Why you can not give knives and how to accept such a gift. Why not donate knives? Sign Knives do not give

The knife is one of the first human tools, and it has not gone out of use until now. For centuries, its existence has been associated with a huge number of signs, and some of them relate to situations when this item is presented as a gift. Many beliefs forbid even giving a kitchen knife, but there are those that interpret such a presentation only from the good side.

Since ancient times, the knife has been involved in witchcraft rituals.

Why not donate knives?

Superstitious people claim that giving knives is highly discouraged, and regard this as a bad omen. There are several explanations for this.

  1. This item has long been involved in witchcraft rituals. In the distant past, it was the main attribute for sacrifices. For this reason, many associate it with the dark side and bad energy. It is believed that a donated knife is able to bring illness to a person and attract danger, an accident.
  2. Knives should not be given to newlyweds, as, according to the sign, this threatens with a serious quarrel. A sharp blade will break the bond between the young spouses and, as a result, the union will be destroyed.
  3. According to esotericists, it is highly undesirable to give away knives, especially if they are handmade. The fact is that items made to order are initially strongly attached to the owner - this devotion is instilled in them by the master in the manufacturing process. Such a thing will never get used to a new person, therefore, he simply will not be able to fully use this item - there will always be troubles, obstacles in work, etc.
  4. Do not give for New Year's holidays. Otherwise, you risk bringing on a person a lot of troubles that will haunt you throughout the year.

Knives should not be given to newlyweds, as, according to the sign, this threatens with a serious quarrel

Is it possible to give a knife for a birthday?

There is also a belief that knives. People say that such a present portends separation. A quarrel will happen over a trifle, but at the same time it will most likely lead to a break in relations.

According to popular beliefs, giving a knife is a scandal that will break out between the donor and the one who accepted the gift. This will certainly happen, even if previously people were attached to each other.

Are knives given to men?

Another sign explains why you can’t give a knife for a man’s birthday. It is believed that a sharp blade can cut not only strong friendship, but also love. After such a gift, discord in relations will begin.

Therefore, if you believe in omens, then it is better not to give knives to a man. Unnecessary worries will not do any good: there will be uncertainty in the partner, signs of attention on his part will disappear, and jealousy will only aggravate the situation.

But if your man collects various blades, and you dream of surprising him with an original present, then in this case it is advisable to cast doubts aside: knives presented as a gift will be a great idea.

To neutralize a bad omen, you need to hide the purchased item at home for several days. From time to time, take this item in your hands and imagine how happy the birthday man will be. Feed them daily with positive emotions and good energy. In this case, such a gift for a man, like a knife, will not be a bad omen.

A donated knife helps single girls find a soul mate

Are knives given to women?

As a rule, women are presented with kitchen knives as a gift. And what is most interesting, in this situation, the sign is positive. It is believed that this kitchen item helps single women to find a soul mate.

People say that the knife will attract a reliable life partner - faithful, strong and reliable like a strong steel blade.

Why donate?

The culture of each country has its own vision of signs about this kitchen item, presented as a gift.

  • If you ask the inhabitants of the countries of the Middle East why they give a knife, they will tell you that such a present is a sign of the deepest respect and trust.
  • The Japanese say that such a gift is a good sign. It brings good luck and protects the house from trouble.
  • In general, the Japanese consider this item as a very valuable present, as it has a deep symbolic meaning - a sharp blade will surely help the new owner to cut a path to happiness and success.
  • In Finland, it is customary to give these items to colleagues. They are also often presented as souvenirs to business partners and superiors.
  • In Central Asia, these kitchen items have a special attitude. Local residents are sure that such a gift becomes a reliable amulet against evil forces. Often it is even placed under the pillow for babies; they say that a sharp blade will protect the baby from evil spirits during sleep.
  • At the same time, in China, Mongolia and Latin America, they are not accepted as gifts. As in our country, they believe that giving such a gift is tantamount to breaking friendly relations.

The Japanese consider the knife as a very valuable present.

When can you donate?

For a long time in Russia, blades were handed over to generals as a token of gratitude for their service. In this case, presenting a knife as a gift was not considered a bad omen. On the contrary, in this way they expressed the deepest respect and recognition.

Today, it is customary to give these kitchen items only in cases where there is confidence that a person will really be delighted with such a gift. At the same time, signs are advised to engrave on the blade.

By doing so, you will be able to present a special gift - pre-designed for a specific person. As a result, the bad omen will be neutralized.

Such an item can be given for any holiday, the main thing is that it be decorated properly.

How to give correctly?

If you are giving a knife as a gift, ask for a coin for it. In this case, you no longer give it to a person, but sell it. As a result, the bad omen will no longer work.

It's easy to guess what to do if a knife was presented to you - just give a nominal fee for it. And it doesn’t matter what the amount will be, since even one penny is able to transfer a thing from the category of presents into a purchase.

