Skin condition during pregnancy. Personal care during pregnancy The benefits and harms of cosmetics during pregnancy

Your entire body undergoes changes during pregnancy, and your skin is no exception. While some women simply glow with beauty, others experience a range of dermatological problems ranging from facial redness and broken blood vessels to stretch marks and acne.

Such changes are not at all a myth, the blood volume of a pregnant woman increases by almost 50%. Increased blood circulation in the tissues of the body leads to the fact that the cheeks become ruddy, the capillaries that cannot cope with such a volume become brittle, in addition to this the sebaceous glands begin to work more actively and the face looks "shiny". But this does not mean that the expectant mother should endure all these joys.

Alas, a consensus on which ingredients are dangerous for pregnant women is still not fully formed. Sometimes women, in an effort not to harm, do not use anything at all, you never know what. As soon as there is an article on the Internet about the potential dangers of "vitamins" - and the jar flies into the trash. As a result, problems accumulate like a snowball, and after pregnancy, the amounts spent in beauty clinics increase tenfold.

The main things to remember when taking care of yourself:

  • The most important is the first trimester. It is the first weeks of pregnancy, when you still do not even suspect about future motherhood, that are very important for the development of the child. At these dates, the tissues and life systems of the new person are laid. It is at this time that it is worth being scrupulous in the care procedures and lifestyle (give up bad habits).
  • Throughout pregnancy, care should be pleasant and comfortable, endorphins are very important. Avoid any ingredients or treatments that make you feel uncomfortable, even if they are working. Stress, pain and so on provoke the release of cortisol, which constricts blood vessels. Believe me, this is not useful for your future baby.

- pregnancy mask

What is it: Melasma is one of the most common skin changes associated with pregnancy. These are light to dark brown spots that appear in 70% of pregnant women. The surge in estrogen, progesterone, and melanostimulating hormone hormones results in blemishes over the upper lip, chin, cheeks, or forehead.

What to do: Melasma cannot be completely prevented, but it is possible to reduce the intensity with the help of clarifying serums. If you regularly performed superficial chemical peels with AHA acids before pregnancy and they do not cause you any unpleasant sensations, you can carry out a course of procedures with lactic acid - it affects only the stratum corneum and does not exhibit a systemic effect.

Look for Vitamin C, Niacinamide, and Oligopeptides 34 and 51. Use SPF 30+ and go for Sanblocks, titanium dioxide and zinc oxide, which reflect heat from the skin and are ideal for pregnant women.

Avoid: Do not use hydroquinone. The risk of cellular toxicity is too great.

Psoriasis, eczema, or rosacea

What is it: Pregnancy can be stressful for the body, and this fact will exacerbate existing or emerging problems. According to one of the theories, the immune system and all cellular responses are switched to maintaining the health of the child and the mother is already “not strong enough”. However, sometimes in pregnant women, on the contrary, allergic itching and rashes pass.

What to do: Be more gentle to your skin. Mild cleansers (hydrophilic oils or creamy textures, cold creams), lamellar creams (mimicking the natural lipid layer) and simple moisturizing serums.

The key ingredients are panthenol, bisabolol, beta glucan, oat extract or oat powder, colloidal oatmeal, borage seed oil, sunflower seed oil or olive oil. You may need a green tint concealer to mask redness. Do not be afraid of silicones, they are inert, do not cause allergic reactions and do not penetrate deep into the skin.

Avoid: Abrasive peels, even with the smallest particles (polishes). Heat and friction can provoke inflammatory reactions. Also refrain from perfumed products - even if the shower gel smells pleasantly of "dark chocolate and orange", it is better not to risk it. Fragrances aggravate skin sensitization.


What is it: The increase in the hormones progesterone, estrogen and androgens during pregnancy stimulates the sebaceous and sweat glands to function. The skin becomes oily, follicles become blocked, acne can appear on the face, chest and back. Studies have recorded the maximum level of hormones in the earliest stages of pregnancy, subsiding in the second and the last surge in the third semester.

What to do: We need clay masks that absorb excess sebum, it is good if the composition contains sulfur.

Look for sebum regulating and antibacterial ingredients in creams - niacinamide, zinc gluconate, nordihydroguaiaretic acid, Salix alba (white willow) bark extract. If you have pustular or papular lesions, it is possible to use low concentrations of benzoyl peroxide. 2% salicylic acid and peels with lactic acid are acceptable.

Avoid: Retinol is harmful to pregnant women - it easily passes through the deep layers of the skin and enters the systemic circulation, has a teratogenic effect, and can cause cell mutations.

