What a child should not do. Parents and children - who owes what? Why young children should help their parents around the house

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Each person takes on enormous responsibility when becoming a parent. And of course, everyone wants their child to grow up kind, sympathetic, honest and brave. But all these qualities do not come out of thin air. Proper upbringing and personal example are the key to success.

We are in website We have collected 10 things that are best introduced to a child under 10 years old.

1. Girls and boys are equal, you need to respect both of them

Respect is a quality that is definitely worth instilling in a child. This includes respect for peers, regardless of their gender.

2. Don't be afraid to make mistakes

Learning from other people's mistakes is a talent that not everyone has. It is important to be able to benefit from your defeats. Teach your child not to be afraid to lose and make mistakes.

3. Grades are not the main thing. The main thing is knowledge

How many parents scold their children for every grade that does not meet their expectations. But assessment is not always an indicator of knowledge. Maybe your child is just a good cheater. Instill in him from childhood the idea that knowledge is much more important than grades in a diary.

4. Parents are not enemies; you can always turn to them for help.

Not everyone can be a friend to their child, especially since they already have friends. And all that is required are good parents who know moderation in everything. Show your child that you can be trusted. A moralizing tone or shouting is not the most suitable way for this.

5. Don’t let a bully, a teacher, or anyone hurt you.

Often parents show that friends, a teacher, or simply other people are more authoritative than the child. Because of this, a lot of complexes are born and the inability to defend one’s opinion. Tell them that respect is important, but defending your point of view and fighting back in some situations is also necessary. The main thing is to do it correctly.

6. Don't do things you don't like to earn the approval of others.

A child does not always understand that popularity is not the most important thing in life, and strives with all his might to get it. Show by example that it is more important to be honest and decent than to gain the favor of other people by overstepping your principles.

7. Don’t be afraid to ask if you don’t understand something.

It's okay to ask questions. And even better than sitting with looking smart without really understanding anything. It's good if your child learns this in childhood.

Children grow up, become more independent - but for some reason a busy mother does not have more time. Yes, for preschoolers and younger schoolchildren You no longer need an eye and an eye, but a woman still cannot free her hands and head for some pleasant activity or hobby, to be alone with her thoughts and desires. The solution is to distribute responsibilities.

Some of the responsibilities that we think we must do if we want to consider ourselves good mothers eat up most of our time, and also discourage our children from being independent.

The best gift you can give your child is to teach him or her to be independent. In the process of learning, you will be able to give yourself grace - you will have time to focus on yourself and take care of yourself.

Independence in exchange for time

The media happily pumps up parents with scary sensations to scare us into constantly monitoring our children. Then we send them to college. We must raise our children so that over time they can confidently enter into Big world, and for this they need to be able to solve many life issues themselves.

We treat our children as if they were physically or mentally handicapped royalty. This is what I call " good parent spoils." Loving, devoted, intelligent parents act as if their children, until they are 35 years old, cannot even wipe their butts, let alone walk half a block down the street.
Imagine you have six children. After all, if you had six kids, you wouldn’t have time to wipe everyone’s butts and give each one a pillow when he falls. It is important to clarify the concept of extreme necessity. An emergency is not when the child is a little naughty or a little hungry.
Family psychologist

One way to look at your children's help around the house is that their assistance will free up time for you to think about what you want to do. However, in reality, reducing your workload is not the point of pediatric care. When children have responsibilities, when they know that they can really help the family, they become stronger. They may be reluctant at first to set the table, pick up the mail, or feed the dog, but once they get involved and realize that they are really helping you, they will definitely feel more important and needed. They will have a purpose and an understanding that their contribution to the household is actually important to the entire family.

Returning to the question of the demands that we place on ourselves, it should be noted that most often we feel guilty if we do not have time to do at least a small fraction of all the homework.

