Maximum survivor's pension. How much is the Social Security Survivor Pension? About the state survivor's pension

To create conditions for the social protection of citizens who have lost their main source of income for reasons beyond their control, the state is taking certain measures. Thus, at the legislative level, some categories of persons are entitled social pension on the occasion of the loss of a breadwinner. Who can apply for state support, what are the payments in 2019? Let's figure out under what circumstances social pension is assigned due to the loss breadwinner

Who gets help?

The social function of the state consists, in particular, of caring for people who are unable to support themselves. The main criterion for determining such persons is the fact of their incapacity for work for any reason:

  1. Due to age:
    • children's or youth (up to 18 or 23 years old);
    • senile (retirement period);
  2. Disability.

Support for citizens of preferential categories is provided in the following ways:

  • software, including free provision of:
    • benefits;
    • pensions;
    • compensation;
  • medical service;
  • other types of payments that compensate for expenses (benefits for paying for housing and communal services, for example).
Important: one of the types of state support for benefit citizens is the assignment of a social pension in connection with the loss of a breadwinner.

What is the characteristics of a social pension in case of loss of a breadwinner?

This type of support for disabled persons differs from other types of pension benefits. Its main features: the process of assigning a social pension for the loss of a breadwinner is in no way connected with the presence of official length of service, pension points.

  1. When considering the case, the causes of death of the person giving the right to a pension are not taken into account.
  2. Provides minimal material income to support the recipient’s livelihoods.
  3. Paid from the federal budget.
  4. It is an integral part of the state's social policy. In other words, it realizes the right of all citizens to care from the authorities in difficult life circumstances.

Social pension is a monthly payment in favor of a needy person

  • carried out from the state budget;
  • not conditional on the contribution of the recipient or breadwinner to the formation of the budget of the Pension Fund of Russia (PFR).
Important: social benefits are provided only during the period of incapacity for work.

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Who is entitled by law

Social support measures are aimed at people who do not have a means of subsistence for reasons beyond their control. These include disabled citizens who were previously dependents of the deceased O. Namely:

  1. children under 18 years of age who have lost one or both parents;
  2. children over 18 years of age who have lost one or both parents, provided that they are studying in basic educational programs in organizations that carry out educational activities. In this case, the pension is paid until the end of their studies, but not longer than they reach 23 years of age;
  3. children of a deceased single mother
  4. Spouses and parents:
    • having an officially established disability;
    • those who have reached the age limit for compulsory employment:
      • woman's 55th birthday;
      • man's 60th birthday;
      • preferential, in accordance with regulations;
  5. Minor brothers, sisters, grandchildren:
    • do not have able-bodied parents;
    • disabled since childhood;
  6. Relatives have the right only to insurance pension according to SPK;
  7. Grandparents who have no other support;
  8. Disabled dependents who committed a crime, which resulted in the death of the supporter (Clause 11, Article 10 of Law No. 400-FZ).

A social pension for the loss of a breadwinner can be assigned to children permanently residing in the territory Russian Federation.

Important: stepfather and stepmother can also apply for social benefits for the loss of a breadwinner. These categories of citizens are entitled to it, subject to the care of the person giving the right to it for five years. They are only entitled to an insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner. Download for viewing and printing:

Under what conditions does the right to a pension due to loss arise?

To assign this type of government support, two types of conditions must be met, characterizing:

  • deceased owner;
  • pension applicant.

Circumstances related to the breadwinner:

  • his death confirmed by certificate;
  • or a decision of a judicial authority on missing persons or declaring them dead;
  • absence or insufficient level of insurance experience.

An applicant for state assistance must prove the fact of permanent residence in the territory of the Russian Federation. Such evidence will be: Certificate of place of registration; certificate of place of stay; child’s passport indicating the place of registration.

Amount of state support in 2019

Law No. 166-FZ determines that the social pension for the loss of a breadwinner is established in a fixed monetary amount. It is associated with the category of the recipient. That is, under certain conditions the amount increases. In addition, the payment is subject to annual indexation to the amount of inflation recorded for the previous period.

The last indexing was carried out on April 1, 2018. Thus, the amounts of the corresponding benefits are set at the level:

  1. RUB 5,180.24:
    • children who have lost one parent;
    • other disabled recipient citizens;
  2. RUB 10,360.52:
    • orphan child;
    • children of a deceased single mother.

In April 2019, the next indexation of social pensions by 2% will be carried out.

