Dress code - what it is and types for men or women, description of acceptable clothing by style or color. Dress code: rules for formal events The costume should not be provocative

We continue our Team Style column, and this time we were able to look into the holy of holies of the glossy publication, namely, to visit the editorial office of the wonderful, friendly team of Elle Ukraine. Surely, most of our readers have always been interested in who those beautiful fairies are who every month “conjure” the creation of our favorite magazine, how do they find out fashion trends the first thing they follow when choosing clothes for themselves, and what style they prefer. The girls gladly shared all this with us, also managing to pay attention to our photographer :) What came of it - read and watch further! #bit-cut#

Alena Glukhikh, fashion editor

There is no dress code, but we meet people based on their clothes. This is our job.

I love feminine silhouettes and the seventies, it turns out to be a mix of lady-like and boho-chic styles. When choosing clothes, first of all, I focus on what suits me, and only then on trends. I love classic pieces like the Burberry trench coat and the perfect skinny jeans, and I can't imagine myself without good shoes. I love shoes Christian Louboutin, you can never have too many of them!

For shopping - only by yourself. My companions distract me; I need full concentration here. As a rule, spontaneous purchases are rarely successful. I get advice from fashion literature, blogs, and from my own interviews with it-girls. Thanks to work, you can find out the secrets of style “first hand”.

I monitor it daily and hourly. Summer has just begun, and I’m already in the mood for suede ankle boots from Isabel Marant’s fall collection.

Sonya Zabuga, editor-in-chief

Natalya Pasechnik, senior editor

Does your company have a dress code or certain clothing restrictions?

The editorial office doesn’t, and that’s great – at least you can go to work in your pajamas. Preferably, of course, in fashionable pajamas.

What do you personally prefer in clothes? What style is close to you?

The most relaxed and comfortable casual, plus accessories that set the style in a certain direction.

Who do you go shopping with? Who do you consult with?

I go alone, but, of course, I consult with the editorial office - everything is fair and clear here.

Which Ukrainian celebrity could you single out as the brightest, most extraordinary, and stylish?

The brightest, most extraordinary and stylish celebrities work with me in the same room.

Do you follow trends and tendencies? What “fresh” thing do you consider to be an edgy fashion item/accessory?

There is no need to specifically monitor - ELLE is always at hand, and much earlier than those who monitor :)

Marianna Partevyan

Victoria Surkova

Alexandra Burinskaya, editor of the news department, the Lifestyle section and the online department of ELLE magazine

Does your company have a dress code or certain clothing restrictions?

There is no dress code or restrictions, but, of course, a neat and pleasant appearance is encouraged.

What do you personally prefer in clothes? What style is close to you?

For me it all depends on my mood. But, as a rule, I give preference to classics and subdued tones.

Who do you go shopping with? Who do you consult with?

I like to do my own shopping. When you go shopping with someone, someone is sure to be waiting for someone. But I consult with everyone: I take pictures in the fitting room and send a newsletter to my mother, boyfriend and friends)))

Do you follow trends and tendencies? What “fresh” thing do you consider to be an edgy fashion item/accessory?

I follow fashion, but I can’t say that I live it. This season I absolutely love the variety of colors: from bright to sweet pastels.

Rita Moroz

Stasya Mindlina, fashion coordinator

Who do you go shopping with? Who do you consult with?

I like to go shopping alone. This is the only way to fully enjoy your shopping experience.

Stasya Mindlina, fashion coordinator

It is very difficult to understand exactly what a modern office dress code should be. Long gone are the days when business attire meant a black or dark blue knee-length skirt with a white silk blouse that matched the jacket and heels. While women rejoice that high-heeled shoes are no longer obligatory thing in formal wear, the rest of the outfit makes you seriously think. Many companies have developed a casual dress code for their employees that replaces the traditional suit and tie. So, what exactly can you wear to the office today?


