A spell to prevent teeth from falling out. Strong conspiracies for toothache: how they work and what is important to know about them

Dental problems often greatly ruin our lives, and medications do not always help. In this article you can read the most effective and powerful conspiracies for toothache. In just such cases, there is always a fallback option: traditional methods, proven over centuries and previous generations.

Despite the fact that it is the 21st century, modern medicine is in some cases powerless against complex and strange diseases. read in the “Conspiracy” section

Every person who has experienced this unbearable and incomparable pain at least once in his life knows that there are no remedies that would immediately and 100% help get rid of pain. On the one hand, it is clear to anyone that if such a problem arises, you should immediately consult a doctor, because they know what and how to do. What if their methods don't help?

The only solution they see is tooth extraction. Will you agree with this? I think not. It is in such cases that people turn to less common methods for help. There are, for example, all sorts of herbs, decoctions that can help with diseases, or people who have psychic abilities. This article will talk about conspiracies for toothache.

I would like to start with the fact that no conspiracies, even the most effective and powerful ones, can completely replace the professional treatment provided by doctors. That is, even if you managed to get rid of toothache for a while, you still need to visit a doctor and undergo a course of treatment, i.e. harmful bacteria themselves cannot dissolve and leave your oral cavity alone, chipped parts of the tooth cannot be re-formed grow. That is, all these conspiracies are only part of the overall treatment, just a way to alleviate your situation.

Ritual actions are often added to the conspiracy, which again help to shift a person’s attention from pain to something else.

What are these conspiracies, and how do they work?

The basis of all conspiracies is self-hypnosis and strong concentration on a specific subject. In ancient times, these conspiracies were written in Old Church Slavonic or in Latin. Now they evoke at least respect and some kind of faith in their effectiveness, even among people who are extremely skeptical.

There is an opinion that such people can also use conspiracies, because when distracted by moderate muttering, that is, the pronunciation of the conspiracy itself, a person is unconsciously distracted from pain and can go into a state of self-hypnosis.

Another interesting factor is scientific explanation effectiveness of conspiracies. All of them are based on a system of influencing the patient’s consciousness and are equated to meditation. There is one that will help you get rid of this disease forever.

How to decide on a good and effective plot?

Finding a truly strong conspiracy is quite difficult, because there are a great many of them. However, if you know the structure of a real conspiracy, you can make the selection process easier for yourself. Now let's move on to a short diagram:

  • Beginning (prayer opening)
  • The main part (the spell itself, which carries all the meaning)
  • Closing (prayerful ending)

A real conspiracy must begin directly with an appeal to some supernatural forces, be they spirits or patrons. Based on the fact that conspiracies appeared a long time ago, it is customary to turn to the Sun, the spirits of nature, and the Moon. Although in reality this is not so important, because the main thing is the presence in the conspiracy of an appeal to something higher.

  • At the beginning of the conspiracy, it is customary to mention such a fact as a person’s transition to the other world through all sorts of obstacles, for example mountains, forests, intricate paths, etc.
  • In the main part, it is necessary to name the name of the person who will be under the influence of the conspiracy, because mentioning the name gives power over the person.
  • At the end, the strengthening of the entire prayer is always mentioned, comparing it with something strong.

Well, at the end there is a prayer ending, although sometimes it may be missing if the conspiracy is pre-Christian.

There are a huge number of conspiracies that differ not only in the types of pain that are neutralized, but also in the technique of pronunciation.

How to pronounce a spell (prayer) correctly?

Some conspiracies, for example, need to be read without any action. And there are also those in which accompaniment ritual actions just a must. Often, conspiracies must be read exactly, at the same pace, word for word, otherwise there will be no effect. In some conspiracies, it would not be superfluous to repeat the entire text several times to enhance the effect.

The most powerful folk conspiracies for toothache

There is an opinion that the most effective conspiracy will be one that has been passed down from mouth to mouth, from generation to generation and has managed to demonstrate its effect. But there are exceptions that have been able to help more than one person and will probably help you too. As I mentioned earlier, there are also rituals, such as a toothache spell using water, a wooden stick, wax, etc. Although all these rituals do not carry medicinal properties, but, as people claim, they help abstract and concentrate.

If you don’t have any object on hand on which you can cast a spell, then you can simply say it. Now a list of the most effective conspiracies:

Plot 1: “On the window”

Zoryushka-lightning, you are a beautiful girl,

There is a stone in the sea, a hare in the field, and Lymar at the bottom.

Cover, lightning, my sore teeth with your veil from Lymar;

Behind the white veil they will survive. Lymar, back down;

If you start to gnaw my white teeth,

I will overthrow you, Herod, into the abyss of the underworld. This word is strong!

Plot 2: “On the tooth”

It is necessary to pronounce the text monotonously, 7 times, pressing the gum with the sore tooth with the index finger of your right hand:

As the red sun falls below the horizon and is no longer visible, as the bright-faced moon disappears in the sky, so the pain would go away after the sun, after the month, and would not return.

The text must be said 3 times, and very close to the water itself, so that its surface ripples slightly

Plot 3: “On the water”

Should be read on the water. First, pour water (either spring water, melted water, or simply defrosted) into an ordinary glass or crystal glass. The text must be said 3 times, and very close to the water itself, so that its surface ripples slightly:

Four sistersZachary and Macarius,Sisters Daria and Maria,

Yes, sister Ulyana,They spoke,

So that the servant of God has a name

Cheeks are not swollenMy teeth didn't hurt

Now and forever,In these words, key and lock,

The key is in the water, the lock is in the mountain.

