Heartfelt congratulations on September 1 in prose. Congratulations on Knowledge Day

September 1 - Knowledge Day - a special holiday not only for schoolchildren, but also for teachers and parents. Always a bright day, full of emotion and exciting atmosphere, it’s hard to forget! Solemn music sounds loudly, warm congratulations and wishes - this is all about one of the most important school holidays.

On this day - September 1 - congratulations and warm words are heard. Everyone wishes the students success in their educational process and so that the new school year brings only pleasant impressions! And Special attention are given to those for whom the first bell actually rang for the first time, and for whom it was the last time.

We have collected only the most best congratulations Happy Knowledge Day in prose and poetry - from teachers, parents and schoolchildren. Save them and be sure to share them!

Congratulations on September 1 in prose

We sincerely congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge - a real national holiday of wisdom, kindness and humanity. This day is always especially solemn and exciting, because it is from here that the unknown, interesting and at the same time difficult path to knowledge, to new achievements, to independent life begins. We wish all schoolchildren on this path to conquer new heights of knowledge, meet good and reliable friends and achieve their cherished goal. We are convinced that your abilities and perseverance will be the key to outstanding success in adult life, and this is facilitated by high standards of Ukrainian education and equal opportunities for every child to receive it. The most sincere words of gratitude go to the teachers who generously share their knowledge with you and cherish the true patriots of our state. Their wisdom and generosity stays with the students for life. Let this first September be sunny and bring good mood to every school, every family! Happy holiday, dear friends!

We sincerely congratulate you on the beginning of the new academic year, the Day of Knowledge - a national holiday of wisdom, kindness, inspiration and new discoveries. The first of September unites us all, because everyone once crossed the threshold of their native school on this day, opened the first book, wrote the first word. The years of study are the best of our lives. It is at this time that we find true friends, discover our abilities, and set guidelines for the rest of our lives. Happy holiday everyone!

I sincerely congratulate you all on the traditional September holiday of the first bell - the Day of Knowledge, which opens the world of knowledge and ascent to the eternal life-giving sources of civilization. The Day of Knowledge has become a truly national holiday of youth and hope. This is a holiday primarily for those who cross the threshold of school for the first time in their lives. Those who came here with their children or grandchildren. Those who daily give them their knowledge and warmth of their hearts, teach and educate with love.

So this day has come. September 1 is the Day of Knowledge and the start of the new school year. I would like to wish that this day would not be a cause of sadness, but would be remembered for long-awaited cheerful meetings, cheerful and ringing laughter, new interesting acquaintances and the awakening of a thirst for knowledge. May you have enough strength and patience for the whole coming year! High grades, easy tests, interesting lessons and true friends, with whom everything that has already been said will easily come true!

September begins with a holiday of knowledge, enlightenment, and science. First day of school, first lesson, first teachers. It’s as if everything is for the first time – the word, the music, and the bells of the soul. On this holiday, every mother or father, grandfather or grandmother will wake up as before, to certainly take their child to school - if not by the hand, then walking next to them. And at this magical time, let me sincerely congratulate everyone on traditional holiday first bell - the Day of Knowledge, which opens the world of knowledge and ascent to the eternal life-giving sources of civilization, a holiday of youth and hope and, above all, of those who cross the threshold of school for the first time in their lives. At this moment - after years and distances, turning over the pages of my school days and years - I really want to tell you that learning is a hidden treasure, it is a world of knowledge about people and their environment. Learn to know, to act, to live. I am confident that the seeds of science will bear fruit and will grow in your souls as a harvest of wisdom and inspiration. Grow up healthy, achieve high results in your studies and always be active in social life.

Once again, the morning of the first day of September is filled with the melodic sounds of the school bell. Once again, the streets of cities and villages are blooming with the chirping of children, youthful smiles and the magical snowstorm of autumn asters. Nostalgic glances of adults, emotional distress, sadness and joy intertwined together. This is our region, our state is celebrating the Day of Knowledge - a real national holiday of wisdom, kindness and humanity. All paths this day lead to school. A new academic year begins, which always means the opening of a new, radiant and often difficult road - the road to knowledge, to new achievements. It will become special and, undoubtedly, defining in life for dear first-graders who, holding on to parent's hands, for the first time set foot on an unknown path. It will be no less important for eleventh-graders who will have to choose a professional path. What their choice will be depends only on them. And we will always be there to help and advise. Happy holiday!

