The script of the concert program "Christmas meetings". Christmas holiday script material christmas concert script modern

Music sounds. The presenter enters the stage.


Good evening, dear friends!

Today is not an easy day

He is a saint for everyone.

Christmas has come to visit us.

We are starting the celebration!

Music and bells ringing.

On stage - the Fashion Theater with the collection "Cathedrals of Russia". The appearance of each model is highlighted by a spotlight. A voice-over is played.

Wonderful ringing of bells

Joy awakens in souls.

Midnight their call

He flies into the silence of the sky.

And solemnly soars -

Announcing a new day.

That's how the bells ring

Merry Christmas congratulating us.

Models leave the stage. The audience applauds. The presenter comes out.


We are on this day, cleansing all souls,

For Christmas we want to wish you:

To forgive people, as bequeathed from above,

And, God forbid, bring love to others.

May the Star of Bethlehem, which shone in the night sky two millennia ago, shine over Russia, may its light bring joy and peace to your homes.


It seems to me that our people

Waiting for this holiday every year.

Christmas comes to Russia majestically,

And on this day we have no right to be sad.


We wish you all, good people:

May the holiday be wonderful for you,

May life become more beautiful

Home is a full bowl

And what is most important -

Santa Claus let him say.

Music sounds. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka appear on the stage.

Father Frost... Hello dear friends! Good Christmas Eve!

May everything come true

What is your intention.

May good hopes

New Year will not deceive.

Will give the weak - strength

To the patient - health.

May it be abundant

Peaceful and kind

May it be happy

And a happy year.

Happy new year friends!

Snow Maiden. Happy New Year!

Music sounds. Santa Claus and Snow Maiden leave the stage.

Leading... People celebrate Christmas and Christmastide,

For you on stage sings ...

The number of amateur performances is being performed.

Leading. This song is good, but the next number, I think, will be a real surprise for you. Please welcome!

The number of amateur performances is being performed.


We were gathered for this holiday

A new beginning of the year.

Winter is harsh outside the window

Let the word warm the heart.

With warm words of congratulations and wishes he addresses you ...

Congratulations from the head of the city.

Leading. The snow scattering of congratulations continues ... (name of the soloist).

The song is being played.

Leading. Christmas night is mysterious and beautiful. She makes the heart of every mother beat faster, filling it with love, kindness and affection.

Mother rocks the cradle,

Bent over and sings

Looks tenderly at the Child,

A sweet dream calls to him.

Performance of the Fashion Theater with the collection "Pink Dream".

Leading... On this holy night of Christmas, the unique world of stars calls and beckons, opening its arms to all mankind.

So let the Christmas stars today, in gratitude for this, hear our songs, see us beautiful, cheerful and perky!

The number of amateur performances is being performed.

Leading... Christmas stars ...

Each of us is looking for a lucky star among them. We wish everyone who dreams of this to catch this little fiery lump in their open palms today.

The number of amateur performances is being performed.

Leading. And here's another surprise for you on Christmas.

I think you will take it for an encore.

The number of amateur performances is being performed.

Leading. And now we will give the floor to the soloist, she sings for you ... (name)!

The song is being played.

Leading... Judging by your applause, dear spectators, our festive evening is being held in a warm, friendly atmosphere. And you, like us, are glad of this meeting and expect new pleasant acquaintances from her. Well, let's not disappoint you. On stage ... (name)!

The number of amateur performances is being performed.

Leading. Your applause is needed again, he sings for you ... (name)!

The song is being played.


On Christmas, all people dress up in costumes, they try to surprise everyone with this.

Let's go with you now without haste Let's see the collection of models "Nursery"!

Performance of the Fashion Theater with the collection "Nursery".

Leading. The year 2019 has come.

Snowflakes are dancing in the sky

And congratulations are spread across the planet.

With an emerald, let the stars shine

Let the sorrows fly away

May everything come true that you wish

On this snowy winter night

Dear friends!

Health to you, strength and new victories,

Congratulations and musical greetings from us!

The number of amateur performances is being performed.


How good, friends, that this evening

Our meeting took place.

We give you surprises all evening.

We tried our best

So that Christmas magic whims

They gave joy, happiness and dreams.

Fanfare sounds. Ded Moroz and Snegurochka appear on the stage. The final song sounds.

Leading. Happy new year dear friends! Merry Christmas!

Be happy!

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Christmas and New Year's holiday completes the first half of the year of extracurricular activities "Sun" (spiritual and moral direction) in the 1st grade of the Lyceum. In the first quarter, the classes were mainly aimed at acquainting children with each other, with the school and the rules of school life, at the adaptation of children. In the second quarter, the subject of study was the traditions of the Russian people, understanding the meaning of Russian folk tales and their moral educational significance. conducted by teachers in various schools in the country, and on our website you can read and download author's works for the holiday.

The Feast of the Nativity of Christ is the solemn completion of the six months, its beautiful and emotional "point".

Purpose of the event: Emotional and spiritual experience of the joy of the New Year and Christmas holidays, the creation of a joyful, happy and friendly atmosphere in the classroom, a positive end to the first half of the year.

Objectives of the event:

  • To acquaint children with the meaning of the holiday of the Nativity of Christ and the Tradition of its celebration in Russia;
  • Demonstrate the talents and abilities of each child (everyone gets roles);
  • To form the artistic, literary, musical taste of children, the culture of behavior and communication;
  • Involvement of parents in the preparation of the holiday (making a den, costumes, cooking treats) and their assimilation of the traditions of the national culture;
  • Combining the efforts of teachers in working with the class (primary school teacher, music teacher, teacher of spiritual and moral culture).

Forms of organizing children's activities:

Individual, collective, group. Namely:

  • Recitation of poetry;
  • Choral performance of songs;
  • Artistic accompaniment of songs and acting out scenes during the event;
  • Guessing and guessing riddles;
  • Active listening;
  • Perception of music and video;
  • Drawing, art creation and carving in class design.

The script consists of an introduction and four parts-scenes: "In the Cave of Christmas", "Winter", "Herringbone" and "Carollers".

The leader is a teacher of Orthodox culture (extracurricular activities), he is assisted by the class teacher of the first graders and a music teacher.

Event progress

1. Introduction

The classroom is decorated with an ornate Christmas tree, snowflakes, children's drawings and a Nativity scene. (The nativity scene is an image of the cave where the holy family with the infant Christ is located, animals and shepherds and / or magi who came to bow with gifts.)

Tables are placed along the perimeter of the class with the letter "P". Parents sit in the outer circle, children in the inner circle. The children are smart, in suits. The presenter is in Russian folk costume.

Slides are shown on the screen.

Elegant children come out with a star.

Child 1:

Under the cover of a starry night
The Russian village is slumbering;
All the way, all the paths
White snow covered ...

Child 2:

Here and there lights on the windows
Like stars are burning;
Runs into the fire in a snowdrift
A crowd of guys with a star.

Child 3:

Knocking under the windows ..
"Your Christmas" is sung
"Waits! Waits!" -
Heard here and there.

Child 4:

And in a discordant children's choir,
So mysteriously pure
So glad is the holy message
About the birth of Christ ...

(A. Corinthian "Christoslavs")

The song "Christmas" sounds:

A bright star in the sky is burning
Mom says to the children at the Christmas tree:
“There is a celebration in the whole world,
It's Christmas!
It's Christmas! "

Happy Holidays, Happy Holidays
Adults and children
They even tell the mischievous
Because the celebration
Because it's Christmas.
Christmas has come.

We don't want to sleep on this night at all,
I want, I want to go to the city of Bethlehem,
Look at the celebration
Where Christmas was.
Where Christmas was.


Good afternoon to all kind people!
May the holiday be merry
Merry Christmas, we congratulate you,
We wish you happiness, joy!

We will tell you now about this bright holiday of Christ's Nativity and how it was celebrated in Russia.

