Armenian wedding script for the host. Best wedding scripts

Weddings are very different, from chic and stunning in their scale celebrations, to modest family and low-key events. Marriage can be customized for any wishes and financial capabilities, but at the same time it should be borne in mind that a significant day should touch the hearts of the newlyweds and their guests. And a wedding script will help create the right atmosphere.

A wedding without a script risks turning into an endless and boring feast with family and friends. Competitions and different plot twists are important precisely because they do not let the guests get bored... People who do not know each other get to know each other in the process of various games and relay races.

If the wedding is designed for a small number of guests (from 10 to 30), then the presence of a toastmaster is optional.

Who to entrust the preparation of the script and holding?

  • Most organically in the role of presenters will look witness and witness... They, as close associates of the newlyweds, will be able to compose a script in tandem with the bride and groom, and then play it at the wedding;
  • If for the most part there will be people of adults and old age at the wedding, you can entrust the holding of the event parents of a newly-made family... Well, the script can be found on the Internet and adjusted to suit your personal wishes;
  • If you do not want to involve guests in the wedding organization, invite a friend from the outside... In fact, he will take on the role of toastmaster, but he will not have to pay with money (payment can be organized by holding paid contests, the money from which your presenter will take for himself).

At home or in a restaurant?

You can have a beautiful wedding both in a restaurant and at home. But a home feast will cost much less than finding and booking a hall, paying for a buffet and the work of service personnel.

Wedding at home


  • saving money;
  • the ability to adapt to any situation (including quickly washing a white dress stained with wine, hemming a witness's unexpectedly torn pants and finding props for the competition);
  • the opportunity to send guests who have gone over too much to sleep in the next room;
  • no need to go home after a tiring but happy day, taking with them numerous gifts.


  • "Simplicity" and lack of entourage;
  • monotony of wedding photos (home environment does not favor luxurious photo sessions);
  • the likelihood that in the process of violent fun the interior of the apartment may be seriously damaged;
  • lack of space;
  • self-service.

Wedding in a restaurant



  • serious cash spending;
  • limited actions (all problems and tasks will have to be solved on the spot, with the help of improvised means);
  • the need to return home with "luggage" gifts, alcoholic beverages, etc.

As you can see, both options have their pros and cons. However, a good wedding scenario without a toastmaster for those closest to you will compensate for any disadvantages and help people relax.


Before writing the script, choose the direction in which you will move. This could be:

As a basis for creating your script you can take a classic wedding plan.

  1. Bride and groom greeted with a loaf, and the mother-in-law sprinkles millet on the young couple. Then the newlyweds are seated in a specially designated place and the parents make a parting speech (introductory words prepared in advance). Then the word is passed on to the relatives and friends of the newly-made family.
  2. After all the invitees have drunk a couple of glasses and the first toasts have been pronounced, you can proceed to the competition program. Active games are diluted with drinking games... Relays are held between meals and congratulatory words (if guests wish to make a toast). The hosts of the event, focusing on the mood of the people, can announce musical breaks (disco).
  3. The first dance of the bride and groom is announced when the guests drank no more than 3-5 glasses of alcohol. It's important to get the script right to this touching moment. For example, a musical gift from parents may be presented before the dance, and close family friends may read beautiful poems.
  4. Towards the end of the festive evening, it is announced disco and group games(eg boys versus girls). All guests must be involved in the final contests. The scenario of a home wedding without a toastmaster can be planned without a disco, replacing it with singing in karaoke or dance mini-contests.
  5. After cutting wedding cake or loaf. Parents conduct a ceremony of farewell to bachelor life for their children. Mothers take off the veil from the bride and "hand over" the young wife to the reliable hands of her husband. A beautiful point will be lighting a wedding candle, which symbolizes the birth of a new family.

Suitable contests, moving and drinking

The scenario of a wedding without a toastmaster in a narrow circle can be "seasoned" with the most bold and unusual contests, which guests hot with alcohol will welcome with a bang.

Kisses sweet

Couples consisting of girls and boys (at least 6 couples) are called to the center of the hall. Then the representatives of the stronger sex are offered to kiss their partners, voicing the places for the kiss.

For example, "I will kiss Marina on the cheek." You cannot repeat yourself, which complicates the task for the next applicants.

The losers are those who did not find a place for a kiss.

Heart Gift

The competition again involves couples. Men write on a piece of paper what they plan to give their companion. And women, not suspecting what they are going to give them, tell how they will use the gift. This is quite a fun competition, because in the process the girls can dress for the holiday in a new frying pan or hang new earrings on the wall.

Inflatable tango

Several people come out to the center of the hall and randomly split into pairs. On a signal (when the music starts), people who find themselves in a pair should unite in a passionate dance, holding the inflated balls between their stomachs. The winners are those who burst the balloon the fastest, while performing the original dance.

The walls have ears too

This competition can be held to collect money. The presenters prepare facts about the bride and groom in advance, and the guests need to guess whether the named facts are true or false. Anyone who is wrong pays "tax".

My beloved

You can take an arbitrary number of people to the competition. Each is invited to name the most beautiful part of the body of the person standing next to him. When everyone in a circle voices his own version for the neighbor on the left, the presenter announces that now the "favorite place" needs to be kissed.

Young mother

For the competition, you need to prepare plastic bottles and nipples that are put on the bottles.

You can use a sprite, cola or phantom as a "food".

The winners will be those who drink the contents of the bottle more accurately and faster.


Several men are seated on chairs. The bride, blindfolded, is brought to the contestants. She must find her betrothed by only feeling the boys' noses.

Good luck knot

Several couples are selected from those who wish. The united guys and girls are placed shoulder to shoulder and tied with touching hands. Further, the contestants, using only their free hands, must lace up the sneaker and tie a bow on it. Those who quickly and "cleanly" cope with the task will win.

You can easily make up funny wedding scenarios without a toastmaster, the main thing is to make an effort and not limited to standard canons holding a celebration.

The more creative and funnier the organization of the celebration, the more pleasant it will be for guests and newlyweds to remember this exciting and joyful day.

Ready scripts

Option number 1

Option number 2

An interesting article for future newlyweds. Several scenarios for a wedding.

A wedding is one of the most memorable experiences for a couple. So you want to hold a celebration in a fun atmosphere with friends and family. Nowadays, European-style weddings, which are held without the participation of a toastmaster, are in fashion. But do not think that the celebration will consist only of a modest feast. You can take on the role of the presenter.

Comic original script for a wedding anniversary

Of course, a wedding anniversary, and especially an anniversary, should be spent in the company of those closest to you. To make the holiday fun, you can arrange various contests and games.

Approximate scenario for a wedding anniversary

It is not necessary to tie the script to a specific date, but you can mention it. For the celebration, it is advisable to choose two leaders. It is best if it is a man and a woman.

Leading words:

Greetings dear guests

Throw away all your sorrows

And get ready to have fun

To fully enjoy the wedding.

Do not forget to fill your glasses

And to drink for the newlyweds.