Some say that salicylic acid is also dangerous because it affects red blood cells and thins the blood in a way similar to aspirin. I believe that even a 20% peeling with salicylic acid will only work in the sebaceous glands and will not go deeper. Therefore, all the horror stories about the stimulation of bleeding are not justified. But ultrasonic cleaning is really better to avoid, their effect on the body of pregnant women has not been properly studied.

Becoming a mother is not an easy task, you should not complicate your life with "cosmetic" horror stories and panic. The simple tips in this article will help you maintain and even improve the condition of your skin.

Tatiana Morrison

Photo by, collage by Alina Trout

But many problems can be prevented if you know about them in advance.

Skin pigmentation

Complexion may change during pregnancy. Sometimes they even talk about mask pregnant- light brown age spots that appear on the forehead or cheeks. Sometimes mothers-to-be say that they are much lighter than before. blush, are covered with a slight blush in the area of ​​the ears, eyelids, cheeks. It is completely harmless, age spots go away by themselves after childbirth, and the ability to blush with or without it will gradually disappear.

Increased pigmentation throughout the body is often noted. In the body of a pregnant woman, more estrogens and progesterones are produced, and against this hormonal background, nipples, age spots and moles may darken somewhat. During this period, it is advisable to avoid open sunlight and ultraviolet radiation - do not go outside without sunscreen and a reliable headgear.

Do not try to remedy the situation with peeling and whitening procedures - during pregnancy, the skin becomes very sensitive, and aggressive actions may not affect it in the best way.


Sometimes pregnancy presents not the most pleasant surprises in the form of a variety of skin rashes. It can be:

Acne (acne)

Appears against the background of altered hormonal levels. Do not try to cleanse the skin on your own using deep cleansing, steaming, etc. During pregnancy, it is better to use gentle oils that gently cleanse the skin. Your body now needs an increased amount of vitamins A and E (you can take them in combination - for example, in the "Aevit" preparation), but you should first consult your gynecologist.

Rash in folds of skin

This unpleasant phenomenon is often accompanied by redness and itching. Pay attention to underwear - it should be made of pure cotton. Try to ventilate your skin often so that it can breathe freely. Lubricating the rash with diluted lemon juice can also help with the rash.

Vitamins A and D will help to cope with itching (more often it appears in the region of the sacrum, but sometimes it also occurs throughout the body). Add olive oil to the diet, do not forget about carrots, yolk, fatty varieties of sea fish, orange vegetables and fruits, sprouted wheat and nuts. Castor oil can be applied to itchy areas.

Venous troubles

Venous "spiders" and "asterisks" on the legs also often first appear during pregnancy - they often go away by themselves, although just in case it would be nice to show such a phenomenon to a phlebologist.

Stretch marks

This is a separate problem that is of great concern to expectant mothers. Unfortunately, most women have a genetic tendency to stretch marks. So ask your mom - if she had such a problem during pregnancy, you will need to pay special attention to the skin of the chest, thighs and abdomen.

Stretch marks (they are "pregnancy stripes", they are also striae) appear as a result, again, of changes in hormonal levels. The skin lacks proteins and elastin, so it begins to thin (especially in areas where it is most stretched). The body seeks to “repair” intradermal tears as quickly as possible by building up connective tissue (similar to how a wound heals after an injury). At first, the connective tissue has a pink or purple hue, then the number of blood vessels in it decreases, and it becomes whitish, and even with tanning does not change its color.

How to prevent stretch marks

  • Eat properly without getting carried away with sweets and pastries. On the one hand, this will help not to gain excess weight, on the other hand, it will have a beneficial effect on the skin. As we found out, the skin especially needs proteins (from which collagen and elastin are synthesized), as well as vegetables (a source of vitamins, carotenoids and other useful substances). By the way, about vitamins. Pay attention to vitamin E (tocopherol). It is believed that it is he who protects the cell membranes from oxidative destruction. If you take complex vitamins for pregnant women, then it is part of almost all complexes. But, perhaps, you need additional sources of vitamin E. It is especially abundant in cereals, seedlings (wheat, rye, peas), vegetables - tomatoes, lettuce, peas, spinach, parsley, rose hips. An excellent source of vitamin E is unrefined vegetable oils: sunflower, soybean, cottonseed, peanut, corn, sea buckthorn.
  • Act outside... Vitamin E will also help when applied externally - it (along with other fat-soluble vitamins) is included in most of the special remedies "for stretch marks" (gels, creams, oils). They can be used starting from the third month of pregnancy, while the skin is not particularly stretched. Lubricate the "risk zones" before bed - this will help to activate the activity of fibroblasts - cells that produce collagen and elastin.
  • External support... Wear a specially designed prenatal brace. It will help reduce the load on the spine and abdominal muscles. But still, try not to abuse it, the muscles should work on their own. If you are at home, then wear it for about 2 hours, with a two hour break, so that the abdominal muscles work on their own.

