Marriage line on a man's hand. Where is the marriage line on the palm and its meaning?

Line Bcancer on the hand in palmistry, is located on the Mount of Mercury, and originates on the edge of the palm. These are horizontally located marriage lines, which are located in a small space between the root of the Mercury finger and the Heart Line.

Using relationship lines (affections) or marriage lines, palmistry determines the number of marriages and important love unions in a person’s life. The lines reflect people close to us with whom there will be a close relationship.

The Marriage Line has almost the same meaning as the Lines of Influence on the Mount of Venus.

The absence of Marriage Lines in the hands of a married person will tell us about a profitable and prudent relationship that does not have any emotional, love or spiritual connection. The time of events is counted from the Heart Line, that is, the first recorded attachments will be located closer to it.

Marriage lines in palmistry are important for people, and cannot remain without close attention in palmistry.

If you don’t know which hand to look at the Marriage Lines, use right hand or on the left hand, then keep in mind that the lines of future marriages are located on the active right (for right-handed people) hand. Accordingly, for left-handers - on the left hand.

Since getting married and creating a family and marriage is a very significant event in a person’s life, people often resort to marriage fortune telling, because palmistry and the marriage line on the hand are of interest to almost every sane person.

Marriage lines

Marriage along the lines

The presence of a clear and long line, facing the Mount of Mercury, in itself speaks of long-term relationships and, as a rule, marriage.

Take a look at the example presented in the picture, the total number of marriage lines in this place indicates the same number of marriages, the longer the line, the stronger and longer the relationship will be.

It should be noted and not forgotten that this is not necessarily a stamp in the passport, which all girls especially dream of, since now it has become very fashionable to be in a civil marriage, so only the relationship is recorded, and not the consequence. express short-lived connections; for some reason people were unable to build successful relationships. This mainly happens to young people when their priorities have not yet been determined, especially when the line is close to the Heart Line, which indicates a relationship at an early age.

Marriage lines, divorce, scandalous marriage

Split marriage line at the end, similar to a fork, as shown in the example photo, speaks of the divergence and mismatch of people in character.

Naturally, as a consequence, such a line means divorce, and the wider the fork at the end of the line, the greater the disagreement between people, it should also be noted that the initiator of the discord will be the owner of the hand, the size of the fork at the end of the marriage line is proportional to the scandalousness of the person.

It’s as if the logic of the line itself tells us that the partners’ paths diverge. “They separated like ships at sea.” Such relationships should most quickly take place in diverse views on life and constant quarrels.

If observed island at the end of the line, this also means divorce, but accompanied by big psycho-emotional scenes and scandals, courts and enmity that will remain between people after marriage.

Such a sign will always remain on the hand of an emotionally receptive person. If you have tense relationships in your marriage, and there is a possibility of divorce, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the additional one on your hand, which appears at important moments in life.

Marriage line, noble marriage, incest

Let's look at another example in the picture. As you can see, the same will have a completely different meaning the marriage line ends with an island, but curving down towards the Heart Line.

This Marriage Line means betrayal with a close relative, be it cousins or sisters, or even worse, incest, in addition to such signs, it is necessary to check with the Mount of Venus and look for relevant evidence, this rule applies to any conclusions, since conclusions cannot be made based on only one sign.

Marriage line reaching and which rests on the line of the Suns and, will predict for us a love affair with a noble and influential person, and this is usually a wealthy person, such a sign can indicate the importance of the union and the desire to keep it by any means.

Marriage Line, Abusive Relationships, Widowhood

If The Marriage Line leans towards the Heart Line, this suggests that the owner of the hand will outlive the spouse, at least this is how famous palmists interpreted this line.

And when the marriage line, descending, crosses the heart line, then expresses grief and loss for his soul mate, stating the fact itself, the loss of a partner, or at least carries the passive meaning of the soul.

But practice shows that when the marriage line goes down, it does not always mean the death of the spouse; very often the facts are confirmed that he is alive and well. So what’s the matter, then the question surely arises?

The fact is that the human soul is the energy of a more subtle plane, it is the energy of the totality of all thoughts - this is the highest super “I”, which is guided by the heart. One day, a person who dies in the soul of the owner of such a line is considered by the heart to be dead, he was buried alive.

