Riddles about personal hygiene for children. Interesting riddles about soap

Elena Viktorovna Kapustina


Formation of interest in observing cultural and hygienic skills.


Encourage children to independently perform hygiene procedures, reinforce the sequence of hand washing, knowledge of toiletries, and their purpose. Learn the simplest ways to examine objects. Expand and activate children's vocabulary. Develop interest in educational and research activities, introduce unconventional technology drawing with soap bubbles. Cultivate a desire to take care of your health.

Materials and equipment:

Illustrations depicting Moidodyr (sad and cheerful, Moidodyr toy, toiletries (toothbrush, soap, towel, washcloth, comb, pieces of toilet soap different color, size, shape according to the number of children, hand washing algorithm (cards, liquid soap, gouache, cocktail tubes, disposable spoons, transparent cups, sheets of thick paper, bubble.

Methodology for conducting GCD:

The teacher asks the children to help him guess a riddle about a fairy-tale hero:

"This is our good friend!

Can't stand dirty hands

So as not to be dirty,

We should be friends with him!” (Moidodyr).

Slide show with a picture of sad Moidodyr.

Questions for children:

What a Moidodyr (sad, angry, upset, dissatisfied)

Display of illustrations depicting the cheerful Moidodyr.

Questions for children:

What a Moidodyr (cheerful, joyful, satisfied)

Guys, did you remember to wash your face today?

Did you wash your hands? - (Washed)

Have you washed your ears? - (Washed)

Did you wash your eyes? - (Washed)

Did you wash your nose? - (Wash)

Did you wash your cheeks? - (Washed)

Everything has been washed! We haven't forgotten anything! (Children imitate movements.)

Children, what kind of Moidodyr would you like to meet: cheerful or sad?

(A toy is brought in - Moidodyr).

"Hello kids,

Girls and boys!

I am the great "Washstand"

The famous Moidodyr!

Umyvalnikov chief

And the commander of the washcloths!

Moidodyr praises the children for not forgetting to wash themselves, that they are all clean and tidy, and says that he came with gifts, but to see which ones, you need to guess riddles:

In the mornings and evenings

Cleans our teeth with toothpaste! (Toothbrush).

Soft, fluffy,

Clean - neat,

I'll take it with me to the shower,

I'll be clean and dry! (towel).

Along with soap and water

I keep it clean

I don’t mind foam

I'll crush you! I am (washcloth).

The hairstyle will become fashionable,

If he works (comb).

Smooth, fragrant,

Washes me clean! (soap).

As the children solve riddles, the teacher takes out objects and asks what this or that object is for.

What color is everyone's soap? (white, pink, lilac, yellow, striped)

What shape? (rectangular, square, round, oval, triangular)

What does it feel like? (smooth, hard)

What smells? (flowers - floral, strawberries - strawberry, lemon - lemon, honey - honey)

The teacher tells the children that this soap is called toilet soap, and there is also laundry soap that can be used to wash clothes. Children also examine it, find similarities and differences, try to determine what the soap will become if it is soaked in water (slippery, wet, smooth, naughty).

The teacher invites the children to remember in what order they wash their hands: Game “What first, what next?” (on the board there are cards with a hand washing algorithm; I suggest the children distribute them in order: roll up our sleeves, open the tap, wash our hands with soap, close the tap, dry our hands, lower our sleeves).

Game "The doll came from a walk."

The teacher asks the children if they would like to read poems they know about soap to Moidodyr:

Soap jumps like a flea

Once! And it’s not in your palms!

And that's why my brothers,

It's very difficult to wash your face!

Slipping away like something alive

But I won't let him go,

Foams with white foam,

Don't be lazy about washing your hands!

All microbes and bacilli,

Like fire they fear soap,

So that we can be healthy,

Hands must be washed with soap!

Children know everything around:

Children approach the tables on which cups are prepared for them, in which gouache is diluted with water, spoons, tubes, napkins and sheets of thick white paper.

But before we start our game, we need to remember the rules of conduct in the laboratory:

Be careful and don't litter

Clean up everything after you!

Never taste anything

Otherwise, trouble awaits you!

And never bother anyone

Respect your friends!

The teacher tells the children what is poured into the cups, shows them and tells them that there are not only solid soaps, but also liquid ones. Then he pours soap into a spoon for everyone and asks them to mix well.