Beautiful congratulations on September 1 from teachers

The first of September is a special holiday, because September 1 is the Day of Knowledge. If you forget about stereotypes and cliches, then this is a holiday of changes, a holiday positive development, a celebration of learning the new and unknown, while maintaining connections with the past. On this day, I would like to congratulate with especially warm words all the people who are directly related to education. I wish you, dear friends, health, happiness and joy, and also inexhaustible energy when acquiring new knowledge. May the support and understanding of your loved ones and acquaintances always be with you. Happy holiday to you!

Dear schoolchildren! At all times, an educated person has been respected. Learning is a hidden treasure, it is a world of knowledge about people and their environment. We must study in order to know, act, live. I am confident that the seeds of science will grow in your young souls as a harvest of wisdom and inspiration. May your every day, every step be bright, joyful and fruitful. Grow up healthy, achieve high results in your studies!

The most my sincere congratulations To you, dear parents, grandparents of students. The dream of your families will come true - the children will subsequently glorify their family tree with their work, devoting strength, knowledge, and skills gained through practical experience to the development of the state and strengthening its economic power. Once again we congratulate everyone, dear friends, on the new academic year! Happy holiday - Knowledge Day!

Congratulations to everyone on a wonderful exciting holiday - Knowledge Day! This is the day from which the road to the future begins for each of us. This is a day that gives adults the opportunity to return to their golden years, and pupils and students to their second home - schools and universities. It is on the Day of Knowledge that we remember with special warmth our teachers and instructors, their invaluable work of mind and heart. Thank you, our dear teachers, we will always remain your students! I wish everyone who comes to educational institutions to gain knowledge on this Day to achieve their goals in life, find mutual understanding with teachers and parents, and meet good and reliable friends. And especially to our dear first-graders - never stop on the path of knowledge, it is interesting and truly endless! Good luck to you!

Our dear teachers! We sincerely congratulate you on Knowledge Day and the beginning of the next academic year. We wish you happiness, health, prosperity and as many joyful moments as possible. We promise to try harder this school year and disappoint you as little as possible, so that at the end of the school year you will see the fruits of your hard work. Thank you for your patience and support!

Happy September 1st!

Dear teachers! On behalf of the entire class, we congratulate you on September 1st! We were looking forward to the start of the new school year, because we are sure that this year your lessons will be even more interesting and exciting than last year. We are very lucky to have you, because you can make the most boring topics interesting and explain the most complex ones clearly. Happy holiday to you!

Congratulations on September 1 in verse

Forget-me-nots bouquet malia
The dawn is on your chest,
The path is unforgiving, but clear,
There are good people for you.
Take all the good things from school from life,
And reading wisdom, and a chance to see friends,
May your lot be easy,
Let me love you and come here.

First class today for you
Opens the doors
Make your dad and mom happy,
Be wise and respectful,
Respect your readers,
May you have good friends,
Count on twelve already,
And two - don’t bother.

It's early spring, we're walking to school
You will go as soon as you can finish without moving any more.
And let me spare you, my son,
I should have studied as diligently as I could.
Let your school become another homeland,
And as you grow up, my little son, let’s be happy!

The sun woke up too early,
He is already walking in the heavenly cloud.
Even earlier my daughter had lost her temper,
The world's happiest nina.
Everything is in place - both the sewing and the book,
Everything has been collected in a moment, like nothing else.
And the daughter of three rubles boasts,
Aje go ahead to school.
Happiness, joy, I wish the world
And she has a lot of luck in life.
Let the sorrows pass away.
3 Let’s first come this spring, my dear daughter, with the saint!

Poetic congratulations on September 1

Greetings on 1st Veresnya
Let's hurry up for you today.
The local school is already ready
And all your readers.
Let everything be the same for the first time:
A laugh, a sparkle of happy eyes.
And in front - I’m calling for the beginning
And your cheerful, friendly class.
I wish I didn’t know the difficulties
And it’s easy to get up,
Read up on the nuts and bolts first
And know the subject well!

Today is a special, special day,
Look at this world more cheerfully!
A miraculous flow awaits you,
Adequate school life - know new things.
The infection is even worse on the cob,
Enjoy your struggle to get through it,
Give your classmates warm hearts.
Happy Birthday to you!

The Day of Knowing is a special, bright day.
Aje in front is the initial rik.
It’s possible to indulge in the hot weather,
For those who are more diligent, glory awaits!
We wish you courage, patience,
He was victorious and won.
I say hello to my beautiful people
Lose a trace on a lot of rocks!

Expressing emotions and wishing everyone a successful school year is the main goal of any line, dedicated to the Day knowledge. After all, this is an exciting holiday for everyone - schoolchildren who have matured a year, teachers, parents, kids who will sit at school desks for the first time, and graduates who have only one year of carefree childhood left.

