Lesson notes for my beloved mother. My beloved mother lesson plan on the topic

8 "Little Crane"


on social and moral education
V middle group

Topic: “My beloved mommy”

Sleptsova S.V.


directly educational activities
in the middle group

Topic: “My beloved mommy”

Educational objectives:
Learn to write a short story about mom (name, patronymic, profession, appearance, etc.) according to the proposed plan.
Learn to talk slowly.
Expand your vocabulary.
Developmental tasks:
Develop imagination.
Develop the ability to perform movements in accordance with the text.
Educational tasks:
Cultivate love and respect for mother.

Preliminary work:
Learning the mother's last name, first name, patronymic and profession.
Looking at photographs.
Learning poems about mom.

Portraits of mothers (photographs), placed on several easels or on a board, attributes for role-playing game"Family".

Progress of educational activities:
1. Children stand in a semicircle near the play corner.
- Guys, what game are you playing here? (To the family)
- Who are the dolls in the game? (Children.)
- Who do the children have, who are their relatives? (Children have mothers and fathers, grandfathers and grandmothers, brothers and sisters.)
- Who are you in the game? (Moms and dads.)
- When you play, what do you tell your children? (We speak kindly, gently, we can sing a lullaby.)
- Tell me, what kind words do your mothers and fathers say to you? (They address children affectionately: daughter, son, sun, swallow, bunny, etc.)
- Why do we say tender and kind words to our family and loved ones? (Because we love them.)

From the heart,
In simple words
Today, friends,
We'll talk about mom.

2. Game with a flower “Tell me which mother”
Children stand in a circle. The child who has a flower in his hands must say which mother he is and give the flower to the person standing next to him.
mom is pretty
mom is smart
mom is good
mom is kind
young mother
caring mom
mom is tender
mom is brave
beloved mother
mom is stylish
hardworking mom

Children sit on chairs.
- Guys, tell me, what is this? (Photos.)
- Who is depicted on them? (Mothers of children in our group.)
- Today we will talk about our favorite person. Whoever I ask, he will tell: first, you must definitely say what your mother’s name is, what your mother is like (appearance), who she works for, how you help your mother at home. You need to tell the story slowly and say the words correctly.

Children's stories about their mothers. (3-4 children)

Game "Mom's Helpers"
Children stand up at will and show the movements mentioned in the poem.

We wash, we wash.
We squeeze, we squeeze.
We iron, we iron.
We water, we water.
We help with vacuuming.
Sweeping, sweeping
And we put away the toys.
We’ll also bake pancakes for our mom.

Well done! They helped a lot. Sit down.

And now the guys will read poems about mom to us.

If it hurts me,
Mom with a kind hand
Soothes pain
And brings with it peace.
And when the toy is new
I rejoice loudly
Smiles with me
My dear mother.
Let the wind carry with it
What I will reveal to everyone:
In the whole world, in the whole world
My mother is the best.

Game "Most best word»
The best word for all children is the word “MOM”. How to say the word mom affectionately? (Mommy.)

Who came to me this morning? (children in chorus) Mommy!
Who said: “It’s time to get up?” (children in chorus) Mommy!
Who managed to cook the porridge? (children in chorus) Mommy!
Should I pour tea into everyone's cups? (children in chorus) Mommy!
Who as a child loves laughter? (children in chorus) Mommy!
Who is the best in the world? (children in chorus) Mommy!

Guys, who were we talking about today? (About mom.) What are your mothers like? (Beautiful, kind, gentle.) Well done. Now rest a little, and then make beautiful cards for moms.

Speech development lesson

(senior group)

"Beloved Mother"

Goal: To develop verbal communication in children through didactic games.

Objectives: Improve verbal communication skills; develop diological speech.

Form a humane direction to the dearest person to your mother.

Cultivate a sense of kindness, respect, responsiveness, love.

Material: Children's drawings “portraits of mothers”, “suns”, cubes, a seven-flowered flower, a ball, music, a flower (made of paper).

Preliminary work: Reading poems about mother; reading stories about mom; drawing portraits of mothers.

Progress of the lesson

Educator: My bell is ringing and ringing

And the guys gather around

My bell rings and rings

Tells all the guys to get ready

My bell is ringing and ringing

And we all like his calls.

Guys, look out the window and tell me what morning it is today? Yes, good, gentle, clear morning. And the sun smiles at us and extends its rays, greeting us all.

Stretch your hands to the sun, smile at him, and now turn to each other and give your smile. Guys, I also greet you all, I send you all my smile.

