Search for a gift from Santa Claus at home. Scenario of home New Year's quest: quest-advent "Fairy-tale town

New Year's Eve is coming soon, and we offer you a script for a New Year's quest for children - a fabulous game. We came up with it for our daughters - 4 and 11 years old, assuming that after the festive dinner we will play it, after which the youngest will go to bed, and the eldest will continue the celebration with the adults. You can change the details, simplifying or complicating the quest according to the age of your child or children.

The basis of the quest is a fairy tale about the Snow Queen

Can you imagine what happened? The Snow Queen stole the surprise that the grandmother was preparing for Kaya and Gerda for the New Year. Flying away, she accidentally broke the mirror, the fragments were scattered in different places. The mirror is kind, its fragments will help you find a surprise.

The scheme of the quest is simple: the children receive the first fragment, it says where they should look for the next one. They come to this place, and in order to get the next shard they need to complete a task from one of the characters from the Snow Queen fairy tale.

For the quest you need to prepare in advance:

The first task of the quest. In the flower garden of the fairy grandmother

Children receive the 1st shard. On it is written: "find a flower that does not need to be watered, soft, big and cheerful."

We used a soft toy - a big flower. You can hide the task behind a potted flower or a painted large flower.

Having found a flower, the children go to the garden to the fairy grandmother, who asks them to make one or two flowers (one - if you want the children to interact with each other and agree; two - if you want each to show their individuality). For the manufacture of flowers, give pre-prepared blanks.
After completing the task of the magical grandmother, the children receive the 2nd shard. It says: "Find someone who loves cheese, but sits high so that the fox does not find him."

The second task of the quest. Visiting the Raven

We used a raven plush toy that we planted high up in the room. If you don't have toys, you can draw a crow.
When the children find a raven, he gives them a task - to come up with a winter rhyme or tell it ready. As an alternative, a raven can guess several winter riddles.
When the children complete the task, they receive the 3rd shard with the inscription "Find the symbol of royal power."

The third task of the quest. In the palace of the prince and the princess

After finding a crown, which you can make in advance from cardboard, the children receive several tasks from the prince and queen.
Choose the ones you like best:

  • Find 10 differences in 2 pictures.
  • Make beads for the ball and dress up each other (we used a children's set for making beads, you can offer multi-colored beads and fishing line).
  • To dance at the Royal Ball is one dance to cheerful music.

After completing the tasks, the children still need to build a carriage from improvised materials in order to go further. (Sofa cushions, balloons can be used ...)
As a result, they get the 4th fragment with the task - to find in the forest on what is prickly, something that does not shine and does not glow.

The fourth task of the quest. Meeting with a little robber

On the Christmas tree, children find a paper ball - a crumpled sheet of paper or newspaper. The little robber gives a task for accuracy: you need to shoot down the target with paper snowballs. The task can be complicated by increasing the distance to the target, or by building a complex tower of cubes that must be knocked down with one throw.

Having hit the target several times, the children receive the 5th fragment, it says - find the most courageous characters.

The fifth task of the quest. Road to the palace

Of course, the most courageous characters are dads. They are offered a competition - children hold apples on strings - which of the dads will eat faster. I think dads will then not mind playing along and being in the role of fast deer that will take the children to the palace.

When the children are already sitting on the "deer", they receive the 6th fragment with the task - jump along the narrow bridge past the soft field to the table with the reflective object. (In our version, this is past the bed to a table with a mirror, where the next task has already been prepared). You can write your route.

The sixth task of the quest. Lapland and Finnish

A task is waiting for the children on the table or on the floor - from 3 to 10 scribbles are drawn on the sheet, which they need to finish so that they get a picture. Or you can offer to solve the puzzle from the Lapland and the Finnish.

Having finished with the drawings, the children receive the 7th fragment, where it is written - go to the coldest place and find something to make a congratulation.

The seventh task of the quest. In the palace of the Snow Queen

The coldest place is the refrigerator in the kitchen. There are magnetic letters on it (if not, you can cut it out of cardboard and just give it), from which you need to add a congratulation (Happy New Year). The letters are scattered - for older children, for children who cannot read, you can offer to draw the Snow Queen on paper.

