Apricot oil for hair - benefits and uses. Masks with apricot kernel oil for hair - the best recipes Apricot kernel oil for hair

Hello my friends and readers!

Apricot Hair Oil is an easy-to-apply treatment that quickly absorbs into curls to infuse them with new vitality.

The drug does not cause allergic reactions, does not weigh down and is intended for the care of any type.

I will try to tell you in more detail what is its use and how to use the tool to become even more beautiful.

From this article you will learn:

Apricot hair oil - recipes for use

A brief botanical note and how oil is produced

The common apricot is a fruit-bearing tree.

According to botanical terminology, it allows you to harvest juicy drupes of a round or elliptical shape.

Apricot fruits contain flat, dense seeds of high value.

The product is synthesized from fruit seeds using cold pressing technology.

The result is an environmentally friendly substance, saturated with a large number of useful substances.

That is why cosmetologists around the world include recipes based on the complex of medical and regenerative procedures for hair.

The chemical composition of apricot oil and its benefits for hair

The product is a valuable source of fatty acids, minerals and vitamins.

Curls gain health and aesthetic appeal.

Regenerative, nourishing, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties help to cope with excessive sensitivity and dryness of the scalp, depletion of the hair shaft, brittleness and loss.

Vitamins A, E, C make the strands soft and silky, organic and fatty acids provide restoration at the structural level, which returns shine, pleasant heaviness, strength and elasticity.

High concentrations of magnesium cause the restoration of full blood circulation.

This leads to better nutrition of the bulbs, stops the loss of curls, and affects the overall external characteristics of the strands.

How to use apricot oil for hair care

It is applied separately as an independent product or combined with other types of base oils - avocado, almond, jojoba.

If you want to solve a number of cosmetic problems, complex masks containing ether are applied to the curls.

The main indications for use for hair:

  • fragility, dryness, lifelessness;
  • worsening general condition after a course of sunbathing;
  • loss of hair health after hairdressing procedures - permanent coloring, carving, perm, building;
  • loss of gloss and the formation of excised tips;
  • the drug can be used for eyelashes - it is applied with a cleaned brush from mascara or with a special applicator for the night.

Effective recipes for hair masks with apricot oil

  • Apricot oil mask - night care

Pre-warmed oil with fingertips is consistently rubbed over the entire scalp.

The treatment area is gently massaged, which enhances blood flow and absorption of active ingredients. Part of the oil is distributed with the palms of the curls.

Warming is carried out, the drug is left overnight.
It is no less effective to use the product for aroma combing and wellness head massage.

The specified mixture is to be used: 50 ml of apricot oil, five drops of jojoba ether. Similar procedures are indicated for hair growth.

  • Treatment of split ends with apricot oil

The affected strands are dipped in a container with heated oil for several minutes.

The restorative mask is aged for several minutes and removed with shampoo.

For treatment, the mask is duplicated every day for a week. This is an indispensable procedure for the ends of the hair.

To enhance the benefits of all available hair care products, 10 ml of apricot preparation is injected into each of them.

The conditioner, shampoo or balm is thoroughly shaken and used for its intended purpose, but they already have wider strengthening and regenerating capabilities that eliminate hair loss.

  • Deep moisturizing compresses with apricot oil

Sterile pharmacy gauze bandages are treated with warm oil and applied to the scalp.

A shower cap is put on tightly from above and it all turns into a well-warmed towel.

It is not advisable to apply a compress if the effect lasts less than an hour.

  • Restoring dry strands with apricot oil

The recipe combines 10 ml of camphor alcohol, glycerin, apricot oil.

The composition is diluted with chamomile infusion (100 ml / 20 g) and used to treat strands for two months twice a week.

The dry type is especially clearly in need of care, so the procedures can be carried out more intensively.

Two egg yolks grated with oil are evenly applied to the skin and hair.

To enhance the effect and soothe possible inflammation, four drops of chamomile and patchouli ether are introduced into the mixture.

If you add whipped yolk to the composition of the hair mask with apricot oil, you will get an excellent nutritious recipe for universal use.

  • Treatment of excess sebum production with apricot oil

Apricot oil - 20 ml - is combined with 10 grams of liquid honey and 20 ml of warm milk. After two months of regular treatment, the hair will get rid of excess fat.

For this type, aroma combing is especially indicated, the recipe of which was presented above.

Contraindications to the use of apricot oil

The use of the product cannot be carried out in the presence of purulent lesions of the scalp and serious trichological diseases.

