Snake oil for feet. Snake oil

Good afternoon to all those who read and comment on my review!

I have been asked to tell you about this wonderful cream for a long time and today we will talk about it.

Miracle cream is produced under the brand "Secrets of Lan" and is called "Snake fat foot cream."

First, I’ll tell you about the manufacturer itself.

As you already understood from the brand name, this is something related to Asia or China.
Yes, you read that right, the manufacturer is located in China.

Today, the Chinese cosmetics market is the leader in the beauty industry.

For those who are cautious about trying cosmetics from China, I want to say the following - China is different from China.
Yes, there are a lot of low-quality products, but you need to know what to buy and where.
Let's just remember the recent sensational boom with pedicure socks. Many have already tried them and appreciated the quality.

The most significant secrets of Lan are used in Chinese cosmetics oriental secrets beauty.
The company produces different series of cosmetics that use old recipes beauty and youth, the riches of nature and modern technology.

A high content of natural ingredients is used and, thanks to their effective action, each line of cosmetics from the Secrets of Lan brand is unique.

Today, under the brand Secrets Lan, hair care products, skin care products for the face, hands, body and decorative cosmetics are produced.

The range of lines is updated frequently. Recently, this brand has become more famous in Russia, and the number of its fans is constantly growing.

Now let's return to the product under study

The foot care cream comes in a tube of a pleasant pink-purple color. There are curlicues drawn on a white background to match the design of the tube, as well as Chinese characters. Also on a white background are the brand name and the name of the cream in silver letters.

The cream tube ends with a dispenser cap, which has a convenient latch.

There is a recess in the lid itself that makes opening the package easier. If desired, the lid can be unscrewed, thereby increasing the dosage of the product.

On back side contains standard information about the product.

I won’t list the ingredients, you can see it here

What I would like to note:
- the composition of the product is completely written in Russian, which makes it easier to understand;
- the product is certified according to the standard ISO 9001;
- on the package there is a website address where you can get full information about the product and specialist advice;
- shelf life 3 years.

My opinion about this product

The cream has a pleasant, unobtrusive scent. The cosmetic product is quickly and easily distributed over the surface of the feet.

Absorbs well without forming a film.

After use, the skin feels smooth, cracks and calluses are reduced.
The cream softens and moisturizes the skin, saturating it with nutrients of natural origin.
A feeling of comfort appears.

The only minor disadvantage of this cream is that it has a small volume - only 30 grams.

If I see this cream on sale, I always buy it. The quality has not changed and I am satisfied.

We are participating in the review competition again and would love your feedback!

You can buy creams based on snake oil for feet and other problems in one of our herbal pharmacies or order through the online store. Delivery is carried out by courier in Moscow and Moscow Region, to the regions by Russian Post.


Creams with snake oil for healthy legs: indications for use, compositions, treatment methods and real results

Snake oil has been used in Chinese medicine for hundreds of years. Eastern healers appreciated its wound-healing and anti-inflammatory properties long before European doctors began to use snake oil.

The main components that make up the fats of poisonous reptiles are unsaturated fatty compounds. And in the organisms of highly organized animals (and therefore in humans), such fats are practically absent.

  • They do exist, however:
  • are produced in minute quantities;

come with food. But it is these unsaturated lipids that underlie cell membranes. So any disturbance either in the composition of the diet, or in the system of assimilation of food, or in the functioning of any internal organ

  • inevitably leads to:
  • to weakening of the cell coating;
  • to degeneration of the entire skin, quickly manifesting itself in the most vulnerable places;

to weakening of the liver, kidneys and muscles.

Snake oil for external use can be purchased at the Russian Roots herbal pharmacy and can quickly cure the affected skin on the feet. However, skin conditions on the legs can indicate more serious problems, so sometimes it is worth consulting your doctor about this.

The proposed preparations based on the venom of oriental snakes can be used for both medicinal and prophylactic purposes. These are also very good cosmetics that allow you to keep your feet in perfect order. Preparations with the names and Secrets of Lan “Snake Oil” have effective compositions.