Important: the amount of social pension is necessarily compared with the cost of living for a specific category of citizen (pensioner, child) established for the region of residence. If it turns out to be less, then an additional payment is calculated up to a certain level.

In the regions of the Far North and territories equivalent to them, regional supplements to social pensions apply.

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Social supplement to pension and its minimum

The purpose of social pension payments is to ensure a minimum acceptable level of material support for the beneficiary. In this regard, adjustments are made to the amounts caused by the insufficiency of the pension to achieve the stated goals

Attention: the amount of the surcharge determines living wage citizen (PMG).

Two parameters are taken into account:

  • SGP established for the entire country;
  • SGP in the region of residence.

To adjust (increase) the payment, the one that turns out to be larger is used (Article 12.1 of Law No. 178-FZ of July 17, 1999).

  1. Serenko E., living in the capital, was assigned a social loss benefit in the amount of 5034.25 rubles.
  2. The minor Ivshchenko A., registered in the Republic of Kalmykia, receives the same state support.
  3. To find out the right to social benefits and its value, we study the SGP indicators:
    • in Russia - 8540 rubles;
    • in Moscow for pensioners - 11,428 rubles;
    • in the Republic of Kalmykia for children - 7440 rub.
  1. According to the current methodology, SGP indicators in the regions are compared with the same for the country and the amount of payments to beneficiaries:
    • Each recipient is assigned minimal assistance, which does not reach the level of the SGP in the corresponding region.
    • The SMG in the capital is higher than in Russia, therefore, Serenko E.’s social pension will be subsidized to the level of 11,428 rubles.
    • The SMG in the Republic of Kalmykia is lower than the same in the Russian Federation, which means that the pension of the minor Ivshchenko A. will be increased to the level of 8540 rubles.

Attention: additional payment is made by:

  • Pension Fund, additional payment is made only if the SGP in the Russian Federation is significantly higher than the SGP level in the region. This additional payment is made in an undeclared form from the moment the pension is assigned;
  • social protection authorities to the level of SGP of the region.
Important: Federal social supplement and regional social supplement are made only to non-working pension recipients. If the fact of work is discovered, the additional payment stops. The pension recipient will be required to reimburse the overpaid amount. Download for viewing and printing:

How to apply for a dependent's pension

To receive state support, you must declare your right on your own initiative (this can be done by the guardianship authority for orphans)
. To do this, you need to send an application in the prescribed form to the Pension Fund authorities:

  1. Personally:
    • at an appointment with a specialist at the local Pension Fund branch;
    • in a multifunctional center (subject to an agreement between the Pension Fund Department and the MFC Department);
  2. Through services:
    • enterprises Russian Post;
    • authorized person (a document confirming authority is required);
  3. Through the Internet:
    • on the official website of the Pension Fund;
    • on the government services portal.
Important: the date of application is the day when the specialist accepted the documents. When sent by post - the date on the stamp. Download for viewing and printing:

For minors (under 14 years old), the application is completed by legal representatives:

  • one of the parents;
  • adoptive parent;
  • guardian;
  • guardianship and trusteeship authority (if there are no others).
Attention: upon reaching the age of 14, a minor has the right to independently exercise his rights.

Package of documents for assigning social benefits

The right to government support must be proven. To do this, the following package of documents is collected:

  1. Identification:
    • passport;
    • birth certificate of the child;
    • residence permit for citizens of other states;
  2. Passport of the legal representative;
  3. Information about the deceased owner:
    • death certificate;
    • court decision on missing persons, declaring dead;
  4. Documents confirming family ties:
    • certificates of marriage or breakup;
    • certificates from the civil registry office;
    • adoption decisions;
    • certificate of paternity;
    • other according to the situation;
  5. Information about the commission of a criminal offense against the breadwinner (if available);
  6. A certificate from the educational institution confirming completion of a full-time course. A prerequisite is to indicate in it the order number, date of enrollment and completion date of training.
  7. For children under 14 years of age, a special account number is opened at a credit institution - a nominal account.
In 2018, a law was passed allowing a person who evades payment of child support and has been wanted for 1 year for the FSSP to be recognized as missing in a simplified manner. To do this, a corresponding notification to the bailiff is required, on the basis of which a court decision will be made. After which you can apply for a survivor's pension for the child.

