Why women are killed: six real stories that happened in one day. Murder of a tyrant - with the gentle hands of a woman Husbands who killed their wives

Traditionally, a woman in society is associated with tenderness, kindness, love, homeliness and other virtues. But history knows cases when women showed themselves like real furies, mercilessly dealing with those closest to them.

1The Empress Who Planned To Kill Her Husband With The Help Of Her Lover

Valeria Messalina was the third wife of Emperor Claudius. The nymphomaniac, known throughout Rome, married Claudius in 38 AD, and bore him two children, who, according to rumors, were actually Caligula's offspring (Messalina was a frequent participant in Caligula's many banquets and orgies). After Caligula was killed, Messalina dressed as a woman of easy virtue and sold her body. In 48 AD Messalina agreed with one of her lovers (Silius) to kill Claudius, promising him that she would become his legal wife. As a result, the would-be conspirators were executed.

2. The Australian woman who killed her husband and cooked him into dinner

The first Australian woman to be sentenced to life imprisonment without parole was Katherine Knight. In previous marriages, she also attacked their husbands, but in 2000 something unimaginable happened. She stabbed her husband 37 times before skinning him and hanging it on a hook in the living room. She then dismembered the corpse and began preparing a dinner of human flesh. Luckily, police discovered the gruesome meal before the children returned home.

3The Woman Who Killed Her Two Husbands and Then Blamed Her Own Daughter

In 2005, 41-year-old Stacy Castor gave her second husband, David Castor, antifreeze and then faked his suicide. When investigators found ethylene glycol in David's blood, they suspected something was wrong and exhumed the body of Stacey's first husband, Michael Wallace, who died in 2000 from heart attack. Chemical analysis again showed traces of ethylene glycol.

Stacey Castor blamed her own daughter Ashley for these murders, who just at that time ended up in intensive care due to an overdose of pills and alcohol. Stacey forged her daughter's suicide note, in which she allegedly confessed to killing her stepfather. The only problem was that Ashley survived and testified against her mother in court.

4. The woman who bit off her husband's reproductive organ

Ekaterina Kharitonova, 36, was sentenced to two years in prison for causing bodily harm to her 40-year-old husband Mikhail and their 33-year-old friend Lisa Dmitrieva. The tragedy occurred when Catherine returned home and found her husband with his girlfriend. She hit the homewrecker on the head with a floor lamp, and then sank her teeth into Mikhail’s genitals and bit it off. The loving couple was sent to the hospital, and the jealous wife was sent to jail.

5The Woman Who Cheated on Her Husband, Who Gave Her His Own Kidney

In 2001, Dr. Richard Batista offered his wife Danielle his kidney after two failed transplant attempts. After a successful operation, the wife thanked her husband in a very unusual way - she started doing karate and slept with her physiotherapist. Then she filed for divorce and deprived her husband of the opportunity to meet with their common children. Richard filed a lawsuit for $1.5 million, demanding compensation from his wife.

6. The woman who accidentally hung her husband during lovemaking

Tony, 46, and Crystal Border, 31, practiced bandaging and asphyxia in bed during their 10-year marriage. The couple was filming home videos for adults, so what happened in the barn was not in doubt. First, Tony put a rope around his neck, after which Crystal Border began to lift him. Tony asked to be lowered and almost immediately lost consciousness. The crystal slowly lowered him to the ground over about 15 minutes. For the next 40 minutes she checked his pulse and smoked. After this, Crystal called the police and stated that she accidentally killed her husband during love games - Tony died from suffocation while hanging.

7. The 76-year-old woman who is suspected of killing her four husbands

Betty Newman, 76, of Georgia, is currently in a North Carolina prison on charges of hiring a hitman to kill her fourth husband, Harold Gentry. After investigating the deaths of her first child and previous husbands, it turned out that each of them was insured and then died. Relatives of all the victims described Newman as “a bossy, self-centered, greedy lady.”