Universal dress code rules

1. It doesn’t matter what the specifics of your company’s dress code are. There is one general rule for all types of formal wear: neatness. All employees must appear at the workplace neatly and cleanly dressed. Try to ensure that your clothes do not have frayed seams and that your shoes are free of scratches. It is not necessary that the wardrobe be expensive or meet fashion trends, but the clothes must be well-groomed and fit.

2. The choice of clothing should convey a professional and casual image. If you work directly with clients, it is very important that the clothes recommend you and the company itself well.

3. Office wear in corporations must cover the body. The neckline, hips, back, chest and shoulders should be covered with opaque materials. Generally frowned upon.

4. Makeup, perfume and hairstyle should not be provocative. Avoid bright makeup, strong perfume, and hairstyles that attract too much attention. Long hair It’s also worth pinning it up and removing the curls from your face.

5. Wear minimal jewelry. Earrings should be small and only one earring in each ear. Bracelets are usually a no-no, but one dainty bracelet may work. It is also acceptable to wear a nice branded watch and one ring on each hand. You cannot wear ankle jewelry, facial piercings, or more than one necklace.

6. If the belt connector is visible, it must be put on.

7. Plain fabrics are more preferable than multi-colored ones. Formal attire in navy blue, black, gray or another neutral color looks truly professional.

8. Never wear wrinkled clothes to the office. All shirts, trousers and jackets must be ironed without a single wrinkle. As a last resort, when you don't have time to iron your clothes, throwing them in the dryer for a couple of minutes along with a cloth soaked in liquid fabric softener will remove wrinkles.

9. Most laundries will iron clothes for a small fee if ironing becomes a real problem.

10. Skirts should have slits or hems at knee level, maybe a little lower. The legs should cover the shoes, and the sleeves should cover the wrists. Avoid clothing that is too tight or tight-fitting, as the fabric may be translucent.

11. Necessary item in business style - high-quality shoes. Casual uniform is acceptable as long as the shoes are clean and well maintained. In some cases, patent leather shoes are allowed to brighten up the look. All shoes should be cleaned every day before work, and scratches or seams should be fixed before wearing the shoes.

12. There is an old rule of any dress code - dress for the job you need to do. This idea helps you decide how strict the dress code is in the company where you want to work. If your boss wears jeans and a polo shirt to work, chances are high that you can dress like that too, but under no circumstances should you be the first to break the dress code rules.

13. In the workplace, clothing comfort trumps fashion. Business attire should not restrict movement while you perform your duties. When clothes are uncomfortable, it can affect your productivity.

1. Formal style is especially difficult for women. It is very difficult to choose clothes that create a professional image and do not hide your femininity. The problem can be solved by choosing conservative clothes, but adding accents to them with delicate jewelry, feminine colors or fabrics such as silk or cashmere.

2. Finding the balance between feminine clothing and a professional look takes practice and patience. At first, you can copy outfits from business style magazines - this will help you develop your own style and taste in business clothing.

3. If you find a skirt, jacket or trousers that suit you perfectly, buy the same model in several colors. This will allow you to create a formal uniform for every day that will make you look great.

4. In the workplace, you should not resort to trendy clothes, innovative models or bright colors. Your wardrobe should help you feel attractive, comfortable, professional, without attracting too much attention.

5. If you prefer shoes high heels, remember that any heel higher than 4 cm is unacceptable for the office.


What is casual formal wear

If the company where you work has decided to introduce casual formal wear, you are faced with the task of combining things in such a way as to create a suitable wardrobe.

Casual formal wear is a step below traditional business attire. The purpose of this style is to create comfort for the employee and at the same time maintain a formal atmosphere.

Formal Casual Wear for Women

1. Official casual outfit for women includes casual tops such as polos, button-down blouses, knee socks, knitted sweaters, cardigans and shirts with the company logo.

2. Stockings can be omitted in warmer months, but shoes should have closed toes and heels. Comfortable shoes are only acceptable if they are in good condition.