Questions and Answers Competition

Address to the couple (heroes of the occasion):

Now you have a task

A very responsible test

You go out to the center of the hall together

Choose the answers to the questions well.

For this competition, you need to prepare two bags with questions and answers for the groom in advance. Questions can be of the following plan:

  • Darling, do you want a lot of kids?
  • Are you going to call my parents "mom" and "dad"?
  • Are we getting a dog?
  • Will you buy me a fur coat?

The bride pulls out the papers from the first bag, and the groom answers from the second. The answers should be like this:

  • Only after the silver wedding
  • Dream baby
  • If the salary allows

Thus, the groom randomly selects the answers to the questions. It turns out very original and fun.

Fun lottery

After this competition, the couple sit down and take a short break to eat and drink. Guests are sure to shout "Bitter"! When the invitees and the husband and wife have a little rest at the table, the second presenter asks the guests to buy a comic lottery. You don't have to name the price, let each of the invitees give as much money as he sees fit.

Presenter's words:

"Dear guests rested, drank a little,

Now we ask you to come and purchase the lottery. "

A basket with pieces of paper is prepared in advance. Each of the guests should take out a package and read aloud what is written inside. For example:

  • Do not be sad, crunch. We hand you a crouton (a pack of rusks is handed over)
  • This thing may be useful to you. You will have to get drunk on the sutra (a bottle of beer or low-alcohol drink is given)
  • Our modest gift is called a pencil (I give pencils to the guest)
  • You will soon say thank you, and the gift is the best book (the guest is handed a magazine with crosswords)
  • Now there is a lot of fun. And our present will save you from a hangover tomorrow (handing over Aspirin)

IMPORTANT! It is necessary to give guests a little break from the contests. The guests and heroes of the occasion drink and eat.

After a short break, the heroes of the occasion are presented with gifts. It is necessary to do it jokingly. It is worth making an appointment with one of the guests in advance. Facilitators need to prepare a large box with broken bottles. The box is beautifully packaged. One of the guests vilifies the gift for the newlyweds and says that this service is insanely expensive, and he chose it for a long time. When presenting, the guest drops the box with the “gift” on the floor. Everyone hears the sound of broken glass. After that, the guest announces that this is a draw and gives the couple their real gift.

Bride Kidnapping Competition

It is necessary to quietly take the bride out of the hall during the dance. After that, the presenter says that the bride is gone, and in order to redeem her, the groom needs to dance a striptease. After the groom's dance, one of the invited men comes out, dressed in the bride's dress, and sits on the groom's lap. The guest says that he will return the bride if the groom gives him a bottle of Hennessy. At the same time, it is not necessary to buy this elite drink. On a bottle of cognac, you can stick a Hennessy label drawn on a quick hand. After the redemption, the couple dances a final dance by candlelight. The guests eat the cake and leave.

Scenario of a wedding banquet

Increasingly, newlyweds are trying to save money on wedding behavior. Most young people prefer to travel abroad for a vacation than spend a lot of money on luxurious banquets. But this does not mean that the holiday will be boring. You can prepare interesting contests and a scenario for the celebration in advance.

Be sure to have during the wedding:

  • Thank parents
  • Congratulate the newlyweds
  • Arrange a bride kidnapping
  • Thank the guests
  • Cheer up the invitees using contests and lotteries

Fun contests for a wedding

They can be announced by one of the guests. It is best if it's a close friend of the bride or friend.

  • Competition "Attraction". For the competition, you need to pack the items in large boxes in advance. At the same time, it is not necessary to say what is packed. It is necessary to describe the subject in a comic manner. For example: milk storage container (bra), egg tray (family panties), washing machine (grout), sewing machine (needle and thread). Guests should bargain after the lot is announced. The starting price can be 5-10 rubles. The money is put into a bag for the newlyweds. After purchasing lots, guests are asked to unpack the prizes
  • Competition "Casanova". It is necessary to choose several cheerful men among the guests. Music turns on and for a certain period of time a man must collect more kisses. The count is based on the number of lipstick prints on a man's face. Women should take a long time to give up, the participant wins the kiss
  • Competition of questions for guests. This is a traditional and fun competition. It is necessary to prepare leaflets with questions and answers in advance. They are put in different boxes. Questions should be like this: do you like alcohol? Have you ever danced striptease? Do you hide your additional income from your partner? Do you have connections on the side? The answers might be: I know you can not ask, I get pleasure from it, but at night in bed, ashamed to confess at all. Usually this competition is accompanied by laughter.

Modern wedding script for a wedding with unusual and fun contests

This scenario is ideal for younger guests. All contests are fun and lively:

  • Portrait. Several participants are selected for this competition. Sheets and pencils are given to each contestant. Everyone should draw someone from the invitees. On the back, in small letters, you need to write who is depicted in the portrait. Then these drawings are handed out to the guests and they have to guess who is drawn in the portrait. Whose drawing will collect the most correct answers, then the winner. Portraits are given to the one who is depicted on it
  • Who was born? Several couples are selected for this fun competition. Women stand in front of their men. The presenter distributes information to women about the baby. On the sheets you can write: a Chinese with sly eyes was born, a negro baby who yells all the time. In this case, a woman must show her partner with gestures what is written on the piece of paper. The one of the men who most correctly unravels the encrypted information wins
  • Competition "Drunkard"... This competition is built on the principle of the children's game "Excess dropped." For this, 5-6 participants are selected. One glass less than the competitors is placed on the table. Music turns on and participants walk around the table. As soon as the presenter claps his hands or the music stops, you need to grab a glass and empty it. Whoever didn't get a drink is eliminated
  • Contest "Kid". To do this on stage is invited to a few men who like beer. A nipple is put on each bottle. Which of the participants will empty the container faster is the winner

Scenario for a small wedding party with friends

It is desirable that matchmakers take on the role of leading. If they are of advanced age, then it is possible for the celebration to be held by the girlfriends and friends of the newlyweds. Before the arrival of the newlyweds, the hosts offer guests snacks and champagne in the lobby of the restaurant.

After the arrival of the spouses, romantic music turns on, and the children sprinkle a couple with rose petals. One of the hosts offers to say goodbye to the bride's maiden name. For this, the girl is given an armful of balloons filled with helium and a marker. The bride must write her maiden name on each of the balloons and release them into the sky.

  • Competitions for the bride and groom. This is a kind of test for newlyweds. Several men must be seated in the center of the hall. The bride is blindfolded. She must use her hands to feel the ears of each candidate and determine where her husband is. The groom will not be bored either. He is blindfolded. Several girls sit on chairs and bare their legs. The groom must feel his feet to determine where his beloved
  • Competition for guests. It is necessary for the presenters to choose several active couples in the hall. The men sit on chairs, and a paper napkin is placed on their knees. Women sit on their partners' knees. The music turns on and the participants must rub the napkins with their buttocks and feet
  • Competition for invitees "Clothespins". A traditional and very fun competition. Several pairs are selected. Men are given empty tin cans on ropes and clothespins. Participants are blindfolded. They have to pin jewelry on their chosen ones. Then you can ask them to take off the jewelry without using their hands with their eyes open. This competition brings together people, if they are not married
  • Dance competition. Couples are given balloons, incendiary music is turned on. Partners must burst the ball in the dance, squeezing it with their buttocks or chest

The wedding ends with the ceremony of removing the veil. For this, romantic music is turned on, the groom takes off the veil from the bride and dances with her the first family dance. Further, the newlyweds thank the guests for congratulating them. The spouses cut the wedding cake and give it to the guests. At the end of the evening, everyone enjoys the wedding fireworks.