Educator: Today I want to talk to you very important topic"Mother". Do you know why? Because I want you to be even more attentive and careful towards your mothers, so that you love them even more. And now Kirill and Alina will read a poem.

Go around the world

Just know in advance

You won't find warmer hands

And more tender than my mother’s.

You won't find eyes in the world

More affectionate and stricter

Mom to each of us

More valuable than all people

A hundred paths, roads around

Go around the world

Mom is the best friend

There is no better mother!

What do you think is the best word in the world? (Children's answers). Peace, happiness, friendship are good. The best word in the world is mom. Look guys, here are portraits of your mothers. How beautiful, sweet, affectionate. Come and take portraits of mothers, show each other your wonderful mothers. Let's sit in a circle.

Educator: I know your mothers, but I want to know more about your mothers. Tell us about your mothers (Children take turns talking about their mother). Well done boys. Who can tell?

Where does your mother work?

Is she getting tired?

What do mothers do at home?

What does your mother like to do most?

Do you often upset your mother?

How can you upset your mother?

What gift would you give?

Let's dream a little and imagine. If you had a lot of money, what would you buy for your mom?

Educator: Children, do you feel good next to your mother? And why? (Because she is kind).

Each of us has a little sun and the sun is kindness. And mom has the most of it. She loves her children dearly, and mother's love warms us like the sun. Really, guys?

Look at how much mother’s kindness there is - the suns are on the table, and here is the ladder. Each of you take the sun in your hands, remember your mother and say what your mother is like, and put your sun on the ladder.

D/game “Ladder of Kindness”. Look how big the ladder of kindness turned out to be. How many beautiful and warm words were called.

Educator: Our mothers cope with a lot of household chores.

Is it difficult for them?

Are moms tired?

Are you caring children?

Do you feel sorry for your mother?

Are you helping her?

And children need to please their mothers with their attention and care as often as possible. Sometimes mom needs a hug and a kiss and a kind word. And sometimes you need to help her wash the dishes and clear the table, and sometimes you just need to put away her toys or put away her things. And sometimes you just need not to upset your mother and not be capricious over trifles, and sometimes you need to give your mother the opportunity to rest and not disturb her with your noisy games.

Let's play a game. I will throw the ball to you one by one, and you will say who is helping mom and how.

D/game “How do you help mom” (with a ball).

Educator: When you were little, your mother would pick you up, take your hand in hers and play with you.

Let's play with our fingers too.

Finger gymnastics “Mommy”.

AS THE FOX WALKED ON THE TRAIL (indicative and middle fingers left hand “run” from the shoulder to the fingertips right hand, extended forward)

FOUND A TELEGRAM IN A COTTON (the index and middle fingers of the hand “run” from the shoulder to the fingertips of the left hand extended forward)

SHE SAT ON A STUM AND READ THE WHOLE DAY (hold her arms bent at the elbows in front of her)

MOMMY-MOM (for each syllable the little fingers open and close)

MY DEAR (also unnamed)

MOMMY-MOM (the pads of the middle fingers make the same movements)

I LOVE YOU ( index fingers connect and separate when the pads touch thumbs children imitate a kiss with their lips)

Educator: Guys, in our country, women can work anywhere. Name where women can work? (factories, factories, various institutions).

Yes, guys, our mothers can work anywhere and know how to build, drive trolleybuses, heal, teach children, and weave fabrics.

Now let's play the game “Name your profession.”

Delivering mail - postman

Builds houses - builder

Drives the car - driver

Doctor treats people

Weaving fabrics - weavers

Teachers teach children

Hairdresser doing hair

Cooking - cook

Sells goods - seller

Writes books - writer

Educator: Okay, well done guys. Look here. Who can read this word? "MOTHER". What is the first sound in this word? (m). Right.

We will play the game “Name the word with the sound (M).” And to make it interesting for us to play, we will pass the “flower” and call the word with the sound (M).

Educator: They say mom’s hands are not simple.

They say mom has golden hands.

Why do they say about mother’s hands that they are “golden”?

Exactly mother's hands gently stroke the head, do laundry and prepare food. How much mothers do for us! But sometimes we don’t listen to them, we are capricious, rude, offended... (quiet, calm music plays).

I ask you: stand up, take the portraits of your mothers, turn your back to me and listen to me carefully. Left alone with the image of your mother, remember the insults that you inflicted on her. And think how unpleasant it was for her.

Children, turn to me. At home, ask your mother for forgiveness for everything. She will understand and forgive.