After the entire text has been repeated quietly 3 times, you need to empty the glass in small sips and wait for the effect.

Miraculous conspiracies of Natalia Stepanova

There is a belief that a healer from Siberia, Stepanova Natalya, knows very effective conspiracies for toothache, which she told the people. The advantages of her conspiracies are their ease of memorization and effectiveness, tested by many people. Most of her texts are actually pronounced like poetry, which is why they help people temporarily get rid of unbearable pain:

Moon in the sky, sun in the oak tree.

Freeze, worm, in your tooth.


All of her texts are based on biblical themes.

It seems quite simple, but, according to people’s reviews, it is effective.

Here is another example, this time more meaningful. It must be pronounced, looking

for the new month:

The month is young, you have a brother Filat,

His teeth don’t ache and his gums don’t hurt.

So that the servant of God also has a name

My teeth didn’t ache and my gums didn’t hurt.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.


So why do these spells work?

From a psychological point of view, the effect of these conspiracies is explained by nothing more than banal self-hypnosis and the ability to concentrate attention. In other words, a person himself tries to control his brain, forcing it to react weaker to pain signals coming from nerve endings. This is exactly the principle used in yoga.

According to another opinion, the effect is produced by a combination of sounds, rhythm and vibrations of the vocal cords. I must say right away that this idea has not been scientifically confirmed.

As religious people say, the conspiracy involves calling spirits from a parallel world and contacting them. It is for this reason that this method of treatment is highly discouraged among them.

As a result, I would like to say that none of these theories has found scientific confirmation, but, nevertheless, there are constantly cases where these methods help people get rid of health problems. But before you visit a healer or local witch, think about it: maybe you should first consult a doctor?

Comments from site visitors

    I remember as a child, my grandmother often spoke to me and the pain went away for a while. And now, while reading the article, I saw Natalia Stepanova’s conspiracy and remembered my grandmother’s conspiracies. I still use the spell on my children))

    Thank you very much for this interesting and incredibly useful material. Teeth, sometimes. It hurts, both for me and for the kids, but for my husband most of all. And conspiracies help a lot, real ones help a lot effective remedy, proven over centuries and many generations. If you don’t believe it, just remember the antiquity of this method and everything should fall away by itself - all doubts and uncertainty. This actually works. And better than any pills, don’t poison yourself.

    Yes, this material can be useful, you just need to copy it onto paper - everything is easier to read and works better. I’ve never used dental spells, but in general I’ve used fortune telling and spells in my life and I can say, without lying at all, that it works and makes sense. Anfisa, you are absolutely right, pills only poison, you need to treat with the soul, with the light coming into it through the Universe.

    As a child, every summer I went to visit my grandparents in the village. My grandfather has been smoking a lot for a long time, so his teeth often hurt. But there is no dentist in the village and you can’t go to the city for treatment. So, when a tooth seized, he wailed like this: “The painful pain from the tooth goes away, the tooth doesn’t hurt, the pain goes away,” he laments like this for ten to fifteen minutes and smiles. That’s it, he says, the tooth obeyed me. Still, I think it’s like meditation.

    Here I agree one hundred percent with Elvira. In the same way, my grandmother told me about toothache when I was a child. I really believed in her because she treated lichens and all sorts of terrible ulcers and wounds. And she helped people a lot. Therefore, I recommend that those who have toothaches turn to those conspiracies that the author and Elvira and I recommend.

    Thanks for the info. I myself am terribly afraid of dentists; this toothache itself is also not very pleasant. Plus, the baby is teething, but I won’t rush it yet. The use of conspiracies, in my opinion, is a serious step. If you have the opportunity to influence the course of the matter yourself, then it is better to do so. The more you resort to conspiracies, the more likely it won’t last long. But it's still worth listening

    I usually turn on my favorite music and sing my favorite songs, or also read a prayer when my tooth hurts. In fact, I am very afraid of this pain. Because if you can still take a pill for your stomach, you can’t do anything about your teeth, especially if the case is advanced.
    Interesting article! Thanks to the author!

    I want to say about myself. When I was still a teenager, we sold the books “Conspiracies of the Siberian Healer,” but now they are difficult to find. So my mother bought herself two books, the first and second edition. Of course, I didn’t know this until a certain moment. One day my tooth hurt so bad that I couldn’t even sleep properly for two days, and I was afraid to go to the doctor. So my mother took one spell from the book and whispered it into the water, I rinsed my tooth with this water and drank the rest. I don’t know what worked then, but the tooth stopped hurting instantly. Since then, I believe in the power of words, and now Buddhist philosophy is close to my spirit.

    I'll tell you my story. A couple of months ago I was on a work trip when my wisdom tooth started to hurt. It was time to remove it a long time ago, but I kept putting it off. And my insurance, of course, did not cover dentistry. Then, in the hope of somehow helping me alleviate my pain, my wife found this conspiracy. Of course, I didn’t believe it, but it was better than doing nothing. And you know what? It worked!! The pain went away and a couple of days later, when I returned home, I immediately ran to the dentist. But I want to experience that feeling again. But now I know one of the medicines!