The teacher praises the children for their beautiful bubbles, says that the bubbles are gentle, cheerful, beautiful, but they do not live long, they swell and burst with joy, and we would really like to look at them longer. Invites children to “catch” the bubbles with a sheet of paper and, as it were, take a photograph.

Children blow bubbles in a glass, put a sheet of paper on top, on which an imprint of the bubbles remains. You can suggest putting the bubbles on the sheet with a spoon, there will also be an imprint. You can also invite the children to exchange cups and then there will be bubbles of different colors on the sheet.

Moidodyr praises the children for their beautiful bubbles because they know toiletries and know how to use them:

“Wash your face with soap more often!

And gain health!

And as a gift, look,

I give you soap bubbles!” (Gives gifts to children).

The teacher invites Moidodyr to stay with us and live in the washroom.

Riddles for children on hygiene


Take me, wash, bathe,
And guess what I am, guess quickly.
And know: it would be a big disaster,
Whenever it’s not me and the water, -
On a dirty, unwashed neck
Snakes would live in your place
And poisonous stings
They would stab you like daggers.
And in every unwashed ear
Evil frogs would move in.
And if you, poor people, cried -
They would laugh and croak.
Now, dear children, what a disaster it would be,
Whenever it's not me and water.
Take me, wash, bathe,
And what am I - quickly guess!

Slipping away like something alive
It's very nimble.
Foams with white foam,
I'm not too lazy to wash my hands.

Smooth, fragrant,
Washes clean.

When they wash with me,
Then tears are shed.

Look, look -
Drowning in the river and in the trough!
Why is it always
Only where there is water?

Blowing bubbles
Foam climbed to the top -
And he was gone
It all disappeared.

Take me,
Wash, bathe,
And what am I -
Guess quickly
And know:
It would be a big disaster
Whenever it’s not me and not the water.

Smooth and fragrant
Washes very clean
Everyone needs to have one.
What is this?

Pink brick, fragrant
Rub it and you will be clean.

Hair and comb

Stormy sea
Plays in the open air
The whale has sailed -
Mouth opened
And in the mouth there is a lattice,
The sea pours through it -
Wave to wave obediently clings.

Light field-side,
A harrow is walking across the field,
Rakes the wheat
Maintains order.

Wooden fence
Fences the yard
There's an end to the herd in the yard,
And in the fence there are a hundred doors,
To get free
Yes, run in an open field.
The horses rushed in a wave,
They flowed like a living river.

Iron hedgehog
With rubber skin
It goes down like needles,
It rakes the grass with needles.

toothy saw
I went into the dense forest.
I went around the whole forest,
I didn't cut anything down.

He has a lot of teeth, but he doesn't eat anything.

Behind the wave there is a wave,
A harrow is walking across the field,
Rakes the wheat
Maintains order.

I'm not wandering through forests,
And by the mustache, by the hair,
And my teeth are longer,
Than wolves and bears.

We use it often
Even though she has teeth like a wolf.
She doesn't want to bite
She would like to scratch her teeth.

As many as 25 cloves,
For curls and tufts.
And under each, under the tooth -
The hair will lie in a row.

Light field-side,
A harrow is walking across the field,
Rakes the wheat
Maintains order.

Clean, toothy
Clings to the curly forelock


White trough
Nailed to the floor.

White Lake –
Sometimes it’s full, sometimes it’s shallow,
Clear water from the sky -
It will fill the lake,
Otherwise it will disappear without a trace.

iron house,
The walls slope in it,
There is no roof - there is a bottom,
And at the bottom there is a window.

A warm wave splashes
On the banks of cast iron.

Guess, remember:

What kind of sea is in the room

White trough
Nailed to the floor.

White Lake –
Sometimes it’s full, sometimes it’s shallow,
Clear water from the sky -
It will fill the lake,
Otherwise it will disappear without a trace.

Can I dive to the bottom in it?
But I can't drown
And if it gets deep
I can open the cork easily.

I am neither a sea nor a river,
I am not a lake, not a pond,
But like morning or evening -
People are all running towards me.


iron house,
The walls slope in it,
There is no roof - there is a bottom,
And at the bottom there is a window.


The lake is white -
Sometimes full, sometimes small.

Toothbrush and toothpaste


Skinny girl -
Hard bangs,
It gets cool during the day.
And in the mornings and evenings
Accepted work:
will cover your head
Yes, it will wash the walls.


