Entertainment for young children. Scenario

Alevtina Sandul

Summer music and sports entertainment scenario« Sunny and Cloud»


Create a festive atmosphere for children; joyful, sunny mood;


To form the emotional responsiveness of children, the desire to actively participate in competitions, games, dances, and round dances;

- Develop physical abilities through various outdoor games;

To cultivate courage, dexterity, determination and resourcefulness in children;



- Sun;

- Tuchka;

Venue design:

Racks with flowers, image sunshine, clouds; Balloons;


2 hoops; 14 artificial flowers; butterflies; 2 large buckets; 2 small buckets; 2 diamonds; 3 baskets; small balls (yellow and blue); multi-colored crayons.

Meeting children to the soundtrack of a song "In the morning the sun is rising» .

Leading: Hello kids! Girls and boys! Do you like to solve riddles? Then listen!

The sun is heating up, flowers are blooming,

When do the berries ripen?

That's right, in the summer. What three months of summer do you know? (June July August)

What do you think, children, what is most important in the world?

You ask a leaf, a piece of coal,

And clouds in the sky, and the wind is in the sails.

Everyone will give the same answer: more important there is no sun in the world!

Exit Sunshine to the song« Sun it took a long time to come visit us"

Sun: Hello guys!

Leading: Come on, which one of you? will answer: not fire, but it burns painfully,

Not a lantern, but shining brightly, and not a baker, but baking? Right, Sun. Let's say hello to Sunny:

Hello golden sun,

Hello blue sky,

Hello free breeze,

Hello little fungus,

Hello morning, hello afternoon.

We are not too lazy to smile!

Sun: And I, children, give you this greeting prepared:

Hello, palms, clap-clap-clap.

Hello, legs, top, top, top.

Hello, my little nose, beep beep.

Hello cheeks, plop-plop-plop.

Hello, my mouth, smack-smack-smack.

Hello guys, hello everyone!

Presenter: You warm the whole world and you don’t know fatigue,

You smile at the window and everyone is calling you, Sun!

Katya was very surprised when she looked out the window -

For some reason it turned red at sunset Sun.

Guys, what happens Sun? (yellow, red, fiery orange, round, warm, hot, affectionate).

Sun: Let's dance!

Children and The sun dances to the music of the song"Tender Sun»

Leading: Guys, you are great! And look around - how beautiful! The grass is green, the trees are making noise with their leaves, what beautiful flowers blossomed: daisies, poppies, cornflowers! Let us plant our own flowers!

The game is being played "Plant flowers". On 2 teams: hoop - flowerbed, children take 1 flower and carry it into the hoop, and then put a butterfly on each flower.

Leading: Look how beautiful it is! Flowers need Sun. And what else?

Under Cloud appears to the music of rain. There's a song playing “Drip-drip-drip rain started falling”

Tuchka dancing with the children music.

Tuchka: Hello guys! I am cheerful cloud. How beautiful you all are.

Leading: To you mystery:

What a mischief maker is this?

Jumped by my collar

Flopped into his palms,

Sprayed it on my boots!

Deftly avoiding puddles

ran away from (rain).

The room became dark,

A knock was heard on the window.

Are you going outside?

Take an umbrella - it’s pouring there. (rain).

Look how much water I brought! Will you help me?

The game is being played "Carry the Water". 2 teams, in one bucket there is water, and on the other side there are empty buckets for each team. Using a small bucket, the player collects water and carries it, pours it into an empty bucket, returns and passes the baton.

Presenter: Yes, guys, in the summer it is necessary and Sun, and rain! Let's play a game « Sun and rain»

A game is played with a tambourine « Sun and rain» .

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Leading: Guys, while we were playing, we got confused solar bunnies and raindrops. Let's help Sunny and Tuchka take them apart!

An outdoor game is being played « Solar bunnies and raindrops". In one basket there are small balls of yellow and blue colors (the same number). 2 teams: team Sunny carry yellow balls, and the team Clouds are blue.

Sun: Guys, thank you for helping!

Leading: If it's bright in the summer sun and rain(it’s also called mushroom rain, then a rainbow appears in the sky. How many colors are in a rainbow and what are they, do you guys know?

Showing the colors of the rainbow (find 7 colors of the rainbow on children’s clothes)

7 colors of the rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

Tuchka: Guys, it’s time for us to continue on our journey. It's so much fun to be with you!

Sun: Wait, let's dance some more!

A round dance is being held "It looked out Sun» : children stand in a circle, and Sunny and Cloud- dance in the center of the circle. They say goodbye and leave.

Leading: Did you like our holiday? But it's not over yet. We draw on asphalt: “What color is summer?”Sun, rain, cloud, rainbow.

Drawing on the asphalt accompanied by a song "What color is summer", "Summer, Summer".

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of a summer music and sports festival dedicated to Children’s Day “Childhood is a cheerful country” Scenario of a summer music and sports festival dedicated to the Day Child protection “Childhood is a cheerful country” (the song “Let it always be.”

The celebration is held outdoors for all groups kindergarten. First, everyone gathers on the sports ground, then everyone leaves in groups.