Procedure for processing an application and making a decision

Pension Fund specialists (namely, they carry out the work on assigning social pensions) act strictly in accordance with the established regulations. The rules are:

  1. Within ten working days:
    • registration of the received package of documents in a special journal;
    • studying the provided papers;
    • checking the accuracy of information;
    • decision-making.
  2. Within five days: notification of the applicant about the results of the review in writing. In case of refusal the following is reported:
    • cause;
    • terms and procedure for appealing.

If not all are submitted with the application Required documents, the obligation to submit which is assigned to the applicant, the PFR technical department specialists explain what needs to be provided additionally. The applicant will have 3 months to provide the necessary documents.

Payments begin for the entire period of established disability from the first day of the month in which the citizen applied for it, but not earlier than from the date the right to this pension arises. only the insurance pension under the SPC can be returned to the date of death of the deceased.

Attention: transfers are made in any way convenient for the pensioner at the following location:

  • child's residence;
  • or legal representative;
  • the location of a government institution where the recipient of any age is kept.

To select a delivery method or change it, you must notify the territorial office of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation by submitting a delivery application.

Will the pension be canceled if the recipient gets a job?

The main condition for the appointment of this type of state support is the recipient’s disability. This means that if this person starts working, then the transfers to him will stop. However, there is an exception for full-time students

Attention: young people receiving full-time education will not have their social pension canceled for any type of employment. They will stop paying social security.

However, it should be remembered that if students aged 18 to 23 are expelled from an educational institution for any reason, the right to state aid is completely lost. This rule does not affect students on academic leave. After all, they are still listed as full-time students at the university.

Important: it is imperative to inform the Pension Fund about changes in circumstances affecting the assignment of social pensions. Illegally paid funds are forcibly recovered from fraudsters.

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The survivor's benefit in 2019 is the main state assistance paid to families in which a person carrying out labor activity for its content. The presented social payment is called a survivor's pension (benefits) and is paid from pension savings lost breadwinner.

Who is the survivor benefit for a child intended for?

A survivor's pension is paid if other family members are unable to work for various reasons. The following individuals fall into this category.

  • Disabled, officially registered disabled people;
  • Pensioners (even if they have lost a younger family member who supported them);
  • Minors (survivor's benefit for a child is provided to the eldest child under 18 years of age);
  • Adults (persons from 18 to 23 years old, full-time students in higher and secondary educational institutions until the end of training);
  • Other relatives of the deceased (who took custody of a child under 8 years of age).

If family members meet the requirements stated above, they can count on receiving benefits. It will stop being paid until someone in the family becomes able to work.

This may happen as a result of:

  • the child comes of age;
  • after the student graduates from university or upon expulsion;
  • a relative of the deceased who had a dependent child under 8 years of age upon reaching that age.

Interestingly, the breadwinner does not necessarily have to live with the person who is under his guardianship. It is also not necessary to be related to a dependent. It is enough to regularly make money transfers to him at least to a cash account in a bank ().

In some cases, the law allows for the payment of benefits to widows, those who remarried after the loss of the main breadwinner, as well as persons who have received the ability to work, but have not reached the age of majority.

The size of the survivor's benefit in 2019 is one of the most discussed issues. The size of the social survivor pension for children in 2019 is:

  • 5034 rubles in case of loss of one parent, which is about 75 dollars according to the current one;
  • 10068 ruble in the case of the loss of both parents, which equals approximately $151.

Payments begin from the time the relevant application is submitted to the authorized bodies, as well as receiving its approval. The money arrives at the end of each month to the account of the family representative.

The amount of payments may be a much smaller equivalent, for example, if the deceased breadwinner had only one relative in need of support. In this case, it will be 50% of the above amounts. If there are two or more people left who are unable to feed themselves, the pension is paid in full.

The pension itself consists of two parts:

  • Basic - fixed;
  • Insurance - depends on the number of dependent persons, as well as the insurance savings of the breadwinner himself.

When calculating payments, the main rule must be taken into account - they should not be less than a certain subsistence level in the region of residence of the dependents.

How do I apply for survivor benefits?

To receive the presented benefit, you will need to collect the following documents:

  1. Documents proving the identity of each member of the family who has lost their breadwinner;
  2. Official certificate of loss of the deceased;
  3. Work record book of the breadwinner;
  4. Certificate from the place of employment about the income of the breadwinner for the last 2 months.

These documents are submitted to the branch of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation together as an appendix to the corresponding application.

