Can pregnant women do water aerobics? Water aerobics for pregnant women - benefits, harms, exercises, contraindications

During pregnancy, it is important that the sports load is not dangerous either for the unborn baby or for you. Check out the water aerobics! This is the only sport during which you will feel like a feather. Indeed, in water, as you know, body weight is reduced by almost 10 times.

The benefits of water aerobics for pregnant women

  • Water aerobics is suitable even for those who cannot swim. Classes are held at a shallow depth, so everything will be in order.
  • Water aerobics exercises develop all the muscles that will be involved in childbirth.
  • During water aerobics, you will learn how to train your breathing, which is also very useful during childbirth.
  • Exercises in water “unload” the spine, which bears a heavy load during pregnancy.
  • Water aerobics classes will teach you relaxation techniques that will come in handy during the birth of your baby.
  • Exercises train the muscles of the abdomen, including the rectus muscles. And this is the prevention of diastasis, that is, the divergence of the rectus muscles.
  • Water aerobics is the only type of training that does not provoke the development of varicose veins.
  • Activity in the water and its warm temperature improves blood circulation, improves and enhances lymphatic drainage function, which is the prevention of edema.
  • Exercising in water is great for burning extra calories. And the water massages the skin. Therefore, aqua fitness helps to keep the skin supple. Therefore, for those who work out in the pool, the risk of stretch marks is reduced, and cellulite is not added.
  • Swimming strengthens the supporting and supporting muscles of the back and improves posture.
  • Plus, swimming in the water is always fun. Remember yourself at sea! It's great to splash, isn't it? Water has the ability to lift your spirits. And this is how it happens - while exercising in warm water to pleasant music, hormones of joy are produced - endorphins. Therefore, water aerobics is good not only as a sport, but also an excellent sedative, moreover, it perfectly helps to cope with stress and insomnia.

Sometimes expectant mothers mistakenly believe that the goal of water aerobics is a beautiful body during pregnancy. In fact, aqua fitness is designed to maintain the good physical condition of a pregnant woman.

6 contraindications for water aerobics

“I would like to do aqua aerobics ... What if I can’t?” - so many expectant mothers think. But for some reason, they are embarrassed to ask this question to their gynecologist and, as a result, they lose a great way to improve their physical condition and prepare for childbirth. Girls, don't freak out! After all, if you have no contraindications, you can safely sign up for water aerobics.

But with such contraindications, future mothers cannot do water aerobics:

  • with the threat of miscarriage;
  • at risk of premature birth;
  • with placenta previa;
  • with late and severe gestosis;
  • with abundant vaginal discharge;
  • with fungal infections of the skin and nails.

If there are no contraindications, water aerobics is useful for all expectant mothers. But especially for those who have some complications. For example, with the wrong location of the future baby in the uterus at a later date. Often the child does not roll over from the breech to the head presentation. And here water aerobics will become an assistant. It looks like this: the expectant mother, under the guidance of a coach, dives deep into the water and combines diving with special exercises. And thanks to such an integrated approach, the baby, who is in the mother’s tummy, understands that it’s time to roll over!

Water aerobics is useful for future mothers at any time. And if the girl is healthy and there are no contraindications to classes, the difference in classes will be only in the intensity of the load.

Water aerobics in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

At the beginning of the 1st trimester, the expectant mother may not feel very comfortable: serious hormonal changes and toxicosis occur in the body. But if there are no contraindications to sports activities, it is advisable to do water aerobics in the first weeks of pregnancy. There will be less time to “pity yourself”, and there will be a lot of benefits. For example, pregnant girls who do water aerobics in the first trimester did not gain excess weight. A weighty argument not to spend your free time on the couch?...

Water aerobics in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy

If there are no contraindications to physical activity in the second trimester of pregnancy, from 4 to 6 months you can do fitness in the water quite actively. Of course, everything is under the guidance of a coach.