Holiday traditions

In all settlements of our country, on September 1 you can see a large number of smartly dressed first-graders walking to school with a bouquet of flowers. There, on Knowledge Day, ceremonial assemblies are held for them to mark the beginning of the school year, as well as peace lessons, which have already become traditional. For first graders, their first school bell rings. School wall newspapers are drawn for them and songs about school are played. Students of other classes also have a reason to rejoice, because they again meet with their favorite teachers and school friends.

Of course, in different schools the Day of Knowledge holiday is celebrated in its own way. And in last years Some schools began to celebrate September 1 on a grand scale: parties are held outdoors or in cafes. In secondary special and higher educational institutions ceremonial assemblies are usually not held. There are formal assemblies for freshmen, but senior students are already studying.

Congratulations on September 1 in verse:

September is the start of new knowledge,
School time is open!
Diligence and effort to you
I wish you with all my heart!

So that there is strength, inspiration,
And the granite of science became light,
Exercises were always solved
Without parental tears and torment!

Happy Knowledge Day - from September 1
Congratulations to him!
Best ratings for you
And this is the instruction:

Always try to be first
Luck will smile!
And remember, it's school time
It will pass and not return!

Study, study, study again
Not too late, not too early, always and everywhere.
And everyone should strive for new knowledge,
After all, knowledge is power, like a bright star!

And let the book be your best friend,
You strive for something new without any complaints.
Let your head spin from luck,
The Day of Knowledge! And now touch the secret.

Today is a special day
Bright autumn has come,
Both boys and girls
She called me to school in a friendly manner.

Excellent for studying,
We give you parting words,
And the granite of science is complex
Conquered every day.

Inspiration to you, talent,
No obstacles on the way,
To make it interesting
Go to school in the morning!

To know and remember everything in the world,
Think about everything and understand everything,
To be responsible for everything in the world -
We celebrate Knowledge Day again!
Since there is a holiday, it means it is needed,
If only there was a reason in September...
Here the yellow leaf will spin again
Autumn day on the calendar.
When both intelligence and knowledge are needed
... which means the soul is alive...
The world will be born, through trials
Hurrying persistently towards wisdom!

Here comes the breath of autumn,
New calendar sheet.
The Day of Knowledge has come again -
The main holiday of September!

You're in a good mood
Go to school every day.
Solution for any question
Then you can find it!

And with any school task,
We know you can handle it jokingly.
Rejoice in merry years,
They will fly by quickly!

Congratulations on September 1 in prose

A joyful autumn day filled with smiles and flowers, a holiday for all children. Congratulations on Knowledge Day, happy new school year! May this year bring many new discoveries. Let every day be bright, memorable, fruitful and filled only with positive results, new experiences and a great mood.

This day has come. September 1 is the Day of Knowledge and the start of the new school year. I would like to wish that this day would not be a cause of sadness, but would be remembered for long-awaited cheerful meetings, cheerful and ringing laughter, new interesting acquaintances and the awakening of a thirst for knowledge. May you have enough strength and patience for the whole coming year! High grades, easy tests, interesting lessons and true friends, with whom everything that has already been said will easily come true!

The first day of autumn gives us inspiration to study. And just on this day there is a holiday - the Day of Knowledge! In the summer we relax, have fun, replenish our strength and miss experienced teachers, whose wisdom is irreplaceable. Today we have every chance to fill the emptiness of our souls and begin the exciting learning process! We congratulate everyone who wants to study on the holiday, and wish not to lose precious inspiration! Let school days not turn into an everyday routine, but become exciting and educational lessons! May you enjoy calls, breaks, additional assignments, communication with classmates and conversations with teachers! Golden school years! Then you will remember these days with pleasure. Appreciate your capabilities, acquire the necessary knowledge and implement your ideas. Your destiny is in your hands! Good luck!

Knowledge Day is always a warm, especially exciting holiday for everyone who comes to learn and gain new knowledge. We all once came to the school doors as first-graders with new backpacks on our shoulders, bouquets in our hands and excitement in our chests! How endless the school road seemed to us, and now, having finished school, we ourselves became teachers and now we meet you guys, so that we can pass on all our knowledge to you, so that you become worthy people, get an education, and choose a profession to your liking. Today the New Academic Year begins and let today’s red day of the “Knowledge Day” calendar be a good start for the entire academic year!

