Three-dimensional origami paper house. Paper crafts: house

A person needs a home. This is a roof over your head, this is warmth and comfort, this is your favorite place where they are waiting for you. A house is something that children love to draw, because it’s not difficult to draw, and you can even assemble it from cubes. Just a square wall and a triangle roof. There is also a paper house, it is also not that difficult, you just need to be patient and diligent. Making a house out of paper is very simple if you follow the simple instructions in the picture diagram.

Origami diagram: A boat made from a piece of paper

1. Let's build the walls first


1. Fold the piece of paper in thirds horizontally, then vertically. Unfold it to create dividing folds.

2. Fold two horizontal strips along the edges of the sheet; in the figure, the necessary places are marked with dotted lines.

3. Fold the sheet along the horizontal folds in thirds.

4. Bend and straighten all the corners of the resulting rectangle, as shown by the dotted lines.

5. Make vertical folds along the edges, as in the picture.

6. Place the folded sides of the sheet perpendicular to its center.

7. Fold the workpiece along the folds marked with dotted lines in the figure.

8. Fold the parts protruding from the top inward by 90°.

9. Apply some glue to these parts.

10. Attach the roof prepared earlier to them.

11. Draw windows to complete the bulk of the paper house construction.

If you have completed this stage of building paper walls, then folding the roof will not be difficult. Let's move on to the second part.

2. Now let’s build a roof and we’ll get a house

(Click on the image to enlarge the picture)

1. Fold the piece of paper in thirds and unfold it to create two vertical folds.

2. Fold the piece of paper in thirds horizontally: first the bottom to the center, then the top.

3. Fold the upper corners of the resulting rectangle towards the base.

4. Raise and smooth the bottom corners to create folds.

5. Lower them back down.

6. Expand the workpiece, pushing apart the part marked with an arrow.

7. Bend the corners of the resulting figure inward in the places marked with a dotted line.

8. The roof is ready.

9. Place it on the walls of the house. And now our cozy house is ready!

An origami house with detailed photo instructions and three options, from the simplest to the slightly more complex for children. There are many different schemes for how to make an origami house, I chose these 3, in my opinion, the most ideal for children.


  • Double-sided colored paper or origami paper for the first house;
  • One-way for the other two;
  • A felt-tip pen to draw windows and doors for houses, if desired.

Origami house step by step: 1 easiest option

For origami you will need a square piece of paper, colored on both sides.

Fold the paper in half, with this action we will mark the middle of the square.

Fold the right side over, lining it up with the fold in the center.

Do the same manipulations with the left one.

Now fold the created part in half to make a fold in the center.

Open and fold the top side inward, aligning it with the fold in the center.

Fold the bottom of the paper up, also determining the height along the central fold.

Put everything back, since the goal of the previous steps was to create the folds we need.

Now you need to make the roof, I show detailed steps for this. Open the top of the paper slightly. Here you can see the first fold from above.

Continue pushing the corners of the roof out to the sides, making the fold at the top line of the roof. It may not be very clear at first, practice and you will understand how simple it really is. The main thing is to understand the principle of this action.

Bend the bottom of the house and tuck the edge under the roof. Draw the windows and doors. You can paint the roof, and even the whole house.

How to make an origami house: 2 easy ways

To work, you need single-sided square-shaped paper or special paper for origami. One side is colored and the other is white. Size is absolutely not important. It all depends on personal wishes.

Place the paper in front of you.

Fold it in half, the color should be on the outside. Then double it again, but this time connecting the other two sides.

Open the paper, there should be two intersecting folds in the middle.

Fold the top side to a horizontal fold.

Turn over to the other side, aligning the right side with the vertical fold in the center.

Now left.

Point the top corners down.

Turn over to the other side. Make a small fold upward from the bottom.

Now open it.

Redirect the folded corners inward. Fold the resulting trapezoidal part up again. Due to the fact that the paper is one-sided, we ended up with doors on the bottom.

All that remains is to draw the windows for the complete set of the house.

Origami house with a pipe: making the work more difficult

The beginning of creating a house is identical to the previous one, but after that you will have to tinker with the pipe, because of which this option will be a little difficult for children. But after all, children are all different, as are their age characteristics, perhaps for some this method will be absolutely understandable and easy.

Prepare single-sided square-shaped paper.

Fold it in half. Open and fold in half, connecting the other two sides.

You will get intersecting folds.

Fold the top to the fold.

Turn over to the other side and fold the sides to the fold in the center.

Now point the top corners down.

Let's start making a pipe. Straighten the left corner.

Open it from the inside and pull it down, redirecting the outer fold inward.

Then straighten the same part upward.

Open it slightly from the inside. The result is a corner, move its right side to the left, simultaneously pressing the corner down. It is difficult to describe this action, you just need to try it and by looking at the photo you will understand the process. The pipe is ready.

Fold the bottom of the house up, aligning the edges with the bottom of the roof. But there may be options here: you can bend it less and it will be a rectangular long house, or a square one.