Madness? Yes, but it happens all the time. Sometimes we don't realize it ourselves. We go about our daily work doing everything for everyone, and it doesn't even occur to us that we could assign a child to knock out a dusty rug and everyone would be better off for it.

Of course, you wouldn't ask a three-year-old to vacuum or a six-year-old to cook dinner, but there are many age-appropriate tasks that children can do as soon as they begin to understand language. A two year old can pick up the blocks and put them in a box. A six-year-old can easily get dishes out of the dishwasher, even if he just puts the dishes on the table rather than putting them away. An eight year old can set the table and clean up dirty dishes, child 10 years old - download washing machine, and a twelve-year-old - fold the washed laundry. A teenager walks the dog or changes the litter in cat litter; Children of this age are already quite capable of washing their clothes and even preparing a simple dinner.

What can your children do?

At 2-3 years:

  • put away toys;
  • put dirty clothes in a basket;
  • put away books and magazines
  • Place pet food in a bowl (with a little help);
  • wipe up spills;
  • wipe off the dust.

At 4-5 years old:

  • all of the above;
  • make your bed;
  • take out a rubbish;
  • clear the table;
  • water plants;
  • make breakfast from cereal.

At 6-7 years old:

  • all of the above;
  • sort laundry;
  • sweep;
  • help prepare and pack breakfast;
  • set the table;
  • clean the bedroom;
  • pour drinks;
  • to answer phone calls.

At 8-9 years old:

  • all of the above;
  • load dishes into the dishwasher;
  • sort out purchased products;
  • help prepare dinner;
  • prepare your clothes for washing;
  • peel vegetables;
  • make toast;
  • walk with the dog.

At 10-12 years old:

  • all of the above;
  • remove dishes from the dishwasher and put them away;
  • fold washed laundry;
  • clean the bathroom;
  • prepare simple meals;
  • wash;
  • cut the lawn;
  • make your bed and change your bed linen;
  • clean the kitchen;
  • look after younger brothers and sisters.

How to organize it

Don't ask children to do anything. Simply discuss once what they could take on and assign them their responsibilities. You don't have to become the drill sergeant of the new recruits, but at the end of the day, you are the boss.

Don't force children to do things under pressure. Remember that part of their work is based on trust. Tell them what needs to be done and let them know how confident you are that they can handle it. Once they feel like they are really helping, it is very interesting to watch them.

We have a schedule hanging in our kitchen that lists all the children's daily responsibilities. It indicates the days of the week and the tasks that children must complete on that day. This schedule was very helpful - it guided the children without having to remind them of anything. They could look at the schedule at any time and see what they were supposed to do. I'm not saying it's perfect, but having a schedule definitely helps.
Mother of two children


At three years old, dusting yourself is cool. At five I agree, mine wipes. But the bed hasn’t been made yet. There is something to work on.

Against the backdrop of European twists in education and juvenile justice, the article is strange... Pos Uti is elementary, for very young, inexperienced parents without the Internet and the opportunity to ask, and for those who have not read a single book on education...

Of course, children want and can help. The only thing they don’t want is if they were not allowed anywhere or anything from their youth - for the last year, two, three. They didn’t give me a broom, a cup, or water. not a rag... we waited until he was 5 years old and were surprised, but his little girl didn’t want to help...

And the great harm of this article is precisely in the list of DAILY responsibilities of children... It is not the help that is difficult for them, but the daily routine and duty. For which they will not say thank you - after all, it is you who are fulfilling your duty. There should be no daily mandatory responsibilities, but there should be the ability and desire to help mom, the willingness to join in on the housework. Then the conflict will have nowhere to come from. Every child’s help will be noticed with joy and gratitude from mom and dad.

I was lucky and somehow it happened that all the children help with early age. The youngest is the smallest and often cunning, but if I write a to-do list, she does everything.

Useful article! At five years old, my daughter loves to help, especially watering indoor flowers, wiping off dust and washing cups. It’s good when such an assistant grows up.