The firmer your skin is, the easier it will be to deal with stretch marks. A skin elasticity can be increased by the following methods :

  • Cold and hot shower. It perfectly improves blood circulation and makes the skin more elastic. Here's how to properly carry out this procedure. At the beginning, the water should be at a comfortable temperature. After that, turn on the hottest water (but if you have never taken a contrast shower before, first try to soften the temperature contrast, alternate between room and cold water). After 30 seconds, shut off the hot water and open the cold water for 20-30 seconds. Then - hot again. This should be repeated 3-5 times. We finish the procedure with a cold douche. An important point - a contrast shower should not be used if you have a threat of termination of pregnancy!
  • A simple and effective remedy is massage, especially in combination with creams for stretch marks. Try a pinch massage, for example, in which the skin is easily squeezed and pulled back. Massage in "risk areas" for 10 minutes. By the way, this is an excellent prevention of cellulite. For massage, you can also use not very hard brushes or horsehair mittens (dry or wet, during a bath or shower). Massage the skin in small circles, being careful not to press too hard. The massage is always carried out from the periphery to the center - from the limbs to the heart. If you are using a finger massager, be sure to lubricate your skin with a special cream or gel.

Skin problems during pregnancy are not fatal, but they force you to pay serious attention to your diet and lifestyle. Listen to your body's signals!

Inessa Smyk

The body of a woman during the period undergoes tremendous stress and changes. Moreover, these changes are often not for the better. Perhaps every pregnant woman worries when she watches her waist disappear, her face swells, stretch marks form on her body, age spots appear, a rash on her face and legs. Many problems can be avoided by paying attention to the right one. In this article, we'll talk about how to take care of your skin during pregnancy so that it remains firm, smooth and healthy looking.

Did you know? During pregnancy in a woman's body, in addition to the growth of the uterus, the following changes can occur: an increase in the sense of smell by 11 times, an increase in the foot, heart and liver, changes in the activity of the brain. A heightened sense of smell, as conceived by nature, is necessary for the expectant mother in order to protect the baby from bad products.

What happens to the skin of pregnant women

Skin problems during pregnancy are mainly due to hormonal changes and lack of nutrients in the body. Let's make a reservation right away that most often these problems are temporary, harmless and disappear a few weeks or months after the birth of the child, when the hormonal background returns to normal.

The coming to the fore of certain hormones during pregnancy is necessary for its normal course and activity. Some women may not react in any way to the change in hormones and may not notice it at all, while others feel it acutely and observe it on their body and condition.

Hormonal changes can lead to the following changes:

  • stretch marks on the body: abdomen, hips, chest;
  • increased hair growth;
  • acne on the face;
  • the formation of papillomas;
  • the appearance of age spots, darkening of moles and freckles;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • the appearance of cellulite.
A few words about each of these manifestations and why they occur.

Stretch marks... They are scars in the form of red-violet lines, which most often appear on areas of the body that intensively increase in volume during pregnancy: the abdomen, pelvis, hips in 50-90% of women. Usually at 25 weeks. Turn white over time. Rarely cause itching and burning sensation.

Formed due to the fact that the skin has to stretch in a short time due to the increase in the volume of the body area. And its elasticity decreases due to the presence in the blood of a large amount of the hormones estrogen and cortisol. This process, in turn, leads to less production of elastin and collagen, which are responsible for the elasticity of the skin.

It is very difficult to get rid of the stretch marks that have already arisen; expensive means and procedures will be required. This is the case when the problem is better prevented than remediated. To avoid the formation of stretch marks, it is necessary during pregnancy use funds- oils and creams that maintain the normal moisture balance of the skin and its elasticity.

Important! You should choose cosmetics designed specifically for pregnant women..

Massages with olive, castor and other vegetable oils are also used. To avoid the appearance of stretch marks on the chest, it is important to choose the right bra that should hold the breast well and not squeeze anything anywhere. It should be worn as often as possible. It is better to buy it in a special store for pregnant women.

In order to avoid stretch marks on the abdomen, after consultation with a gynecologist, you can purchase and wear special... There are three types of bandages: pre-natal, post-natal and two-in-one.

And, of course, weight control is very important. Weight gain should be gradual - this will also reduce the risk of stretch marks.

Enhanced hair growth... During pregnancy, a woman may notice that her condition has improved a lot - they have become thicker, more luxuriant, more beautiful, healthier in appearance. This is explained by the fact that the hair on the head at this time falls out less.

The appearance of hair on other parts of the body: chin, upper lip, abdomen provokes the predominance of male hormones in the woman's blood at a certain stage.