The first of September is Knowledge Day! It’s so good that there is such a day of the year. And this is not only children's party all students and professional holiday all teachers. I would like to wish that we all learn and develop throughout our lives, become better and wiser. After all, it is precisely in such a movement, in the spiritual and spiritual development, and that’s what life consists of. And development without knowledge is impossible. Therefore, I wish that every person could celebrate this holiday for themselves. Let the first of September annually mark your successes, according to which, like milestones, your life will go uphill. Let your achievements be celebrated, and on the second of September you will rush to new knowledge, to new heights that you will conquer again, so that on the Day of Knowledge in next year you could celebrate it with pride!

Congratulations on the first of September

Happy Knowledge Day, happy autumn holiday!
The time has come, the bells are ringing,
And again the children are invited:
“Hurry to class, students.”

Studying is not easy
But everything will work out, you know
With firm tenacity and patience
You will reach the top, just dare.

Congratulations on September 1

A big country needs: lawyers,
Builders and programmers,
Doctors, foremen and stylists,
Accountants, economists!

There are many professions - all are important,
And in each - knowledge is needed!
So that - without screams and suffering -
Everyone at their desks! The Day of Knowledge has arrived!

Beautiful congratulations on September 1

Congratulations on Knowledge Day!
Let the solution to all tasks
It will be easy, but not too much.
Let textbooks and books

They give food for the mind,
New classes of comfort
Gives the atmosphere of home,
Where everything has been familiar to you for a long time.

Short congratulations on September 1

Congratulations - Knowledge Day:
Friendship, sports and books!
Through work and daring
I have many vocations
Open up, student!!!

New greetings on September 1

September has come - autumn is right here,
She fully comes into her own,
And new knowledge awaits you, my dear,
After all New Year school is starting today.
May it bring you great benefit,
You know, you definitely need to study,
May you study all year long,
Not a burden, but interest and joy!

Best congratulations on September 1

Knowledge Day is a universal holiday -
He is dear to everyone, we need him.
Day of Knowledge - a day of goodness and childhood
With a reasonable word in half!

We certainly congratulate everyone,
We wish you new milestones,
Go from September to May
In the company of school days!

Congratulations on September 1 in verse

Today at the school gate
The older guys are coming.
You greet them with a smile
And, of course, they are happy to see you!

I want to tell you on an autumn day,
That you are like a queen
In that kingdom of knowledge and skills,
That bell rang again!

Beautiful congratulations on September 1 in verse

So the day of knowledge has come along with autumn,
So that every student finds a calling for himself,
A stormy meeting of old friends and girlfriends,
The trembling joy of parents and beloved teachers.
And may studying not be a punishment for you,
Let it bring interest and useful knowledge,
Study diligently, solve problems skillfully,
Learning is always a noble cause!

From September 1

Someone goes to school for the first time,
Carefully carries flowers in his hands,
The city is drowning in white bows,
Dreams come true again.

The first day of September took place,
And the teacher began his lesson.
It turned out to be one of the best days
But... the bell is already ringing again.

Congratulations on September 1

It's beautiful, warm, autumn weather outside,
The time for the school year has come to us,
Everyone gathered near the school’s cozy yard,
Parents, friends, teachers and noisy children.
A first-grader doesn’t walk boldly for the first time,
A high school student is impatiently waiting for the prom,
Let your problems be easily solved,
May your school years never be forgotten!

Congratulations on the first of September

We congratulate you on the Day of Knowledge,
And we’re in a hurry to get you ready for school.
Know that school years fly by quickly,
Hurry up to enjoy them.
Try not only to acquire knowledge,
But also good, kind, faithful friends,
Yes, so many that you can’t count them,
But to “definitely a friend,” and not “probably.”

First of September

We welcome the new autumn,
We celebrate Knowledge Day!
The one who is small and who is older -
They are now being built for marches.
Everyone greets each other:
A friend has grown up, a friend is wearing bows,
And with flowers and a smile
First-grader - like from a postcard!
The school year will begin again -
Congratulations! And let it be
He is successful and pleasant.
Interesting activities for everyone!

Wish for September 1st

Today, on the day of knowledge,
Congratulations to you.
your wishes
I wish you fulfillment

Good luck in your studies
And new friends
Let your life be
Even more fun!

Wishes for the first of September

On the first day of early autumn
It's like it's the first time:
Congratulations on Knowledge Day -
Friends again, girlfriends, class!
You, schoolboy, must study
After rest start
So, to distinguish yourself again -
Only get "tens" in school!!!

Original congratulations on September 1

The time has come for science to gnaw on granite,
The school bell beckons with its melody,
Thousands of your happy eyes met,
You will soon enter a new, bright classroom.
Meet as one big one, Friendly family,
Students, teachers, parents, girlfriends and friends,
Share your impressions with each other,
We wish you all a cheerful mood!

