Independence Day in Lviv: concerts of the guards, sculptures by Franco and tastings. Parade and exhibition of modern and vintage trams

A day off in the middle of the week, and even on the occasion of Independence Day, is a great reason to spend this day with your family. Here are the TOP 10 events where you can go with your child today:

Festival "My Little Independence"

On Wednesday, August 24, the “My Little Independence” festival will take place in Lviv for the second time. Visitors will enjoy Cossack fun, a fair of Ukrainian products, a power show, master classes for the whole family and many gifts. Also, everyone will be able to join the charity event “We are Ukraine” and help the pupils of orphanages in the Lviv region

During the festival there will be a concert from Lviv folk and rock groups: “Marvinok”, Troye Zillia, Lemko Bluegrass Band, “DoSkhidSontsia”. The headliner of the concert will be the well-known turbo-folk rock band Joryj K?oc in Ukraine and abroad.

When? From 12:00 to 22:00.

Where? Park of Culture and Leisure named after. Would. Khmelnitsky.

How many? For free.


Mobile children's gallery under the Canopy of Metropolitan Andrey and concert program“With Ukraine in the heart”

Lviv residents can expect a festive concert “We are Your children, Ukraine!”, master classes and an exhibition of works. “The creativity of a child is the future of Ukraine. As well as an exhibition of artistic works called “Colorful Ukraine” and an exhibition of weapon models “Indestructibility of the Spirit”.

As part of the opening of the exhibitions, there will be teleconferences (from 12.30 to 13.30) for creative communication between participants.

Where? St. George's Square.

When? From 12:00.

How many? For free.

Independence Day in Belogorsch


When? From 11:00 to 16:00.

Where? The territory of the City People's House and near the temple.

How many? For free.

Here is the program:

11.00 Ceremony of consecration of the Church of the Immaculate Conception Holy Mother of God. The Bishop's Divine Liturgy, which will be led by His Eminence Vladyka Igor, Archbishop and Metropolitan of Lviv UGCC.

13.30 Refreshment. Calendar for children from Ukrainian youth - to Christ. Master classes from the City People's House "Bilogorscha" on the territory near the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

16.00 Festive concert for Independence Day with the participation of: the Bereginya Choir, Den, and the Abu-Kasimov Kaptsi group on the territory of the Bilogorscha City People's House.

Independence Day in Walnut Grove.

What will be interesting: film screenings of Ukrainian films from the period of independence; Motivational meeting for schoolchildren and youth by fighters for Independence: sports competitions in football, table tennis, volleyball among schools in the neighborhood.

Where? Orekhovyi Gai Park, Lviv Cinema Center (Vladimir the Great St., 14)

When? From 12:00 to 23:59.

How many? For free.

Independence Day shopping center "Magnus"

The organizers prepared master classes for children and adults, a performance from the group “Catharsis”, a lecture-seminar about self-awareness, musical accompaniment, free face painting, discounts from shopping center stores on products Ukrainian manufacturers and other.

Where? Shopping center "Magnus"

When? 12:00

Here program:

12:00 - master class for the little ones “Toes”; 14:00 - master class “Paint your country”; 16:00 - performance at the Catharsis Theater.

Festival of colors.

Showering yourself and others with colored and dry paints will definitely please your child and give him positive emotions for the whole day.

When? Starts at 13:00.

Where? Near the arch in the Park of Culture and Leisure named after. Bohdan Khmelnytsky.

How many? The event itself is free, but a bag of colored paint costs 50 hryvnia.

Exhibition of modern and rare trams.

This exhibition is worth visiting for children, because they will be able to see the trams that have been running in Lviv for the last 115 years. In particular, you will be able to see the oldest tram car “Sanok SN-1” No. 093 from 1909

When? The exhibition of tram cars “Lviv tram – from the past to the future” will last from 12:00 to 15:00.

Where? At the stop “Cathedral Square”

In addition, you will then be able to take part in an educational excursion “The Way of Lviv’s First Electric Tram,” which will last from 15:00 to 16:00. Excursion route: “Cathedral Square – st. I. Franko – final “Academy of Arts” - st. Ivana Franko – st. Podvalnaya - st. Russian - pl. Market - st. Doroshenko - st. Copernicus – st. Bandera - st. Chernovitskaya – Railway Station.”

Festive event “TOP-25 about Ukraine”.

An imaginary trip, a patriotic quiz, a flash mob called “Ukraine is Not Dead Yet,” and a costume show are organized for the children.

