The orphanage is asking for help. Help for children and orphanages

This section contains links to projects and organizations that are not members of the “All Together” Assembly. Some of them are regional, some are corporate, and there are simply volunteer groups. In any case, they were not formally included in our Assembly for one reason or another. However, these are all our friends, colleagues and associates. We do a common cause, and this unites us much more than membership in any organization.

Help for orphanages and children's homes - orphans and children with disabilities - assistance in treatment, rehabilitation, respect for rights, family arrangement. City of Astrakhan - Society for Aid to Russian Children - orphans of Russia and CIS countries. Anyone who cares about the problem of orphans. - online community "Family for a child" - community about orphanages. Here we discuss the problems of orphanages, the problems of children living and growing up without parents. - the charitable community "Invisible Children" helps orphans find bosses and pen pals - website of the "Invisible Children" community, which helps orphans find bosses and pen pals - website of the Hope Around the World Charitable Foundation. The main direction of the fund is the social adaptation of children in orphanages and boarding schools, disabled children, as well as single pensioners and WWII veterans. - website of the Charitable Foundation for Assistance to Orphans and Large Families - website of the Krasnodar regional public organization"Second mother" helping orphans - website of the public charitable foundation "Assistance", the purpose of which is free support and comprehensive assistance to orphans. The site is dedicated to the problem of orphans in St. Petersburg and the involvement of broad sections of society in solving it. - “We are together” program for children from orphanages in the Yaroslavl region. The program is dedicated to the memory of Valery Kharitonov.

A lot of time is now devoted to charity. Some help homeless animals, lonely old people and people with disabilities. Most volunteers prefer to help boarding schools and orphanages. Volunteers visit supervised shelters, arrange concerts and master classes for children, and bring gifts. Children in orphanages most of all lack attention, so they are very happy about guests and prepare for their arrival: they organize concerts, tea parties, cooperative games. Therefore, if you want to give a piece of warmth to children, the volunteer movement will gladly accept anyone into its ranks, and will tell you the addresses of orphanages in Moscow, whose pupils are eagerly awaiting guests.

How to become a volunteer

It is not at all necessary to have a lot of money for this, because assistance to an orphanage can be not only material. The pupils are happy to wait not only for gifts, but also for the visitors themselves, because attention is so important to them, which is so lacking. You can join a group of volunteers, gather your team yourself, or visit an orphanage alone. Before visiting, be sure to find out what exactly needs to be brought, what day is most convenient to come so that the pupils have time to prepare, and check the addresses of the orphanages. There are over 45 institutions for children in Moscow, many of them are specialized - for pupils with physical or psychological disabilities.

How can I help you?

Addresses of orphanages in Moscow a large number of, but not everyone accepts used items. Therefore, before visiting, it is better to call the management and find out what kind of help is required. Many of the institutions are happy to accept not only things, but also stationery, toys, and educational games. Orphanages for children with disabilities take medications and care products: diapers, powders, creams, etc. But most of all, children need attention. Concert organization, festive evenings and there will be master classes best help for orphanages. Addresses in Moscow can be obtained from experienced volunteers.

Specialized orphanages

There are a large number of institutions for orphans in Moscow. It is important to understand that some of them are specialized; they care for students with various disabilities. Before visiting, check what type of institution it is so that help will be available to you. In Moscow, there are about 10 addresses of orphanages for mentally retarded children. The largest of them is located on Yuzhnobutovskaya Street, 19. More than 300 children with disabilities are brought up here. You can help with things, outdoor equipment for games, toys. You can also help clean the area, plant flowers, etc.

Another of the institutions for pupils with disabilities in Moscow is Orphanage No. 8, located at the address: Moscow, Borisovsky proezd, 3, building 3. You can bring things, educational games, and stationery.

Orthodox orphanages

Shelters at churches and monasteries have existed for a long time. Also in Tsarist Russia here they provided shelter for children who were left without parental care. They still exist today. Some of them are separate and accept either only boys or only girls. Orphanages are located in Moscow at the following addresses:

  • st. Timiryazevskaya, house 22 - Orthodox orphanage "Pavlin"
  • st. Bolshaya Ordynka, house 34, building 7 - Orthodox Elizabethan orphanage
  • st. Krupskaya, building 12A - St. Sophia Social House.

These are just some of the Orthodox shelters. Addresses and telephone numbers can be obtained from church ministers. You can help not only with things, but also with organizing holidays and events with an Orthodox focus.

