How to wash frosted glass in doors. How to clean frosted glass in interior doors

Interior doors containing frosted glass inserts often look original and are very popular. However, if you decide to install such beauty in your home, it will soon become clear that the rough surface of glass has a simply unique ability to get dirty. Consider how to wash frosted glass on doors to restore their attractive appearance.


The choice of means for cleaning frosted glass depends on the degree of soiling. To clean this glass, you can use:

Mister Muscle, GT-20

With these products, it is convenient to clean matte surfaces from dust and light dirt.

Ajax, Pril

Using these household cleaning products, you will be able to clean matte doors well from greasy stains. To obtain the desired result, the glass surface of the doors must be moistened with water before applying these liquids. If the grease on the glass is old and dry, you can use a steam cleaner with continuous suction to remove it.

Dishwashing detergents

You can also try to remove grease with the detergent you always use in your dishes. It does not contain harmful components and abrasive particles, which means you can safely wash the glass.

Acetone, alcohol

Such liquids are excellent for removing coffee, tea or glue stains from glass surfaces. When cleaning the door, be careful not to get alcohol or acetone on the silicone seals or gaskets.

During washing, the glass inserts should first be treated with the selected detergent and then wiped thoroughly with a cloth to remove moisture and prevent the formation of cloudy streaks. If there are dried spots on the glass, you should not try to wipe them off right away, it is better to soak them first.

You should also not try to clean the dirt from the glass with metal scrapers and abrasive powders - you will ruin the surface.

Folk ways

If you don't want to clean your glasses with household chemicals, you can make your own glass cleaner.

  • A vinegar solution is used to wash a lightly soiled surface. It's easy to use - add vinegar to warm water and wash the doors, then wipe off with a clean rag.
  • The chalk solution is ideal for removing grease and glue marks. To make it, stir two tablespoons of chalk in a liter of cool water, pour the mixture into a spray bottle and spray on the glass. When the solution is dry, take a piece of paper or tissue and wipe off the chalk marks. Dried dirt will disappear with them.

Knowing some of the intricacies of care will allow you to always keep your doors in perfect condition:

  • Wash frosted glasses only with cold water, and immediately after that you need to wipe them with microfiber napkins.
  • You can add shine and keep the matte surface clean longer with starch. Dissolve 1 tablespoon in a liter of water, wipe glass and then wipe dry.
  • To keep the door inserts always clean, wipe them daily with a soft cloth made of natural suede or velvet.
  • Carry out wet procedures only in the evening, when the direct rays of ultraviolet radiation cannot reach the wet glass, otherwise it will fade.

It is necessary to reinforce the knowledge about the methods of cleaning. For example, how to remove greasy stains from frosted glass. These glass inserts are used to decorate tables, cabinet doors or interior doors.

The production of haze consists in sputtering small particles onto ordinary glass. Previously, a film is glued onto it, on which the spraying is applied. The resulting matting is quite sensitive to external influences, including cleaning.

The uneven surface makes it difficult to wipe and remove grease stains that appear after touching them. Drying with a regular tissue does not give the desired effect.

It should be remembered that not all cleaning agents and detergents can be used to clean matte surfaces. Before buying a synthetic cleanser, make sure it doesn't dissolve the matte finish.

If you use products with abrasive properties, then you can spoil the surface. After such cleaning, scratches will appear on the glass. And if you use a metal scraper, you can completely or partially remove the dullness. Cleaning with gasoline will spoil the appearance of frosted glass.

Before you clean the frosted glass on the doors, you should find out how old the stains are to be removed. The longer the period of time after the formation of the spot, the more difficult the way to eliminate it. Wash old stains in several stages.

There is no need to buy expensive chemicals from supermarkets to clean up newly appeared stains on frosted glass. Such funds can be prepared independently at home.

Remedy with ammonia

2 tbsp. l. dilute ammonia in 1 liter of water at room temperature. Dampen a soft cloth with this solution and wipe the stain thoroughly. Then wipe this place dry. This product is suitable for cleaning the entire surface of the glass on the door. When processing, be sure to open the windows to get rid of the causticity of the ammonia.

Vinegar and salt

You can wash off greasy stains if you pour 2 tbsp of water into 1 liter of water. l. table vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. salt and stir thoroughly until the crystals are completely dissolved. Before washing, it is advisable to strain the mixture so that in case of incomplete dissolution of the salt, it does not damage the glass. Wipe the surface with the prepared solution, and then dry using a soft cloth.