Allergy sufferers are advised to test for individual intolerance by placing a drop of the drug on the crook of the elbow. If redness and itching have not developed after 15 minutes, the oil can be used for hair care.

Storage of apricot oil;

The pharmacological agent is shown to be stored in the original container - a dark glass vial. The drug can be placed in the refrigerator or left at room temperature in a place protected from light. It must be used before the expiration date.

Where to buy apricot oil?

Apricot kernel oil can be bought in pharmacies, online stores for products for creamers. The average price for 100 ml of high-quality jojoba oil can cost from 120-150 rubles.

Apricot is a very vitamin-rich and tasty fruit. But not only the pulp of the fruit, but also its oil brings benefits to the body. Apricot oil liquid is highly valued in cosmetology as a means to maintain health and improve the appearance of hair.

Description of the characteristics and properties of apricot oil

Apricot oil, or rather, apricot kernel oil, has long earned an honorable place among the best folk remedies for hair care.

The oil is extracted from the seeds of the fruit by cold pressing. The color is light yellow, the aroma is nutty with slight hints of apricot.

Apricot kernel oil has a light yellow color.

For the care of curls, the properties of essence from apricot kernels are especially important:

  • glues hair scales, giving smoothness and shine;
  • contributes to the restoration of the damaged structure;
  • strengthens the roots;
  • heals the skin of the head;
  • prevents the appearance of split ends;
  • forms a microfilm that protects against hair loss of vitamins, minerals and water.

Chemical components in the composition of apricot oil

Apricot kernel oil has quite a rich chemical composition, all components of which are beneficial for the health and beauty of curls.

The chemical composition of the product is represented by the following substances:

  • a complex of palmitic, oleic, linoleic, stearic acids has a rejuvenating effect on the hair, strengthens the roots;
  • the presence of vitamin E contributes to the production of collagen and elastin, without which the hair becomes brittle, thinned, easily damaged;
  • Vitamin A is involved in the regulation of fat balance skin, creates protection against the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Vitamin C helps to block inflammatory processes, stimulates the synthesis of collagen in the hair, makes them more resistant to external influences, such as changes in ambient temperature, drying of veins;
  • A group of B vitamins activates regeneration processes. With their help, microtraumas heal faster, curls acquire a healthy and radiant appearance. When fighting dandruff, you can not do without B vitamins, as they relieve itching, peeling of the epidermis;
  • various trace elements, including magnesium and potassium salts, with a deficiency of which hair loss occurs. These substances prevent dehydration, accelerate metabolism in hair tissues, remove toxins and decay products.

Vitamin A in apricot oil protects hair from the harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation.

How to choose and store

To choose a natural product, you need to pay attention to its appearance and packaging. On the market, there are cases of falsification of apricot oil, diluting it with cheaper ones.

What to look for when choosing an essence from apricot kernels:

  • the natural product has a light yellow color or no color at all;
  • the aroma is not bright, nutty;
  • packaging must contain full information about the manufacturer, address of production;
  • With a quality product, a certificate is required. You can ask the seller to provide a certificate, if he refuses, then this is a serious reason to think about buying in this place;
  • impurities are not allowed. For example, some sellers add sunflower oil or cherry plum oil to reduce the cost of goods;
  • packaging of high-quality oil should be made of dark glass. Plastic may react with the product and damage it;
  • the lid of the dish must be tightly closed, without damage. At the slightest violation of the integrity of the package, the oil will begin to evaporate, the period of its use will be reduced.

Storage is also important for the quality of apricot oil, because its shelf life after opening is not so long - from six months to a year:

  • keep open packaging in a place far from the freezer in the refrigerator;
  • the oil bottle must be made of tinted glass;
  • the lid must be tightly closed, it is better if it is screwed.

So that apricot oil does not lose its beneficial qualities, it must be stored in a dark glass container.

Presence of contraindications

Natural essence from apricot kernels without impurities, produced by cold pressing, is practically devoid of contraindications, except for individual intolerance to its individual components. The oil is approved for application to delicate infant skin and women in position.

It is not superfluous to carry out an allergy test, first of all, for babies. It consists in applying a drop of oil behind the child's ear, if redness or irritation does not appear within twelve hours, then the product is safe.

