New benefits for mothers. Single mother: privileges, benefits, payments

In all countries, a single mother is a separate socially unprotected category of citizens. IN Russian Federation such persons are provided with special payments and benefits, which are paid in accordance with the procedure established at the legislative level.

Before you understand how much a single mother earns, you should find out who is hiding behind this status. Indeed, according to the law, not only a woman who independently raises minor children, but also other categories of citizens can become a mother with this status.

Of course, for such a mother, funds are paid to raise her child, as well as for all other women. However, this category of citizens is entitled to increased payments, which can only be received by mothers who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

In Russia, this status can be obtained for a mother only if she has special conditions, defined at the legislative level:

  1. If the newborn was born in an unregistered marriage, and the registry office staff did not establish the fact of paternity;
  2. If the child appeared in a registered marriage or within 8 months from the date of its official annulment in the registry office, and the mother has a court order indicating that ex-spouse disputes his paternity;
  3. The child was adopted by an unmarried woman;
  4. If in the baby’s birth document, which was issued to the registry office, information about the newborn’s father was entered according to the mother’s words. In such a situation, a document is issued in a special form, which means that all data about the second parent was indicated according to the mother, which is not evidence of paternity in relation to the baby;
  5. If there is a dash in the “Father” column on the child’s certificate.

Until 2006, a special single mother certificate was in force. Now that's it cash payments and other privileges are granted to this category of citizens upon presentation of a birth certificate and a corresponding certificate from the registry office.

Help for single mothers is provided until the age of 18. According to the law, government social support measures cannot be provided again if the mother has previously received and used them.

Payments upon birth of a child

The amount of benefit for a single mother in 2017 is just over 16,000 rubles. In 2018, it is planned to index this amount paid for the birth of the first child.

A lump sum payment is made at the birth of each child, without any exceptions. Funds are transferred within 6 days after the birth of the child.

Any parent can apply for such one-time payments.. In the case of a single mother, only the woman who gave birth to the child can apply for such a payment. In this case, the peculiarity of receiving such social benefits is that the mother does not need to obtain a certificate from the second parent’s place of work confirming that he has not previously received such funds.

Registration of a one-time benefit is possible in two ways:

  1. For working women, such benefits are paid at the expense of the employer;
  2. If a woman is unemployed, documents for obtaining benefits from the state are submitted to the Social Security institution;

At the legislative level, there is no provision for the possibility of bringing to justice the second parent who refuses to provide a certificate of non-receipt of benefits. In this case, the mother has the right to contact his employer or file a claim in court.

But you should understand that such events take a lot of effort, time and nerves, which can affect the condition and health of the newborn child.

Monthly child care allowance

At the legislative level there are provisions monthly payments for single mothers for child support. The transfer of such funds is made because a woman, after the birth of a child, cannot perform labor functions.

In law, monthly allowance must be paid to the mother of the child until the child reaches the age of 1.5 years. The amount of such child care benefits for a working woman directly depends on her average salary for the previous two years. calendar years. Such payments must be transferred from the employer’s accounting department.

If the mother is not officially employed or did not work at all, payments are made as follows:

  1. For the first baby a little more than 3,000 rubles;
  2. For the second and each subsequent child, the payment amount is slightly more than 6,000 rubles.

In relation to a single mother, such benefits should be received by the woman who brought the newborn child into the world. If the family is full, monthly payments are received only if the child’s father provides a certificate indicating that he did not go to prison. maternity leave and did not register the receipt of this benefit for himself.

Additional payments to single mothers are possible only if there are significant circumstances.

Additional payments in the regions

Additional payments that mothers receive in the regions of the country, for example, in Moscow and the region, are established in the regulations of the given subject of the Russian Federation. Individual legislative acts establish that some social assistance measures can be provided only to those citizens whose income is lower than that established in the region or, in exceptional cases, in the country, living wage.

Regardless of her family’s income, a single mother has the opportunity to receive the following types of regional benefits:

  1. Monthly compensation for increased cost of living. Only single mothers raising children under the age of sixteen can receive such a payment. The amount of compensation is 300 rubles;
  2. Compensation paid to compensate for the increase in the cost of food in the amount of just under 700 rubles. Only single mothers and families where one of the parents avoids making child support payments can receive this kind of money;
  3. Compensation to a mother or father who is raising a child with a group 1-2 disability under the age of 18. Receiving such compensation for a child under the age of 23 is possible if the citizen has had a disability since childhood. The payment amount is 6,000 rubles;
  4. Life growth benefit paid to mothers with children under 16 years of age. The benefit amount is 750 rubles;
  5. Monthly benefit for children under 1.5 years of age and from 3 to 18 years of age in the amount of 2,500 rubles;
  6. Payment for caring for a child aged from one and a half to 3 years in the amount of 4,500 rubles.