    I am very afraid of going to the dentist, so I always put off the visit until the last minute, when I can no longer endure it. And of course, I always suffer in the doctor’s office. So I decided to try using spells when my tooth ached again. So that at least you don’t have to suffer from pain. I read several described here, and the pain subsided! I don’t know, however, how long this effect will last, but it’s already very pleasing! I hope that the pain will not return soon.

    Toothache.. brrrrr This is the most disgusting thing! It’s not for nothing that annoying events are also called toothaches. I talk teeth to my own and other people's children. Helps. I read short ones. It especially helps the baby, they can’t really say anything, they just kick their legs. Now you press your finger on the future tooth and whisper. The baby calms down almost immediately. Children are calm - parents are happy.

    I rarely go to the dentist. I’m afraid of them to the point of toothache in the literal sense) That’s probably why I’m suffering. As soon as I eat ice cream, it hurts terribly. I'm saving myself from a conspiracy. When there is sharp pain, I speak using this: Moon in the sky, sun in the oak tree.
    And when it really hurts and for a long time, then a water spell helps me.

    I usually don’t use spells, I always thought that visiting a doctor was timely the best remedy. But it happened that we found ourselves in a remote place, 15 kilometers from the doctor. Naturally, where should I go? A local granny, like a herbalist, helped. She whispered something on the tooth and the pain subsided. It didn’t completely go away, but it gave me strength to survive for two more days until I got to the doctor. I didn’t listen to what the herbalist whispered verbatim, I just heard the name Natalya Stepanova from her. Now I’ve found it myself, I’ll arm myself just in case.

    I don’t have a grandmother in the village or friends in the region alternative medicine. I figure it all out on my own. I made myself a little book with spells that help me and that I like. I use them occasionally. I believe they help. I use two of those described in this article. On the water and with a window. Both good and time-tested. In any business, the approach is important. Conspire with faith and an open heart and everything will work out. Good health to you!

    The basis of any conspiracy is self-hypnosis. Therefore, approach the utterance of absolutely any conspiracy with faith and everything will work out! Add to this a targeted effect, as in a plot with pressing a finger, or a distraction from the object of pain, in the end everything will definitely work out! Believe in your strength and the pain will go away.
    In fact, you can say any words of healing with faith! Thanks to the author for choosing readable lines.

    I am interested in the ancient tradition of witchcraft. I have read a lot of materials on this topic. I tried a lot on my own skin. In my hobbies, conspiracies have a special place, I believe in them undeniably. Toothache can become sudden and very intrusive. Pressing your finger and “magic” words in most cases do their job properly!

    I generally use spells. In particular, I knew about conspiracies against toothache, but I couldn’t use it. I don’t have it at hand, and when it grabs you, either there’s no Internet or they don’t come to mind or you climb on the wall) I liked the support presented here. Not difficult to remember and simple. I printed out the texts and will put them in a visible place. Now I won't forget that I have them!

    Good conspiracies. I tried it on a window on myself and on a tooth for my son. Actually, my acquaintance with conspiracies began with the birth of my son. And when the teeth come in, dear mother!!! I found a spell by heart and my son felt better. The first time I thought it might just be a coincidence. The repeated roar a day later and its silence after reading the plot made me believe that it works! And when the conspiracy helped me. The song is simple!

    I'm allergic to dentists, literally. I can’t have my teeth treated by doctors. The most I can do is get a professional examination. Thank God my teeth are intact and I don’t need any treatment. But still, sometimes pain occurs and usually at the most inopportune moment. Is it easier to press your finger to your gum and whisper quietly? the right words? This is available even in a crowded place and it helps!

    Toothache is easy to attack. She has a bad habit of coming suddenly and at the wrong moment! Yesterday at work, it was necessary to give a presentation, I became terribly nervous and a nagging toothache did not take long to occur. There was absolutely no time to run to the doctor! I stand by the projector, show slides, and in between I whisper, Freeze, worm, in your tooth. I performed well without a microphone) In general, the pain went away before the presentation.

    It is difficult not to believe in such conspiracies if in childhood you were faced with a situation where a mother or grandmother began to talk about a bruised or wounded place, everyone was in pain, but the daughter was not in pain. And it really helped, the pain wasn’t that bad. And then it turns out that some kind of self-hypnosis and the pain recedes, even such a strong and nasty one as a toothache.

    Miraculous healing from toothache is easy to explain from a psychological point of view: we make a suggestion, and then switch the focus of attention to another subject and everything works out, the pain goes away. BUT I still think that, despite the positive result, you shouldn’t forget about the doctor and going to him.

    Thanks for such a wonderful collection. I am allergic to painkillers and therefore have to treat my teeth without anesthesia. In such cases, there is only one salvation - such conspiracies. So this site is a godsend for me, what would I do without you?

Conspiracies to get rid of toothache were used by our distant ancestors. Although it's century outside modern technologies, however, the conspiracy for toothache, oddly enough, is still quite popular among the people.

Toothache usually strikes a person at the most inopportune time. As a rule, usually in the middle of the night, in the evening or on weekends, when the dental office is not available for visiting. So you have to walk around with aching pain until it goes away on its own or becomes so bad that you need to urgently run to the dentist.

How to pacify toothache on your own? In this situation, magic will come to our aid. A spell for toothache can be used at any time of the day.

But you need to realize that with the help of magic you can only ease the pain for a while. But the cause of this very pain can only be eliminated by a qualified doctor. So sooner or later, a visit to the dentist is inevitable, it’s only a matter of time.