Benefits of apricot kernel oil for hair

The uniquely balanced combination of acids and trace elements in apricot oil makes it an indispensable assistant in hair care procedures. Most often, external use for hair is in the form of masks. But in its pure form, the essence is also suitable. To do this, it is rubbed with fingertips into the roots of the hair, distributed along the length with the help of a rare comb. A small amount of oil applied before exposure to direct sunlight will protect against harmful solar radiation. The microfilm envelops the curls, which serves as a barrier against fading and overdrying.

For care manipulations, the oil should be applied warm for better absorption. If there is no time for a water bath, then you can hold a spoonful of oily liquid over the fire for a minute or two.

For dry and damaged hair

Natural apricot oil has a therapeutic and cosmetic effect for dry and damaged curls, restores their structure and perfectly moisturizes.

Homemade compositions with apricot essence for dry and damaged strands:

  • prepare an infusion of chamomile: pour boiling water (100 ml) one tbsp. l. fine crumbs from dried chamomile flowers. Pour one tbsp into the cooled and filtered infusion. l. camphor alcohol, one tsp. apricot essence and heated glycerin. Spread the finished mask on the scalp and along the entire length of the curls, cover with a warm towel, leave to soak for an hour. Carry out the procedure once or twice a week, and so for at least two months;
  • apply to the hair a thoroughly mixed composition of one chicken yolk and one tsp. apricot essence. Wrap in cellophane cotton cloth, leave for thirty minutes, wash in the usual way. Repeat the mask on average a month every three to four days;
  • combine 25 ml (or five tsp) oils from apricot and peach kernels, add rosemary and lavender essential pomace (two drops each). Lubricate the curls along the entire length with an oil mixture, carefully process the tips, cover the hair with cling film to create a greenhouse microclimate and leave for an hour or two. Wash your hair in the usual way. The course should consist of fourteen masks with a frequency of five to seven days;
  • first prepare the base: mix one dose of apricot oil with honey warmed to a liquid state and freshly squeezed aloe vera juice (two doses each). This mixture can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a month. To prepare the mask, you need one tbsp. l. bases and whipped yolk, which are applied along the entire length of the hair. From above, you need to cover your head with a warm towel or cellophane and do not remove it for thirty minutes, then wash your hair with water without shampoo, apply whipped yolk and rinse again. Repeat the procedures twice a week, the full course consists of five masks.

For dry and damaged hair, a mask containing honey and apricot oil will be useful.

Regular use of masks will make hair smooth and manageable, more resistant to external damage.

For oily hair

The delicate texture of the essence of apricot kernels allows it to be successfully used for oily curls, and its anti-inflammatory properties help in regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands, restoring the water-lipid balance.

Recipes for care greasy hair with apricot kernel oil:

  • heat in a water bath one tsp. honey, mix with warm milk and apricot oil (one tablespoon each). Distribute the mass along the length of the hair and leave for half an hour, rinse with shampoo. This mask can be applied once or twice a week for a month;
  • for 10 ml (two tsp) of apricot, take two drops of orange and propolis essential oils. Rub into the roots with massaging movements, also distribute along the entire length of the curls. For the best effect, wrap your head with cellophane and a towel, leave for 30-40 minutes. Such a mask will give not only shine, but also an incredible aroma to the hair, and you can carry it out once a week for two months;
  • dissolve in water or green tea (200 ml), and then heat 20 g of gelatin. Add three tsp there. apricot oil liquid and three drops of ginger ether. Apply to washed hair, stepping back four centimeters from the roots, cover with polyethylene and a towel. Leave to act for an hour. Repeat once a week for a month;
  • mix five tsp. cognac with two tsp. lemon juice and three tsp. apricot oil. Apply the composition to the curls, without rubbing into the roots. Leave for an hour and a half, rinse with shampoo. The course should be at least fourteen procedures carried out weekly.

For oily hair, a mask of cognac and apricot oil will be useful.

Masks with apricot oil can work miracles of transformation with oily hair: they become less greasy, become silky and shiny.

Normal hair care

The normal type of hair also needs appropriate care, apricot kernel oil is a great helper in this case too.

Recipes for a normal hair type are as follows:

  • combine honey and apricot essence in equal amounts, add the yolk of one egg to them. Rub into the skin of the head and along the length of the hair, wrap the head with a towel, you can leave it for up to three hours, rinse with shampoo. Apply two months once or twice a week;
  • mix three tbsp. l. apricot oil and two tbsp. l. white clay, pour in warm milk in a volume of 50 ml. Stir to a homogeneous consistency, rub the mass into the roots and distribute along the entire length of the hair. Create a greenhouse effect with polyethylene and a thick towel, hold for forty minutes. Such a mask will benefit from course application fourteen times every three days.