Children receive the 8th fragment, on which the inscription "Fold a mirror from the fragments and find out where the surprise is."
They fold the mirror - it turns out a map under the foil. A surprise can be something sweet - gingerbread, pie.

Have a wonderful New Year's quest and a merry holiday! We are sure that children will remember this game for a long time!

Alla Slotvinskaya, Natasha Pecherkina

(This is article 20 from the Chest of New Year's Miracles, join us to be the first to receive the following ideas, miracles, fairy tales and crafts from us)

What tasks to come up with for the New Year's quest? How to make the quest for the New Year interesting and developing? Here are the Top 7 tasks for the New Year's quest.

How to start a quest

To start New Year's quest a riddle, an unexpected finding of an object or a letter, getting a “problem” to start the quest plot will do. And then the child looks for and collects clues. Here Top 7 tasks for the New Year's quest. They are simple and at the same time fascinating. In addition, these games perfectly develop attention, memory, reading skills, counting and logic.

TOP 7 tasks for the New Year's quest

1. Complete the puzzle

Toddlers can be offered to assemble a picture from 2-4 parts, older children - from a larger number of smaller ones, but not more than 10 pieces. The resulting picture will serve as the next clue. You can assemble a puzzle from paper, printed or hand-drawn, ordinary purchased, you can write letters on the back of the puzzle, and when the child assembles the puzzle, he can turn it over and read the clue word. And you can also stick a colored picture on a large constructor and let him collect the puzzle on the constructor!

2. Encryption

Every kind encryption is just the heart of the quest! Instead of a letter, there are numbers or pictures, and next to it is a code with a decryption. The child deciphers the hidden word or sentence using the code (although the latter is quite difficult even for reading children, but it's worth it). This also includes tasks to read the word by the first letters of the pictures: for example, the word “teapot” is thought of, and we give the child a sequence of pictures: Clock, Orange, Yogurt, Sock, Turkey, Cat.

3. Add up the sequence

Usually, as a result of laying out the sequence, a hint word is obtained. For example, you can ask the baby to lay out items from largest to smallest, and glue letters on the back. Or you need to complete the row by giving several answers. For example, we make a Christmas tree garland and 3 colors: red, yellow, blue. And next we give a transcript that if we insert red - look, suppose, in the table, blue - on the mirror, yellow - in the sofa. Depending on what color of the ball you need to insert, we are looking for the next clue.

4. Labyrinth

Labyrinths perfectly develop the fine motor skills of the child, training the movements of the hand and fingers, which is necessary for the development of speech and. For kids, let it be very simple paths according to the plot of your New Year's quest, and for older children or those already reading, you can also collect letters while moving through the maze.

5. Math tasks

Counting tasks, solving examples, mathematical coloring (by numbers), logical puzzles (this is NOT like this and NOT like that). The simplest: solve the example and choose the correct answer - there and go further.

6. Sensory boxes

Interesting tasks that are especially good for kids, since up to 4 years old it is extremely necessary for children to receive as many different tactile sensations as possible. Quest task you can find something in cereals (any filler: rice, buckwheat, beans, seeds). But here you need to look very carefully at the reaction of the child: there are children with increased skin sensitivity, to whom this task can cause discomfort.

7. Experiments and experiences

The most common variant of the experiment for the quest is to write a clue word with milk, and then heat the paper and the invisible word will appear. Or you can write it with white wax crayon or a candle, and then paint it over with watercolor - the places of the letters will remain unpainted and the word will appear. But it is better to practice doing these experiments in advance to make sure that the trick is a success 🙂

And here are some examples ready-made tasks for the New Year's quest.

A quest is a game consisting of several tasks (levels) united by one storyline. Each completed level gives a clue (hint) to the next task or a common goal.

As a rule, there can be 7 - 10 such levels, but maybe less, or maybe more, depending on their complexity and the age of the players. The main thing is that the quest does not bother its participants, so its duration usually takes no more than 1.5 - 2 hours.

Advantages of Quest House:

1) Easily accessible props - you can use everything that is in the house.