3. Tennis shoes should be well polished. Clean insoles and intact soles are also essential.

4. Clothing with slogans or logos is only permitted in a looser formal-casual style, but any potentially offensive slogans or designs will never be appropriate.

5. Some companies allow denim, but khaki pants and khaki shirts are the worldwide choice for formal-casual styles. Clothes should be a little loose and plain.

Formal Casual Wear for Men

1. In official everyday men's clothing there are never any caps. Headwear that symbolizes religious or cultural beliefs is acceptable, but everyday headwear is not acceptable.

2. Men can wear knee socks, button-down shirts, short sleeve shirts, suit jackets, sports jackets and T-shirts with company logos. T-shirts and racing shorts are not part of the formal-casual style.

3. Khakis, dockers, or slacks are generally acceptable. Some companies allow jeans, but sweatpants, short shorts or sportswear are not allowed in the office.

4. Clothing embroidered with sports team logos is also unacceptable in a formal setting.

5. Shoes usually include leather loafers and in some cases sneakers. Professional socks are required.

6. Men should keep jewelry to a minimum. During the working day, you should not wear earrings, body jewelry or chains.

It is possible to understand what a business dress code is if you follow simple rules. The specifics of such a dress code are different in each company, but the basis of professional style remains the same, perhaps depending on personal preferences and changes in fashion trends.

Today, the concept of “dress code” is becoming increasingly popular, and every reputable company considers it its duty not to fail to force its employees to comply with its strict rules.

So what is the dress code? In essence, this concept includes both a certain form of clothing and the rules and principles of wearing it, which must be observed when visiting various establishments, events or events. Translated from in English dress code means “code of clothing,” which in itself suggests that this concept relates not only to work. People of different occupations may have their own dress code provisions, marital status, nationality, sexual orientation, social class and religion.

The concepts of dress code and uniform should be separated. The main difference is that a uniform presupposes wearing the same, unified clothing, while a dress code requires compliance with certain rules in wearing clothing.

Each company today strives to develop its own dress code rules that meet its needs and the impression it wants to make on potential buyers or partners.

It should be noted that the template that has formed in our minds that a business dress code is an official, strict style of clothing, in fact, is not such. For example, the cosmetics company M.A.S. allows its employees to wear absolutely any clothes, including extremely creative ones. But he demands from them that it must be black!

Why is it necessary to adhere to a dress code in the workplace?

We can talk a lot and persistently about the types of dress codes, about the permissibility of certain elements of the wardrobe, but not even realize that the dress code, like wearing a uniform, has a psychological basis.

Psychological aspect of introducing a dress code

  • Every company, every job urgently needs to be created around it a certain halo, which distinguishes it from the crowd and attracts consumers to it.
  • Likewise, an employee belonging to a company or enterprise wants to feel involved to her, which helps him, among other things, stand out among other people. And this, in turn, contributes to the unification and cohesion of the team. It has been noticed that in those companies where a dress code has been adopted, the outflow of personnel is significantly reduced.
  • In addition, the presence of a dress code contributes to more quick adaptation new employees, since he will be perceived as one of their own, and he will not stand out from the crowd, feeling awkward.
  • And the head of the company, who demands compliance with the dress code, will, without a doubt, pay attention to the fact that How do you dress for an interview? and are you ready to accept the rules of corporate culture? This is both a test of flexibility, the ability to adapt to circumstances, and a requirement to comply with established rules. Therefore, it is extremely important to choose the right wardrobe when going for an interview. And decide in advance for yourself whether you are ready to wear a business suit every day or comply with other office dress code rules adopted by the organization.

It should be noted that the dress code is an integral part of creating a working atmosphere in the team.

A strictly defined, discreet appearance will not distract employees from their work, and clients from the purpose of their visit.

How does a dress code affect the perception of company employees?

Business attire makes you a more responsible, reliable professional and trustworthy in the eyes of your clients.