Orphanages for abandoned children

As a rule, such shelters house children who have been abandoned or whose parents have been deprived of parental rights. The pupils do not suffer from health limitations, but, just like disabled children, they need love and care. There are more than 20 such institutions in Moscow, and which one to choose to provide assistance is up to the volunteers to decide. Despite the good state provision, there is always a shortage of simple things: office supplies, hygiene products, equipment and technology. Here are the addresses of some of them in Moscow:

  • Orphanage No. 6, Pyatnitskaya street, house 40/42.
  • Orphanage No. 4, Izmailovskoe highway, building 49A.
  • Orphanage No. 3, Yunykh Lenintsev Street, building 96, building 2.

Where they are always waiting

Whatever the care and love of educators, it will not replace parental attention. Children really look forward to the arrival of visitors, not so much because of the gifts, but because of the lack of warmth. If you don’t have time for a long visit to the institution, you can simply give the students the necessary things. They must be new or not very worn, and have undergone special treatment. Shelters typically do not have the resources to dry clean used clothing. Therefore, it is better to process it in advance if you decide which orphanage in Moscow to give things to. The address and time of visit must be clarified in advance; not everyone is ready to receive guests at any time. You don’t have to bring everything to the shelter at once, because sometimes even a little help can come in just in time!

Any society and state has a single problem - orphanhood, in which minors end up in orphanages and boarding schools, where they are provided with certain support. Of no small importance here is the assistance provided to orphanages by sponsors and charitable organizations.

Children's charities in Russia

The activities of these organizations are often due to the lack of treatment provided by the state for needy children. Citizens are seriously concerned about the future of the current generation, so charity is developing and thriving every year.

By supporting employees of medical and educational institutions in Russia, the funds provide assistance to sick and orphaned children.

Mainly it includes:

  • procurement medicines and/or fundraising for them;
  • purchase of medical and sports equipment;
  • payment for treatment;
  • volunteering in clinics and orphanages;
  • provision of food, hygiene products, clothes and shoes;
  • provision of books, stationery, educational toys.

It cannot be said that the priority for aid funds is children with disabilities, or with cancer, or children who have lost their parents. It is important to give the opportunity for full development, to give a piece of warmth and kindness to everyone.

A huge number of charitable organizations providing assistance to children are concentrated in Moscow. However, despite the location, support for sick and needy children from various funds is provided throughout the country.

Funds for helping orphans

Pupils of orphanages and boarding schools most of all need warmth and understanding.

Children left without the guardianship of parents and relatives are considered poor and in need of material and financial assistance.

Today there are many organizations ready to provide support to orphans:

  • "". Participates in the life and activities of citizens with serious illnesses, directs charity to orphanages, including boarding schools.
  • "Rusfond". Provides support to seriously ill children, orphans and disabled people.
  • “Good for Children” - a charitable foundation takes care of minors from shelters, boarding schools, the sick and those in serious life situation.
  • "Volunteers to help orphans." Solves the problems of orphanhood, socialization, ensuring the rights to family relationships and childhood.
  • "Change one life." Creation of a database with video profiles of Russian orphans, training of future parents, consultation on family arrangement, support for foster families.
  • "". Uniting philanthropists to make unaffordable contributions to support orphans and refuseniks.
  • "Our Children". Preventing minors from entering an orphanage, organizing effective systems for placement in families, supporting orphans and their successful integration into society.

Support for children with cancer

There are a huge number of organizations that provide assistance to children with cancer, for example, the Nastenka Foundation.

Here are the largest ones:

  • "Life ". The foundation provides charitable assistance to children with cancer, including hematological malignancies.
  • "Nastenka". Support for children with cancer who are being treated at the Blokhin Research Institute and Russian Cancer Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences.
  • WorldVita. Provides sick children, including those with cancer, with treatment in the best Russian and foreign medical institutions.
  • "Gift a life ". Participation in the lives of minors with severe and, in particular, oncohematological diseases.
  • “Mercy” – as a charity, it raises money for the treatment of sick children with various diagnoses.
  • NONC - the foundation aims to help children with cancer, including psychological, household and leisure activities.
  • "K. Khabensky Foundation". Organization of examinations and treatment of brain diseases, acquisition medicines, rehabilitation, assistance to medical institutions.

Funds for disabled children

Disabled children also need provision, socialization and other types of support, so specialized charities are of great importance to our society.