8. The woman who chose her beloved crocodile over her husband

Australian Vicky Lowing divorced her husband when he asked her to give up her pet crocodile. Lawing, 52, raised the five-foot reptile for 13 years, allowing it to roam freely around the house and sleep in the same bed with her son Andrew. Victoria took in the crocodile after it was dropped off on her doorstep in 1996. As the woman stated, “Husbands can take care of themselves, but my crocodile cannot cook his own food.”

9The Saudi woman who left her husband because he tried to sneak glances at her face after 30 years of marriage

A man lived with his wife in Saudi Arabia for 30 years without ever seeing her face. His 50-year-old wife followed the traditions of her native village and always hid her face under a burqa. One night, the husband was overcome by curiosity, and he decided to lift his burqa to look at his beloved. This was a mistake because the awakened wife was furious and immediately demanded a divorce.

10. The woman who attacked her husband with frozen lasagna

An Atlantic Beach woman was arrested after she attacked her husband during an argument, beating him with packages of frozen food from the refrigerator. Amanda Trott hit her husband in the face several times and hit him as hard as she could on the top of the head with a frozen lasagna.

Women are the greatest mystery of creation. Continuing the topic.

A woman who killed her husband or lover for money or freedom is a kind of artistic cliché, but in reality such cases are quite rare. Thus, only 15% of murders in the United States were committed by women, while 60% of wives were killed by their own husbands or partners. Often women kill their husbands out of fear for their own lives, which serves as mitigating circumstances, but there are also truly brutal murders, which we will remember in our list.

1. Evelyn Dick

In 1946, tourists in Canada discovered a headless torso, which was identified as the body of 39-year-old John Dick. Suspicion fell on his beautiful and unfaithful wife Evelyn, who was only 25 years old. During the search, police found the body of a baby in the girl's suitcase. Evelyn was found guilty of murdering her husband and sentenced to death. The lawyer managed to overturn this verdict on appeal, and all charges against the girl were dropped, since the police process was carried out with errors. But Dick still spent 12 years behind bars for killing her own child.

2. Katherine Knight

In 2001, Katherine Knight became the first Australian woman to be sentenced to life in prison without parole. She killed her lover, John Price. Price and Knight had a tense relationship. During one of the quarrels, the girl stabbed him in the chest. The guy survived, but Katherine was forbidden to approach him. But on the night of February 29, Knight broke into his house and stabbed him 37 times. She beheaded the man, and for some reason prepared parts of his body. When the police arrived at his house, they found the woman in a coma (she had taken a large dose of pills), and the headless body of her lover was in a chair.

3. Griselda Blanco

Griselda Blanco spent her entire life smuggling drugs in Colombia. More than 200 murders are associated with her name. In court, it turned out that Blanco killed three of her husbands, including Dario Sepulveda, with whom they quarreled about raising their son Mikael. Disagreeing with his parenting methods, Griselda hired a hitman to kill him. ex-husband. Blanco herself also faced a sad ending: she was shot dead at the age of 69.

4. Mary Ann Cotton

Mary Ann Cotton was sentenced to death penalty in 1873 for the murder of his 7-year-old stepson. The woman was suspected of other murders. Historians believe she was involved in at least 20 violent deaths, including those of her three husbands and her lover, her child and even her own mother. The killer's weapon was arsenic. After their death, she received good payments from the insurance policy, which was the motive for the crimes.

5. Betty Lou Beats

Betty Lou Beets from Texas is another woman who wanted insurance; she killed her two husbands for it. Before their deaths, husbands transferred their property to the woman, and then “mysteriously” fled the city. She almost got away with it, but the police found the suspicious lady's fifth husband missing. Suspicions were confirmed by the woman’s son, who told how she planned the murder. She was executed in a Texas prison in 2004.

6. Linda Calvey

The police officially gave Linda the nickname Black Widow after noticing that each of her lovers died under very different circumstances. In fact, Calvey was only convicted of murdering one of her three husbands, Ronnie Cook. She served 18 years for his murder. The rest of the young people were simply unlucky. Linda became very popular, even mafioso Ronnie Kray made her an offer that she did not want to accept.

7. Stacey Castor

Stacy Castor was sentenced to 51 years in prison for the murder of her husband, David Castor. She also attempted to kill her own daughter because of her husband's will. Initially, the police thought that David committed suicide, but the attempt on his daughter did not fit into this version, and Stacey herself was confused in her testimony.