2) Minimum cost

3) You don't have to go anywhere.

4) One person and several teams can play, if the size of the room allows.

Step-by-step instruction "How to make a quest at home?"

Step 1. Come up with the plot of the quest at home: scenario and game mechanism

You can beat both the holiday itself and your favorite films or cartoons. Thus, you can congratulate the birthday man, make an offer, surprise and entertain guests, and hold a ransom.

Particular attention should be paid to the spectacular finale. Possible options for decoupling the script:

Find a gift or a ring;

Solve a crime, find a treasure, save a princess from a terrible dragon - any plot of your favorite fairy tales.

Open the room with the bride;

Save the birthday cake from being captured by monsters;

Sometimes the desired ending can lead to the idea of ​​the plot.

Step 2. Compose assignments

Tasks can be, for example, the following:

Decipher messages and codes;

Apply props in a special way;

Solve puzzles, puzzles, riddles;

Recall some happy moments in life.

For example, the easiest way to play the game is to spread small notes with hints around the apartment. In each note, you need to guess the place where to look for the next note, and at the end - the final super prize (a gift, a key, a magic sword, etc., depending on the plot).

Ready kits and scenarios

You can purchase ready-made quests with the necessary tasks, materials and detailed instructions on our website. It remains only to carefully hide everything and enjoy the game.

This could be, for example, such quests:

Venue: first floor of a private house with three rooms + bathroom and balcony. If space permits, a wider geography can be used.
Heroes: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Baba Yaga, Wise Owl, Snow Queen (in absentia)
Number of participants: any. we had 5 children (1-6 years old) and a person 5 active adults.
To prevent all participants from crowding in one room, according to the conditions of the quest, they sometimes scattered.
Materials: 1 A1 sheet, a marker (for a crossword puzzle), 1 sheet of A4 cardboard, foil, glue (for a mirror), a long cord or thick thread, pasta-feathers or any other that can be strung on a thread, any musical instruments (they can be replace with improvised ones - lids, spoons, belts, etc.), pillows, balloons (for a carriage), soda, vinegar, a bottle (for a potion), "snowballs" and a bucket (you can crumple paper for snowballs, or you can make them from sintepon).
I will write about the quest the way the game went with us.
Well, all the materials are ready, the participants are assembled. Begin!!!
All participants gathered in one room. They are waiting for the arrival of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden enters the room and greets those gathered and offers to call Santa Claus.

Everyone calls Santa Claus loudly, according to tradition, three times. But instead of Santa Claus comes... Baba Yaga.
Children did not expect to see her, and adults too. Baba Yaga said that she was very offended that she was not invited to the holiday, she offered everyone to fry them in a frying pan. True, then everyone asked her for forgiveness, Grandma took pity and even gave everyone gifts

Letter from the Snow Queen.

Ha ha ha! Ti-ti-ti! You can't find Santa Claus! I confused him, lured him in the net! He can't get out of there. And I’ll take your gifts, sweets for myself ... I’ll drink ice tea with them. And you, adult children, do not yawn, I will also take your gifts. Maybe I'll find new beads .. Ha-ha-ha!
On the shard is written:

Dear Guys! I am a good mirror, but the Snow Queen broke me. Help me collect myself. And on my fragments, you can read tips on where to look for Santa Claus and gifts!

A warm wave splashes

Under the wave of whiteness.

Guess, remember

What kind of sea is in the room?

There is a box in the bathroom,

Eye transparent and round looks.

It's interesting to look into the eye when

There is water in this box.

Children solve riddles

The kids ran to the bathroom

Here's a tip for adults

Not a house, but not a street either.

High, but not scary.

And the adults went to the balcony.

Task for children:

When the Snow Queen bewitched Santa Claus, she blew on him so hard that Grandfather lost his voice. He can't even call for help. You need to find a magical miracle - powder. It won't be easy to find him. I know for sure that this powder is white, you can’t open it. And as soon as you find it, take it to the wise old Owl. Carry it quickly so that the powder does not lose its magical power.