Educator: Today we were united by our love for our mother. Let's all say a wish to mom. Come and take a petal, whichever one you like, say your wish and place the petal in the middle. (Children say wishes). This is how the “multi-flowered flower” turned out. And I give you these flowers. Do you know why? Because you children are the flowers of life.

I was glad to meet you. I hope that after today's conversation you will love your mommies even more. Let's thank each other for a pleasant meeting. Thank you.

Marina Herzen
Lesson summary “My beloved mommy”

Explanatory note:

Class« My beloved mommy» was held in preparatory group MBDOU d/s No. 40, where there are 24 children.

We carry out educational activities in accordance with the basic general education program preschool education MBDOU d/s combined type No. 40 built on the basis of an approximate general education program "From birth to school". Authors: Veraksa N. E., Komarova T. S., Vasilyeva M. A. et al.

The level of assimilation of the program by children in our group is 76%.

View classes: integrated

Integration of educational regions: cognitive and speech development.


The mother is considered the guardian of the family.

Mom plays an important role in the life of every person.

Development of relationships between children preschool age and mother is of great importance for the development of the child’s personality. Unfortunately, children often associate love for their mother only with material values. And not spiritual.

Given class is aimed at developing a child’s positive attitude towards the world around him, introducing children to universal human values, love for the closest and dearest person - his mother. At present, the informational and emotional functions of the media cannot be underestimated. Television, radio, print, computerization and the Internet have literally filled the inner world of the modern preschooler. In this regard, children began to communicate less with their parents. But live human communication significantly enriches the lives of children, colors bright colors the sphere of their sensations. Modern children have become less responsive to the feelings of the person closest to them. The child is not always able to recognize and control his emotions, and this leads to impulsive behavior towards the mother.

Vocabulary work: Darling, darling hardworking

Methods: gaming, visual, verbal, motivational.

Techniques: artistic word, multimedia presentation, game.

Use of modern technologies: ICT.

The lesson was effective, as evidenced by the high result of mastering the program material - 97%.

This class consists of two parts and is conducted by one teacher.

Changing types of activities helps children become less tired and shift their attention. It is possible to reveal the abilities of each child in a certain way and help him develop them.


To increase the social significance of motherhood, to show the image of a mother that is significant for the child.

To generalize the child’s social experience through his creative and speech activity, to introduce him to universal human values, love for the closest and dearest person - his mother.


1. introduce children to new things public holiday "Mothers Day";

2. continue to learn how to answer questions and form sentences correctly in a story about mom

4. Enrich children's knowledge about the role of women.

5. Cultivate respect for a woman as a person who gives life, a keeper of the hearth, a bearer of cultural values ​​of an ethnic group, of civilization as a whole.


multimedia presentation: “It all starts with mom!”

Preliminary work: reading fiction. Learning songs, dances, poems with children. Setting up an exhibition of mothers' handicrafts. Photo newspaper “It all starts with mom!”

Progress of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment:

Educator: In Russia, Mother's Day began to be celebrated relatively recently; it is celebrated on the last Sunday of November, paying tribute to mothers' work and their selfless sacrifice for the benefit of their children. New holiday- Mother's Day is gradually entering Russian homes.

This holiday is a holiday of eternity. From generation to generation, for every person, mother is the most important person in life. On this day, children give their mothers not only kind words and smiles, but many gifts made with their own hands. On this day I would like to say words of gratitude to all Mothers who give their children love, kindness, tenderness and affection. Among all the holidays celebrated in our country, Mother's Day occupies a special place. This is a holiday to which no one will remain indifferent.

Guys, listen to the poem and think about who we are going to talk about today speak:


Mom – how wonderful that sounds!

Mom - she tells us so much

This is a sweet word that is close to everyone.

Mom - this word is certainly not new,

But for everyone in the world it is sacred,

Even though that word was created a long time ago.

And even if you don’t know other languages,

And may you be in a foreign country full of enemies,

Say this word, everyone will understand you -

Everyone has their own mother.

And know, this word is known everywhere -

It is the same in any language!

For everyone, mother is a dear person.

You will never forget your mother,

Although each of us can be stubborn,

Mom will come to your aid.

She will forget everything: affairs and years,

She will forgive everything and always help!

Children: about mom.

2. Main part:

Educator: Now let’s say wonderful words about mom, each one a word, passing this beautiful flower to each other.

A game "Say kindly".

Children: Darling, darling, kind, beautiful, gentle, smart, beloved, charming, attentive, hardworking, friendly, wonderful, pretty.

Educator: Well done, you are very love your moms, that's how much kind words came up with it. Now I will be sure that your mothers will not be deprived of attention and tenderness!