Good article, I was faced with the fact that my daughter was very reluctant to help around the house, at first they tried game form interest, when it didn’t help, they explained that since mom and dad clean, cook, wash, then we need to help, it’s not shameful, but necessary. Somehow we begin to wash the dishes and tidy up not only our table, but also the kitchen.

But I can’t teach my kids to help! I feel sorry for them, and then I will pay for it myself.

We are 2 years old and our daughter puts away her toys herself and vacuums with her own, albeit a toy vacuum cleaner)
there is a desire to help mommy

Comment on the article "Helping around the house: what to entrust children with. To-do list by age"

Not “help your mom,” but “you’re so grown up that you can do some grown up things.” Moreover, you can also slightly highlight the eldest, come on. But this has nothing to do with helping around the house, at all. Two weeks on a farm - just out of curiosity, exotic.

Help around the house: what to entrust to children. Help around the house: what a child from 2 to 12 years old can do. We go about our daily work doing everything for everyone, and it doesn't even occur to us that we could assign a child to knock out a dusty rug and everyone would be better off for it.

Now my mother will spend two months in a mental hospital on Kashirka (in a self-supporting department). What's next is scary to think about. At first it was very difficult to mentally realize that my mother was no more, but over the years I have slowly come to terms with it. Now I, no matter how terrible it sounds, I already...

The problem is not with the guy, but with his mother. There's nothing wrong with him. The only thing you need to hint is that you need to wear shorts. And so he himself will figure out when to masturbate.

My grandfather’s mother is now taking him in for the winter with a big scandal, my children and I live in the village in the summer, my mother wanted him and wants to put him in the house. Your mother now needs a good neurologist. Taking neurological pills can greatly help against ALL diseases.

help around the house. Surprisingly, she wants to help, and she helps, she often helps me sort through things, the nanny washes and sorts for laundry Section: Children and parents (my daughter doesn’t want to help around the house). They made me sneeze... I just wanted to say that every self-respecting...

Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illness and physical development child from 3 to Help around the house: what to assign to children. To-do list by age. But the bed hasn’t been made yet.

Help around the house: what to entrust to children. To-do list by age. To-do list by age ". Organized transportation of a group of children by bus. My daughter goes to class 1-3 with Natalia Mikhailovna in the building on Svobody 81-1.

The large family: raising children, relationships between brothers and sisters, social benefits and benefits. Help around the house: what to entrust to children. To-do list by age. Distribution of responsibilities: time for mother and independence of children.

Help around the house: what to entrust to children. To-do list by age. List of household chores for children. They believe that it is impossible to cross the ocean 1. Home regime Having noticed the first signs of ill health, leave the child at home, do not send him to kindergarten or school.

Help around the house: what to entrust to children. To-do list by age. When children have responsibilities, when they know that they can really help the family, they. An eight-year-old child can set the table and put away dirty dishes, a 10-year-old child...

Zero desire to help mom. If they try to attract him, then his arm, leg hurt, and in general he is tired. In this situation, do you think it’s worth fighting for your son to help around the house, or would it be a waste of time and nerves, let him exist and pass it on...

How to help mom? She needs to see a psychologist or a psychotherapist. Many people cannot get out of severe depression on their own. At home I organize a complete pogrom in the form spring cleaning. I work on the phone, sorting out all the issues, not sending anyone, and generally doing EVERYTHING that...

What doctors should I see? Doctors, clinics. Child from 1 to 3. Raising a child from one to three years: hardening and development, nutrition and illness, daily routine and development To-do list by age. Help around the house: what a child from 2 to 12 years old can do.

My old mother is sick. A disease called old age. She has a lot of medications that make her worse and worse. Plus the medications she prescribes for herself. All this together leads to allergies, intolerances and deterioration. Not taking medications is actually bad too.

Help around the house: what to entrust to children. To-do list by age. An eight-year-old child can set the table and put away the dirty dishes, a 10-year-old child can load the washing machine, and a twelve-year-old child can fold the washed laundry.