Betrayal can sometimes cause an irreparable blow to the heart, sometimes even more powerful than the death of a person.

Therefore, the hand records the painful torment of the heart, attracting the marriage line to itself, thus, the interpretation of the falling marriage line can change its meaning, and you should not make sudden conclusions, which are best understood by a palmistry specialist.

If the marriage line is on the hand, bending reaches the head line, joining the latter, the relationship can be negative, often accompanied by assault and humiliation. This sign can mainly occur in women whose husbands may use physical strength or mental pressure, depending on other signs.

Marriage line, lover, premarital affairs

Lover's lines on the marriage line

If the marriage line on the hand, going from the outer side deep into the palm, loses its expressiveness, this indicates that the person’s feelings are gradually fading and separation may soon follow.

A good guideline in controlling feelings is the heart line, in the case when less than one runs parallel to the seemingly good heart line. thin line, which is close to the heart, indicates that after a period of doubts and disappointments, feelings will transfer to another person. This sign indicates that perhaps a person has a lover with whom it is good and pleasant to spend time. It is also necessary to look at the condition of the line.If the second line becomes brighter and stronger, it indicates that there is a greater chance of changing partners.

The place on the hand where the lines of marriage and children are located, if you noticed, is proportionately small, so it becomes not easy to guess by the line of marriage and children in this place and draw accurate conclusions based only on the readings of these lines.

But even after taking a quick glance at the hill of Mercury, it becomes clear that right awayIt is impossible to determine anything with accuracy and confidence, because the lines of marriage and children there are very weak and short, not to mention the lines that reflect lovers, they are even thinner. Some people in this place have a large number of vertical lines, which logically should predict them numerous offspring, and in order to avoid mistakes in this case, only the most pronounced lines should be taken into account, which indicate children and possible lovers.

For an accurate answer in palmistry, regarding such sensitive issues as marriage, children and lovers, it is necessary to check and consider fortune telling not only on the lines of love, but take into account other lines and signs on the hand.

If there is a line next to the line much weaker in strength, then means the simultaneous presence of someone else, and, as a rule, a lover, but in this case she should be or go almost end-to-end.

Such a line expresses a secret union, or more simply put, a lover, or an affair on the side, and most likely will be located on the inactive hand, because you should always remember that the active hand (the right hand for right-handed people) reflects the outer shell of the essence - the one that a person shows for all the people around him (they say I’m all so righteous), and the inactive hand shows inner emotions and state - what is hidden from everyone (and I myself am “sleeping in a quiet place”).

I am conveying to you with such clear examples, because I believe that the topic itself is very relevant and should be well remembered. I also recommend that you read the article " ".

Marriage Line, Lover's Intervention

The lover's line can be located either above or below the main relationship line, by its position we find out when the relationship began - if it is at the bottom, it means an old relationship before marriage, which means that the other half, that is, the spouse (...a deer with experience) - such people can enter the entrance and fight with antlers or even get stuck in a doorway.

But if this line is on top, then the relationship was formed after marriage, which perhaps means (...not big horns), or only sprouting..., which are not yet visible to neighbors and work colleagues, - "cutting them off in time" , you can save your family if you want.

The line of betrayal may also intersect with the main one, which will mean the lover’s intervention in marital relations, occasionally.

It is also worth reminding that in order not to make hasty conclusions when you see similar lines on the hand of your chosen one, you should always look for evidence on other parts of the palm; you should also examine the Lines of Influence on the Mount of Venus.

Marriage line, disappointment in marriage, marriage with problems

Small lines extending down from the marriage line and directed towards the heart line indicate problems accompanying marriage.

A marriage line on the hand, having a lowered tip and descending lines at an angle, as shown in the picture, also indicates dissatisfaction with marriage.

Based on great hopes that were placed on this connection, and which were not fulfilled.

ABOUT a strong desire for something, and dreams have not been realized, although marriage itself has a right to exist, descending lines indicate dissatisfaction, and the closer to the edge of the palm lines of disappointment begin to appear, the sooner the person will begin to experience such a state of mind.

Wavy marriage line speaks of frequent quarrels, mood swings, transitions from one extreme to another. Such behavior of spouses in marriage can quite soon lead to divorce.