Below are the most famous of them:

  • “Step Together” Foundation – helping disabled children with cerebral palsy.
  • "Galchonok". Treatment and rehabilitation of minors with organic lesions of the central nervous system, social and psychological assistance to relatives.
  • "Help the". Fund for helping teenagers and children with disabilities and serious illnesses.
  • “Help with action.” Supporting minors with disabilities, collecting the amounts necessary for treatment.
  • “Children of Russia” is a charitable foundation that is part of the World Federation of Associations, Centers and Clubs of UNESCO.

How to help children?

Happy children are the highest gratitude for their support.

When discussing how and how to help children, you should know some of the features and nuances of helping orphanages:

  1. Kids require communication with outside people, whom they elevate to the rank of positive heroes. Residents of boarding schools need someone to look up to.
  2. Children from orphanages are essentially in a closed space, so it is very important to take them to theaters, museums and other institutions.
  3. Students should be sent to classes in a specific club, section, or circle, based on their abilities.
  4. You can become a trustee and take wards into your family. Minors grow up, build their own families, and it is very important that they come to understand what a new unit of society should be like.
  5. Quality education is considered an important part in the lives of children in orphanages. Often boarding school staff are unable to provide every child with a decent education.

When helping financially or materially, you need to understand that the benefactor plays the role of a trustee.

Financial aid

Financial support consists of donating certain amounts to orphanages for various needs or collecting money for the treatment of a particular child.

If you want to raise money for treatment, you should fully understand the child’s problems and go to the end, and in some cases, become his trustee.

The most common way to organize fundraising is to post information on social networks.

In order not to raise doubts among people who are ready to help, post complete information about the problem (medical documents, reports on therapy performed, account details, etc.).

Material support

Social participation is about acquiring wheelchairs, prosthetics, exercise equipment, specialized beds, mattresses and other necessary items.


People who are not related to sponsoring and supporting organizations can also provide all possible assistance to orphanages. Such helpers are called volunteers.

The goal of their charity is to help both sick children (organizing the collection of money for treatment) and those who have lost their parents (material support).

In addition, volunteer groups visit orphanages and medical institutions with entertainment programs.

Video: Volunteers at the children's cancer center.


If you are a volunteer or philanthropist, have a child in your care who needs financial assistance for treatment, have organized a fundraiser for children with cancer, or help disabled adults who are in need of financial assistance - you can use the form below and ask for help from sympathizers or wealthy people .

Because soon New Year, and many will want to polish their karma by showering gifts on complete strangers in the nearest orphanage, I decided to show you one important text. I warn you right away: the text tells you why you can’t do this. And the point is not at all about ethical considerations (although there are those too), but about specific harm. But enough spoilers! Now you will find out everything for yourself.

Since I am not an expert in helping children, a professional will tell you about the problem. A few years ago, the magazine “Takie Dela” published an excellent article that explained why emergency gift giving to children in orphanages is harmful. Unfortunately, over these few years the situation in Russia has hardly changed.

A word from an expert in the field of charity, volunteering and corporate social responsibility, Anna Puchkova:

"No gifts to orphanages. Yes, I don’t mean at all: “Guys, urgently help, we don’t have enough gifts for the unfortunate deprived children in orphanages this year,” I mean exactly: “Please stop bullying over children from orphanages, showering them with gifts.”

I understand that the text of this article will be very painful to read for approximately half of those who are going to do this (stay strong, positive at the end). And the other half will nod quietly and sadly with the words: “Yes, I talk about this all the time too, but that doesn’t stop anyone.” I know that the first article will cause frustration or even aggression. Therefore, I immediately want to say: “Yes, I also really love children and people in general,” “Yes, I myself also do something to help others, namely, I devote approximately 95% of my time to this, not counting sleep,” “Yes , I have been to a huge number of orphanages in my time and even lived in one for a week, right in a group with children,” “Yes, I deal with volunteers from more than 20 regions of the country, and everywhere there is exactly the same as in Moscow.” . So, guys, instead of frustration, let's just try to make our help at least a little more effective, that's exactly what we all want, right?

So, why is it still impossible to give gifts to orphanages, and what can be done instead?

Let's take, for example, an ideal situation, that is, a situation in which all children received the same gifts, equally, an ideal situation that excludes the possibility that the gifts did not reach the children. A situation in which a teenager did not sell a gift to buy cigarettes or beer. Or when the gift was not used to make someone jealous or simply demonstrate their superiority (“look what I have, but you don’t have the same”), usually after this the gift ends up either broken or stolen as soon as the owner was distracted from it, and, of course, this is very bad both for the owner and for the one who broke or stole.