How to help mom? Serious question. About yours, about your girl’s. Discussion of issues about a woman’s life in the family, at work, relationships with men. Mom flatly refused to go to the dacha that we are going to build. As well as to the existing village house and to the husband’s dacha.

Help around the house: what to entrust to children. To-do list by age. This schedule was very helpful - it guided the children without having to remind them of anything. They could look at the schedule at any time and see what they were supposed to do.

Mom is bored at home alone, I’m not interested in being with her, and sometimes I physically can’t listen to this old man’s verbal cud. There are, of course, things that a blind person cannot do without help, but in fact there are not as many such moments as they usually think.

Help around the house: what to entrust to children. To-do list by age. How to teach your child to help around the house: 4 tips. Discussion. We need to help put things in order - we are looking for motivation (we teach by example, etc., what works for someone), because mom’s “need” in this case...

A child should have household responsibilities from the first years of life. Certainly, two year old baby will not be able to peel potatoes, but he is quite capable of cleaning up his toys.

Children must help their parents around the house, and if you do not want to raise a drone that is not adapted to independent life, the baby must be taught to do housework.

Why young children should help their parents around the house

If you ask women when they clean up, most of them will answer that they do it while the children are not at home, while they are watching cartoons or doing something. Yes, without children the cleaning process goes faster, but with them it will be much more useful: both for children and for parents. Many are sure that there is no need to overload children with household responsibilities and unnecessary worries. “Don’t take away your children’s childhood!” - shout opponents of children doing chores that are feasible and appropriate for their age around the house. Picking berries in grandma's garden, cleaning your shoes or putting away toys - not a single child has ever suffered from this!

Why should young children help their parents around the house, why do they need household chores?

Feeling of belonging to a family. By doing household chores, the child will feel necessary in the family, able to make his own contribution to the family well-being and therefore be its full member.

Caring for the future. Children who have had no household responsibilities at all are unable to take care of themselves and remain children even when all their peers have already matured.

Organization. Daily household chores help the child become more organized and transfer this quality to other areas of life: studies, relationships with teachers, parents, relationships with peers.

A child who knows how to take care of himself will be more successful in independent life, independent, confident in himself and in his abilities.

How can you teach your child to help around the house?

How can you teach your child to help around the house without making him hate housework? There is no need to protect your child from “difficult” tasks; you just need to give him tasks that are feasible and feasible at his age. Many are afraid that the child will get in the way and get underfoot. Yes, it will! But how can he learn how to cook pies or wash dishes without this? It is common for us to feel the coolness of water, the softness of dough, the roughness of a waffle towel on our skin, but for a child this is a whole universe that you can open for him while doing such ordinary things as cooking, cleaning or washing. We are so mired in everyday life that we forget how fleeting our children’s childhood is. We will never remember burnt soup or an unwashed floor, but we will definitely remember the burning eyes of our child, who picked up a broom for the first time, tried to wash clothes for the first time, clumsily tries to mix the salad with a spoon that is too big for him. Don't deprive your children of the opportunity to be close to you and explore the world through cleaning up the house.

Of course, there are things that we must do without a child, for example, cleaning plumbing fixtures with products containing bleach and other chemicals that are not very useful for children. There are household chores that can be done in the presence of the child, but without his direct participation.

What responsibilities does a child perform in the family (with pictures)

What responsibilities does a child perform in the family, how can he help his parents? A child can do almost anything! To make it easier for you to navigate, you can make lists of things that you can do without the child, next to the child and with him, that is, with his active participation. To do this, use the following table.

Housework and child:

Without a child

Next to the child

Together with the child

Try to fit as few things as possible into the first column: the “No Child” time can and should be spent on something more pleasant, useful and interesting than cleaning. But for many modern mothers, the child’s sleep time is the time to do household chores. Mom also needs to rest and gain physical and moral strength!