And most importantly, what should be remembered - you can not give free rein to negative thoughts. Gave this item - read the prayer and accept the gift with a smile.

Why not donate knives?

The birthday of a good friend is approaching, and more and more often the eyes begin to linger on things in supermarkets that could act as a gift. Any clothes? We don't know each other that well. Any electrical appliance? Yes, it seems that he has that and that, he does not want to give unnecessary things. Maybe some kind of cologne? And suddenly he does not like the smell and will not use it. What is it that you can give a man so that he likes it 100%?
ABOUT! But this seems to fit ... Knives ... Oh, how awesome! What a shiny beautiful blade! And what a great handle! He will definitely like this one, he cannot but like this one! And the price is quite reasonable. Well, take what?
Oh yes ... something, like, there is some kind of omen about the fact that you can’t give knives. Darn! Such a perfect gift, but you can not give.

Giving knives is a bad omen. Why?

Signs have been passed down from generation to generation for a very long time, and few people remember the reason why they appeared. Often it is enough for people to remember WHAT not to do and they observe it without hesitation and without asking questions. I'm curious, so I'll ask questions.
So, what's with the signs? Who should not give knives: only men or women too? And what happens if you donate?

Yeah, you can’t scare me that easily, I’m not that gullible to believe like that, right off the bat. In general, we are in the age of globalization. Now I will get into the Internet and find out everything. So what do we write here?

“This is not true. My friend and I gave our beloved teacher an expensive folding knife. Everyone is alive, he liked the gift, it does no harm. Conclusion: do not fill your head with all sorts of superstitions.

“I also gave my future husband. It's been 12 years and it hasn't worked yet."

What did I say! This is not true! Here is another comment:

“I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I got a set of knives for my birthday. They had a fight with this person in my DR, although they were close friends, and I also thundered into the hospital with a cut on my leg, which turned out to be very deep, lay there for almost a week, and everything happened by accident, I broke a glass and stepped on it myself. So think, to believe or not to believe in a sign.

“We have a very friendly company, a long-term team. There were gatherings outside the city, and one person had a knife. Another liked it, and he took it and gave it. And half an hour later this began, dear mother. Everyone quarreled, and it was these 2 people who were the reason, so everything somehow turned out. Then only they remembered about the knife.

Hmm ... The situation ... It works, then it doesn't.

In general, it seems that the knife as a gift will have to be abandoned. Although they write here that spirits are infused only in donated knives, but not in purchased ones. That is why nothing happens to you when you buy a knife for home use. And this means that if it’s impossible, but you really, really want to, then you can give the knife to the birthday man, but not as a gift, but as a purchase, taking at least some money from him, albeit a few coins. In this case, everything will be fine.

Even if you are skeptical about folk signs, you always need to follow certain rules when choosing a particular gift, because it may well happen that the hero of the occasion believes in folk predictions. In order not to get into an awkward situation and not harm a person, you should always pay attention to what exactly you are going to present as a gift. Many people are interested in the question of why it is impossible to give knives, and this topic needs to be carefully studied.

Why a knife is a bad gift

There are several other folk predictions on the topic of why it is impossible to give knives:

  1. First, it's a sharp thing. Our ancestors had an opinion that such things could be fraught with a bunch of negative energy. As soon as you present such a thing as a gift, you will bring bad energy to a person, which can significantly affect his lifestyle.
  2. When asked why it is impossible to give knives for a wedding, there is an opinion that a knife can completely change the relationship of the bride and groom to each other. As a result, they will no longer feel mutual understanding, which can lead to domestic violence or divorce.
  3. In ancient times, only black sorcerers used knives for their dark rituals. It was believed that such an object is very easy to damage or the evil eye, so our ancestors tried in every possible way to avoid contact with a knife.
  4. The gift of a knife can cause a desire for hostility in the recipient.

How to gift knives

Why it is impossible to give knives, signs more or less explain. But, in the modern world, there are so many knives with a perfect appearance. There are things with a certain engraving or with an unusual design. Here it becomes clear to everyone that such things are specially created for a gift. At such moments, the question begins to arise how you can give a knife without harming another person.

In order for the popular sign about the ban to make no sense, the hero of the occasion, accepting the gift, must give you a small amount of coins. By this he shows that he did not accept the thing as a gift, but bought it. At such moments, the dark forces begin to err and simply will not have any influence on a person.

You can also buy a knife, which immediately comes with a sheath. This allows you to close the tip and show that your intentions are extremely positive. The cover makes it clear that you did not come to start a war. But, this is just a helper method. Coins should still be issued. Otherwise, the workaround will not work, and you may end up with an enemy in the person of your friend or relative.

