An affair with an oriental man. Eastern love: truth and fallacy

What attracts our girls so much to Eastern men? What can a girl expect at a distant resort and what could be the consequences?

As soon as a Russian girl finds herself in a country where the sun constantly shines, she, in addition to the pleasure of relaxation, simultaneously receives a lot of compliments from Eastern men. And like waves rushing onto the shore, she will constantly feel herself in the center of attention and even fight off obsessive advances.

Many women on vacation behave frivolously and quickly find themselves in bed with a hot man; passionate courtship, which is in the blood of Easterners, plays an important role in this. They will promise to get you a star from the night sky, a cobblestone from the bottom of the sea. Disassemble the pyramids to the ground and all for the sake of your chosen one. Well, how can you disagree? Slavic girls, who are so deprived of attention, succumb to temptation and fall into the arms of eastern men. It will be great if everything ends as it began, just a little flirting at the resort does not bring much trouble when, upon arrival, the girl begins to think with her head and forgets the oriental macho. But it happens that, having arrived home, the young lady still lives with memories of her friend from the east and how good she felt next to him. True, few people remember that the period of courtship and passionate nights came to an end as quickly as it began. Usually such eastern love ends in a sea of ​​tears or hysteria, and sometimes even a broken fate. An incredible mirage, crumbling like a house of cards.

Long after the oriental romance, the girl realizes that the breakup brought pain only to her, and not to her ex-boyfriend. It can also happen that falling in love continues to live in correspondence and another meeting occurs on the next trip to the sun. The lady is ready to do anything for the sake of her beloved, she saves money for a trip to her lover and for a present for a friend, leaving no free time for herself. The Arabs actually came up with a joke about this, saying that 1 left and 10 arrived. Eastern men believe that being with a Slavic girl is the same as hitting a bank or a jackpot. In Muslim countries, women are not allowed to have sex with a man before marriage. So ardent machos quench their passion on Russian girls.

Due to customs, Eastern men take only their own women as wives. It rarely happens that Muslims marry Slavic girls; this is considered an unequal marriage and everyone reproaches it: parents, friends, society. Yes, by the way, not every girl can yet be suitable for the role of the wife of an Eastern man - first of all, she must be submissive, constantly wear a hijab, accept her husband’s faith and be prepared for the fact that now her place is only next to the stove. An Arab's wife has no rights at all; she should not be interested in why he was late or did not come to spend the night.

Everything that was so attractive, seemed exotic and romantic, after marriage will turn into an unbearable hell. Yes, of course, love can push you to the most incomprehensible actions, but is it worth your freedom? Therefore, you should think about whether such a novel is worth the sacrifices.

For residents of Russia, people from the East seem alien and strange. Eastern men, for example, are very different from representatives of the stronger sex from the West and from Russia. What is it about such men that attracts our women? First of all, this is increased responsibility for the lady of the heart and the family as a whole. What is she like - psychology of eastern men?

The role of the eastern man

The role of a man among Eastern men is the same as it was in ancient times - family protector, breadwinner, breadwinner. Russian men, of course, also act as the head of the family, breadwinner and protector, but much less often.

A female breadwinner is a disgrace for a Muslim

It is unlikely that in any eastern family you can find a family in which a woman would be the head of the family and the breadwinner. Such a situation would be simply shameful for an Eastern man. If you want to connect your life with a Muslim man, you can be sure that your children, like you yourself, will always be well-fed, well dressed and financially secure.

The role of the eastern woman

True, in an alliance with an eastern man there are also minuses. This is especially true for women who are not Eastern peoples and know little or nothing about the Muslim religion. The role of women in the East is limited, the fair sex raises children, and that’s all, in essence. A wife must help her husband in everything, must not contradict him, she must strictly carry out his will. The man always has the last word, even when it comes to raising children, which is a woman's business.

Wildness or harsh reality? And is it harsh?

Many Christian women will consider this family structure to be nothing more than savagery, although, if you take a closer look, it is not savagery. Everything is logical: the man produces, earns, feeds, and the woman provides him with comfort and homeliness. Eastern wives themselves do not believe that their rights are being infringed; they have become accustomed to this way of life a long time ago.

Discipline and religion come first

Eastern men are disciplined and take religion extremely seriously.. Here you can meet a person who calls himself a Christian, but does not live according to the laws of God. He does not go to church, does not fast, does not confess. And this happens all the time. And Muslims clearly fulfill the will of Allah. And such discipline has a positive effect on the Eastern way of life. And if an Eastern man has promised you something, rest assured that he will keep his word.

When girls grow into girls and begin to communicate with the opposite sex, the dreams dissipate. Having become disappointed in the men around us, we can begin to dream that somewhere beyond the seven seas they are completely different.