Official congratulations on September 1

On Knowledge Day, school welcomes everyone again
Children who grew up during the holidays.
The September bell calls to classes,
And everyone is in a hurry to see each other.

Today’s material contains a selection of congratulations on September 1 and Knowledge Day 2018: in prose, poetry, postcards, in Russian and Ukrainian.

September 1: poetry

The door of my native school opened,

Into a fascinating world beckoning,

Where everything is mysterious and new.

So let the school year fly

Without failures and stumblings,

Let everyone find something for themselves

A treasure trove of valuable knowledge and skills!

3 SMS - 164 characters:

It's not worth wasting your time,

Always strive for something new

Now without knowledge you can’t go anywhere.

Try to become smarter faster

And listen to your teachers.

3 SMS - 199 characters:

Autumn has come again

The school bell rang -

He congratulates you on the Day of Knowledge,

Invites you to a lesson.

All the boys have grown up

We gained strength over the summer,

We want the school year

Only brought joy!

Poems for September 1 for preschoolers

Let them call us “six-year-olds”!

Let them not mark us!

We don't keep diaries!

Still we...

We love the clean, bright class.

We read the words aloud.

Well, thirdly,

I'm Lariska

I’m already writing notes myself!

And grandma says:

My grandson -


Our mood

Only quiet time spoils

When we hear in silence:

Rest, kids!

Well, what kind of kid am I,

If I'm at my brother's

I took it apart and assembled it myself

Micro calculator?!

Don't lie, please don't lie,

You are not seven, but only three.

You won't go to school today,

Why, Seryozha, are you lying to me?

“I won’t lie,” said Seryozha, “

I was joking, I was making it up.

I just want, Arkashka,

Like you, to become a first-grader.

Congratulations on September 1 to teachers

You again lead to the light of knowledge

Big and small guys.

You give your soul to work,

Why everyone thanks you!

We wish you an easy start

And happy school days,

So that everything is fulfilled successfully,

Life was becoming brighter.

You, our dear teachers!

Good luck to you for the whole year,

So that there is always comfort in your soul!

Patience so that it never ends,

So that the salary doesn't bite.

Lessons should be conducted in such a way

So that everyone can sit down at their desks immediately!

So that management praises you,

Always appreciated you with dignity,

Respected you for your work

For all the merits - awarded!

You are our dear teachers,

So kind, so dear to us!

We congratulate you on your holiday today,

The Day of Knowledge! We wish you with all our hearts

There is warmth in the soul, and kindness in the heart,

Always only positive, beautiful.

So that there will never be sorrows,

May you always be loved!

Congratulations on September 1 in prose

Happy knowledge Day! I wish you a great desire to learn and experience. Ease in the new school year. A friendly atmosphere, interesting events, excellent grades and a constant desire to be better than yesterday. Success, good luck, health, tolerance and wonderful results!

Our dear and respected teachers, here you are again standing at the start of the annual race according to the school curriculum. Let this year be productive, productive, educational and interesting. We wish you steel patience, granite health, radiant happiness and silk students.

4 SMS - 208 characters:

Dear teachers, year after year you do incredibly important work, teaching children and raising a new generation! You are laying the most important knowledge, the basis for its development! Let your school days be a joy!

3 SMS - 200 characters:

Today we celebrate the Day of Knowledge and with this good mood, enthusiasm and joy we begin the new school year! Let everyone be able to prove themselves in their studies, learn a lot of new, interesting and useful things!

Congratulations on September 1 to a first grader

You came to school for the first time,

Happy Knowledge Day, first-graders!

I wish you not to get tired

And run to school with joy,

Learn with ease, without tears,

Know the answer to any question

Get only A's,

Meet reliable friends.

Dear first graders! Today is a very important day! Now you are schoolchildren. A world of useful knowledge awaits you, after which you can become smart, educated adults. I would like to wish you patience and strength. Knowledge is not that easy. But don't worry, school is not only a responsibility, but also new friends with whom you will walk shoulder to shoulder, perhaps for the rest of your life. This happy holidays, interesting lessons, fun breaks and kind mentors-teachers who will always help you. Be attentive, cheerful, brave and responsive! The Day of Knowledge! Good luck!

On Knowledge Day, first graders, cordially

Welcome and congratulations!

You are welcome here forever,

And we immediately see: you are a wonderful class.

Let your studies be easy and enjoyable,

There is so much to learn here.