White River
Flew into the cave,
It comes out along the stream -
He removes everything from the walls.

Bone tail
And on the back there are bristles.

Bone back,
Stiff bristles, C
mint paste makes friends,
Serves us diligently.

The tail is made of bone,
And on the back there are bristles.


The path says
Two embroidered ends:
- Wash yourself a little,
Wash the ink off your face.
Otherwise very quickly
You'll get me dirty.

Waffle and striped
Fleecy and shaggy,
Always at hand -
What it is?

I wipe, I try,
After the boy's bath.
Everything is wet, everything is wrinkled -
There is no dry corner.

Hanging on the wall, dangling,
Everyone grabs hold of him.

After the bath I help, get wet, dry.

Fluffy, terry, clean, new.


In a small house
Full of people live
Everyone is honest and simple,
Everything is transparent and clean,
And when the guest comes -
People will run out
He will attack the guest -
Yes, the guest will not be offended,
Once he hugs, another -
It will shine with purity.

And what happened! And what happened!
Mom let a river into the house.

The river gurgled merrily,

Mom washed clothes in it.
And then, and then,

I was swimming in the rain

In a small house,


The rain is warm and thick,
This rain is not easy:
He is without clouds, without clouds
Ready to go all day.

Wash basin

Parashka stands -
Holds a cup
bowed her head,
She lowered her nose,
And it flows from the nose
Pure water in a cup.

Silver trumpet,
From the pipe - water,
Water runs and pours
Into the whiteness of the well,
There are two brothers on the pipe,
They sit and have fun.
One in a red caftan,
The second one is in blue,
Both friends are brothers
They manage the water.



I saw my portrait.
He walked away - there was no portrait.

And it shines and shines,
It doesn’t flatter anyone, -
And he will tell anyone the truth -
He will show everything as it is.

Even though he didn't leave for a moment
Since your birthday,
You haven't seen his face
But only a reflection.

There is a portrait in the room,
Similar to you in everything.
Laugh - and in response
He will laugh too.

Didn't look out the window -
There was only Antoshka.
I looked out the window -
There is a second Antoshka.
What kind of window is this?
Where was Antoshka looking?

The sage saw a sage in him,
Stupid - stupid
ram - ram,
The sheep saw him as a sheep,
And a monkey - a monkey,
But they brought him to him
Fedya Baratova,
And Fedya saw
A shaggy slob.

I'll put this riddle in my pocket,

I’ll take it out later and have a look at myself.

Steel fungus on the leg
Sliding along the path
His leg is
In the wrong hands
Rides upside down
Let him scrape the path.


I wake up early in the morning,
Together with the rosy sun.
I make the bed myself
I do it quickly


I can wash my face.
I can spill.
I always live in taps.
Well, of course I -

I am a cloud and a fog, a stream and an ocean.

And I fly and run, and I can be glass.

To always be clean,

People need everything


I am related to Moidodyr.
Turn me away.
And cold water
I'll wash you quickly.



Elastic band Akulinka
I went for a walk along the back.
And while she was walking,
The back became pink.



He lay down in his pocket and guarded -
Roaring, crying and dirty.
They will have streams of tears in the morning,
I won't forget about the nose.

I'm in my pocket guarding a roar, a crybaby and a dirty one.

I won’t forget the streams of tears in the morning and about my nose.



Where a sponge can't handle it,
It won’t wash you away, it won’t wash you away,
I take on the labor:
I rub my heels and elbows with soap,
And I rub my knees,
I don't forget anything.

Feel free to lather me up, I’ll get down to business right away.

I rub my hands, feet, body, wipe off any dirt.

Elastic band - Akulinka
I went for a walk along the back.
And while she was walking,
The back has become pink.



Sliding along the path
His leg is
In the wrong hands
Rides upside down
Let him scrape the path.


To make your hair shine and beautiful view If they were sparkling clean, I would quickly wash them.