Turn it over, draw windows, a door. The origami house is ready.

These are the kind of houses you can make with children; they can easily handle the first two on their own, but they may need help working on the third.

Paper crafts are not only figurines of animals, birds, fish, people, but also equipment, airplanes, boats and, of course, buildings. This master class will teach you how to make origami paper houses of varying complexity for beginners and more experienced needlewomen.

This MK is for beginners who want to learn how to work in the origami technique. The assembly diagram is simple and does not take much time.

Step-by-step instruction

ADVICE: Advise your child to make several origami from colored paper, of different sizes and shapes. Also, draw windows and doors or stick them on, cutting them out from sheets of a different color, as in the photo. Make trees, animals, people - you’ll get a real village.

And here is another option for an equally simple paper house.

Video: House using origami technique

It is possible for a child to make such crafts himself, without the help of an adult. The following models are more complicated, but they are also more interesting.

House in 3D origami

Do you want to make a toy street with cars that every boy loves so much? No problem! It is not necessary to buy houses. Why not make them yourself? It will only be more interesting for the baby.

Step by step guide with diagram

Here are detailed instructions describing the actions as a result of which you will be able to make a house in 3D format:

  1. It is made in stages - separately the roof and the box itself. Start with a lightweight element - the roof. Take a square piece of paper and bend it into 3 equal parts (use a ruler for accurate measurements).
  2. We fold these parts one after another according to the accordion principle, carefully ironing all layers of paper.
  3. Bend the corners towards the edges.
  4. We fold them again, as in the diagram.

Make a paper base as shown in the template. A square sheet is taken, folded into three parts, with one of the edges marked in advance and folded into a narrow strip.
The side parts are folded into a box and glued. The glue is applied to the strip that we made at the beginning.

Before you complete steps 10 and 11 and assemble the entire house, let's return to the roof.
We bend the corners, straighten the figure from the inside. Now we fold both corners inward and straighten the model. We connect the roof and the base. The builders can start playing.

Video: Lessons on assembling a three-dimensional paper house

ADVICE: This origami house can be used not only as a toy, but also as an original gift wrapping. Why not put jewelry, banknotes or other valuable surprises there for your dear birthday boy?

Video: A quick way to fold an origami house

Yes, this can happen too. An excellent leisure option for office workers to add something new to their routine.

Schemes for folding origami houses and buildings

Everything that is made independently is stored more carefully by an adult, and even more so by a child. The easiest and most affordable paper crafts for children. Well, who wouldn’t like their own house for dolls or superheroes, which was so lacking in the game? Therefore, today we will tell you how to make a house out of paper. This craft is fun for parents and children to create together.


Doll paper house: origami

A dollhouse will be useful in any children’s game, and the origami technique will help bring to life all the child’s dreams and ideas of what a house should be like.

For such a house you will need 2 hours of free time. You should also stock up on the following materials and tools:

  • thick paper, which should be in the shape of a square with sides approximately 50 by 50 cm;
  • a simple pencil and eraser;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • double-sided colored paper to make trees and flowers;
  • felt-tip pens, pencils and paints.

Advice! If you took paper 50 cm wide and 50 cm long, then the product itself will be 25.5 cm deep and the same in width and length. These are not the only sizes that are suitable for creating a house. You can use a square of both larger and smaller sizes. For children, of course, it is better to take smaller paper so that they can easily fold the craft.

Now let's start working on the house.

1. Take a paper square (if you have one-sided colored paper, then the colored side should be on the bottom - invisible) and fold the upper corners with the lower ones to form a rectangle (now the colored side is visible);

2. Place the left side of the workpiece on the right, achieving a square sheet shape. Open again to the left so that there is a vertical fold in the middle;

3. First, fold the left edge to a vertical line in the center, and then do the same with the right. Smooth with hand;

4. Unscrew the top sheet of the left side with your fingers, as if climbing inside. Bend the top corner towards you to form a small triangle at the top;

5. Open the top of the right side and do the same steps as in the previous paragraph;

6. Try placing the workpiece on a flat surface. Please note that its middle should be straight, and the walls on the side should form a parallel with each other, but at the same time adjoin the middle perpendicularly;

7. Proceed to decorating the house. It should be colorful, beautiful and eye-catching.

Start with the roof. To make it look like tiles, take scrapbooking paper (preferably pieces of different colors and patterns) and cut out circles of the same size from it. Using a simple pencil, draw along the roof and mark the lowest point where the tiles will lie. There, draw a line parallel to the surface and glue the circles, focusing on it. The tiles on the first line should not touch each other. Glue the next row on top of the first, as if between the elements. Then the next one according to this principle and so on.

The tiles do not have to be cut out of paper and glued. You can simply draw the outline of the tiles with a simple pencil. And then color it with different colors of felt-tip pens or colored pencils;

8. The interior of the house (paintings, furniture, etc.) can also be painted. And on the external walls, use felt-tip pens or pencils to draw windows with curtains and flowers in pots, doors;

9. Make the trees as follows: take green paper, draw the outline of the trees, and then cut them out. To make stands for them, you need to cut out small semicircles.

