Do it yourself: Christmas stockings. Christmas socks for gifts: a simple but effective decoration for the holidays DIY New Year's stocking made from paper

These little stockings are designed to hold treats and small gifts for the New Year. The great thing is that you can easily make the same DIY Christmas socks, choosing the fabric and size you like.

You will need:

  • Sewing machine
  • Fabric in several colors
  • Scissors
  • Paper
  • Pencil
  • Stocking template (patterns can be found)
  • Pins


1. To get started, print out a template or draw your own. The requirements for the fabric are minimal - it should be quite dense, of course, it is better to use a cheerful and festive pattern. You will need two colors of fabric (for the front and lining).

2. Take the fabric that will be used for the front of the stocking and fold it in half (so that the back of the design is on the inside and the front on the outside). Pin the paper stocking template to the fabric.

3. Cut out two (!) fabric sketches along the contour of the template. Do the same with a fabric of a different pattern that will be used as a lining.

4. Now you need to correctly sew the sketches of the stockings. Take the 4 sketches you cut out (2 of each color) and arrange them as in the picture. Make a seam where indicated by the arrows in the picture.

5. Place one double stocking on top of the other, back side up. Align the sketches to the edges. Sew two double stockings together; to do this, make a seam along the contour of the double stocking with an indentation of 1 cm from the edges. Leave a small area unstitched to make it easy to turn the stocking inside out.

6. After you turn the stocking right side up, wrinkles may form in the folds. To avoid this, make cuts near the edges after the bends, as shown in the photo below.

7. Now turn the stockings outside and iron the seams. Sew up the area that remains unsewn with a neat seam.

8. Carefully place the lining (top of the double stocking) inside the stocking (bottom).

9. Roll up the cuff and decorate it as you wish.

The Christmas stocking is ready! Now is the time to go looking for gifts that you can put in these stockings on New Year's Eve :)

On New Year It is customary to place gifts under the Christmas tree. However, after the New Year (and for Catholics, on the contrary, back in December), a series of Christmas holidays begins, and in order to fully enjoy their atmosphere, you can borrow the interesting Western custom of hiding gifts in a Christmas stocking.

In Europe and the USA, on Christmas Eve, parents decorate the fireplace with decorative socks, stockings and boots, and in the morning children find gifts in them. It seems that this tradition was invented just as another fun way to present long-awaited toys and sweets. But, in fact, the custom of hiding gifts in Christmas stockings has a long and educational history.

Today, “House of Dreams” invites its readers to plunge into a fairy tale and learn about the long-standing tradition, thanks to which it is customary for many families to hang out socks, stockings and boots on Christmas night. In addition, you will learn how and from what you can make such socks and where to hang them. Read, see photos of Christmas socks and boots, get inspired and decorate your home!

How Christmas socks came to be

Socks were first used for Christmas gifts in America and Western Europe. As you know, in the fairy tales of these countries it is believed that Santa Claus enters the houses of obedient children through the chimney. However, why did he start using hosiery as gift wrapping? It turns out there is an interesting explanation for this.

One of the legends says that once upon a time in a small English town there lived a widower whose only wealth were his three daughters. The man was worried that due to poverty he would not be able to provide his daughters with a decent dowry, and no one would marry them. On Christmas Eve, a widower shared his sorrows with a friend. By a happy coincidence, the man’s complaint was heard by Santa Claus himself, who decided to help the disadvantaged family. Santa Claus understood that the widower's pride and modesty would not allow him to take money from him, so he decided to present the man's daughters with gold coins as a Christmas gift.

When night fell, Santa Claus, as usual, came down the chimney into the widower's house. However, instead of Christmas decorations and a festively decorated tree in the girls’ room, he saw only washed socks and stockings hanging on the fireplace. Santa Claus had no choice but to put the gold coins there. In the morning, when the girls woke up and found precious gifts, they shared such good news with their friends and neighbors, and gradually the entire population of the town learned about this Christmas story. Since then, on a festive night, people began to hang stockings and socks on fireplaces, in the hope that Santa Claus would also make them happy with his gifts.