Laundry soap

Add grated laundry soap to the heated water and stir until it is completely dissolved. Wash the stain with the product, then rinse with clean water and wipe dry.

Potassium permanganate

Pour potassium permanganate into warm water so that the solution is a saturated burgundy color, then wash the stained areas. Finally, wash with clean water.

Baking soda

Pour a handful of soda ash on a damp cloth and wipe the dirty spots in the doors. Rinse the treated area with plain water and wipe dry.

Stains from coffee or tea are removed from frosted glass with a cloth dipped in acetone or alcohol. After such cleaning, be sure to wash the glass with clean water and wipe it with a microfiber cloth.

To clean the frosted glass on the doors, you can use a plastic window cleaner. It has a gentle formula, and the dullness of the glass will not suffer with such washing.

Instead of a regular sponge, it is better to take a suede flap. It does not slip when wiped, making it easy to clean. In some cases, it is advisable to use a rubberized spatula.

If the products used for fresh stains don't work, a more sophisticated method of removing them should be used. How to clean frosted glass from old grease stains from paint or tape?

  • The chalk solution is applied with a spray bottle. This product is recommended to wash frosted glass with stains, both from glue and from grease. After it dries, the glass is wiped with plain paper or a hard napkin. This requires care not to damage the top layer.
  • Before cleaning the stains, dissolve the bleach in room temperature water and apply to the contaminated area. Clean dried glass with a hard cloth.
  • Frosted glass on the doors will be washed from grease, products - both for washing dishes and for carpets. The disadvantage of this method is the formation of a large amount of foam, which is difficult to wash off. These products have a gentle composition that does not affect the properties of the matte spray.
  • Treat stubborn dirt with a steam cleaner, steam from an iron, vacuum cleaner or other household appliances. The hot air jet quickly softens the old stain. All that remains is to wipe it with a clean, dry cloth. Hot steam will not disturb the matt finish.
  • It is possible to wash frosted glasses from traces of scotch tape, marker or stickers with a product called PROFOAM 3000.

It is categorically contraindicated to use products with a high alkali content, with acid or silicone, as well as preparations containing fluorine for washing such glasses. Never use gasoline - it will damage the surface.

  1. Before removing stubborn stains from glass, first wash it with hot water for softening, a sponge soaked in liquid. After a few minutes, apply a detergent, chalk or lime solution. Then treat the glass with an aqueous solution of ammonia or ordinary alcohol. At the end of the process, you can use your usual window cleaner.
  2. When cleaning interior doors with a frosted glass insert, the minimum use of water should be ensured so that it does not drain and damage the door leaf.
  3. To remove stains, you can use a toothbrush, microfiber cloth, furniture polishing napkins. Do not use fluffy colored fabrics for wiping. The hairs adhering to a non-uniform surface will then be impossible to wipe off.
  4. It should be remembered that aggressive detergents remaining on the glass after wiping will continue to work and may spoil the appearance of the surface.
  5. Other detergents not removed after use can leave unsightly stains. In order to wash the glass without streaks, be sure to wipe it at the end of washing with a clean dry cloth.
  6. After this treatment, you can wipe the glass with automotive polish. A layer of this product on the surface will keep the glass from getting dirty for a while. With weekly washing with soapy water, stains will not dry out.

In the video: cleaning frosted glass with vinegar, chalk, ammonia, and dishwashing detergent - the result.

Frosted glass is a whimsical material that can be easily ruined. If you want to wash off greasy stains from it, then you should adhere to several rules:

  • use only suitable agents for cleaning, it is forbidden to use abrasive powders, alkalis, acids, gasoline and ammonia - all these substances destroy the texture of a delicate material;
  • before processing, moisten the surface with warm water - this way, the contamination will be better amenable to cleaning;
  • at the end of processing, wipe the glass with a dry cloth, only in this case it will be streak-free;
  • so that the surface does not become cloudy, it should be rinsed with cold water.

Step-by-step instruction

To clean the frosted glass, just a few steps are enough:

  1. Dip a sponge or soft cloth in warm, clean water.
  2. Apply the cleaner to the stained areas and rub gently.
  3. The final step is to remove residues and polish with dry cloth.

Be sure to take a soft material for cleaning and polishing napkins - it will better clean the micro-cavities that form a matte moire and will not damage the structure.

Wash the frosted glass on the doors with the utmost care: do not allow strong drips, do not press on the edge, trying to clean a thin strip along the strip. Otherwise, it is easy to ruin the door, squeeze or shatter the glass.