Marriage line, negative signs on the line

On the marriage line can be located and be various signs: a star, a cross, an island, a dot on the marriage line is rare.

Each of these signs relates only to those relationships in marriage on the line of which it is located and is located. All these signs are negative in nature.

The marriage line in palmistry reflects relationships, and no matter how the marriage lines are called, the lines of marriage or marriage, the line of relationships or the line of love, they reflect both real and strong sensual impulses, great emotions, and of course the experiences and suffering of a person in relation to to another, how could we live without it?

Most likely, in life, any marriage cannot do without spiritual passions, which are created by similar signs on the marriage line shown in the example of the picture, the meaning of which can be found in, both visible at first glance and invisible.

Marriage lines, time along the marriage line

Dating time along the line of marriage.

Lines going up from the marriage line on female hand means the number of opportunities to have children, but how these chances will be used - (whether the woman will give birth or have an abortion) depends on the person himself.

Time of marriage determined on the area of ​​the hand between the lines of the heart and the root of the Mercury finger (little finger) on the edge of the palm.

This site is divided into three parts, which make up periods of twenty-five years.

But this method is suitable for people who have reached the age of thirty.

For younger people, this area is divided into two parts. From one to forty-four years. Half will be twenty-two years. This method is also accurate, but it is more suitable for fortune telling by the hands of young people under the age of 30. After thirty years, the lines on the hands shrink and then the first method will be effective.

When fortune telling by hand on the marriage line, in order to establish a more accurate period of marriage, you need to divide the selected area into smaller parts, and thus establish the approximate date of marriage. You should always look for evidence of events, as well as clarification of them by dating on other lines of the hand. It is also worth paying attention to the Heart line of your chosen one; it will show whether a person is capable of loving and how he will do it.

Marriage line, definition of marriage

If you are unable to get married for a long time, then check your hand for celibacy rings or another very negative mark on the palm that may be the cause of all failures.

To establish a more accurate time of marriage, as we said earlier, it is necessary to check with additional signs - lines of Influence on the Lines of Fate.The time when you get married can be clarified much more accurately on this line than on the main marriage line, which is located on the Mount of Mercury.

Let's look at the example shown in the picture. The blue line rising from the side of the Mount of the Moon mainly reflects a person who is trying to connect his life in marriage with the owner of this hand. Arrow of blue color, occurrence marked this person into your life, that is, at around the “25”-year mark, the point of convergence of the line (influence) of marriage.

From this moment on, simply put, you live together, regardless of whether there is a stamp in your passport or not. The very infusion of the marriage line in this example picture indicates a long and fruitful marriage, confirmation of this is the only well-formed marriage line on the Mount of Mercury, on which there are no various kinds of intersections, breaks, forks.

Professional palmists can see key events in life on the hand and predict them with great accuracy. For example, a specialist can easily determine the date of death or the next difficult period. In addition to personal practice, palmists rely on basic knowledge that is available to everyone to study. Having carefully examined your palm, even a common person will be able to “read” fateful signs. According to practitioners, information about the number of children and possible marriages is hidden in the patterns and lines.

How to define family life by marriage

It is customary to guess by using the leading hand (right-handers look at the right hand, left-handers look at the left). The marriage line is very easy to find. It is located on the edge of the palm directly above the heart line.

One trait foretells a happy family life. A person with such a sign on his hand is focused on strong, stable relationships. There may be several strokes, they may be different lengths and depth. Many weakly expressed features mean frequent attachments that do not end in anything serious. Pronounced lines indicate long term relationship which lead to official marriage. This is what practitioners focus on:

  1. A long straight line means a successful marriage.
  2. An upward curve shows that the relationship will be very emotional (1). The downward bend symbolizes health problems in the partner (2).

  3. The fork at the beginning of the line (1) indicates complex relationships at the stage of their inception, a possible difference in class affiliation. An island (2) or a fork (3) at the end of the marriage line is an alarming sign. Such a pattern on the palm means a complete break in the relationship.

  4. There may be other signs on the marriage line. A star (1) indicates a crisis, a cross (2) indicates constant problems, a square (3) indicates physical violence, and a hash mark (4) indicates a loss of interest among partners in each other.