8. Mary Stuart, Queen of Scots

The marriage of Mary Stuart and Lord Darnley could not be called happy. Soon after the birth of her first child, she began to spend all her time with her favorite musician. Maria decided that divorce would not be an option, since then their son would be declared illegitimate, so she ordered to get rid of her husband. Darnley survived the explosion that should have killed him, but was beaten and strangled when he tried to escape.

9. Chisako Kakehi

Life insurance is a popular pretext for committing crimes. Chisako also wanted to profit from the death of her husband and two other men. The woman was already 70 years old at that time, and over the past 10 years she had managed to accumulate $9 million by convincing older people to become her beneficiaries in insurance policies. Investigators believe Chisako used cyanide to kill her victims after they found traces of the poison in a trash bin near her home.

10. Pamela Smart

Pamela Smart, 22, worked as a teacher at a local high school. There, in 1990, she met 15-year-old Billy Flynn. They began a secret affair, and Smart soon realized that young Billy was exactly the one she needed. And the woman decided to get rid of her husband, Greg, by hiring three killers. The girl herself denies everything, but she was still sentenced to life imprisonment.

11. Belle Gunness

Belle Gunness was born in Norway in 1859 and emigrated to the United States in the 1880s, where she began killing. She killed her two children, Lucy and Myrta, whose bodies were later found in her home. However, investigators suggest that she also killed many other members of her family, including her husband. The reason is simple - profit from insurance policies.

12. Omana Edadan

Omana Edadan is accused of murdering his lover in Sri Lanka in 1996. True, the woman is still at large, as she managed to leave the country. Before she disappeared, she confessed to police that she had killed her husband. She poisoned him, cut him into small pieces and hid him in a suitcase. It is surprising that after such a confession she was released on bail.

13. Jean Harris

Jean Harris was the principal of a prestigious girls' school in Virginia whenmet and began dating Dr. Herman Tarnover, an outstanding cardiologist. Despite her relationship with her doctor, Harris became depressed due to the psychotropic medications she was taking in large quantities. In 1980, she planned to commit suicide in her own home, but by coincidence, her lover ended up there. As a result, she killed not herself, but him, for which she was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

14. Bibi Zaton

Bibi hatched a planthief to take revenge on his ex-lover Tanveer Iqbal. The woman really didn’t like the way he broke up with her. Bibi even managed to persuade her ex-husband and teenage son to commit a crime. She lured him home, where the conspirators beat him severely and then stuffed him into the trunk of an abandoned car. All three were found guilty of murder and sentenced to life in prison.

15. Neymar Betti

Neymar Betti is the embodiment of the term “black widow”. She was married five times, and four of her husbands died under mysterious circumstances. John Neymar, her last husband, died from supposedly natural causes, but the police decided to check everything, it was all too suspicious. The case was almost put into motion, but suddenly Neymar herself died of illness in 2011, before the case was presented to the court.

Tormenting husbands may once again think about it: their regiment has disappeared. The Israeli District Court in the city of Beer Sheva sentenced a certain Lilian Mendoza, a resident of Eilat, to 10 years in prison. She herself admitted to killing her own husband, who tormented her for 20 years in a row. The husband-killer repented and helped the investigation, which is why the punishment is so “light.”

A 41-year-old woman shot her tormentor, unable to bear the hard life - her husband beat her every day. Numerous witnesses spoke about this and confirmed that living with the murdered man to a normal person it was simply impossible...

Actually, bloody reprisals by wives against barbarian husbands are not so rare. For example, in the Central District Court of Novokuznetsk there is a trial of twenty-year-old Irina Golikova. Last fall, she killed her husband. As the local press writes, it was like this. The young people met at a nightclub in the Kuznetsk district of the city. Golikova worked and, according to some reports, still works there as a stripper.

Well, the guy, while a student, got a part-time job as a participant in a fire show. They got married and had a child. However, conflicts constantly broke out between the newlyweds. The young husband often let his hands go, for which he paid... After another conflict, the girl took a knife and killed her husband with one blow.