Scenario of a wedding evening with competitions for toastmaster. Wedding celebration script for toastmaster

Usually, the scenario of a wedding with a toastmaster is divided into two parts: an introductory and a drinking one. At the very beginning, after the arrival of the newlyweds, they are sprinkled with wheat grains and rose petals.

  • Affectionate like
  • Beautiful as
  • Caring how
  • Smart how

After each proposal, she pulls out a piece of paper with an animal that the groom wrote. The competition with the bride's answers is held in the same way. Laughter echoes through the hall.

It is considered traditional to vote for the gender of the baby who will be born in a pair. For a fun game, the toastmaster brings out two little men, one blue and the other pink. Each of the guests must put some money in the chosen person.

Accordingly, if one of the invitees wants to vote for a girl, he must spend money in pink clothes. Win the floor, which will collect the most money.

The toastmaster can prepare a bottle of champagne in advance with a photograph of the bride and groom couple.

IMPORTANT! The lovers will have to open the bottle exactly one year later.

  • Competition "What's in the Glass". A fun competition for all guests. To carry it out, 100 g of vodka is poured into a glass. It is necessary to lower a straw into each container. The toastmaster announces that there is water in all the glasses except one. Guests need to determine by the grimaces of the participants in which glass the vodka. At the end of the competition, the presenter admits that in all glasses vodka
  • Nodules. A fun competition that will allow you to have fun with the participants. Toastmasters invites to attend several people of different sex and age. Each participant is given a rope 1 m long. It is necessary for each of the participants to tie as many knots as possible. After everyone cope, the toastmaster announces that the winner will be the one who is the first to untie all the knots.
  • A fun competition for men. Toastmaster invites to the stage several men who have completed military service in the army. They are given neatly folded T-shirts and are asked to put them on quickly. The participants are then blindfolded and given family briefs. Men will try to put on their underpants, thinking they are T-shirts.

Original wedding scripts with home contests

If the wedding is celebrated at home, then most often among those invited are the closest people and friends. Everyone is tired of the usual noisy feasts for a long time. It is worthwhile to take a responsible approach to the organization of the celebration and think over every little thing.

An obligatory part of any wedding:

  • Meeting of the newlyweds
  • The first dance of the newly made spouses
  • Congratulations and toasts
  • Contests, games and competitions
  • Giving gifts
  • Dance and disco
  • Farewell to girlish and bachelor life
  • Eating birthday cake

So that the wedding does not seem boring, it is necessary to dilute the traditional part with fun games and contests. At the same time, you need to try so that the guests do not get bored and do not have time to get pretty drunk. To do this, after 1-2 glasses they have drunk, they arrange some kind of competition.

Home Wedding Contests

  • Cabbage rolls... A comic competition for which a man is invited. He is blindfolded and announced that a woman is lying on the couch with a sweet candy in her mouth. He must find the candy and eat it hands-free. But a man lies on the sofa without candy, while the music "Blue Moon" is playing
  • Appetite. Couples are invited for the competition, they are blindfolded and swapped. Participants need to eat a banana, a different participant bites from each edge. Thus, the contestants will meet with their lips. Fun if the participants are of the same gender
  • Pregnant wife. A fun competition for men. It is necessary for the witness and the groom to glue the balloon with tape at the level of the abdomen. A box of matches is poured onto the floor, and the participants must collect everything and not burst the ball

Scenario of a wedding evening in a narrow circle

The scenario depends on where the celebration is held, at home or in a cafe. The restaurant can hold mobile contests that require a lot of space. Houses are mainly purchased games and competitions at the table or next to it. You can even arrange a quiz at the beginning of the celebration while all the guests are sober.

  • Striptease. A circle is made with the help of chairs. 10 participants are selected, the same number of chairs are taken. The music is turned on and the participants, after turning it off, must put any thing on the chair at which they stopped. The number of items removed depends on how close are the contestants. Further, the music turns on again and the participants are already putting on a thing from the chair at which they stopped.
  • Fashion boutique. For the competition you need to take a big bag and put it in funny clothes. This may be underpants 58 or size 10 bra size. Each contestant takes an item out of the bag and puts it on. It takes 30 minutes not to take off your outfit
  • Kamikaze. A fun contest to boost your mood. A glass is placed on the table, each seated person must pour a little strong drink into the container and pass it on. Whoever has a glass full should drink it

Scenario of the Russian wedding ceremony. Costumes for Russian weddings

A few centuries ago, our ancestors observed all the subtleties of Russian rituals. Nowadays, many are striving to organize a European, nautical wedding. Still, some newlyweds want to keep the traditions.

The main stages of the Russian wedding ceremony:

  • Matchmaking
  • Collusion
  • hen-party
  • Wedding
  • Wedding night
  • Wedding feast

It is on the wedding day that the celebration begins with putting the bride in order. A friend helps her to dress. In this case, the groom is at home and should not see his beloved. Further, the man comes for his lady. The bride's relatives ask for a ransom. After that, the newlyweds go to the church (in the registry office) to get married.

Meeting the newlyweds with sprinkling wheat on them was considered traditional in Russia, but now many couples are abandoning this tradition. Newlyweds choose rose petals or soap bubbles. Be sure to meet young people with a loaf and salt. There is a belief that whoever bites off more will be the head of the family.

Earlier, after the arrival of the young, their parents kindled a fireplace, this was considered a sign of a family hearth. Now this tradition has been replaced by lighting candles at the end of the evening.

Costumes for Russian weddings

The clothes for the bride's wedding are quite complex and varied. In Russia, a shirt with an embroidered ornament was originally worn. A sundress with wide straps was worn on top of it. A similar outfit was adorned with a festive apron and a beautiful belt.

The bride always had a kokoshnik on her head - a hat with an open back of the head. It was believed that the girl herself should embroider the ornament on the shirt, but now you can buy clothes with machine embroidery.

The groom wore a long-sleeved shirt and trousers. Moreover, all the ornaments had to be made of the same threads as the bride's outfit.

A wedding is a day that will be remembered for a lifetime. So that you remember this celebration with warmth and awe, make every effort to organize it.

VIDEO: Wedding Script

When the young pass, they are sprinkled with grain, coins and rose petals.

We throw grain under our feet
Let it sprout with happiness.
We throw copper coins under our feet,
So as not to be poor for you.
Throwing rose petals
So that you do not know either grief or tears!

The entrance should be covered with scarlet tape.