2. Scene "In the Cave of Christmas"

Leading: The Feast of the Nativity of Christ is the brightest joyful day for people. It was on this day that the Son of Jesus Christ, the Savior of the world, was born to the Virgin Mary. And it was so.

Once the Roman ruler Augustus ordered to enumerate the entire Jewish population. Each resident had to register where his ancestors lived. Joseph and the Virgin Mary went from Nazareth to the homeland of their ancestors, to the city of Bethlehem. There, all the places in the houses and in the hotel were taken. Mary and Elder Joseph had to stop for the night in a cave where the shepherds drove their cattle.

On this night, Mary's child was born - the Son of God. She put it in the nursery, where the cattle feed usually lay. The little bull and donkey warmed the Baby Jesus with their breath, and the Mother - the Mother of God - sang a lullaby to Him ...

Children (7 people) come out to the music and read a poem by Sasha Cherny. Children can be dressed in the costumes of shepherds (3 people), masks of a bull, dog, donkey.

I slept in the manger on fresh hay
Quiet tiny Christ.
A month, emerging from the shadows,
I stroked the flax of His hair.

The bull breathed into the baby's face
And, rustling like straw,
On an elastic knee
I looked at me a little breathing.

Sparrows through the roof rails
They poured into the manger in a crowd,
And the bull, huddled against a niche,
I crumpled the blanket with my lip.

The dog, sneaking up to the warm leg,
Licked her secretly.
The cat was more comfortable
In a manger to warm a child sideways ...

Quiet White Goat
I breathed on His forehead,
Only a stupid gray donkey
He pushed everyone helplessly.

“Look at the child
At least a minute for me! "
And he cried loudly and loudly
In the silence of the dawn ...

And Christ, opening his eyes,
Suddenly pushed apart the circle of beasts
And with a smile full of affection
He whispered: "Look soon! .."

Leading: This is how Christ was born. Not in wards, not in rich houses, but in a cave where shepherds kept calves and sheep. With humility and meekness he came into the world.

The shepherds were the first to know about this. The Angel of the Lord appeared to them and announced:

An Angel appears with a candle (an elegant girl in a white dress with wings) and solemnly says:


I am God's Angel, I call the shepherds,
I want to proclaim great joy to you.

Our Savior, Lord, was born,
Incarnated in human flesh.

Triumph on earth and in heaven,
Christ God Christmas!

Leading: The angel ordered the shepherds to go to the cave and bow to the Baby. Then came from distant countries astrologers - the Magi.

An unusual star that rose in the east led them to Bethlehem from distant lands and pointed out the place where the Son of God was born. From now on, this star is called the Bethlehem star, and it is her image that the Christians carry with them.

And the wise men-wise men brought gifts to the baby and glorified Him.

Children dressed as magi with gifts in their hands read poems by Joseph Brodsky "Christmas":

1 reader:

The Magi have come. The baby was fast asleep.
The star shone brightly from the firmament.
A cold wind shoveled snow into a snowdrift.
The sand rustled. A bonfire crackled at the entrance.

2 reader:

The smoke came out like a candle. The fire curled in a crochet hook.
And the shadows were getting shorter
then suddenly longer. Nobody knew around
that life will start counting from this night.

3 reader:
The Magi have come. The baby was fast asleep.
Steep vaults surrounded the manger.
Snow swirled. White steam swirled.
The baby was lying, and the gifts were lying.

They put gifts in front of the nativity scene, bow and leave.

Teacher: These events are more than 2000 years old. After all, we are counting the years precisely from the Nativity of Christ and are soon preparing to meet 2017.

3. Scene "Winter"

Leading: Guys, at what time of the year does this holiday come to us?

Children: In winter.

Teacher: Do you know songs about winter or winter trees?

Children sing the song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest”. The heroes of the song come out in turn: a bunny, a wolf and a peasant. They are dressed in appropriate costumes and play their roles: the bunny jumps, the wolf sneaks, the little man rides a horse, and then chops the Christmas tree.

Leading: Well done, you sing well. How do you know how to guess riddles?

Ears on the crown.
Listen carefully,
We start and you finish
The rhyme is a must!

Children come out and take turns asking riddles:

Flew over the ground for a long time
Snow-white blanket.
The sun is a little hot -
The blanket ran down
And went into the wells of the rivers.
This blanket is ... (snow).

Cold, frost, blizzards
Spun, spun.
All houses are in white hats,
It came to us ... ( winter).

Barely breathed in winter
They are always with you.
Two sisters will warm
Their name is ... (mittens).

It's snowing in the yard
Holiday is coming soon ... ( New Year).

The needles glow softly
The coniferous spirit comes from ... (trees).

Everyone is spinning, having fun
They frolic near the Christmas tree.
After all, today is a celebration.
What a holiday? (Christmas).

4. Scene "Herringbone"

Leading: And now we will tell you how the tradition of decorating a Christmas tree for a holiday arose. An ancient legend says about this ...

On the night when the Savior was born, not only people and animals, but all flowers and trees rushed to worship the Child.

Flower children come out in elegant dresses with flower crowns (3 girls) and a herringbone in a green dress.

1 flower girl:

We are flowers, flowers
We grow inaudibly.

2 flower girl:

This night is the night
The most fragrant.

Herringbone: Where are you, flowers? You are supposed to sleep at night ...

3 flower girl:

This night is the night
The light shines brighter.
Bow down
We go to the Baby.

Herringbone: Take me with you, my dear flowers, take me to worship the Infant Christ.

1 flower girl: But there are no flowers on you, Christmas tree, and about your needles, the Baby can only prick itself. ( go away)


Nobody. I'm alone.
The night is quiet. The star is calling, it is burning.
Everybody left. Everybody worship God
They are in a joyful hurry to the holy cave.


Thorny, forgotten tree I am.
Unnecessary, I stand in my wilderness.
Flowers are right. I am for the Baby only
Here I will pray quietly from the bottom of my heart.

Praying with folded hands. The presenter comes up to her from behind and puts on a gas veil, decorated with tinsel and Christmas tree decorations.

Lights are lit on the tree in the classroom.


And the diamonds of sorrowful tears flashed on her,
And Christ turned around, smiling at her radiance.
And from that time on, people call it Christ's tree.
And humble needles shine in the fire of Christmas candles.

The shepherds and flowers return.

In their hands are toys that the children made themselves, as well as beads.

Shepherds: (together) Look, the stars have fallen from the sky!

1st shepherd: The Christmas tree is shining all over!

2nd shepherd: God created a miracle ...

3rd shepherd: Christmas tree, Christmas tree, how beautiful you are!

Flowers: You are the most beautiful ... God decorated you.

4th shepherd: All in the lights! In lenses, drops!

5th shepherd: For your humility, Christmas tree, for your kindness, the Lord God marked you.

1st shepherd: Now, from now on and forever, people will praise and decorate you.

Flowers: Let us also decorate our Christmas tree.

They hang toys on the Christmas tree, and they put beads on the Christmas tree girl.

ANDthe song "It's cold for a little Christmas tree in winter" is sung:

Little Christmas tree
Cold in winter.
Christmas tree from the forest
We took it home.
How many are on the tree
Colored balls,
Pink gingerbread
Gold cones.
The beads were hung
Bright balls,
Sweets, gifts -
Everything for the kids.
Like the Christmas tree
Our celebration.
Fun, fun
Let's celebrate Christmas!

Game "What doesn't happen on the tree?"

Leading: We will name you different items, and if you hear the name of Christmas tree decorations, clap your hands and say "Yes!"

If we name something that does not happen on the tree, we must restrain ourselves and remain silent. Try not to be wrong. Ready?

Children come out and read in turn:

So the holiday has come
Each decorated a Christmas tree.
Who, guys, will confirm -
Hanging on the branches:

Is the asterisk the tip?
A ringing firecracker?
Petenka - parsley?
Soft pillow?

White snowflakes?
Bright pictures?
A spider web ball?
Old shoes?