Where? At the flower clock on Vinnichenko street

When? Starts at 12:00.

How many? For free.

Creation of the largest map of Ukraine from handprints.

The largest handprint map will be created in the center. It will be a great joy for children to join the action and take part in creating a map.

The organizers of the action say that next month the map will be given to fighters in the East. The event program also includes competitions and a variety of entertainment and music.

Where? Sobornaya Square 14-15 in front of the Roksolana shopping center.

When? Starts at 14:00.

How many? For free.

Scientific picnic NANO-2016 .

An exhibition of exhibits of young inventors and robotic designers will be opened for Lviv residents. They will also enjoy interesting experiments, a popular science lecture and an entertainment program.

Where? The square in front of the monument to them. I. Franko

When? From 12:00 to 19:00.

How many? Free admission.

PROGRAM: 12:00 – Grand opening of the event: announcement of the purpose and program of the event, introduction of participants and investors of the event, as well as safety briefing.

12:30 – Demonstration of exhibits “From Idea to Innovation”: the exhibition will feature sections of two directions: the achievements of young inventors “Idea” and the exposition of leading research centers and enterprises of Ukraine “Innovation”.

14:00 – Demonstration of the achievements of young robotic designers: the exhibition will present working models of robots, as well as realistic urban structures made from LEGO constructors.

15:00 – Interesting experiments: participants and organizers of the event will demonstrate exciting experiments in the field of physics, chemistry, biology and related sciences. Viewers, if desired, will be able to personally participate in the experiments.

16:00 – Interactive popular science lecture: lectures and discussions will be held on social and scientific topics, as well as a demonstration of video materials from leading scientific centers of Ukraine and their methods of work and research results.

17:30 – Competitions and entertainment: building a LEGO megamodel of the map of Ukraine, large-scale quizzes on scientific topics: “Physics around us”, “Me and my Biology”, “Chemistry in everyday life and not only”, “Mathematical laws of nature”, accept Anyone can participate.

19:00 – Closing: presentation of diplomas and thanks to participants, volunteers and partners of the event

Let us add that this is not the entire list. interesting events that you can visit on Independence Day. Read more about where to go in Lviv on August 24 in the section “Poster of our website.

In particular, celebrations took place on the square near the monument to Taras Shevchenko. The leadership of the city and region, representatives of the public laid flowers at the foot of the monument to Kobzar, reports the Lviv City Council.

As part of the celebrations, Lviv residents and city guests are invited to attend a number of thematic events, festive concerts, festivals and master classes in the city. Also, many festive events will be held in city libraries and public houses.

“The key event on Independence Day will be a video mapping at the Town Hall at 22.00, where the history of the state and the role of people in the creation of our Independence will be recreated. And also for the first time there will be a video mapping “Faces of Independence” on the facade of the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Sykhiv - August 25 at 22.00,” noted Natalya Bunda, director of the development department of the Lviv City Council.

On the occasion of the holiday at the Museum of Folk Architecture and Life in Lviv. Klimenty Sheptytsky is hosting a charity event “Glory to the Defender!”, designed to unite about 100 families of soldiers of the 80th separate air assault brigade.

“About 2 thousand Lviv residents and guests of the city came to pay tribute to the heroes, to express gratitude to them for the defense of our world, for preserving the independence of the Ukrainian state,” the message says.

Also in Lviv is the international folklore festival “Etnovir”, which will last until August 26.

© Vladimir Yaitskiy/Flickr

In honor of Independence Day, many exciting events will be held in Ukraine

© Vladimir Yaitskiy/Flickr

On the festive Wednesday, August 24, bright, eventful and colorful events related to the 25th anniversary of the independence of Ukraine will be held in different cities of our country.

If you don’t yet know how to spend your day off and where to go on Independence Day 2016, NV invites you to familiarize yourself with a selection of interesting events on August 24.


The 25th anniversary of Ukraine's independence will be celebrated in Lviv for 10 days: from August 19 to 28.

Independence Day, August 24, in Lviv will begin with laying flowers at the Alley of Graduates of the National Academy of Ground Forces named after P. Sagaidachny. Then, from 10:00 to 11:00, the memory of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred and ATO participants will be honored at the Lychakiv Cemetery with the participation of a military orchestra, a fireworks team and an honor guard company of the National Academy of Ground Forces. There will be an open house at the Army Academy from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Also from 11:00 to 12:00 on August 24 a gala will be organized in Lviv tram parade: historical and modern. From 12:00 to 15:00 at the tram stop Cathedral Square you can visit the exhibition Lviv tram - from past to future. From 15:00 to 16:00 there will be an educational tour On the road to the first electric tram in Lviv.