Water aerobics in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy

Closer to the end of pregnancy, during the third trimester, water aerobics activity is replaced by preparation for childbirth. At this time, trainers change the concept of classes: expectant mothers swim and do breathing exercises.

How aquafitness classes work: virtual class

We offer a virtual visit to the water aerobics exercise. Mentally put on a swimsuit, take a shower and go to the pool.

In the pool, expectant mothers stand in several rows. After the greeting, aqua aerobics begins. We start with a breathing exercise, learn to breathe correctly, then hold your breath. We swim up to the side and do a stretching exercise. Then an exercise with the board. Towards the end of the lesson, a pair exercise. And "cherry on the cake" - expectant mothers are invited to be in the role of their crumbs at the time of his birth. There is an imitation of the passage of the birth canal, the so-called "birth canal": the girls stand one after another and take turns swimming "in the tunnel" between the legs of those in front.

The water temperature in the pool, where future mothers do water aerobics, is 29-31°C.

  1. You are expecting a baby and decided to do aqua fitness. And, most likely, before, this sport has never been practiced. Do not worry! Everything will work out! We have prepared useful recommendations especially for you:
  2. Get involved in the training process gradually. You can start with one session a week and gradually move up to two. However, it is important that you do aqua fitness all the time, otherwise there will be no benefit from it. Expectant mothers who swim a lot during pregnancy develop a habit of smooth and gentle movements in the water. And it helps to move correctly during contractions and attempts.
  3. If you are tired during classes, inform the trainer about it, do not perform exercises through force. Relax in or out of the pool. And you don't have to be ashamed of it. After all, every expectant mother has a different physical preparation.
  4. Do not go to the pool immediately after eating. Let there be a break of 1.5 hours. And don't eat heavily immediately after class. "Freeze the worm" with an apple or a glass of kefir.
  5. Don't worry about doing the exercises the trainer suggests! Remember "The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing"? In this case, however, not the hands, but the whole body. Remember that the training program is safe and designed specifically for expectant mothers!
Expectant mothers who swim a lot during pregnancy develop a habit of smooth and gentle movements in the water. And it helps to move correctly during contractions and attempts.

We wish all future mothers pleasant training and easy childbirth! Have questions?

If it proceeds normally, it is quite possible and even necessary to give moderate physical activity. They will prepare the body for the future, smooth out some unpleasant moments during gestation and help harmonious development. Naturally, classes should be held taking into account its duration, and a special approach is required here. It is classes in the pool that are considered traditional for the expectant mother, they combine the positive effects of the properties of water and physical activity on the woman's body.

Is it possible to exercise during the period of bearing a baby

Some girls, having seen the cherished two stripes, believe that from now on they should treat their body as a precious vessel, stop exercising and allow themselves to eat for two, while moving little and very carefully. This approach is fundamentally wrong and even harmful to both organisms - the mother and the future.

Naturally, it is necessary to limit excessive physical activity, however, maintaining a good physical shape is the key to good health during the gestation period and easy resolution during childbirth. One of the ways to keep fit and prepare the body for childbirth is water aerobics.

Did you know? In children, swimming increases the production of growth hormone in the blood by 20 times, which explains more intensive growth in the summer. It also increases the amount of short-term memory.

Performing exercises in water significantly reduces the load on the spine, while allowing joints and muscles to relax, which is very important for: achieving significant results without fatigue.

Water aerobics classes:

  • help maintain a woman's normal weight;
  • strengthen the muscles of the press and back;
  • improve digestion and relieve bloating and;
  • normalize the work of the heart and the state of blood vessels;
  • become prevention;
  • breathing exercises will serve you well when the time is right.

The main concern of the expectant mother is to provide the best conditions for the development of the child and a harmonious flow, therefore, during a planned visit to the gynecologist, you should consult whether it is possible to do water aerobics, if there are any contraindications for this.

When is the best time to start classes?

You can start doing water aerobics at any time, if there are no contraindications for this.

The main criterion that determines the intensity and duration of classes is the well-being of a woman: exercises should be performed in a smooth and calm rhythm, should not cause any discomfort and pain.