Red lanterns?
Bread croutons?
Bright flags?
Hats and scarves?

Apples and cones?
Colin's panties?
Tasty candy?
Old newspapers?

5. Scene "Carollers"

Leading: Here is what a Christmas tree we have - smart, beautiful, bright! And the custom to put gifts under the Christmas tree came from the gifts that the wise men brought to the Christ child. How we love the scent of the Christmas tree and the anticipation of gifts!

And earlier the Christos-carol-singers went to their homes. Christ was glorified, the owners were congratulated. And they certainly treated them.

Enter carollers in Russian folk costumes with a star. They have a bag of treats in their hands.

Caroller 1:

Kolyada! Kolyada!
Give me some pie
Ali bread slice,
Ali money with a half!
Al wheaten-relatives.

Caroller 2(sprinkled with grains):

Here is a wheat for you,
We shower, we wish you well!
Happiness is a free bird
Where she wanted, she sat down there!

Caroller 3.(Sprinkles with peas):

Here are peas for you, so a lot of luck,
Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost!

Caroller 4: We know how to praise, we dare not ask for much!

Caroller 5:

Open the chest, take out the patch.
Serve sweets, please the kids!

Children give candy to the carollers.

The Russian folk song "How a white snow fell on a thin ice" is being performed. Vanya comes out on a horse, falls, girls run up to him and see him off.

As on thin ice
A little white snow fell.
Eh, winter-winter,
The winter was snowy.

White snow fell,
Vanechka the friend was driving.
Eh, winter-winter,
The winter was snowy.

Vanya rode, hurried,
From the good of the horse fell.
Eh, winter-winter,
The winter was snowy.

He fell, fell, lies,
Nobody runs to Vanya.
Eh, winter-winter,
The winter was snowy.

Two girlfriends saw
They ran straight to Vanya.
Eh, winter-winter,
The winter was snowy.

Caroller 1:

Ay, thanks, owners,
Peace to your home,
So that he was a full cup.

Caroller 2:

The fun shines
A month over the village.
White light sparkles
With a blue light.

Caroller 3:

Months rays
God's temple was doused.
Cross under the clouds
Like a candle burns.

Caroller 4:

It's light in my soul!
Feast of the saint
The sun has risen.

Caroller 5:

For hello, for a treat, you accept congratulations,
Merry Christmas! We wish you happiness, joy!

Bow and leave.


Ay, yes, carollers!
Ah, well done! (Bows to the teacher)
Ay, thanks, hostess,
Peace to your home,
So that he was a full cup.
Well, and you, kids, study well,
Everything will come in handy in life!

Teacher:(brings out a big pie)

We carry the pies from the oven!
Help yourself, good people!
We treat you with pies
Merry Christmas, everyone!

Russian folk music sounds. Children give their parents bells. Parents treat everyone with pies, gingerbread, tea and sweets.

And we are robbers, robbers ... The robbers are sitting in the forest and waiting for their next victim. It takes place on Christmas Eve. So in the conversation, the robbers mention the birth of Jesus. Suddenly, a lonely traveler appears, whom they are trying to rob. He did not have anything of value, except for a leaflet with a song. When a stranger sings his song to the robbers, they think about their life.

God is closer than you think One person did not believe in God. The Lord appeared to him in the form of a passer-by when he was hit by a car. The man heard two voices. Someone was talking about him. He is given the last chance - you need to find a person who will agree to die for him. Thanks to his believing wife, the main character learns that Jesus died for him. It happens around Christmas.

God's messenger for Christmas For a boy from a poor family, one person talks about the Savior at Christmas. The boy tells his mother that the Lord has come to people. Mom does not believe that God cares about them, because on their table there is only black bread and water. But here comes God's messenger - a rich master with gifts.

The Savior Came Into the World In this play, the events of Christmas are recounted in a child-friendly form. Shown are the shepherds, the wise men, Joseph, Mary with the Baby Jesus.

Everybody is a little magician at Christmas The Magi see a new star in the sky and rush to bow to the king. In the following scenes they meet Herod and the shepherds. The performance is structured so that from time to time children take part in it: they recite poems, sing songs and receive gifts.

What is Christmas? The TV host asks his guests what Christmas is all about. Everyone has their own opinion.

The Great Commission The main character of this scene is Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ. At first, viewers see her as a little girl, dreaming that through her God will perform His miracles. Then on the stage is Mary the Bride, to whom an angel appears and announces the great commission of God. But it turns out that it is not so easy to execute.

Bethlehem (Christmas scene for children) Children (snowflake girls) participate in this little scene. The angel tells the snowflakes how he announced to the shepherds the good news of the birth of the Savior, and how the wise men went to worship Jesus.

Star of Bethlehem (children's Christmas party) A beautiful scene for children in verse. It is the Star of Bethlehem that tells the children about the events of Christmas: about the Magi, shepherds and Herod. In the end, she brings everyone to Bethlehem. As the script progresses, the children are asked Bible riddles.

Bethlehem night At the center of events is a small hotel in the city of Bethlehem, its owners and inhabitants. From the census announced by Caesar, there were no vacant places in the hotel. And one married couple is allowed to spend the night in a barn ...

Influence of Christmas The scene begins with a modern family. Mom, Dad and their children are preparing for Christmas - buying gifts. At the same time, they swear and quarrel all the time. The girl turns to God for help, she wants to know what Christmas really means. An angel comes to her and her brother, and then the Nativity scenes.

Meeting at Christmas A small scene in which three girls or three teenage girls play. Two of them go to church for Christmas worship, and their unbelieving friend joins them. The girls tell her why Christ was born and what He did for us.

Gifts of Artaban Artaban is one of the wise men (wise men), who are mentioned in the Bible. The wise men, seeing a new star in the sky, went to Judea to worship the born King. Artaban lagged behind his comrades and continued on his own. On the way, he squandered all his treasures, which he was going to give the Baby, helping some people. He saw Jesus only on the cross. The Lord consoled him: "Everything that you have done for these people, you have done for Me."

Girl with matches (play for Christmas) This performance is based on the fairy tale of the same name by G.H. Andersen. A little girl tries to sell matches to passers-by. The girl is hungry and very cold. But people are like blank walls - no one pays attention to the poor girl. Other children, from wealthy families, go out with their parents from a toy store - something our girl can only dream of. Leaving the hope of selling the matches, the chilled girl sits on the ground in some nook and starts lighting matches to keep warm. At the same time, she sees what she is deprived of, what she dreams of: delicious food, a sleigh pulled by three horses, her beloved home and her grandmother, who has already died. The girl burns the remaining matches, trying to prolong the moments of vision of happiness ... And so, the grandmother appears, gently takes the girl and goes with her to celebrate Christmas in heaven ...

Really happy christmas One woman could not understand the meaning of the birth of Jesus. One Christmas, she saw a freezing parrot and tried to catch it to take it into the house. But the bird did not work. “Now, if I could turn into a little bird, then I would tell him how our heroine thinks well and warmly in my house. - I realized! This is probably why Jesus became the same as us, to show us the way to heaven, to Heavenly Father. And I understood! Jesus was born for me! "

Birthday without birthday boy The scene shows modern Christmas, when people celebrate it, completely forgetting about the birthday boy.

Children's Christmas play "A Gift to the Savior" A short children's scene. Two boys invite two girls to Jesus' birthday. And what to give him - children think. Obedient heart!

Children's festive program "Christmas miracle"

Why did Christ come? On December days, in one studio, they are preparing to shoot a film about Christ. A discussion begins about what Jesus was and why He came.

Good Shepherd (Christmas program for children)

If animals could speak This Christmas scenario is designed for children to participate. The scene is played by animal actors who seem to have witnessed Christmas.

If Christ had not come One person wonders what would have happened if Christ had not come. What would our world look like, what laws would be in society. He has a dream.