These changes are temporary and will likely resolve on their own after the baby is born.

A woman can face serious problems associated with intense hair loss on her head within three months after giving birth. Hair can fall out so much that sometimes a mother can already find a receding hairline. You should not be afraid of this condition - the hair will return after a while.

Many are upset by the fact that the face becomes covered with acne during pregnancy. Usually, a woman's skin becomes fatter during this period, since the body produces more progesterone, which makes the sebaceous glands work more actively. You can reduce the problem by using cleansing and moisturizing cosmetics.

Important! When deciding which creams can and cannot be used during pregnancy,it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the substances that are prohibited for use by pregnant women.

Papillomas... Small neoplasms on the skin most often appear on the chest and in the armpits, in places that are subject to mechanical stress. They indicate the presence of the human papillomavirus in the body and appear in greater quantities in pregnant women due to the deterioration of the state of her immune system.

Papillomas are safe for women and children. If they persist, they can be removed by visiting a dermatology office.

Dark spots and darkened areas of the skin. During the period of bearing a child, a woman may have one or more age spots all over her body - darker than the skin as a whole, or darkening of some areas of the body.

For example, very often women find a dark strip in the center of their abdomen, severe darkening of the nipples, dark spots in the genital area. These spots and areas become especially dark and noticeable after exposure to the sun.

This phenomenon, called chloasma of pregnant women, is associated with hormonal changes and should go away at the end of pregnancy. If it does not work, a dermatologist will help get rid of the stains.

It is also believed that regular consumption of foods high in folic acid and the use of sunscreens help to avoid the appearance of chloasma.

The enlargement of the veins in the legs occurs due to stagnation of blood in the lower extremities. The growing uterus interferes with normal blood flow to the heart. Swelling of the legs also provokes stagnation. In the early stages, a pregnant woman can only feel fatigue and heaviness in the legs. At a later date, the expansion of the veins will already be noticeable on the legs.

Cellulite This is perhaps one of the most unpleasant skin problems, which is feared and struggled not only by pregnant women, but also by most women. There are several reasons for its appearance: changes in the dominant hormones, weight gain and imbalance in the water balance of the skin. This problem is also better prevented than treated. Eating the right foods, contrast showers, massages and moisturizers will help.

Skin care during pregnancy

Many skin problems in pregnant women arise not only due to the restructuring of the entire body. Some mothers-to-be cannot cope, for example, with an increased sense of hunger, crush buns and sweets, prefer to lead a sedentary and recumbent lifestyle, or just movement "work - home - work".

Earlier this expression was popular: "Pregnancy is not a disease." And if there are no medical contraindications, then the pregnant woman should be active, do gymnastics, travel, eat rationally and take care of her body.

It is necessary not only so that the child does not receive harmful substances, but also so that the pregnant woman herself looks beautiful both during pregnancy and after. It was noticed that those women who followed a healthy diet during pregnancy quickly return to their former forms.

For good skin condition, regular intake of protein, fiber, is especially necessary. It is important to eat more fruits, vegetables, grain products, vegetable oils. All of them not only nourish the body, but also help cleanse it from toxins, which also leave their negative mark on the skin.

You need to drink enough liquids. However, only if there is no edema.

But it is better to refuse altogether from baked goods, sweets, soda, fast food, chips, coffee, alcohol and other foods and drinks containing bad carbohydrates, dyes and preservatives.

It has long been known about the beneficial effect of contrast showers on the skin condition. During pregnancy, you should not refuse this procedure, because this is an excellent and simple tool that allows you to improve blood circulation and maintain skin elasticity.

If you have not taken a contrast shower before pregnancy, then the temperature difference should first be minimal. Try alternating between warm water and room temperature water first. Gradually, the temperature of the water will need to be reduced, bringing it to cold. A shower with warm water is taken for 30 seconds, the next 30 - with cold water. There should be three to five repetitions. It is necessary to complete the procedure with a cold douche.

It is useful to massage with a gentle stream of water.

After taking a shower, it is necessary to massage well the areas that are prone to stretch marks, cellulite and varicose veins with a towel or a massage mitt, rub in oil, a moisturizing cosmetic or a cream for stretch marks.

Important! If you plan to take a contrast shower with warm and cold water, then first you need to consult a gynecologist, since such a procedure is prohibited in case of a threat of termination of pregnancy.


Body care during pregnancy also includes massage. It is especially effective if carried out with agents for the prevention of stretch marks and cellulite, as well as not hard brushes, washcloths, mittens. You can massage your body with a finger massager.

The massage is carried out with light circular movements, pinching - from the limbs to the heart.

Cosmetical tools

Cosmetics for face and body skin care during pregnancy only natural free of alcohol, fragrances, parabens, etc. Care should be taken with essential oils.