The loss of a breadwinner, in addition to the feeling of loss, brings to the family and financial problems. The state partially compensates for the material deprivation experienced by the family - it pays a pension. In addition to this, those in need of help can also enjoy other benefits.

Benefits for the loss of a breadwinner - who can get them?

Benefits for the loss of a breadwinner are provided to persons who were dependent on the deceased:

  • native children;
  • adopted children, whose rights are not limited in any way, but are equal to the rights of half-blooded children;
  • stepchildren from a previous marriage raised in the family.

The age of eligibility for benefits is limited to adulthood or 23 years if the child is receiving education. Those who become disabled before adulthood retain benefits throughout their lives. The following categories of dependents are distinguished: disabled people who have lost one parent, and orphans. They use help, regardless of the presence of relatives who may support them. After the death of a parent, it is not necessary to prove that the children were dependent on him, unless they are adults or became fully capable before their majority.

Additional rights - what are provided?

The main benefit is a social or labor survivor's pension, the payment of which is guaranteed at the federal level. In addition, Law No. 178, art. 12 guarantees social services in cash and in kind in the form of subsidies, social benefits, other payments. Social assistance is aimed at maintaining the living standards of citizens. Individual subjects of the Federation establish types of assistance, the amount and procedure for payment. They are slightly different in each region.

Can be provided at the same time different kinds assistance, if they collectively do not exceed the established maximum size payments.

At the time of receiving a pension, a monthly cash payment is established; it is paid by social protection authorities. The amounts differ in the regions, but the total pension with additional payment should not be less than the subsistence level for the region. The benefit is paid monthly until the age of 16, and for students until the age of 18 if the income is less than the subsistence level. In addition to monthly payments, the student receives an annual compensation for the purchase of clothing, which is issued by the educational authorities.

The child is also provided with other benefits and assistance in kind:

  • dairy products and mixtures for children up to two years of age, and when chronic disease included in the list – up to 15;
  • free medicines according to prescriptions - up to the age of three;
  • travel on public transport while receiving a pension;
  • up to 7 years of age can visit zoos, museums, exhibitions, and parks under municipal jurisdiction free of charge;
  • from 7 to 18 years old (up to 23 for students) - the opportunity to visit the zoo and other cultural institutions for free at discounted prices;
  • for students of secondary schools - two meals a day and textbooks;
  • free meals for students receiving vocational education.

Regional authorities can expand the list and introduce additional types of assistance.

How to apply for benefits and where to apply?

To receive benefits, you must apply for benefits. There are two authorities for processing documents. To receive a pension, apply to the Pension Fund branch, for other cash payments, benefits and in-kind assistance - to the district department of social protection of the population. It is in social security that people often encounter the reluctance of officials to formalize benefits provided. People who have rights to them often do not know whether they are valid at all. When contacting the department, name the benefit and ask if it is available.

A person in loco parentis, or a father/mother who is involved in maintaining and raising a child after the death of the breadwinner, seeks help. You must write an application and submit documents; their list is separate for each type of assistance. The application is considered by a special commission, which submits a proposal to social protection. Based on it, a decision is made, which serves as the basis for further actions of the social protection authorities. Cash payments can be issued in the form of social benefits or subsidies. Social benefits are issued free of charge from the budget in the form of a certain amount. The subsidy is targeted, fully or partially covers the payment social services carried out by family members.

Natural assistance includes food, medicine, clothing and shoes. The procedure is approved by the executive branch. For example, free medicines can only be obtained with doctor's prescriptions. They prescribe medications from a list approved by the regional authorities.

Unified social card as a universal document

Following Moscow, many regions are introducing social cards for people with benefits. This is an electronic document containing information about the owner and the benefits to which he is entitled. Persons registered with social security departments can also receive it, i.e. it is also intended for children who have lost their breadwinner. To receive it, contact the MFC with the following documents:

  • pensioner's ID;
  • passport or birth certificate;
  • photo.

With the card you can buy products at a discount in special stores, you can use it as a travel document on public transport. The card is also a document that provides benefits for free medicines. Plus, it performs almost all the functions inherent in bank cards: replenishment and movement of funds, settlements, deposits. The social card has not yet become the only document to confirm the right to benefits. Often, paper confirmation is required along with it. The only benefit that is easy to get is free travel.

Additional payment to pension – when is it due?