A lot of people worry about why giving a knife is a bad omen, because in the modern world there are very few people who will bother about this or that gift. Moreover, a large number of prohibited devices are simply necessary to create comfort in the house. At such moments, you should not worry about this, and give what you want. It is only necessary, as a prophylaxis against dark forces, to ask for a small fee. A few coins of a small denomination can protect you from the negative effects of dark forces.

Gift for newlyweds

The question is often heard why it is considered bad luck to give knives. Especially when it comes to newlyweds, for whom kitchen appliances are simply necessary for arranging a family nest. At such moments, superstition recommends paying attention to how the newlyweds relate to the predictions. If the bride or groom believes in folk superstitions, then it is better to find another gift.

If you are a skeptic and the newlyweds do not strongly believe in omens, then you can safely buy a knife and give it to a new family. In order to purify your energy and the energy of the young, do not pass the gift from hand to hand - just put, say, on the table. As the saying goes: "If you protect yourself, then the Lord will save."

Gift for a man

A knife as a gift to a man is a bad omen. Especially if the present is presented by a woman. Thus, she only spoils the relationship with a man, which can lead to a long-term enmity. If your loved one or friend likes to collect sharp objects, and is always happy with such a gift, it is better to refrain. Ask someone you know to donate a knife. Feel free to even indicate the place where this or that device is sold.

What to gift? On the eve of the holiday, this question torments everyone. But it turns out that not everything can be given just like that. There is a list of dangerous items that should not be given in any case. It is believed that such gifts just include knives. But why it is impossible to give knives and, in particular, why giving a knife as a gift to a man is a bad omen, we will now tell.

Is giving knives a bad omen?

It turns out that there is a very old sign that for several centuries justified itself and explained why knives are not given. If you believe her, then the knife brought as a gift will begin to attract all negativity, quarrels and conflicts to the person. It is generally accepted that the donated object is so sharp that it cuts through any, even the strongest friendship. Another opinion is that the donated knife will definitely be activated and will try its hand at it, taking part in the stabbing exactly on the very holiday for which it was presented.

But all these superstitions have gone since the times when people actively used and believed in magic. Sorcerers, shamans and magicians used knives in their black rituals, achieving their goal. It is also known that with the help of a knife werewolf rituals were performed. Ordinary people have always been afraid of those who own the mysterious mystical power. Therefore, witchcraft attributes were classified as forbidden and fearsome. This is where the roots of this sign come from.

Although, in fairness, it is worth mentioning the traditions of other peoples. Let's remember, for example, the Caucasus. There, knives are the most valuable gifts, and no one even thinks about any signs. And in general, in many countries of Central Asia, knives are considered very powerful from evil spirits and black forces. And if you recall Russian epics and fairy tales, then it says that swords have always been given to heroes. Although, to be fair, the donated swords almost immediately took part in the battles. It's a double-edged sword.

There is also such an observation: among some nations it is customary to order knives from masters at the birth of boys. But loving dads ask not to sharpen them, and they carry out the sharpening process on their own.

Do they give knives?

There is a sign, there must be an action that protects from it. And it’s true, people thought of how to give knives correctly so as not to attract trouble. There is a good proverb: “give a knife to your enemy, sell a knife to your best friend for a nickel!” If, upon receiving a gift such as a knife, you give the giver some banknote or coin in return, then nothing terrible will happen. After all, it turns out that there is not a donation procedure, but a purchase procedure. It's so easy and simple to deceive the age-old sign.

Can I donate kitchen knives?

Now you yourself know whether it is possible to give a knife to a loved one, decide for yourself whether to believe or not to believe superstitions. But what about kitchen utensils, is it possible to give cutlery sets with knives in the kit? Although the question is not very different from all the previous ones. IN kitchen sets, in addition to knives, there are also forks, which are considered sharp objects, also not subject to donation. But let's be practical. Agree, a good table set is a very necessary gift. So is it necessary to be superstitious and give nonsense, which is not a fact that will come in handy. Moreover, a fact that has long been noticed, if you believe, then you will definitely “croak”, if you don’t believe, nothing will happen. If you are still superstitious, and are afraid of such gifts, then remember the coin we wrote about earlier. And if you are faced with the choice of a gift, then treat it with humor and demand a small fee in return for the donated knife.

The knife is perhaps the most ancient type of weapon. Indispensable in hunting, food production, wars and strife, this item has always inspired fear and horror on a subconscious level.

No wonder esotericists and sorcerers fell in love with knives so much, with the help of them black and white magicians carry out their rituals - they induce damage, remove the evil eye, contact with werewolves and communicate with the souls of the dead.

After all, the main property of knives is sharpness, the ability to cut and sometimes inflict fatal blows. The sign closest to our time is the ban on giving knives. Both giving and receiving such a gift is fraught with trouble for both the giver and the donee.