Imagine for a moment that you came to the clinic, and instead of a doctor in a white coat, you saw a man in torn jeans and a stretched T-shirt. Will such a professional inspire confidence in you? Most likely no. Because the same white robe gives a feeling of purity, hope for help and trust.

Or, for example, a waiter in a restaurant. If he were dressed like most visitors, we would, firstly, have difficulty deciding who we could turn to for help, and secondly, we could get into an awkward situation by mistaking the same visitor for a waiter.

Corporate style is the moment of greatest trust in the company.

How to quickly disconnect from work at home? Just take off your jacket!

Another important quality of having special work clothes is the fact that by taking them off you can psychologically disconnect from important work matters, leaving them until the next day. You kind of give yourself a sign that that’s it, you can relax and unwind, take care of personal affairs and family. This incredibly sets the mood for rest, which is so necessary for productive work.

Thus, main function The business dress code is to show you at your best as a responsible, neat, attentive worker.

Types of office dress code

It is customary to distinguish two main types of office dress code: women's and men's.

Rules of the classic women's dress code

  • The main condition for compliance with the women's dress code is discreet, non-provocative, dull clothing. Under no circumstances should you wear transparent blouses, deep necklines, flip-flops, or slippers in offices with a strict dress code. sportswear, miniskirts and short tops, low-fitting trousers.
  • The optimal colors when choosing clothes for the office are classic black and white, as well as grey, beige, dark blue and green.
  • When choosing shoes, preference should be given to closed shoes with low heels. Under no circumstances should a high platform or too high heels be allowed.
  • Don't forget that stockings are an important attribute of office style. Even in hot weather! Moreover, they should be classic, plain, without patterns.
  • Tight-fitting or very wide pants are also not considered acceptable.
  • The ideal option for a classic work dress code would be a trouser or skirt suit. Moreover, in the second option, the skirt should reach the middle of the knee.
  • You also need to be careful with jewelry. The use of flashy, massive jewelry is unacceptable.

Men's dress code rules

And if you are a new employee and you have not been briefed on the intricacies of the dress code at your new workplace, just take a closer look at those around you. If they dress strictly, preferring classics, then you should dress in the same way in the office. And on the first day of work, in order not to violate the rules of the dress code, it is best to dress modestly, strictly and tastefully.

How do uniforms affect us?

Whether we like it or not, uniforms or workwear influence us due to existing stereotypes. Moreover, this influence is felt both at the moment when you are wearing it, and when you see a person in a uniform.

And there is no difference between the corporate clothing of a large company or a white medical coat. This form forces us to behave in a certain way.

And if at work you have to wear a uniform, and it seems to you that it makes you faceless, like everyone else, think for a minute how You change the moment you put on your uniform..

In 2012, such an experiment was conducted at Northwestern University. The participants were given white coats, exactly the same, and assigned to perform the same task. But before it began, the participants were divided into 2 groups: the first was told that this was medical clothing, and the second was told that this was the artist’s work clothes. The results obtained indicated that the first group, convinced that they were wearing a doctor’s coat, approached the task much more responsibly and attentively.

Here's another example. Frank and Gilovich's study of the uniforms of the National Football League and National Hockey League showed that teams wearing black uniforms led the team in the number of penalties awarded. Moreover, those teams that wear uniforms of other colors, but, as an experiment, wore black clothes, also began to receive more penalties. According to researchers, this is due to the fact that players wearing black uniforms begin to perceive themselves as more aggressive. And immediately the judges begin to perceive them in exactly the same way! What results large quantity penalty.

Deserves special attention school dress code , which must be observed in our country today. One of the reasons for introducing school uniform is the opinion that it can change a student’s self-esteem and positively influence his behavior. Back in 1998, Brunsma and Rockquemore conducted a study on the influence of school uniforms on the behavior of high school students. Their study found no association between wearing a school uniform and students' behavior, academic performance, school attendance, or drug and alcohol use.