STATION “SOLAR” Children are greeted by the SUN The Sun: I illuminate the whole earth, I don’t know how tired I am at all, I smile in the window, And everyone calls me….

Scenario of summer entertainment for children of primary preschool age “How the Sun came to visit us” Scenario summer fun for children younger age“How the Sun came to visit us” Preliminary work: Prepare in advance.

Summary of a game lesson for children of the second year of life “Sunshine and Rain”


Sun cut out of cardboard and attached to a string.
Audio recordings: E. Grieg “Morning”, “Rain-rain, ley-ley-lay”.
Yellow circles cut out of cardboard, counting sticks.
Umbrella, sun on a stick.
Trays with semolina.
A stick with transparent bags cut into ribbons attached to it.
Puddles (paper), paths (correction).
Cardboard drops blue color on strings, basin.
Modeling boards, plasticine yellow color clouds cut out of cardboard.

Progress of the lesson:

Greeting "The sun has risen in the morning"

In a golden cradle
The sun fell across the river.
(Parents sit the babies on their laps, the babies’ arms are folded in front of the chest, forming a circle “cradle”. Imitation of rocking a baby in their arms).

The sun rose in the morning and woke up the children.
The kids went out for a walk
They began to jump and gallop.
(Hands smoothly rise, separate, smoothly fall. Clap your palms on the legs alternately, pat at the same time).

And... (child's name) is here.
(We point with open palms at the named children).

Listening to an excerpt from E. Grieg’s musical work “Morning”

Let's call the sun. Repeat after me:

Sunny, show yourself soon!
Warm us up guys!

To the sound of music, the teacher lifts the sun by a thread.

Reading the poem by Agnia Barto “The sun is looking through the window”

The sun looks out the window.
Warms our room
We clapped our hands
We are very happy about the sun.

Didactic exercise “This is how the sun rises”

This is a circle. Yellow color. This will be our sunshine. Take the yellow circle in your hands.

This is how the sun rises.
Higher, higher, higher.
(Raise your hand with the sun up, stretch)

By night the sun will go down
Below, below, below.
(Slowly squat down, lower your hand to the floor)

Good good.
The sun laughs.
And under the sun for us
Life is fun.

Didactic exercise “A cloud covered the sun”

Suddenly the wind blew. Like this. Blow as the wind blows. The wind brought a cloud. Here she is. The cloud covered the sun. Place a cloud on top so that it covers the sun. The wind blew again. Blow. And the cloud flew away. The sun opened and shone.

Construction of “Radiant Sun”

Now you can make a beautiful sun yourself. The yellow circle is the sun, and we will make the rays from sticks. You need to lay them out around the yellow circle. Like this. (Teacher shows).

Outdoor game “Rain and Sun”

The sun is shining brightly and all the kids are walking. (The teacher holds the sun on a stick, the children walk on the carpet)
But the sun hid behind a cloud, and it began to rain. All of you run under my umbrella. (The teacher opens the umbrella, the children run to him).

Finger gymnastics “Raindrops”

They fell on the blades of grass.
Drip-drip droplets,
Drip-drip small.
(Open one palm, tap it with the fingertips of the other hand, imitating raindrops)

Children's palms
They catch these drops.
Drip-drip droplets,
Drip-drip small.
(We do the same with the other palm)

Exercise “Collect droplets”

That's how many droplets fell from the cloud. Lots of drops. Let's collect them and put them in this basin.

Finger painting on cereals “The rain was dripping”

When drops fall from a cloud to the ground, they leave traces. Let's draw the trails of the droplets. Place your finger, press and remove. One drop fell. And their clouds have a lot of droplets falling, so let’s do this with our finger many times. You will get a lot of drop marks. How many drops fell from the cloud? Lots of drops.

Musical-rhythmic exercise “Rain-rain, ley-lay-lay”

Children beat out the rhythm on the drums with sticks.

Reading the nursery rhyme “Rain”

Children, let's ask the rain to stop pouring drops on us. The teacher reads a nursery rhyme, and the children shake their index finger.

Rain, rain,
Pour it full,
Get the little kids wet!

Outdoor game “Jump over the puddle”

These are the puddles left after the rain. Try jumping over a puddle. And this puddle is very big, we can’t jump over it. Therefore, let's throw a bridge over it and walk along it.

Didactic game “Don’t get wet”

Here are my rain drops (a stick with transparent bags cut into ribbons attached to it). The teacher tries to touch with “rain” those parts of the children’s bodies about which we're talking about, and the children hide them.

Rain, rain, have fun!
Drip, drip, don't be sorry!
Be quiet, don't knock -
Don't get our hands wet!
Be quiet, don't knock -
Don't get our ears wet!
Be quiet, don't knock -
Don't get our cheeks wet!
Be quiet, don't knock -
Don't wet our eyebrows!
Be quiet, don't knock -
Don't get our shoulders wet!

Bas-relief sculpture “Sun”

Children stick a yellow plasticine ball onto cardboard cut out in the shape of a cloud, press down and stretch out the rays with their fingers.

Dynamic pause “The sun came out from behind a cloud”

The sun came out from behind a cloud,
We will stretch our arms to the sun.
Stretch, arms up.