Let every day be interesting for you,

There was no need to be bored at all.

Happy Knowledge Day, our first-graders, a good start to new successes. We wish you to always be friendly guys, diligent students, happy children. Let the lessons be interesting, and the breaks be fun, let new and grandiose discoveries and big joyful changes in life await you ahead.

Congratulations from the director on Knowledge Day, September 1

Our dear students and respected teachers, I greet you and everyone present on this wonderful day. The school is once again opening its doors to new knowledge and exciting travels, and I want to wish these travels to be the most unforgettable and, of course, fruitful. I wish you guys determination, great achievements, excellent performance, high goals and an optimistic attitude for the new school year. And to you, our dear teachers, strong endurance, a lot of energy, understanding, always a good start to the day and special thanks to you for your clear mind, good nature and for being with us. And so, I solemnly open the new academic year and have a good journey through the land of knowledge.

Parents and children,

Colleagues and friends!

Happy Knowledge Day to you cordially

I want to congratulate you.

May the new year be a school year

Will bring happiness to everyone,

Good luck, valuable experience.

Happy Knowledge Day everyone! Forward!

All students, parents, colleagues

Congratulations on the first of September!

May you be successful this year,

Let your efforts not be in vain!

We will only learn new things

And useful knowledge to heed,

And strive for new achievements,

To become smarter and wiser!

Greetings to first-graders from their mothers

Sinku, today you are incredibly welcome to your first school! You won’t notice and remember how we will all at once get you back from completing your schooling and withdrawing your certificates. And now your happy educational journey is just beginning! I encourage you to take away the most beautiful emotions and the most valuable knowledge from school life! We will write about you to our hearts!

Donya, this is a very difficult day for our entire homeland! You are our image of the current world! We sincerely hope that you will be a very happy person now and in the future! We believe that with a big heart, you can easily master any school science and will surely conquer all areas of your life until the next day. We believe you have the right to continue to move forward!

Greetings from 1st Veresnya in prose

From the sight of my heart I wish you Happy Day! Let this initial river open up new horizons for young people, knowledge of the world, their success in education, and fathers’ pride in their children. May the sweet spring of the spring be sleepy, bringing a good mood to your school and homeland! For the future, I wish you good health, unforgettable activities of school life and healthy life!

Dear friends! I honor you as a miraculous, lionizing saint - Happy Day! This is the day from which the road to tomorrow begins for each of us. This is the day that gives grown-ups the opportunity to return to their golden lives, and to schoolchildren and students - to their other home - at school and university. On this Day, we know with special warmth our readers and depositors, their invaluable work of mind and heart. We express our gratitude to you, our dear readers, - we will forever be deprived of your teachings! I encourage everyone, who on this day comes to the initial deposits to gain knowledge, to reach their goals in life, to know the mutual understanding with payments and fathers, the friendship of good and reliable friends. And especially, to our dear first-graders - don’t hesitate at all! Good luck to you!

Greetings to first-graders as first readers of prose

My dear first class!

This day is a great holy day, not only for you, but also for me! Your broad smiles and eyes with sparkles of joy give me great hope that our journey with you will be full of good fortune and success!

Your fathers took you home with love. Having arrived before school, this love will only grow: my heart can already feel your heart, for we are becoming one great homeland! You will soon feel the warmth and support of your school friends and older comrades!

I will help you discover new memories, knowledge, skills, and you will understand that every one of you can be a little charmer who can master a lot of sciences and new discoveries!

Life in our class will forever be protected by kind-hearted fairies: friendship, mutuality and great help.

Every one of you is a special friend, sharing how we create great warmth together, our first friendly class! I love you, my love!

Good luck to you in your life!

Greetings for fathers since 1st spring

Dear dads! Once again the early morning of the first spring day will be filled with the melodic sounds of the school bell. The nostalgic looks of grown-up people, emotional turmoil, turmoil and joy are intertwined at once. This is our land, our power, celebrating the Day of Knowing - the national celebration of holy wisdom, kindness and humanity. With all the warmth of the heart of this day, we can hear the words for people not only to generously share their knowledge, but to encourage a younger generation of well-known citizens, true patriots of their state. Bless you!

The first veresnya is especially sacred, so the first veresnya is the day you know. If you forget about stereotypes and cliches, then there is a sacred change, a sacred positive development, a sacred knowledge of the new and the unknown, at the same time, in connection with the past. On this day, I would like to greet all people with especially warm words, illuminate. I wish you, dear friends, good health, happiness and joy, as well as incredible energy when acquiring new knowledge. May you in future entrust the encouragement and understanding of your loved ones and acquaintances. Bless you!