A similar incident occurred in Omsk. Based on family quarrel the wife killed her husband, who, by the way, himself often threatened to kill her. Over the course of 30 years, he gained a reputation as a family despot. When another quarrel broke out in the house, no one even paid attention, but two days later the husband’s body was found near the cemetery. Several times investigators had to stop the investigation on the spot because the woman suspected of murdering her husband broke down crying.

According to the local press, that evening was no different from the rest; when her husband arrived, she was cleaning the house. He was very drunk and could barely stand on his feet. After he was fired from his job, he drank every day. The conversation immediately began in a raised voice. The husband started shouting at her, calling her names, humiliating her... Then threats were poured in against his wife. The faithful promised to kill her and began looking for a knife in the kitchen. Tatyana grabbed the rolling pin for defense, but hit her husband first.

The man lost consciousness from the blows. When her daughter and son-in-law returned home, the woman asked for help getting her husband out of the apartment, because she knew that if he came to his senses, he would definitely beat her severely or grab a knife. They loaded the bound man into the trunk of a car and drove him to the edge of the forest.

The suspect is sure that her husband was still alive when they threw him out near the city cemetery. But he never regained consciousness; His body was found by mushroom pickers two days later. A few days later she wrote a sincere confession, but did not repent of killing her husband. The daughter does not blame her mother for anything and says that she has suffered enough over 30 years of marriage: they subdued her father many times, took away his knives and even the ax with which he rushed at his mother...

But these are familiar, albeit bloody, ways to take revenge on their husbands for bullying. Meanwhile, in the UK, the court began considering an unusual case of a serious road accident: 45-year-old Carolyn Meeking killed her husband by pulling the handbrake at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour! The car, with its rear wheels locked, began to skid and after 20 meters collided with a Rover car. Alan Micking died on the spot, Newsru writes. com.

At trial, the prosecutor said one witness recalled Carolyn saying: "It's all my fault, we had an argument. He said he didn't want to live with me anymore, and I just pulled the brakes."

The accused herself stated at the trial that the quarrel was much less intense and all she wanted was to stop the car. "I thought that I should just be silent and he would stop. But he kept going on and on, and I just wanted to stop him. I remember reaching for the brake, thinking, 'Let's stop now.'" She told the court that she didn't understand mechanics and thought that the car would stop gradually...

the site, relying on data from public and its own sources, as well as the opinion of an expert - former operative Nikolai Postonogov, tried to determine the motives for the crime. ()

To begin with, a little about the murdered Andrei Bakharev.

The man is not a poor man at all, he worked as the head of the Orenburg branch of the Southern Railway, then for 15 years he headed the local structure of Gazpromtrans, a subsidiary of the large Gazprom, which transports liquid hydrocarbons. The assets of the enterprise before the reorganization totaled more than 1.8 billion rubles.

Bakharev was an active public figure. He was a member of the regional Public Chamber and the Board of Trustees of the Housing and Communal Services Modernization Fund. He donated large sums of money, including to a fund to support former employees of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs.

The Bakharev family lived in a luxurious house in the village of Rostoshi. The building stood out even against the background of the neighboring, also by no means modest, cottages. But neither high walls nor CCTV cameras saved the family from evil fate. On May 20, the businessman and his wife were killed by unknown assailants. The driver Alexander Grednev, apparently, became an accidental victim, turning out to be an unnecessary witness.

Version No. 1. Order

They continue to argue about this on social networks, in kitchens, in public transport. However, so far this version does not look very plausible. Firstly, there were three killers, although Bakharev had no security, and he himself was not armed either. Professionals usually act alone in such cases and prepare for the crime more carefully.

And judging by the video from surveillance cameras, the killers clearly do not have a sporty appearance. In addition, the very manner of their behavior suggests that they are amateurs.

The main one, when leaving the gate, looks around furtively, assessing the situation. Then he goes to a Mercedes Benz SUV parked near the garage, opens the door and gives a signal to his accomplices crowded behind the fence wall at the gate. The car doors are open from the inside. Two more men go out into the parking lot and just as quickly get inside. But the car does not move. Most likely, the killers were unable to cope with the locking system and start the car. Either they forgot the key card, or the Mercedes had an additional “secret” - but in any case, possible criminals soon leave the car. And, after exchanging a few words, they run away from the parking lot. This is the approximate period between 6.00 and 7.00 am.