Task for adults:

Wow, how smart and quick-witted you are, you immediately determined where the clue was.

When the Snow Queen bewitched Santa Claus, she blew on him so hard that Grandfather lost his voice. He can't even call for help. You need to find a magical miracle - magic water. It won't be easy to find her. I know for sure that this water is transparent, it is closed in a dark bottle, you cannot open it. And as soon as you find it, take it to the wise old Owl. Carry it quickly so that the water does not lose its magical power.

Children bring magic powder (soda), and adults bring magic water (vinegar) to Grandma Owl and ask her to make a magic elixir for Santa Claus

Children guess, and adults write down

1. In a wide yard,

On a flat field

Four brothers

They are under the same hat. (table)

2. I have legs, but I don’t walk,

I'm with my back, but I don't lie,

You sit down - and I'm standing. (Chair)

3. On felled and sawn

Woven laid,

Yes, it's multiplied for everyone.

What will be born from the earth -

Suitable for woven. (Tablecloth)

4. He props up the window,

we put flowers on it. (windowsill)

5. Do you want to find the answer as soon as possible -

Look for a clue where the light is bright! (Chandelier)

6. They follow him, He is here and there, He is in your apartment, At school, in the bathhouse, in the shooting range, And it is so easy to remember: He is always under the ceiling! (floor)

7 He has a big belly,

Not a hippo at all.

He raised his trunk-nose,

But, however, not an elephant.

And he puffs through his nose

On the stove like a locomotive. (Teapot)

The first 6 items can be found in any room, but the last one is only in the kitchen, and we go there to look for a clue.

Another shard attached to the back of the table

It's written on the shard.

Now you have to separate again. So that the Snow Queen does not prevent us from saving Grandfather, she must be distracted. She is a fashionable lady and loves jewelry very much. Let's make homemade beads for her. You will find bags with beads under the Christmas tree.

We took a large thread and began to string pasta from different sides to make beautiful beads for the Snow Queen

When the beads are ready, the next shard appears under the tree

On the shard is written:

Nice, nice work. The Snow Queen looks at the beads. In the meantime, let's send a signal to Santa Claus that we are going to save him. Grab your instruments and sing his favorite song.

When the song is sung, one of the adults calls the children into the corridor. There is a pile of pillows, balls and a fragment on top:
The Snow Queen took Grandfather away. But he hears, he hears your song. Yes, that's the trouble, you can't get there on foot. We need to make a carriage.

Hello everyone, my brother has two children (a son and a stepson of the same age), he asked me to write a New Year's quest script for them, the quest is designed for two children, but you can redo it for more children if you wish. Maybe someone else will be useful)))

In order for the guys to be interested, it is advisable to create some kind of plot for the holiday, I suggest doing something like a quest.

Quest: "Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson in search of gifts!"

The idea is this: with each completed task, the detectives get a hint and get closer to finding the most important thing! Gifts!

Before starting the game, we tell the children who the great detectives are (you can watch the cartoon “Koloboks are investigating together”) and offer to reincarnate in them. Holmes had a pipe and a cap, while Watson had glasses and a hat. (you can just give a cap and a hat)

The legend is as follows: As always on New Year's Eve, Santa Claus rode in his sleigh and brought gifts to all the children, but unknown robbers attacked him and took away all the gifts. Scotland Yard police soon caught the criminals, but they managed to hide the gifts, and if the gifts are not found before the New Year, the holiday will be ruined. Famous London detectives Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson are invited to investigate this high-profile case. They need to pass tests and find gifts before the New Year comes!

