don't be angry if a reason is given,
I love you very much.
Your advice is my talisman.

Congratulations on Father's Day in prose

To express your wishes in your own words, choose Happy Father’s Day greetings in prose.


Daddy, happy Father's Day! I wish you happiness, so that life is joyful and not eaten up by routine, so that your health is strong and your heart is forever young. May fate reward you more often for all your efforts and always protect you, no matter what happens and no matter where you are. I wish that luck will always be true to you, and that every moment will be joyful.

Father is not just a word. It has so many childish feelings. For a boy, dad is a role model, because he is strong and brave, a jack of all trades. He will tell you everything: how to hammer a nail, how to make peace with a friend and how to stand up for yourself. For a girl, dad is her pride. Every little princess dreams of meeting her prince, who will be like his father. I congratulate you on the holiday of all fathers and wish you to be a worthy parent for your children.

Happy Father’s Day and I sincerely wish for my child to be a real hero, every day to fill his child’s life with funny jokes, funny stories, interesting hobbies and walks together. I wish the father to be a real pride for his child and vice versa!

Congratulations on an important and significant holiday - Father's Day. In the life of each of us, the father plays an important role, being a guarantor of protection, a wise adviser and a friend. We wish you family well-being, pride in your children, health and self-confidence.

Happy Father’s Day and I want to wish you to always be a true example of courage and bravery for your child, support your child in everything and help him cope with any problem in life. I wish to be the best dad for my child, I wish to believe in his success and always be proud of his achievements.

Happy Father's Day Pictures

Please your dear little one with cute and touching Happy Father's Day pictures. He will definitely like it!

Who is a father and what does he mean in our destiny? For a small child, dad is the main component of his life. For a teenager, dad becomes the person who will help understand everyday issues. For an adult - dad, the person who will warm you in life's blizzard and lend a shoulder in trouble. And it doesn’t matter whose dad it is – a son’s or a daughter’s. After all, dad is half the world. Without dad, the life of each of us cannot acquire all the colors and integrity of being. Girls, boys, children and adults need dads. Children need dads. Dads are needed by mothers, who without their help will not be able to raise a full-fledged citizen of society. Without dads, childhood cannot be absolutely happy. Daddy, I'm so glad (yes) that you are in my life. Thank you for being you. Thank you mom for having you in my life. Happy Father's Day, because you are his best example.

Dear dad! I don’t need any reason to express gratitude to you for what you have done and are doing for me! On this wonderful Father's Day, I want to thank you so much for raising me, raising me and giving me part of your soul! I wish you health, joy, love, youth! I will always be your reliable support!

On this day we want to congratulate all dads on their holiday! Fatherhood requires responsibility and patience, attention and hard work. On this day, I would like to express my gratitude to you for the fact that you have always been support and support for us, for raising and educating us, sparing neither time nor effort! Happy holiday, our dear fathers!

Days pass and years take away, but you remain the same kind and affectionate father. Let the passage of time not touch you in the future, let the minutes pass by and not affect your thick hair! I wish you happiness, prosperity, bright and joyful days! And also immeasurable health, spiritual warmth and human responsiveness!
You will always be my beloved and kindest father! I wish you kindness and tranquility, prosperity and patience! Remember, I appreciate you very much: for your attentiveness, caringness, for your trembling and affectionate soul, which always hurts for us, for your children! Don't worry dad and live happily!

Years pass, but you, our dear dad, remain as young, loving and kind as before! For us, you will always be the most beloved in the world! Thank you for all the warmth that you have given us over the years! We wish you happiness, health, prosperity and remember - we are always with you!

Well, the holiday that is rightfully considered yours has arrived - Father's Day! I want to wish only the best - great mood, vitality, energy, thirst for life! Believe in yourself and everything will definitely come true for you! You are my role model!

My beloved daddy, my dear little man, on this wonderful day - Father's Day, I want to wish you all the most important things in life: health, love, happiness! May all your dreams come true, because you are not old at all and you can still dream! Once again I would like to wish you good health, energy, strength, as well as happiness, love and all the best!

Dad's Day is a new and not very well-known holiday! But, nevertheless, how nice it is on this day to once again pay attention to our fathers, to say words of gratitude to them for everything that they did for us! We love you very much, are proud of you and will try to live up to all your hopes! Happy holiday, dears!

Traditionally celebrated on the third Sunday in June, Father's Day 2016 falls on the 19th day of summer. This holiday is always celebrated at the same time as Doctor's Day, and this year Trinity also falls on June 19: godfathers will need to pay special attention. However, in the bustle of preparing for the Christian celebration, do not forget to congratulate fathers and grandfathers, uncles and brothers, husbands and sons on Father’s Day, at least in your own words in prose. A daughter living in another city can send her dad a postcard or SMS congratulations. The wife, in addition to the cake and tasty treats, may want to dedicate a poem to her husband. Friends of fathers with many children will congratulate their friends with funny pictures on the theme “father, his sons and daughters.”