Important! Experts say that water procedures should be started as early as possible, ideally - before pregnancy, at the stage, which will allow the body to get used to the loads and not reduce them in the future.

Although classes are shown at any time, their intensity depends on the following factors:

  • woman's well-being;
  • medical indications and restrictions;
  • the nature of the pregnant woman;
  • her desire to practice.

In the first trimester some women, having learned about their pregnancy, are afraid of active physical activity in anticipation of the attachment of the amniotic egg to the uterus, while others, on the contrary, prefer classes at full strength, fearing to gain in the future.

Second trimester the most calm, at this time you can afford intensive classes.

By the third trimester the training program is adjusted in such a way as to focus on breathing exercises that will prepare for the birth process, calm, relaxing swimming.

Important! As the due date approaches, it is advisable to reduce the load and stop exercising, especially during the period when the mucous plug leaves.

The benefits of water gymnastics

For a nine-month period of bearing a baby, it is necessary not only to provide him with the best conditions for development, but also to prepare his own body for the birth process.
Water aerobics gives the muscles and ligaments a metered load, stretching and strengthening them, benefits, improves mood and energizes, which is especially important for pregnant women.

Classes in the water maintain muscle tone and solve some of the delicate problems that often arise for young ladies in an interesting position:

Did you know? In the issue of combating excess weight, swimming occupies a leading position. Swimming crawl will provide thinness of the waist, half an hour breaststroke swimming burns 360 kcal, but the energy consumption depends on how powerful the stroke is and how long the distance is.

  • Exercising in water makes it easier to lose weight, without putting a load on the woman's spine and her joints, especially under the condition of ever-increasing weight. Therefore, in the water, many exercises are allowed that are prohibited for pregnant women under normal conditions.
  • Even simple exercises are effective in water because water has more resistance than air. For this reason, the number of movements can be limited, while maintaining a consistently satisfactory result.
  • Massage with water, accompanying the exercises performed in it, has a beneficial effect on the skin, making it smooth and training elasticity. The advantage of this type of physical activity is that it fights fat deposits and allows you not to gain excess weight.

Did you know? Even a short stay in water at a temperature of 20° It helps to increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood, and swimming in such water, in addition to improving tissue and cerebral circulation, will slow down the cellular aging of the body.

  • Water temperature in the pool 26-29°С, it is quite comfortable for exercise, and at the same time produces a hardening effect, strengthening the woman's immune system and helping to reduce the number of viral diseases that are not easy for expectant mothers to fight without using medicines.
  • Breathing training and performing exercises with its delay has a beneficial effect on preparing for the birth process, not only for the mother, who learns to control pain with breathing, but also for those who are preparing to experience oxygen deficiency during birth, receiving it dosed during the mother’s training .
  • Swimming works all muscle groups, including both abdominal and pelvic, which play an important role in the straining period of childbirth, which is especially important for pregnant women who cannot train them in other conditions.
  • Staying in water, especially under the condition of physical activity, improves venous outflow due to the hydrostatic pressure of the water. Thanks to this physical phenomenon, classes in the aquatic environment are considered the best prevention of varicose veins that occur in many pregnant women.
  • Due to the higher thermal conductivity of water in comparison with air, a greater consumption of heat and energy occurs in it. Due to this, metabolic processes are accelerated, the enrichment of tissues with oxygen and the excretion of products resulting from decay. Due to these biochemical processes, the fetus gets more oxygen and nutrients, and the maternal cardiovascular system gets a good workout.
  • Water aerobics causes positive emotions, contributing to the production of endorphin - the hormone of joy, which relieves stress, elevates mood, allows you to relax, which is especially important for women in position.
  • Thanks to special exercises, it is possible to force the child to take the correct position even in the later stages, if he is located in the womb incorrectly and unphysiologically for the upcoming birth.