A fresh stain is easier to remove. Therefore, it is recommended to process the matte surface immediately.

Folk remedies

Many housewives are looking for effective household chemicals to clean frosted glass. There is a fairly large selection of special cleaners for doors, mirrors, windows and delicate items on store shelves. But why spend extra money if you can create an equally effective stain remover from available tools?

The following solutions will allow you to remove greasy stains from frosted glass:

  • chalk: stir 3 tbsp. tablespoons of powder in 1 glass of warm water;
  • ammonia: 2 tbsp. Dissolve spoons of the substance in 1 liter of water;
  • vinegar: dilute with 1 tbsp. spoon of 9% vinegar 1 liter of water.

Do you want to not only clean the frosted glass, but also give it some extra shine? After removing stains, treat the surface with a starch solution: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of powder in 1 liter of water.

Stubborn stains can be removed with a steam generator or steam mop. To do this, it is recommended to hold the steam jet on dirt for a few seconds and then wipe it off with a dry cloth.


In most cases, a soft cloth is sufficient: rags or a special napkin. If the stains do not want to disappear, you will need suede or a plastic glass spatula, which is used to wash car windows.

Household products

The best ready-to-use products for cleaning frosted glass are:

  • "Mister Muscle";
  • Ajax;
  • Pril.

Low-quality products lead to stains, which are difficult to get rid of, so it is not recommended to save on the cleaner.

Preventive measures

To keep the glass always clean:

  1. do not touch it with your hands, face, body;
  2. try to convince children that glass is not a toy, you do not need to touch it and play with it;
  3. you should regularly wipe the glass with a dry cloth, it is better to give preference to suede;
  4. no need to wash or regularly wipe the glazing with a rag or sponge with plain water - this only leaves streaks.

It is impossible to completely eliminate greasy stains on frosted glass, especially when it comes to inserts in a kitchen set. However, if you clean the surface regularly, at least once a week or two, then the traces will easily go away, and cleaning will not be delayed. Neat glasses and mirrors are an important touch in the reputation of the hostess.

Modern stylish home furnishings, especially kitchens, are often decorated with glass with a matte finish, which is often contaminated not only by drops of vegetable oil and other fatty liquids, but also from the sweat marks of human hands. Removing such contamination from matte surfaces is not so easy, so as not to damage the surface protective layer. Therefore, in this article, we will take a closer look at how to wash frosted glass from greasy stains at home and preserve the beauty and aesthetics of the appearance.

Before proceeding with the procedure for cleansing frosted glass from traces of grease, you should read the following information:

  1. Frosted glasses have a rather rare feature of their structure, which consists in a special surface coating. Due to this, it becomes so difficult to wash off the greasy stain on the frosted glass. This is due to the fact that microparticles of any substance in contact with the matte surface begin to penetrate into the microscopic depressions of the matte spray, which prevents one hundred percent cleaning using standard detergent components.
  2. It is much more difficult to wash out old grease stains on such glass than fresh stains. Therefore, it is recommended that you pay more attention to the care of frosted glass and try to remove all contaminants as soon as they appear.
  3. When using any cleaning component, first of all, you need to take care of preserving the skin of your handles and the respiratory system, therefore, the treatment procedure is recommended to be carried out with rubber gloves, opening all windows and doors, thereby providing free access to oxygen.
  4. Before applying a certain cleaning agent to the contaminated area, it is necessary to first test on the joint interaction of the components on an inconspicuous area of ​​the glass, and if nothing happened, then you can safely use the selected ingredient to eliminate the full-fledged treatment.

Never use abrasive cleaning agents, metal sponges and brushes, or chemical solvents to remove grease from the frosted glass.

How to clean up fresh greasy marks?

There are a huge number of means for removing greasy traces, but in this review we will consider only the most effective methods of how to clean frosted glass from stubborn grease stains.


Ammonia, boric and undiluted medical alcohol will help to effectively clean various dirt from frosted glasses. For this it is recommended:

  1. Take a small piece of clean cloth, moisten it in alcohol and gently clean the grease stain until it disappears completely.
  2. At the end of the removal procedure, it is recommended to remove the remaining alcohol-containing liquid with clean water.

Recommendation: when carrying out the cleaning procedure, you should take all your household members out into the fresh air, and open all windows and doors in order to instantly ventilate the room in which this treatment is carried out. And to protect your respiratory system, you must wear a respirator mask and rubber gloves on your hands.