By contacting the social security institution in the region of his residence, a citizen can receive other types of social assistance. For example, in some regions it is possible to receive compensation for kindergarten. And as a benefit for the second child, the cost of attending kindergarten is not paid.

How to apply for child benefits

To apply for benefits for a minor child, his mother must contact the social security authority at her place of registration. The package of documents provided and the procedure for their consideration are established at the level of regional legislation.

One-time payment

A one-time payment for childbirth and subsequent care of a newborn child is always paid, regardless of the region of Russia, regardless of the order in which children appear in the family. In the case of single mothers, such benefits should be paid in an increased amount (two or three times).

When applying for such a benefit, the mother must remember to observe certain features of this procedure.

  1. According to the law, a woman is considered a single mother if the father is not listed in the documents for her child. That is, if the parents of the newborn did not submit a joint application to the registry office about the need to establish paternity of the newborn;
  2. If a woman is simply divorced from her husband, but information about him is included in the documents for the child, she will not be able to count on receiving an increased benefit.

Additional payments

The opportunity to receive additional benefits is available only in 50 regions of the Russian Federation, and only in cases where the mother is raising 3 or more children.

My mother is unemployed; documents for social support are processed at the local social security institution. All documents can also be submitted through the MFC.

If the mother is officially employed, then some of the support measures are provided by her employer. Therefore, after the birth of a child, you also need to provide documents confirming the presence of such status to the office of your organization.

It is advisable to receive additional payments before the child reaches six months of age. IN otherwise No compensation will be paid for this period of time.

Before January 2016, there were two methods of accrual child benefit:

    1. Taking into account family income.
    2. In the minimum amount, which was 30% of the subsistence level (since, according to the law, the benefit of a single mother could not be less than the specified amount).

But in practice, the second method was usually used. The reason was that if the average income of each family member was less than 50% of the poverty level, the missing difference was the amount of the single mother's benefit. Usually it was so small that it did not reach 30% of the minimum wage, as a result of which child benefits were paid at a minimum amount. Moreover, single mothers were not even required to present a certificate of income, but were immediately accrued minimum size child benefit, the same for everyone.

Single mothers who disagreed with this decision brought the required documents for registration and received child support accrued according to the first method. But there were an insignificant number of such people - only 7% of the total number of recipients, which proved the irrelevance of the chosen accrual method. These circumstances led to the decision to increase the upper limit of payments to single mothers, which in 2016 changed from 50 to 100% of the subsistence level. In 2019, the calculation method did not change, but the cost of living changed. Also, the calculations must take into account the average family income, and the minimum threshold for payments (30% of the subsistence level) has been abolished. That is, if the average monthly income of a family is higher than the subsistence level, the benefit is not paid at all.

Who qualifies as single mothers?

According to the law, child benefits are paid:

  1. Single mothers and adoptive parents who are not in a registered marriage, if there is a dash in the “father” column on the children’s birth certificate or the father is indicated according to the mother.
  2. Widows and widowers, if they are not assigned social benefits or a survivor's pension. A remarried widow may continue to receive benefits for the children of her first marriage if her husband does not adopt them.

But a woman who lives with the father of her children without registering a marriage and runs a joint household with him cannot be considered a single mother and receive child benefits.

In order to apply for child benefits, a single mother must provide a certificate from the Civil Registry Office, which contains information about the father. In this case, child benefit is issued regardless of the availability of other types of social assistance.

However, for the purpose of receiving work benefits, a single mother is considered to be a woman who does not live with the father of her children, even if she is divorced and receiving child support. Or she remarried, but the children were not adopted by her husband.

Child benefit is paid upon reaching 18 years of age, as well as to pupils and students until they turn 23 years of age.

In addition, in accordance with the articles of the Labor Code and the Law “On Leaves,” a single mother has the right to an additional paid 10 calendar days of annual leave. At the same time, festive and non-working days are not taken into account, but the total duration should not exceed 17 calendar days. days.

Maximum amount of child benefit and total average monthly income

The average monthly family income is calculated by summing wages and other sources of income received over the previous 6 months and dividing the resulting amount by 6. The result must be divided by the number of people in the family.

Social payments received during this time for single mothers, as well as one-time assistance at the birth of a child, do NOT need to be included in the calculations.

The earnings of the parents of a single mother and other persons living in the apartment are also not included in the total average monthly income. Since the law clearly establishes in this case that only the mother and her children are considered family members. This circumstance is also recorded in the personal file, which is opened when calculating child benefits.

Thus, if the average monthly income per child is higher than the specified norm, child benefits are not paid. If the income is below this limit, the missing difference will be paid in the form of benefits for single mothers in 2019 in Ukraine. In other words, for single mothers, social payments are 100% of the subsistence level minus the average monthly total family income per person for the previous six months.

The maximum amount of child benefit for single mothers in 2019 is equal to the subsistence level for children of the corresponding categories if the family has no income at all. If you have income, then you need to subtract the average monthly total family income per person from the required amount in the table below.