Important! If a woman has previously been involved in sports professionally, she is certainly more resilient than amateurs and beginners. But even professionals, whose physical fitness can be envied, should “slow down” after the onset of pregnancy in order for it to proceed safely and without unpleasant surprises.

Features of classes

Water aerobics has certain features:

  • exercises are performed slowly and smoothly while maintaining amplitude;
  • special attention is paid to the correct position of the body and posture;
  • breathing should be calm and rhythmic;
  • the increase in load occurs gradually;
  • the intensity and duration of the exercises are selected individually, taking into account the sensations and well-being of the woman.

A properly selected program and correctly performed exercises will provide a surge of energy and give strength. If after the session you feel tired, this means that some conditions are not met, you should consult with the trainer and adjust the program. In each trimester, metamorphoses occur, dictated by the preparation of the body for motherhood, sometimes they cause discomfort. Water aerobics is able to solve some of the problems that arise and restore comfort using the developed sets of exercises.


In the first trimester the female body adapts to new conditions. Activity at this time should not be excessive, and some trainers even advise you to wait and not load the body during this difficult time.
Most, however, agree that if you feel good, there is no reason to put off training indefinitely, losing shape in the process. Covering all muscle groups, the set of exercises remains simple and has a general strengthening effect on the body.

Important! It is advisable to abandon training on the days when menstruation was supposed to be, or to reduce and simplify them as much as possible.

The tasks that water aerobics sets in the period corresponding to the first trimester are as follows:

  • general strengthening and recovery;
  • acquisition of proper breathing skills: full and diaphragmatic;
The exercises of the first trimester are simple, aimed at large muscle groups, they are performed slowly, in some cases the pace can be medium, repeated 4-6 times.
First, exercises are performed at the side - flexion, extension and circular movements of the feet, hands, knees, elbows. Breathing practices, strengthening the abs and pelvic floor muscles, as well as breaststroke and freestyle swimming make up the bulk of the training. Complete the session with general strengthening, breathing and relaxation exercises.


Toward the middle of pregnancy, the spine is subjected to increasing pressure from the growing fetus and begins to need additional support. It is also required by the abdominal muscles that hold the fetus.
Taking into account the features 2 trimesters exercises are being developed in the pool for pregnant women, aimed at strengthening the muscles of the perineum, abdomen and spine.

The tasks of water aerobics in this period:

  • strengthening the muscles of the perineum and the press;
  • increased mobility of the spine;
  • muscle strengthening;
  • increasing the adaptation of the woman's cardiovascular system to increasing loads.
Additional breathing exercises, tilts and turns of the torso near the side are added to the classes of the first trimester. They alternately bend and unbend, abduct and adduct straight and bent legs, bend and arch the back, perform lunges and half-squats, resting their foot on the step.
Increased attention is paid to the fight against, therefore, by the second half of the second trimester, about half of the training is occupied by exercises performed by the legs.

It is also extremely important to strengthen the back during this period. Less attention is paid to holding the breath, the “bicycle” is performed in a horizontal position on the water, holding the side with your hands.

Did you know? The breaststroke is considered the most ancient style recorded in a historical source. The image of a man who swims breaststroke was found during excavations in a cave, the absolute dating of the drawings goes back to the Stone Age.


The size of the fetus becomes impressive, additional strengthening of the musculoskeletal system is required. Particular attention is paid to the prevention of edema - one of the symptoms of a formidable condition - preeclampsia.
In the 3rd trimester the intensity of exercises in the pool is reduced, the emphasis is on the correct breathing for pregnant women, which can saturate the body of a woman and her child with oxygen.

During this period, tasks are aimed at:

  • edema prevention;
  • stimulation of blood circulation and respiration;
  • maintaining the achieved level;
  • automatically correct breathing during exercise;
  • development of motor skills that will be needed during childbirth.

The number of repetitions is reduced, due to which the load gradually decreases. The number of breathing exercises and relaxation increases.
They continue to strengthen the muscles of the press, back, pelvis, arch of the foot, dive with exhalation into the water, perform various movements at depth. If at a later date breathing is so difficult that it is impossible to swim, you should limit yourself to exercises at the side.