To get rid of dandruff

The disinfecting effect of oil pomace from apricot kernels helps fight dandruff.

Recipes to fight dandruff:

  • treat the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hair roots with a mixture of two tbsp. l. apricot oil liquid and three drops of tea tree ether. Cover with a warm hat, do not remove for thirty to forty minutes. Repeat the procedure for two months twice a week;
  • first you need to chop one large onion on a grater and squeeze out the onion juice, for the procedure you will need one tbsp. l. Pour two tsp there. vodka and one tbsp. l. apricot pomace. Mix the ingredients well and apply on the scalp, leave for an hour. Then wash your hair as usual with your usual shampoo. The unpleasant aroma of onions will help remove rinsing curls in a weak solution. lemon juice(two tablespoons per liter of water). Such a mixture is recommended for application for at least a month, once a week is sufficient;
  • in equal proportions, mix together freshly squeezed juices from lemon and aloe, honey, apricot essence. Massage into the skin on which hair grows for at least five minutes. Cover with a shower cap, wrap a towel on top, do not remove for half an hour. Enough one-time use per week, two months without interruption.

A mask containing lemon juice and apricot kernel oil helps with dandruff.

Apricot oil to prevent hair loss

Penetrating into the follicles, the components of the essence from apricot kernels strengthen the curls from the inside, so the hair falls out less.

Recipes for hair loss:

  • you need one tbsp. l. powdered burdock root and one glass of apricot oil, which after stirring should be infused for two weeks. After the specified period, spread the finished mixture on the roots under cellophane, leave for better absorption for an hour. Means to apply twelve weeks once or twice a week, and after a break, the course can be repeated;
  • prepare a decoction of one or two cloves of garlic, according to the recipe you will need 20 ml (four tsp), add two tsp there. rye bran powder and add 10 ml (two tsp) apricot oil. Rub the gruel directly into the root zone of the hair for ten minutes, then hold your head wrapped in a towel for another fifteen minutes. Wash with shampoo. Carry out the procedure twenty-one weeks every three to four days;
  • yeast in the form of tablets with zinc (three tablets), grind and dilute with one tsp. tincture of calendula, mix well, add whipped yolk and 10 ml of oil essence from apricot kernels. This mask should be applied all night, covering the head with cling film, and on top with a towel. Carry out such care after seven days for two months.

Hair growth stimulants

Apricot oil is able to activate dormant hair follicles, fatty acids and vitamins in its composition promote hair growth.

Recipes for masks for hair growth:

  • take one tsp. olive, apricot oils and the drug Dimexide (sold in a pharmacy). Spread the mixture on dry scalp and along the entire length of the hair and leave for an hour and a half. The course includes ten procedures that can be performed up to two times a week;
  • for oily hair, one yolk and one tbsp are added to the above recipe. l. cognac. Conduct once or twice a week for two months;
  • prepare a mixture of oils: two tbsp. l. apricot and seven drops of essential juniper. Rub the composition into the roots with massage movements and distribute over the curls. Leave for thirty to forty minutes under a towel and rinse with shampoo. Use the remedy after two to three days for four weeks.

Dimexide is an addition to apricot oil in a mask for the growth of curls

The use of apricot oil will bring maximum benefits if you follow a few simple tips.

It is necessary to purchase the product in trusted pharmacy chains that do not allow themselves to sell counterfeit products and have all the accompanying documentation to confirm the quality.

An affordable and simple way is to use the oil as an additive to a regular shampoo or a purchased mask. For a bottle of cosmetics with a volume of 250 ml, two tbsp. l. After that, the hair will be easier to comb, acquire shine and softness.

To wash off masks with apricot essence, the shampoo is applied without wetting with water, but “dry”.

To have beautiful Thick hair attracting attention and admirable you need to take proper care of them. Of course, in cosmetic stores there are many products that will help achieve the desired result, but both the price and the presence of preservatives and other harmful chemicals in the composition scare away. Are there natural products with which you can achieve silky and shiny curls? Yes, and one of those products is apricot oil. It is rich in vitamins, macronutrients and nutrients, thanks to which the hair will look great.