For children under guardianship, trusteeship, as well as orphans or abandoned by their parents, a standard is set at 200% of the subsistence level, from which alimony, scholarships and other types of government payments are deducted. benefits.

For children whose parents do not pay child support, the standard for temporary benefits is 50% of the subsistence level

What documents do you need to collect to receive child benefit for a single mother?

To receive social assistance, a single mother must contact the department social protection citizens located in their area of ​​residence or place of registration. List of required documents:

  • application for benefits;
  • Ukrainian passport;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • adoption decree (for the adoptive parent);
  • an extract from the Civil Registry Office stating that there is no information about the father;
  • court order in case of contesting paternity;
  • documents confirming the joint residence of mother and child;
  • a certificate stating that a survivor's pension is not provided (for a widow).

Since 2016, a declaration of income for a single mother has been added to this list, which must be submitted to the social security service every 6 months. These requirements remain in effect in 2019.

In what cases does the payment of child benefit stop?

Social payments to single mothers are terminated in the following cases:

    1. A child or person receiving child benefit has died.
    2. The single mother lost her parental rights.
    3. The adoptive parent abandoned the child or the adoption was declared illegal.
    4. The child benefit recipient committed a crime and was convicted.
    5. The teenager got married before reaching 18 years of age.
    6. The teenager was recognized as a fully capable person.

Single mother: benefits, allowances and payments in 2019. There are many reasons for a woman to raise a child alone, but despite the different reasons, the result is the same: mother and child need help.

Child benefits for single mothers. Social assistance for single mothers.

Who is a single mother?

The woman is recognized as the only parent

whose father is not registered in the child’s birth document.

Other signs of a single mother:

  • the paternity of a particular citizen has not been established in court, on the basis of evidence, especially the results of DNA testing, that is, there is no judicial determination on this issue;
  • more than 300 days have passed since the divorce between the spouses;
  • there is no statement from both parents during the procedure for registering a newborn at the registry office;
  • a woman who carried out the procedure for adopting a child, at this time, without being in a marital union;
  • children appeared to a woman who, at the time of their birth, was not in a registered marriage union.

Important! Many people mistakenly believe that if a woman divorced the father of her children, then she can legally be considered a single mother; this is not so. When she was left alone with the children as a result of divorce, it means that a certain person is listed in the paternity section of the children's birth documents. And this factor no longer gives the right to call her a single mother, even if the father, after the divorce, does not take part in raising the children.

Single mother status is not assigned

  • a divorced woman who does not receive alimony;
  • a woman who gave birth to a child within 300 days after the divorce (the husband is automatically considered the father);
  • if the father was identified in court, but for some reason does not live with the family;
  • if a woman gave birth to a child 300 days after the death of her husband;
  • if the father is in judicial procedure deprived of gender right

When registering a child with the civil registry office, the woman is given a certificate in form No. 25, which confirms that the mother is the only parent.

The surname of such children is assigned to the mother's, and in the father column, at the woman's request, a dash is entered or the information she provides is written down.

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The status of a single mother is retained if the woman got married, but her husband did not adopt her child.

If a woman gets married, but the husband does not adopt the wife’s child, then the employee does not lose her status as a single mother (Article 423 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, paragraph 11 of the Regulations approved by Resolution of the USSR Council of Ministers of August 12, 1970 No. 659). In this case, legally the woman remains the only person who must raise the child. In one case, the court indicated that the woman has the right to count on financial assistance from the new spouse and his care for all family members (appeal ruling of the Moscow City Court dated September 16, 2014 in the case No. 33–21339/14). However, in this case, the court convicted the employee of hiding a number of family circumstances from the employer and abusing her right. Therefore, it is unknown what decision the court will make in a labor dispute. In a more recent decision, the same court supported the employee (appeal ruling of the Moscow City Court dated April 18, 2016 No. 33 - 12918/2016). In this regard, the employer risks that the employee will be reinstated at work.

Documents to obtain single status

To get single mom status, you need to contact the department of social protection of the population at registration with a certain list of documents. Such documents include:

  • a statement written by a woman demanding that she receive this status;
  • documents confirming the birth of children;
  • passport of the applicant - the mother of the child;
  • a certificate stating that the child lives with his mother, and not with his father or another person (can be ordered at the passport office);
  • documents indicating the applicant’s income for the last three months;
  • a certificate in form No. 25, a decision of a judicial authority or another document confirming the fact that this person belongs to the category of single mothers.

After submitting documents to obtain single status, she will have to wait for the decision of the body’s employees, which they must make no later than one month from the date of receipt.