For some schoolchildren, of course, the school uniform is a symbol of unity, maturation, responsibility, and acts on them as a measure of discipline and control, but what is important here is rather moment of education. The introduction of a school uniform in itself is too small a measure to strengthen discipline. Here it is necessary to make certain efforts both by parents and by the school, and, of course, by the student himself.

You need to dress for the office not the way you feel, but the way you would like to feel! Clothing is a kind of message that you send not only to others, but also to yourself. And the dress code is a message to the company, clients and partners. Therefore, compliance with the dress code is necessary so that others correctly decipher your message.

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Today it is difficult to find a reputable company that does not have its own trademark and corporate identity. Corporate image large company is also expressed in such a concept as a dress code. This is one of the most important elements that support the company’s reputation and create an impression of it in the market. What is a dress code and what rules does it follow?

What is included in the concept of “dress code”

What is the dress code? This is a form of clothing and the principles of wearing it when visiting various events, establishments, and events. The phrase comes from the English dress-code, which in translation means “code of clothing” (dress - clothes, code - rule, code). The English term quickly gained popularity and began to be used in countries around the world. Dress code rules usually indicate the norms for wearing clothes in the office. In fact, this concept is broader, and people of different nationalities, occupations, religions, social class, sexual orientation and marital status can have their own position on the dress code.

The clothing required by the dress code at work is not a uniform. It can be individual, but selected according to the laws provided for in a particular company. Types of dress codes depend on the company's field of activity.

For example, people in creative professions - art sellers, theater workers, modeling agency workers, and so on - can wear rather extravagant attire at work. And those who are involved in representative activities and act as the face of the company in negotiations with customers and partners must wear clothes in a strict classic style.

The dress code of any reputable company suggests that you cannot appear at work in the same clothes two days in a row. Each employee or employee must have at least three - four options suits that are in harmony with each other in style and color. The reputation of a company depends, among other things, on appearance its employees, which sometimes plays a decisive role in establishing consumer trust and business partners to the company itself.

Often, getting to know a company begins with communicating with a specific employee, whose clothing and appearance primarily indicate respect for potential clients. Therefore, the company’s dress code, which shows the state of affairs of the company as a whole, is extremely important and is a natural extension of the corporate culture and an integral part of the brand.

In the West, in large corporations, the business code of clothing can put forward quite stringent requirements. The contract contains several pages with a detailed description of the employee’s clothing, including the composition of the material from which it is made. For example, at the UN headquarters, it is quite legal for an employee who has ignored the dress code for women established in the company to be forced to change her tights to, say, a better color.

However, to justify the excessive rigidity of the dress code, an employee’s office can be equipped with air conditioning, so even in the hot season you can feel good in a trouser suit with long sleeve, and even tights under trousers in such an office will not cause discomfort. High pay also makes employees more tolerant of strict dress codes.

So far, in the countries of the former USSR, what a business dress code is is interpreted rather narrowly, and its rules are mainly applied to clothing for events, the success of which may also depend on the appearance of employees. These may be open corporate parties, business negotiations, during which important decisions can be made.

Most often, office dress codes and a list of items unacceptable for office employees to wear are regulated. In general, the business code of clothing is divided into men's and women's.

Women's dress code

Women's dress codes at work typically prohibit low-cut pants, midriff-baring tops, miniskirts, shorts, sheer clothing, low necklines, sportswear, and flip-flops. A demanding corporate dress code can currently only be found in restaurants and banks. True, judging by the fact that the leaders of the organization, after traveling to foreign partners, are increasingly striving to introduce a similar culture of wearing clothes in their company, dress codes are gradually becoming fashionable. Today they are already prescribed in company charters and employment contracts.

Business women's style for a large corporation, it is usually a suit with a not very narrow skirt, the length of which should not be above the knees. A girl working in such a corporation is required to have several similar costumes. They can be supplemented with accessories and decorations, but within reason. Thanks to these additions, a suit for the office, if necessary, can easily be turned into a kind of informal attire for a reception or corporate evening.