If Christ had not come-2 If Christ had not come

If Christ had not come-3 Slightly revised production script If Christ had not come

Animals by the Christmas fire On Christmas Day, animals gather around the fire. They remember Bible stories. For example, how David took his sheep away from the lion, or how the rooster crowed three times before Peter's denial. But the most important Christmas story is told by the sheep. Scene for small children.

Jehovah Jireh Jehovah Jireh means God will provide. This is what Abraham told his son when he asked where the lamb was for the sacrifice. In this scene, there is an analogy between the sacrifice of the Old Testament times and the perfect sacrifice of Christ.

Jesus and the President The main theme of this Christmas scene: Our Lord Jesus came to ordinary poor people and was available to them. Unlike our earthly rulers, who are sometimes difficult to reach, the King of kings always hears us and knows our needs. The scene takes place on Christmas Day.

Jesus Comes to Visit (Christmas Movie Scenario) In this production (you can make a film), mostly teenagers play. Three children are waiting for Jesus to visit at Christmas, as He Himself promised them this. But instead of Jesus, the heroes of the film are faced with people in need, whom I provide my help.

Birthday boy The person has a birthday. His friends come, but for some reason they do not pay any attention to him and they even give gifts not to him, but ... to each other. This is how it happens at Christmas. People forget who the birthday boy really is, who needs to be remembered on Christmas day.

The story of a guy (play for children from orphanages) This is a story about a young man who grew up in an orphanage. One day he got hold of a Bible presented to an orphanage by a group of Christians for Christmas.

Who sleeps in the manger? (recitation for Christmas for children 3-6 years old) This short recitation scene is designed for the smallest actors (children 3-6 years old). Children depict animals in the barn and stars. They talk about Baby Jesus.

Boy Star The script is based on the fairy tale of the same name. The action takes place on Christmas days, the performance includes a Nativity scene with Joseph and Mary.

Sages from the East The scene shows the wise men from the East (the wise men) before they set off for the Christmas star.

Museum of Christmas stories (children's matinee) A very original Christmas party. The hall of the premises where the matinee takes place is divided into two parts: the Museum and the Show. Children take turns getting into one or the other hall. In the hall of the museum, they see mini-sketches with the participation of Biblical heroes (the Magi, Herod and his family, shepherds), and in the Show hall, the guys participate in various competitions (recite poems, answer questions).

Musical card (script for Christmas for the church and guests) Two young people (Lena and Max) meet by chance on the Internet and start talking about Christmas. The scene explains the meaning of the holiday of Christmas, the meaning of the name Jesus Christ and other topics. The performance can be interrupted periodically to perform other numbers (chants, poems, etc.).

Musketeer of Jesus Christ (Christmas scene with children) Children and teenagers play in the scene. It begins with two musketeers fighting on swords. Each of them defends his own worldview (one believes in God, the other does not). Suddenly it is a star. She tells them about the birth of Jesus. Forest animals all as one repeat about God's love and care.

Nadezhda Afanasy The protagonist of this production is a slave named Athanasius. It turns out that he goes to graze sheep with other shepherds. And on Christmas night, an angel appears to them and announces the good news.

The sheep did not obey (Christmas scene for kids) This little scene was written especially for kids. Sheep can be played by both older children and adults dressed in sheep costumes. The story begins with the fact that one sheep sets out on an independent journey, and then the shepherd saves her. After that, the Christmas Shepherds and Joseph and Mary appear on the scene.

The night after Christmas (animals testify) The animals in the barn recall the events of Christmas. The scene takes place in the days when Herod ordered to kill all the babies in Bethlehem.

Sheep Celebrate Christmas (Christmas Party Scenario for 3-7 Years Old) This is a script for a matinee with games for preschoolers. The main idea: we are all God's sheep, and the Lord is our Shepherd.

He came as a stranger Russian Tsar Alexander finds himself in a small town disguised as a common man. His goal is to see how the Russian people live and how they celebrate Christmas. They did not recognize the king - he came to his own, and his own did not accept him, as they did not receive Christ the Lord at one time.

Gift to Jesus Children are preparing gifts for Christmas. The little girl Anya wants to make a gift to Jesus. She is joined by her sister and other guys. It turns out that the guys give all the gifts to a poor old woman who lives next door.

Helpers (children's play for Christmas) The Angel of God seeks among the beasts worthy to serve the Infant Jesus.

Joy First, the facilitator asks people what joy is. There are many joyful people, but it turns out that all joy is a passing phenomenon. And only the joy of Christmas is eternal.

Real Christmas At the beginning of the scene, our real time is shown. The church is preparing for Christmas. One boy gets the role of a shepherd. He's not happy. The boy falls asleep and has a dream where he is a real shepherd on the birthdays of the Messiah.

Christmas tree A legend about why a Christmas tree is decorated at Christmas.

Christmas night The scene shows us the times of the birth of Jesus Christ. The teacher in the synagogue gives his disciples a task - to calculate the time of birth of the promised Messiah. The boy Salmon calculated that the Messiah should be born this year. And soon he and his sister witness amazing events. There are many psalms in the scene. Words and notes are attached.

Christmas night (based on V. Hugo) This play is based on Victor Hugo's book Les Miserables. The main character is a girl (according to Hugo - Cosette), who was left without a mother and lives in someone else's house, doing backbreaking work. An unknown man who came to this house on Christmas Day gives her a gorgeous doll, and then takes it with him.

Christmas program for children "Journey to the Heavenly Land"

Christmas play Grandmother and grandson are talking about Christmas. "Do you know what the first and most important gift was?" - asks the grandmother. The grandson doesn't know. Then scenes of the Nativity are shown (Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, Herod, the wise men).

Christmas grandfather Two girls fall into the well and end up with Christmas Grandfather, as in the fairy tale Morozko. He promises to give them gifts. Only these gifts must be earned. In addition to the fairy tale, the performance includes scenes of Christmas.

Christmas performance for children in Ukrainian "A Gift for Jesus"

Christmas journey Teenage friends get together to watch The Chronicles of Narnia, but instead find themselves in another world and become puppets. It turns out that the world of dolls also celebrate Christmas. Only the meaning of Christmas is different for everyone. The characters in the scene learn the biblical story of Christmas.

Christmas cards (recitation for toddlers) Children look like postcards (you need to make such costumes for them). Each "postcard" wishes you a Merry Christmas (tells a rhyme).

Christmas (scene + songs) A classic Christmas production with three wonderful songs performed by the children's choir (the song of the angels, Mary and the final Christmas song).

Christmas (scene for young children) In this scene, along with the actors, dolls play. The main characters of the scene are boys and girls who do not believe that the Nativity of Jesus Christ really happened.

Christmas in the barn Animals gather in the stable: Bull, Donkey, Sheep, Lion and Jackal. The donkey tells the Bull that his mistress will soon have a child, all in anticipation of a great event.

Grandpa Nicholas Christmas Jesus Christ Himself must come to old man Nicholas on Christmas Eve. He begins to prepare to meet the dear Guest. But He still does not come. But people who need warmth, food and lodging are asking for his house ...

ROSPOVID Sheep І VISLYUCHKA (Christmas script in Ukrainian for children)

Pink snowflake (Christmas party for children)

Santa Claus (Christmas scene for children) The legend of where Santa Claus came from. Klaus was the name of a grumpy man who fixed shoes. He had a wife and children, but they died. Klaus hardened his heart. But one day the Lord shed His light on Him, and the old man began to see the needs of others. And he decided to do good to people, began to give poor children gifts for Christmas.

Fulfilled prophecies A short play that can be shown in the church at Christmas. The main thought: there were prophecies about the birth of Jesus for another 700 years. And so, they were fulfilled. At the end, an excerpt from the film "Jesus" about the birth of Christ is shown.

The Light of Christmas (Three Angels of Christmas) A mean man named Scrooge Ebeneiser doesn't like Christmas. On Christmas night, three angels come to him and show him pictures from his past and possible future. Scrooge regrets his stinginess and decides to change and do good to people.