  5. The closer the line is to the little finger, the later the person will get married. So, a stroke located next to the heart line speaks of early marriage.

  6. Sometimes palmists do not find marriage lines on the palm at all. This can be interpreted in different ways:

  • marriage without love (arranged, forced),
  • emotional coldness, inability to experience feelings,
  • a person has a different purpose; he will not be happy in family life.

Characteristics of the line of children

In European palmistry, the number of children is determined by vertical strokes at the beginning of the little finger.

The strokes are believed to reflect the potential number of children. Therefore, partners may have different patterns on their palms. Pay attention to the pronounced lines:

Man has always sought to look into the future and find out at least a little about what fate has in store for him. Most often, people try to find out how their personal life will turn out, whether they will be able to start a family and have children. To find answers to their questions, humanity has resorted to a huge number of fortune telling: by the stars, on maps, numerology and palmistry.

Palmistry is the art of reading a person's hand, determining a person's character, predicting his fate by appearance, the color of the hands, as well as the lines and hills on the palms. This is one of the most ancient methods of fortune telling for the future. It will also help to find out how many children there will be and what type of child they will be family life.

It is believed that the present and future can be seen on both hands, while only the left palm shows the past. In palmistry, each line, tubercle and sign has its own name, meaning and tells about a certain area of ​​human life. In this article we will focus on the description of the marriage line. She is the one who gives answers to questions about love, family and children.

Location of the marriage line on the palm

The line of marriage or marriage is located on the right palm, on the side of the base of the Mount of Mercury, directly under the little finger. It must be taken into account that only deep and clear branches will tell about marriage, and short and thin ones mean only affection.

You can see the lines of marriage in the interval from the beginning of the little finger to the line of the heart. Most often these are small folds located on the edge of the palm and the closer they are to the base of the finger, the later marriage will happen. Thus, the counting of marital unions or significant attachments should be counted from the line of the heart to the beginning of the little finger, following the edge of the palm.

Age of marriage

The marriage line, located close to the heart line, indicates early entry into a family union. If the line is located in the second third of the segment between the line of the heart and the little finger, then the wedding will take place no earlier than 25-27 years old. And the closer this line is to the little finger, the later this joyful event will happen; its uppermost limit is equated to 44 years.

If the marriage line turns upside down, then the owner of such a sign will probably not get married or will not get married at all.

There are cases when there are several relationship stripes on the left hand, and only one on the right hand, this means that there will be strong attachments, but the principles will not allow you to enter into a serious relationship and take responsibility.

Number of serious relationships

It is impossible to accurately determine the number of relationships based on marriage. To do this, you need to turn to the line of fate and the hill of the Moon, where the marriage line is usually duplicated.

One side branch entering the line of fate from the side of the Mount of the Moon, may indicate the appearance of a person in life who will become part of fate for a long time, most often this is the other half.

If the line of marriage crosses the line of fate and goes further, then the destinies of two people, having touched briefly, will again become independent.

The number and length of lines can indicate the number and duration of a serious relationship. If there are more than three branches of marriage, it means that the person is actively interested in the opposite sex and has many connections. This also speaks of a capricious and sensitive nature, so the more symbols of marriage, the more picky and demanding the owner of the palm. In intimate relationships, such people love to experiment and expect the same from their partner, and fidelity in family life is definitely not their strong point.


Line of children in palmistry

It should be noted that this method of fortune telling cannot show exactly how many children a woman will have. It makes it possible to see how many offspring are destined for her. Whether or not to use the chance to become a mother depends only on the woman herself.

Fortune telling by hand can tell you how many children there will be:

Special signs

You should also pay attention to the following signs:

If there is no line

If the line of marriage in the palm is not visible at all, this may indicate a cold and calculating nature of a person who is not inclined towards love relationships. He doesn't understand the importance in life strong relationships between man and woman.

Such a person prefers partners who agree to satisfy his physiological needs. Communication with him does not lead to family life. If he (she) gets married or gets married, then he the family is completely devoid of emotional and spiritual content and is based on financial gain. But palmistry does not consider such a union as real.