How to make decorative Christmas socks or boots

Of course, everyone understands that the history of the origin of Christmas socks is just a beautiful pre-holiday fairy tale, but this method of giving gifts has still not lost its relevance, largely due to the fact that these products become a bright element of holiday decor.

You can easily make a Christmas stocking, sock or boot yourself, and in several ways. Most often, this element of holiday decor is made of felt, any thick fabric or wool threads.

To sew a Christmas stocking from felt or fabric, you first need to draw on cardboard the shape of the future product - a pattern. The size of the sock depends on the size of the gifts. If desired, you can even make miniature products that will be an excellent decoration for the New Year tree or other decorative compositions.

Next, using the finished pattern, two parts of the future boot are cut out on felt or fabric. After this, the cut material is tightly sewn together along the edges from the wrong side, and turned outward.

To make the sock truly festive decorative element, it will need to be further decorated. For example, the top of the product can be decorated with white fluffy fur, and then the sock will look like a Santa Claus boot. Instead of fur, you can also use shining rain, satin ribbons, bows, lace or bells.

Felt Christmas boot

DIY Christmas boots

Large Christmas boots are often decorated with additional details. For example, the product can be decorated with figures cut out of felt - in the form of snowflakes, snowmen, Santa Claus, deer, etc. In addition, socks made from fabrics of different colors look very beautiful. If you are making socks for several children, embroider the initials of the gift recipients on them so the little ones know that Santa Claus is not neglecting anyone.

DIY Christmas socks

If you love to knit, you can definitely make a knitted Christmas boot. They are made in almost the same way as regular knitted socks. It is only advisable to make them as dense as possible, so choose the thickest threads possible.

If desired, the boot can be made voluminous. To do this, cut out thick cardboard base-sole and sew it inside the sock. And, of course, the finished boot should be decorated with a bright edge. However, instead of the edge, you can also use beautiful decorative cuffs. Just don’t forget to attach a small loop at the top of the sock to hang it from.

How to knit a Christmas stocking

Christmas knitted socks

Where to hang a Christmas stocking

Traditionally, these socks are hung along the mantelpiece. However, don't be discouraged if your home doesn't have fireplace, because Christmas socks are intended for giving gifts and decorating the interior, so you can hang them anywhere: near the child’s bed, above the door, on the wall, on the window frame, etc.

If you have a few Christmas stockings, you can use them to create a garland of sorts. To do this, just attach the socks to a suitable thread or decorative beads, and then hang them along the wall, on the closet door, on stair railings etc.

Small socks can be hung directly on the Christmas tree, and then they will become not just a beautiful container for gifts, but also an original one. holiday decoration Christmas tree.

Every year in our New Year's traditions More and more new things are appearing - coming from other cultures, countries, continents. Some people like it, others are so old-fashioned that they resolutely reject everything “non-native”, however, the fact remains: our children are already starting to celebrate winter holidays somewhat differently, differently, in a new way.... Let's not discuss how good or bad this is, just take it for granted and try to adapt to the children - their expectations and desires. And they expect that this year Santa Claus, in addition to the traditional boxes on the Christmas tree, will definitely put something in... a Christmas stocking, which they hung on a window or mantelpiece, attached to a chair or secured to the door handle. Is it difficult for you to extend your child’s childhood a little, play along and, having worked as Santa Claus, hide it in a specially prepared New Year's stocking, a little surprise? Not at all! Well, if you want to get a little creative, you can do it - there are many simple and accessible ideas.

Christmas stocking - 5 simple ideas:

1. No-sew fleece Christmas stocking

If you, having thought about making a Christmas stocking with your own hands, suddenly decided to give up, citing the fact that you don’t want to bother with needles and threads, we hasten to disappoint: this number will not work for you! It is possible, quite possible, to make a sock for gifts without any help. sewing machine. Follow the link for evidence and instructions.