Cream "An-An" based on snake oil

This drug is intended to treat feet if you are bothered by corns and cracks, especially on the heels.

  1. An-An cream restores skin moisture, since a negative change in the normal state leads to cracking of the skin.
  2. Rough skin softens.
  3. Cracks heal, corns become less painful.
  4. No new cracks or corns appear.
  5. The general condition of the legs improves significantly.
  6. The cuticle of the toes softens.
  7. The heels soften. All keratinized layers of the skin of the sole lose their unwanted roughness.
  8. The condition of the legs with pachylosis improves.
  9. It is recommended to use An-An cream:
    • with hypothermia;
    • after frostbite;
    • to relieve itching that bothers you during cold periods.
  10. The healing of damaged tissues and their renewal are stimulated.

Composition of cream "An-An"

The composition of this medicinal drug includes the following components. 1.

  1. Snake fat. Its use shows the following effects:
    • skin softening;
    • relieving inflammation;
    • anesthesia;
    • complete healing of wounds.
    This is a good antibacterial and antiseptic drug. 2.
  2. Mumiyo. This mountain oil contains natural minerals and vitamins. Therefore, mumiyo has biological activity, enhanced by the ability to have a positive effect on the human body. This ingredient:
    • accelerates regeneration processes;
    • has anti-inflammatory properties;
    • allows the skin to be enriched with missing minerals and vitamins.
  3. Glycerin of natural origin. This ingredient is used:
    • to soften and moisturize the skin;
    • to retain moisture, preventing drying out.
    Glycerin helps to improve skin health, increase its elasticity, and transform the skin into a smooth and healthy shell of our body.

Results of using An-An cream

This drug should be used daily, then it will show real results. Systemic use of the composition leads to:

  • to the complete elimination of small and new cracks, to the gradual healing of large or numerous skin lesions, to the tightening of affected areas;
  • to get rid of corns;
  • to return skin previous elasticity;
  • to skin renewal;
  • to ensure that the problems listed above do not arise in the future.

The regeneration process is facilitated by valuable substances contained in snake oil and other ingredients that make up the An-An cream. This natural remedy easily penetrates into tissues and saturates them with moisture in the required volume. Recovery of the legs is observed very quickly.

How to use An-An cream

Feet are washed, cleaned and dried well. A small amount of the drug is taken and applied to the damaged area. The applied mass is thoroughly rubbed in with massaging movements.

It is advisable to carry out such procedures:

  • on both legs, even if obvious damage is found only on one;
  • over the entire foot, since the affected area, which is the source of inflammation or cracking, may not be the only one;
  • regularly.

Contraindications to the use of An-An cream

Usually people tolerate the ingredients included in the An-An cream well. However, a factor such as individual sensitivity to certain components should be taken into account.

Attention! If unpleasant, unnatural sensations arise that are not associated with the skin healing process, then you should immediately stop treating your feet using this method.

The composition of this medicinal drug helps to improve the skin of the feet, restore it to its former beauty, and restore stable health. Leather, treated nourishing cream with snake oil, it stops drying out, peeling, and cracking. The condition of the heels and other rough areas of the foot improves.

It is advisable to start using this composition right now, before the skin disease of the foot has yet begun to seriously bother you. However, more often people begin to use Snake Oil cream precisely when:

  • painful cracks on the heels;
  • skin inflammation;
  • cuts on legs and injuries;
  • unpleasant odor that cannot be eliminated by conventional methods;
  • peeling of the feet;

Composition of the cream Secrets Lan "Snake fat"

The basis of the drug is snake fat. Tea tree oil, which is also included in the list of ingredients contained in the cream, helps snake oil act more actively on the skin.

In addition to these ingredients, the composition of the cream is replenished with:

  • vitamin E;
  • glycerol;
  • camphor;
  • peptides (silk amino acids);
  • stearic acid, etc.

So it is advisable to use the useful, active composition of the Secrets of Lan “Snake Oil” cream even for preventive purposes in order to avoid problems in the future.

Beneficial properties of the cream Secrets of Lan "Snake fat"

The range of these properties is quite wide, and one can easily verify the usefulness of the drug based on snake oil.