It should be understood that predictions in such a complex and delicate area as love and family are a complex and ambiguous matter. A more plausible picture can be obtained by comparing the results of decoding all the symbols that will be shown by hand fortune telling. The life line, for example, is the main one in the palm and speaks of a person’s life expectancy, health and energy. Therefore, without deciphering its meanings, it is impossible to judge love and family relationships correctly.

The marriage line on the palm, due to its small size, can be interpreted differently by everyone. Explain such icons are very difficult to interpret on your own, because the marriage line will tell you a lot about a person, his character, affections, temperament and prospects in love and family life.

The secrets of palmistry are an intricate alphabet, having learned which you can read fate from the palm of your hand, like on the pages of a wise encyclopedia. It is important to remember that it is better to entrust palm reading to a palmist!

Attention, TODAY only!

Many people turn to palmistry for help to find out their destiny. You can do this easily and independently. You just need to find the marriage line on your hand and decipher it.

Marriage line

For love predictions about marriage from the palm of your hand, you must definitely find the marriage line. The most common interpretation of all that exists is to consider the line of Mercury, located next to the little finger, as a line of love. It can be found on the right hand between the beginning of the little finger and the line of the heart.

In most cases, these are small, inconspicuous lines emanating from the edge of the palm. The image will help you find it:

Remember that you need to look for this line on the hand that is your main one. If you are left-handed, look for the marriage line on your left hand. Right-handers, respectively, on the right. The marriage line is the strip closest to the heart line, not the little finger.

Decoding the marriage line

Love palmistry offers several interpretations of the marriage line, depending on its type:

Case one: the line is straight, without branches. The marriage will be happy - don’t expect a divorce, since your happiness will be very long. A very long and straight line means a noble marriage. Be very careful because anything different from a straight line means something completely different.

Case two: if the line is very long, but is curved towards the line of the heart or crosses it, expect a despotic spouse or other problems in the marriage. If the line is short and crosses the heart line, then you are very likely to be a widow or widower.

Case three: bifurcating line at the end. This sign means that the marriage will be broken due to disagreements and significant differences in character. This is obvious, since such a drawing looks like a road that splits into two paths that will lead you and your failed life partner in different directions.

Case four: loop at the tip of the line. In this case, expect scandals - your marriage will be filled with constant squabbles and negative emotions. Ultimately, you are also likely to get a divorce.

Case five: line with various additions. A line parallel to the marriage line means the presence of a lover. If the lover's line crosses the marriage line, then they are waiting for you big problems- the third person will significantly affect marital life. If there are patterns or crosses on your marriage line, it is better to consult a palmist for advice, since such cases require more detailed research. Perpendicular lines emanating from the marriage line mean the birth of children. If these lines are short and located at an angle, then they can also indicate problems that threaten to lead to divorce.

Always remember that your destiny is in your hands. Palmistry will help you predict what might happen to you if you don't take any steps. Try to change your life - find the strength to keep your loved one next to you, because ultimately, only we ourselves choose whether to believe in predictions or not. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.03.2016 01:00

The lines on the wrist are called bracelets in palmistry. They can tell about a person’s health and lifespan. A special prediction for these...

At all times, man has had the inherent desire to look into the future, to see at least out of the corner of his eye what fate awaits him, how long he is destined to live and whether he will have success in business.

People especially often try to guess how personal and family happiness will turn out. Are you destined to find love? Will family life be long and prosperous? What disappointments lie ahead?

In search of answers to these questions, humanity has resorted to a great variety of fortune telling for thousands of years. They tried to predict fate by the stars, with the help of cards and all kinds of rituals, they resorted to the magic of numbers, etc.

What is palmistry?

One of the oldest ways to find out the future is fortune telling. The science of predicting future events using the lines of the palm is called palmistry. It has existed for several thousand years and has many staunch adherents.

According to its postulates, a person’s entire future life is written on his palm in the form of a unique pattern of lines, tubercles and dots. This unique "map" is given to us at birth and contains information about the most important events and key points life path.

Each line on the palm has its own name and tells about a certain area of ​​life.

Today we will talk about what palmistry calls the “marriage line.” It is she who gives answers to questions that interest anyone about love and personal life.