Beautiful congratulations on Father's Day from your daughter in verse

They say that the relationship of fathers to their daughters is more reverent than their relationship with their sons. For dad, a daughter always remains a fragile, defenseless girl. Dads protect them, pamper them, shower them with gifts, forgive their guilt and turn a blind eye to many of their daughters’ misdeeds. Only as they grow up do girls, already women, begin to understand how much their fathers sacrificed, raising them to be real ladies and simply kind future mothers. Every dad looks forward to Father's Day congratulations from his daughter. Even if you are far from your parent, find an opportunity to send him kind words of gratitude and love.

Daddy, today is this holiday

I wish my father the best in the world

So that everything always works out for you,

So that only good people meet,

So that the joy of life never leaves,

So that fate itself rewards you with luck.

Well, if suddenly a headwind blows in on you -

Remember that I love you more than anyone in the world!

You are our best daddy in the world,

Who should know this better than your daughter?

I am now writing these lines to you,

Remember me, your little flower.

I love you, my daddy, very, very much!

And I congratulate you on Father’s Day today!

You are the best daddy, I can tell you for sure,

And I always, always wish you to be like this!

Dear dad, congratulations

On this wonderful, clear day,

I wish you from the bottom of my heart

Don't get bored and don't get sick!

Let everything be very smooth,

Let the sorrows go away

And put it in order

Business life in five minutes:

Interesting - will leave,

Kindness will be saved,

Crosses out fifty rules,

To live without worries!

Happy Father's Day greetings from your wife with love

In marriage, spouses learn almost everything about each other, but continue to trust their halves: otherwise such a marriage will not last long. Almost all spouses someday become fathers, raising their common (and, sometimes, adopted) children together with their wife. On Father's Day, the wife, sharing every minute with her husband, rushes to congratulate her husband on the holiday of all fathers. To do this, it is not always necessary to read opuses to your half and give expensive gifts. As always, love given on June 19 will be the best of all existing gifts.

Today, on Father's Day, I congratulate you,

Darling, I didn’t dare to wish for better,

After all, you absolutely adore our children,

And you can always find the key to them.

If it’s necessary, you’ll cheer me up, and if you’ve done something wrong,

This way you can see that everyone will understand right away.

I wish your dreams come true,

Be happy! I will give you love and comfort!

I knew you would be a wonderful father

You love our child very much.

To you, my dear, I will only tell you that

That you are the best, because I know for sure.

I am sincerely glad, because you are a great husband,

And moreover, he is the best father!

Congratulations, I love you endlessly,

Darling, I’ll say - you’re so great!

Our son is growing and getting stronger every day

In the rays of love not only maternal.

Your love, father, burns with fire.

The little son knows: dad loves, dad is close.

Father and son are like two drops of water...

And there is no one more precious in the world...

May God protect you from any trouble!

So different, and so similar in everything!

Darling, I am grateful to fate,

For being a father, of which there are few!

I wish you health

And great, great happiness to us!

Short SMS congratulations on Father's Day

When it is not possible to congratulate your dad in words, you can always send him an SMS with congratulations. On Father's Day it can be a joke, but a very kind one, congratulations in prose, or a short poem. It’s always easy to come up with a congratulation theme when you’re sending a message to your loved one. Well, how can you not love your father, who gave life and raised you?

Dear dad, congratulations,

We wish you happiness and joy,

Don't be sad, don't be upset,

Be cheerful, smile.

Live to be a hundred years yet

And always be healthy!

You are smart, kind, fair,

Caring and humorous!

Health, heroic strength

I wish you, dear daddy!

Stay young at heart

And in the ocean of little things

Hold the helm of fortune in your hands

And a bird of happiness on your shoulder!

It's Father's Day outside,

Dad's day hurts our hearts,

God will give you a lot of happiness

And it will erase wrinkles from your face!

So that everything is alright

Troubles melted away like smoke

There was a lush garden of life,

You were forever young!

Cool congratulations on Father's Day in verse

It happens that in a large family several fathers live under one roof. These are not only grandfather and father, but also brothers - fathers of families and even fathers of many children. They can always congratulate each other with funny cards, ask their children to draw funny pictures in honor of Father's Day. Each of the congratulations can be accompanied by comic poems or a humorous signature.

Dad can have beer with fish,

Maybe it's just beer.

Dad goes to work

10 days in just socks.