The husband gave his wife a ring and said: “When I die, read what is written on it.” He died and she read it. Later, when she was having fun, reading the inscription on the ring, she became sad, and when she was sad, reading the inscription, she became happy. What was written on the ring?
Answer: Everything will pass
Krapivkina Yulia, Barnaul

They don’t eat it raw, they throw it away when it’s cooked. What is this?
Answer: Bay leaf
Koval Vasya, Samara

Which 2 notes indicate an edible product?
Answer: Fa-sol
Afanasyev Daniil, Barvikha

What type of weapon has a date and year?
Answer: Pistol

I placed the pencil in the room so that no one could step over or jump over it. How did I do this?
Answer: Put a pencil near the wall
Malets Daniel, Minsk

Gray hare under a pine tree
He announced that he was a tailor.
And to the tailor in an hour
The little bear gave the order.
- Your order will be ready
Until the January cold.
The hare cuts, the hare sews,
And the bear is waiting in the den.
The deadline has passed. The bear came
But you can't wear pants!
Answer: The little bear became a bear
Vasilyeva Polina, Perm

What is the largest human organ?
Answer: Leather
Gubanov Sergey, Ryazan

Marina dreamed of a chocolate bar, but she didn’t have 10 rubles to buy it. Vasya also dreamed of a chocolate bar, but he was only 1 ruble short. The children decided to buy at least one chocolate bar for two, but they still lacked 1 ruble. What is the cost of a chocolate bar?
Answer: Cost - 10 rubles. Marina has no money at all.
Vagapova Elizabeth, Uchaly

What can I do that you will never be able to repeat in your life?
Answer: Crawl between your legs
Chuikova Natalya, Samara

What breaks but never falls? What falls but never breaks?
Answer: Heart and blood pressure

What can you take to left hand, but not on the right?
Answer: Right elbow
Smirnova Anyuta, Nizhny Novgorod

The jar is on the table. It stands so that one half of it is in the air and the other is on the table. What is in the jar if it falls in half an hour? And why?
Answer: Ice. It will melt and the jar will fall.
Zagorodnyuk Nastya, Kostanay

There are a ruler, a pencil, a compass and an eraser on the table. You need to draw a circle on a piece of paper. Where do you start?
Answer: Take a piece of paper
Polina, Saransk

Where do people pay for what is taken from them?
Answer: Hairdresser
Savelyeva Karina, Ulyanovsk

Shoeless, but wearing boots. Walks on the ground, but upside down.
Answer: Nail in the boot
Uvarov Zhenya, Moscow

A cowboy, a gentleman and a yogi are sitting at the table. How many feet are there on the floor?
Answer: 1 leg (a cowboy puts his legs on the table, a gentleman crosses his legs, and a yogi meditates)
Savenkova Liza, Kostroma

Guests have come to your place, and in the refrigerator there is a bottle of lemonade, a bag of pineapple juice and a bottle of mineral water. What will you open first?
Answer: Refrigerator

Read the phrase correctly:
Answer: Love our mighty language
Averyanova Polina, Saransk

George Washington, Sherlock Holmes, William Shakespeare, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Napoleon Bonaparte, Nero - who is the “odd one” on this list?
Answer: Sherlock Holmes (fictional character)

What can't a magnifying glass magnify in a triangle?
Answer: Angles

What little horse needs to be placed between two pronouns to make the name of a country?
Answer: Pony (Japan)

What number has as many numbers as there are letters in its name?
Answer: 100 (hundred), 1000000 (million)

Where on Earth does the south wind always blow?
Answer: At the North Pole

How many different numbers should I use it to write the number 100?
Answer: Two: zero and one

The night watchman died during the day. Will they give him a pension?
Answer: A dead man doesn't need a pension

What animal did the Canary Islands get their name from?
Answer: Dog (Latin canis - dog, Spanish Las Islas Canarias - “islands of dogs”)
Cat on its own, Kaluga

What was the name of King George VI?
Answer: Albert
Cat on its own, Kaluga

How many years did the Hundred Years' War last?
Answer: 116 years
Cat on its own, Kaluga

Which bird's feathers need to be plucked to create morning, afternoon, evening and night at once?
Answer: From a duck (day)

Which island calls itself a piece of underwear?
Answer: Jamaica (I'm a jersey)

A carrot and a scarf lay on the black snow. No one abandoned them on purpose or forgot. How did they get there, and why is the snow black?
Answer: The snowman's buttons were made from coal. It melted, the coal was washed away, it ate into the snow, and the snow turned black.
Lyusya, Omsk

The person is completely healthy, not dead, not disabled, but they carry him out of the hospital in their arms.
Answer: Newborn

What needs to be done to keep 4 guys in one boot?
Answer: Take one boot off each guy
Gorbunova Daria, Novosibirsk