The tailor's secret This performance tells the legend of how Santa Claus came to be. Klaus, an old tailor who lost his family, grieved for a long time and did not see the needs of others. But when he wanted to help poor children, the Lord gave him a different heart. On Christmas night, children from poor families received wonderful gifts that old man Klaus secretly brought them and left at the door.

Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth! (Christmas scene for children) In the beginning, scenes of unfriendly relationships between a cat and a dog and between children in the same family are shown. This is followed by the Nativity scenes. This scene focuses on the peace of God that comes into human hearts.

Dreaming Before Christmas A good, serious show that can be shown to both a believer and an unbeliever audience. A girl prays for her atheist grandmother. The Lord sends grandmother an unusual dream in which she sees people awaiting the Last Judgment. Grandma confesses her sins. The Angel tells her the events of Christmas.

Christmas events Quite a serious classic production about the events of Christmas. It begins with a show of King Herod, then we see Joseph and Mary knocking on the houses of Bethlehem, shepherds, and, finally, again Herod, ordering the extermination of all babies in Bethlehem.

Good Shepherd's Tips (Christmas Party Scenario for 7-12 Years Old) This is a script for a matinee with games for younger students. The main leaders of the matinee are the Farmer and the Shepherd, who has no experience at all, but he is helped by wise advice from the Bible.

Old Shoes (Christmas production) One girl found old shoes. Christian since childhood, the heroine was confident in her righteousness and spirituality. But the old shoes helped her make a journey into her own heart and see what reigns in it.

Fault Chest (Christmas Performance for Children)

Treasure Hunt Christmas Scenario

Scenario New Year and Christmas party for children This script is good for screening in an orphanage or other childcare setting where children are unfamiliar with the essence of Christmas. The matinee begins with the arrival of Santa Claus and other characters. Then Starlet tells the children the story of Christmas and shows how much better Jesus is than Santa Claus. The script contains several games and contests.

Happy Star Do you know why a star adorns the top of the Christmas tree? This is in memory of the Star of Bethlehem, who showed the wise men the way to the Baby Jesus. The boy Kolya learns about this from a village boy. Kolya wants to see the Star of Bethlehem on Christmas night. The scene was written based on the film of the same name.

Happiness The main characters of the scene are several people. Each of them finds happiness in something. But it can be easily taken away and destroyed. The meaning is that you can have happiness only with God. The scene uses Jesus movie clips or slides.

Three trees and four gifts Grandmother and granddaughter are wrapping gifts for Christmas. The granddaughter finds four unusual boxes, inside of which there are a manger, a boat, a cross and ...). Grandma tells her the story of three trees, each with its own dream. It turned out that they all served Jesus. What's in the fourth box?

What is Christmas for you (recitation)

What happened, shepherds? The shepherds, to whom the angel announced the birth of the Savior, come to the village and tell people about what they have seen.

What is Christmas? The boy asks mom, dad and grandmother what Christmas is. But none of them can explain to him. On the street, a boy meets children who sing Christmas songs to him.

Sunday School or Library Christmas Script "And Children Praise God Again"

( While the children enter the hall and sit down, you can put on an audio recording of the song performed by Yuri Shevchuk and Olga Pershina "About Christmas". A splash screen corresponding to the theme of the event is on the screen. At the beginning of the event, a video "On the bright holiday of Christmas" is shown. During the last chorus on the words "On the bright holiday of Christmas, slowly light the candles, say only the main words this evening" the presenters come out. One of them lights a candle near the festive icon of the bright Nativity of Christ)

Lead 1

Hello dear friends!

Lead 2

Good day!

Lead 1

We congratulate you all on the wonderful holiday of the Nativity of Christ. We have prepared for you today a festive event called "And the children praise God again."

Lead 1

Christ is born, praise!

Lead 2

Christ from heaven, welcome!

Presenter 1

Our festive event is opened by the little members of the children's choir, who will sing the troparion to Christmas and the song Christmas. Words and music by Zinaida Zinchenko(" The stars are leading a round dance, a wonderful moment has come ... ")

( Children's choir performance )

Host 2 (against the background of PI Tchaikovsky's overture to the ballet "The Nutcracker"):

It's cold ... The frost tingles my cheeks. Snow creaks underfoot, falls to the ground in fluffy flakes, snowflakes sparkle. Shop windows, houses and temples are decorated with garlands, fir branches and greetings. Christmas. Christmastide. Baptism. Revived fairy tale! ..Christmas is a traditionally family holiday, spiritualized, a time when all the troubles were forgotten.

Lead 1

The bright holiday of Christmas comes to the house,

We forget everything about the sad and the bad.

Hearts are filled with bright happiness

Joy flows without beginning or end.

Lead 2

Christmas gives us love and generosity!

Good fairy tale New Year's magic.

And the good news is carried to all ends

Bells-bells jingle gently.

Lead 1

The star of Bethlehem will shine

The right path will show people and then

The world will be kinder, cleaner and brighter.

Christmas is a great holiday for all people!

Lead 2

Sacred words sound

The holiday of Christmas is coming.

And the children praise God again

Now at every threshold.

And wonderful trees in the houses

And treats on the tables

And beauty shines on the heart

Newborn Christ.

Dear friends, a children's choir ensemble sings for you ..... "Christmas, the Angel has arrived"

(The song "Nativity of Christ, the Angel Has Arrived" is performed by a children's vocal ensemble or choir)

Lead 1

Has long been extinguished in the winter haze

Eastern star,

But not forgotten on earth

Birth of Christ.

How the shepherds came to him

Until the morning time

How the wise men presented

His gifts to him.

How the king killed babies,

Rewarding the killer

How an angel sent to save

Sacred child.

Like preaching love

And the truth of the Divine,

He was born again every year

For the holiday of Christmas.

Has long been extinguished in the winter haze

Eastern star,

But not forgotten on earth

Birth of Christ

( the short animated film "Christmas-Christ" is shown 5 minutes 15s)

Child Reader

The Virgin's cheeks are wet with tears:

In the manger, a newborn, little Christ!

Tiny Face, Tiny Pens,

And in the winter sky - clouds and clouds.

"Glory to God in the Highest" -

The angels sang.

There is a pale month in a cloud,

Like in a cradle.

(Archpriest Vladimir Borozdinov)

( performed by a children's choir or vocalists "Angels in the sky are singing a song")

Lead 2

And now a little quiz. We will ask you questions about the holiday of the Nativity of Christ and you will answer.

( The facilitators take turns reading the questions. Those present answer )

In what country was Christ born?

What city was he born in?

And who ruled the country where Christ was born?

What was the name of Jesus Christ's adoptive father?

What is a nativity scene?

Why was Christ born there and not in the house?

Who was the first to know about the Nativity of the baby Christ?

Who informed them about this and what did they say?

Who are the Magi?

Where did they come from and why?

How did they know that Christ was to be born?

What did they bring as a gift to the Christ child?

What did these gifts mean?

What did King Herod command his soldiers to get rid of Christ?

Who and how warned Joseph that Herod wanted to kill the baby Christ?

Where did Mary and the baby and Joseph fled from Bethlehem?

When King Herod died, where did Joseph, Mary, and Jesus live?

What did Christ save people from?

Lead 1

Well done, they answered the questions well. It's time to read the poems that you have prepared for today's matinee.