Message for readers on 1st Veresnya

Today is the 1st of Spring - Day of Knowing. I wish all of you on this important day, even though I am aware of the invisible part of the spiritual process of any human being. Holy You!

Shanovni are illuminated! I hope to know you every day - 1st spring! I congratulate you on the beginning of the beginning of rock and wish you good health, great scientists and an extremely brightened mind!

May the Day of knowledge give us now and the development of a new vision, the knowledge of the future, may the pursuit of success and the rooting of new peaks not fade away, may the whole river be in great health, in a good mood And in the distance there will be a beginning.

Today, September 1, the early morning is especially beautiful: the sun is waking up, and it seems that even the trees are festively dressed up for the Day of Knowledge - they are pouring golden, red leaves on the heads of students rushing to school! I congratulate you on the start of another school year and wish you good luck and Have a good mood!

The Day of Knowledge has come. For some of you it is the first, for some it is the last, and for others it is the next one. But definitely for everyone this is a holiday that opens the doors to new world discoveries and new opportunities. So allow me to congratulate you, dear students, to wish you to walk the path to knowledge with dignity, with confidence, and your loving parents and your teachers will guide and help you.

If you act, you win! Therefore, on the Day of Knowledge, I wish you never to stop there, and especially in your studies. Constantly learning is what makes a person a Human, what allows you to live not as you can, but as you want. Don't give up knowledge! And may everything work out for you!

A joyful autumn day filled with smiles and flowers, a holiday for all children. Congratulations on Knowledge Day, happy new school year! May this year bring many new discoveries. Let every day be bright, memorable, fruitful and filled only with positive results, new experiences and a great mood.


Please accept my congratulations on September 1st! Knowledge Day is a great holiday, a wonderful reason to really take up your studies. I wish you to study not for the sake of grades, but for the sake of knowledge, receive it, absorb it and use it for its intended purpose!

September 1 is a day of smiles, anticipation and meetings. Let him make a good start in mastering the blank spots on the map of knowledge. Summer gave you a charge of positive emotions, so let this year fly by positively and productively. Happy September 1st!

This day has come. September 1 is the Day of Knowledge and the start of the new school year. I would like to wish that this day would not be a cause of sadness, but would be remembered for long-awaited cheerful meetings, cheerful and ringing laughter, new interesting acquaintances and the awakening of a thirst for knowledge. May you have enough strength and patience for the whole coming year! High grades, easy tests, interesting lessons and true friends, with whom everything that has already been said will easily come true!

The school year begins with a holiday - September 1, which fortunately falls at the beginning of the golden autumn, when nature is so beautiful even in the city! So let your mood be just as bright on this day when you have to see your friends and teachers again!

A person begins to receive a variety of important knowledge from birth. And on a day as bright and joyful as today, we all once sat down at our school desks for the first time. This solemn, bright event was remembered by many for the rest of their lives. And after graduation, the accumulation of knowledge continues. After all, we cannot do without them. The Day of Knowledge!

Congratulations on September 1 (Knowledge Day) in prose

The time for rest and entertainment has come to an end. An interesting time is coming to learn new things and become familiar with the beautiful. May September 1 bring a sea of ​​positive emotions and joy from a long-awaited meeting with your beloved friends. Happy holiday, Happy Knowledge Day!

Happy knowledge Day! May there be a lot of interesting things ahead, may each lesson bring discoveries, and may the school year be successful. Let teachers help you understand the secrets of science, and let bright minds show their talents brightly. I wish that one of the most important days in September will be remembered with cheerful excitement, smiles, and the joy of anticipation of something new. Effort, diligence, patience, good luck!

Today is September 1st! The time has come for you to study again, and may your studies be a joy! Don’t be sad when you come across a difficult problem, it’s better to solve it with interest and be proud of your success! May your days of study fly like birds, and may you become more mature and smarter!

On September 1, a new era of knowledge begins, from which all schoolchildren, big and small, need to take as much as possible! I congratulate you and am proud of you - after all, you have to become smarter, learn so many new and interesting things! I also wish you high grades and good mood on every day!

After the end of the sweltering summer heat, I wish you, with the arrival of autumn, to feel a new surge of strength to gnaw on the granite of science, gain really useful knowledge, not forgetting to dream, try, and look for opportunities. May all your ambitious plans come true!

Congratulations on the Day of Knowledge and from the bottom of my heart I would like to wish you never stop believing in yourself, constantly strive for new successes and achievements, always achieve your goals and not lose interest in everything new and unknown. Let correct knowledge and science help you live wisely, let any subject be easy and excellent.