Dependents' pensions may not reach the minimum subsistence level in force in the region where the recipient lives. The state has provided additional payments to children receiving a survivor's pension. Social supplement for children before they reach adulthood is assigned immediately after the right to such a pension arises. An application from the person entitled to the additional payment is not required. The ratio of the subsistence level (LS) and total income is taken into consideration. Depending on the result of the ratio, an additional payment is assigned:

  • federal from the Pension Fund, if material support (MS) is below the subsistence level in Russia and the region;
  • regional, established by social protection if the Moscow region is lower than the cost of living in the region, and that is higher than the federal one.

The MO amount includes, in addition to the pension, all monthly additional payments. The system of payments and assistance for children who have lost their breadwinner is quite complex. Everything about pensions is very clear. Obtaining benefits and compensation is difficult because only some of them are actually available: free travel, textbooks, meals for schoolchildren. With others the situation is more difficult. If educational institutions constantly provide benefits for students, parents or guardians have to achieve others. The main thing is to know that they are required, then you can talk to officials with confidence.

According to Article 10 of Federal Law No. 400 of December 28, 2013 “On Insurance Pensions”, “the right to an insurance pension in the event of the loss of a breadwinner has the disabled members of the family of the deceased breadwinner who were dependent on him (with the exception of persons who have committed a criminal act that entailed represents the death of the breadwinner and established in judicial procedure)».

This law guarantees that individuals who have lost someone at whose expense they existed will receive material support from the state. Such payments should partially compensate for the income of the deceased.

Who is entitled to survivor benefits and the amount of benefits in 2019

Benefits for the loss of a breadwinner in 2019 guarantee minors the necessary social protection: not only monthly payments, but also an appropriate attitude (in educational institutions, in public transport, when receiving medical care).

Other individuals also have the right to such state support:

  • relatives of the deceased person who lived off his income;
  • adopted children. And if the breadwinner was precisely adopted child, adoptive parents are required to submit an official document that would confirm that they have taken care of the deceased for the last 5 years;
  • close relatives retirement age: men over 65 years old, and women over 60 years old, that is, parents and spouses;
  • relatives of the deceased who were officially assigned the status of disabled people. But only if they have no one else to help them;
  • individuals under 23 years of age who are studying full-time at state universities or studying outside the country.

It should also be remembered that the amount of survivor benefits in 2019 depends on where the minor lives. However, despite this factor, the amount of funds to which the child is entitled must be 50% of the total income of the deceased father or mother. Moreover, if a family has not one child, but two or more, the state is obliged to pay a pension that compensates 100% of the income of the lost parent.

Another important fact is whether the deceased person had at least one day of work experience. Minors and full-time students will receive a social pension if their parent worked without registration. The amount of such a survivor's benefit in 2019 each month is 4,959 rubles if the child lost his father or mother, and 9,919 rubles if he was left an orphan.

What survivor benefits are available to relatives of a deceased person in 2019?

What benefits for the loss of a breadwinner in 2019 are granted to close relatives of a deceased person, and what can they even count on? Since income of this person was the only means of providing for his family members, the state guarantees that:

  1. Firstly, people of retirement age are entitled to receive a bonus, the amount of which is 15 thousand rubles.
  2. Secondly, relatives who have lost their breadwinner can use public transport for free.
  3. Thirdly, pharmacies will provide medications to family members of the deceased on preferential terms. Moreover, these persons can count on free medical care.
  4. Fourthly, the amount of payment for utilities should be only 50% of the total amount.

What benefits for a child in case of loss of a breadwinner exist in 2019?

In 2019, benefits for a child in case of loss of a breadwinner include several mandatory items:

  1. Children under 2 years old can eat for free in the dairy kitchen.
  2. Schoolchildren have the right to eat twice in the canteen at state expense. In addition, they are entitled to free textbooks.
  3. Applicants can count on benefits upon admission and during their studies at universities.
  4. Children under 3 years of age should receive medications free of charge.
  5. Visits to exhibitions, cinemas and theaters must be paid for by the state.

It should also be noted that persons who have not yet turned 23 years old are entitled to financial compensation - 1,500 rubles - if they have lost their mother or father.

Tax and other benefits for the loss of a breadwinner in 2019, indexation of benefits

Tax and other benefits for the loss of a breadwinner in 2019 will apply only to those individuals who have submitted the necessary package of documents to the regional or municipal branch of the Pension Fund. Relatives of the deceased must visit this institution in person, and instead of minors, their relatives or a second parent can come.