Lesson duration

The average duration of a water aerobics class is from 40 minutes to an hour. It is better to study in a specialized group led by an experienced instructor.

Classes are held 3 or 4 times a week. You can’t immediately start with a long lesson, at first you should limit yourself to 15 minutes of being in the water - the baby also needs time to adapt.
Gradually, the duration of the lesson increases to 45-60 minutes, depending on the well-being of the pregnant woman and her feelings.

Important! You can not do water aerobics through force, experiencing discomfort or pain.

If the expectant mother begins her classes from the very beginning of pregnancy, their duration may be approximately as follows:

  • 1 trimester - 15-20 minutes;
  • 2nd trimester - 30-40 minutes;
  • 3rd trimester - 20-30 minutes.
These are approximate figures that can be adjusted depending on subjective feelings after consultation with the coach.

A set of exercises for pregnant women

A water aerobics class lasts a conditional hour and includes four parts:

  • warm-up;
  • breathing exercises;
  • exercises at the side or stretching;
  • aquafitness.
Sometimes the temperature of the pool water dictates the lesson pattern - if it is around 25°C, the instructor will most likely prefer a combination of breathing techniques and aerobic exercise to avoid hypothermia for more intense movement in cool water.
For example, swimming in the breaststroke or crawl style, in which the breath is held under water, and exhalation takes place in the water.

Warm up

Any physical activity should begin with a warm-up, which prepares the muscles, ligaments, breathing and body systems for the upcoming load, enriches them with oxygen, providing blood flow.
In water aerobics, the warm-up is swimming from the side to the side of the pool, a kind of exercise for the legs and arms, carried out in the water. Additional devices are used to keep the body afloat.

Did you know? Even jumps prohibited for pregnant women can be performed in an aquatic environment, which softens the shock load and ensures smooth movements.

The warm-up makes it possible to adapt the body to the aquatic environment and get used to the proposed conditions. Feeling her muscles, a woman understands what pace she can take today and what load she can withstand.
Even in order to simply maintain balance, it is necessary to use many muscles, which ensures that the body is fit with regular exercise.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises can be part of other parts of the class, such as stretching or aqua fitness, but can be a separate section of the workout.

Important! The value of breathing exercises is very high: constant training will provide a woman with skills that are invaluable during the laborious period of childbirth, while the child will be able at this time to learn to adapt to the oxygen deficiency that she will encounter during the passage of the birth canal.

It is a set of dives, inhalations and exhalations counting with different breath holding intervals. You can also swim by taking in a lot of air and slowly releasing it into the water.
Performing the “butterfly” exercise, the woman holds her breath, jumps, spreading her knees as much as possible and clasping her feet with her hands, plunges into the water.

When doing the exercise "child" the arms are crossed on the chest, the legs are pulled to the body and submerged under the water, maintaining the position. More fun is round dance, in which women holding hands through one squat with their heads in the water through one.

"Birth Canal" beginners are usually not allowed to perform. To perform it, one of the women swims between the legs of the others, lined up in a line with their legs wide apart.

Stretching exercises are performed near the side, they relax the muscles, normalize the pulse and breathing. They can be performed only after warming up and preparing the muscles and ligaments for stress. The woman tries to sit on the longitudinal and transverse twine as much as possible.
The pregnant woman bounces in the water, spreading her legs to the sides as much as possible. Leaning alternately on the left and right legs, the woman crouches on a half-twine. Laying legs alternately on the machine, squats are performed on the second leg.

When starting aqua fitness exercises, depending on how you feel, you can independently adjust their sequence and pace, which is very important for pregnant women.
For each account for 6 to 8 repetitions in 2-4 sets.