Benefits for a single mother in 2019

How much is a single mother (as a single mother, working or not) entitled to in one-time benefits for one child and other children assigned to mothers in connection with the birth of a child in Russia? It is important to keep in mind that there are:

  • federal benefits, which are paid to all mothers on the territory of the Russian Federation without exception (taking into account the regional coefficient, in regions and localities where such coefficients are established);
  • benefits paid from the budget of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Subjects of the Russian Federation, through their regulatory legal acts, independently determine the amount, procedure for assigning and paying child benefits, and also finance these payments from their own budgets. The necessary regulatory legal acts (laws, regulations) have been adopted in all constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

To receive benefits, single mothers after the birth of a child must contact the social protection authorities at their place of residence (RUSZN or social security) and have necessary documents on benefits.

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Benefits and benefits for a single woman in 2019

Benefits in 2019 for a single mother (single parent) in all regions of Russia have different amounts. The Russian Federation provides a guarantee for monthly and simultaneous payments, preferential terms for personal income tax and the inability of the manager to remove an employee who is a single mother from her position.

But not all women raising a child without a husband are given the opportunity to receive benefits and use the guarantee conditions of a single parent.

State support for a single parent differs in different situations. A single mother can receive benefits and allowances in the form of a reduced amount of personal income tax thanks to a deduction for children, doubled, various benefits issued by the state during pregnancy, at the birth of a baby, during maternity leave, payments for a child who haven't crossed the threshold yet three years old. Among other things, employees who are single mothers cannot be laid off.

The authorities of each region have the right to determine their own amount of benefits for single people and payments in the current year. Benefits can be in the form of monthly compensation, a guarantee for the provision of free medical drugs and food, priority enrollment in kindergartens, discounts on the purchase of educational supplies, and much more. Who pays benefits and payments to a single mother? She can find out about them in the social service, what benefits and benefits will be provided to her region in 2019.

Let's study the following types of benefits for single mothers, which the employer should not forget about.

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Federal paymentsMethod of obtainingPayments from the city of MoscowMethod of obtaining
One-time benefit for women registered with medical organizations in early dates pregnancy up to 12 weeksPaid at workOne-time benefit for women registered with medical institutions up to 20 weeks of pregnancy.
Transferred to a Muscovite’s social card
One-time benefit for the birth of a childPaid at work or in RUSZN (if a single mother does not work or study)One-time compensation payment in connection with the birth of a child
A one-time benefit if a single mother is under 30 years old.
(“Luzhkov payments”)
Monthly benefit for the period of parental leave when the child reaches the age of one and a half years.Paid at work or in RUSZN (if a single mother does not work or study)

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Additional monthly benefits for a single mother (single mother) in Moscow

Each subject of the Russian Federation has its own additional payments to single mothers, therefore the amount of payments is different. Below are benefits for 2016, at the expense of the budget of the city of Moscow, provided for by Decree of the Moscow Government of December 8, 2015 No. 828-PP. A family in Moscow is considered low-income if its income is below the subsistence level in Moscow

1. If the income is below the average per capita minimum subsistence level established by the Moscow Government, then a single mother has the right to count on the following benefits in 2016:

  • monthly allowance for families with minor children with incomes below the subsistence level in an increased amount:
  • for children aged 0 to 1.5 years and from 3 to 18 years – 2,500 rubles.
  • for children aged 1.5 to 3 years – 4,500 rubles.
  • monthly compensation payment to reimburse expenses in connection with the rising cost of living to single mothers (fathers) for children under 16 years of age (students educational institutions implementing general education programs - up to 18 years old) - 750 rub.
  • monthly compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food for single mothers, as well as families in which one of the parents evades paying child support, for children under 3 years old - 675 rubles.

It is better to submit an application for these benefits in a period that does not fall within three last month sick leave payments, when maternity benefits were transferred to a single mother, otherwise the income may turn out to be much more than the established amount.

If a single mother gets married, but her husband does not adopt a child, then his income will not be taken into account when calculating and assigning benefits.

2. If the average per capita income is higher than the subsistence level, then in addition a single mother can count on monthly:

  • compensation payment to reimburse expenses in connection with the increase in the cost of living for children under the age of 16 (students of educational institutions implementing general education programs - up to 18 years) - 300 rubles.
  • compensation payment to compensate for the increase in the cost of food for single mothers, as well as families in which one of the parents evades paying child support, for children under 3 years old - 675 rubles.

3. Monthly compensation payment in the amount of 6,000 rubles. for a child under 18 years of age for non-working parents who are disabled people of group I or II.

4. Monthly compensation payment in the amount of 6,000 rubles. a person caring for a disabled child under 18 years of age or a person disabled since childhood under the age of 23 years.

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Birth benefit for a single mother, payments during pregnancy, during maternity leave in 2019

The Russian Federation guarantees payments that are provided at the birth of a child:

  • Benefits for mothers who registered in the first months of pregnancy;
  • (50 rubles) during parental leave for a child up to 3 years old;
  • up to 3 years;

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Maternity benefit

are provided for the entire period of the employee’s maternity leave (). The duration of leave to care for your own child is determined by a doctor and confirmed on a sick leave certificate. This factor is mainly based on the course of pregnancy and childbirth. Typically, maternity leave begins 70 days before the date of birth and ends 70 days after the date of birth of the baby. If a woman has given birth to more than one child or has had a difficult birth, the period of maternity leave increases.