Make cuts at the bottom of the trunks and on the stands so that you can insert one element into the second crosswise. Do this and place the craft on the table next to the house.

Advice! If you want to liven up the house and its interior, then you can do the following: place small real flowers in pots on the floor of the house inside, a small rug, which you can also make yourself, just like a picture or panel on the wall. Find beads, small parts from bracelets, watches and other things that can be used.

Paper log house

Let's make a log hut out of paper, like in the old days.

You will need:

  • White paper;
  • very thin paper (to make logs);
  • scissors;
  • colored pencils, felt-tip pens;
  • glue.

Let's get started:

Houses for gluing from paper: diagrams and templates

Video instructions

Watch the suggested videos and choose a suitable paper house for yourself

Paper origami house:

Simple house made of paper:

Many children like to make various crafts on their own. An origami house, paper figurines of dolls and trees are perfect for playing together with friends. Kids can handle this master class without any problems. This kind of handicraft by parents and preschool children develops their creativity, imagination, motor skills, perseverance, and innovative thinking. Thanks to step-by-step instructions, diagrams, photos, videos, beginners will build the house correctly without spending a lot of time on it.

For needlework you will need:

  • double-sided, colored paper or any suitable material;
  • paints, markers, colored pencils, gel pens;
  • elements for decoration;
  • scissors, ruler, glue.

Don't spend a lot of money on a paper doll house - organize it yourself. A homemade tower is an excellent option for a game that will amuse not only a child, but also an adult. Prepare a work area, materials and tools. Follow the diagram below to complete all steps of the process.

Detailed description. Follow the diagram and photos below.

Fold the colored square diagonally, marking the fold lines. Bend the sides with the corners inward towards the center of the template.

Wrap the inside of the craft again. According to the presented diagram, bend the upper part of the sample down.

Form a tower by folding the sides inside the top of the sample, as shown in the picture. Make a fold on the turret as shown below.

Fold the sides of the triangle inward to form the top of the tower. Secure it. Fold the bottom triangle of the shape. Unfold the workpiece and bend it in half lengthwise.

Draw windows and doors on it. The house is ready.

We put together a small house

This instance is easy to implement. Using the assembly diagram, assemble the house together with the baby. Let him add his various ideas, add colors to the windows and doors. He will make them from colored appliqués, gluing them onto the product.

Origami at home for children is easy to fold. Following the photos below, get the following paper craft.

To help beginners, as a visual example, there are videos with master classes showing step by step how to assemble a craft.

Video: Simple 3D paper house

We assemble houses of different types according to MK photos

Another model that does not require much effort, which can be very interestingly decorated with a variety of elements. To put together a similar craft yourself, use the origami technique, diagram and microscope.

Description: Fold a piece of paper diagonally to mark the fold lines. Then fold the side of the square ¼ from top to bottom. Fold the sides of the square inward toward the center.

Make the roof by pointing the top corners of the shape inward to form a triangle. Make bends carefully. Fold the bottom of the product 1/3. Fold the corners down. Open the pocket of the house.

Fold the side of the pocket over so that it is on the right side of the template. The house is completed. You can add appliqués and other things.

The next figure looks like several origami paper houses located nearby.

Description: Fold the sides of the figure on both sides inward (vertically). Repeat the procedure again as shown below.

Expand the figure, turn it over. Make folds on the rectangle according to the diagram.

Unfold the pocket on the right side of the figure to create an origami house.

Fold the upper part of the larger rectangle back to form a triangle. It will serve as the roof of the building. After completing the work, you will receive a copy like this.

Video tutorials will help you better understand the assembly of such products.

A simple original idea for an origami house using double-sided colored paper. If there is none, take two sheets of different shades.

To do this, fold the square sheet, bending it in half in the middle so that the top edge aligns with the bottom. Fold the resulting rectangle in half. You will get a square.

Expand it to a rectangle. Fold both sides inward as shown in the picture.

Open the sides by folding them down. Triangles are formed. Expand the resulting pockets on both sides.

You will get the following figure - two origami houses. You can decorate them.

Photo of MK origami house for children

An original idea for creating a play dollhouse.

Video: How to make paper houses

Assembly diagram for a three-dimensional paper house

For parents who have a little time at their disposal, creating paper crafts together with their child is not just a process, but a game. The house, folded with your own hands, is kept by the child for a long time. Or maybe the child will become so interested in the origami technique that he will make surprises for his family out of paper on his own. A three-dimensional paper house is created according to the assembly diagram:

Simple instructions: take two multi-colored sheets. Fold the side of the square at the top, as shown in the photo below. Bend the upper corners of the resulting rectangle back.

Bend the resulting origami house in half. Fold its upper right corner back. The result was a tower roof.