Which tap can you not wash your hands from?
Answer: From construction
Almazova Sveta, Sevastopol

A man walked into a bar, approached the bartender and asked for a glass of water. Instead, the bartender pointed a gun at him. The man said “thank you” and left. Why?
Answer: The man had severe hiccups, and the bartender decided to help him, scaring him.
Garbar Oleg

A naked dead man lies in the desert. He has a broken match in his hand. How did he get there, why was he naked and why was there a match in his hand?
Answer: People were flying on hot-air balloon. The ball began to descend. In order not to break, they took off their clothes and threw them away, but this did not help. They began to draw lots to see who would sacrifice themselves.
Nikulina Arina

The girl could not sleep at night. She twisted and turned, but nothing could help. Suddenly she picked up the phone and called somewhere. And after that she was able to sleep peacefully. Why exactly after the call could she fall asleep?
Answer: In the next apartment, a neighbor was snoring very heavily. She called him and woke him up. Then she fell asleep.
I won't tell Alinka

What is used in hockey, on a Jew's mind, on a woman's body and on a chessboard?
Answer: Combination
Khamidullin Ramil, Nizhnekamsk

Everyone's in the bathroom
There is a tricky thing:
Will wash away dirt
Both body and arms.
Look into the eye
It didn't hit.
It will pinch, then
It won't seem enough!

In elegant wrappers
There are chocolates lying
They are inedible
And not at all sweet.
Bitter and odorous
And they don't like dirt
Yes, this is it, brothers,
The usual….. .

About what we're talking about?
I'm a young wizard
Not kidding at all;
I'm a hard piece
I'll turn it into a light ball.
(A bar of soap and soap bubbles).
4) I am not Moidodyr,
But I'll tell you truthfully
What's in my house
A real miracle:
There is a very hard piece on the shelf,
Break it up and grind it into powder.
Add some water, stir and watch:
Colorful bubbles fly across the sky.

Colored, white, regular,
Forest, bath, strawberry.
For every age
Every taste
Found in the store..... a bite.
(Insert word soap)

And in the bathhouse, and in the bathroom,
On a hike and at home,
Neither the weather nor fashion dictates to him.
After all, every baby and every old man
I’m not used to washing my hands without this product.

Magic remedy
And foamy and white,
Fresh, fragrant,
And they wash their bodies with it.

They boiled me in a vat,
I got cold afterwards
And even blocks
They hit every house.

It comes in pieces
Comes in bottles
There is nothing more important than him
When washing and when washing.

What can be solid, liquid and spherical?

What helps us to be clean, but makes us sneeze after getting it in our nose and cry after getting it in our eyes?

What solution is used to spray plants to control aphids?

If your hands are covered in ink,
That will help you... (soap)

Getting ready for the road,
Make sure there is
On a hike with you

So that in your life
It would never happen
Infections, scabies-
Buy yourself...(soap)

Adults and children know
It is better to live in the world clean,
To be beautiful, not to be sadly ill
Helps... (soap)

This wizard works wonders:
A soap fairy tale flies to the skies.

Cleanliness has best friend:
Will wash away everyone and everything around.

If your hands are dirty,
Then it will help you.
Will wash away dirt, germs, soot.
What is this, who can name it?

It will wash away all the dirt from your hands,
And he washes his clothes.
Everything around will become clean.
What is this, who can guess?

It has different flavors
You just can't eat it.
The dirt will be washed away irrevocably,
The whole family will be clean.

It's getting old for us
And foams in your hands.
Can handle any microbe.
And it melts before our eyes.

This thing is friends with water,
And upon contact it foams.
It will wash you and me away,
He will wash away all the dirt and is not lazy.

Helps you stay clean
A small piece.
It bubbles in the water
And it smells very tasty.
It can be liquid
And hard things happen.
And it foams so well
And the dirt is easily washed off.

I have a block in my hands
Always foams in water.
Will always help you cope
He has germs everywhere.

If you get your hands dirty
And suddenly you go swimming.
This thing is irreplaceable.
You will take it with you.
It will wash away dirt and blots.
It’s from your hands, from your hair, from your face.
It stings the eyes very much,
If it gets there.

This little piece
All microbes are their worst enemy.
He will wash away everyone without a trace
And for us he is a friend and brother.
It foams up a lot, amazingly
What is this? Of course (soap)

It smells very delicious
It lives in a soapbox.
Kills all germs.
Very fast, no hassle.