“Next to the child” and “Together with him” you can do almost all household chores, the main thing is to keep him well occupied at this time. If the mother is busy with needlework, then the child can be nearby and develop fine motor skills, sorting through buttons and scraps of fabric. If the mother decides to put things in order in books and documents, the child has a great opportunity to make an applique from unnecessary paper or draw a portrait of the whole family on expired warranty cards. If the mother “declutters” her wardrobe, then the baby can imagine himself as a model and designer and try on various images.

Children don't have to do the same things you do. They can really just be nearby or at least in the same room with you. If your child is busy building a railway and a city around it, then you can safely take down the curtains or iron the clothes, supporting the game by asking leading and clarifying questions: “Is there a post office in your city?”, “What about without a cafe!” The residents of the town need to refresh themselves somewhere,” “Where does your train go?” etc. The longer you manage to stir up interest in the game, the more time you will have for your business.

Even the most Small child can do all possible chores around the house - even with a little help from you. You should think and make your own lists of what your child can do that will really help you. How older child, the more help he can provide you.

Before you make such a list, you need to turn off your biases.

Offer your child more than you think he is capable of doing. It’s better to try it in practice and make sure that this is not yet available to him, than to wait it out and get a child who will say: “No, you can clean it yourself.”

Think about what real help a child can provide and what needs to be prepared for this.

For convenience, you can use a table.

How can my child help me?

In addition to the fact that the child can be an active participant in your household chores, he may simply not disturb you. This is also a good help, especially if you have no other help.

How to do it? Draw a schematic plan of your apartment and write down all the things that you do in one room or another, and opposite these things, write what your child can do at this time. Add and change activities for your child depending on his age and changing interests.

What should a child do around the house if he is already of senior preschool age?

Such children may well:

  • vacuum, sweep, wash the floor, wipe off dust;
  • lay out and hang your things in places;
  • monitor the condition of your shoes;
  • water the flowers;
  • carry light purchases, unpack grocery bags;
  • take care of a pet;
  • wash dishes and put them in their places;
  • make your bed.

Invite your child to look at the child’s responsibilities in the family in pictures - he can probably already do a lot of this on his own:

Helpers are not born; nurturing a child’s readiness and desire to help is a long and painstaking process, which you can carry out more easily if you allow your child to participate in household chores and “load” him with feasible responsibilities around the house.

Child's household chores: how children help parents around the house

Above we discussed the main responsibilities of a child in the family if he has already reached middle and high school. preschool age. But you can become an assistant much earlier! Below you will learn how children aged three years and older help their parents around the house.


  • Collect toys (put them on a shelf, put them in a box, sort them)
  • Place your clean clothes in a closet or on a shelf
  • Place dirty items in the laundry basket
  • Load clothes into the washing machine, pour in washing powder
  • Hang the laundry
  • Fold clean laundry (fold handkerchiefs or towels)
  • Sweep the floor with a broom or vacuum
  • Wipe off the dust with a cloth
  • Wipe the dirt from your boots on the floor
  • Take the trash to the bin
  • Take the trash to the garbage chute
  • Wash and dry dishes

Cooking food:

  • Cut vegetables, fruits, ingredients for dishes
  • Peel the eggs
  • Stir salad or soft dough
  • Serve spoons, cups, plates
  • Pour cereals and pasta into special jars or pans
  • Place vegetables, cookies, pies on a baking sheet
  • Set the table
  • Pour water, compote, juice from a jug or bottle
  • Place food on plates (salads, appetizers, hot dishes - with caution and only under adult supervision!)
  • Decorate pastries and cakes
  • Cut cookies with cookie cutters, make pies
  • Wipe crumbs off the table
  • Place light packages of food in a closet or refrigerator

Domestic plants and animals:

  • Water the flowers
  • Planting flowers in pots
  • Feed pets and give them water
  • Help wash animals
  • Help in the garden or garden (watering, weeding, planting, picking berries, fruits and vegetables)


  • Retrieving mail from the mailbox
  • Help wash the car
  • Wipe down your shoes after a walk
  • Hang things on a hook.