  1. Epidermal cells are quickly renewed.
  2. Blood circulation is stimulated.
  3. Rough, keratinized skin is properly moisturized and steadily softened.
  4. Heals:
    • cracks;
    • wounds;
    • scratches.
  5. The composition will help quickly eliminate inflammatory processes.
  6. Pathogenic fungi and activated bacteria die. But they are the ones that provoke sweating and become a source of unpleasant odor.
  7. A person using such a drug stops feeling itching, as the irritation of the skin stops.
  8. The drug is able to deodorize and refresh feet for a long time.

Method of using the cream Secrets of Lan based on snake oil

The feet are thoroughly washed and cleaned dry. It is advisable (if possible and the skin is not inflamed) to order a peeling so that the composition penetrates the skin faster.

If the drug is used not for prophylactic, but specifically for health-improving purposes, then this procedure should be repeated daily. The treatment period is until the skin epidermis is completely restored.

Contraindications to the use of Secrets Lan "Snake Oil" cream

A healing preparation for legs based on snake fat contains many additional natural ingredients. But they can be individual allergens for some people.

If a burning sensation or redness occurs on a healthy area of ​​the body to which the cream is applied, then the use of this particular therapeutic and prophylactic drug should be discontinued. Although the vast majority of users have never experienced any unwanted effects.

Using the cream Secrets Lan "Snake fat" during pregnancy

The use of this drug by pregnant women is useful and recommended, but individual intolerance to some components should be taken into account.

How and where to buy snake oil based cream

Various creams with snake oil and auxiliary components can be ordered on the Russian Roots website. In Moscow and the Moscow region, delivery of drugs is carried out by courier very quickly. To more remote areas of the Moscow Region or regions, snake oil is delivered from Moscow by mail.

Also, this therapeutic and prophylactic product can be purchased at any of the “Russian Roots” herbal pharmacies located in different areas of the Capital. There, the visitor will be able to get more detailed advice on purchasing the right foot treatment product. He will also be able to find answers in articles on the site.

Foot cream is a must cosmetic product, especially for summer period, in winter it’s somehow different that your feet require intensive care, but in summer you often exfoliate your heels with pumice, so you need to moisturize them better. I have two creams for this summer, one for the day and one for the night. For daytime use, I chose a lighter cream.

In the store they praised me for the foot cream Secrets of Lan with snake oil. I believed the recommendation and bought a tube to try, because in general I like Secrets Lan cosmetics, I’ve already taken them to different time something I liked using.

I’ll say right away that the tube of this cream is small, the volume is only thirty milliliters, that’s why I bought two creams, because I was afraid that this one would run out quickly. The tube is very pleasant to the touch, smooth. The design is cute, I really liked the lilac pattern on the white tube.

The cap is also very convenient on the tube, I like that you don’t need to unscrew it and that it snaps into place. This option is more convenient for me personally, and it doesn’t matter what product it is, cream, balm, shower gel.

I liked the composition of this cream, I have not seen such a small composition for a long time, very few ingredients were used and almost everything that is in this cream is natural.

A tube of this cream costs 50 rubles, at first glance it seems that for 30 ml this is a lot, but I can say that this cream is worth that kind of money, when it runs out, I will buy more from this series for myself, although I will try it with other additives.

The cream has a very pleasant consistency, its color is milky-white, the cream looks very delicate, although quite thick. It is not dense, quite light, so I decided that it would be good for daytime use. He was actually very well suited for this. This cream is not at all greasy, so when you lubricate your feet with this cream before going outside, you don’t have to worry about a lot of dust sticking to it; in principle, almost no dust sticks to it.

The cream is absorbed very well and quickly, I like that there is no greasy film left on the skin, there seems to be hydration, but it is very light, which is quite enough for day care, well, at least for me, since at night I’m generally different I use the cream, I already wrote about it today.

The smell of the cream is normal, I thought that since there was snake oil in it, there would be something unusual, but no, it’s a completely ordinary smell, I would even say mediocre. But it’s better to wash it off your hands, as it feels good. All in all, good cream, I like it.

Before use, be sure to consult a specialist

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