With the help of magic, you can charm a toothache so that it subsides for a while. But, unfortunately, a conspiracy for toothache will not help you eliminate the source of your dental problem.

For a toothache spell to work, it must be recited according to certain rules.

Initially, you need to get ready to perform the ritual. To do this, try to clear your thoughts of negativity. In the room where the toothache spell will be performed, it is advisable to curtain the curtains and light candles. Try not to let anyone or anything distract you from the ritual.

Patience and complete confidence in the positive outcome of the ritual are a prerequisite for achieving the desired result. Also an important factor is the structure of the conspiracy itself.

The words of the spell must be pronounced in the following order:

  1. Backlog— prayerful introduction and beginning;
  2. Main part— “narrowing of space” and a spell;
  3. Consolidation- completion of the spell and prayer ending.

Conspiracies for dental pain usually begin with an appeal to some force or patron. In most cases, the words of the spells are addressed to the Sun, Moon or nature spirits.

For people who practice conspiracies, it is not so important who or what they turn to. All options are considered quite effective when used correctly.

When reading conspiracies, you should always take into account the phase of the moon.

Some spells are read during the waxing moon, and others are read during the waning phase of the moon. In magic, the time of the full moon is considered the most powerful period when magical rites and rituals are performed.

The next spell for toothache is read on the waning moon. To perform it, at exactly midnight, go to the window in which the face of the moon can be seen.

Press your index finger on the gum where the tooth hurts and say the following words:

“Like a red sun setting over the horizon and not being seen.
Like a pale moon disappearing from the sky.
So my toothache would go away and not appear again.
She left after the clear sun and the pale moon, and did not return.

There is another version of the conspiracy for toothache. However, unlike the first option, it reads like stars.

To perform the ritual, go outside late in the evening, look at the sky and say the following words:

“Stars in the sky, a dead man in a coffin, a fish in the water.
If a dead man rises from the grave, God's servant (name) will have a toothache.

Conspiracy against toothache

Among the rituals against toothache, conspiracies involving the month stand out. They are pronounced in the evening, when the crescent of the new month is visible in the sky.

“Month Cain, where is your brother Abel?
Your brother is dead
And God’s servant (name)’s toothache will go away.”

Spell for sore teeth

This spell must be repeated three times, looking at the month in the sky.

“The month is a gilded month!
Your teeth don't hurt.
And I, God’s servant (name), will not get sick.”

Spell for dental health

This conspiracy against toothache is also pronounced three times. Looking at the thin month, you need to say the following words:

“The month-prince!
There are three of you in the world: one in the sky, the second on the earth, the third in the ocean-sea.
Just as they can’t all get together, so I, God’s servant (name), won’t be able to have toothache.
You, a month, have a golden crown, and for me - happiness and healthy teeth.”

Ritual for the new month

The following ritual came to us from Ukraine, it is also performed on the new month, turning to him with a request for help:

“Mesyatsevich, silver horns, gilded legs!
Come down, month, soothe the toothache, take the dashing sore to heaven.
My sorrow is not heavy, not small, but your strength is great.
I cannot bear my grief.
Here's your tooth, here's the second, here's the third, here's the fourth - all yours!
Take away this bad illness from me, and give me health as strong as steel.
Take the pain to the distant sky.

Monthly spell for a falling out tooth

This plot can be read on full moon to get rid of toothache.

Press your index finger against the tooth and say three times:

"I came old month to the young man and says:
“Take away the burdock tooth from God’s servant (name), and give her a bone tooth.

Grandfather's spell on teeth

“Young young man, you have a golden horn.
Have you been to the next world? I have!
Have you seen my grandfather? Saw!
Does his teeth hurt? They don't hurt.
May they stop hurting me too!”

A spell to stop your teeth from hurting

To prevent your teeth from aching and hurting, read the spell on a piece of wax three times and apply this piece to your sore tooth:

“On the sea-Okiyan, on the island of Buyan
Thirty-three dead men lie.
Their teeth do not ache or rot.
So it would be with God’s servant (name)
My teeth didn’t hurt or ache.”

To perform this ritual you will need spring water and a glass glass.

The water should be spring or melt water. If it is not possible to get water from a spring, then you can buy it at the store.

You can make your own defrosted water. To do this, take tap water and freeze it in the refrigerator for a while. After three days, melt the ice - the water is ready for the ritual.

Late in the evening, pour spring or defrosted water into a glass and read a special spell on it three times.

Read the words so that your breath touches the water itself.

“Four sisters, Macarius and Zakhary, sister Marya and Daria, and sister Ulyana, said that the servant of God (name) should not have a toothache, her cheeks should not swell for centuries now and forever.

After the words of the water spell are read, you should drink it in small sips. Soon, your teeth should stop hurting.

Rituals with trees and plants

To perform this ritual, you need to find a lonely willow tree on the shore of some body of water.

It is advisable that this place is located as far as possible from people.

In the evening, before sunset, go to a tree, pick a willow twig and apply it to the sore tooth.

Mentally imagine that the pain from the tooth is transferring to her. In this case, you need to mentally read the following words:

“Mother willow, cry not for your roots, but for my teeth.

These words should be said three times before you bite the twig, and three times after. Then throw this twig into the pond.

Ritual with an aspen branch

These words are pronounced on a small aspen branch three times, and then applied to your sore tooth.