The maternity leave is issued on the same days as those issued during ordinary sick leave. To determine the amount of maternity benefits, the following is established:

  • Duration of estimated time;
  • The employee’s salary during this time;
  • An employee is paid on average per day;
  • The amount of payments received.

Formula for determining the average wage per day to establish the amount of benefits at the birth of a child:

Average daily wage = amount of income for the reporting period : (731 - number of days in excluded periods).

Next, you need to compare the resulting amount with the maximum value. And all because the average wage per day to determine the amount of benefits in 2016 could not be more than 1,901 rubles. 37 kopecks This amount was obtained in this way. Adding the maximum values ​​for the payment of insurance contributions to the Social Insurance Fund for the past two years (in 2015 the amount was equal to 670,000 rubles, in 2016 - 718,000 rubles). After which the resulting number was divided by 730 (this figure was indicated in the law).

If the amount of daily wages received was less than 1,901 rubles. 37 kopecks, which means that the resulting figure must be multiplied by 140. In the opposite situation, 1,901 rubles must be multiplied by 140. 37 kopecks It turns out that the total amount of maternity pay in 2017 does not exceed 266,191 rubles. 80 kop. In addition, the duration of vacation in this situation is exactly 140 days.

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Monthly benefits for child care up to 1.5 years for a single mother

intended for an employee on maternity leave. This benefit is provided by the FSS of Russia, except for those regions that operate on the basis of direct payment systems monetary compensation through the fund. The benefit is based on the average monthly salary. To establish it, use the following formula:

Average monthly salary = average payment per day x 30.4

The average daily payment is determined by analogy with maternity benefits and also cannot be more than 1,901 rubles in 2016. 37 kopecks Among other things, the maximum amount of benefits for child care up to 1.5 years is equal to 40% of the average monthly salary. Therefore, the maximum allowable amount of care payments in 2017 is 23,120 rubles. 66 kopecks

This figure was determined thanks to the calculations made: 1,901 rubles. 37 kopecks x 30.4 x 40%.

In addition, the authorities determined the smallest amount of benefits. In 2016, the amount of benefits for caring for an older child is at least 3,000 rubles. Payments for the second and subsequent children are at least 5,817 rubles. 24 kopecks

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One-time benefits, payments up to 3 years

In addition to those described above, those issued to children are classified as one-time payments. The amount of benefits for women who registered their pregnancy in advance in 2017 is 613 rubles. 14 kopecks Sum lump sum payment at the birth of a baby - 16,350 rubles. 33 kopecks

Please note that regardless of which tax payment system the company works with, the amount of payments for the child is fully compensated by the Social Fund. insurance.

In accounting, compensation payments should be made as follows:
Debit 69 subaccount 1 - Credit 70.

Benefits for children are not subject to payments to funds and personal income tax. In addition, payments from the Social Insurance Fund are not considered when determining income tax.

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Personal income tax benefits for a single mother in 2019, deduction for a single parent

A single mother with many children can use benefits at double the rate. To use this opportunity, you must write an application, which is submitted along with the birth certificate, which does not contain information about the father, i.e. there is a dash. If information about the father is provided according to the mother, the possibility of using a double deduction can only be obtained with a certificate of birth of the child in Form 25. This certificate is issued at the registry office, which contains a mark confirming that information about the father is included in the birth certificate according to mother.

The monthly deduction for the 1st and 2nd child is 2,800 rubles, for the 3rd - 6,000 rubles. The deduction for a child with a disability is even larger.

This year, the personal income tax deduction exists until the income for the year amounts to more than 350,000 rubles.

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What responsibilities does an employer have when hiring single mothers?

Dismissal or job reduction. If a single mother is raising a child who is not yet 14 years old or a disabled minor, the employer will under no circumstances fire her on her own initiative. The exceptions to this situation are:

  • Closing a company;
  • Repeated failure to comply with labor requirements without providing valid reasons, with a previously received disciplinary reprimand;
  • Repeated failure to comply with the conditions for performing duties in a rude manner (absenteeism, working while drunk, and much more);
  • Commitment by an employee who deals with money or other valuables of acts that cause the loss of the boss’s trust;
  • Perpetrated by a worker who performs educational work, immoral act or education using violence of a mental or physical nature;
  • False documents provided by the employee to enter into a contract.

Vacation at your own expense. In addition to the above benefits, a single mother with a child under 14 years old can take it at any time in accordance with Article 263 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

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A birth certificate with a dash in the “father” column will not allow you to fire an employee

There are a number of cases in which the court definitely recognizes a woman as a single mother. These include situations when the child’s father:

  • not indicated on the birth certificate or information about it was entered according to the mother’s words;
  • died or was declared missing;
  • deprived of parental rights and limited in parental rights;
  • declared incompetent or partially capable.