Having warmed up well, you should proceed to aqua fitness:

  • To begin with, it is desirable look like in water, trying to raise the legs as high as possible and at the same time rotating the arms, the movements should be more clear and pronounced than during normal walking, more reminiscent of marching.
  • In a series of events to strengthen the hips includes lunges, raising and lowering the legs at a different pace, rotating them and a variety of squats. It is desirable that the complex be compiled by an instructor; it may look, for example, as follows. Squatting shallowly on the right leg, energetically take the left to the side, the leg is changed after several repetitions. Then they move on to lunges: making a lunge forward with the right foot, they simultaneously stretch the right arm, after several repetitions the leg and arm are changed.

Did you know? The best time for exercising in the water is the interval between 7 and 9 hours - at this time the body has a pronounced susceptibility to stress, as well as between 18 and 20 hours, when the maximum number of calories is burned.

  • Strengthening exercises back muscles and abs and the so-called "twisting" is performed at the side.
Standing in front of the side, the woman takes hold of it with her hands and crouches, resting her feet against the wall, then pushes herself away, straightening her torso.
Performed "a bike" with side support. If this seems too difficult, simply rotate the legs, lifting them and spreading them in different directions.

A woman lies on the water, holding on to the side, pulls her legs as close to her stomach as possible.

  • strengthening pelvic floor muscles also happens at the side. It includes various movements of the legs, hips and buttocks. Performed in the aquatic environment, they pass quite easily and without much stress.

Important! It is extremely important to strengthen these particular muscles during pregnancy, because with their help it is supported with the fetus, as well as other organs located in the pelvis: intestines, bladder. Their physiological weakening that occurs during pregnancy can lead to various unpleasant situations.

Be sure to relax at the end of the lesson, for which the woman should lie on her back on the water, putting a pillow under her head, spread her arms to the sides and feel peace and tranquility.
Another relaxing option is laying your stomach on the water with face immersion. In this case, additional breathing training occurs.

Important! If there is a need for rest during a lesson, it is advisable to satisfy it: wander in the water, swim slowly or lie down in the form of a star on the water, or use another option that is familiar to you.

Precautionary measures

In order to get benefit and pleasure from classes without any unpleasant components, you should carefully choose the pool in which you have to practice, observing reasonable precautions in it:

  • It is desirable that classes for pregnant women have already been practiced in the pool before you.
  • It is important to have an experienced instructor to guide you.
  • Not bad if the pool is equipped with gentle slopes, rubber mats, handles for holding and other devices that ensure maximum safety.
  • Water must comply with sanitary and hygienic standards.
  • When diving, avoid sudden temperature changes.
  • It is impossible to make sudden movements during swimming, it is advisable to prefer the usual swimming style.
  • It is forbidden for pregnant women to swim on their backs.
  • Shoes used for training must fully provide stability on a wet surface.
  • The slightest discomfort that appeared during the lesson serves as a signal for its termination and immediate exit from the water.
  • We must not forget about the protection against fungus, which can develop in the warm, humid environment of shower rooms and changing rooms.
  • You can’t eat an hour before a workout and for another hour after it, based on this condition, you should plan your own.

Contraindications for exercising in water

Before any physical activity, it is necessary to consult a doctor supervising pregnancy and get recommendations regarding your personal case.

There are a number of contraindications, absolute for any load during pregnancy.:

  • acute respiratory or other infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathology;
  • elevated;
  • pathological of the genital tract;
  • the threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • placenta previa;
  • accompanied by severe vomiting;
  • preeclampsia: high blood pressure, protein in the urine test, edema;
  • miscarriages during previous pregnancies;
  • pain that occurs during or after exercise.

For successful activities that bring pleasure and benefit, it’s a good idea to follow the following tips:

  • If there is chlorine, you should choose a pool that uses other methods of water purification and disinfection.
  • You should not overestimate yourself, looking at the classes of women who are more experienced in water aerobics, you need to start gradually.
  • Starting with a short duration of classes (10-15 minutes), slowly, under the guidance of a trainer, increase it to an hour.
  • Frozen, tired or otherwise uncomfortable, you should not stay in the water, as if nothing had happened, you need to get out of the pool, relax or warm up, only after the discomfort is eliminated, you can return to the lesson.
  • You can’t burden the digestive system before and after class, if hunger is relentless, you can have a snack with something light: an apple, a banana, kefir.
  • It is better to visit the pool when there are few visitors in it, it is better to choose the paths that are away from the trainees.
  • Fresh water of rivers and lakes can become a source of infections, while sea water will bring benefits and healing.