This article has been read 104,613 times.

From the first ultrasound scan to the first day of university, fatherhood can be the most challenging, but also the most rewarding job in the world. If you asked parents to list the TOP 5 priorities for their children, “happiness” would be at the top of most lists. So what can we do in this cruel and depressing world so that our children grow up truly? happy people?

Here's 30 simple tips from the world's leading psychologists who will help your children become not only happy, but also successful individuals in the future.

1. Listen to your child

Listening to a child means making eye contact without interrupting, and not waiting for your turn to express your own opinion. Really listen to what your child has to say so you can have a real dialogue. Use time in the car or during mealtimes to listen to your children with an open mind.

2. Ask your child questions

"What are you thinking about?".

“Why did this happen?”

“What pleasant thing happened today?”

“What do you think this tastes like?”...

Instead, ask them questions like “how would YOU like to do this?” or “how does this make YOU feel?”

4. Don’t make every conversation a lesson.

If you are always trying to teach your children, it will instill in them a feeling of inferiority and powerlessness.

5. Make mistakes when kids are watching.

Persistence allows us to make lemonade out of lemons or get back on our bike after falling 10 times in a row. Children learn more from example than from your words. If you want them to believe that mistakes are part of growth, they need to see you burn your dinner or fall off your skateboard.

One of the most powerful ways to demonstrate this to your child is when you make parenting mistakes. Let's say you lose your calm and start screaming. Instead of hoping they'll forget your meltdown, say, “I don't want to yell at you when I'm upset. Sorry. Even mommies make mistakes."

6. Teach your child to cook food

This skill will make your child happy from the first day at university and will help you save a decent amount of money.

7. Teach your child to look for information when he doesn’t know the answer.

If your child doesn’t know something, don’t rush to help him. Instead of saving your time and instantly suggesting the correct answer, let him find the information he needs on his own. In this way, the child will learn to rely on his own strength. And this is the most useful skill in adult life.

8. Teach your child how to clean

You should not leave household responsibilities to your children. Teach your child to clean by helping or sharing responsibilities. Let the difficult work (vacuuming and washing the floor) remain yours, and leave the dusting to your child. This way, in the future, he won't be disgusted by the process or call you exploitative. By maintaining order in the house, he will maintain order in his life.

9. Thank the child for any help provided

A simple “thank you” will teach your child gratitude and respect for the work of others. In addition, he will begin to appreciate his own work, which will build the foundation for a successful career in the future.

10. Teach children gratitude

Gratitude is the fastest path to happiness. Research conducted at the University of Berkeley has demonstrated the impact of gratitude on increasing personal well-being. If children are grateful for what they already have in life, they are more likely to be happy. Start by sharing the best moments of your day or saying what you are grateful for every time you sit down for family dinner.

11. Play with your child

“We don't stop playing because we get old; we grow old because we stop playing." The best part of childhood is games. Show children how to climb trees. Dress up as superheroes together. Drink tea or dance until you drop. The crazier the games, the better. Happy children laugh often.

12. Tell your child that you enjoy spending time with him.

This will show your child that you are spending time with him not because he asks or because it is your duty as a parent, but because he is an interesting little person.

13. Spend time outside with children

No matter where you live, you can get outdoors. Walk on fresh air improves your mood and provides time when you are truly focused on joint activities. Whether it's hiking, biking, swimming, or just walking the dog, nature can help relieve stress. Research shows that being outside helps children grow healthy and strong, enhances imagination and concentration, reduces aggression and increases productivity.

14. Watch birds and other animals together

Teach your child love and respect for nature with early childhood. Let him know that he is only a small cog in the huge mechanism of the planet. People who care about environment and feel unity with nature, much happier than indifferent ordinary people.