If there is a dash in the “father” column on the child’s birth certificate or information about the father was entered into the document according to the mother’s words, then the courts consider the woman a single mother (Review of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation for the first quarter of 2010, approved on June 16, 2010, appeal Smolensky's definition regional court dated July 3, 2012 in case No. 33–2018). In the second case, the woman needs to obtain a certificate from the registry office that the entry about the child’s father was made according to her words (form No. 25, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 1998 No. 1274).

State financial assistance is provided to single mothers in the same way as other women. The federal budget pays amounts equal to the amount of benefits for women from two-parent families. Do women of this category have the right to targeted assistance from the regional government?

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General provisions

Trying to support the institution of the family, the Russian government provides measures of material support to families with a low level of income.

Despite the obviously difficult situation in which a single mother finds herself after having adopted a child, the state does not consider it possible to provide her with a high salary or any special benefits that differ from other social groups.

As a rule, all subsidies and payments that are assigned to single mothers are allocated to them either for general principles from the federal budget, or on the basis of low material income, that is, as low-income citizens.

What is it

From the federal budget, a single mother can receive nationwide benefits accrued by the Social Insurance Fund for all women expecting the birth of a child and who have successfully given birth to a viable baby.

Single mothers are entitled to all types of federal child benefits (CF):

According to the law, a mother raising a child alone has the right to receive additional financial support from the state, but at the expense of the regional government.

These types of benefits are paid under another budget item - social assistance to the population.


Each region or region of the Russian Federation implements its own programs to help this category of women. That is why the amount of benefit for a single mother varies significantly.

Some regions support single mothers very well, paying them benefits that are two or even three times more than what they receive in neighboring regions.

Who does it apply to?

When applying to government agencies, a single mother’s status must be legally secured.

A woman is included in this category of Russian citizens after contacting the social service with an application and supporting documents. After reviewing the package, social security issues an appropriate certificate.

The following women are officially recognized as single mothers:

All other cases, including raising a child, do not legally make a woman a single mother.

Where to go

Benefits for single mothers are paid by different institutions depending on the type of cash assistance. Where exactly to go depends on whether the baby’s mother is employed.

Payments of benefits for this category of Russians are carried out by:

  1. Social Insurance Fund.
  2. Employer.
  3. Social Security Service.

Basic child benefits accrued to all pregnant women and mothers who have given birth are accrued to the Social Insurance Fund, except in cases where a single mother is not employed and the employer does not make social contributions for her.

In the latter case, you need to apply for a one-time benefit from the local social service.

USZN also pays so-called regional benefits, as it deals with the problems of the poor population, issues large families etc.

To obtain a single mother’s certificate, a woman also needs to contact social security.

All child benefits are paid upon application. Employed women must first submit sick leave to the accounting department with approximate dates childbirth (for calculating vacation pay).

For non-working women this type no benefits are accrued.

If a single mother is registered with the Employment Center, then she submits an application for maternity leave and, accordingly, for receiving the corresponding benefit to the Employment Center.

How much do single mothers get paid?

The amount of the basic benefit paid to a single mother by the state varies significantly, sometimes significantly, depending on the region.

One-time benefits, as well as regular monthly payments, depend on the woman’s employment and are calculated individually based on.

The basis for calculating benefits can also be unemployment benefits, taking into account the wages received over the last two years.

If the income of a single mother is low (below the minimum subsistence level established in a given region), then the right to receive additional benefits arises:

To calculate other types of benefits, legally established standards are applied.

Thus, the Moscow Government pays child benefits to single mothers without taking into account family income as follows:

Low-income single mothers in Moscow receive support from the capital government in the form of the following payments:

To assign benefits to the USZN, you need to bring certificates from work or the labor exchange about your income level, have a single mother’s certificate, from your place of residence about living together, passport with Russian citizenship.

Necessary conditions for obtaining

To receive maternity benefits, a single mother needs to fulfill the conditions natural to the situation:

To receive special types benefits intended for a single mother require the following conditions:

Among general conditions can be called Russian citizenship and timely application for child benefits.

Working woman

Officially employed single mothers receive increased child benefits.

True, if the wages are high enough. To calculate the size of the DP, the average salary for the last two years prior to going on maternity leave is taken into account.

A working mother will receive:

The amount of childcare benefits for a single mother thus depends only on the size of her salary. However, the legislator has limited the payment, and it is impossible to receive an amount exceeding the monthly limit.

However, if a woman lives in an area where regional coefficients are taken into account, the minimum and maximum size payments may increase.


These amounts of federal benefits are paid to women regardless of status and social status.