From August 19 to 28, Lviv will host Parajanov festival on Levandovka- a cultural and educational event designed to introduce people to the work and personality of Sergei Parajanov. The Sputnik Cultural Center and Levandovsky Park, where the festival will take place, will become a place of interesting discussions, lectures, exhibitions, film screenings, master classes and musical performances.

On the square near the Lviv Opera House there will be an exhibition of sculptures dedicated to Ivan Frank - Franko Sculpture Symposium. Frank's poetic images will be interpreted in monumental sculptures.

Also on August 24, a festival will be held in Lviv Independence Day in Orekhovoy Guy. The festival will include screenings of Ukrainian films from the period of independence, and sports competitions in football, table tennis and volleyball.

From 15:00 to 20:00 at the Yavorovsky training ground there will be holiday concerts for the military, where creative teams from Lviv will be involved. At 17:00 there will be a concert on Market Square performance by the military band of the National Academy of the Army.

At 13:00 in the Lviv Park of Culture and Leisure named after B. Khmelnytsky there will be festival My little independence. Visitors will enjoy Cossack entertainment, a fair of Ukrainian products, a power show, handicraft master classes and a grand concert of Lviv rock and folk groups.

On Independence Day, Lviv residents and city guests will be able to visit international folklore festival Etnovir. This festival will bring together groups from different countries world and will show all the flavor of their national folklore. Viewers will be able to appreciate the talent of dancers, singers, musicians, designers and chefs from India, Mexico, France, Portugal, Italy, the Czech Republic and many other parts of the planet.


Ukraine's Independence Day will begin in Odessa at 9:00 with the laying of flowers at the monument to Taras Shevchenko. From 9:00 to 13:00 the Odessa quest in the struggle for independence will take place. And from 11:00 to 12:30 near the monument to the Duke de Richelieu the Embroidered Chain event will take place.

From August 20 to 24 there will be a colorful Vyshyvanka festival, within which there will be a race in embroidered shirts, a blue and yellow motor rally through the streets of Odessa, an exciting concert. Festival guests will also enjoy the fair folk craftsmen and bright photo zones.

The highlight of the Independence Day celebration in Odessa and the reason for the increased attention of tourists from other cities of the country will be Ocean Elzy concert, which will begin on August 24 at 20:00 at the Chernomorets stadium. In addition to Svyatoslav Vakarchuk and the group’s team of musicians, Khristina Solovy, the bands O.TORVALD and EPOLETS will perform on the stage of the stadium.

On August 23 and 24, a folklore festival will also take place in Odessa Festival Cossack Guest House on Deribasovskaya. The purpose of the festival is the revival and development of the historical and cultural traditions of the Ukrainian people, cultivating the spirit of patriotism. The festival program includes a festive concert, a fair of folk craftsmen, master classes in Cossack martial arts, and refreshments. traditional dishes, flash mob Rushnik Blagodi, display of traditional Ukrainian clothing and much more.


On August 24 at 10:00, Kharkov residents are invited to Freedom Square to watch on the big screen broadcast of the parade in Kyiv and listen to a festive concert. Also at 10:00 there will be a ceremonial laying of flowers at the monument to Taras Shevchenko.

From 10:00 to 20:00 there will be work in the M. Gorky Park photo exhibition Kharkiv. Family album. At 15:00 on Yuriev Boulevard there will be a theatrical program for the Independence Day of Ukraine.

At 12:00 in Kharkov there will be holiday car rally dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Ukraine's independence: a column of cars with patriotic symbols will drive through the city.

At 20:00 there will be a festive celebration along Netechenskaya embankment in Kharkov concert on the water Touch the sky. The music will be accompanied by a water and fire show.

The Independence Day of Ukraine coincides with Birthday of the Central Park of Culture and Leisure named after M. Gorky. In the morning in the park you can have fun on the rides, and in the evening you can attend a foam party, watch a fire show and enjoy a concert.


Just like in some other cities of Ukraine, In Dnipro, Independence Day will begin with laying flowers at the monument to Taras Shevchenko. A large stage will be installed at the city’s Festival Pier, where creative groups from the city will perform from 12:00 until the evening.