To receive support for certain individuals from the state, you should collect documents such as:

  • a certificate confirming the fact of the loss of a breadwinner;
  • pensioner's ID;
  • marriage certificate of the deceased;
  • documents that confirm the presence of minor children;
  • work record book of the person who was the breadwinner;
  • adoption certificate;
  • bank accounts required for the transfer of monthly government payments.

Let's consider what benefits for the loss of a breadwinner exist in 2019, if Pension Fund nevertheless decided to provide them. Firstly, either a social pension will be paid - to children and persons under 23 years of age, or a labor pension, which will apply to all dependent family members. Secondly, relatives and children of the deceased have the right to such benefits as free or discounted use of public transport, medical and utilities. Payments and benefits come into effect the following month after submitting all necessary documents.

It should be remembered that the survivor's benefit in 2019, as before, is paid only until the child begins to earn a living on his own. Even if he is not yet 18 years old and has already gotten a job, he will not receive government payments.

If the wife of the deceased needs this social protection, but she plans to soon enter into a new marriage, she must complete all the documents to receive benefits until she applies for marriage.

Since the reform has recently been carried out pension system, it is also necessary to pay attention to the fact that the indexation of survivor benefits in 2019 was 5.8%.

How much is the survivor's benefit in 2019: the amount of benefits

State payments in connection with the loss of a breadwinner are also made in cases where this person was a person in service of this nature:

  • The deceased was a soldier or sergeant and was undergoing military service.
  • The breadwinner was engaged in space research and was a tester.

Besides, social protection guaranteed to family members of those individuals who died in a man-made or radiation disaster. Radiation sickness acquired during the liquidation of these accidents is also a reason for paying a pension.

People in uniform constantly risk their lives to protect the country. Many people are interested in the question of how much the survivor benefit is in 2019 if a military man died while performing his military duty. In this case, each member of his family should receive 9,920 rubles. If a serviceman died while not performing his duties - for example, due to illness - the amount of the benefit paid is 7,440 rubles.

It should also be noted that, despite the rule established in the law that does not allow two pensions to be paid at the same time, there are certain exceptions. Thus, according to the benefits for the loss of a breadwinner in 2019, the spouse of a deceased military man who was in military service can receive this pension along with other payments. A woman loses this right if she remarries.

This is a pension supplement that will be paid by the state to disabled persons, those who were members of the family of the deceased, who provided them financially. The list of citizens who have the right to receive assistance from the state is stated in Article 10 of Federal Law No. 400.

Are there any exceptions?

But pension will not be paid to those who have committed an illegal act, which in turn entailed the death of the person whose dependent this citizen was. However, this act must be established in court.


How much will they raise?

How much compensation will be added and whether there will be a change in the form of an increase in the pension supplement directly depends on the type of benefit paid. The benefit is paid according to certain time intervals on a monthly basis and is calculated in accordance with Article 15 of Federal Law No. 400.

Important! It should be taken into account how much the amount of compensation will be increased depending on the time of its payment.

Will there be a promotion?

The pension can either increase or decrease in percentage terms. This trend directly depends on the situation that is developing in the economy of our country, as well as on a number of other factors that shape the size of the pension.

To what size will it be increased?

Today, the amount of the insurance pension that is paid to citizens upon the loss of a breadwinner is directly dependent on the length of service of the deceased breadwinner, but this amount is also influenced by a number of other factors that form the amount of compensation.

But it should be taken into account that the established fixed amount of payments in the amount of 2279 rubles 41 kopecks will have to be added to the compensation payment. A from February 1, 2018, the amount of the fixed bonus will be 2,498 rubles 66 kopecks.

Until April 1, 2018, the pension amount due to citizens who have lost their breadwinner will be 5,034 rubles 25 kopecks. When a single mother is raising a minor and has lost the family’s breadwinner, or the dependent has lost both breadwinners, then accordingly the amount of the survivor’s pension paid will be doubled.

  • Benefit paid by the state to those citizens whose breadwinner passed through military service in our army, and his death occurred as a result of injury to his health, from April 1, 2018, the social pension will be double the amount, that is, 10,068.50 rubles.
  • In the event that a serviceman dies as a result of illness, the size of the social pension will be equal to one hundred and fifty percent, that is, 7,551 rubles. 38 kopecks.
  • From April 1, 2018, accordingly, the amount of this compensation for the loss of a person who provided for the family will be equal to 10,440 rubles. 53 kopecks and 7830 rubles. 78 kopecks.
  • The pension that will be paid in the event of the loss of a breadwinner through the Ministry of Internal Affairs is similar in size to the amount that is due for the loss of a military personnel.