Women used to do everything with their own hands, but now everything has changed. And female representatives have a lot of helpers, and you will find out which ones by solving the riddles.

Puzzles "Mom's Helpers"

1. What a miracle! It's tasteful.

Can eat both dust and debris

And it buzzes like hundreds of wasps.

Hard worker...

(vacuum cleaner) .

2. In the summer, our dad brought

There's frost in the white box

And now the frost is gray

We have summer and winter.

Protects food: meat, fish, fruits.


3. Without bragging, I will say: I will rejuvenate everyone around me!

Despondent people come to me -

With wrinkles, with folds,

They leave very cute, cheerful and smooth!

So I am a reliable friend, electric...


4. Should I cook lunch for you?

It couldn't be simpler!

I can handle it quickly and deftly,

(microwave) .

Educator: Well done, you did it! You have already become so big that you are already helping mom: cleaning, cooking and more. Now we’ll check which assistants you are.

Physical education minute:

I will extend my hands to my mother (put your hands forward)

I'll give my mother the sun (hands up)

May my mother smile at me (smile at each other)

Because I love her (hug yourself with both arms)

The children take their seats.

Educator: Stand in a circle to play.

A game: "Let's think about mom".

I will take turns throwing the ball to you and asking you a question about mom, For example: "Is it necessary to consult with mom If you think it is necessary, then catch the ball; if, in your opinion, with mom There is no need to consult, then you miss the ball.

1. Should you miss your mother?

2. Should you feel sorry for your mother?

3. Should I praise my mother?

4. Do you need to constantly expect gifts from your mother?

5. Is it possible to deceive your mother?

6. Do you need to help your mother with household chores?

Educator: Well done.

I suggest you watch the video presentation.

Presentation: “It all starts with mom!”

3. Final part:

Educator: Guys, who did we talk about today? What do you remember most? What did you like about class. What are the most precious words in the world that you remember?

Conclusion: While working with children, it turned out that almost all children know and can tell what their mothers busy at home, about their joint activities with them, but almost half of the children do not know where and who their mothers work; not all children can talk about their mother’s hobbies and passions.

Target : Instill love and respect for the mother as the closest and dearest person.

Software tasks :

Vocabulary work : endless holiday, video message, create comfort, my earthly angel


decorations for the hall, audio recording with songs: “Mama” lyrics. Entin, music J. Bourgeois, “Mom for a Baby Mammoth” by V. Shainsky, portraits and poems about mothers, pillows for children, presentation “Mom is my earthly angel”, audio recording with mothers’ appeals, soft toy“Heart”, pictures for the association game “My Love is in Mom”, cards for the game “Mom’s Professions”, blanks for the application “Greeting Card for Mom” - sheets of velvet paper, colored cardboard and pieces of fabric.

Preliminary work : viewing the photo album “How I Help My Mom,” viewing a slide show about Mother’s Day over the past year, holding: exhibitions “Mom’s Skillful Hands,” My Mom is the Most Beautiful”; conversations about mother's professions, reading fiction about mother, making mother's portraits, joint making of decorations for the hall by children with parents and teachers,

Progress of the lesson

The song “Mama” plays (to the film of the same name, lyrics by Yu Entin, music by J. Bourgeois), children go into the hall, look at it (how and with what it is decorated, notice what they did with their own hands, together with their mothers, teachers, independently) and sit down on the beautiful cushions prepared for them.

Educator: Guys, look. How beautifully the hall is decorated, what flowers, sun, birds, everything is wonderful, and most importantly, do you recognize it? (Children's answers) Yes, these are your crafts that you worked on for a long time. Smart girls. Very beautiful, isn't it? (Children's answers). Today we have gathered here with you not by chance, because soon we will celebrate the brightest, most tender and beloved holiday, Mother's Day. When you were first born, when you first smiled, took the first step, said the first word, opened and recognized the world There was always one dearest and most beloved person with you - mommy! And now, no matter what happens, the mother will support joy or misfortune, hug, understand and never leave her own baby. Yes, guys, for mothers, her children remain babies for a very long time.

Educator: Quite a lot has been written kind words
About our mothers, dear and beautiful.
They are like fairies from fairy tales,
They bring an endless holiday into our lives.

Educator: Guys, I know that you have learned very beautiful and tender poems about mothers. Let's tell them now. ( Children read poetry)

In the world of kind words
He lives a lot, but he’s kinder than everyone else
And more tender is one - of two syllables
A simple word “ma-ma”, and there are no words,
More dear than it!