The first person to discover the bodies was the housekeeper. After recovering from shock, the woman called the police. Operational services arrived at the scene, including representatives of the investigative department of the Investigative Committee for the Orenburg Region. The house was cordoned off and the collection and seizure of evidence began.

Neighbors and hired workers did not say anything bad about the Bakharevs. They spoke only positively and respectfully about the family. Investigators later determined that the homeowner and his wife were preparing to go on vacation. The driver came to pick them up to take them to the airport. This is confirmed by the Gazpromtrans branch: as of Friday, May 17, Andrei Bakharev officially went on vacation.

It turns out that the Bakharevs were found at home just before the flight. The driver who arrived waited for the Bakharevs for a long time, and then decided to check: is everything okay? And he also became a victim of murderers.

The fact that the murder weapon was a knife does not support the version that the murder was the work of a killer. As Postonogov explains, this is a typical weapon for street crime, but killers rarely use it. Hired killers prefer firearms: there are fewer traces and less chance that the victim will survive.

Version No. 2. Robbery

The simplest and most obvious version, according to our expert. Andrei Bakharev was a wealthy man, his house was the “richest” on the street, and also located at the end. Therefore, it may well be that the criminals received information about the departure of the owners from someone the day before. And they decided to clean out the cottage while no one was there.

The cover came out only with time. By a fateful coincidence, the Bakharevs ended up at home (- Perhaps the flight was delayed? Here we need to check all the options, - Postonogov is sure).

Most likely, the criminals came face to face with the owner and, frightened, one of them stabbed him with a knife. The owner's wife and driver were eliminated as dangerous witnesses.

By the way, the neighbors did not hear any sounds. This means that the couple were taken by surprise. At the same time, the walls of the house did not help the Bakharevs, but on the contrary, they played into the hands of the bandits.

Judging by the video, the criminals move strangely. This is certainly not a brisk jog or walk. This is how drug addicts, for example, can escape. What's so special about this? By the way, it’s a completely logical option. If their brains were clouded, then they didn’t care who they cut.

And finally, another oddity that is being exaggerated. As they say, nothing was missing from the cottage. But maybe the investigators are just not telling us something?

One of the criminals (we watch the video chronicle) is carrying a dark-colored bag in his hands. The luggage is quite heavy, but he doesn’t throw it away. Although what is easier - just run light? But no, he doesn’t let go. There is something in the bag. Perhaps money for a vacation, or something else valuable that came to hand. The killers did not do a detailed inspection of the house, being afraid of what they had done and hastening to escape.

Version No. 3. Revenge

Officially, the police did not provide such information, so it is more like fiction. And again, if there was revenge, then why kill the woman and the driver? It would be more logical to do the opposite - to leave the witnesses alive. For example, as a sign that any evil always receives a response.

After all, the avenger is a priori not a criminal, but a kind of “punishing hand.” However, in the case of an attack on the Bakharev family, such a motive and circumstances of the crime look doubtful.

Are the 90's bandits coming back?

Not so long ago, on March 4 of this year, in Orsk, the deputy director for sales of services of the Orsk Production Association of the branch of PJSC Interregional Distribution Grid Company of the Volga - Orenburgenergo, Dmitry Shevelev, was killed. This happened at 7.40 am on the landing of the second entrance of a residential building on Korolenko Street, 17/1. Let us remember that a sawn-off firearm was used as a weapon.

Having wounded the man, the killer finished off the victim with a second shot and disappeared. He most likely acted in tandem with his accomplice. And he chose the right moment - when the object itself came into the firing sector.

Another high-profile crime that occurred on January 17, 2018 has not been solved. Then, on Karaganda Street, three unknown people stabbed a 35-year-old businessman and his schoolboy son to death with knives. And now it's already passed more than a year, and not only are the criminals not arrested, there are not even suspects in the case.