1. Task: The criminals left some evidence, a piece of ice and a piece of a note (we give this to the detectives). Where can the first clue be hidden? Where is the coldest place in our house where you can get a piece of ice? (freezer) In the freezer, the detectives find a piece of ice in which a capsule with another piece of note is frozen, it is necessary to defrost the ice (let them think about how to melt the ice, with hot water or hold it over a candle), and get a piece of a note from there, it says: “Look where shoes and clothes are hidden”

2. Task: The detectives go to the closet with clothes and find shoes there, everyone has a pair except one, they need to find the second pair and there will be a second clue in it (the second pair of shoes can be hidden somewhere in the room and play hot-cold or just let them look for themselves, you can hide it in an unusual place, for example, glue it to the inner wall of the closet or hang it on a clothes hook) So, the second clue says: “Look where it smells delicious and the food is hearty” (To the kitchen at the table)

3. Task: Mom needs to cook jelly (if you get confused, you can make panna cotta at the same time for the New Year's table, if you need a recipe, I can write :))))), or you can just buy jelly in the store and carefully hide the notes there. It is important that the notes were visible through the jelly. The detectives go to the kitchen and sit down at the table, there are two plates of jelly in each, a piece of a note is hidden, but it’s not so simple, the detectives have ordinary sushi sticks instead of spoons, you need to eat the jelly with chopsticks and find a piece of note (usually it’s very fun t jelly is difficult to eat this way), then put the two pieces together and get the third clue: “Now it’s worth stretching the bones a little and having a snowball fight in the living room”

4. Task. We put empty plastic bottles on the coffee table and hit them with snowballs from crumpled office paper, one of them will contain the following clue (so that everything is not so simple, try to take the guys away from the targets) the fourth clue: “Look in the balls on the Christmas tree”

5. Task. Balloons hang on the Christmas tree, they need to be removed from the Christmas tree and one of them will contain another clue, but the criminals are not simpletons either, they surrounded the Christmas tree with a deep moat (you can put a rope around the Christmas tree so that the guys cannot approach the Christmas tree), but the guys have sticks, with the help of them you need to remove the balls from the Christmas tree. (You can use not the main Christmas tree, but use spruce branches, it is better to hook the balls on a thick rope so that the guys can pick them up more easily.) Fifth hint: “Go back to the table and try not to get dirty!"

6. Task: The detectives should again find two halves of the note in flour, there are two bowls of flour in front of them, it is necessary to get the notes from there without hands while trying not to get dirty, you can blow or take a spoon with your mouth and rake the flour, and take out the note from there. Sixth clue: "Look for a clue in a place where they sleep and rest" (in the bedroom)

7. Task (as old as the world, but in my opinion it is always a winning thing for children) We hang capsules on the ropes (instead of capsules, you can wrap everything in wrapping paper like sweets) with sweets, and among them a capsule with a hint. We give the children scissors in their hands, blindfold them and cut off sweets for themselves until they reach the hint.

The seventh clue: “In the chest of drawers (on the shelf, where it’s more convenient to hide there) you will find two bundles, the place where the gifts are hidden is shown there!”

The detectives find packages, open them, and there ... NOTHING! (in fact, a Christmas tree is drawn on paper with white wax, but the children do not see it. It is under the Christmas tree (however banal it may be) that gifts are hidden)

Don't worry, there seems to be another note from Santa Claus! Maybe there is a hint there too? Text of the letter! “Hello, brave detectives, I’m sure that you almost found the gifts, but the criminals are insidious, they have bewitched the last clue, the ice paints that you will find in the coldest place in the house, in the freezer, will help you to disenchant it! Take my paints and paint over your sheets, and you will see the place where the criminals hid the presents.”

The detectives take ice paints (to make them, you need to pour watercolor paints diluted with water into an ice mold, you can take different ones, or you can, for example, only blue) When the guys paint over a sheet with a wax Christmas tree, the wax will not be painted over and they will clearly see the Christmas tree.

That's all! Gifts are found and the New Year is saved! Now you can dance, treat yourself to a New Year's treat and, of course, unwrap gifts!

If necessary, you can add contests or remove what you don’t really like.

Required props:

hints (text in script)

letter from Santa Claus in an envelope

cap (pipe), hat (glasses)

frozen ice floe with clue piece

ice paints

2 sticks, balloons, rope, fir branches or Christmas tree

jelly two servings with notes and 2 pairs of sushi sticks

flour + 2 bowls (spoon, all the same chopsticks for sushi)

office paper snowballs + plastic empty bottles and one with a hint

capsules or packages with sweets, threads, rope, scissors, a scarf to blindfold.

wax tree drawings

Home New Year's quest is a wonderful way to congratulate and give a New Year's gift to a loved one. The idea of ​​the quest is as follows: there are several different and interesting tasks, each of which hides in some place or object. The answer to each task is an indication of the place where the next task is hidden. The player must complete them in sequence, following the chain, and reach the final place where the surprise is hidden. Such a game can be organized both for one person and for a group of people by arranging team competitions.