2. The simplest knitted Christmas stocking

If you are good at knitting, the task of knitting a Christmas stocking will not cause you any difficulties at all. One or two evenings - and a wonderful homemade “house” is ready for a small gift that Santa Claus has prepared for your child. The joy of a baby is actually so easy to organize!...

3. Christmas stocking made from fabric scraps

You probably have a bag lying around your house with the remnants of a variety of beautiful fabrics that you don’t want to throw away - a piece of faux fur, red silk, a piece of velvet, satin shiny ribbons... Collect all these treasures in a pile - and you will have a wonderful stocking that you can , without much effort, sew it with your own hands.

4. Felt Christmas stocking

Felt is a completely simple and affordable material for creativity and handicrafts. Without particularly straining, without special patterns and complex instructions, you can easily and quickly sew several Christmas stockings that will not only make your child happy, but will also decorate your home - bright colors, embroidered snowflakes, silver decor.

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From films, cartoons or illustrations in books, you probably know that there is such a tradition at Christmas - to hang stockings or socks by the fireplace or on the wall in the room so that Santa Claus will put gifts in them. Children believe that for those who behave well all year, Santa will put sweets in their socks, while hooligans and naughty children will find a piece of coal in their socks. Where did this tradition come from?

The legend of Christmas Stockings

There is a legend that a long time ago there lived a noble man. His wife died, leaving him three beautiful daughters. Misfortunes followed this family, they became poor and lived in a modest village house, the girls did all the housework themselves and cooked, sewed and cleaned all day.

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The time had come for the beautiful girls to get married, but they had no dowry. And their father was constantly sad about this.

One evening the girls washed their clothes and went to bed, hanging their stockings by the fire to dry. Saint Nicholas passed by (and it was he who later began to be called Santa Claus). He knew what beautiful and hard-working girls lived here, and he knew what their father was sad about. He looked out the window and saw that the whole family was already sleeping. He also noticed stockings hanging out to dry by the fireplace. Saint Nicholas decided to do a good deed. He climbed onto the roof and threw 3 small bags of gold into the chimney. The bags landed right in the hanging stockings.

Imagine the joy of the girls when in the morning they saw gifts in their stockings. Now they had a good dowry, they got married and lived happily ever after and gave their father wonderful grandchildren.

Since then, the tradition of hanging stockings or socks over the fireplace on Christmas Day began.

The children quickly realized that if you hang bigger socks you can get more sweets, so from Christmas to Christmas the socks got bigger and bigger!

Lately, children have been finding their gifts under the tree, packed in boxes. These gifts won't fit in your Christmas stocking anymore! But along with such gifts, children still find candy, nuts and other sweets in their socks.

Christmas is just around the corner, so don't forget to hang some Christmas stockings by the fireplace or on the wall in your room! In the meantime, we suggest you learn a few little poems and songs about Christmas.

Merry Christmas!

The New Year is coming very soon and the whole country is eagerly awaiting this holiday. The Christmas trees have already been decorated, the rooms have been decorated, outfits have been selected, a list of ingredients for preparing original dishes has been compiled, and suitable recipes have been found.

And there is time to relax a little before the main night of the year. And remember about the next holiday - Christmas. Currently in Russia it is not celebrated on such a grand scale as the New Year, although it used to be considered the main holiday, and in the West this day is celebrated more. So this is a good reason to arrange family celebration in the circle of relatives. The main decoration of the celebration can be a Christmas boot or stocking.

There is a legend that explains why stockings became a symbol of Christmas and why they should be hung over the fireplace. One day Saint Nicholas, patron saint New Year's celebrations

, I found out that girls with a sick mother live in the same house. The family was on the verge of starvation, and the virtuous Nikolai decided to help them. But he did not want to do this openly.