According to the results of a survey of the dating site, in which more than 10,000 women, every third person would like to marry a foreigner.

Having learned that Europeans, even very wealthy ones, usually do not waste money, and in some situations generally demonstrate excessive frugality (read: greed), in search of a prince, the girls rushed to the generous East. Coverage – from Turkey before United Arab Emirates . Eastern machos like our compatriots of almost any age and with different external characteristics. The language barrier is not a problem. Our women are attracted to them by their fair skin, fine, soft hair, ability and willingness to

As a result: he is so brutal, temperamental, romantic; she is so gentle, caring and loving. He is ready to provide and give her, to the best of his ability and salary, everything she wants. And everything seems to be fine, but... There are quite a few “buts”. First things first.


Having grown up, you need to stop building castles in the air and live in the world of your fantasies. All men are different. Not in different countries, but in general. Negative experiences in our native lands and special cases from magical overseas tales are not evidence that in Russia men are bad, but Lebanon or Saudi Arabia- better. We must understand that we are treated the way we allow ourselves to be treated. If a woman chooses the role of the victim and cannot behave differently, she will find her tyrant in any other country.


The number of Christians in Muslim countries is small. Before you start building a relationship, it would be good to understand how important faith is for your chosen one. The point is not the strictness of religious canons - the fact that a man performs prayers five times a day or attends a mosque on major holidays, most likely, you will guess in the very first months. Here you can also pay attention to family traditions, rules . If you have big plans, then also for raising children, including their affiliation with some religion. If you do not feel ready and able to accept Islam, then you should think about it.


Even neighboring countries can differ significantly: they have special flavors, customs and traditions that cannot be ignored.

Relatives and environment

If for your prince you are the most incredible and wonderful, the opinion of your relatives may be biased. For them, you are a foreigner, alien and incomprehensible. On East the influence of older relatives is more significant than in our latitudes. It would be worth preparing for the fact that the paternal grandmother will not sit with her grandchildren.

The language barrier

After years family life in couples, spouses no longer communicate so closely with each other. This happens when a relationship is in crisis, but this is hardly the norm. spouses talk, discuss topics that are interesting to both, solve problems, and so on. If you can't find mutual language, both literally and figuratively, relationships can be very difficult.


In general, before you start running your finger over the map of an eastern state, you need to thoroughly study everything that you will encounter. Get acquainted with life, relatives and friends and understand whether you can fit into Eastern life.

For exactly a month, our author Olga Zhilina took on the role of a submissive oriental wife. All for the sake of my husband. And in order to see if he will turn into the hero of a real oriental (or some other) fairy tale.

Life of women of the East

Practice: If it was just about sex, I'd be happy to try. But no, something else is required of me! In the morning, brew coffee and bring it with fresh buns to my “Sultan” in bed. And it doesn’t matter that I want to sleep, I rocked the baby all night or wrote an article! Or we had a routine - today I massage your feet, tomorrow you rub my back. But the experiment does not imply equality, and I have to work hard as a masseuse for a month.


Practice: We divided household responsibilities among ourselves. And I couldn’t imagine how I could live differently. But the insidious Ainash drew attention to this point Special attention: “Don’t expect a man who washes floors and bakes pies to load a Gazelle with cement and curse at the plumbers.” On the first evening, Valya was perplexed why, after the dinner I had prepared, I did not allow him to wash the dishes. My husband very quickly acquired the habit of snoring in front of the TV after a hearty meal.


Practice: According to the tradition of some countries, mothers take care of their sons until they are three years old, and after this age the boys are raised by their father. Our Tiger Cub—that’s what we call our son—is not yet 10 months old, and he is at my complete disposal. However, Valya loves to crawl and race with the baby, twist and throw him to the ceiling, and loves bathing together before bed. It would be cruel to deprive them of these joys. Sorry, Cosmo!


Practice: Looking good at any time of the day is normal for me. But maybe it’s worth adding a little seductiveness to the image? I took from the mezzanine silk trousers, a sequined top and a belt with bells, which I bought in Egypt five years ago. “So they came in handy!” - my thrift rejoiced as I carried the breakfast tray to my beloved’s bed, jingling melodiously. “Why are you dressed up like that?” - the husband was surprised and clearly thought: “She’s up to no good.” Beauty in Arabic: 10 secrets of oriental women.


Practice: To put a man on a pedestal and constantly praise him, it seems to me that this mission of Eastern women is impossible. We perceive spouses as partners, friends, lovers, but a deity? Even I, now financially dependent on my husband, could not cultivate sacred awe in myself. And yet he is smart, handsome and kind - that’s why I fell in love with him. My experiment is a reason to remind myself and him of this! All month my lips flowed with honey. You should have seen his surprise when, freed after a 6-hour battle with virtual monsters, he lay down, and I, who usually did not hide my dislike for his computer games, whispered in his ear: “Darling, you are a hero!” Speaking of monsters...


