How to get rid of my husband's ex-wife? Getting rid of your ex-wife with conspiracies How to get rid of the importunity of your husband's ex-wife.


Find out the reasons for your awakened interest ex-wife to your (yours, not hers!) husband. The fact is that often women who have lost interest in them at one time and decided with them, sometimes begin to have feelings for them again after they realized that their faithful are interested in others women. And if the wife sees that her place has been taken amazing woman, this can provoke a sense of ownership and attempts to return past relationships. Another case is when a woman, at the expense of her abandoned husband, seeks to increase her self-esteem, and provokes him to start all over again with her, leaving new wife, that is, you. This is a common desire to show off in front of fans or girlfriends, because a man who has not lost interest in his former beloved woman will drop everything and run to her at her first call.

Soberly evaluate the feelings that your husband has for you. Surely, when you married a particular man, you were sure that he loved you with all his soul and would not leave you for his ex-wife. You met him for some time before and managed to study his character and habits. You look after him happily and appreciate him for who he is. If you are sure that you love him and don’t want to lose him, and also feel mutual feelings in return strong feelings, then you need to be patient and gradually “neutralize” your ex-wife.

Combine your efforts with your husband. The first thing you should do is talk frankly with your husband and explain to him why you are not satisfied with his communication with his ex-wife. If a man values ​​you, he will understand everything and will do everything possible to protect you from unnecessary worries. From now on, you must become one and “fight” your ex-wife together. For example, if she constantly asks your husband for help, he can calmly explain to her that he is not able to run headlong to her aid every time. Don't brush off her requests, just do them together. Every time you show ex-wife that the feelings are so strong that you divide all your worries in half. Gradually, your ex's requests for help will fade away. Ask your husband to take you with him to all the meetings that this woman makes for him. When communicating in person, be kind to her, let her know that you wish her personal happiness, which, by the way, will make it easier for you to breathe.

Do not limit your husband’s communication with his children. As you know, " former children“does not happen. If your loved one spends a lot of time with the children, and, accordingly, with their mother, do not blame him for this. You just need to arrange his leisure time with the children so that he is away from his ex-wife’s house. For example, you can buy him and children's swimming pool passes, regularly arrange excursions, picnics, trips to the cinema and theater and much more. Of course, all organizational activities will fall on your shoulders, but in this way you can also establish warm relationships with your husband's children, who will see, that you care about them. Take care of your family happiness!

If you married a man who was previously married, this means that he has behind him not only the skill of family life, but also a previous wife, and perhaps children from his first marriage. What to do if your marital bliss is spoiled by a third unnecessary person - his ex-husband? She constantly calls him, makes appointments, begs for help and makes you jealous. What to do in such a situation?


1. Find out the reasons for the awakened interest of the former wives to your (or yours, not hers!) spouse. The fact is that often women who have lost interest in their husbands at one time and decided to divorce them sometimes begin to experience feelings for them again later than that, how they realized that their former wives worried other women. And if the former wife sees that a luxurious woman has taken her place, this can provoke a sense of ownership and attempts to restore the old relationship. Another case is when a woman, at the expense of someone thrown by her husband, is burdened to increase his sense of self-superiority, and provokes him to start all over again with her, leaving a new wife, that is, you. This is an ordinary desire to show off in front of fans or girlfriends; a man who has not lost interest in his former beloved woman will drop everything and run to her at her first call.

2. Soberly evaluate the feelings that your spouse has for you. Probably, when you married a certain man, you were sure that he loved you with every soul and would not leave you for the sake of his former self. wives. You dated him for some time before marriage and had time to explore his character and habits. You look after him happily and appreciate him for who he is. If you are sure that you love him and do not want to lose him, and also feel powerful mutual feelings as a result, then you need to be patient and gradually “neutralize” your former wife.

3. Combine your efforts with your spouse. The first thing you should do is have a sincere conversation with your spouse and explain to him why you are not satisfied with his communication with his former wife. If a man values ​​you, he will understand everything and will do everything possible to protect you from unnecessary worries. From now on, you must become a whole and “fight” together with your former spouse. For example, if she constantly begs for help from your husband, he can calmly explain to her that he is not able to run headlong to her help all the time. Don’t brush off her requests, simply fulfill them together. Every time you will show your former wife that your feelings are so strong that you share all custody in half. Little by little, the previous requests for help will fade away. Ask husband take you with him to all the meetings that this woman makes for him. When communicating in person, be kind to her, let her realize that you want her personal happiness, which, by the way, will make it easier for you to breathe.

4. Don't limit communication husband with his children. As is well known, there are no “former children”. If your loved one spends a lot of time with the children, and, accordingly, with their mother, do not blame him for this. It is primitive to arrange his leisure time with the children so that he is away from his former husband’s house. For example, he and the children are allowed to purchase swimming pool passes, regularly organize excursions, picnics, trips to the cinema and theater, and much more. Of course, every organizational action will fall on your shoulders, but in this way you will also be able to establish warm relationships with children husband who will see that you care about them. Take care of your marital bliss!