Items and places

Many tasks are presented in two or three versions with different answers so that you can choose the ones that suit you best. The following items and locations are involved in the scenario:

Suitcase, map, pillow, oven, armchair, bed, sofa, monitor, painting, wood, refrigerator, bathtub, clock, drawer, pad (regular or for a computer mouse), door, vase, mittens, music, boots, barbecue, jacket , plate, washing machine, champagne, lamp, TV, table, chair, window, sauna, stairs, box, plant, saucepan, fence, curtains, shelf, barrel, napkins, garland, fruit, glass, red caviar.

Description of tasks

Below is a brief description of each task. Files prepared for printing with images of cards and instructions for organizing the quest are provided in a downloadable archive.

1. Riddles

We offer several options for riddles, and you choose which one suits you best. You can "dilute" the quest with riddles by inserting them between other tasks.

The first riddle can be put into a postcard and handed to the quest participant. In the instructions, we talk in detail about how to do this in the most interesting way. There is also text for an introductory postcard in the instructions.

2. Task "Make a word"

Letters are written on the card, from which you need to make a word.

3. Task "Foreign brothers of Santa Claus"

To decipher the keyword, players need to remember or guess the names of Santa Claus' "brothers" in different countries.

4. Task "New Year's crossword"

In the task, several questions are given on famous New Year's films and fairy tales. By entering the answers in the appropriate cells, it will be possible to read the clue word.

5. Task "Winter sports crossword"

Winter sports logos are depicted. You need to enter the names of sports in the cells and decipher the word.

6. Task "Puzzle Circle"

This task is a simple "design" of paper rings that form a puzzle. How it works, and how to prepare it, is written in detail in the instructions.

7. Task "New Year's Sudoku"

You need to solve a Sudoku puzzle with Christmas balls. The solution will point to the clue word.

8. Task "New Year's tangram"

A challenging puzzle based on the famous Tangram puzzle. From several fragments, you need to assemble the figure of a Christmas tree and get a clue word.

9. Task "New Year's song"

In the famous New Year's song, words are missing. You need to remember these words and enter them in the appropriate cells, and then the hint will be deciphered.

10. Question

An interesting question about one of the mandatory attributes of the New Year's table.

12. Task "Mirror riddle"

On the card is an ordinary children's riddle, written in a mirror image. The player is given a hint that a mirror will help solve the puzzle.

13. The task "Yolka-filvord"

A task for attentiveness and the ability to compose words from disparate syllables. In each row of Christmas decorations, a New Year's word and one extra letter were hidden. It is necessary to collect syllables into words, identify all the extra letters and make a hint word out of them.

In addition, the kit includes blank card templates that you can fill in with your own tasks.

Attention! The administration of the site is not responsible for the content of methodological developments, as well as for the compliance of the development with the Federal State Educational Standard.

This event is best held on the street, in the square, on the site. The non-standard form of the holiday will create a great mood and feeling of the New Year holiday for all participants of the quest! You can also familiarize yourself with other materials for the celebration: for example, the Frost script for the New Year.


  • Create a festive New Year's mood for children and adults,
  • provide emotional uplift for all participants


  • Development of communication skills;
  • captivate, activate, include in joint activities;
  • development of cognitive and creative abilities of children


  • New Year's children's gifts
  • 4 tables (for the quest)
  • 2 balls (for parachute)
  • Ledyanka, a spoon tied to a stick, sweets, 4 bags
  • Route sheets for each team
  • 4 types of tinsel (for breaking down into teams)
  • Printed letters (for the competition)
  • Markers
  • Sliced ​​drawing "Sack of Santa Claus" (for teams to collect parts)
  • Letters from Santa Claus for each student

Decorated hall for the final awards.