Practice: How many times have I wanted to pull my loved one away from the monitor, close access to the Internet and erase all games from the hard drive, including Klondike! But at the same time, it was curious how long Valya himself would last, stunned by the freedom that had fallen on him. After two weeks of active virtual life, the miracle happened. “Should we go and see the apartment tomorrow?” - suggested the husband.


Practice: The next morning, at about 2 p.m., my husband got ready and set sail. An hour later the call: “There are no more workers in the house!” I'm not surprised. Six months ago, specialists who were doing renovations in neighboring apartments offered us their services, but Valentin said that for that kind of money he would learn the tricks of painting and plastering himself. He didn’t start training, and the workers left for new projects. Appeared new plan: “I’ll do everything myself! Sanya will help." Sanya is a classmate, an alcoholic and a parasite who stubbornly leads Valentin astray. IN last time They celebrated the birth of the Tiger Cub so vigorously that they were spotted with a bottle of whiskey near the Vykhino metro station and placed in a monkey barn. It's scary to leave them unattended! I say: “I understand, you need to meet. Come to us, I’ll cook lamb in pomegranate sauce and buy red wine!” As befits an oriental woman, I serve them at the table with a smile and do not interfere in men’s conversations. Not a word in the conversation about repairs...

Secrets of Eastern women: results of the experiment

For 31 nights and days I, like Scheherazade, pleased my husband, following the above rules. One day the project was on the verge of failure - the Tiger Cub fell ill, and after a sleepless night with crying baby I had no strength left to wash, wash, cook and at the same time please my husband’s eyes with my blooming appearance. Fortunately, my husband is not a heartless padishah and did not chop off my head, but cooked a completely edible soup, and also cheered up the cold Tigger and ran off to get groceries. And at the children's clinic, we got in line to see the doctor in the morning. That's how caring he is. During the experiment, I thought a lot about our family and came to the conclusion that my husband is as much a goofball as I am a dictator, he has as much immaturity as I have leadership habits. What can you do, we are both products of our civilization! And the life of Eastern women does not suit me.

I noticed…

THE GOOD: For a month, we never quarreled thanks to the fact that I controlled my emotions and words (I have to admit: all quarrels are initiated by me)! Valentin rested as he wanted, and, satisfied, peaceful and rounded, left for his watch. The very next day I found a team of workers on the Internet, ordered building materials by phone and began repairs.

The burning eyes of Eastern men, their tenderness and temperament rarely leaves any Slavic woman indifferent. Often in a southern country where you are vacationing or traveling, the hot sun begins to burn on your head, a slight intoxication hits you, but your soul contains only feelings and emotions. And especially with such colossal male attention... Well, what can I say...

IN southern countries, any girl (woman) feels like a queen, catching the admiring glances of men. And many single girls who are disappointed in men of the “domestic manufacturer”, and women who for a long time they walk alone, holding hands tightly, take risks and fall into the pool of beautiful phrases and promises of eastern men.

“Everything is at your feet, dear! Stars from the sky, stones from the bottom of the sea, be mine!” the men beat their chests. And women deprived of love are overwhelmed by a wave of arrogant and persistent male attention: they feel that they are beautiful and desirable as never before. A real oriental man knows how to love! Ready for action!

Usually according to the woman, first of all according to her appearance(clothes, cosmetics) and by her behavior you can immediately see what she is worthy of and men are already deciding how to behave with her! A girl has the right to control her own body.
Unfortunately, girls forget that Eastern men are suitors by their calling. And yet, they forget that the period of beautiful courtship and stormy nights ends as quickly as it all began. Often, Eastern love ends in tears, broken hearts, and sometimes even destinies. A fairy-tale mirage crumbles like a house of cards. It brings very strong bitterness, and after a while, already in her homeland, the girl understands the banal truth that after a stormy holiday romance, it is she who is hurt, and not the one who remained in a distant eastern country.
An eastern man brings a woman to ecstasy with gifts and caresses. She's ready for anything! But the basic rule of oriental sex is that desire must be mutual and equally strong. No one should please anyone. In bed, everything is done only for the mutual pleasure and joy of the partners. Everything is equal! So, for mutual pleasure, variety and quality improvement sex life- secrets of eastern love.