Dishwashing liquid

Dishwashing detergent will just as effectively remove all traces of grease from any surface, including matte spraying. The only thing you should pay attention to is the thickness of the selected gel. The thicker it is, the better it will remove traces of fat. Many representatives of the fair sex prefer to use the concentrated Fairy gel for these purposes, which should be used:

  1. Wet the contaminated matt spray area with hot water.
  2. Apply a small amount of the gel to the rough surface of a dishwashing sponge and rub it into the soiled area until a thick foam appears. If, after the formation of foam, the specks of fat have disappeared, it is recommended to wash off the soap residues with clean water and wipe dry with a microfiber.
  3. To enhance the cleaning effect, it is recommended to leave the applied detergent on the glass surface for 25–30 minutes, then rub it again with a sponge, and then wash the entire treated area with clean water.

Trying to wash old greasy stains

As already mentioned, old greasy marks are much more difficult to remove than fresh ones. Therefore, we will consider possible options for how to remove a greasy stain that has time to dry out and get old.

Laundry soap with black ground pepper

If you find old stains on the matte finish, it is unlikely that anyone can get by with the use of detergent, as this requires a special approach. In order to effectively clean the stubborn dirt that appeared a week or a month ago, the following method will help:

  1. You should take a foam sponge, 72% laundry soap and some powdered black pepper.
  2. It is recommended to thoroughly lather the sponge with soap and sprinkle 2-3 grams of black pepper on it (this is about half a small spoon), apply all this to the affected area and rub until the fat disappears completely.
  3. At the end of the treatment, all soap stains should be removed with clean water.


But they also get rid of dirt on a matte surface by using a vinegar solution, which is prepared by mixing a glass of water with one tablespoon of 9% table vinegar. All affected areas are treated with the resulting mixture. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to remove all stains with clean water.

Melamine sponge

Melamine sponges were invented in China and are in incredible demand among modern Russian women. The cost of such a sponge is quite acceptable, and the result of its use is impressive to everyone. With its help, you can easily get rid of even traces of perennial fat on any frying pan or saucepan, not to mention the matte finish of the glass. Let's take a look at how to remove grease marks on glass using this Chinese tool:

  1. It is recommended to wet the melamine sponge with water first.
  2. Then make scrubbing movements on the affected areas until all the greasy marks completely disappear.

Do not be alarmed when the melamine sponge crumbles a little and shrinks when rubbing the greasy stain from the matte spraying. This is normal. After processing, it is recommended to wash off melamine chips with water and wipe the glass with microfiber.

For information on how to conduct preliminary testing for the interaction of the processed glass and the selected product, see the following video:

Dear visitor! If you know other methods of how to remove stains, please leave your experience in the comments.

This type of glass, due to its attractive appearance, is widely used for decorating interior doors, tables, furniture sets. Frosted glasses are very sensitive to all kinds of dirt, therefore they require proper care. How can you clean frosted glass, and what is categorically not recommended?

Contamination reasons

Reasons for frequent contamination of frosted glass surfaces include:

  1. Dried water droplets during water treatment, if the glass is in the bathroom.
  2. Soot and grease settling on matt furniture surfaces in kitchens.
  3. Remains of street dirt and exhaust fumes, if placed on a balcony or loggia.
  4. Dust settling in living rooms, children's rooms or bedrooms.

Cleaning frosted glass is not an easy task. During its production, the processing of the top layer with a special compound is used, which gives the glass matte and uneven texture. Detergents containing abrasive components can simply destroy this spraying. Scrapers and newspaper cannot cope with dirt. This task can be solved only by sparing means.

How to avoid

It is no secret that glass cleaning is a tedious and time-consuming process, especially in places where contamination occurs most often. While ordinary glossy glass can be protected from corrosive stains with a special film, it cannot be used on matte surfaces.

In this case, you can create an artificial homemade protective layer. The recipe for the composition is very simple: water (50 ml), ammonia (5 drops), glycerin (100 ml) are mixed. Stir all components thoroughly and treat the surface with this compound. You do not need to wipe with a dry cloth, let the surface dry naturally.

How and what to clean

The technology for washing matte surfaces is simple, if you approach the problem correctly and strictly follow the cleaning rules:

  1. First, you need to determine the degree and type of pollution in order to know which agent to choose for cleaning stains and washing the entire surface.
  2. Moisten frosted glass with water and leave alone for a few minutes.
  3. Choose the right material for the job: a piece of suede, soft cloth or microfiber.
  4. Apply a small amount of the selected detergent to a rag and treat the surface according to the annotation to it.
  5. To remove stains, if they remain and are clearly visible, you must first wipe the surface with a slightly damp cloth, and then with a dry soft cloth.