The border is not simple:
Behind - a single life.
You have a pass, friends,
To a house called Family?

The toastmaster asks to present the young people with a marriage certificate.

Part 2: Table

After the guests have seated themselves, the toastmaster offers to fill their glasses.

Toastmaster: Dear guests! All of you probably know the phrase: "The main thing is the weather in the house." So while you fill your glasses, I suggest you listen to a quick forecast for tonight. So, according to forecasters, the average temperature of the contents of your glasses is 30 degrees, the atmosphere is cozy. A storm of positive emotions is possible, accompanied by a continuous stream of pouring alcohol. At night, fog in the head is not excluded; in the morning, wait for a clarification. Well, now I propose to have a drink, so that the heroes of our celebration always have a quiet, cozy harbor where they can hide from any adversity!

Dear newlyweds! As the host of this wedding, I want to present you with a very important document. (Reads the operating instructions and hands them over to the young.)

  1. Eye color - ________________
  2. Weight is stable.
  3. Hair color is all the rage
  4. Appetite is moderate.

Safety instructions:

  1. Do not hit, do not scratch, do not shake - fragile.
  2. Do not overload!
  3. Do not heat up to a hiss.
  4. Do not bring to a boil.

Uninterrupted operation is guaranteed for 100 years from the date of issue, subject to all operating rules.

Groom operating instructions:

  1. Date of manufacture ___________
  2. Eye color - ________________
  3. Can be used as a dishwasher, food processor, and also as a caring, loving husband.

For proper functioning, the husband needs:

  1. In a daily meal three times a day.
  2. Clean clothes and daily walks in the fresh air.

Care rules:

  1. Protect from dampness and increased voltage.
  2. Clean periodically.

It is prohibited:

  1. Use excessive force when cleaning.
  2. Wipe with a damp cloth.
  3. Saw and throw.

If all the rules of use are followed, both husband and wife will serve for a long time and without breakdowns. By the way, none of the spouses can be replaced.

While the guests are sitting at the table, the young are invited to write 5 animals on a piece of paper. Then the toastmaster writes them into the prepared form and reads them out.

Toastmaster: All the guests probably want to know more about the bride and groom, and they agreed to help us with this. So, here's what the bride thinks of her husband:

Affectionate like _______

Acts like ________ in bed

Handsome as ___________

Caring like _____________

Kind like _______

The same is read about the bride, but with the husband's answers.

Toastmaster: So, I propose to raise glasses to a beautiful, caring girl and a reliable, strong man, who today have become a strong and happy family in front of your eyes!

Toastmaster: Friends! I propose to move smoothly to the competitive part of our event. And so that all guests feel more relaxed and not ashamed of each other, I suggest getting to know each other better.

Competition "Meeting guests"

Toastmaster approaches each guest with two hats, one of which has prepared questions in advance, and the second has answers. The participant takes one piece of paper with a question, reads it aloud, and then a piece of paper with an answer. Even if the answers don't match the questions, it's okay. Here is a list of approximate questions and answers:

How often do you allow yourself to drink too much? - Every week on Fridays.

Are you violent? - Only when I drink.

Did you come to the wedding today just to eat and drink for free? - Definitely yes.

Have you ever woken up in an unfamiliar place? - It is possible, I do not remember.

Do you like to chat with strangers? - Yes, especially after cognac.

Are you a jealous person? - You know better.

How do you feel about alcohol? - What kind of ambiguous questions are you asking me ?!

Are you capable of extreme and rash actions? - You can also try.

Are you ready to dance a striptease today? - Only to the applause of the audience.

Can you answer the question, "What do women want?" - I myself (a) do not know.

What is your attitude towards marriage and family life? - Definitely positive.

Do you like today's holiday? -100% yes.

Toastmaster: Well, now, as they say, let's drink to our acquaintance! For the acquaintance of two wonderful, loving people who gathered us at this holiday! Bitterly!

Part 3: Entertaining

The toastmaster invites guests to dance and participate in mobile competitions. Below are the most popular and entertaining contests that can be included in wedding script for toastmaster .

"I will sing now"

You can invite guests to compose and sing funny ditties. To do this, the participants are divided into several groups, each is given the beginning of a verse, which must be supplemented. When all groups have completed the task, one participant is invited to represent his team. The result should be a funny song.

Examples of the beginning of ditties:

Oh, we walked at the wedding
A whole month and 3 days ...

We congratulated the young
They wished them a lot of happiness ...

The groom is no longer sitting,
He wants to have fun too ...

And the bride is young,
Lights up on the dance floor ...

We sang ditties to you,
Is it good or bad….

"Guess the hobby"

For the competition, viewers choose the most active and cheerful wedding participant, whom the toastmaster takes out the door and tells the rules. He supposedly has to talk about his hobby (for example, about football), answering questions from guests, so that they guess what it is. Guests are preliminarily asked to imagine that a hobby is kissing, but at the same moment they are warned that the player will talk about his real hobby, unaware of the audience's conspiracy. When a participant enters the hall, he is asked questions, for example:

· How long have you started to get involved in this?

How much time are you willing to spend on your hobby?

· Do you do it alone or with someone?

· How do your relatives feel about your hobby?

What is your favorite place to do this?

· Who taught you this?

"Compose a congratulation"

Guests are invited to name any adjectives that the presenter enters into a pre-prepared congratulation template. After that, the text is read out.

"_____________bride and groom! Today we are gathered here to ____________ to congratulate you on this ______________ event! A few years ago, the groom did not suspect the existence of such a _____________ girl, and she, in turn, could not imagine that she would soon marry such a ______________ man. We all witnessed the creation of a new, _______________ family. And on this occasion, we want to wish you ___________ family life, _______________ love, ______________ kids and, of course, ____________ happiness! Bitterly!


Each guest should in turn come up with a congratulation word for one of the letters of the alphabet. If someone wants to skip their toast, they can come up with a fine, for example, put 50 rubles in the treasury of the newlyweds or tell a joke, sing a song, etc.

"The Road to Love"

The bride and groom are taken to different ends of the hall and are offered to take one step towards each other, while saying 1 compliment or an affectionate nickname. You can't repeat it.


The competition is held among men. Players are given a sheet of paper, music is playing in the hall. For 1 minute, the participants must run around the room and invite the girls to leave a lip print on a piece of paper. One girl can "kiss" one participant. The man who managed to collect the most prints wins. He is awarded the comic "Mister Macho" medal.

"Boy or Girl?"

The purpose of this competition is to determine who will be born in the family. To do this, two guys are invited and each is handed one pink and blue balloon, which must be inflated. If the pink balloon bursts faster, a girl will be born, if the blue one, a boy.

Dear guests! Do you know what is the most common reason for family quarrels? (Guests begin to suggest their options). According to statistics, most young couples cannot share the basic responsibilities of the house. And so that our young people live happily and without scandals, let us help them in this together.