Water aerobics for pregnant women will leave a bright mark in your memory as an activity that has brought benefits and pleasure. If there are no contraindications to it, there is a suitable pool or pond nearby.

You do not need to deny yourself the pleasure, which will also prepare for childbirth, help not to experience severe pain, give the muscles firmness and elasticity, which will protect against rupture of the perineum during childbirth.

By following the safety rules, you will not harm, but help yourself and your baby, and at the same time get pleasure, a charge of vivacity and energy.

In what cases is water aerobics prohibited for pregnant women?

Of course, water activities during pregnancy are very beneficial for both the mother and the baby. High blood pressure is very dangerous during pregnancy. If a woman has high blood pressure, then with additional physical stress on the body, the danger increases significantly. Water aerobics is no exception, there is also additional water pressure on the body.

It is forbidden to engage in water aerobics for pregnant women who have chronic diseases associated with the cardiovascular system, especially in the acute stage. Diseases of this kind are dangerous diseases. If the condition of a particular disease worsens, an attack can occur, which can lead to the death of not only the baby, but also the mother. If a pregnant woman has heart disease, then exercise of any kind should be avoided.

Water aerobics for pregnant women is also contraindicated in case of severe toxicosis. As a rule, with severe toxicosis, a woman is accompanied by frequent attacks, which means that there are certain problems in the body. It is because of this that you need to refrain from water aerobics for a while. Toxicosis usually goes away by the end of the first trimester of an interesting situation, so such a ban in most cases is temporary.

You can not exercise in the water if a pregnant woman has inflammatory and infectious diseases. During pregnancy, diseases of this kind are especially acute. Until complete recovery, it is worth refraining from classes, since during such a period, physical activity is limited during treatment.

It is especially forbidden to engage in water aerobics for women with uterine bleeding or uterine hypertonicity. If a woman feels an increase in the tone of the uterus or she has small spotting, you should immediately contact a specialist. In the presence of such symptoms, even simple walking can cause a deterioration in the condition, and the water space with its own pressure is even more so.

It is also contraindicated to play sports, including water aerobics, for pregnant women with existing diagnosed malformations of the baby and with pathologies of pregnancy. In this case, appropriate treatment is carried out, in which physical activity is limited.

Other contraindications for water aerobics during pregnancy

There are still other contraindications for pregnant women in this sport. They depend on the individual course of pregnancy for each woman. Water aerobics is prohibited if there is a threat of abortion; with various discharges associated with problems of female organs, in the case when at the very bottom of the uterus there is a placenta that covers the cervix (during stress, the placenta can be damaged). Classes are contraindicated for those pregnant women who have gestosis with increased blood pressure, the appearance of protein in the urine, and edema. You can not visit the pool for those who have various fungal diseases, with exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Before you start playing this sport, you should always consult with your doctor. Indeed, during classes, water exerts a certain load on the body of a pregnant woman, which can be dangerous for certain diseases.

During pregnancy, the expectant mother should not experience heavy physical exertion, so you will have to say goodbye to. However, it is very important for a woman during this period to maintain her shape and the state of the muscular system in good shape. In this case, water aerobics during pregnancy will be an excellent substitute for sports and active fitness.