Greasy stains on frosted glass can be removed by the following methods:

  1. Chalk composition - a glass of water will require at least three tablespoons of chalk. Mix everything and treat greasy stains with the mixture.
  2. Ammonium-water solution - a spoonful of ammonia is required per liter of water. Moisten the stain, let stand for a while, rinse with water, wipe dry.
  3. Acetic-water mixture - 200 ml of water (one glass) will require a spoonful of acetic acid. The procedure for removing contamination is similar.
  4. Detergent for cleaning windows (with constant care). These formulations are best for treating fresh stains.

The above solutions are effective, they cope well with dirt. Apply directly to the stain (the more abundantly, the better, but without much effort). If necessary, repeat the procedure several times in a row.

Old, stubborn fat can be removed with acetone, ammonia or alcohol. Coffee stains, office glue, tea stains can also be washed off with acetone.

Household chemicals to help

If complex traces of dirt appear on the surfaces, then you can try to solve the problem with special means:

  • Mister Muscle
  • Ecover
  • Second for window panes

First, you should carefully treat the stain (having moistened it abundantly), then rinse with water (not hot, better than room temperature), wipe it well with a dry cloth, thereby removing excess moisture, in order to avoid the formation of streaks. It is advisable to moisten the dried spot and allow a little time for swelling.

When working with greasy stains, you should first work on the stain itself, and then wash the entire glass surface.

Then it will be easier to clean it. A good result can be achieved if the stain is removed with a rubber spatula, you can also use chamois leather to treat windows.

Than categorically it is impossible to wash frosted glasses

This type of glass has a specific surface that appears as a result of sandblasting or acid attack on the glass. The rough texture is very sensitive to the influence of aggressive agents, therefore, the processing of such glasses should be completely excluded:

  • strong abrasive compounds and materials;
  • products that contain silicone, any acid or alkali;
  • rigid (metal) scrapers and spatulas.
  • Strong solvents and detergents.

The use of these products can damage the spray layer on the glass.

Required tools and materials

You need to choose the right tools for cleaning frosted glasses. It is allowed to use in work:

  • Means and compositions for cleaning windows and glass surfaces;
  • soft rags;
  • microfiber rags;
  • plastic or rubber spatula;
  • soap-water solution;
  • acetone, ammonia, vinegar, chalk and alcohol;
  • alcohol-based solvents.

Self-made chemicals and solutions will help get rid of greasy stains and not only from them, without much effort. Before using them in work, you should carefully read the instructions and the list of surfaces for processing. Strictly follow the dosage and application rules. It should be remembered that frosted glass has a sputtering layer and it is very easy to damage it.

You can try to remove stubborn stains with a steam cleaner by setting it to the "Continuous suction" mode. Detergents for dishes do not contain abrasive components, you can also use them in your work.

Except those that contain acid, for example, "Sun wedge" or "Shumanit".

Knowledge of the intricacies of caring for matte surfaces, and most importantly - their daily use greatly facilitates the task of washing, prevents the formation of stains, which are sometimes difficult to cope with. Care rules:

  1. It is necessary to wash the matte surface of the glass with cold water, after washing, immediately wipe it with a microfiber cloth.
  2. If you want to give a glossy matte surface, then treat it with a water-starch solution (for 1 liter of water you need a tablespoon of potato or corn starch). Wash the glass with this compound and wipe it dry.
  3. Daily wiping of matte inserts or garments made from suede or velvet will keep them clean and attractive.
  4. It is better to wash frosted glasses in the evening. So the probability of exposure to ultraviolet radiation is minimized. From its influence, the surface may become dull.

Before using any specific detergent, especially commercial ones, you should check its effect on an inconspicuous area. If the spraying remains intact, then you can safely clean the entire surface with it. Make sure that the solutions do not get on the gaskets or seals if the doors are washed.

Compliance with these simple rules for care and cleaning will help you quickly and efficiently remove unwanted dirt without harm to surfaces. When deciding to install them (this applies to interior doors) or buy (furniture sets and household items from it), you should know that caring for them is somewhat more difficult than for glossy surfaces. And if they are already there, then you should look after them, wash and care for them correctly. You already know how to do this, strictly follow the technology, and your matte surfaces will always be clean and undamaged.