Apricot oil is extracted from the seeds of the fruit by cold pressing. The finished product is often used not only for cosmetic, but also for medicinal purposes. It is a natural antioxidant and moisturizer. Trichologists recommend using it as a medicine for various hair problems. This is because the composition of the oil contains many nutrients:

  1. Organic acids, of which the most important for hair are oleic, palmitic, linoleic and stearic acids. They give the ether anti-aging properties, the ability to restore damaged hair structure, give curls elasticity and strength.
  2. Tocopherol (vitamin E) is a component that helps the action of organic acids. In combination with them, it activates the production of collagen and elastin, which are responsible for the elasticity of the strands.
  3. Vitamin A (retinol). Copes with various inflammations, redness, itching and burning. Helps in the fight against dandruff and seborrhea. It treats not just the symptoms, but the disease itself, normalizing the work of the hair follicles and sebaceous glands. These properties make it suitable for both dry and oily hair.
  4. Vitamins of group B. Their effect on the hair is to heal microdamages, cracks and split ends. They also provide protection against negative conditions. environment creating a kind of barrier. Thanks to them, the curls are less polluted and remain clean for a long time.
  5. Vitamin C. It is a high-quality protection against beriberi, especially in the spring and autumn seasons. It is also a barrier against UV rays, sudden weather changes, including temperature, thermal effects of a hair dryer and various rectifiers.
  6. mineral elements. They control the presence of moisture in the hair cells, which is important for any type of curls. Dry skin needs more moisture, oily skin needs less. The lack of mineral elements often causes various problems.
  7. Magnesium. By acting on the scalp, it improves blood circulation and promotes the growth of new hair. Magnesium also helps to cope with hair loss.

Important! Apricot oil, due to its gentle effect, can be used even with existing inflammation. It has a gentle effect and has a minimum of contraindications. That is why it is so actively used by cosmetologists.

Apricot oil is widely used in the production of hair cosmetics. It is added as an active ingredient in shampoos, masks, balms and body wraps.

The Japanese company Kracie produces a series of products "Ichikami" based on apricot kernel oil, which are popular all over the world. The cost of one shampoo is about 600 rubles. Quite a lot, right? A jar of apricot oil will cost you only 150-200 rubles, the final price depends on the place of purchase.

Application of apricot oil for hair

Proper use of apricot oil for hair will make you the owner of thick and elastic curls. Here are some tips to help you achieve the desired result:

  1. It is recommended to buy the product in pharmacies or specialized stores of organic cosmetics. Pay attention to the composition. There may be the following names: Prunus armeniaca, Apricot Kernel Oil, Americana vulgaris. This oil is of good quality.
  2. The purchased cosmetic product must be kept in the refrigerator, because only in this way all the useful substances in the composition will be fully preserved. Also, the bottle should be made of dark glass. Remember to keep oil away from heating elements and batteries. Thus, you will not let the product deteriorate ahead of time.
  3. Apricot oil is a base oil, so it should be slightly warmed in a water bath before use. If there is no time for this, then you need to at least hold the product on the hot lid of the pot or kettle.
  4. In rare cases, there is an allergy to apricot oil. It is very easy to check yourself for its presence: just apply a small amount of the product on the inside of the elbow, smear it. If after 2 hours you have not noticed any redness, itching or burning, then you can safely use it.

Mask against hair loss

The problem of hair loss is now very relevant, since negative environmental factors have a detrimental effect on both the hair follicles and the curls themselves. A mask that is easy to make at home will help to cope with it. To prepare it, we need the following ingredients:

  • 4 drops of apricot oil;
  • 3 drops of lemon oil;
  • 1 egg yolk;
  • 1 medium sized onion.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Wash the onion, peel and cut into 4 parts, so it will be more convenient to work with it further.
  2. Chop the onion with a meat grinder or a blender with a purée attachment.
  3. After that, you need to take gauze or a very fine sieve and strain the gruel from the vegetable. You only need juice, so any solid residue can be thrown away immediately.
  4. Then we proceed to the preparation of the egg foam. Carefully separate the yolk from the protein and place in a separate bowl. Beat with a whisk until light foam.
  5. Add the beaten egg yolk to the onion juice and mix thoroughly. After making sure that the consistency is uniform, you can add oils. Apricot must be preheated.
  6. The future mask needs to be infused for half an hour. It can only be applied to damp but unwashed hair. With smooth massage movements, the mixture is rubbed first into the roots, and then distributed along the entire length of the hair.
  7. Next, wrap your head with plastic wrap and warm with a terry towel. The greenhouse effect will ensure good absorption and penetration of nutrients.
  8. Keep the mask for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo.