You will take it in your hands.
And you'll get wet underwater.
So it will foam,
It will wash away all the dirt.

Children's riddles about Soap

So that your stomach doesn't hurt,
We need to wash our hands with special... (Soap).

It can be liquid, solid,
Children's, bath, with a fruity smell.
Have the kids guessed what this item is?
Let's call him... (Soap).

Wash your hands special means,
Colorful, fragrant and very pleasant.
What is it called?
This is floral... (Soap).

Before you sit down at the table,
You need to take it and wash your hands.
And for this you need to pick up the magic... (Soap).

We visited the bathhouse
After a light massage, you need to wash yourself... (with soap).

We bought soap bubbles
In order for them to turn out well,
You need to add liquid... (Soap).

Wanted a bubble bath
And for this, kids,
You need to add peach... (Soap).

If you have washed your hands,
Of course we won’t forget,
That diseases are the worst enemy,
Clean and a piece of... (Soap).

Always smell clean
Gives clean water and fragrant... (Soap).

To make your skin shine clean,
Wash your face.
We always have to try
And wash the child’s face... (with soap).

We ran along the path, walked along the path.
And then you need to wash your socks.
For washing you need laundry... (Soap).

It is better for the baby to wash his diapers,
Children's... (Soap).

We wash ourselves with scented soap,
It gives a delicate aroma.
Each of the kids wash... (Glad).

December 2, 2016

Bright and interesting riddles about soap will help your beloved child understand how important hygiene is and immerse himself in exciting entertainment with his parents. It is worth paying attention to the fact that activities with a child should be structured in the form of a game in order to arouse interest and a desire to answer questions.

Riddles about soap for the little ones

Preschoolers should make simple, easy-to-understand puzzles. The following riddles about soap for babies can be told.

It makes handles clean

And usually soft and fragrant.

It always slips from your hands,

Especially when it's wet.

But it's always wet

You hold him tightly.

So that your hands are clean,

They bought you the most fragrant thing.

It smells very tasty

Strawberry, mint, chamomile.

You take him tightly in your hands

And you wash your hands and face.

Happens different shapes, round, square.

It is slippery and very fragrant.

It will leave your hands clean and will drive away all germs.

The foam is lush from friction and spinning movements.

It produces a lot of foam once it gets into your hands.

Dirt, germs - everything is washed away, legs and arms are cleansed.

Fragrant, odorous, sometimes stings,

He washes his hands and makes a lot of foam.

As soon as you come home,

You go straight to the bathroom.

Fragrant, foamy, clean

You take it in your hands.

These and similar riddles about soap for children can be made by both the smallest and older children. Be sure to try it.

Interesting riddles about soap for school-age children

Schoolchildren can make problems a little more difficult than small children, for example, these could be the following options.

It will kill bacteria and drive away germs.

It removes dirt from your hands and fills them with aroma.

You wash your hands and feet with it,

It smells very tasty.

There are different aroma

Hands beat it into foam.

Gets rid of bacteria

Leaves arms and legs clean.

Your hands will be clean if you take it.

Put your hands under the water and say, “You won’t escape anywhere.”

To always be clean, tidy and fragrant,

You should always take it, whenever you come home.

What did you use to wash the chimney sweep clean?

Who is not friends with this subject,

It will always be dirty.

It is aromatic, foamy,

And the microbes will destroy everything.

It can be slippery under water,

If it gets in the eye, it stings.

Overall it smells great

And it gives you the opportunity to be healthy.

You and your mom buy in the store for sure

And shampoos, and balms, and creams.

It is foamy, fragrant, aromatic, cleansing,

You always take everything with you.

All germs will run away

When they pick it up.

The foam will wash away all the dirt,

Only slippery things happen

And sometimes he escapes from the handles.

About soap in verse

Before starting the game, which is based on riddles about soap, you can tell your child a couple of poems about this hygiene accessory.

The soap is fluffy, very fragrant,

Smells nice and makes you look neat.

Fragrant soap will help remove dirt,

As soon as you come home, you take it right away.

There is no place for germs and bacteria on handles,

They will leave together with aromatic foam.

When telling children riddles about soap, it is worth emphasizing that this hygiene item is very important and is needed by everyone. You can also, for a change, tell an instructive story, for example, about Moidodyr, so that the child understands what untidiness and reluctance to wash hands after going out leads to.