So, even in this ideal situation (and you understand that this does not happen?), giving gifts to orphanages, boarding schools, social shelters and other forms of state orphanages (I emphasize - especially state ones) is destructive for the child’s psyche , because according to statistics over time New Year's holidays child from orphanage attends about 17 Christmas trees and events and receives about 19 gifts (in the Moscow region - 25). Do you understand that this is just a marathon for survival? Do you want to be the 26th person who came running frantically to love a child you didn’t know just yesterday? What about 18? The saddest thing is that you are ready...

In the next month and a half, billions of rubles will be spent on toys, teddy bears, sleds, Barbies and even tablets, phones and iPods (yes, many children ask for exactly this, and many adults buy it for them, although they themselves realize that there is something that's not true)

All this is monstrous because it fosters terrible dependency; the child gets used to the fact that everyone is always giving him something, giving him something, doing it, and without any effort or reasons visible to him. Some exalted people constantly come and frantically try to love them all to death in half a day and move on (I know, because I was exactly the same). And then suddenly the child turns 18, and... And nothing, no one visits him, no one showers him with gifts, no one cares about the problems of “an adult healthy guy who has to go to work.” Why should he? You only taught him to ask, you did not teach him to earn. You taught him to accept gifts and entertainment and thought that he should somehow figure out about work himself. As a result, only 10% cope with this state of affairs, and the rest become drunkards, end up in crime and prison, and commit suicide. Think about it! 10%! 90%!

Children in orphanages (and in this case I mean all state institutions of this type) live according to the rules of a gloomy, inhumane and merciless system created at the beginning of the 20th century. Their students are not considered part of society, and therefore they do not become one. They are considered poor and unhappy, wretched and deprived, and only truly sincere and professional charitable foundations work on their socialization, try to restore their motivation to live, strive for something and achieve their goals, fill them with faith in their own strengths and satisfy them to families.

“Well, everyone helps as best they can,” they often answer me offended at the mention of professional funds. No, no, I'm not at all against a little help, and I know for sure that EVERY person can help. But we are not talking about help here. I am writing all this precisely to explain - gifts to orphanages on holidays and without them, as well as a bunch of entertainment events on holidays - this is not help, it is harm.

I will give an example from my own practice, when many years ago I came as part of a group of volunteers to one of the orphanages in the Tver region. We agreed on the visit in advance, prepared competitions and performances, and clarified with the director that there would be no one except us that day. When we arrived, another group of volunteers left right in front of our noses, and the children, stretching, left the assembly hall with gifts. They hoped to go about their business, but the director told them to urgently go back to the hall, because “the sponsors had arrived,” and the children wandered off to watch our next songs and dances, which they absolutely did not need. What benefit did we bring to them by forcing them to sit in the assembly hall for half a day? What benefits can be brought by a master class on weaving baubles and soap making?

Well, what should you do then and how can you help if you have such a desire?

I promised positivity at the end, and here it is - you may not only be needed, but really needed! For example, if you really want to arrange festive event, then organize it for children with disabilities. Moreover, try to take them somewhere from home; in our country they are so rarely given such an opportunity. Better yet, consult with specialized funds and organize a joint event for ordinary children and children with disabilities. This will be very useful for both.

If you definitely want to give someone a gift, there are children with cancer, there are children from low-income families, and just those who are undergoing long-term treatment in the hospital, you definitely won’t spoil them. There are also elderly people, people in hospices and hospitals, paralyzed people, prisoners (everyone generally forgets about them) - they will all be glad to see your warmth and attention, they will need your gifts and receive them with gratitude.

Well, if you want to do something specifically for children from orphanages, then my advice to you is to donate money or become a volunteer in one of the funds that really change their lives and save them:

"Change one life"- they find a father and mother for the children, and there is nothing more valuable than this gift.

One of the oldest and most professional foundations involved in the socialization of orphans.

"Volunteers to help orphans"- they are struggling to keep as many children as possible in the family and to prevent them from ending up in orphanages, and also take care of the youngest refuseniks from zero to four years old.

"Big change"- systematic tutoring and development of orphans, they help them enter universities, find themselves in life, gain independence and autonomy.

With the money that is spent annually on teddy bears for children living in concentration camps, these funds can truly save them, get them out of there, protect them, take care of them.

Everything that I described in this article is far from new, and any expert in the field of charity will tell you exactly the same thing. Many companies and simply good people They have already realized this and are beginning to abandon the system of giving gifts and entertainment to orphanages, and this cannot but rejoice.

However, finishing the article, I also sadly look into the eyes of its readers, because most of them will agree with it closer to the beginning of the new year, when they return from orphanages, leaving there another dose of gifts..."