( Children read poetry. Or if the matinee is held in the House of Culture, you can distribute poems about Christmas to the young readers in advance so that they can read them one by one. In addition to poems, you can prepare several vocal numbers if you wish. Depending on how you have time)

Now let's take a little rest and watch the video of the Christmas song "The stars shone brightly"

( a video of the Christmas song "The stars shone brightly" is shown)

Lead 2

If on this day for a while

Will any of you remember

About the Baby in Bethlehem

Wonderfully joyful story;

If his heart beats,

Like a bird outside the window

As if the strings touch him

Angel with an affectionate wing;

If suddenly, like the smell of a garden,

Like the breath of the breeze

A gentle joy to my heart

Will fly from afar

And in my soul it is light and eerie,

As if someone is walking there -

It is Christ the Child Himself

Knocked on my heart to you

And now the story of Alasheva Alena "A Christmas Tale" will sound for you. Will read it for you _________________

( The reader reads the story of Alasheva Alena "A Christmas Tale" against a musical background ):

Frosty winter morning. The clock has struck eight long ago. Nadia tried to open her eyes, but she was blinded by the bright rays of the sun. The girl was overwhelmed with joy: today was the first day of the Nativity of Christ. Now she will wash and go with her mother to repeat the prayer. Mom will dress her in everything new. She saw what a beautiful dress and shoes dad brought from the big city. And then she and her brother will go to the kitchen. And there will not be anything! Nadia's heart sinks in anticipation of what is to come. Dad and mom will sit at the table, and he and his brother will praise the Nativity of Christ. Many guests will gather in the evening. Nadia will read a poem by the brightly lit Christmas tree, which she taught for the holiday. Hurrying, confused and blushing, she will finish congratulating to the delight of the guests and the kisses of her parents. And what kind of toys she will receive today! The girl knows that there is a doll in a box tied with a pink ribbon. How many surprises and happiness awaits her today! Happy, tired, tenderly embracing the received doll, quietly falling asleep in a warm bed, Nadia thinks through her sleep:

How good and joyful! ..

Several years have passed. Nadia has grown up, she is in the third grade of the gymnasium. The family was in misfortune. Mom, still very young, lost her sight. Dad went far to the north and took his brother Misha with him. She was left alone with her sick mother. The apartment is still the same - three rooms and a kitchen. The same furniture, as before flowers, mirrors, the same cleanliness, order in the house. There is also an elegant Christmas tree in the hall, but it no longer pleases anyone here.

Today is Christmas Eve, but Nadya is sad. For the second week my mother has been in bed, and the doctor has left for the holidays in the city. Nadya went up to the patient and bent low over her. For a second, the girl thought that her mother was dead. Nadia touched the sufferer's hand. She shuddered and remained motionless. Nadia's heart sank, tears rolled down from her eyes. She felt scared. She felt so alone, defenseless and helpless. Where to go? Whom to ask? Who will help her on this festive night? Everyone is not up to her! Like a shadow, she walked to her bed and stopped. Her bewildered gaze fell on the face of Jesus Christ, illuminated by the light of the lamp. The thought struck the girl: "He will help!"

Kneeling down on a soft carpet, Nadia stretched out her childish hands to the image of the Savior. Shedding tears, she whispered softly:

God! Help me, help ... Make your mom get well. You see, I am little, there is no dad, there is no Misha either. I cannot be left without my mother. Have pity on me! Let her get better! I am so small, and I ... I will perish ... Save us, Lord!

The girl whispered something for a long time, for a long, long time, the words came from the depths of her heart. She prayed and felt as if someone was warming her with the invisible warmth of caress and consolation. Waking up, Nadya did not immediately understand what was with her and why she was not in the crib, but here, on the floor. She vaguely remembered that someone whispered to her in a dream:

Your mom will be healthy, everything will be fine with you, you will sit with your mom at the festive table.

With mom! - Nadya threw up her hands. - With mom!

The bright light and whiteness blinded her. Squinting, she jumped up and rushed into the bedroom - to her mother! Opening the bedroom door, she froze in shock. Mom sat and quietly whispered the words of a prayer. Feeling Nadia's steps, she smiled at her affably and said:

I congratulate you, Nadia, on the great joyful holiday of the Nativity of Christ.

Nadia threw herself on her mother's neck. Crying, she told what happened to her on that great and wonderful night. Mom hugged Nadia. Now they were both crying - tears of joy. Nadia felt so happy, much happier than ever! She also remembered that Christmas when she was four years old. Then she was happy with toys and fun, her little happiness, and today she was happy that Christ brought her mother back to life. Her mom!

Lead 1

Starting with Christmas, the funniest time begins - Yuletide.

( The presenter talks about Christmastide. Then a fragment of carols from the movie "The Night Before Christmas )

Under the cover of a starry night

The Russian village is slumbering;

All the way, all the paths

White snow covered ...

Here and there lights on the windows

Like stars, they burn.

Runs into the fire in a snowdrift

A crowd of guys with a star

Knocking under the windows

"Your Christmas" is sung.

"Waits! Waits!"

Heard here and there.

And in a discordant children's choir

So mysterious, so pure

So glad is the holy message

About the birth of Christ ...

The whole universe froze upon seeing the birth of a wonderful baby. And this event, which happened more than two thousand years ago, is not just remembered as a fact of the past. It is experienced by us today - and today's light of Christmas in our lives is reflected in the Christmastide stories.

( video from the cycle Christmas stories "Lucky Star")

Now let's play

Lead 2

Game 1

What doesn't happen on the tree?

The task is this: when you hear the name of the Christmas tree toy, you have to raise your hand up and say: "Yes!" When they name something that does not happen on the tree, one must restrain and keep silent. And this is not always easy: someone is bound to make a mistake, causing everyone to laugh. The presenter reads, not allowing the players to think too much:

So the holiday is coming

Everyone decorates the tree.

Who guys will confirm:

Hanging on the branches:

Soft toy,

A ringing firecracker


Old tub,

White snowflakes

Bright pictures,

Torn shoes

Chocolate bars,

Horses and horses

Bunnies made of cotton wool,

Winter tents,

Red lanterns

Bread croutons,

Bright flags

Hats and scarves,

Apples and cones

Colin's panties,

Tasty candy,

Fresh newspapers? ..

Lead 1

Game 2

Blizzard, Morozets and Tuchka are selected by counting. And the rest of the guys - who are Snowflakes, who are Bushes. Everyone, except for the Blizzard, stands in a circle, and the Blizzard enters it and pensively stops.
Morozets approaches her and asks:
- Blizzard, beauty,
Are you not happy?

Blizzard replies:
- I don't like the weather -
Frosty and light.

- And you wave your hands,
And you fly behind the clouds
At least bring one.
Without snow, everyone missed
The fields are somehow exhausted -
They are cold, go.

Blizzard, having fun, answers:
- Well, I'll clap my palms,
I'll stomp on my feet,
I'll dance with the winds! -

At this time, a Cloud comes out of the circle.
- And there is a cloud spreading! ..
And the Cloud gently, as if from afar, says to her:
- I'm coming to you, Blizzard,
I go, I go, I go!
My snowflakes are asking
They have been asking for a long time -
Try to hold it!
I can't handle them ...
Blizzard, beauty,
Take them around!

Here Snowflakes run out, and the Bushes align in a chain and stand still for now.
Morozets, Tuchka, Snowflakes join hands and quickly circle around the Blizzard, which at this time is dancing to the Russian folk melody.

Everyone is singing:
- How did she go, she went
Blizzard of revenge!
Sweeps all the roads
All paths.
Pours snow
To the frozen fields
Keeps warm
Frozen ground.
You dance, dance
Snowstorm, dance!
Harvests today
They will be good!

Then the Snowflakes stretch out in a row, join hands and go to the Bushes, saying:
- Look, bushes!
They return (move back) back, saying:
- Indeed, there are bushes,
Again they walk like a wall:
- They weren't here before,
Did not have!
Back again:
- Honestly, it was not,
Did not have!
The snowflakes stop. Now the Bushes are coming at them, saying:

- We are dense bushes,
Right word, bushes,
We weren't here before
Did not have!
Honestly, there was no,
Did not have!

Now the Snowflakes start to move again:
- Why are you planted,
Why are you cherished,
Here Frost, Blizzard, Cloud and Bushes join hands and surround Snowflakes with a ring, saying:
- To keep the Snowflakes,
So that they don't run away
A fluffy blanket
Until the spring-red to lie!
Whoever slips out of the circle first is the Blizzard

Lead 2

.... Years, millennia have flown by,

But we are waiting for a miracle celebration again! ..