The dress code for women includes both skirt and trouser suits. dark color, complemented with thin jumpers or blouses. The employee's shoes should be very clean, neat, with low heels and closed toes. It is unacceptable for women to appear at the workplace without wearing tights, even on hot days.

In some companies, this business style must be observed from Monday to Thursday. On Fridays and at various corporate events, informal clothing is acceptable. It allows you to wear dresses and blouses with trousers or skirts without jackets and decorate yourself with more accessories than usual. However, shoes must still be closed toe. In general, even in an informal setting, company employees should adhere to an elegant style without being too pretentious.

Women's corporate clothing style - the basics (some types of codes):

Semi-formal, Smoking – allowed during the day Cocktail Dresses, in the evening - evening.

Informal - business suit.

Smart casual – jeans, slacks or a skirt with a turtleneck or blouse are acceptable; Jacket, sweater, blazer, belt are possible; shoes or boots are put on stockings, socks or tights. Earrings are possible if they match the rest of your clothes.

Business casual, Country Club - fabric trousers, long shorts or capris with polo.

Business dress code in summer

How to choose clothes that will make you feel comfortable in a stuffy office, without violating the strict corporate dress code? And what should those employees do who are required by strict corporate charter to wear only closed shoes, are not allowed to ignore tights, and allow themselves a sleeve length of no less than three quarters? In this case, you will have to show extraordinary ingenuity so that both the dress code is “full” and the body remains intact.

  • First of all, you need to pay attention to the fabric from which the clothes are made. It, of course, cannot be transparent, but it is very desirable that it be thin enough and allow the body to breathe easily. Linen is best suited for this purpose. Moreover, linen suits can easily be combined with clothes made from other opaque but thin fabrics. Example: a linen jacket and a plain chiffon skirt go well together and are quite consistent business style. And if you wear tights under a linen skirt, then you will not be in danger of overheating.
  • Length of the skirt and sleeves: if your company’s dress code clearly states how long the skirt and sleeves of a jacket or blouse should be, then again, light fabric, as well as the style of clothing, will save you. Try to choose models that do not fit tightly to the body.
  • Shoes: Some companies' dress codes prohibit the wearing of open shoes. In summer, this condition is especially difficult to fulfill, because in closed shoes, and even when wearing tights, your legs will be very hot. There is also a solution here: you can wear sandals. These shoes have a closed heel and toe, and only the middle or side of the foot is open. If you still need a more formal option, then choose shoes made of fabric, or leather shoes that have holes (outwardly it looks like weaving or mesh) - you will be able to comply with the requirements, and you will be able to provide yourself with sufficient comfort.
  • Tights: here you can also use a trick. You can afford to replace solid ones nylon tights on fishnet tights. Just buy yourself some tights flesh-colored with fine mesh. They will be invisible on the legs and allow the skin to breathe.

You can give more than one example of how, with the help of simple tricks, you can circumvent the too strict rules of a business dress code, without generally violating its requirements. It all depends on the specific situation and your imagination. We think that with our tips you will do everything necessary to look completely professional in the office.

Rule #1

Give preference to minimalism and practicality

The etiquette of a men's business suit dictates its own rules: you should give preference to plain, striped or checkered fabrics. And the color scheme should be calm, without sharp contrasts. The etiquette of a women's business suit is based on conservatism, rigor and elegance.

British Prime Minister Theresa May

The black business suit, generally accepted until recently, is gradually fading into the background. In addition to the traditional dark blue, gray and brown colors, women's business suits also allow olive, Parisian blue (blue + violet), aqua, burgundy, bottle, carrot, beetroot, and terracotta colors. According to the rules of business etiquette, women should avoid colors that are traditionally considered sexy: light yellow, pink, red, blue.