For the competition, one man is invited from the side of the bride and groom. Each is handed a balloon with helium and is offered to take one piece of paper out of the box one by one, on which the responsibility for the house is written. Before reading the text, participants should inhale helium from the balloon and begin each phrase "The bride / groom undertakes ...". Below is a sample list that can be supplemented:

  1. Prepare romantic dinners on a regular basis, and, if desired, also lunches and breakfasts.
  2. Bring coffee to bed every morning.
  3. Without further ado, go to visit his / her mother, love her and give flowers for all the holidays.
  4. Do homework with the children.
  5. Take out the trash on your own and without reminders.
  6. Wash the dishes every day.
  7. Respects the cleanliness of the house, and maintain order in it.
  8. Let go to the bathhouse / club with friends without quarrels.
  9. Compliments to your wife / husband every day.
  10. Bring home a monthly paycheck.
  11. To give your beloved / beloved expensive gifts not only on holidays.
  12. Carry a soul mate on your hands, or if you can't afford the first one, carry it in an expensive car.

Bride and groom! Now you know how much you have to do to keep your family strong and friendly! But your most important duty is to love each other, support in any situations and respect your choice. Let your family not know bitter disappointments, let it be bitter just now! Bitterly!

“What to wish the bride and groom?
To always be together.
We slept, ate, drank together,
Children would be taken to the kindergarten.
So that there is no reason for the quarrel,
The first will always give in to the man
Take care of love trustingly, vigilantly.
And only today let it be "bitter" for you! "

Part 4: Final

Presenting gifts from guests is an integral part of any wedding.

After that, you can hold a competition among girls who will get married faster. For this, the bride traditionally throws a bouquet into the crowd of unmarried girlfriends.

To embark on a family journey
Forever, and not somehow,
You must resolve the issue here,
Who will do everything
And to solve this question for you
I ask you to taste this loaf.
It is lush, it is beautiful, it is delicious,
It has the scent of native land ...
And more who will bite off a piece,
Tom and be the head of the family.

Young people treat guests with a loaf and invite everyone to the festive fireworks.

The young, accompanied by witnesses, step onto the carpet. The guests stand on both sides, building the "gate of happiness".

The gate of happiness is in front of you,

Created for you by guests.

The first gate wishes you

Goodness and happiness

May they take care of them in the days of bad weather!

Second-wishes for love

Stand a little under them you!

Want third the gate for you

Wealth, peace and warmth!

Fourth- a circle of devoted friends! -

Health of loved ones and children!

And the fifth - long, glorious years,

So that we live without sorrow, worries and troubles!

And it's time in honor of these minutes,

In honor of the young, Salute was sounded !!!

Guests burst balls.


Welcome! Welcome!

Dear newlyweds! Your mothers meet you, go to them, bow to them for their affection, love, for raising and educating you, and today they bless you for a happy life.


Dear young people!

According to the old Russian tradition, bread means prosperity in the house,

and glasses so that you will be together all your life and not part.

Let, like these glasses, they are never separated together,

For life, the bride and groom will be for many years!

For joy and happiness for many years, break bread and accept the blessing of your parents.


Now kiss your parents and empty your glasses

without undoing them. Kiss T. Drink from glasses. Beat them.

Now everything is according to the law,

The marriage is sealed with a crystal ringing.

Let it be sweet and bitter in half.

Young people and guests sit at tables


(when guests are seated):

Hello again friends!

Today I will be with you:

This evening is not easy

They called me toastmaster!

So, my name is Marianne.

Forget about sadness and sadness

There is no place here for longing,

Worries are also far away

We start the feast with a mountain

In honor of our young couple!


In the thirtieth kingdom,

In our state

The red maiden lived

I had a proud reputation -

I didn't notice anyone

I was bored only in the mansion.

But on the appointed day

A boy was driving past.

I stopped under the window

He wondered at a miracle:

What a damsel-beauty?

Both the figure and the eyes!

And he shouted louder: “Hey!

Red maiden, be mine! "

And the maiden is beauty

He looks - the guy is anywhere:

Flared trousers, good looking ...

To know, you can't get away from happiness.

And led our dashing man

Red maiden down the aisle!

They say that the greatest happiness in life is the confidence that you are loved. You, dear newlyweds, have such happiness! It remains only to carry it through your whole life. For this it will be first toast!

1 glass for the young (pause 5 min)

Toastmaster: Dear guests! Let's check with you whether our couple corresponds to the title of a real family in everything! Have you forgotten anything? The first sign of marriage is wedding rings. Show us if you have wedding rings? There is. See how gold glitters. It will never rust and will, like a talisman, keep your love. And gold is also good for health: it soothes the nerves. So be healthy and happy!

Second Toast The song "Wedding Ring" is played. (5 min)


Do you remember how the word registry office stands? Not? Not everyone will remember the first time. REGISTRY OFFICE - Registration of acts of civil status.

Toastmaster: Another sign that a family with a capital letter has formed is a common surname. From now on you - —————————. Do you know, dear guests, what it means? Let's decipher it together - for each letter we will predict the young people what awaits them in their life together!

Pouring a glass, the third in a row,

I ask you to put off the devices

Let's remember we parents care,

All that they have experienced.

Everyone knows that raising children is not easy,

And to live life is not a field to cross.

And your children, although they are adults today,

But most importantly, they still have everything ahead!

So let's raise our glasses

For those who raised this lovely couple!

Best regards to you, thank you very much,

For knowing neither sleep nor rest!

The third toast to the parents, to those who raised our young!

Astrological forecast for guests

Drinking fun "Raised your right hand"

They raised their right hand - they all waved to the young!

Well, and the left hand drops slightly, on the knee ...

Not yours! And your neighbor!

It's hot with the right hand, we are a neighbor's shoulder, we hug it so decently ... Did you like it? Excellent!

Swung left, right. Well done! Excellent! Bravo!

They stroked their belly - Smiled into a mouthful!

Let's push the neighbor on the right, wink at the neighbor on the left!

We take a glass in our hand, pour it to the brim!

We continue the fun - clink glasses with the neighbor on the right ...

The glass so as not to fog up - let's clink glasses with the neighbor on the left ...

And with a neighbor opposite - for a cheerful team ...

Together we get up from our seats - in our thoughts we will say a toast ...

Let's say together "Congratulations!" and we all drink to the bottom!

Do not forget to have a snack - and pour yourself again!

Parental order

Dear newlyweds! Today you will hear a lot of instructions, advice, wishes and congratulations. But the parents' word is always sacred. So let the first commandment at this wedding table be the commandment of your parents, those who raised and educated you.

There is a tradition in the world like this:

Give instructions from the elders to the young.

So that they, entering into a union of love,

Could use the experience of the past.

Traditions are worthy of respect

And we will not retreat from them.

Therefore, we want without delay

Parents of the newlyweds give the floor.

Groom's parents: ____________________________________

Parents of the bride: ____________________________________

Giving gifts

Surprisingly young

We start the presentation of the guests,

Presentation of wedding presentations.

And (I will ask you to help me) witnesses will help me,

To fill glasses for guests.