Be sure to use such cosmetics, which include vitamins A and E responsible for the firmness and elasticity of the skin. It is advisable to start using them before the moment when your forms will grow.

If your skin is oily, use a mild cleansing lotion. The use of fruit or vegetable masks is possible.

And be prepared for the fact that some of the cosmetics that you used before pregnancy may now cause you allergies.

Important! It is prohibited to use cosmetics that have expired.

Folk remedies

If you decide to make natural homemade masks, then here are some folk recipes that have been used by more than one generation of women.

For the prevention of stretch marks, a homemade scrub is prepared by taking one glass of sugar and salt each and adding ½ glass of vegetable oil to them. Apply the product with massage movements to areas prone to stretch marks. Then rinse it off and apply lotion or vegetable oil.

The coffee scrub also fights well with stretch marks. Take 100 g of natural finely ground coffee, pour a small amount of boiling water and infuse for 15 minutes. After the formation of a thick porridge and adding a tablespoon of vegetable oil to it, rub it with massage movements into the desired zones.

A good mask for dry skin is a mixture of yolk, boiled potatoes and cream. The mask is applied for 20 minutes. Then they are washed off.

A mask of one egg white, cucumber, white clay and yogurt without sugar and additives will help to help oily skin. It is applied to the face for 15-20 minutes. Wash off with cool water. These masks can be done once or twice a week.

Potentially hazardous substances

During pregnancy, you should exclude funds, which include:

  • carcinogens (DEA, BHT, TEA);
  • toxic substances (NDGA, Acide benzoique, additives E210-213, Octyldimethyl PABA, EDS, Padimate-O, PABA synthetiques);
  • allergens (isopropyl alcohol, sodium lauryl sulfate, petrolatum, talc, borax, propylene glycol, lanolin, Methylchloroisothiazolinone).
Potentially hazardous substances are:
  • fluorocarbons;
  • formaldehyde;
  • animal Fat;
  • albumin;
  • colors.

Salon treatments during pregnancy

There is an opinion that during pregnancy you should not dye your hair with dyes containing chemicals, do a perm, since all the chemicals are absorbed through the scalp into the pregnant woman's body and, perhaps, some of them can penetrate into the placenta. It is better to prefer paints made on the basis of plant materials.

It is contraindicated for pregnant women to do laser and photoepilation, at this time it is better to give preference to other methods of hair removal.

It is undesirable to go to massage with hot stones, hot wraps, solarium. You should not resort to chemical peeling, lifting. If you prefer salon face masks to homemade face masks, then you need to inform the beautician about your situation. Then he will select for you a special complex that is allowed for pregnant women.

Procedures with sea salt, algae, those that help to relax and relieve stress are not contraindicated.

Did you know? The fruit, which has all the most important organs, is only three centimeters long. His heart begins to beat on the 22nd day from conception. The brain starts working from the 43rd day.

Here some tips to help pregnant women care for their skin:

  • To avoid swelling on the body and face, it is necessary to exclude fast food, smoked, fried and canned foods from the diet, and limit salt intake to 3 g per day. It is important to eat foods that drain fluid from the body.
  • Make it a habit to eat in the evening no later than three to four hours before bedtime. This will avoid excess weight and. Also try to eat fractionally. The optimal weight gain for the entire pregnancy is considered to be 9-15 kg.
  • Nutritionists recommend that pregnant women eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, including juices.
  • Drink preferably purified water, at least two liters per day.
  • There is no need to load the skin with cosmetics at night.
  • If you are on a seaside vacation, do not forget to bring sunscreen. However, one that does not contain harmful substances.
  • If there are no contraindications, be sure to engage in permitted types: water aerobics, fitness, Pilates,.
  • Remember that procedures such as a sauna, steam bath, hot bath, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, are prohibited during pregnancy.
  • A pregnant woman should take a lot (at least eight hours) and walk (at least two hours a day).
  • Refuse tight clothes and heels for the period of bearing a child - the latter can be the cause of both uterine tone and varicose veins.
We hope our recommendations will help you avoid or overcome your skin problems. Take them into service, and pregnancy will pass comfortably for you, without stress and troubles, it will become a wonderful and unforgettable period of your life.

During pregnancy, all organs are subject to certain changes. This also applies to the skin. Skin problems during gestation occur on average in 90% of women and in most cases are physiological in nature. However, they often cause feelings of anxiety, discomfort and dissatisfaction with their appearance.

Skin condition

Some women develop excessive body hair growth, oily skin on the face and scalp, acne eruptions, mainly in the forehead area, wings of the nose, in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, upper chest, which indicates a violation of the skin microflora and the function of the sebaceous glands ...