Water aerobics for pregnant women has several advantages:

  • Controlling excess weight gain. Many expectant mothers begin to gain a lot of weight during pregnancy, which is quite difficult to deal with, because strict diets and active sports are contraindicated at this time. Exercises in water are performed quite easily, which is important for a pregnant woman, but at the same time they require high energy costs, which helps to quickly get rid of excess weight;
  • Breathing exercises. In water, a woman learns to breathe correctly, which will be very useful when a child is born. Breath-holding exercises play a special role;
  • Muscle strengthening. Swimming helps to keep all muscle groups in good shape, especially the abdominals and pelvic floor, which is very important for the straining period of childbirth;
  • stress relief. Water is an excellent relaxant that helps to quickly calm down, cheer up, forget about worries, which future mothers often suffer from;
  • Improving blood flow in the legs- a good remedy for prevention;
  • Improving the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems;
  • baby turn. Special exercises in the water, diving can help the baby to take the correct position in the womb, even in late pregnancy.


important Despite the large number of positive aspects of exercising in the water, you should still consult with your obstetrician-gynecologist before starting classes. The fact is that there are a number of contraindications in which water aerobics is strictly prohibited.

List of contraindications for exercising in water:

  1. The threat of termination of pregnancy;
  2. skin diseases;
  3. Infectious diseases of various localization;
  4. Various acute diseases or chronic during the period of exacerbation;
  5. Severe early toxicosis;
  6. polyhydramnios;

When can I do water aerobics?

additionally Water aerobics during pregnancy has no time limits: if the expectant mother feels well and she has no contraindications to exercise, then she can practice in the water at any gestational age. The only thing is that in the third trimester, experts recommend choosing calmer types of exercises and spending more time on breathing exercises.


The session is 45-60 minutes long and consists of from several stages:

  1. Warm up;
  2. Breathing exercises;
  3. Aquafitness;
  4. Stretching exercises.

Warm up

The purpose of the warm-up is to warm up the muscles, helping to gradually move on to harder exercises. A woman can easily jump in the water at this time, swim along the sides. Then special devices are put on to keep afloat and exercises are worked out to warm up the arms and legs.

Breathing exercises

Respiratory gymnastics can be carried out as a separate stage of classes, and is part of others: aqua fitness, stretching.

information A special role is given to breath-holding exercises in water: they help the expectant mother to push better during childbirth, and the child to adapt to the forced lack of oxygen when passing through the birth canal.

Breath holding exercises:

  • "Butterfly": hold your breath, jump, while spreading your knees as much as possible, and grab your feet with your hands and dive under the water;
  • "Child": cross your arms on your chest, pull your legs to the body and dive under the water in this position;
  • Normal swimming: swim underwater, holding your breath as long as possible;
  • "Birth Canal": women line up, spreading their legs wide, one of the pregnant women swims along the formed channel.


This stage includes several sets of exercises:

  • Walking. The woman walks with her legs high and her arms circling;
  • Strengthening the hips: lifting and lowering legs, squats, rotations;
  • Strengthening the abdominals and back muscles. Such exercises, as a rule, take place near the sides;
  • Strengthening the pelvic floor muscles.

Stretching exercises

Exercises are performed at the side:

  • Leg-split. A woman should sit as much as possible on the longitudinal and transverse twine;
  • jumping: jump up, spreading your legs as much as possible;
  • Half twine: in turn, leaning on the right and left legs, sit down on a half twine;
  • Machine exercise. Put one foot on the machine and sit down (legs change alternately).

Fundamental rules

In order for classes in the water to bring only benefits to the expectant mother, you should observe the following rules:

  1. Mandatory consultation with a doctor before starting classes;
  2. Pool selection. It is optimal to choose a pool with dechlorinated water for classes, the water temperature should be at least 28-29 degrees Celsius;
  3. Gradual start. You should not immediately move on to strong physical exertion, exercises must be introduced gradually;
  4. Class mode. Water aerobics should take place constantly: it is optimal to start with 1 time per week, then move on to 2 times;
  5. Diet. Classes should begin no earlier than 1 hour after eating. Also, you should not eat immediately after water aerobics;
  6. The discomfort. You should not stay in the pool if you are cold or tired, classes should be stopped immediately if you feel any discomfort.

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