Video on the topic

If you have a nice and proper wife, with whom you have been together for a long time and live in a warm relationship, but still something is missing and you suddenly have a desire to get rid of your wife, then this article has a recipe for this ailment. All these tips posted on the website have been tested for more than one year and by many married couples.

Helpful advice
Women's magazine » Love and Sex » Relationships » How to get rid of your lover’s wife or shock therapy in pink.

Hello! I really need your advice!!!

I got married at 18 young man, whom I love very much, but the problem is that he was married and has a child.

In general, everything is fine with us, but our quarrels only happen because of his ex. The problem is that she still loves him but lost him herself!!! We all know that we build our own happiness: she herself told him to “go away” and has been allegedly regretting it for 2 years. She pulls him towards her in every possible way, he loves his daughter very much and does not hide it... She often invites him to visit, etc. But when she found out that he got married, she completely lost control... She writes to him: “I cooked your favorite dish, come, I’ll feed you.” Naturally, he doesn’t go, I also cook very well and try to please him in everything. It’s just that now a situation has arisen: she invited him to her place for his birthday, and he got ready to go. To this I told him: it will be unpleasant for me.

He was simply hysterical and, naturally, we had a fight again. I just don’t know what to do... I’m jealous... He says he loves me, and if he wanted to return to her, he would have done it a long time ago... I’m just afraid, help! Elena.

READERS' RESPONSES But I have a completely opposite situation. Six months ago I asked my husband to decide - a mistress or a family (me and the children), and he chose a mistress. Well, good riddance, I live for my own pleasure, in theirs family life I don’t bother, I don’t call, I don’t write, I died like that. But after the New Year they creep into my life, steal my photos, steal something from the house, and I’ll go and buy something better. They call at night and write text messages. And I don't argue with them. The only thing I asked the district police officer to calm them down. So exes are different. Evgenia. Advise your husband to pay off his ex-wife. For example, I also suffered a lot and wanted him to return, I called, waited day and night, called, raved about him, said that I would forgive everything, I went crazy. But when, at a meeting, he offered to re-register a large deposit in my name in exchange for freedom, I thought and agreed, giving my word of honor that he would not hear from me again. I’ve kept my word for almost 6 years now. That made my soul feel better. The child and I disappeared from his life. Apparently (and most likely), I was waiting for his return and called back, being in fear of the impending poverty: they say, how will I manage a child without him now alone. They call the departed husband back out of fear - either of poverty or of loneliness. Well, not because of love for the one who exchanged you and his child for another! Although at first it mistakenly seems that way - that you are calling him back to the family because you still love this scoundrel! Ex-wife. The advice is simple - while there are no children together, look for an alternate airfield and fly away. IN otherwise get ready that you won’t be alone with him. Alex. My dear girl. You knew who you were marrying. So stop being jealous. He good husband, and he will treat your common children the same way. Take this calmly, and he will not hide anything from you. Trust him. Ira. I have the same situation. My girlfriend is terribly jealous of my ex-wife, with whom we have a child. You need to understand that if the husband took the child home and talked to his wife, then this is not a reason for jealousy. But you went to visit your ex - this is already beyond the bounds, and you need to convey your concerns to your loved one, but calmly, without complaints or hysterics. Conductor.

Girls who marry men who have already been married once sometimes face a problem: how to get rid of my husband's ex-wife. This woman cannot come to terms with the fact that her husband, now ex, abandoned her, and is trying to ruin the life of both him and you as much as possible.

What are the reasons?

First you need find out the reasons why ex-wife your husband suddenly began to show interest in him. It happens that a woman again begins to have feelings for a man whom she, perhaps, abandoned herself, after she finds out that another representative of the fairer sex is keenly interested in him. Or it also happens that a man’s ex-wife tries to improve her well-being at his expense, through blackmail and other dishonest methods.

How does your husband feel about you?

Have you found out the reasons for his ex-wife's awakened interest in your husband? Now soberly assess what feelings he has for you. Maybe he himself still loves his ex, and therefore he himself began to be interested in her. In this case, no matter how painful it may be, you first need to talk seriously about this, and then, if you are convinced that your love is not mutual, end the hateful relationship. Are you sure he really loves you? Then stand until the end.

Join forces with your husband

Talk to your husband about his ex-wife, join forces with him, because together it will be easier for you to get rid of her increased attention. He will understand everything if he values ​​your relationship with him and will take your side. For example, if a woman constantly contacts her husband and asks for his help in something, he can gently explain to her that he cannot rush headlong to her every call for help. And you need to be patient, because you won’t be able to get rid of your stalker in a couple of days.

We need to help, but together

If your loved one’s ex-wife really needs help, you help her, but together, thereby showing her that you love each other, and therefore she will not have a chance to return her if she suddenly wants it. When she is finally convinced of this, she herself will soon stop asking for help.

Question with children

As for children from a previous marriage, if your spouse has them, you should not prohibit him from seeing them. This is his flesh and blood, and they won’t ask your permission, so just accept it. Well, as for his wife, who may try to return him with the help of his children. ex-husband to yourself, if you really love each other, she still won’t be able to upset your family relationship.