During pregnancy, reddening of the skin is also possible in the form of red spots (erythematosis of pregnant women), redness of the palms and feet, the appearance of pigmented spots, the development of atrophic scars in the abdomen and lumbar region (striae of pregnant women), increased sweating. In other cases, on the contrary, women notice that their skin has become very dry and flaky, worried about increased sensitivity of the skin and itching, sometimes painful, most pronounced on the hands, in the region of the anterior abdominal wall and milk glands. The area of ​​the face and hands is especially flaky.

All these conditions are associated with a change in the body's general hormonal background, the concentration of hormones and their ratio - androgens, progesterone, estrogens, prolactin, luteinizing and follicle-stimulating, thyroid and adrenal hormones.

Itching is a particularly common occurrence that causes significant discomfort and anxiety, which occurs in 19-20% of all pregnant women. It is regarded as a mild pain stimulus to pain receptors. These stimuli are so weak that they are not identified by the nervous system. Distinguish between generalized (spread throughout the body) and localized (for example, in the anus, vulvar itching) forms. Both can be due to various reasons.

Itching sensation

The most common causes of itchy skin during pregnancy are:

  • Instability of the psychoemotional sphere, neuropsychiatric disorders (psychogenic itching). In these cases, even the usual minor irritants are perceived as itching. This happens especially in the evening and at night, at rest, when the cerebral cortex is not exposed to other significant stimuli. Itching occurs mainly on the inner surface of the arms and thighs, as well as in the axillary and groin areas.
  • Use of synthetic underwear and woolen clothes, scented liners, alkaline antibacterial agents.
  • A rapid increase in body weight, multiple pregnancy, leading to rupture of connective tissue fibers and the formation of stretch marks, fluid retention in the tissues. Most often, these reasons lead to itching in the breast, abdomen, inner thighs, lumbar region.
  • Excessive sweating and inadequate hygiene measures for the care of the skin.
  • Development or worsening of the course of already existing diabetes mellitus, biliary dyskinesia, chronic cholecystitis. For example, an increase in the concentration of estrogen in the blood can contribute to stagnation of bile, which leads to an excess of bile acids in the blood, which cause itching. An increase in the uterus and an increase in pressure in the abdominal cavity also interfere with the outflow of bile from the liver and gallbladder into the duodenum.
  • Changes in the balance of sex hormones, which can cause dry skin during pregnancy, leading to itching. The same reason can slow down the synthesis of elastin and collagen fibers, which leads to a violation of the extensibility and elasticity of the skin, to rupture of connective tissue fibers with irritation of skin receptors, itching and the formation of stretch marks. Dry skin during pregnancy can also be the result of insufficient fluid intake, especially with excessive sweating, or be a symptom of hypothyroidism or latent diabetes mellitus.
  • Iron deficiency, allergic reactions and intolerance to drugs taken on their own or prescribed by doctors during pregnancy (vitamins, for example, folic acid, antibiotics and antibacterial agents, and even antihistamines, etc.), as well as food products that might not have been possible before pregnancy cause no allergic reactions.
  • Pregnancy provoking a more severe course of some hidden current autoimmune diseases. The most common such disease is dermatomyositis.
  • Development or relapses of the course of existing ones.

Development of dermatosis during pregnancy

Physiological itching, that is, due only to the usual hormonal changes in the body during pregnancy, is most often localized in the back, mammary glands, abdomen, palms and feet. It is very important to correctly carry out its differential diagnosis not only with that in various pathological conditions (diseases of the liver and kidneys, blood vessels, hematological pathology, HIV, reactions to beta-blockers and estrogens, general dermatoses, etc.), but also with often occurring specific dermatoses of the period of pregnancy.

The most common and most important pruriginous (itchy) dermatoses during pregnancy include:

Itching of pregnant women

It is observed in the first trimester and is not caused by cholestasis, that is, it is not associated with the pathology of synthesis, secretion and excretion of bile or its constituent components into the small intestine. The reason has not been established. The effect of prostaglandins, which lower the threshold of sensitivity to non-intense irritations, is assumed. The sensations are generalized in nature and are accompanied by an increased content of bile acids in the blood with normal indicators of liver function. This form does not pose a risk to the fetus.

Pruritus with cholestasis

It is also generalized, but most pronounced in the area of ​​the hands and feet. Significantly worse at night. It is characteristic of the second and third trimesters and carries a threat to the fetus. The reason for its development is also unknown. It is assumed that there is a genetic predisposition, as well as changes in hepatocytes (liver cells) and in the biliary tract. Blood tests show elevated levels of cholesterol and lipids, bile acids, transaminases, and alkaline phosphatase.