At 9:00 a.m. the festive celebration starts on the square near the Opera and Ballet Theater. race in embroidered shirts Vyshyvankarun. Adult participants will be able to choose a distance of 3 or 5 km, and children - 100, 500 and 1000 m.

Also on Independence Day in Dnipro there will be Airshow Free Sky. The festival will take place at the airfield in the village of Mayskoye from 12:00 to 22:00. Spectators will enjoy a three-hour air show featuring more than a dozen different sports propeller-driven and jet aircraft and helicopters. Skydivers promise a bright and emotional spectacle.

Vilna sky


At 9:00 in Shevchenko Square in Kherson there will be ceremonial meeting in honor of the 25th anniversary of Ukraine's independence. At 9:45, the capital’s ceremonial events will be broadcast on Freedom Square. At 11:00 there will be an award ceremony for activists and public figures of the Kherson region.

From 12:00 to 18:00 exciting events will take place on the Embankment along Ushakov Avenue. city ​​festivals Fish Feast and Kherson-Watermelon. The festivals will include festivities, concerts, games and fun, delicious treats, exhibitions and master classes.

At 12:30 on the O. Fedorov embankment there will be a youth festival of active recreation Fun jumping. As part of the event, spectators will see demonstration performances - diving on bicycles from a springboard.

At 17:00 in Pokrovsky Park there will be festive concert with the participation of creative groups of the Kherson Regional Philharmonic.

At 18:00 on Freedom Square there will be singing of the national anthem bandura orchestra, and at 20:30 the National Honored Academic Choir of Ukraine named after G. Veryovka will perform.


Independence Day in Lutsk will begin at 10:00 with a nationwide flash mob, during which a general performance of the Ukrainian Anthem will take place on Teatralnaya Square and a live broadcast of the parade in Kyiv.

Also during the day on Teatralnaya Square Ukraine will host a festive concert program. Born free!, Ukrainian embroidered shirt event, concert of the Karpaty bandura choir, tasting exhibition of bakery products and pastries, folk art fair and much more.

From 12:00 to 22:00 in the central park named after Lesya Ukrainka there will be a number of festive events: performances of musical groups, children's entertainment, competitions, treats and much more.

  • The program for celebrating Independence Day in Kyiv can be found in the NV poster.

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Film screenings and exhibitions

Lviv residents will celebrate the 25th anniversary of Ukraine's Independence Day on a grand scale - for as many as 10 days. It's an anniversary after all! And they will celebrate not only in the city center, on Rynok Square and Svobody Avenue. Many events are planned in the Park of Culture, on Museum Square, and in the Museum of Folk Architecture and Life. The spirit of the holiday will also be felt by residents of the surrounding areas - in Levandovka, Belogorsch and in Orekhovaya Roshcha.

We unite all events for Independence Day in Lviv under a single slogan “Independence not given,” said the acting. Head of the city department of culture Mikhail Moroz. - We want to honor the memory of all those people who fought for independence before 1990, and those who are shedding blood now. Although at that time it was supposedly peaceful and bloodless, in fact it was the result of a struggle. We also wanted to emphasize that independence is not a gift from above and not a decision that is made only by politicians. Each of us creates a rich, independent and independent Ukraine.

Lviv begins to celebrate the most important holiday in the history of our country this weekend. On Friday, August 19, the Academic Song and Dance Ensemble of the National Guard of Ukraine will arrive from Kiev and will give Lviv residents and guests of the city a one and a half hour concert on Svobody Avenue.

On the same day, the Parajanov Festival starts in Levandovka (a residential area on the outskirts of the city). Until August 28, the local cultural and artistic center "Sputnik" will host film screenings, theatrical performances, visual projects, musical performances and master classes for adults and children. There will also be lectures, meetings and discussions with film experts and people who worked in Parajanov’s team. The movie will also be shown in the Walnut Grove park. Here on the same day a holiday will be held for the families of ATO participants.

All kinds of games, master classes and other entertainment have been prepared for children, the organizers note. - And while the kids are having fun, their parents will be able to watch movies.

And admirers of sculptural art are welcome in the square near the opera house. Near the most recognizable building in Lviv there will be an exhibition of compositions made of clay, plaster and other materials created by Ukrainian craftsmen for the 160th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Franko. Of course, all sculptors, in one way or another, will try to convey the image of the great Kamenyar in their creations.