The course of treatment is 1 month with a frequency of 1 time per week. For preventive purposes, the mask is made 1 time in 14 days for 2 months. The effect of the procedure is the formation of new hairs, which begin to appear after the first application.

Important! If during the period of application or action of the mask you feel a strong burning sensation and itching, it should be washed off the hair immediately.

It is worth noting that if the reason lies in some internal malfunctions of the body, for example, in dysbacteriosis, then such a mask may not help. To achieve the effect, you need to eradicate the main cause of hair loss, which only a qualified specialist will help to understand.

Photo gallery: anti-hair loss mask ingredients

Lemon oil activates hair growth Egg yolk moisturizes the scalp Bulb is a simple ingredient in the fight against hair loss

Composition against dandruff

Dandruff gives girls and women discomfort, makes them shy and brings self-doubt. As many people know, most shampoos against this disease simply do not work, since there is not enough active ingredient that fights the disease. But this problem is easily solved with a mask with apricot kernel oil. It will give a beautiful look to your curls and scalp. For its preparation, the following components are required:

  • 1 st. l. sour cream;
  • 8 drops of apricot kernel oil;
  • 1 tsp cocoa powder;
  • 1 st. l. warm water.

How to prepare a mask:

  1. In order for cocoa powder to mix well with the rest of the ingredients, it must first be dissolved in warm water. You can do this in a small glass. However, it is important not to confuse the proportions, because with an excess of water, the mask will turn out to be too liquid and will begin to drain from the hair, and if there is too little of it, the product will simply clump. Ideally, you should get something like a paste.
  2. After making sure the consistency is correct, add sour cream. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Next add apricot oil. The mask is ready.
  4. It should be applied to damp, clean hair, to the roots and evenly distributing along the entire length. Wrap the head with polyethylene, over which wrap a towel.
  5. Keep the mask for 1 hour, then wash it off with warm water and ordinary shampoo. Balms and other hair care products do not need to be used. It is better to dry the curls naturally, as a hair dryer will provoke dryness.

Photo gallery: anti-dandruff mask ingredients

Sour cream perfectly moisturizes the skin Apricot oil is a valuable source of vitamins Cocoa powder will help get rid of dandruff

Recipe for dry hair

To restore shine, elasticity and freshness to dry curls, a mask with apricot kernel oil will help. Its components act on the structure of the hair, strengthening and nourishing it. You can cook it at home. To do this, take the following ingredients:

  • 6 drops of apricot oil;
  • 3 drops of peppermint oil;
  • 1 st. l. cognac;
  • 2 tbsp. l. oatmeal;
  • 50 ml of boiling water.

Cooking order:

  1. First you need to prepare oatmeal as follows: pour them into a metal container, pour 50 ml of boiling water and quickly cover with a lid. Let stand until completely cool.
  2. Then, using a blender, it is necessary to grind the oats to the state of a homogeneous gruel.
  3. Pour cognac into the resulting mixture and mix.
  4. Add essential oils and leave for 15 minutes in a dark place.
  5. Before applying the mask, the head should be washed and dried, but not completely - the hair should be damp. We distribute the mixture along the entire length, and also rub it into the roots with massage movements. We wrap the hair with plastic wrap and a warm towel.
  6. Wash off the mask after 40 minutes. You can dry your hair after it either with a towel or naturally, but not with a hair dryer.

The course of treatment is 2 months. You need to make a mask 2 times a week. In severe cases, repeated application may be required. In this case, it is worth taking a break for 14 days and repeating the same procedures again. Hair after such a mask becomes obedient and smooth and looks like after salon procedures.

Photo Gallery: Dry Hair Mask Ingredients

Peppermint Oil Cognac Oatmeal

Lamination with apricot oil

Any girl knows how beautiful hair looks after lamination. Flowing, shiny strands falling on the shoulders. But such a procedure in the cabin costs a lot. However, not everyone knows that a similar effect can be achieved at home. To make lamination with apricot oil, we need the following components:

  • 1 st. l. gelatin;
  • 3 art. l. hot water;
  • 1 st. l. hair balm;
  • 7 drops of apricot oil.