If mom is nearby, the world of miracles is full,

You don't need anything if mom is here,

I'll take her hand tighter

I will not give my mother to anyone in the world.

If mom is nearby, the world is filled with sunshine,

She will help me in everything, she will forgive everything,

He will tell me a story, sing a song,

If mom is nearby, she will understand everything.

I won't cry if I fall

Mom will be there, she will take care of the trouble,

He will kiss you tightly and press you to your chest,

If mom is nearby, the pain will go away immediately.

If mom is home, I'll play with her,

Of course, everything is more fun to do with mom,

I won’t hide anything from my mother,

I never get tired of playing with her.

If my mother is nearby, I'm not afraid of the rain,

Even if it rains with hail, so what?

I won't cry ever again

If mom is nearby, rain is not a problem.

If my mother is nearby, then I can do everything,

I take care of my mother from all my sorrows,

I fall asleep to her tunes.

Let me dream about my mother

Educator: Well done, guys, what touching and wonderful poems about our mothers. It's a pity. that now our mothers are not with us, they work, create comfort in the house, but I have a surprise for you! Please look at the screen. (Video message from the group’s mothers to their children)

Educator: Well, guys, did you like my surprise? (Children's answers). Let's all play the game "What's My Mom" ​​together?

Held didactic game “What is my mother like”. Each child briefly talks about his mother and finds her portrait on display in the hall

Educator. We played great, let's watch a movie about moms ( View the presentation “Mom is my earthly angel”»

Educator. We've been sitting too long, let's stand in a circle and play in the game "Tender Words"(Children pass the “heart” around in a circle, a beautiful melody plays, if it stops, and the child who has the “heart” in his hands speaks affectionately. tender word his mother. This continues 6-7 times. at the request of the children).

After finishing the game, the teacher invites the children to go to the tables and carefully look at the pictures depicting: the sun, sky, heart, flowers, birds, sea, grass, etc.

Educator. Guys, look carefully at the pictures and tell me what your love for your mother looks like and why.( the association game “My Love for Mom” is being held)

Educator. Let's warm up a little and tell us how we help mothers.

Finger game

Educator. Today is an unusual day for us and the surprises are not over yet. I think and even know. That every child will definitely recognize their beloved mother by her voice! Let's check this now.

(Held game "Recognize your mother by her voice." The teacher turns on an audio recording with the voices of the children’s mothers (mothers either call their child or recite a short poem. Children listen carefully and try to guess, each their own mother.)

Educator. Great, well done guys, you coped with such a difficult test. Please tell me what professions our mothers mastered. (Children’s answers) I suggest playing another game called “Mom’s professions.” Select a card with your mother’s profession and select the tools that are suitable for her profession. ( Children playing didactic game"Mom's profession")

Educator. Everything worked out great for us. Today we remembered and learned a lot of interesting and useful things about our mothers. Who wants to tell you something else about mom?

(Children tell poems about their mother")

Go around the whole world
Just know in advance:
You won't find warmer hands
And more tender than my mother’s.
You won't find eyes in the world
More affectionate and stricter.
Mom to each of us
All people are more valuable.
A hundred paths, roads around
Travel around the world:
Mom is the best friend
There is no better mother!

How many stars are there in the sky!

These stars are for mom

I'll give it again.

And one morning,

Looking at me

Mom will smile: “My little star!”

Mom - this means tenderness,

This is affection, kindness,

Mom is serenity

This is joy, beauty!

Mom is a bedtime story,

This is the morning dawn

Mom is a hint in difficult times,

This is wisdom and advice!

Mom is the green of summer,

It's snow, autumn leaf

Mom is a ray of light

Mom means LIFE!

Educator. Guys, I'm so glad. That you know so much good, kind and beautiful things about your beloved and dear mothers. Let’s end our conversation by making wonderful gifts for mothers. After all, it’s customary to give gifts on holidays (Children’s answers).

Children and their teacher go to the tables and start working together on manufacturing greeting cards with wishes to mothers.(Three-dimensional applique made of velvet paper, colored cardboard and fabric.)

Educator. At the end of our meeting, I want to thank you guys and say just one thing

If mom is not at home,
Very, very sad.
If mom is gone for a long time,
That lunch is not tasty.
If mom isn't around
It's cold in the apartment,
If mom isn't around,
It's bad in the whole world.
If mom is far away,
It's very difficult for children.
I'll tell you straight:
- Take care of your mother!!!

After completion, the teacher and children with postcards and portraits of mothers leave the hall to the music from the cartoon “Mother for a Baby Mammoth” (by V. Shainsky).