Hands to the sides then
We'll spread wider.
Stretch, arms to the sides.

We've finished warming up.
Rested your legs and backs.

Target: Develop communication - speech skills and abilities;

children's health skills early age

through theatrical and play activities;

learn to combine speech and movement; develop creative abilities,

attention, memory, fine motor skills fingers;

create an emotionally rich environment for children;

involve children in joint activities with an adult and


Material: Doll, bunny, fox, squirrel, bear; washrooms

accessories - soap, comb, towel;

toy buckets; silhouette of the sun - sleeping on one side,

On the other hand, he woke up and smiled; image of a dark cloud

on thick cardboard blue color.

Progress of entertainment:

Educator ( draws the children's attention to the doll sitting by the window):

Sad doll sitting

And he looks out the window

What happened, doll, tell me

The kids were waiting for you to visit!

(The teacher picks up the doll and hereinafter speaks for the doll)


Hello my friends

I was in a hurry to visit you

I want to play with you

Songs to sing and dance

It's just cold and dark outside

The sun hid, does not look out the window

(The teacher shows the children an image of a cloud)


Cloud, cloud tell me

How can we find the sun?


All kids love

Bright rays of the sun!

When the sun is shining

Birds sing, children play, flowers grow

Everyone is laughing, having fun, singing songs

And everyone drives me away

They call me a dark cloud

And I also want to be waited for like the sun

They rejoiced at me, had fun and danced

So I decided, let the sun always sleep!

Everyone will forget about the sun

And they will love me!


Eh, you little cloud

If the sun falls asleep

Warm summer will not come to us

Grass, berries, flowers will not grow

Children will not be able to swim in the river

The kids won't sunbathe under the sun.

Run on the grass, play in the sand!

The bear will go back to the den again

A prickly hedgehog will fall asleep in a hole

A squirrel will not find a mushroom in the forest

The bunny in the garden won't take carrots

Let's sing a song about the sun

Let's wake up the sun and invite you to visit!

(Children perform the song “Sunny”, lyrics by N. Frenkel

music by V. Gerchik)


Quiet, quiet! I won’t let you wake up the sun

I will guard the sun!

I won’t let you sing or dance

Have fun and play!

I'll call for cold rain

I'll rain on you all!

There will be puddles on the paths

Get your feet wet

I'll pour everything - berries and flowers.

Kids won't be happy about summer!


Don't scare us cloud

Rain and puddles

Don't be afraid of the rain, friendly guys!

We'll put on our boots and go

And we’ll also take umbrellas into our hands!

Motor warm-up:

We're walking along the path

We have boots on our feet

(Children point to their feet)

If we see puddles

We'll raise our legs higher

Top - top - top, top - top - top

It started raining - no problem!

We always have an umbrella!

(They make a “roof” over their heads from folded palms)

The teacher draws the children's attention to a toy - a bunny


Bunny, bunny, jump - hop

Tell us, my friend

What should we do, what should we do

The sun needs to be woken up!

The sun sleeps and doesn’t get up

Warm summer is not coming to us!


I'm also waiting for the sun

I want to warm myself in the warm rays

To wake up the sun

You need to wash it with water

The teacher shows toys: a squirrel, a bear, a fox

and washing supplies - soap, towel, comb


Well, guys

Let's go visit the sun

Let's call the animals to help!

The bunny will show us the way

The bear will come out of the den

He will carry buckets of water

A prickly hedgehog will take soap

Squirrel - comb, fox - towel

So let's wake up the sun together!

And to make it more fun to walk

Let's sing songs together!

(Children perform the song “Sunny” lyrics by N. Naydenova

music by T. Potapenko)

The teacher picks up the silhouette of the sun - the sun is sleeping


Sunshine, sunshine, wake up soon

Open your eyes quickly

Children and animals are waiting for you

Warm summer is calling!


Help me friends

I can't wake up

My eyes are closed!


Everyone got down to business together

The bear with water runs boldly

Hedgehog washes his eyes with soap

The squirrel moves a comb along the rays

The fox wipes with a fluffy towel

Well, the little ones are pouring water over the sun!

The game is being played “Oh, water, water, water...”


Ah, water, water, water

How good are you!

(Children clap their hands)

We love to swim and splash

Dive into the water, tumble in the water!

(Raise hands up and down, squat)

We don't forget arms and legs

We pour warm water over them

(Stroke arms and legs)

Nose, ears, eyes, head

Always friends with water!

(Show parts of the face)


So we washed ourselves

So the sun has been washed!

(The teacher turns over the silhouette of the sun - the sun has woken up)


Oh how long I slept

Thank you for waking me up!


The sun is bright!

The kids are waiting for you

Warm summer is calling!

Sweet sunshine, follow us

Warm us with warm rays

Flowers will begin to grow in the clearing

The children will weave wreaths

There will be bees flying on the lawn

They will collect honey from the flowers

Berries and mushrooms will grow in the forest

Everyone is enjoying the summer warmth!

Well, the sun and I will start a round dance

Let's all go to a merry dance together!

(Children dance freely to Russian folk music “Kalinka”)