One-time payment of 5,000 rubles

What it is?

Will there be a one-time increase in aid, how did it happen to be increased in 2017? Then the Pension Fund pleased citizens receiving a pension with the fact that a one-time payment of 5,000 rubles was made. Such compensation was a one-time payment and was awarded to every citizen receiving a pension. The additional payment was made to everyone, including those persons who receive assistance in the form of a survivor's pension.

First of all, it should be understood that These funds are nothing more than total indexation pension funds of our citizens for 2016. That is, in 2016, the Government of the Russian Federation divided the indexation amount into two parts. In the past 2017, 50% of indexation was extended over the whole year and pension payments were raised by 5-6%, and the rest of the indexation amount was paid to pensioners on January 1, 2017.

Who is eligible to receive?

All pensioners who are registered and reside in the Russian Federation were entitled to this compensation.

Why didn't they give you 5 thousand?

Why didn’t they add a one-time payment to regular payments? Those citizens who, at the time of payment, do not actually reside in the territory of the Russian Federation are not entitled to the supplement. That is, citizens who do not actually reside permanently in the territory of our state cannot apply for this compensation.

Watch the video about lump sum payment 5000 rubles:

Will indexation levels increase?

Experts working at the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation say that all issues related to increasing pensions for citizens of the Russian Federation in 2018 should return to their usual, that is, pre-crisis state. It follows that Citizens' pensions should increase due to indexation carried out every year of these payments in accordance with the inflation rate of funds.

Important! However, our government has not yet provided accurate information regarding when and how much will be added to the amount of future indexation.

How much will the pension amount be?

But it is expected that when the inflation rate is 5-6%, then, accordingly, the indexation of compensation supplements will be raised. It turns out that pension increases this 2018 will be increased in proportion to inflation. Naturally, the cost of living will also be increased, which means how much the approximate amount will be pension payments in our country will be 9,000 rubles.

However, it should be taken into account that in this particular case we are talking directly about the average indicator of the amount of payments, since, for example, if we talk about an increase in the social pension that is due to disabled people in 2018, then it the amount will be approximately 13,000 rubles. and will vary depending on the disability group that the citizen has.

Social benefits to payments that are due to citizens who have lost their breadwinner will increase in 2018 only by the amount of inflation. Our government has been discussing the issue of families of those who have lost their breadwinner for quite some time.

As everyone understands perfectly well, this category of the population is in need of social benefits. However, today there are not enough federal budget funds to increase these benefits, and whether there will be good news on this problem in 2018 is still unknown.

However, there are changes according to which a family is entitled to receive labor pension(and its size is much higher) if the breadwinner has a record in his employment record of his work experience.

When will they add it?

Will the pension increase, when will the amounts paid be increased and by how much will it increase? social help, which includes the survivor's pension? The answer should be expected no earlier than April 1, 2018, since it is by this date that all social benefits of citizens will be indexed. It is expected that social pensions of citizens will increase by 4.1%, which in monetary terms will range from 175 to 495 rubles, therefore, the average pension in the Russian Federation will be 9174 rubles.

When is it revised?

It should be taken into account that minimum size Pensions for citizens will always increase to the minimum subsistence level corresponding to the region where they live. Will they add money if the official minimum was raised, but for some reason the amount of payments was not raised? At the same time, payments to a non-working pensioner became lower than the established amount. In this case, according to the law, the pensioner is entitled to an additional payment in accordance with Article 12.1 of Federal Law No. 178.

Important! Since 2015 in Russia, indexation of insurance pension payments should be carried out through indexation of the established value of the pension point.

In 2017 the cost of the pension point increased and amounted to 78 rubles. 58 kopecks. According to statistics, Russia is one of the five worst countries in the world for retirees and ranks 40th in the ranking out of 43 countries. Only India, Brazil and Greece were worse than Russia in this rating.

It turns out that today the level pension provision in Russia is in a deplorable state. Will the material well-being of families who have lost their breadwinner be increased? Will this increase state social guarantees in providing assistance? Considering the state of the federal budget today, citizens receiving social payments for the loss of a breadwinner, it is not necessary that payments will be increased and the situation will improve.