15. Teach children compassion for others.

Teaching your child to have compassion for themselves and others means showing their love unconditionally. Show your children how to be sensitive and caring. Do charity work and help other people together.

16. Teach children self-compassion.

If you say "I don't love you" as punishment for bad behavior, this will make your child believe that when he acts a certain way, he is not worthy of your love. According to expert Thomas Gordon, it's best to avoid saying, "If you loved me, you wouldn't do that." Never attach your love to children's actions and behavior so that they learn to love themselves.

17. Tell your child about his unconscious childhood

Be sure to tell your child about what he was like as a child: about his favorite games, first words, how you chose his name, about little pranks and quirks.

18. Tell me about yourself at his age

Tell not only positive, but also negative aspects about yourself, so as not to develop complexes in your child, as if he is worse than his parents. Talk more about your commonalities.

19. Talk about your family

In order for a child to begin to appreciate his loved ones and family ties from childhood, tell him about all the little things: how his grandparents met, how his parents met, what all family members do, their hobbies and interests, about your favorite films and books ... Thus, the child will begin to form a stereotype for himself of normal and happy family, which he will certainly try to reproduce in his future.

20. Talk about plans for the future

Be sure to share your plans and dreams so that your child learns to set his own goals, no matter how small, and achieve them on his own. If your child wants to get a bike, let him try to save the money on his own, even if you have the opportunity to buy one right now. Let him feel the excitement of achieving his dreams. Then the child will appreciate this bike much more and will know that you can get anything in life if you put in the effort.

21. Praise children often

All people have negative side. We remember a lot more bad deeds than good things. In fact, hidden behind negative emotions such as anger and fear are stronger and more positive ones - hope, inspiration and joy. Carol Dweck's research showed that to counteract this, we should praise a child seven times when he hears something negative about himself. This way, when things get tough, you can point out all the wonderful and wise things your little one has done in the past.

22. Don’t forbid your child to do something, but do it together

As you well know, actions are much more effective than words. If you forbid your child to climb out on the slide, in most cases, he will still climb there. So take him by the hand and go for a ride together. By doing this you will demonstrate your parental support, which will play an important role in the life of your child in the future.

23. Give little surprises

From time to time, bring your child a small chocolate bar or balloon. These should be inexpensive, small and not too frequent surprises so as not to spoil your baby.

24. Post breakfast in the shape of a smile

This small morning ritual will set good mood for all day. It's also a clever way to divert your child's attention away from food he doesn't really like.

25. Smile when your child enters the room or wakes up

A child is your joy, so it doesn’t matter what your mood is: when the baby enters the room, always smile. If he sees the joy on your face, he will be sure that he is the reason for your good mood. And people with high self-esteem are always the happiest.

26. Show love to children

Of course, this means that you should hug your child, kiss him, hold his hand. Also, demonstrate hugs and kisses with your partner so that children develop a certain pattern of behavior in relationships with loved ones. And don’t forget to tell your child more often: “I love you”, “I love you no matter what”, “I love you when you get angry or do dirty tricks”.

27. Develop a secret code

For example, when you hold your child's hand and suddenly squeeze it 3 times, this is a secret code that means “I love you.”

28. Help children control their emotions

The prefrontal cortex is one of the areas of the brain most sensitive to parental influence. This is the area that deals with emotional regulation. If your child wants a cookie before dinner and you say no, most kids will try to use cute eyes and a little voice. If it doesn't work, they start whining. And if they still don't get the cookies, they start screaming. If you give them cookies, you will teach them that yelling is a way to get what they want. If you worry when your child is upset or disappointed, he will learn from your feelings of anxiety instead of a balanced emotional norm of behavior. Always try to talk to your child and do not be led by hysterics and screams.