It is located on the right palm. The marriage line on the hand is visible on the Mount of Mercury in the form of small frontal lines. You can see them in the interval from the beginning of the little finger (called the Mercury finger) to the line of the heart.

Sometimes these are just small folds that are located on the edge of the palm below the little finger. Several lines indicate several romances throughout life.

The closer the marriage line is to the base of the little finger, the later marriage will happen on the path of life. That is, the countdown of your family unions or large, serious attachments and novels should be carried out along the edge of the palm - from the line of the heart to the beginning of the little finger.

What can she tell you?

This line talks about past and future relationships with your soul mates. If the marriage line is deep and clearly defined, family life promises to be long and successful. When it is barely noticeable, it indicates a fragile relationship, fleeting romances that usually do not end with a wedding.

With the help of these lines, palmistry allows you to determine the number of only the most important love relationships in a person’s life. To do this, you should pay attention to the number of lines and their location.

It should be remembered that marriage does not necessarily mean an official union with a stamp in the passport. It's no secret that in modern society Civil marriages are widespread. From the point of view of astrologers and palmists, such unions have a right to exist and can be equated to “real” marriages. Fortune telling along the line of marriage informs us specifically about the duration and strength of the relationship, regardless of its legal registration.

It determines not only the presence of marriage itself, but also close attachment. The number of lines indicates the number of close people in our lives.

How does she look?

A marriage line in the palm of your hand in the form of short lines speaks of short-term relationships that, as a rule, do not end with a wedding. Often such lines are located very close to the heart line. This happens to young people who have not yet decided on their life priorities. In their youth they have many love relationships, which not all lead to the creation of a family.

A straight line speaks of the strength of love and fidelity in marital relations. Leaning towards the heart line - about problems in relationships or poor health of the other half.

On the Mount of Mercury, the marriage line can intersect with others, for example, with the line of Mercury, which tends to the Mount of the same name. This indicates a person’s strong passion for the opposite sex, even to the point of material losses or obstacles in his career. Such a partner is also unlikely to be capable of a full life in a family.

If the Mercury line only reaches one of the marriage lines, but does not cross it, this may indicate disagreements with the marriage partner in the material sphere, conflicts over career and earnings, and different attitudes towards money. You should think about how much these differences can ruin future relationships.

How many lines can there be?

Their number just indicates the presence and number of close people with whom serious relationship. As a rule, someone who has more than one line will have two or more marriages. The duration of each corresponds to the length of the line.

If there are more than three marriage lines, this indicates a person who is actively interested in the opposite sex and indicates a large number of connections. It is also a sign of a capricious and sensitive nature. The more marriage lines, the more demanding and picky the owner of the hand. Such people usually resort to experiments in intimate relationships and expect the same from their partner. They, as a rule, are not too inclined to be faithful in family life.

What if she's not there?

If the marriage line on the palm is not visible at all, this most often indicates the cold and calculating nature of a person who is not inclined towards love and relationships.

The absence of a marriage line indicates that the owner of the hand does not fully understand the meaning of the importance in life of a strong relationship between a man and a woman. Such a person is most likely looking for a partner who can satisfy only physiological needs. A love affair with him is unlikely to lead to family life.

If such a person is currently married, this means that his marriage is of convenience and is not filled with emotional and spiritual content. That is, it is not considered as genuine - from the point of view of palmistry.

Let's look at the heart line

Starting a family - an important event in everyone’s life, so people often guess not only along the lines of marriage. When choosing a partner for life, you can look at what his heart line looks like. It is located at the top of the palm parallel to the base of the fingers. A deep, clearly drawn line of the heart speaks of the seriousness of nature and predicts strong feelings.

A weak, intermittent, unstable heart line indicates variability and frivolity. If the line is so long that it extends onto the Mount of Mercury, this indicates a strong long-term relationship.

If the marriage line on the hand tends to the heart line, this is a sign that its owner is destined to outlive his partner, and if the marriage line descends and overlaps the heart line, this most often means suffering for a lost soul mate.

How to predict problems in marriage?

If small lines extend down from the marriage line, directed towards the heart line, this is a sign of upcoming problems in the marriage. The same disappointment awaits those whose hands the marriage line descends along its length towards the center of the palm.