“On the ocean sea, on the winter island of Buyan, there are three large and tall trees.
Like the first tree is Petrius, like the second tree is Chitrius, and the third is Cypress.
The hare lies under them.
Toothache, you moved to the hare!

Ritual with a wooden stick

To conjure a severe toothache, you need to take a small stick or sliver of wood and read a strong spell over it that will stop the disease. Then place the stick on the sore tooth:

“I, the prayerful servant of God (name), my teeth don’t hurt, they won’t hurt.
They will become numb until my death.
All my words have a key and a lock, all my words are strong for centuries.

When you can no longer endure the pain, a spell against toothache using nettle, which is one of the most powerful, will help.

To do this, you need to find a place where nettles grow.

It is advisable to find a nettle place as far as possible from the roadway or large crowds of people. It would be ideal if the nettle grows in a deep forest.

You will also need a small stone to perform the ritual.

In the evening, at sunset, bend the nettle bush to the ground and press it with a stone. Then say the following words over the nettle bush:

“Holy tree, mother nettle!
The servant of God (name) has a toothache, take it out!
If you don’t get rid of the toothache, then I will get rid of you,
And if you take me out, I’ll let you go in three days!”

After reading the plot, the pain will quickly go away. Do not forget to fulfill your promise in three days - to release the nettles.

Conspiracy for the first thunder

When you hear the first thunder of spring, gnaw on any pebble and say:

“Just as this stone is dead and hard, so may my teeth not know any illness, aching or pain.”

Place a pebble under any dry tree and cover it with soil.

Ritual with a copper crucifix for gum disease

If your gums are bleeding, read the Lord's Prayer three times, circle the crucifix around you and say three times:

“Just as a holy church does not walk at night, does not wander, does not leave its place,
So the servant of God (name) would not have pain in his mouth and would not walk around.

To perform this ritual you will need an infusion of sage and some kind of body of water.

It is better to use a mountain river or lake. If this is not possible, then any city pond or even fountain will do.

When you make an infusion of sage herb, read the Lord's Prayer three times.

In the evening you need to take the prepared infusion and go to the pond. At sunset, rinse the sore gum while reading these words:

“I stand, I am not silent, I whisper to my pain.
Go away, toothache, don’t sit in me!
Go to the pool and sit there!

After this, spit everything into the water. Do this three times and leave without looking back.

To the surprise of many doctors, in some cases, conspiracies, like prayers for toothache, actually help to pacify a sore tooth. As practice shows, even the most powerful conspiracies for toothache will never replace the prevention and treatment of teeth. The habit of constantly talking about a tooth just to avoid going to the doctor is a direct path to rapid tooth loss.

Every inhabitant of this planet has experienced dental pain at least once in their life. Not everyone can tolerate these unpleasant sensations. Children's bodies tolerate pain especially poorly. Naturally, pain occurs for a reason; you should immediately contact a dentist. However, sometimes it happens that it is not possible to see a doctor. In these cases, various magical rituals and conspiracies will come to the rescue. A spell for toothache is a means of getting rid of pain that has been proven over centuries and generations. The disease itself will not be cured, and you will still have to visit the dentist.

In what cases does a conspiracy work?

A conspiracy against toothache can be read both to relieve pain and to prevent it. No special qualifications are required for the spell; they can be read even by an inexperienced person who has never performed magical actions before. The spell ritual for toothache is not tied to a specific phase of the moon, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions for use.

In some cases, a conspiracy will need to be done on some subject:

  • water;
  • radish;
  • spruce tree branch;
  • cloves, etc.

In this case, a certain ritual is performed. In any case, the structure of the spell will be the same: introduction, base, ending. The spell for a bad tooth should be read monotonously, without emotion, in some cases it should be read several times (to enhance the effect).

Rituals are more powerful, and the spells used are no different from conspiracies. Therefore, if the required equipment is not nearby, then do not despair, the plot will work, but the effect will be short-lived. Otherwise, this will be enough to get to the doctor.

If the pain is a symptom of a very serious or chronic disease, then the plot for toothache may not help. Also, if the unpleasant sensations are caused by a bad spell cast, then you must first remove it.

Since talking about a toothache usually needs to be done urgently, below is a list of easy-to-remember and most effective spells.

Stepanova's conspiracy for toothache

Stepanova's spells have great power against toothache. Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova is the author of many powerful spells against diseases. When reading the conspiracies of the Siberian healer based on prayers, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  • after the words “Amen” one must be baptized;
  • conspiracies cannot be pronounced on Sunday;
  • Also, this should not be done to pregnant women, since the spell may have a bad effect on the child.

According to people's reviews, despite their apparent simplicity, Natalya's spells have the greatest power and can help get rid of painful sensations. The text must be pronounced monotonously, rhythmically:

Moon in the sky, Sun in the oak tree. Freeze, worm in your tooth. Amen.

When pronouncing a spell, you need to imagine your pain and negative feelings in your thoughts in the form of a worm that you stop. After pain relief, do not delay going to the dentist, because only he can remove the cause of the pain.

How to spell toothache with water

There is a fairly strong conspiracy against toothache using water. The water should be clean, preferably from a well. Before reading, you need to carefully prepare: free your thoughts from current affairs, focus on relieving negative feelings. In the dark, you need to pick up a glass of water and read the following words over it three times:

Sun and moon, fire and water! My pain decrease and go away. Go away forever! Go through the earth and clouds.