At the same time, the former head of the regional Ministry of Internal Affairs Mikhail Davydov is not a colonel, but a general. After his transfer, he works, as if nothing had happened, in his more familiar Perm. Well, once the head of the regional investigative department of the RF IC, Sergei Kolotov, was honorably discharged.

Some people believe that the reason for the surge in terrible crime was bandits leaving the colonies, having served 15-20 years, who were apparently curbed and imprisoned at the turn of the 90s-2000s.

- in 2003, the director of Buzuluk-Khleb CJSC Galimzhan Muldashev and his wife were killed. The case has not been solved.

In 2009 - the murder of a deputy of the Legislative Assembly and director of TNV " Southern Urals» Vasily Shegurov. There are no results of the investigation.

A year later, businessman and gas station owner Vitaly Abdulin was killed. His wife soon went missing. The matter has stalled.

The chances of solving recent crimes are falling every day... Will ruthless killers really escape punishment again? And the criminals who are raising their heads will think that they can rob and kill in the Orenburg region calmly - they won’t get caught anyway, just like they didn’t catch these and those?

Today, May 22, more than 500 people said goodbye to the Bakharev family and Alexander Grednev. Near the Gazovik cultural center, where the funeral ceremony took place, cars lined up in three rows, almost blocking the main Chkalov street.

Acting Governor of the Orenburg Region Denis Pasler brought his condolences to the relatives of the victims.

But on the official website of the parent company Gazpromtrans there is not a word about what happened in Orenburg.

No one knows whether the killers will ever be caught. And while this is so, anyone can be under attack. Who is next? - this is the question Orenburg residents ask.

Stories: Exclusive

According to the UN, the place where women are killed most often is their home.

More than half of the 87,000 women killed in 2017 were victims of those closest to them. Of these, about 30 thousand died at the hands of a partner - husband or cohabitant - and another 20 thousand were killed by relatives.

More men are still killed than women

Data compiled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime shows that a man is four times more likely to die from intentional homicide than a woman.

The UN indicates that worldwide, 8 out of 10 murder victims are men.

Moreover, the same report states that more than 80% of victims of crimes committed by family members against relatives are women.

“Intimate violence continues to have a disproportionate impact on women,” the UN report says.

47 women in 21 countries in one day

The UN report summarizes homicide statistics for 2017 from government sources. The number of gender-related killings of women and girls was derived based on the criteria of killings committed by relatives or close associates.

After this, the creators of the BBC special project “100 Women”, together with the BBC Monitoring Service, decided to learn more about the real stories of women hidden behind the statistics.

As a result, all articles in the world press relating to femicides on October 1, 2018 were tracked. BBC journalists working around the world counted 47 such reports of women killed in 21 countries, most likely for gender reasons. . Most of these murders are still under investigation.

Here are just six such cases. They were initially reported in the local press. The BBC has received official confirmation of the facts stated here.

Judith Chesang, 22, Kenya

Illustration copyright Family handout

Judith, a mother of three, recently divorced her husband Laban Kamuren and decided to return to her parents' village in the north of the country.

Shortly after the sisters began harvesting, Kamuren arrived at the family farm and attacked ex-wife and killed her.

According to local police, Kamuren himself was then killed by local residents.

A UN report says that in Africa, women are most at risk of being killed by loved ones. In total, there are 3.1 such deaths per 100 thousand people.

And in terms of the total number of murders of women by relatives and friends, Asia leads: 20 thousand women died there in 2017.

Neha Sharad Choudhury, 18 years old, India

Illustration copyright Manohar Shewale

Neha Sharad Chaudhury apparently died in a so-called honor killing on the day she turned 18. She celebrated her birthday with her boyfriend.

Police confirmed to the BBC that the girl's parents were against the relationship. Now the parents and another relative are accused of killing the girl that evening, committed right in her parents' house.

The investigation continues and the three main suspects remain in custody awaiting trial.

A lawyer representing the interests of Neha's parents and relative told the BBC that the suspects do not intend to admit their guilt.

Hundreds of women die every year simply because they fall in love or marry against the wishes of their families. However, there are no accurate statistics on “honor killings” because such crimes are often not recorded or reported.