However, the regions have adopted programs that are designed to somehow help unemployed single mothers. The payment amounts are unsatisfactory, but this is all that a woman can sometimes count on.

The payment of such benefits depends only on the region of residence. DP is paid urgently and ends when the child reaches 16, 18, and in some cases 23 years.

In some regions, a woman receives 500 rubles for the entire specified period (plus or minus 100 rubles, taking into account indexation), in others the monthly allowance reaches one and a half thousand.

Only social service employees at the place of residence can provide accurate information about the amount of benefits for a single mother.

In any case, a woman receives benefits for a minor after 14 years of age only if the child continues to study.

An unemployed woman is not deprived of benefits paid during pregnancy and childbirth.

An exception is the BIR allowance paid from the budget of the Social Insurance Fund:

If a single mother is pregnant because of an enterprise, then the B&R benefit will be minimal. The source of his payment is social service municipality.

Those women who were fired at least a year before contacting the Employment Center are also entitled to receive benefits.

Amounts maternity payments the following:

Small maternity leave, however, may come in handy for a single mother. Especially taking into account the amounts of monthly regional benefits.

Calculus example

An officially employed single mother going on maternity leave will receive B&R according to the usual scheme. Pregnancy without complications, singleton. The child is the first and only.

Calculation example:

After a successful delivery to a single mother, the state pays 15,512 rubles. After the end of the BiR leave, the woman will leave for up to one and a half years.

The company will pay her 40 percent of the average salary.

The calculation is as follows:

820 rubles (average daily salary) * 30.4 (number of calendar days in a month) = 24, 928 thousand rubles.

Forty percent of salary:

24, 928*0.4=9.971 rubles.

Additionally, according to the regional program to support single mothers, 530 rubles are awarded.

A working woman is entitled to compensation from her employer - 50 rubles a month until the minor turns three years old.

The total amount of payments per month during the period from the end of the BiR leave until the baby turns one and a half years old will be:

971+530+50=10,551 rubles.

Video: amount of child benefits

Main nuances

Benefits paid to single women outside of federal programs are subject to annual renewal.

The social service must make sure that the woman’s status has not changed during the specified time. If she gets married and her husband recognizes the child, then the minor has official father. In this case, the benefit is cancelled.

If a woman got married, but her husband did not formalize the adoption of the child and did not recognize him as his own, then the legal basis for recognizing the woman as a single mother continues to apply.

When calculating a woman's income for the purpose of calculating benefits, the husband's salary will, however, be taken into account by the social service.

If a single mother does not live at her passport location, it will be more difficult to apply for benefits from regional authorities. The fact is that USZN employees at their place of actual residence do not have the legal right to assign payment.

For it to appear, you will have to send a request to the social service at the applicant’s place of registration to find out if she receives benefits there.

How to proceed:

The authorized person will have the opportunity to legally contact social workers and receive the necessary certificate.

To apply for benefits for a single mother, you will need the following documents:

  • general civil passport of the Russian Federation;
  • free-form application for payment of benefits;
  • single mother certificate;
  • certificate of cohabitation with the child;
  • baby's birth certificate;
  • certificate of average monthly income from work;
  • copy work book, certified by the employer;
  • if you don’t have a single mother’s ID, then you need to attach a certificate from the registry office that issued the documents for the child, according to form No. 25;
  • if the mother is not employed, attach a certificate from the Employment Center indicating the amount of unemployment benefits

When submitting documents, you need to clarify the review period, as well as the deadline for extending the benefit. In some regions you need to come to social security once a year, others re-register benefits every two years.

The child (children) of single mothers are given priority rights to enrollment in a municipal kindergarten. In addition, payment for maintenance in preschool educational institutions will be reduced due to benefits provided by law.

If a single mother has many children, she receives additional benefits from the state.

So, the rent is reduced:

Completely free accommodation is guaranteed to a single mother with seven or more children.

What is regulated

The Social Security Administration calculates child benefits based on Federal Law:

Accrual regional payments The DP is regulated by presidential decree:

Monthly compensation for a child under three years old, paid to a working single mother at the expense of the enterprise, is established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation:

Annual indexation of benefits and others social payments fixed by government regulations. In 2019 this Decree:

All women raising a child on their own have the right to receive benefits from the state. This is determined by federal and regional legal acts.

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To apply, you must initially obtain such status. But not everyone deserves it.

What do you need to know?

Every woman should understand that not all people have the right to receive such status. It is given only to certain citizens who meet the criteria specified in legal acts.

become all women who raise children without a husband.

But there are also several nuances here; you need to familiarize yourself with them before going through government agencies and before establishing the fact of loneliness.

Not all women can count on. To receive it, you must provide a confirming document about your status. This is a certificate from the civil registry office in form 25.

It is not easy to obtain the document. The main thing is to prove your status with documents.