After reading, you need to slowly empty the glass in small sips. Soon the painful sensations will go away.

Also, for toothache, they read a spell on holy water for themselves. Since the water itself already carries healing, after reading a prayer over it, it acquires miraculous properties. During daylight hours, they go outside, pour holy water into a glass, and say the following prayer seven times:

Guardian angel, patron saint, bless the water given by God, let it wash away my pain, let it carry it into an open field - a wide expanse. The water will go into the ground and take the pain with it. Amen.

After reading, rinse your mouth with the charmed water. As soon as the glass becomes empty, the pain syndrome will go away.

Wisdom tooth spell

Very often, pain syndromes occur during the eruption of the last molar, the so-called “wisdom tooth.” In some cases, it comes to fever, inflammation of the gums, and a terrible headache. To relieve pain, you can perform a small ritual. They take hourglass, white sewing thread, church candle. Light a candle in a dark room and place a clock next to it. They take the thread in their hands and say the following words three times quietly and monotonously:

Just as I hold a white thread in my hands, so I grasp the pain of God’s servant (baptismal name). Let her, brought by an evil spirit, leave me. Amen.

After this, you need to tie it around the candle. The pain will quickly subside. The candle must be taken to the nearest church.

A spell for a bad tooth is a simple remedy, proven over generations, that allows you to quickly get rid of pain at home and prevent the occurrence of gumboil, pus and other complications.

Conspiracy of the ancient Slavs

The ancient Slavs very often used magic to get rid of diseases, for the health of a child, increase productivity, etc. The most powerful and effective ancient Slavic conspiracies have survived to this day, which contribute to quick deliverance from discomfort both adults and children. When using these spells, you must remember: everything is pronounced in a whisper, by a healthy person. To stop the tooth from aching, take a few pinches of salt, add it to a glass of water, and go outside. Stirring monotonously, say the following:

Voditsa, water, is as clear as a tear. Turn away the disease, heal the tooth of God’s servant (name). As you drain into the depths, the pain will go away.

For many years, toothache has been considered one of the most severe and unpleasant pains. Despite the fact that today there are many methods and drugs to eliminate it, many people still prefer to resort to special spells.

And indeed, their effectiveness has been proven in practice many years ago. That is why the magical analgesic effect is still relevant today.

Magical effects against toothache should not only be used recklessly, but only in special cases:

  1. If the pain appears at a time when there are no painkillers at hand.
  2. For anesthesia in a child.
  3. To prevent the occurrence of pain during dental treatment.
  4. Before a long journey, especially when there are already mild painful sensations.

Attention! It is important to understand that even after the magical effect gives a positive result, the cause of the pain itself will not disappear, and the teeth will still need to be treated. And it is worth resorting to the help of such rites and rituals when it is not possible to immediately get to the dentist.

Rituals to use yourself at home

There are many different rituals for use at home that have a really strong anesthetic effect. However, to speed up their impact, several conspiracies should be used at once, reading them sequentially, one after another.

Important! All words should be pronounced clearly and clearly, in an even and even monotonous voice.

On the water

This ritual is considered the most effective and simple and has two varieties.

The first ritual is suitable for use only on the waning moon, but the second ritual can be performed at any phase of the lunar cycle.

First rite. On the waning moon, you should take a glass of water, go to the window and, looking at the reflection of the moon in the water, say three times:

“Lord, help me in carrying out this sacrament. Help me get rid of pain, reward me with energy and strength. Have mercy on me and grant me relief from my pain. Amen".

Take three sips from the glass, pour the remaining water over the threshold and go to bed.

Second rite. It can be done any day. You should pour previously defrosted water into the glass mill and pronounce the words as close as possible over it. The plot is read three times:

“Three holy sisters and two brothers spoke words, they spoke my pain. The cheek does not swell, the tooth does not hurt. Forever and ever. Amen".

Drink all the liquid slowly and go to bed.

The positive impact of these conspiracies manifests itself within a maximum of an hour after reading them.


In this case, a direct appeal to God begins with the reading of “Our Father”:

“Our Father who art in heaven. Hallowed be thy name, thy will be done, thy kingdom come both on earth and in heaven. Give us our daily bread and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation.”

After this, the following prayer should be said forty times in a row:

“The worm is in the earth, the fish is in the water, and the moon is only in the sky. They can't get together and never be. So I wish my slave (name) would never suffer from my pain, I would never know these torments forever and ever. Amen".

Then apply a small piece of ice to the painful tooth for 1 minute. After which the pain should quickly begin to subside.

Stepanova's rituals

Natalya Ivanovna Stepanova is one of the most powerful healers of our time, and her rituals have proven to be highly effective in practice. In the arsenal of this magician there are two very simple but effective rituals that quickly help eliminate toothache.

First rite. With your finger, lightly tap the painful tooth through your cheek 3 times and say:

“My tooth is white as chalk, strong as a stone, and you, my pain, go away, don’t come to me anymore.”

All steps should be repeated 3 times in a row.

Second rite. You should say 9 times in a row in an even and calm voice:

“The sun and moon are only in the sky, the moon is also in the sky, and you are a sick worm out of my tooth.”

The greatest effectiveness can be achieved by reading these two conspiracies one after another. The phase of the moon doesn't matter.