And so, on the night before the holiday, he threw several bags of gold down the chimney from the fireplace. By chance, each of them ended up in a separate stocking, which was dried over the extinguished fire. Having learned about this story, the townspeople also hung their stockings over the fireplace. Of course, few people now have fireplaces, but this will not hurt to decorate the room beautifully. And if you imagine the joy of the children who will receive unusual gifts

, that will help. Such things can be hung on walls, cabinets, doors. Decorate the table or chairs with them.

If you look, you can buy such a souvenir in a store. It's easier to do it yourself. This will not only allow you to have a wonderful time with your family and friends, but also show off your design inclinations. Christmas boots are divided into decorative and gift ones. The first ones are usually small in size and already have filling. These can be dried leaves, dried flowers, decorated tree branches, small Christmas decorations

, even fruits and small plush toys or dolls. Gifts are different large sizes so that the surprise can fit there.

And each boot should be decorated with the name of the owner so that the gift delivery person does not make a mistake during delivery. The name can be written with a felt-tip pen, embroidered with threads or ribbons, laid out with sequins or rhinestones, or made of paper or fabric. In general, completely surrender to your imagination. The stockings themselves can be made from a wide variety of materials.

Here are a few ideas to help needlewomen choose the best one for themselves:

  • From paper. This is the simplest thing. You just need to take a sheet of paper. Cut out two pieces according to the pattern and glue them together, leaving a small space inside. And the flat boots can be stuck on a window or mirror to make a cute Christmas frame.
  • Their old socks. It is desirable that they are not torn. Although... holes can be mended on a light bulb (who doesn’t know this method, let them ask their mother or, better yet, their grandmother) with contrasting threads. Now all that remains is to decorate them and the Christmas miracle is ready.
  • Made from fur. Cut out two parts again, sew them on a machine or by hand with the fur inside and turn them inside out. To obtain an additional effect, you can not turn the parts inside out, but sew them over the edge with a contrasting thread. This way you will get charming chuni.
  • Made from plasticine. This is quite painstaking work, but such a souvenir can be placed on the table and used in the form of a pencil holder or vase.
  • From yarn. This is for knitting lovers. In principle, it is no different from knitting a regular sock. Can be knitted or crocheted.
  • From old jeans, sweaters, shirts. This is an economical option. Can you buy a beautiful one? new fabric or felt and make beautiful craft from this material.

All crafts are usually decorated with beads, sequins, buttons, and ribbon flowers. Snowflakes, Christmas trees, snowmen and Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens look good. Small stockings can be used as a cutlery case for the Christmas table.

Having attached such legs to New Year's wreath, you can make a wonderful person. And if you insert a photo in the middle, you get a charming art gallery. You only need a few wreaths. By attaching small tin or galvanized “blades” to the stockings, you can get unusual skates that will bring even more comfort to your home.

Master class on DIY New Year's stocking for gifts

Most often, Christmas socks are made from fabric.

To make it, you will need fabric (front side and lining) that is quite dense and bright, although you can use dark colors, scissors, threads and jewelry.

Step 1. You need to make a pattern from a sheet of paper; you can download it from the Internet or draw it yourself.

Step 2. We cut out the details from the fabric. To do this, the pattern should be pinned to the fabric and outlined with chalk or a pencil. Now it remains to cut out 2 parts. The same procedure should be carried out with the lining.

Step 3.

Step 4. Now all that remains is to fold both parts of the product right sides inward and sew them together, leaving a small area unstitched for easy turning.

Step 5. Turn the stocking right side out and sew up the unsewn area.

Step 6. Carefully tuck the lining inside and smooth out the resulting stocking.

Now, if desired, you can make lapels and decorate the resulting craft.

Christmas socks are usually made quite high and look like felt boots, but they look great adorable booties, shoes in oriental style, ballet pointe shoes.

If the work is done in good quality, such crafts will remain in the house for a long time and will last for many years, filling the house with comfort and warmth. Also, by making such a stocking with the whole family, the craftsmen will receive a huge charge of positive energy and great memories.