Even a superstitious person would not refuse to receive a good knife as a gift. This is a useful attribute that we need every day - for example, in the kitchen or in the workshop. And if a person loves hunting, fishing, or begins to collect a collection of different cutters, you should not even think about what to give as a gift. Only signs say that such a gift can bring a lot of trouble.

So why don't they give knives?

  1. Evil spirits are attracted to piercing and cutting objects. A knife can suddenly turn from a harmless gift into a hotbed of evil spirits and dark forces. And the one who received the blade as a gift may soon regret it - terrible events will begin to occur in his life, full of troubles, illnesses, separations and quarrels.
  2. The knife is a magnet of misfortune. According to signs, a donated knife can destroy a family, a couple and cause the end of a friendship or friendly relationship between the giver and the giver.
  3. It is loyal to one owner. From ancient times, blades were forged by order for one person, the master put his soul and energy into the product. And the knife became attached to its owner, served him faithfully. Therefore, it is now believed that it is impossible to give away, transfer knives that someone used, in no case - the cutter can bring trouble, as if by chance, cause harm to health. According to signs, a donated knife can also take revenge on its former owner for betrayal - troubles, misfortunes or serious illnesses can occur in his family.
  4. Negative energy can accumulate on the tip. It all depends on the giver - with what emotions he presents a sharp gift. If with good thoughts, then such a present can bring order, comfort and prosperity to the house, and if the donor has conceived something unkind, the black streak in the life of the owner of the house will not pass for a long time.
  5. A knife, like an unloaded gun, may one day "shoot". The weapon presented for the celebration can be used among the guests during a fight or a quarrel that suddenly breaks out. Cases of stabbing in our time are not uncommon. No wonder since ancient times it was considered a symbol of blood, war and reprisals.

Is it possible to give knives as a gift to a woman or a man

The knife has long been considered not only an attribute of magicians and sorcerers, it was revered as a symbol of courage, strength and presented as a gift to strong-willed individuals endowed with power. Therefore, giving a knife to a man is a good idea. But the same signs do not always favor and approve the donated items.

If you give a guy a custom-made knife with an individual engraving, then a sharp gift will not bring him any harm.

And if you buy it in a store, even if it is collectible and rare, you cannot avoid a quarrel with the donee. Your relationship with him will forever be severed, or rather, cut by the same knife.

If a spouse gives it to her husband, then their relationship may come to naught and the family will fall apart, and if one of the couple cuts themselves with such a gift, the husband or wife will soon die from a serious illness. Therefore, a knife as a gift to a man should be given with caution.

For a woman, a knife will become an indispensable assistant in the kitchen. Every housewife dreams of getting a set of these cutlery. Signs say that it is possible to give knives to a woman, but only if she is lonely and has not yet found her betrothed. But for married women or ladies whose heart is already taken, it is better not to give such sets - according to superstitions, an early discord cannot be avoided.

Knife as a gift for the holiday - is it worth it?

It is customary to give gifts for some significant celebrations. And to come to visit with a knife as a present according to signs is not the best option. Such a gift will bring quarrels, squabbles, abuse, negativity and trouble into the house. Agree, not everyone will be happy with such a surprise.

The one who gives a knife as a gift can himself fall into a black streak of his life. So it's better not to risk it.

However, in the countries of Asia and the Caucasus, the sign about a donated knife works exactly the opposite: there it is the most long-awaited, valuable and pleasant gift. He is able to bring prosperity, comfort and inner strength to the family, strengthening relations between households.

Meanwhile, we still have other signs, including those associated with specific holidays:

How to gift a knife safely

There are several "antidotes" among the people for signs and superstitions. And I will accept that in no case should you give a knife, you can deceive. To do this, you just need to pay off for the gift you received: give a symbolic coin or banknote in return, no matter what denomination. Then the gift will no longer be considered a gift - an ordinary purchase.

In such a "special operation" it is important to remember: first the money, then the knife. And by no means the other way around.

Some cancel the negative omen like this: at the moment of presenting a sharp gift, they bite their tongue and quietly say “And the same to you, in double size.” Then the negative or positive with which the donor presents such a gift will return to him doubly and in the worst case, it will be he who will suffer, and not the one to whom the gift was presented.

You can do this: give a knife in a beautiful case. Then the tip, and with it the negative energy, will be hidden and come to naught.

Knives as a gift can be treated differently. A collector, a woodworker, a hunter, a lover of standing at the stove will surely be delighted with such a gift and will cherish and cherish it. But there are those who, on a subconscious level, are afraid of such things, it’s not in vain that some people notice that with a new knife they definitely get cut, no matter how carefully they handle it.

With the same caution, it is better to approach the choice of such a gift. It is better to think - is it worth the donee once again to injure psychologically or physically, or is it better to find something safer?