For children

If children under the age of 16 suffer from severe toothache, then the following special magical ritual can help them:

  1. You need to take a river shell; any item containing a large number of calcium.
  2. You need to make a hole in it and thread a thin rope through it.
  3. You should read the “Our Father” prayer three times.
  4. Then say the following words 9 times:

“The power of the sea is strong, no one can ever break these shells. So let the slave (name)’s teeth never hurt and no one can destroy them. Lord bless, help me in my righteous work. Amen".

Such a home talisman should be placed under the child’s pillow after pronouncing the words. On ordinary days, it should be kept behind the icons, but before each use, read the plot again 9 times.

To the sunlight

On a nice bright day, you need to go outside and stand in a brightly lit place.

Place your index finger on the painful tooth and say three times:

“Just as the bright sun shines and shines, but with sunset it disappears behind the horizon, so my severe pain goes away with sunset, and with the arrival of night it completely disappears. Amen".

The magic of the ancient Slavs

Our ancestors often used magic in Everyday life and one example of this is this conspiracy.

It is necessary to dissolve three pinches of salt in a glass of water, then say the following words three times:

“Voditsa is a transparent sister. You wash the shores, you take my pain with you. Help me find peace and find health. Key, lock, tongue."

After this, you need to rinse your mouth with the charmed liquid, and spit the remaining used water into the ground near the tree. As soon as the last drop is absorbed into the ground, the pain will begin to decrease significantly. And soon it will disappear completely.

Reference. This ritual is suitable for both dental anesthesia in adults and children.

Appeal to the Lazarev sisters

Such a conspiracy is also considered a prayer. It should be repeated 9 times in a row, and usually all painful sensations disappear after the seventh repetition.

You need to stand in the center of the room, cross yourself and say 9 times in a row, without being distracted or interrupted:

“Pelagia, Martha and Mary, you are all sisters of Lazarus, help me in my trouble. Quickly remove the pain, aches and burdens from my teeth. Just as Lazarus’s teeth have not hurt for many centuries, so I will no longer have this misfortune. Amen".

This spell is considered the simplest and most powerful, and it can be used any day and at any time of the day.

Watch the video that tells you how to read a spell for toothache:

All these rituals designed to eliminate toothache are really effective. They were created over many years and by the best magicians, so there is no need to doubt their high effectiveness.

But it should be understood that the duration of their effect is limited in time, and they do not eliminate the very cause of the pain.

Therefore, at the first opportunity, you should definitely visit the dentist and find out what else you can do to relieve toothache. A conspiracy is a special magic word that has healing power

. Many Russian conspiracies appeared in pagan times and were passed down from generation to generation. The purpose of the sacred words is to provide first aid to a person. This applies to all ailments, including healing from various diseases. After all, no one wants to get sick, and going to the hospital is not always possible.

A common problem for many people is toothache. The tooth may hurt so much that various symptoms begin to appear. And this ruins life and causes discomfort to a person. There are times when medications are powerless and some turn to a backup option for help. Reading a prayer is an action that has been tested for centuries.

Every person has encountered a similar illness. He knows that such unbearable pain takes him out of normal life. Of course, it would be better to seek help from a doctor. But their methods do not always help, and you don’t want to remove the tooth at all.

And at such moments people turn to help folk conspiracies for toothache. The most effective prayers cannot replace professional treatment. You can get rid of toothache using this method, but in the future you will have to visit a dentist.

If pills do not help eliminate the pain, and the tooth continues to ache, then you can turn to folk conspiracies. Usually, prayers are repeated for several days in a row in order to finally get rid of the pain and prevent a reoccurrence.

Some prayers can be used for preventive purposes. If a few days ago a person was bothered by a toothache, then a ritual can be performed to prevent the disease from recurring.

How to say a prayer correctly

Some conspiracies are pronounced without actions or attributes. And there are other prayers that are accompanied by actions. Conspiracies should be read at the same pace, slowly and word for word. If you do everything wrong, there will be no effect.

  1. Finding the strongest conspiracy is not difficult, since there are a lot of them. Each sacred text has its own impact on the problem. It is also important to know the structure of prayer.
  2. Prayer beginning (beginning);
  3. Spell;

Prayerful ending (completion).

Any conspiracy begins with an appeal to some forces. Usually they turn to the Moon, nature, the Sun, etc. The main thing is to appeal to the highest.

Ritual with water for the moon This prayer is the strongest and most effective, which eliminates any acute pain. At midnight, go outside and face the moon. Right hand

holding a vessel with boiled water. Next, you need to start chanting the water seven times:

On Buyan Island, on the Sea-Ocean, 33 dead people lie,

Their teeth don’t rot, don’t ache, don’t hurt.

So my servants of God’s teeth wouldn’t rot, wouldn’t ache, wouldn’t hurt.

Key. Lock. Amen.

When you finish speaking the words, the aching tooth must be rinsed with water three times. After a while the patient will feel relief.

When there is a new month in the sky, you need to go outside. Stand up and say the spell:

Month-month, silvery horns, golden legs.

Come down, month, from heaven and take my toothache, taking it with you.

My pain is neither small nor severe, but your strength is great.

I cannot bear the pain, but your strength can bear it.

Here is my tooth, here are two teeth, three - they are all yours, and with them the pain.

Month, month, hide your toothache from me.

Ritual with the door

First you need to prepare a bowl or glass of water. You will wash your hands in it. Then you need to go to the open door and wipe the lock handle with this water. The remaining liquid pours out over the threshold. Forefinger apply to the sore spot and draw a cross. Say a prayer. The pain will go away and the cheek will stop swelling.