Dad is the loudest in the world

Can slurp at the table

Only the president's dad

Can call him a goat!

The neighbors feel for dad

Respect and fear.

Dad can, without hesitation,

Take out the trash in your underpants.

Dad loves to drink, play,

Fart, grunt and smoke,

Only with my mother-in-law, Baba Lida,

Father - neither more nor less,

The beginning, daddy's hand,

The leg that chased balls

Fishing on the first coast.

Sometimes it’s men’s talk

Almost on an equal footing and – about everything:

About guns, tanks and bolts,

About the meaning of the word “will carry”...

Whatever one may say, children grow up,

It's not every day you see them,

But electronic “hellos”

And congratulations to this verse

Do not replace - communicate,

Yes, so, about life, heart to heart,

To say goodbye long after midnight,

Don't run around running errands.

In short, dad, here’s the case,

Let's sit too long - God is the judge,

Yes, let's voice the old song,

Together with you we are family!

Congratulations on Father's Day in prose and poetry

Every man who once became a father will be very glad to receive congratulations in prose or poetry on June 19, 2016. Such lines can be found on our website, or you can come up with them yourself, and write them from the heart. Everything will be told by your heart, soul, imagination and love for dad. Dedicate a poem to your father, who gave you life.

Today we congratulate all fathers on their holiday. Being a father is an honorable and responsible role. On this day we say to you: “Thank you.” Thank you for being there, for the fact that I could always rely on you, and I could always turn to you for advice and support. Happy holiday to you!

Father is not just a word. It has so many childish feelings. For a boy, dad is a role model, because he is strong and brave, a jack of all trades. He will tell you everything: how to hammer a nail, how to make peace with a friend and how to stand up for yourself. For a girl, dad is her pride. Every little princess dreams of meeting her prince, who will be like his father. I congratulate you on the holiday of all fathers and wish you to be a worthy parent for your children.

You are the most precious, beloved

And a precious person.

So dear, unique,

Still the only one for a century.

There will be no second, better!

You are the one who gave the sun.

In the intertwining of our destinies

My dad invested his life.

Father's Day 2016, celebrated on June 19 and coinciding with two important holidays - Trinity and Doctor's Day, will be celebrated in many families where dad is respected, appreciated and, of course, loved. The father-doctor, of course, will receive a lot of congratulations on two occasions at once, but fathers of other professions will also receive kind words in situ, prose, postcards and SMS with funny congratulations. Daughters, sons and wives will prepare cakes and pies for their beloved men, and before the feast they will congratulate fathers and husbands on the holiday with love and with all their hearts.

Happy Father's Day greetings in prose

Beloved dad! Although I don’t need a reason to express to you all the gratitude I feel for what you have done for me, today, on Father’s Day, I will still take the opportunity to say a huge thank you. It was you who raised me, it was you who managed to instill an understanding of true life values. So may fate be favorable to you and give you many wonderful moments full of joy and kindness. May you always be healthy and cheerful, because your smile fills everyone around with optimism and the feeling that everything will definitely work out! Father! I want you to never grow old and always be full of strength, so that you succeed in everything, and your dreams come true easily! After all, I am always there - your support and support...

Days pass and years take away, but you remain the same kind and affectionate father. Let the passage of time not touch you in the future, let the minutes pass by and not affect your thick hair! I wish you happiness, prosperity, bright and joyful days! And also immeasurable health, spiritual warmth and human responsiveness!
You will always be my beloved and kindest father! I wish you kindness and tranquility, prosperity and patience! Remember, I appreciate you very much: for your attentiveness, caringness, for your trembling and affectionate soul, which always hurts for us, for your children! Don't worry dad and live happily!

Dad! My dear father! I remember your strong arms when you lifted me, baby, onto your shoulders. And I immediately became taller than everyone else! And she looked around enthusiastically: do you see? Look what my dad is like! I know how worried you were, although you didn’t show it, when I, a tomboyish girl, hurt my knees until they bled. How nervous he was, waiting for me, almost a graduate, in the late evenings. How proud he was of me and my successes after school. Dad, you are always by my side. On my brightest days and on my worst days, I always feel your care and support! My dear daddy! I congratulate you on Father's Day and wish you good health and many years of life! Live, enjoy the fruits of your life, enjoy your children and grandchildren! We love you very much!

Dear Dad! I sincerely congratulate you on, one might say, your professional holiday! Until now, the male sex has been undeservedly ignored by those who establish holidays. Women, of course, deserve both attention and love, and our mother is generally the center of wisdom and the embodiment of earthly beauty; but let’s still not forget that you, dad, also took an equal part in my birth! Therefore, I am sincerely glad that today I can rightfully tell you this sacramental phrase: Happy Father’s Day, father!