For those who, taking honorable care

From now on, for many years in a row

Follow with desire, joy, hunting,

So that there is peace and harmony in the family,

So that the wards walk together

Dear bright, joyful, big,

Before their silver wedding at the beginning,

Well, and then - before the wedding gold!

For a young family, you are benefactors,

Our toast to you! You are the best witnesses!

Fairy tale (chair)

1Track "Visiting a Fairy Tale" in the background

Before the young people dance their first wedding dance, let me tell you a wedding tale.

Let's imagine that this is a large state. So, in a certain kingdom, in a certain state he lived king(choose). The tsar father was fashionable, he wore jeans. Tsar - what should I call you? (___) He was married 3 times and everything was for love and from 3 marriages he had 3 sons.

Older he was a smart fellow, look how he looks like dad (I choose). He came up, shook my dad's hand and "chick" leaned on dad's shoulder.

Well and middle I was this and that (I choose), shook my dad's hand, kissed the top of his head, rubbed his ears, straightened his collar, got up, leaning too.

And the younger Zhenya he was a prince, not what you think. The little boy loved to sit on his father’s knees, and his father “On the Bumps”.

It's time for the sons to marry. The senior came out into the open field. And the father said to him: Choose a decent wife for yourself, just don't take the toad into the house. He took a blunt bowstring, and an arrow, closed one eye, and like a fire.

2Track "shot"

An arrow flew, flew, but a gypsy flew into the courtyard (I bring the girl out) and such a beautiful gypsy girl came out to him and they danced their dance at our celebration.

3Track "Tsyganochka bleed". Did he take her in his arms? I took it to my father, but put it on.

It was the turn of the middle son. He took a Kalashnikov automaton, pulled the bolt, and how let's fire (shoots). Track 4 "Shoots from a machine gun"

What are you doing now? And it seemed to me that you were mowing the grass, I'll teach you now. What's so wide? Pants will rip. It means like this: Powerfully stood up, this is how we hold the machine gun, the face was made by "Rambo", "Chik-chik" and fired.

4Track "Shoots from a machine gun"

The Georgian flew and flew into the yard (I choose a girl). Such a beautiful khachapuri came out to you. And they began to dance the Georgian dance at our celebration.

5Track "Lezginka"

It's time for Igor to get married. He went out into the open field. He took such a large ERGEDE on his shoulder, took it so powerfully, took aim, aimed the cannon, and like a fire.

6Track "Shoots from ERGEDE"

The Russian flew into the courtyard and fell into the courtyard of the Russian noblewoman (I choose) and they danced their wedding dance at our celebration.

7Track "Russian folk"

Suddenly the tsar says, “I like such a bride myself, I will marry for the fourth time and let's dance with a Russian girl.

7Track "Russian folk"

The king quickly picked up the princess in his arms, felt at the same time and sat down on a chair, hold the princess on his knees.

Well, the little one went up to the tsar-father, he tasted his golden curls and said: Father, I don't have to choose anyone. I have a beautiful woman, beauty is not written.

Slender, like a Russian birch,

Gentle like a swan

Soft as a bunny

Close as an asterisk.

And her name is beautifully Natalya, and a beautiful young lady came out to him, and they danced the first wedding dance of the newlyweds at the wedding celebration.

Oh, how the bride looks in love,

Ah, how excited the proud groom is!

First dance for you young,

First dance for the two of you!

Track "First Dance of the Young"

(Immediately after the end of the dance, until the young ones left)

Take care of love trustingly, vigilantly

And only at the wedding, let it be for you ... (Bitter!)

So let's drink to the love of a young and beautiful couple to the bottom!

T / B

Dear friends, when I raise my hand up, this will be a signal for you to say the phrase "Love each other!" (Trying)

To get out of the vicious circle - ...

In order not to be offended when it comes to tight- ...

During work and at leisure - ...

In winter, a blizzard is raging outside the window, but you still- ...

Meadow plants are blooming with bright light, and you still - ...

You live in the west or you came from the south, remember the commandment.

Young or old, science tells everyone this, by all means- ...

Luck, joy, happiness, laughter

Let them make you stand out from everyone!

Let youth excite the blood

So, "Advice to you, yes love!"

Fortune telling on the firstborn

Let our young ones know

Secrets of wedding ventures

That often the nests are empty

Storks bring children.

And more often they bring it directly into the house,

So that there is no calmness, no sadness

It did not start in the house.

Dear guests, and now we are guessing who will be more in the family of __________________- boys or girls?

Fortune telling

Relay "Nyanki" (5 people-1 child, 2 teams)

Distribution of duties

Who is the head of the family?

- Who will take out the trash? - Who will provide for the family?

- Who will be the first to go to reconciliation after a quarrel?

- Who will name the 1st child?

- Who will manage the finances in the family?

- Who spends more time watching TV?

- Who will bake the pies?

- Who will eat them?

- Who will make scandals?

- Who will go shopping?

- Who loves more?

Who thinks your couple is the best in the world?

Well, what about the guests, took the glasses

Together, cheerfully raised!

So that they have full happiness

The glasses should be drained to the bottom ...

Game "Plastic surgery" (5 pairs)

Game "Wedding"

Music game for young (heart)

Number game

Theater impromptu "Freebie"

Stealing the bride + rap of the groom

Dance stick

WE DO NOT REMOVE FATU !!! Removing the veil? Ignition of the hearth.

- Evgeny and Natalya, take each other's hands and go out to the center of the hall so that all the guests can admire you. You are amazing today!


- Igor only once in your life do you see your beloved in full wedding dress. Kneel down before your beloved, now your wife, the mother of your children and kiss her hands. Now rise and as a sign that you are ready to be her faithful support, a loving husband, a father of her children, take off your beloved veil - from this moment Oksana is yours and only yours.

- Oksana, only you have the right to remove from your beloved, now your husband, the groom's wedding boutonniere. Now he is completely yours and only yours.

But always remember that having each other is mutual respect and a desire to make each other happy! Connect your souls in a kiss!

- And now, I would like to invite your parents here. Take the hands of your children and join them, for only a mother's heart is capable of a great miracle - to give with love. From now on, the hands of your children are joined by your hands, your heart and love. Now they are one family.

- Now they are a young master and mistress. Albina Maksimovna and Natalya Yurievna, only you can convey to the young family the warmth of your hearth, warmed by love. Light the unquenchable life-giving fire of your children's hearth!

Mothers light a candle for the newlyweds from their candles.


- Let's welcome this young and still small hearth with applause. But he will grow up, get stronger and will be able to warm everyone who will one day enter the house of Igor and Oksana.

Bridal bouquet and garter (tossed in turns)

Game "Heart"

Choir of the bride and groom

Kissing game

But that's not all! I have prepared notes with words in advance.

For these words, I came up with a rhyme, and which you know during a kissing game.

Raise your hands for those who have not kissed. You can only envy those who kissed. Although I can help you. I ask the young to kiss each other. (The young people kiss.)

While the music is playing, pass this kiss to those sitting next to you. The groom is on the right, and the bride is on the left. Those who pass kisses to their neighbors along the chain.