This is how a fairy tale called “Eastern Love” begins.
Looking at Eastern men, one gets the impression that in their heads, instead of thoughts, fiery music constantly sounds, and intoxicating wine flows in their veins. They intoxicate, intoxicate with their beautiful phrases, with compliments that we have never heard in our lives, they give us the fairy tale we dreamed of, they know how to beautifully present a story about the meaning of life and the fairy-tale love that they saw in our eyes. We look at them with fascination and sincerely believe that this is true. They give something that a European man could hardly give.

We enjoy every minute of this false love that so abruptly burst into our hearts and drove us crazy. Hot Arabs or sultry Azerbaijanis, gentle Dagestanis and romantic Turkmen seem to bring happiness into our lives.

We are sure that there is no reason to leave, you were not appreciated by others, and now everything will be fine! You just have to say the word and you will forever be carried in your arms and loved. They love you! Does it really matter that friends and relatives scare you with “dirty villages” and clogged huts, or say that you will have to “wash villages” all your life? And what is this in human terms? Is it just household amenities, comfort, shops?

What about the soul? If your soul reaches out for a certain person, then you will sacrifice all the benefits of civilization. After all, meeting a dear soul in our lives is a great rarity and great happiness. Which you won’t exchange for everyday comfort. And you will run to preserve your happiness. Next to this person.

But when loving an Eastern man, one must take into account the peculiarities of culture. This is something that has evolved over centuries. The mentality of an eastern man: he should have one wife, and at least 100 mistresses. And how many mistresses he has is none of your business, you will find out whether you have a chance to either be beaten, or listen to tons of “noodles” that no one else but you. But it’s always worth remembering that an Eastern man will never leave his family for his mistress, even if you have an unearthly passion.

Caucasians also have a very negative attitude towards any hints of contacts with other men, and contacts are not physical properties, but just stood nearby, looked, God forbid, told a joke. Therefore, 100%, when a close relationship arises, he will try to control and arrange scenes of jealousy. You get tired of explaining that when you said “hello” to your neighbor, you didn’t mean anything by it.

Girls who look at life more soberly and regard oriental tales as fairy tales, believe that for the sake of self-preservation, do not accept his proposals for a trip to his homeland. You don't know him well. The person may have uncontrollable fits of anger, and you will have nowhere to escape. If you want to go somewhere with him, then encourage him to go on a joint trip to a neutral place, anything, but not his native land).

It is clear that you should not flirt with Caucasian men. Even light flirting is perceived by them as a specific call. Therefore, you need to behave with them very carefully and immediately establish specifics in the relationship.

But the most interesting thing is that the attitude of local men towards our tourists is not serious. They often, behind their backs, call Slavic girls “sharmuts”, i.e. prostitutes. They believe that our girls come to the resort not only for new experiences, but also for new love.

Those who have experienced love with Eastern men say that we will not be able to understand each other normally. For Muslims, we will always remain Russian “Natashas” with whom we can only have fun. Even a businessman, always in a suit, a rare intellectual, can preach the values ​​of a market seller of oranges and tangerines.

But what awaits the girl who agreed to connect her life with a stranger? Will strong resort oriental love be able to survive in a foreign country, where traditions are too strong and influence is great? public opinion? It is very difficult to decide to accept faith, to submit to all these traditions, prayers (and during Lent, prayers in the mosque occur 5 times a day), the willingness to wear a hijab (and no deep necklines, short shorts and dresses!), and to stay at home.

In general, bride kidnapping is not the most worthy custom in the North Caucasus. A kind of echo of ancient savagery. If the girl agrees, it still doesn’t go anywhere. But when they act on the principle of “saw, liked, stole,” this is not good. A young horseman rapes the bride and arranges a party. Since then, the bride has lived in her husband’s house; leaving for her parents is shameful, so live forever with someone you don’t love.

In the East, men love submissive wives, and you should be prepared for the fact that your place will be in the kitchen. Not everyone can sit at home, give birth to children, cook Arabic dishes, and obey not only her husband, who lives according to Sharia law, but also his mother.

Absolute patriarchy reigns in Caucasian marriages. Men can do anything, women can do nothing. "Wah, malchi, woman, when men talk, right?"
With the opening of the holiday season, men go to great lengths, but if, God forbid, a woman even looks in the other direction - everything is an ax to the head.

Yes, women in the Caucasus are a separate matter. Such patient, silent and submissive people cannot be found anywhere! Another would have long ago hit her husband on a spree with a rolling pin in the forehead, but these guys won’t, they will remain silent, silent, silent.
Here is a bitter truth about children in the East: The woman takes care of the children, but in case of divorce, the father raises the children.

All this is depressing... What about love? He's so unique! Should you believe in love?
Yes, LOVE IS WORTH BELIEVING! You just need to figure it out first (with a specific man) - is he in love or so - the call of the flesh. But since it is not possible to resolve this issue accurately during an average vacation, it is better to spend time on something else.