Preparing the mask:

  1. First you need to dissolve the gelatin in hot, but not boiling water. For the best effect, it is recommended to hold the mixture in a water bath until the substance is completely dissolved.
  2. Then add hair balm and apricot oil. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly.
  3. Apply the mask immediately, until the gelatin has hardened again. By clean wet hair distribute the mixture evenly. Then we wrap the head with plastic wrap and warm it with a towel.
  4. Wait 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and shampoo. Drying curls is important exclusively in a natural way.

The effect of such home lamination lasts 2 weeks. If desired, you can repeat the procedure for 2 months, then give the curls a rest for a month. Still, gelatin makes the hair a little heavier, even if it gives them a beautiful appearance.

  • within 2 days after the procedure, the hair cannot be fixed in a ponytail and braided, otherwise the lamination effect will be lost;
  • the first few days it is undesirable to go out if it rains or snows;
  • after lamination, you can not wash your hair for 48 hours, as there is a risk of washing off substances that have not yet been absorbed from the surface of the hair;
  • combing is recommended only with devices made of natural materials.

Hair after such a procedure becomes elastic, acquire shine and radiance. Substances contained in gelatin fill the damage in the hair structure and seal split ends, while apricot oil nourishes the curls and scalp.

The use of pure apricot oil

Apricot hair oil in its pure form is used to improve their general condition. Also, this procedure is recommended for those who have naughty curls and problems with combing. Thanks to the active ingredients that make up the product, it will help to cope with tangled hair and give them a neat, well-groomed look.

For the procedure:

  1. Rub 4 drops of apricot kernel oil on your fingertips. So it warms up a little and is ready to use.
  2. Start rubbing the oil with massage movements into the scalp, distributing it over the entire area of ​​​​the hairline.
  3. Then take a comb made from natural materials and slowly and gently begin to drive through the curls. Thus, the oil will envelop each hair.
  4. You need to wash your hair after such a procedure after 2 hours. If desired, you can leave the so-called mask overnight, after covering your head with a plastic bag so as not to stain the bed. Hair will become silky and soft.

Sunny and fragrant apricot has found application not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. From its bones, by cold pressing, they make universal remedy for body care - apricot oil. Due to the rich content of vitamins, fatty acids and beneficial trace elements, it can literally reanimate damaged and dry hair. The seed oil of this southern fruit is used as an independent component or as a base for masks.

Apricot kernel oil for hair is rich in a wide variety of trace elements:

  1. Organic acids promote hair rejuvenation, restore shine, strength and elasticity to damaged strands. The sun fruit oil contains almost a dozen polyunsaturated acids: palmitic, oleic, stearic, linolenic, palmitoleic, linoleic and others.
  2. Vitamin E is an indispensable element for getting rid of split ends. It stimulates the synthesis of collagen, makes the strands more elastic and protects them from the effects of negative external factors.
  3. Vitamin A treats skin diseases: seborrhea, itching, dry skin. This happens due to the normalization of metabolic processes in the hair follicles and sebaceous glands.
  4. B vitamins are a kind of “building material” for hair. They strengthen, restore and restore shine to curls. In addition, with sufficient nutrition of these trace elements, the strands become less greasy and stay clean longer.
  5. Vitamin C increases the hair's resistance to ultraviolet radiation, temperature extremes and the thermal effects of styling tools.
  6. Vitamin F moisturizes the strands due to the content of fatty acids. In addition, it enhances the action of other vitamins.
  7. The minerals in the composition of the oil - potassium and magnesium - maintain a sufficient level of moisture in the curls and normal blood circulation in the capillaries. This results in less hair fall and split ends.

What is useful

Apricot hair oil is obtained by cold pressing or pressing fruit seeds. It eliminates excessive dryness and irritability of the scalp due to a number of properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • nutritious;
  • antiseptic;
  • moisturizing;
  • wound healing;
  • regenerating.

The tool is well absorbed, does not leave greasy marks and does not weigh down the strands. It is hypoallergenic and suitable for any owner of any type of hair.

Regular use of apricot hair oil literally revives lifeless strands: makes them strong, shiny and obedient. But the main advantage of this tool is that it covers the curls with an invisible protective film. It protects hair from aggressive factors, while not weighing them down.

When to use oil

The main indications for the use of the drug are:

  • general unsatisfactory condition of the hair;
  • split ends;
  • dry and brittle strands;
  • loss of shine
  • deterioration in the health of curls after aggressive cosmetic procedures: regular styling using high temperatures, perm, dyeing.