Polymorphic exanthema

Celebrated in the third trimester. It is localized mainly in the abdomen and proximal parts of the upper and lower extremities. It is not dangerous to the fetus. The reason has not been established. It is often combined with an increased body weight of a woman and a fetus and rapid development.

Pemphigoid (cystic dermatosis)

Pruriginous folliculitis

It occurs from the 4th to the 9th months of pregnancy. Has the appearance of itchy acne. The reason is not exactly established, but it is believed that dermatosis does not pose a danger to the fetus and is caused by hormonal disorders. Folliculitis is localized mainly in the upper chest and extremities.

1. Itchy dermatosis
2. Hives

Skin Care Principles During Pregnancy

Skin care and general hygiene procedures are very beneficial for both the prevention and treatment of itching. Of great importance is the frequent use of hygienic baths and showers without the use of detergents containing fragrances. At the same time, the water should not be too warm and not very cool. The duration of water procedures should not exceed 10-20 minutes.

By using detergents (surface active agents), mild soaps without alkaline components, cleansing moisturizing oils and shower and bath products when washing or washing the body, additional dehydration of the skin can be avoided during these procedures. It is necessary to dry the skin with light patting movements without the use of vigorous rubbing.

In case of excessive dryness, it is especially important to use appropriate moisturizing products correctly. Depending on the condition of the skin and the doctor's recommendations (for dryness, itching, redness, etc.), only an emollient is applied, which forms a protective film and prevents the loss of moisture from the skin surface, or a drug prescribed by a doctor, followed by the application of an emollient.

Facial skin care during pregnancy is based on the same principles. Cosmetic products should not have deep penetration properties, as well as contain allergenic and aggressive components, have a pronounced odor and high density. In addition, it is necessary to use during periods of active solar radiation, to carry out light massages in order to improve blood microcirculation and the outflow of fluid from tissues. It is very useful to regularly moisturize with thermal water, masks with a moisturizing cream containing the appropriate selected components, the main of which are seaweed extract, aloe, vitamin “E”, hyaluronic acid.

A significant number of women have excessive facial pigmentation in the forehead, cheeks and nose (or pregnancy spots), in the area of ​​the areoles, armpits, abdominal wall, an increase in birthmarks, and the number of freckles. These changes can be completely eliminated only after childbirth. Before that, you should not use any bleaching agents. Their use is not only useless, but can be harmful. Avoiding sun exposure and using sunscreen is recommended to prevent more severe development of pigmentation.

Proper skin care also includes avoiding synthetic and cotton fabrics. It is recommended to avoid rooms with high temperatures and dry environments. It is also desirable to use SPA and "mild" relaxing procedures, which not only improve overall health and reduce the feeling of itching, but also improve the processes of microcirculation and metabolism, oxygen delivery to tissues and removal of toxic products from them, and promote natural hydration.

The simplest procedures that improve the condition of the skin are gentle face cleansing, moisturizing and nourishing masks, light general and lymphatic drainage massage and local wrapping.

They say that a pregnant woman is always prettier. Expectant mothers, like brides, are inevitably beautiful. But when spots appear on the face and, and the skin all over the body itches, the woman does not feel like a beauty. Moreover, all these changes give her some discomfort and experiences.

The processes occurring in the body of a pregnant woman are inevitable. They are programmed by nature and genetics. Against the background of hormonal changes, everything changes, and the skin also pays its price. But it is still possible to correct the consequences of the work of hormones. Give yourself a little attention during this wonderful period. And try to smooth out the pregnancy imprint on your skin at least a little.

Dark spots

One of the first changes in the skin associated with the onset of a new condition is pigmentation. The midline on the abdomen and especially the areola of the breast can darken even in the very early stages. However, this is not all.

With the onset of pregnancy, melanin is intensively produced in the body. It happens that the expectant mother evenly darkens, as if covering herself with a light tan. But more often the release of pigment occurs unevenly, and the woman turns into a Dalmatian.

The most upsetting is the so-called pregnancy mask, when the face of the expectant mother is covered: on the forehead, cheekbones, bridge of the nose, above the lip. It's just that one morning a woman can wake up and see a spotted face in the mirror. This happens closer to the middle of the term.

It is noteworthy that in dark-skinned women, pigmentation is more pronounced. Also, the chances of becoming pockmarked are increased in dark-haired pregnant women. Therefore, try to hide your face from the sun's rays and, when leaving the house, never forget about a cream with a sunscreen filter.

In general, do not be very upset about the "war paint": with the birth of a baby, your skin color will even out again.