And let's see whose kiss comes back first - to the groom or to the bride. Let's start the "kissing" relay! Start!

The team of guests from the outside won ... I ask them to fill their glasses first.

Oksana, tell me the names of 4 girls!

I choose 4 girls.

According to legend, outside the gate

You need to throw the boot.

Who is the groom and where does he live-

Sock this way.

The girls decided to tell fortunes

Find a prince for yourself.

Everyone was quiet in anticipation-

The girls are ready to throw boots.

The red maiden has thrown!

The nose is directed to the east.

Lucky: decided to get married

The Sultan himself, an enviable groom! performs belly dance.

Another girl has a boot to the north.

Abramovich Roma? Oil tycoon?

There will definitely be a lot of money

And the groom is good, like a rich treasure! dancing to a Chukchi melody

The third girl threw her boot,

Pointed to the west of the boot toe.

Dandy il English prince in husbands!

Glory awaits or the royal family! Waltz.

The toe of the boot showed us the south.

The girl is waiting for you, there is a hot country.

You will choose an aborigine, a Georgian or a Turk-

So show us your passion, dove! African melody

Wherever the boot shows

After all, the main thing is that the beloved should wait there.

Do you strive to find your love?

Take a ride around the world and Russia! Song "boots" Everybody dance.

Wedding dessert

Dear newlyweds! Attention!

Let your eyes shine with happiness!

How wonderful it is, the wedding hour!

On the eve of the honeymoon

A surprise has been prepared for you.

May the roads all be smooth

May happiness create comfort for you!

May all your days be sweet

- Take your wedding cake!



Magic cocktail

Option 4

We meet the young at the porch. Guests stand on either side of the driveway to the porch. Everyone should have rice and coins in their hands. While the young are walking from the porch, in the direction of travel, shouting "Congratulations!" they are sprinkled with cereals and coins.

The host and parents meet them on the porch.
Dear newlyweds! Traditionally, your dearest people - your parents - greet you here. Mom is holding a wedding loaf as a symbol of prosperity and prosperity. Newlyweds! Break off a piece of bread and salt it well! You have the opportunity to annoy each other for the last time. Yes, salt a little more ... And now exchange slices of bread. Look at each other fondly and feed each other!
The newlyweds feed each other.

And now we'll see who will be in charge of the family! Well, give me glasses here! And now on the count of "three!" drain glasses to the bottom. Who is the first is the main one. Time. Two. Three!
The newlyweds are drinking. All guests are sick.

-What is this barrier?
- Border, but not simple:
family life ahead,
behind - single.
You have a pass, friends,
A house called Family?

Young show the marriage certificate.
Let me tell you briefly - the document is in order!

Come on in, hurry up
The wedding feast is calling you!
We invite everyone to the feast,
To the wedding hospitality.

Everyone goes to the hall.

Today there is joy in this house
For relatives, friends, acquaintances.
Today the holiday is big here,
Because two are cute
Two loving, beautiful
Became husband and wife.

Make yourself comfortable, dear guests, because a wedding is a long business! Choose a funnier neighbor with whom you can talk, and a prettier neighbor who can be courted. Men are closer to the snack, and women are closer to the drink. The responsibilities of each include: pouring, pouring, not to deprive all neighbors and not to forget yourself. Now, make some champagne!

I ask everyone to raise their glasses
Congratulate standing young
To herald the beginning of the wedding
And a new life for two!
May this day be like a bright holiday
Will pour joy into your home
And your life will be adorned forever
Hope, Happiness and Love!
And let love dawn at dawn
It does not go out for many years
Let it be "bitter" only at the wedding,
And never in your life!

And now, dear guests, do not hesitate, gain strength before the festive program. Help yourself, while we will read you

1. You cannot be bored, you can joke.
2. You can't be sad, you can sing and dance.
3. Look at other people's wives and husbands,
Yes, do not forget about your own.
4. We forbid you to swear,
Fight, argue under the table.
If you are a little drunk,
Better to go to sleep in silence.
5 without further explanation
The place to keep its own,
Pouring into a neighbor's pocket
Juice or wine is prohibited.
6. Do not grumble or swear,
Do not climb kissing everyone
In no case should you be angry,
From the bottom of the heart, everyone has fun.
7.if someone by mistake
I took my longing with me
Urgently put it in the refrigerator,
For cutlets for the cook.
8. If you are before leaving
Discovered slightly
On other people's things
It really doesn’t matter.
But we strictly forbid
Go home then
When will be next to you
Someone else's husband or wife!
10 minutes at a feast

Guests, did you take the glasses?
- Yes!
Amicably, cheerfully raised?
- Yes!
Then "Bitterly!" - let's shout to them, -
"Bitter! Bitter!" - young.
Kiss the newlyweds,
Let those kisses countless
Otherwise, the poor invitees
And it is bitter to drink, and it is bitter to eat!
Let's go for this couple
Let's drink a full glass!

Acquaintance of guests
Today ____ will be the most singing song.
____ will be dancing more of all.
Everyone will shout "Bitterly!" ____.
Everyone will drink more ____.
Today ____ will give ____ one hundred rubles.
____ will gladly give ____ his TV.
And ____ will give ____ itself.
Now ____ will lend money to everyone. No recoil.
The most beautiful today ____.
The most shy today ____.
The most hungry at the wedding ____.
After the wedding, he (a) will leave on foot ____.
Will leave by car ____.
And ____ and ____ will hardly take away ____.
After an hour, ____ will say that he is cool.
After an hour and a half, ____ will say that he (s) sneezed at everyone.
After two hours, ____ won't say anything.
____ will fall asleep at 22 o'clock.
____ falls asleep at 23 o'clock.
At 23 hours 30 minutes ____ will already wake up.
Improve your health tomorrow, everyone is invited to ____.
Tomorrow ____ will come with a box of beer.
It is taken to bring dried fish ____.
And ____ and ____ will cook fish soup from 5 in the morning.
____ drinks everything to health.
I have already drunk ____ seven times to the health of young people and all of them.
A word to parents.

Toast to parents
Let's raise a healthy spell
For those who raised this glorious couple.
Who in life did not know either sleep or peace,
Forged such great happiness for them.
Parents are sad, a little sad.
We will not judge them harshly for this.
After all, it has long been their eternal destiny.
Each of us would like to support them.
For work and care, for everything that they could,
Let the children bow down to you to the ground.
And we, in turn, are kind guests,
For the work of your parent, we will simply tell you:
Let time fly by, but don't get old,
Let the grandchildren grow, you make your soul younger,
Good to you, health is a huge increase,
We raise a festive toast for you.
Presentation of comic documents
- young,
the answer to the young parents,
Let's raise our glasses!

Presentation of comic documents
- to parents, others.
The floor is given to grandparents.
The first dance of the young

Oh, how the bride looks in love,
Ah, how excited the proud groom is.
The first waltz for you young,
First dance for the two of you.
Unwilling to sit still to the sound of a waltz,
Join the bride and groom boldly.