How to use the remedy

Apricot oil - how to use the remedy

For apricot hair oil to bring maximum benefit, beauticians are advised to follow a number of basic principles:

  1. The tool is best purchased at a pharmacy or a professional cosmetics store. Only there you can buy original goods.
  2. Store the product in the same packaging in which it was sold, in a dark, cool place. The oil does not like exposure to the sun and heat.
  3. The only contraindication is individual intolerance. To check for allergic reactions, a drop of the product is rubbed into the crook of the elbow. If after a couple of hours there is no itching, rash and irritation, the oil can be safely applied. However, such side effect rare - the product in most cases does not cause allergies.
  4. Before use, the product is heated in a water bath to 40 ° C.
  5. Heated oily liquid can be used as an independent component or as a base for masks.
  6. Apricot pomace is a universal remedy. Therefore, it can be combined with almost any component: from aromatic oils to store shampoos.
  7. As with other masks, after application, the hair is insulated with a plastic cap and a terry towel.
  8. Apricot kernel remedy is not aggressive. It can be left on curls for as long as you want, even all night. However, if it is combined with other components that are especially irritating to the follicles (mustard, red pepper, ginger, cloves, citrus fruits), the application time is reduced to half an hour.
  9. For complete hair restoration, fruit pomace is recommended to be used 2 times a week in a course of 15 times. Then they take a break for 2 weeks and, if it was not possible to achieve a full result, repeat the treatment. But to maintain the health of undamaged strands, it will be enough to use the product every 10 days.
  10. In order for the product to be well washed out of the hair, there is a little secret: first, the shampoo is applied to dry curls, without wetting them, beat the foam and only then wash off the foam with water.

How to use pure apricot hair oil

Apricot kernel oil can be used "as is", in its pure form. This method is quite effective and does not require additional time or much effort.

Owners of dry hair should apply the squeeze to the hair roots and distribute them along the entire length. You can simply rub the product with your fingers or comb the curls with a wooden comb with rare teeth.

For those who have oily roots and split ends, it is recommended to use apricot oil only for the ends of the hair.

Another method that will protect your hair from the scorching sun is to sprinkle the comb with oil and run through the curls. The tool will evenly lie on the strands and protect them from ultraviolet radiation.

For those who do not have time at all, you can add 5 - 6 drops of the product to your shampoo, mask or conditioner. So you can "kill two birds with one stone": at the same time carry out a standard care procedure and provide additional hair nutrition.

Mask Recipes

Apricot oil is useful in itself. But you can enhance its effectiveness by making special masks based on it. In addition, the individual selection of additional ingredients will allow you to purposefully deal with a specific problem: whether it is dryness, seborrhea, loss of volume or lack of shine.

To add volume

1 teaspoon of apricot oil is mixed with the same amount of liquid honey and cognac. Add beaten egg yolk. Distribute the mixture through the hair from roots to ends with massaging movements. Warm and hold for 2 hours.

For growth

Combine 3 yolks, 2 teaspoons of homemade mayonnaise, 30 ml of oil and a pinch of ground red pepper. Mix, apply and hold for half an hour.

For enhanced nutrition and recovery

25 ml of apricot and peach oils are heated and mixed. Add 2 - 3 drops of lavender and rosemary aromatic oils. Spread over curls and wash off after 1 or 2 hours.


Mix 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and aloe juice, add 15 ml of base oil. For the current mask, take a tablespoon of balm and drive the yolk into it. The rest of the mixture is stored in the refrigerator until the next procedure. Such a hair mask with apricot oil literally “revives” severely injured strands.

To strengthen

a tablespoon of apricot castor oil mix, add 10 ml of freshly squeezed citrus juice and apply for half an hour.

From dandruff

5 drops of tea tree oil or rosemary are added to 20 ml of the base product. Be sure to coat not only the hair, but also the skin, massage for 3-4 minutes. Wash off after half an hour.

For dry strands

Chamomile (1 tablespoon) is poured with boiling water (100 ml) and infused for at least 30 minutes. The liquid is filtered, a teaspoon of apricot kernel oil, the same amount of heated glycerin and 25 ml of camphor alcohol are added to it.

For oily curls

In separate containers, they heat up a tablespoon of milk and apricot pomace. Add 20 ml of warm liquid honey. Apply to hair, insulate, wash off after an hour.

Apricot oil is a popular and effective remedy for hair. It is able to restore and return lost strength, elasticity and shine to even the most damaged strands in a short time.