Stretch marks

No less trouble for a pregnant woman - or, as they are scientifically called, striae. Their appearance is quite logical, because the skin for all 9 months is decently stretched: the tummy grows, the chest enviably swells, and weight gains sometimes turn out to be excessive or abrupt. Therefore, tears occur in the connective tissues, and stripes appear on the surface of the skin: at first, they are purple-red, and over time they scar and turn white. It is almost impossible to get rid of stretch marks (unless with a special skin resurfacing procedure). In addition, they are quite noticeable, especially on tanned skin, since there is no melanin in these formations.

The most susceptible to stretching is the skin in the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, chest. Stretch marks appear much more often in fair-skinned women than in dark-skinned women. Moreover, 80% of this is due to heredity, and only 20% of the role is played by lifestyle, nutrition, and so on. But if you can influence even this 20%, then this should be done.

The first thing that needs to be done is to fix it. Moreover, no matter how susceptible you are to the appearance of stretch marks, you need to eat fully, varied, and balanced. Focus on foods that support the skin's natural production of elastin and collagen. From 12 weeks on, intensively nourish your skin with lotions. Choose products intended for pregnant women. It can also be plain olive oil or natural cocoa butter, which do a great job. Be sure to moisturize your skin with at least something, this will significantly reduce the risk of stretching. In addition, during the application of the product to the skin, you perform a massage, which improves blood circulation, enhances the supply of nutrients to the layers of the skin and increases its elasticity.

Control weight gains, do not go beyond the permissible limit: this is dangerous in many ways, including the threat of stretch marks.

Before tears in the tissues, the skin begins to itch and tingle - this is a bad sign. But don't give up and get smeared. Even if stretch marks appear in this case, then to a much lesser extent than without any preventive measures. Most often, striae appear as early as 6-7 months of pregnancy. It happens that mom notices them only after giving birth. But you need to start acting in advance.


This is really unfair is the law of nature, but in some cases the skin with the onset of pregnancy becomes the purest and most delicate, in others it becomes greasy and covered with pimples. Everything here is individual, and if you are less fortunate, you will have to pay more attention to yourself.

The fact is that under the influence of pregnancy, the sebaceous glands begin to work intensively. The skin becomes oily, the pores become clogged with sebum, and acne appears. After childbirth, this unpleasant phenomenon will pass, but now you should remember the adolescence period and intensively start taking care of your face. You don't need to smear any nasty things on it, but daily hygienic care with a full range of mandatory procedures - in the morning and in the evening. Cleanse your skin regularly and use non-oily moisturizers.

Increased sweating

In addition to the sebaceous, sweat glands also begin to work in an enhanced mode - thanks to the same progesterone. Here is such a hormone: it works to maintain pregnancy, but along the way it gives us so many different troubles and troubles. But for the sake of the happiness of motherhood, you can endure.

So, pregnant women sweat in an increased mode. Often because of this, they develop prickly heat - a small rash in places of increased friction. Try to keep these areas clean and dry, you can use talcum powder or powder.

By the way, in other women, the skin, on the contrary, becomes very dry, thin and overly sensitive. Such skin should be intensively nourished and moisturized. So everything is individual.


Itchy skin is a frequent companion of an interesting position. First, due to increased sweating. Secondly, due to overstretching of skin tissues. Thirdly, pregnant women often itch the feet and palms of the hands, and can even change their color to a brighter one. Do not worry - this is all the result of a change in hormonal levels, after childbirth, redness and itching will disappear by themselves.

In addition, severe itching all over the body can be a sign of a deficiency in the body. Therefore, if you observe this in yourself, be sure to tell your leading doctor about it.

Do not forget also that the sensitivity of the body during pregnancy increases, the risk of developing allergic reactions increases. Be especially careful when choosing cosmetics, perfume, soap, shower gel, washing powder. The body can react to any of these funds with severe irritation, redness and itching. Therefore, choose for yourself only the highest quality and most harmless. The same goes for clothing: no synthetics or squeezing styles.

If your skin itches for no apparent reason (which is normal during pregnancy), use an itch-soothing cream.


Even formations on the skin can appear during this period, which is also the norm. But only if these are papillomas and if they formed in you exactly with the onset of pregnancy, and not earlier. In this case, you need to wait: after childbirth, they will disappear.

Papillomas during pregnancy appear mainly under the armpits, under the breast, or on the neck.

Another possible nuisance is the appearance of a vascular network on the skin and even on the whites of the eyes. For many, it appears already during childbirth. It should be said that the mesh does not always go away with the birth of a baby. Often this drawing has to be "erased" by specialists.

As you can see, among the series of changes that occur with the onset of pregnancy, a large proportion of them are related to the condition of the skin. Most skin changes begin to appear intensely from the second trimester. Some of them may disappear after childbirth, while others will remain for life. But now you know what to expect and how to proceed.

Specially for- Elena Kichak