According to the law, the following categories of citizens are not recognized as single mothers:

  • A woman raising a child alone. And the biological father is hiding from paying child support. This does not become loneliness, but simply falls under the administrative code and the collection of alimony in court.
  • A girl who gave birth to a child within 300 days after the divorce. Even if during this period she lives with another young man. Moreover, if the latter puts forward his rights, then he has the right to be recorded on the birth certificate. But for this he must give written consent.
  • Civil marriage, where the father of the child is determined by the spouse in court. A similar situation occurs for citizens who do not live together.
  • Widows and fathers deprived of parental rights.

The following categories of citizens can receive this status:

  • a woman who adopted a child on her own and without her husband’s consent;
  • at the birth of a child within a 300-day period;
  • if paternity has not been established.

These rules are established in current legislation. But they are not perfect if they are considered from the perspective of other legal acts.

If her husband dies and she raises the child on her own, then she cannot count on receiving such status. And she also has no right to take advantage of the benefits due to a single mother.

Legislative framework

The following laws regulate this issue:

  • Resolution of the Plenum No. 1 of January 1, 2019 stipulates the concept of a single mother, regulates legal relations and opportunity.
  • Plenum Resolution No. 81 of 1995 - stipulates monetary issues regarding this type of status.
  • Resolution of the Plenum No. 1012N of 2009 stipulates the possibility of receiving, the procedure for registration and payments of a monetary nature.
  • Resolution of the Plenum No. 4218–1 of December 1992 stipulates the possibility of registering those in need of improved housing conditions.
  • Labor Code of the Russian Federation Art. 74, 77, 79, 261 – stipulates the rights and responsibilities of a single mother in labor relations.

Getting status

It is possible after contacting the civil registry office and receiving a certificate in form 25. It is this that allows you to apply for an increased type and benefits.

For registration, you will need an identification document of the mother and a birth certificate.


All citizens can count on certain benefits. They are enshrined in both federal and regional legislation.

You can find out additional benefits yourself by contacting your local government.

So, at the moment there are the following benefits:

  • Every person recognized as a single mother or father has the right to receive the benefits that are due to them. For this status, benefits are slightly higher. They receive the same money as in a full-fledged family. But according to regional laws, promotion based on place of residence is possible.
  • Additional benefits are provided to large or low-income families.
  • If a woman enters into a new marriage, her rights do not cease. But if the new spouse adopts a child, then benefits are automatically blocked.
  • When finding employment, a woman has the right to count on additional leave, days, increased tax deduction.
  • A citizen has the right to refuse to go to work on weekends and holidays, going out at night. There is a possibility of reducing working hours. These rights are governed by Labor Code Russian Federation. Moreover, a single mother can be denied employment only with a written refusal. Along with this document, she has the right to apply to the court to challenge such a decision.
  • A woman can also count on priority receiving housing if she is recognized as needy. There are additional programs to provide such citizens with housing with the help of social lending.
  • The child has a priority right to enrollment in kindergarten or school institution. All educational literature and meals are provided free of charge. Here it is also worth mentioning the possibility of a 50% discount on preschool.
  • Free visit to the massage room at the clinic, vouchers to health camp. It is possible to travel here either free of charge or with a partial surcharge.
  • Free medications from the Ministry of Finance list.

In each region there are additional rights and benefits for this segment of the population.

How much do single mothers get paid?

Many women want to know the state of a single mother:

  • for children under 16 years of age – 300 rubles;
  • compensation for the increase in the cost of the product for children under 3 years of age – 675 rubles;
  • monthly allowance for a mother raising a disabled child is 6,000 rubles.


Depending on the employment of a single mother and her place of residence, different benefits are paid. When wondering how much single mothers are paid, it is necessary to study the legal acts regulating the issue in a particular region of residence.

All of the above amounts are the minimum that every single mother is entitled to.


Allowance for single mothers in 2019 is a mandatory amount due to this status. The issue is regulated by Federal and regional law.

Child care

Every woman has the right to receive child care benefits:

  • allowance until the child reaches three years of age – 50 rubles;
  • benefit up to one and a half years - 40% of income, minimum amount 3065.69 rubles;
  • benefit until adulthood - individual amount in each region.


A one-time payment is also intended for each woman - a one-time compensation at birth - 16,350.33 rubles.


Every month a woman can receive the following funds:

  • registration in a housing complex up to 12 weeks of pregnancy – 613.14 rubles;
  • up to one and a half years - no less than 3065.69 rubles;
  • before adulthood – 160 and above (depending on the region);
  • up to three years – 50 rubles.

Until how old?

The benefit is paid until the child reaches the age of majority.

If the child is studying full-time at a higher education institution educational institution, the period is extended until the age of 23 years.

How to get it?

To receive benefits, you need to visit the state social protection authority and provide this complete fact.

Additionally, you need to confirm that you are raising your child alone.

Where to contact?

Initially, you need to contact the civil registry office to obtain a certificate in form 25. To obtain it, you must write an application in the established form.