Paradise for gourmets and music lovers

The pre-holiday weekend in Lviv can already be characterized by the famous phrase “bread and circuses!” The open-air music and gastronomic festival “300 Fest” will take place in the Park of Culture on August 20-21. Visitors to the event will be able to taste traditional and long-forgotten Lviv and European dishes and drinks. It will also be possible to show off your culinary skills - the festival organizers have already promised a variety of master classes and competitions. And famous Ukrainian performers - DZIDZIO, Boombox, TNMK and others - will be responsible for the “spectacles” on the main stage of the festival.

On the Day of the National Flag of Ukraine, August 23, a solemn ceremony of raising the State Flag of Ukraine will take place. The yellow-blue banner will be raised on a flagpole on the square near the Lviv Regional Council, after which those present will sing the Ukrainian Anthem.

Also on August 23, the World Model Rocket Championship starts. For the start of the competition, the organizers prepared an exciting laser show, seasoned with performances music group"Yory Klots"

Ukraine received the right to host a championship of this level for the first time, the organizers of the Championship reported. - At the World Championships, our adult and junior athletes will compete with very serious rivals from Poland, Germany, Canada, Great Britain and other countries. The cosmodrome itself will be located 11 km from Lviv. In general, spectators can expect more than 1,000 exciting starts in different classes rockets. One country can host a championship of this level once every 10 years.

Honor the memory of the dead

But the culmination of the holiday on the occasion of Ukraine's Independence Day will, of course, take place on August 24. On this day, the ceremonial events will begin with the laying of flowers at the graves of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred and the fallen ATO participants. And those military personnel who are currently being treated in a military hospital will be congratulated on the holiday not only by the city’s top officials, but by everyone. After official events In the center of Lviv, a citywide prayer will take place with chants performed by the Lviv choir “Dudarik” for peace in Ukraine.

On Independence Day in Lviv, music will be heard everywhere. The military orchestra of the National Academy of Ground Forces named after. P. Sagaidachny. Musicians will perform famous musical hits. And on Svobody Avenue young Ukrainian performers will sing and dance. This holiday will end with the opening of the Etnovir folklore festival. Participants from different parts of the world will march through the central streets of Lviv in a solemn parade. And until August 28, in the center of Lviv they will dance, sing, and present cuisines of the peoples of the world.


Exhibition of retro trams.

Lvivelectrotrans prepared a surprise for Lviv residents. On August 24, on Sobornaya Square you will be able to look, touch and take pictures near rare trams.

Historical and modern trams will ride along the streets of Lviv from the tram depot to Cathedral Square, said Anton Lyagushkin, press secretary of LKP Lvovelektrotrans. - Next, we will display them on Cathedral Square, and everyone will be able to examine the trams that have been running in Lviv for the last 150 years.





19.08. - 28.08.2016

Festival-collage named after Sergei Parajan ova

Levandovsky Park, st. Vozdushnaya, 20

19.08. - 28.08.2016

Event for families of ATO participants

Park "Nut Grove", st. V. Velikogo 18/14a

19.08. - 27.08.2016

Franko Sculpture Symposium Exhibition of sculptures dedicated to Ivan Franko

Square near the Opera House

20.08 -21.08.2016

Music and gastronomic festival "300 fest"

Park Kultury, st. Bulgarian, 4


Holiday Events for children "Ukraine through the eyes of children"

St. Vygovskogo, 34 (Railway District Administration); at the shopping center " Intercity" (Sikhov).

23.08.2016 (12.00 - 13.00)

The solemn ceremony of raising the State Flag of Ukraine

The square opposite the buildings of Lvovsky regional council

24.08.2016 (10.00 - 11.00)

Laying flowers at the graves of the Heroes of the Heavenly Hundred and the participant ov ATO

Fields of honorary burials No. 67, 76 at the Lychakiv cemetery

24.08.2016 (11.10 - 12.00)

Greetings to military personnel - ATO participants who are being treated at the Military Medical Center of the Western Region

Military Medical Center of the Western Region on (Chekhov St., 12)

24.08.2016 (16.30-19.00)

Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos for peace and mercy for Ukraine

Svobody Avenue (square in front of the monument to T. Shevchenko)

24.08.2016 (17.00-17.55)

Concert performance by the military orchestra of the National Army Academy duck troops named after Hetman P. Sagaidachny

Market Square


Festival "Etnovir"

Ave. Svobody, Market Square


World Cuisine Festival

Market Square

*More details about the program for celebrating Independence Day in Lviv can be found on the website of the Lviv City Council.