This often symbolizes big hopes, which were assigned to the marriage, but for some reason were not realized. Descending lines indicate dissatisfaction and disappointment. The closer they are to the beginning, the earlier a person begins to experience negative feelings.

What else can the science of palmistry warn us about? The marriage line reaching the head line predicts bad relationships in the family. This sign occurs in women whose husbands are hot-tempered and unrestrained, and use assault.

Is there a fork on it?

If the marriage line on the hand bifurcates or looks like a small fork, this most likely indicates an upcoming divorce. Such a divorce is considered predetermined.

It happens that people break up thoughtlessly, and they have to be together again in the future. Then, after the fork, characteristic lines are visible on the hand, converging into a new line.

The length and size of the fork indicate the seriousness of disagreements, and the magnitude of the angle of divergence indicates the strength of emotions in conflicts.

If the marriage line bifurcates not at the end, but at the beginning, this may indicate a reconnection after a breakup, in some cases, a meeting soon after the breakup of a worthy replacement.

In general, the connection of two lines into one indicates happiness in marriage.

What else will the forks and islands tell you about?

Let's continue our fortune telling by hand. A marriage line with a fork at the very beginning can also indicate obstacles in life together with a partner in the form of social origin, religious or cultural environment. Such inconsistencies usually arise at the beginning of a relationship. If the marriage line continues after the fork, this is a sign that the problem is solvable.

A small fork at the beginning of the line can also indicate a long engagement, and at the end - a long separation, but not divorce (for example, if the husband is a sailor and for a long time spends swimming).

If there is an island on the marriage line, this indicates internal conflicts in the relationship with your partner. The island is located in the middle of the line, and after it the line continues - the conflict has been overcome.

It is especially important what the marriage line looks like after the island. If the island closes it, this is a bad sign, indicating that you are not able to overcome the internal contradictions that have arisen in your relationship with your partner. In this case, negative emotions can overwhelm and destroy your marriage.

Are you prone to cheating?

If another thin line runs close to the heart line, this often indicates the presence of a lover. The brighter and stronger the second line, the greater the likelihood of changing partners.

If next to the marriage line there is another, parallel to it, this indicates other relationships existing at the same time. Perhaps the owner of such a line, living in marriage with a husband or wife, has an affair on the side.

What else will the falling line tell you?

It was already said above that if the marriage line leans towards the heart line, its owner will outlive the partner, and if the lines intersect, this indicates spiritual grief. But there are often situations when, with a similar arrangement of lines, the former partner is alive and well.

How to explain this contradiction? The fact is that the human soul consists of a set of energies that are more subtle than the energies of the material world. Most likely, such a drawing indicates that the former partner died in the soul of the owner of the line.

Most often this happens due to betrayal, which can cause a mental blow greater than physical death. In this case, the drawing on the hand captures heartache, attracting two lines to each other.

Thus, the meaning of the marriage line directed downward can be interpreted in different ways, and sometimes we are not able to figure it out on our own.

What else you should know

If the marriage line is deep and clearly expressed at the beginning, but loses its sharpness along the way, this indicates a gradual attenuation of feelings.

If the marriage line stretches upward, there is a contradiction between your desire for a close relationship with your partner and your love for independence. Perhaps you just don't want to commit yourself to strong ties.

Thin weak lines indicate short relationships and not very deep hobbies.

Lines facing the little finger often indicate the presence of a partner who is older in age or has a higher social status.

Small lines heading towards the marriage line, but not crossing it, are the lines of marriage and children. Their number corresponds to the number of children born in this particular marriage.

It should be understood that predictions in such a complex and delicate area as love and family are a very complex and ambiguous matter. A more or less plausible picture can be obtained by comparing the results different types fortune telling, only one of which is palmistry. The line of marriage and children, for example, due to its small size, can be interpreted completely differently. It is very difficult to correctly interpret these tiny palm icons on your own.

Fortune telling by hand and marriage line can say a lot about a person’s affections, his character and temperament, the presence of close relationships and prospects in the sphere of love and family. But you can’t draw conclusions based on just one line of marriage. It needs to be studied in conjunction with other signs on the palm. Such a detailed decoding can only be done by an experienced palmist.