Spell with nettles

First of all, you need to read the prayer. You can find a certain text on the Internet or ask for help in your own words. The main thing is that every word is said with soul and from the heart, without negativity. After you have read the plot, go outside, find nettle grass and bend it to the ground, tying it tightly. After three days, untie it.

Ritual with radish

Here you will need a small piece of radish. Say the words of the spell (a similar sacred text is pronounced in a ritual with water and the moon), and place a radish in front of the diseased tooth. The disease will begin to recede.

Ritual with strawberries

Take three strawberries, throw them into the water and say the prayer three times:

Just as strawberries dry and wither, so the tooth of God’s servant (name) will become silent and numb.

Place the berry on the sore tooth and drink the water. The inflammation will gradually begin to go away.

Rowan plot

The ceremony must be performed at the time when the moon appears in the sky. It is best for the person to be at home alone and no one will disturb him. First of all, you need to write down the sacred text on a piece of paper and take it with you. Then you need to find a rowan tree, lightly bite the bark and say:

Rowanushka, mother, help me, take away my pain, heal my teeth.

If you don’t help, I’ll grind down your teeth, but I’ll also gnaw off your entire bark.

Repeat the spell three times. Then return home, roll up the paper with the spell and place it on the sore tooth. Burn the paper in the morning.

For water and roots

Any spell for roots and water is pronounced three times. It is important to get the holy water out of the church.

The moon is the guardian of the heavens, water is the protector of the earth.

As the moon rose in the sky, my pain immediately went away.

As soon as I drink holy water, I will forget about toothache. Amen!

Before preparing the roots for reading the spell, you need to wash them, clean them of soil and dry them from moisture.

Before applying the plant root to the tooth, it must be crushed into a paste. Drink water to the bottom.

Quick ritual

This is a white and old conspiracy against toothache. A magical ritual will help quickly eliminate the disease. The main thing is to prepare a small piece of wax in advance. Say the spell three times, then apply wax to the source of the disease. It will help relieve inflammation and relieve discomfort.

Another effective way consists of a conspiracy on a stone. You need to bite it with your teeth and pronounce the sacred text.

For 40 reps

Before the conspiracy, be sure to read the “Our Father.” After forty times, read the sacred text on the aching tooth.

Moon in the sky, worm in the ground, fish in the water,

And when the three come together,

Only then will my (patient’s name) teeth hurt.

Methods of self-hypnosis for toothache

There is an interesting self-hypnosis technique that helps eliminate pain. The main thing here is to follow the instructions.

  1. Calm down and relax. You need to feel your pain, mentally find the center of the hearth;
  2. When you understand and feel it, gather all your strength and anger, order the pain to disappear. All words must come from your head;
  3. You must command. Show who is boss in the house and who needs to be obeyed. Make the pain feel wonderful and joyful.

The words of prayers and conspiracies can be spoken mentally or out loud. It is not necessary to pronounce them.

When a baby is teething

Toothache is difficult for children whose teeth are just beginning to erupt. What parents don't do. You can turn to the Most Holy Theotokos or Saint Antipas for help. Or take a small cloth (should be red), speak and apply it to the sore spot. After some time Small child will feel better.

For teeth whitening

For the ritual you will need a whitening paste. You can prepare it at home.

  1. Take 0.5 tsp. dry tangerine peels and dried basil;
  2. Add two drops olive oil and heat in a water bath;
  3. Water for pasta needs to be heated from ice, saying a prayer.

Then apply the paste to your teeth. Distribute thoroughly, but do not rub. Wait five minutes. Then rinse with warm water. Carry out the procedure once a week.

Spell on an old woman

Whether it's a man or a woman, it doesn't matter. Sick, sick must go outside and find old woman. If you notice her, you need to go towards her on the left side and read the words three times:

I walk not by water, not by earth, but by fragrant fields and clean meadows.

The old woman meets me, - Old, old woman, where are your teeth?

Give me your fallen ones, take the wolf ones.

I talk away toothache with strong words and sculpted deeds.

And now, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.

Knowledge of the healer Natalia Stepanova

The conspiracies of Natalia Stepanova have great power against toothache. She told all her prayers to the people so that everyone could use them. The advantage of such prayers is that they are simple and easy to remember.

You need to relax and place two fingers on the sore tooth. Don't forget to say the following words:

Moon in the sky, sun in the oak tree.

Freeze, worm, in your tooth. Amen.

Healing herbs for healthy teeth

There are a number of herbs that will keep your gums and teeth in order.

  1. Chamomile flowers;
  2. Oak bark;
  3. Arnica herb;
  4. Sage leaves;
  5. Common thyme;
  6. Mint leaves;
  7. Calamus rhizomes.

Dangers and Risks

Very often, teeth are used in magical rituals, especially in black magic. Through a conspiracy, you can damage a person, deprive him of luck, prosperity and happy life. It could cost a lifetime. The ritual is also performed on a toothbrush. It's important to be careful here. And be sure, after any prayer, to consult a doctor so as not to cause complications.


Magic has always been considered effective means to fight any ailment. Toothache is no exception, so most people prefer to turn to prayers and spells for help. You can choose any treatment method. But here we must remember that it is completely impossible to recover from the disease. After the ritual, you must visit a doctor. The dentist will prescribe professional treatment. Health is an important part of life.

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