Musical accompaniment (prepared cutting of New Year's children's songs)

You can conduct a quest on the street, plan a venue for the event in advance, set tables, as well as equipment for musical accompaniment. If conditions do not allow, then you can hold it indoors, as well as prepare rooms for teams in advance.

Preliminary preparation provides for learning a New Year's theme song for the event (a traditional moment), including the students' parents as assistants for conducting the quest stages.

Event progress

General gathering of children on the playground.

Sounds like Christmas music.

Leading (teacher or parent):

Here is the New Year's Eve
Complained to us today.
A good and welcome holiday,
The holiday is sonorous, long-awaited.
You can't live without guests!
That's where our friends come in.

Two parents appear dressed as Snowmen.

Leading: You look who complained to us? And where are Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden?

Snowmen: We are ready to help you. Everyone stand in a circle. The round dance calls everyone around. We will play a little, warm up the arms, legs ...

Snowmen spend an outdoor game to the music.

The cry of the Snow Maiden is heard. The Snow Maiden calls the children. To the song “No New Year”, the Snow Maiden, together with the snowmen, hold a flash mob with children.

Under the same song appears Father Frost. Together with the Snow Maiden, he tells the children that a bag with gifts has been lost. The task of the children is to find a card with a bag.

Leading: But we cannot cope on our own ... Who will help?

Snow Maiden announces the appearance of 4 assistants - Chicks. (parents of students). Chicks appear in turn to the music (chicken dance) (they then stand at the tables to complete tasks at each stage of the quest).

Children are divided into 4 teams. The Snow Maiden, together with the Snowmen, help the children put on tinsel (team insignia). Each team is given tinsel of a certain color (for example, blue, yellow, green, red), tinsel of its own color is tied over the jackets for each child). Each team is given a route sheet. Accompanying teams: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Snowmen.

Estimated time to complete each stage of the quest is 10 minutes. The DJ keeps track of the time, he also gives a signal when the time is up so that the teams move on to the next stage.

Carrying out the stages of the quest:

  1. "Decipher the letter of Santa Claus" (by symbols, decipher and guess the riddle)
  2. "New Year's bouquet" (from the proposed letters to make as many words as possible on the theme of the New Year)
  3. "Parachute". (this stage is carried out using a blank in the form of a circle, divided into sectors where the children become. Each child holds on to the edges of the sector. In the center of the circle there is a hole and a net. The ball is thrown into the parachute. The task of the team is to drive the ball into the center of the parachute so that the ball hit the net.The number of balls hitting the net is fixed. )
  4. "Collect the sweet package." (Collect as many sweets as possible in the bag. There are sweets on the ice cube. With a spoon tied to a stick, collect as many sweets as possible in the bag. The number of sweets collected by each team is fixed )
    Upon passing by each team of the stages of the quest, 2 parts of the drawing of the bag of Santa Claus are issued.

As soon as all tasks are completed, music sounds, the leader announces the general collection.

(You can bring children to the hall decorated room)

All parts of the cut picture depicting Santa Claus's bag are assembled by children into a common image. At this time, the Snowmen count the points earned in the route lists of the teams. Santa Claus makes notes on the letters to the teams who got what place. The host, Chicks (as well as the rest of the parents present) organize the construction of children in a general circle.

Father Frost: You found my bag quickly, that's what good fellows! You did your best, sweet prizes are waiting for you! ( Chicks give lollipops - roosters.)

Snow Maiden: Well, Santa Claus amuse from the heart!

(Children sing a New Year's song.)

Father Frost: Thanks kids! Is everyone ready for the new year?
And now - gifts and diplomas!

(Presenting certificates to teams and gifts.)

Snow Maiden:(talking to the snowmen)

I'm a little worried
They are probably waiting for you at home
Yes, and it's time for us to the pole,
We're a little hot in here...

Father Frost:

winter holiday new year
We celebrated here today.
You laughed a lot
And were you satisfied!?
If they clapped their hands
So it was a good holiday!

Snowmen, Chicks:

There comes a breakup
But we mean:
Parting - "Goodbye
In the new coming year!!!