All of us, adults, remember our school days and miss the time when the most difficult work was a test, and the most angry dragon was the school principal! On September 1, I wish you to run as fast as you can to school and enjoy every day, love your studies and remember that one day you will become an adult, and all this will help you fulfill your dreams!

Congratulations on September 1, 2018! Knowledge Day is wonderful, wonderful holiday, so let it help you and inspire you to gain new knowledge. May there be many joys in your life and happy events, may fate give you everything you dream of!

September 1 is an exciting date for both teachers and students. We wish everyone patience, ease in the learning process, tact and mutual understanding. Teachers should have more patience and a good mood, and let the schoolchildren delight with their diligence and hard work!

The Day of Knowledge. I wish you to gain patience, strength, courage and perseverance for new discoveries, for new victories and achievements, for new knowledge and aspirations. I wish you fun and easy learning, as well as success in all areas of your life. Good luck, good mood, cheerfulness and positivity for this entire school year.

Hello school! On the first of September, it’s time to return to class, again in the evenings not to walk and admire the sunset - but to do homework, and the next morning - write uneven answers with chalk on the blackboard... I congratulate you on the beginning of a new year of study - a year of good mood and excellent grades!

Happy knowledge Day! May the new round of student everyday life bring you long-awaited meetings with friends and classmates, praise from teachers, good grades and a feeling of pride that you are a special and very talented person! May there be happiness and good luck in life!

Knowledge Day is a special day when the doors to an interesting and exciting world of learning open. So let this journey be carried out with maximum diligence, determination and minimum difficulties. Ease and patience in the process of acquiring new and necessary knowledge!

Have a great journey on the path to knowledge! May they bring you prosperity, success, interesting job, respect for people, the opportunity to live fully, so that you have enough time for rest, and for loved ones, and for hobbies, and for everything that you deem necessary to be in your life!

The Day of Knowledge. Let the path to knowledge be easy, let this academic year give only high grades and only positive emotions. I wish you many interesting competitions and competitions, fun and exciting lessons, inevitable victories and significant achievements.

The first bell is an exciting moment for those who are going to school for the first time, as well as for those who missed studying during the summer holidays! On this day, accept my congratulations and my wish to study only “excellently”, not to cheat and to be a well-mannered and friendly person!

Dear teachers! Congratulations on the holiday - the beginning of a new school year! Today, September 1, on the Day of Knowledge, we would like to wish you success in your much-needed work! You bring us your knowledge and skills, pass on your rich experience, make every effort to ensure that we become worthy people and benefit our Motherland! We wish you good health and only bright happy days within the walls of our native school!

May the new school year bring you a wide variety of knowledge and skills! May they come easily to you! I wish you to always dream! Always strive to make your dreams come true! And may your friends accompany you and support you on this path!

The Day of Knowledge. Let this school year be without boring lessons, tedious stories, drawn-out stories, difficult tests, unnecessary failures and unnecessary disappointments, let everything be great, fun, interesting and exciting from the very first day of school. I wish you optimism and determination, great success and good luck.

School years are a wonderful time, and today, September 1, you are going back to school, and probably over the summer you have missed more than once about the fun breaks with friends, about how clever and smart your answers sounded in front of the whole class! I congratulate you on your return to school, restless life and wish you happiness, good luck and inspiration!

Happy knowledge Day. Let bright, colorful, cheerful memories of a sunny summer add strength and optimism for new lessons, tasks and knowledge. Wish excellent studies, great mood, great ideas, great friends, great days throughout this year!

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The Day of Knowledge. I wish you to gain patience, strength, courage and perseverance for new discoveries, for new victories and achievements, for new knowledge and aspirations. I wish you fun and easy learning, as well as success in all areas of your life. Good luck, good mood, cheerfulness and positivity for this entire school year.

Happy knowledge Day! I wish you a great desire to learn and experience. Ease in the new school year. A friendly atmosphere, interesting events, excellent grades and a constant desire to be better than yesterday. Success, good luck, health, tolerance and wonderful results!

You are now a first grader -
And it sounds proud.
You are now a first grader -
And you walk firmly.

There's a new backpack on my back
It's pleasantly heavy.
And my hand trembles a little,
Which, of course, is understandable.

An important day in your life
Coming today.
Exciting, new
The school world awaits.

This world is full of knowledge
And wonderful discoveries,
Unusual acquaintances,
Adventures, events.

Don't be shy, come in...
Be open to knowledge.
Everyone will help you
All you need is desire!