Zeinab Sekaanvan, 24 years old, Iran

Illustration copyright Private via Amnesty International

Zeinab Sekaanvan was executed in Iran for the murder of her husband.

Zeinab was born in northwestern Iran into a poor, conservative Kurdish family. As a very young girl, she ran away from her family to get married and find a better life.

But she was unlucky: according to an international human rights organization, her husband abused Zeinab and refused to give her a divorce. At the same time, the police ignored all her complaints about beatings.

Zainab was arrested for the murder of her husband when she was 17 years old.

Amnesty International claims she was tortured into confessing to killing her husband, that she was beaten by police and that she did not receive a fair trial.

The UNODC report suggests that women who decide to kill their partner often have been subjected to prolonged physical violence before doing so.

The report also states that male killers often cite possessiveness, jealousy and fear of abandonment as motives.

This appears to be what happened to a Brazilian couple: the man and woman lived together for many years and were found dead on the same day that Zeinab was executed.

Sandra Lucia Ammer Maura, 39, Brazil

Illustration copyright Reproduction/Facebook

Sandra Lucia Ammer Maura married Augusto Aguire Ribeiro at the age of 16 and lived with him for almost a quarter of a century.

Five months after the divorce, he killed her.

Police in the town of Jardim Taquari confirmed to BBC Brazil that the woman died from a knife wound to the neck.

Investigators found on mobile phone her husband has a videotaped confession to the murder. Augusto stated that Lucia began dating another person, and he regarded this as a betrayal.

He also boasted in the video that he would not be arrested because they would “go to the Creator” together.

Augusto hanged himself in the bedroom of their shared home. He actually escaped arrest.

Sandra's case illustrates a form of "murder-suicide" in which a person kills one or more victims and then commits suicide.

Marie-Amelie Vaya, 36 years old, France

Illustration copyright

Marie-Amélie was stabbed to death by her husband Sebastien Vaillat.

They separated after 4 years of marriage. He attacked the woman with a knife, after which he voluntarily surrendered to the police. A few days later he stabbed himself to death in prison.

Marie-Amelie's neighbors brought armfuls of flowers to the store door underwear on Bisha Street, which she owned, and marched in memory of the deceased.

The murder of Marie-Amélie Vaya came on the same day that the French government announced new plans to combat domestic violence.

Illustration copyright PHOTOPQR/LE PROGRES/Photo Jean-Pierre BALFIN Image caption March in memory of Marie-Amelie

Elena Verba, 29 years old, Russia

Illustration copyright VK/Elena Verba

Happy family life Helena ended in the summer of 2017.

Her husband Sergei, a former employee of the Federal Drug Control Service, decided that she had begun to cheat on him, called her into the forest under the pretext of picking mushrooms and there he attacked her with a knife, demanding a confession.

Elena was able to escape and later reported this attack to the police, but the law enforcement officers had an educational conversation with her husband and that was all.

Elena wanted to get a divorce, but could not do it: according to lawyers, her husband intimidated her and threatened that the divorce would cost her dearly.

At the same time, Sergei did not stop suspecting his wife and eventually, in a fit of jealousy, attacked her and inflicted 28 stab wounds in front of her seven-year-old son.

When does the murder of a woman deserve attention?

To bring you these stories of women killed because of their gender, a whole network of BBC staff carefully watched television programs, social media, print media, listened to radio all over the world.

They found that there were a total of 47 reports of femicides on October 1 this year. The BBC reports only a small part of them: many cases remained unconfirmed, some crimes against women were not officially registered, sometimes the motives were not clear or the perpetrators were not identified.

The UNODC report finds that a large proportion of crimes against women fall under the radar of law enforcement, either not being reported or not being investigated by police as specifically targeting women.

“Our research aims to bring to mind not only the women we know about, but also those cases that have not been reported by the police or the media,” says Mariam Azver, an employee of the BBC Monitoring Service, whose task was to summarize the collected data. “The stories of these women were never published, or they could not be verified, or the police did not investigate these deaths, so we can only wonder: when is the murder of a woman considered important enough to be written about in the newspapers?”