Blizzards decorated Russia with snow,

And in our church they dressed up ate.

The Ark awaits: celebrate Christmas!

Both old and young - everyone is ready for the holiday,

Both joy and delight in the eyes of the guys!

In honor of the Saint of the Day - in honor of the Nativity of Christ

the stars are lit on the tree! ..

("Christmas Nocturne" performed by Irina Leonova. You can have a video of this song. The presenters are standing with candles)

Lead 1

On the bright holiday of Christmas, slowly light the candles,

Speak only the main words this evening

On the bright holiday of Christmas, let's remember everything we dreamed about

And let's leave all sorrows on the Bright holiday of Christmas

Lead 2

Our event has come to an end. Once again, we congratulate you on the bright holiday of the Nativity of Christ and wish you happiness, good, and grow obedient and healthy. God bless you, we invite everyone together with their parents to the festive table.

LEADERS in costumes of evil spirits.

Ved: Hello little fellows! Boys and girls!

Vedas: Merchants and workers, Cooks and carpenters!

Veda: You probably think that evil spirits are doing this on a holy holiday?

Veda: The fact of the matter is that the holiday has not yet arrived, so far only Christmastide, i.e. Christmas Eve.

Vedas: And at this time, evil spirits - well, all sorts of kikimors, banniks, brownies, devils, goblin and other undead and trash - are very active, and therefore more accessible for contact.

Veda: After all, it is from us, from evil spirits, that people receive answers to Christmas fortune-telling. Everyone is interested to know what awaits them in the new year.

1 Ved: So we suggest you contact us. We have a little time for fun. With the first crowing of the roosters, we disappear, as it should be.

2 ved: Divination, divination is a fascinating, mysterious and dangerous process. This is a match for people with strong nerves.

1 Ved: Aren't you afraid to embark on such dangerous adventures? first, let's check how well you know us. What representatives of evil spirits do you know? (Auction)

Ved: Well, so we met. You know us. And do not forget - we are not angels, we are evil. We love to do dirty tricks and build all sorts of intrigues.

Veda: So if we play a cruel joke with someone - do not be offended. We are warning you. And you know us.

Comic divination for adults

Veda: So, for the first fortune-telling session, we need hardworking girls who will agree to sort out the peas. Which one of you is brave? (3 persons)

(They are offered to take a handful of peas from the bag, then, at the signal of the leader, they put one pea on the table. The leader casts a spell).

Veda (wives): Sailor, reketir, general's uniform, student, merchant, amateur chef, dumbass, bore, wait for a miracle. (On what word the peas ended, such a narrowed one expects a girl)

on which word the peas ended - then it expects

Ved: And now we need young boys and unmarried men with strong teeth. Which are capable of cracking nuts. (3 persons)

(The young men take a handful of nuts from the bag and also put them on the table one at a time).

Veda (husband): Let's see what kind of girl you meet in the new year. Svetlana, Natasha, a narrow waist, dark skin, a terrible face, a glutton, a singer, a skinny girl, a fair-haired braid, a wonderful beauty?

on which word the nuts ended - then it expects

Veda: But now we need especially courageous people who are not afraid to learn about their bankruptcy or wealth. (For them - a handful of coffee beans)

Ved: Cupronickel, brass and gold, silver, cast iron and cotton wool, mansion, palace, hut, barn, 15th floor, Ford, Tayota for hire, Mercedes and scooter, Volvo, Skoda , "Zaporozhets", which is most dear to you.

Comic fortune telling for children

Veda: To observe justice, we invite children to the stage. But only those who do not like sweets (5-6 people)

Vedas (children): Suzlombir, chewing gum - two, three - leggings, five - an owl, six - a mermaid, seven - a dolphin, 8-9 - Aladdin, 10-20 - a friend on the way, 38 - to enter the house.

If you have a bad fortune-telling

Ved: Don't be discouraged. To make amends for your failure, we will fulfill your every desire. Where is my box of wishes?

(a token is pulled from the box, a wish is written on it. The player reads it out and is immediately executed)

Christmas for adults. Games

Veda: I want to ask women: do you like it when you are told compliments? Tell me, men, do you like to be praised? Women, how often do you praise your men? I'm afraid not. Truth? Tell me, men, how many of you often hear praise or compliments from women? Now we need a man who is not afraid of female praise. (1-2 persons)

Ved: Now the girl will praise you. Your task is to show an iron will and, in spite of everything, keep a serious expression on your face. If he smiles, then he is gone.

Ved: (in a kokoshnik) oh, how cute! Eyes like stars. Muscles - like a stone (Feels the biceps), a figurine. like a stork, and lips ... like buds. (Suddenly) Kiss me!

Veda: which representative of the strong still wants to demonstrate willpower? Who has a funny personality? Who likes to smile? (1person) For you another task. The girl will scold you now. But in spite of everything, you should smile radiantly, keep a happy expression on your face. As soon as they stopped smiling, they lost.

Ved: Hey, why are you pinning here? Why are you sticking out like a pillar? Found a parking spot. Why are you smiling ?! Oh, you gray, sleepy gopher, why are you burning?

Ved: Thank you for your participation. You have behaved superbly. Consider this trick as a witch's joke. You understand yourself - you still have all the fun ahead, and we are only up to the first cocks. So we are trying to break away from the soul.

Veda: If we have offended you, you need to free yourself from evil influences, i.e. shout, whistle, stamp. Let's have a whistler and screamer competition. Who is louder? Let's start! (In order not to offend anyone, a prize is thrown into the hall: whoever could, he ate.)

Christmas fortune telling

Veda: For the next fortune-telling, we ask brave and smart girls who can answer the following questions:

1) What does her betrothed give a girl? (ring) (1 person)

2) When the wheat is harvested, what is left? (Straw) (1 person)

3) How were guests welcomed in Russia? (Bread and salt) (1 person)

(As a result, there should be 3 girls on stage)

Veda: And the last question in all of you: do you have a narrowed one? Now we will find out what kind of narrowed you will have this year. (They bring out a tray. On it lie: a ring, a hook made of straw, a piece of bread. It is covered with a handkerchief, the girls circle around it to the music. will marry a dandy, bread - to a rich man, a hook - to a poor man (he will be like a hook all his life hunchback, earning bread)

Veda: For the unlucky girl, we want to remind you that things can still change. And we, for our part, are ready to fulfill any of your wishes. (They take out the box of wishes. The girl pulls out a token, reads the wish, it is immediately fulfilled)

Vedas: Divination is usually meant for unmarried girls. But now I am inviting 2 women of uncertain age and any marital status.

Veda: The main thing is that they are brave, courageous, not afraid to publicly announce their age. (2 persons)

Veda: Yes, women are not asked for age. And we won't. But let's hope for your honesty. I am announcing an age auction. Let's start with the lady on my right hand. What is your name?

Ved: Whoever guesses the age of (name) from the audience will receive a prize from us. So, the initial figure is 7 years. Who is bigger? (Women themselves say more, less or correctly)

Veda: now proceeded to the lady on the left hand. Your name? (This auction is also held) (It is better if one is an adult woman, and the other is a young girl, or a child)

Veda: Thank you for your courage, for your honesty. This is a rare quality these days. Many of you have the treasure of honesty.

Ved: Are you honest? Then come up to us.

Ved: And you? Come here too.

Vedas: To participate, you must have some little thing in your pocket: a key, a coin, a ring, a scarf, a hairbrush, etc.

Weed: We will predict your fate. To do this, you must place a small item from your pocket on the tray. (spread) We cover everything with a scarf. Shake it up. Now each of you will pull out any little thing, and I will tell you what awaits you this year.

Ved: And your honesty will be manifested in the fact that you do not take someone else's thing, and then return it to its rightful owner.