In addition to a strict classic business suit, a woman can afford other styles - in accordance with fashion, but these styles should not go beyond formality. One of the rules is that sports style elements cannot be used in the style. Colors and fabric should correspond to the time of year: in spring and summer - light colors and cotton fabric, in autumn and winter - dark colors, woolen fabric.


Princess Diana during her visit to Argentina

Rule No. 2

The costume should not be provocative

If it's a classic men's suit A three-piece suit or jacket and trousers is considered, but in the women's dress code it is a jacket with an English collar in combination with an English lined skirt. The jacket can be either single-breasted or double-breasted. The length of the jacket should be within reasonable limits. Instead of a jacket and skirt, you can wear a dress-suit. Instead of a skirt or dress, in addition to a jacket, there can be classic trousers that are slightly tapered at the bottom.

Business Etiquette women's suit allows three skirt length options: knee-length, knee-length and mid-calf. The ideal length is a skirt 10-15 cm below the knee. The skirt should be straight, slightly tapered downwards and with a slit at the back of no more than 10 cm. The skirt should have a margin of width at the hips, about 2-2.5 cm. This is done to make it more comfortable for a woman to sit and stand without pulling the skirt . The appearance should not be provocative, therefore the women's dress code does not allow short skirts.

Designer Stella McCartney in her own brand of suit

Of course, in boutiques it is impossible to find something that will be tailored taking into account all the requirements of the dress code. The fashion market is tailored for the mass consumer and cannot take into account the features of each woman’s figure. Therefore, more often we see unsuccessful examples of choosing a business suit.

Rule No. 3

A blouse that is too bright is bad manners

A blouse, just like a suit, has its own requirements. The neckline of the blouse should not be too deep, and the color should not be bright. It is considered bad form to wear a bright red blouse or shirt in a darker color than the suit to negotiations. For business negotiations choose only white long-sleeve shirts. Short sleeves in the business world can be perceived as a sign of disrespect for colleagues.

For a blouse, striped, polka dot or checkered fabric is allowed. In this case, the suit should be made of plain-dyed fabric. You definitely won’t go wrong if you give preference to classic blouse styles: a shirt, a blouse with an English collar or a stand-up collar with a small bow. If the suit does not include a blouse, the jacket should have a high fastener. The casual dress code allows you to choose the color of your shirt/blouse in more arbitrary shades. For example, in the morning, wear a pinstripe or checkered shirt if it matches the color of your suit.

Actress Cate Blanchett

Rule No. 4

Pay attention to details

Buttons on a women's business suit are the first thing that catches your eye. They must be from natural materials: bone, covered with fabric or leather. It is allowed to decorate a business suit with bright buttons in the form of silver or gold-plated clips. The main rule is that they should be in harmony with the fabric, style and color of the suit.

Accessories should always be High Quality: handbags, belts, scarves - give preference to natural fabrics and materials. The business dress code does not recommend wearing gold-plated or silver belts on skirts. Leather belts are suitable here, as they will not attract too much attention.

Business etiquette allows you to wear small earrings, a string of pearls and a watch. It is better if the jewelry is part of the set; otherwise, stones and a precious metal must be in harmony with each other. It is acceptable to wear a brooch - also made of natural materials: silver, gold, ivory or mother-of-pearl. Avoid cheap jewelry, massive heavy earrings or bracelets, and rings with large stones. These are signs of low business culture.

Rule No. 5

Evening suit must correspond to the reception format

There are several formats for business receptions: daytime, evening, “cocktail” and “glass of champagne”. The dress code for daytime appointments remains the same as in Everyday life. For cocktail and champagne receptions, wear dressier suits paired with statement jewelry. At evening receptions specialists business etiquette It is recommended to rely on the dress code specified in the invitation. If there is a mention of evening dress- stop at an outfit made of classic “ceremonial” fabrics: satin, lace, velvet, brocade. For evening events, a fabric with the addition of a shiny thread is appropriate to make the outfit more festive.