Competition for witnesses
The witness lies down on chairs, sweets are scattered over her, the latter is placed on her lips. The witness should collect them all with their hands tied.

Toast for witnesses
For those who have taken honorable care,
From now on must for many years in a row
Follow with desire, with joy, with desire,
So that there is peace and harmony in the family of friends.
So that the wards walk together
Dear bright, sunny, big
Before the wedding, before the silver one at the beginning,
Well, then - before the wedding gold!
We drink as you noticed
For young witnesses.

A table game for guests.

Envelopes for guests of the bride:
1. Darling, are we going to buy a mink coat?
2. Zolotko, will you give me all my salary?
3. My sun, will you serve me coffee and a bun in the morning?
4. Dear, will you buy me outfits every day?
5. Darling, do you want us to have three girls and not a single boy?
6. Good, will you help me with the housework?
Envelopes for the groom's guests:
1. Dream, dream, my love.
2. If the salary will allow.
3. As you say, my only one.
4. Everything depends on you, dear.
5. I only dream about it, my dear.
6. Well, you say too. Wait and see.

Ignition of the family hearth.
Happiness decided to leave one house. It's hard to say why, but I decided. "But first," said happiness, "I will fulfill one wish of each member of the family in which I lived for many years. What do you want?" - Happiness asked the mistress of the house. And she replied that she did not have a mink coat, and the hostess received a fur coat. Happiness asked the adult daughter of the hostess: "What do you want?" - and she replied that she wanted to marry the prince of the overseas - and married the prince of the overseas. Happiness asked the mistress's son: "What do you want?" “I want,” he says, “a bicycle, I’ll be happy if there’s a bicycle,” and the boy received a bicycle. And already on the threshold of the house, happiness saw the owner and asked: "What do you want?" The owner thought and said: "I want the warmth of the family hearth never to leave my house." And happiness fulfilled the owner's request and did not leave this house, because happiness lives only where the family hearth burns! "

At a noisy wedding table
Like a beacon of friendship, kindness
You two will light it now
A star of hope and dreams.

Let's raise our glasses to this small and still very young hearth! But he will grow up, get stronger and will be able to warm both the young and their children, and their relatives and friends.

Competition for guests

Distribution of duties (balloons)

Competition for moms
Moms determine by voice:
1. The bride's mother identifies her son-in-law among other guys who take turns saying: "Mother-in-law, I love you."
2. The groom's mother identifies the daughter-in-law by her voice among the other girls, who in turn say: "I'm already unbearable to get married."
3. Moms together identify the voices of young people among other couples, who in turn say: "Mom, this is us!".

Dance competition for couples (with a balloon).
Each pair is given a balloon, which partners must hold between their foreheads (backs of the heads, backs, abdomens, shoulder blades, pop, knees, at chest level - at the discretion of the organizer; during the competition, the way of holding the balloon at the command of the leader can be changed), couples dance, preferably to fast music and preferably in the nature of the music. The couples that dropped the ball are eliminated.
Table competition for guests
And now a color competition. Dear guests, take a look at what color you came to the wedding celebration. Pay attention to your neighbor's clothes.
Who came in red clothes? They are joyful, beautiful, independent people who appreciate the fullness of life. Always ready for love, in the sense of a great feeling. They prefer to spend their vacations and vacations in the south. Let's drink to red.
Who's wearing white clothes? Often naive, honest people, with a spotless reputation, kind and decent. They prefer to rest among the snowy plains and polar bears. Please note, even if you drank for red, but you also have white in your clothes, you will have to drink again.
The black color of clothes suggests that we have talented people who are able to enchant absolutely everyone. They love black caviar and black coffee. Sexually attractive, prolific in everything! They love to relax in the country with lovers.
Blue clothes guarantee that their owners have a noble origin and romance. These are loyal, glorious people, worried about literally everything and for everyone.
They love to have a rest everywhere, just to fly a plane.
The green color of the outfit indicates that these are people overwhelmed by hope and dream. Always fresh and attractive. For recreation, they prefer the nearby forest.
Who came in yellow clothes? These people are pleasant, warm, romantic, but ... insidious. Gold is preferred as jewelry. Strive to take a place in the upper class. They like to relax on the Golden Sands, they like to listen to the Golden Ring, they like to be called the Golden Ring.

Determining the sex of the child.

Word to the witnesses

Presenting gifts (eating by witnesses)
Order for a new family.

Determination of the groom (by the ear, by the hand),
Determination of the bride (by the elbow, by the knee).


For couples with tennis balls. (run through your partner's pants).

Hospital (on the sheets write "family home", "hospital", "bynya", "registry office", "bedroom", "work".
-How often do you visit this place?
-How long have you been there?
- what are you doing there?
- with whom do you go there?
- what do you take with you?
- Do you go there with pleasure?
- with whom would you dream of getting there?)

Competition for young people "explanatory and justifying" competition. You can call it "I believe - I do not believe." The situation for the competition can be set as follows: "Three months of married life pass, and the young wife comes home at three in the morning. What will she say in her defense, and will her husband believe it? So, the husband opens the door, first looks sternly at the clock, then he asks the spouse the question: “Darling, why is it so late?” In response, the bride offers her options for excuses, and the groom accepts them or not, saying “I believe!” or, conversely, “I don’t believe!”.

To attract young parents to the sweet kissing moment, the presenter can ask the bride and groom questions: "Tanya, was there at least one subject in high school, a lesson in which you were taught to kiss?
Tanya was not taught to kiss. Let's ask the groom. Alexander, the institute program provided for such classes where you could master the skill of kissing? No, there was no such thing in the institute program. What to do? Who will teach the kissing lesson? Probably, as always, parents. We ask the parents of the bride and groom to rise and kiss each other firmly but tenderly. And we will shout a friendly "Bitter!" To all the wedding feast.
Oaths of the newlyweds.
In the midst of the wedding fun, the host offers guests a game "In a bottle". Brings out a large inflatable champagne bottle that will spin up in the game. On the tray - a place with words. The guests stand in a circle, the leader is in the center.
To whom the bottle points, he takes a card with a word, and I explain the meaning of this word in our kissing game. The bottle is spun, cards are taken apart during the game.
Here are the words and their meanings:
Fur is the kiss of everyone's neighbors.
Pipes - a kiss on the lips of a neighbor.
Period - whoever you want, kiss on the cheek.
Arrow - let the girls kiss you.
Fingers - let the boys kiss you.
Verse - the groom will send a kiss.
Bride - kiss the one whose place is near.

Competition for young people - to dress a doll with tied hands.

- Did you drink for the young?
All: -Drank!
- Did you drink for your parents?
All: -Drank!
- To become closer and dear to all of us,
Let's drink to the guests!

Throwing a bouquet and a garter.

Well, you can see off the newlyweds from the wedding along the corridor of burning candles held by the guests. The presenter will say that let so many happy stars illuminate their joint life path, that let so many lights light up in the homes of relatives and friends who are always ready to help, give the newlyweds warmth and joy of meeting.