29. Teach children to take care of their own needs

Our job as parents is ultimately to teach our children how to take care of their own needs. How earlier child starts to feel successful in taking care of yourself, the better. We worry so much about all the things that could go wrong that we sometimes deprive our children of the opportunity to try. Start with simple things. How many times have you applied yourself toothpaste on your child's brush when he is perfectly capable of doing it on his own? These simple steps will make you... happy child happy and successful adult.

30. Allowing children to make mistakes and blunders

Happy children know that they can cope with all difficulties. They learned this by getting off at the wrong bus stop or pouring milk too quickly. According to child psychologist Joanne Dick, children feel supported the first time they do something wrong, so they are more likely to try. This helps instill problem solving skills. The ability to think outside the box depends more on upbringing than on natural abilities. When children learn this type of thinking as children, it sets them up for success in adulthood.

What secrets of raising children do you know?

Illustration by V. Dashieva

May 25 - International Day of Missing Children

Sometimes even children from wealthy families can run away from home, accidentally get lost, or become victims of crime. How to prevent a child from going missing and how to find him quickly? What should parents teach their baby for his safety?

Suspicious Stranger

By nature, children are trusting and careless enough to become victims of crime. An adult is an authority for them, so they do not expect tricks from him. Meanwhile, a criminal can easily gain the trust of a child using simple communication “keys”: treat him with sweets, ask for help, promise to give him a toy or show him a kitten that is nearby. Therefore, the task of parents is to always be on guard and teach their child the rules safe behavior- in the house, on the street, in kindergarten and school.

What to teach a child?

  • When accompanying your child to kindergarten or school, explain to him who will come for him. He shouldn't go with anyone else. Notify your teacher or teacher about this.
  • Even if you leave your baby alone at home for a short time, explain to him: when the phone rings, he should not tell the caller his last name, first name, address or say that he is home alone. The same applies to unexpected guests - the baby should not open the door for them. Even if the person introduces himself as a family friend.
  • If you notice a suspicious person near children's institutions, report it to law enforcement agencies.
  • Try not to send your child to the store or for a walk alone.
  • Warn your child that he should not respond to calls from strangers for help in order to find a lost animal, help a poor old lady, and so on.
  • Tell your child to never accept candy or other gifts from a stranger, even if it is from a nice smiling woman.
  • Explain to your child that if he suspects someone is following him from a car, he should go in the opposite direction, even if the person in the car pulls out a weapon. Encourage your child to run as fast as possible, preferably in a direction where there are a lot of people: the likelihood of criminals shooting weapons or trying to grab the child is reduced to zero due to fear of being noticed.
  • If a child is forced into a car, he should scream loudly, attracting the attention of others. If before this they try to remove him from the bicycle, then he needs to cling to the bicycle with all his limbs so that it is impossible to drag him inside the car - the noise may attract the attention of other people.
  • Strictly order your child to ask permission if he wants to move somewhere from the agreed place of the walk.

“Passport” in case of loss

No one is immune from criminal attacks, but parents can help themselves and their child in advance in case of their sudden disappearance. So, if a child can speak, first of all teach him:

  • full name child
  • date of birth
  • home address
  • parents' work addresses
  • home and Cell phones parents

If your child goes for a walk or goes out on the town with you, put a laminated card with this information in his pocket.

Phone, photo and contacts

In addition, photograph your baby every three months, preferably in a normal casual wear. Sad practice has shown: about 80% of parents of missing children do not have recent photographs of the child. Always keep a recent photo nearby. It wouldn't hurt to buy a phone for your child. Agree to contact him at certain intervals, call him yourself if he does not get in touch at the appointed time. Connect a location-based service to your child's phone. It is also important to be aware of your child’s friendships and know their phone numbers and residential addresses. Write down the contacts of educators, teachers, coaches and club leaders. Stay in close contact with your child, monitor changes in his mood, and immediately try to find out the reasons.

“Uncle policeman will pick you up!”

You should not frighten a child with a police officer, because if suddenly lost, the child will be afraid to turn to a law enforcement officer for help.

Voluntary disappearance