Ved: So please! (Shakes the tray. Everyone pulls a little thing at random from under the shawl. The presenter predicts fate. Whoever got the key will get a new home, the ring will change in his personal life, the shawl will grieve, the coin will get rich)

Veda: Again, for those who are unlucky, we fulfill any desire. (Box of wishes)

Veda: At any time it is difficult for people, difficulties constantly haunt us throughout our life. But in the most difficult situations, in the most hopeless situations, we are supported by faith in a better future, hope for happiness helps, and love saves us. I ask women with the names Vera, Nadezhda, Love to come out to me.

Ved: Here's a box with names. Pull your narrowed one. (Women call a name. The presenter chooses a man with this name. 3 pairs are formed).

(Another option - women throw lots at the audience. Which of the men catches - comes out)

Ved: Ah, what a lovely couple! (They name, for example, Vera and Andrey, Nadezhda and Alexander, etc.) History knows many couples in love: Romeo and Juliet, Takhir and Zukhra ...

Now I will name the names of literary heroes, and you must name his beloved or beloved. (It addresses each pair. If they answer immediately, they get a token. If they hesitate, the question is passed on to the next pair):

Natasha Rostova - Andrei Bolkonsky

Budulay - Claudia

Izaura - Leoncio (Alvaro)

Scarlet - Rheth Butler

Malvina - Pinocchio

Eden Kepfel - Cruz Castilio

Mason - Julia

Luis Alberto - Marianne

Little Red Riding Hood - wolf

Ved: And now I would like to find out from men what qualities do you think your beloved should have? (called)

Veda: And it should also be economic. She cooks, spends money, but also knows how to count them.

Men can help ladies. So who's the fastest-thinking?

Ved: Well, the women did it. Passed the quick-thinking exam. Now I want to test men for vigilance. Try to measure your lady's waist in glasses. How many glasses is in your lady's waist? (Who guessed - token)

Improvised fairy tale scenes

Ved: And the last thing. You need to show solidarity, agreement and confess your love to each other without words, using tokens.

1 pair - Rowan Oak

2 pair - Cockerel for Chicken

3 pair - Dove to Dove

You have a moment to prepare.

Veda: (The second leader helps them prepare)

Ved: I am addressing the audience. I see that you are smiling. And your smiles are so glorious, so different. Tell me what smiles are (auction)

(The winner is called to the stage and asked to portray the smile that he named. The prize is awarded)

So we figured it out with smiles. And now I ask our wonderful couples to show us how to declare love.

1 pair: (The presenter reads the text, they portray)

That you are standing swaying

Thin Rowan?

Head bowing

Until the very tyna

There, across the road,

Beyond the wide river

Just the same

The oak stands tall

how would i, rowan,

To get over to the Oak,

I wouldn't then

Bend and swing.

2 couple: (Cockerel runs around Chicken, declaring his love to her)

3 pair: (leading reads words)

Hush children

Do not make noise, quieter

Pigeons kiss on the roof.

Here she is

Love rejoices:

Dove with Dove

Ved: I do not presume to judge who best portrayed love, I appeal to the audience. Which pair did you like the most? (With the help of applause, the best are chosen. They have a token)

(Which pair has more tokens - that one is awarded the main prize)

Veda: If you remember the Bible, then Vera, Hope and Love had a mother. What is her name? (Sophia) If there is a girl or woman here, or even a little girl named Sophia, then I ask her to go up on stage and accept a gift from us. (If Sophia is not there, an auction of lullabies is held with the audience). (Sophia calls 3 male names. The audience is asked to come out with men with these names. Or they throw 3 lots. Whoever caught - goes on stage)

Veda: Merciful lords, among you you need to choose the best, the most worthy. Someone who will be honored to present a gift to Sophia. We cannot do this. you understand, the name is holy, but we are evil. So all hope is on you. (Takes them to the home stretch)

Ved: Imagine that you are in a hurry to date a girl. And at every step say a kind word, gentle, compliment. As He spoke the word - so he took a step. The winner is the one who first reaches Sophia and kisses her hand.

(The winner is given a gift, which he must hand over to Sophia. There is one more task for him: To present the gift beautifully, chivalrously, gracefully. Upon completing the task, he is awarded a prize)

Veda: Yes, love is the main driving force, it is a perpetual motion machine. Only love inspires people to feats. Only love makes people achieve the impossible. Only love can forever unite a man and a woman. Only love works wonders.

Veda: She makes them happy, extinguishes their quarrels, makes their eyes glow. A man should not be without a woman, a woman cannot be without a man.

Veda: And a man and a woman without love is nonsense. Sorry for the expression.

Veda: Soon the roosters will crow and it will be time for us to leave. Your holiday is just beginning, and it's time for us to hide. Congratulations!

Veda: Love you and tolerance

Veda: Happiness and goodness

Veda: Love, but do not over-love. Be patient, but do not overdo it. Believe, but do not misinterpret. If you want God, have him. If you don't want to, be patient and be kind anyway.

Vedas: All believers and non-believers - (together) with CHRISTMAS CHRISTMAS!

Veda: The holiday begins, and we say goodbye to you.

Ved: Thank you for your attention. See you soon. (Solemn music. In the light of a searchlight, a bird - an angel appears over the square. Stretches out arms-wings to people)

Angel: And there was a miracle on Earth,

And there was a miracle in heaven

As the sun burst into rays

A star in the midnight mist.

She floated over a world of tears

And her light shone

And prophetic to the poor shepherds,

That Christ was born.

Many years ago, in the ancient city of Bethlehem, Mary gave the world her son Jesus, who was destined to atone for the sins of the human race at the cost of his suffering. At the moment of his birth, a new star lit up in the sky and illuminated the path to happiness, goodness and justice for people.

Since then, on January 7, all Orthodox Christians have been celebrating the Nativity of Christ. This is a holiday of goodness and light, forgiveness and love, a holiday of holiness and purity, deliverance from evil, from envy, from evil spirits and all filth.

Angel: I would like to know if you know the commandments of Christ? (Shows the gift) This gift will be received from me by the one who names all 10 commandments, or at least most of them (competition).

Angel? Thank you, kind people! May these 10 commandments of the Savior be with you throughout your life. remember them not only today. Going to bed at night, think about your parents, remember those you hurt today. And in your soul, in your thoughts, ask them for forgiveness. Wish health and happiness to people who are dear to you. May your souls be open to meeting good, may anger and envy never settle in them. Human life is short. Hurry to love each other! Hurry to do good. And if the Earth is round, then good will return good to you. And everyone will be rewarded according to his deeds.

(Angel goes up again)

Happiness to you! Peace! Of good! Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas. And may God be with you.

(Soundtrack "On Christmas Eve")


  1. I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. May you have no other gods before My face.
  2. Do not make yourself an idol and no image of what is in the sky above and what is on the earth below, and what is in the waters below the earth. Do not worship or serve them; for I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, punishing children up to the third and fourth generation who hate Me for the guilt of the fathers, and giving mercy to a thousand [generations] to those who love Me and keep My commandments.
  3. Do not take the name of the Lord your God in vain; for the Lord will not leave without punishment the one who uses his name in vain.
  4. Observe the Sabbath day to keep it holy, as the Lord your God has commanded you. Work six days, and do all your deeds; and the seventh day is the Sabbath to the Lord thy God. Do not do any deed, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your servant, nor your servant, nor your ox, nor your donkey, nor all your cattle, nor your stranger that you have, so that your servant has rested, and your servant, like you. And remember that [you] were a slave in the land of Egypt, but the Lord your God brought you out from there with a mighty hand and a high arm, therefore the Lord your God commanded you to keep the Sabbath day.
  5. Honor your father and your mother, as the Lord your God has commanded you, that your days may be long, and that it may be good for you in the land that the Lord your God gives you.
  6. Dont kill.
  7. Do not commit adultery.
  8. Don't steal.
  9. Do not bear false testimony against your neighbor.
  10. Do not covet your neighbor's wife, and do not covet your neighbor's house, nor his field, nor his servant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor all that your neighbor has.