Presentation "age characteristics of adolescents". Presentation for the parent meeting "Psychological characteristics of younger adolescence

Goal:to acquaint parents with the peculiarities of adolescence, to outline ways of possible solutions to problems and conflicts in this period of development.

Form of conducting - lecture.

These are the main truths:

We noticed it late, took it into account late ...

No, children are not born difficult,

They just didn't get help on time.

Adolescence is an important and difficult stage in a person's life, the time of elections, which largely determines the whole subsequent life. It can be compared to Ivan Tsarevich's stopping at a fork in the road near a stone on which it is written: "You will go to the left ..., you will go to the right ...". In ancient times, this stage was considered the same qualitative change in the state as birth, marriage, death. What are the main changes in himself experienced by a modern teenager? Slide 1.

Adolescence is marked by the rapid development and restructuring of the child's social activity. Powerful shifts occur in all areas of a child's life, it is no coincidence that this age is called "transitional" from childhood to maturity.

Adolescence is viewed as a stage in the development of a personality, a process of transition from dependent, fostering childhood, when a child lives according to special rules established for him by adults to an independent life. Slide 2.

At this time, stable forms of behavior, character traits and methods of emotional reaction are formed, formed, which in the future largely determine the life of an adult, his physical and mental health. That is why the role of the family environment is so great in providing conditions that do not hinder, but, on the contrary, contribute to the healthy development of the personality of a teenager. Slide 3.

Observation of children in various situations reveals the dependence of the manifestation of the type of temperament on the motives and needs that induce the activity: when performing a meaningful, interesting work the child can be very active and become sluggish when engaging in uninteresting activities. There are the following types of accentuations: cycloid, hypertive, astheno-neurotic, sensitizing, psychoasthenic, demonstrative, unstable, conformal. Slide 4.

At the age of 13-14, the system of values \u200b\u200band interests changes. What was valuable is depreciated, new idols appear, the nature of relationships with adults and parents is often of a protest nature. At this age, adolescents are drawn to everything unusual, often carried away by informal trends. The modern adolescent has a pronounced desire for individualization, for the confirmation of his "I". Slide 5.

Outwardly, the age crisis manifests itself in rudeness, secrecy, deliberate behavior, the desire to act contrary to the demands and wishes of adults; in ignoring comments, leaving the usual sphere of communication. The difficulty is that a teenager does not know how to analyze the reasons for what is happening to him. Slide 6.

A teenager often has an unreasonable feeling of anxiety, self-esteem fluctuates, at this time he is very vulnerable, conflicted, and can become depressed. He must be very smart in his own eyes, very handsome, very brave, very capable, etc. Slide 7.

At the same time, the restructuring of the adolescent's attitude to himself affects not only his emotional state, but also the development of his creativity and satisfaction with life in general. Study at this time fades into the background.

Slide 8.

Rapid, uneven growth begins, as a result of which the adolescent becomes disproportionate, awkward. The child's body is undergoing profound restructuring, and at a very fast pace. Stormy physical development accompanied by a number of contradictory moments. Often there is a rejection of their body and appearance, then they exhaust themselves with diets, sports, they just suffer and withdraw into themselves. Such phenomena should not cause much concern for parents, but it is necessary to know them and take them into account when organizing the life of a teenager. Slide 10.

Since a teenager seeks extreme positions in the assessment, he is inclined to overestimate or underestimate his qualities and properties. Adolescents are critical of negative character traits, worrying about those traits that interfere with their friendship and relationships with other people. Slide 11.

The self-esteem of a teenager is unstable: he tends to consider himself either a genius or a nonentity. Any little thing can radically change the attitude of a teenager towards himself. If he is forced to admit that something is wrong, his opinion of himself falls on all counts, however, such a contradictory self-esteem is necessary in order to develop in him new, adult criteria personal development. Slide 12.

Self-esteem of adolescents is contradictory, not holistic enough, therefore, many unmotivated actions can arise in their behavior. Teens are bigger than others age groups suffer from the instability of the social, economic and moral situation in the country, having lost today the necessary orientation in values \u200b\u200band ideals - the old ones have been destroyed, the new ones have not yet been created.

Slide 13.

Features are manifested in a dismissive attitude towards learning, poor academic performance, bravado, failure to fulfill duties: avoiding performing any duties and assignments around the house, preparing homework, or even attending classes. Adults sometimes do not notice or do not understand such irregularities in behavior, they are equally discouraged by the exorbitant excitement and inexplicable fatigue. Slide 14.

Such adolescents find themselves in the face of a large amount of "extra time", but they are characterized by inability to spend their leisure time meaningfully. Most have no hobbies, they do not study in sections and circles, do not attend exhibitions and theaters. Unfortunately, in their free time, adolescents' antisocial behavior (prostitution, drug addiction, substance abuse, etc.) Slide 15.

Wasted time pushes adolescents to search for new "thrill". Alcoholization and drug addiction are closely intertwined with the structure of adolescents' diviant lifestyle. Very often adolescents celebrate their "merits": successful adventures, hooligan acts, fights, petty thefts by drinking alcoholic beverages. It turns out that one of the available forms of entertainment for teenagers is fighting. Thus, almost a third (29%) of adolescents admit that they fight because there is nothing to do, there is nowhere to put energy, and life is boring. Slide 16.

Subsequently, explaining their actions, adolescents have a misconception about morality, justice, courage and bravery. Least of all (15%) adolescents are engaged in the study of history, mathematics and art, film and amateur photography. Slide 17.

Throughout the adolescent period, there is a clearly expressed dynamics of aggressiveness. Forms aggressive behavior typical of most adolescents. 27% of adolescents do not deny their participation in beating up dissidents, that is, those with other interests. Slide 18.

One of the elements of the microenvironment, in the relationships that form the personality, is the family. In this case, it is not its composition that is decisive - complete, incomplete, disintegrated, but the moral atmosphere, the relationships that develop between adult family members, between adults and children. In joint activities, not only parents discover the character of a son or daughter, but children also get to know their parents better. A teenager needs cooperative activity with adults. Slide 19.

Unfortunately, nowadays the number of dysfunctional families, in which there is complete neglect, lack of control of behavior on the part of parents, indifference to the fate of a teenager, from where children with behavioral deviations appear. Slide 20.

But even in seemingly prosperous families, there are many psychological problems that lead to a crisis of adolescence. Only 15% of parents wrote that they know everything about their child. Only 6% of parents encourage their children to study in circles, sections, clubs, 3% introduce children, in their opinion, to interesting children.

Slide 21.

There are 4 unfavorable situations in the family:
Hyper-care different degrees: from the desire to be an accomplice in all manifestations of the inner life of children to family tyranny.
Hypo-care often turning into neglect.
A situation that creates a "family idol" - constant attention to any motivation of the child and immoderate praise for very modest success.
The situation that creates "Cinderella" in the family. Many families have appeared where parents pay much attention to themselves and little to children. Slide 22.

Ways to solve the problem.

Formation of a circle of interests of a teenager based on the characteristics of his character and abilities. Maximum reduction of the period of his free time - "the time of idle existence and idleness." The inclusion of a teenager in such activities that lie in the sphere of interests of adults, but at the same time creates opportunities for him to realize and assert himself at the adult level. Slide 23.

Reducing the manifestation of aggression by attending sports schools, daily gymnastics at home using dumbbells, iron weights and boxing gloves (let the teenagers pound each other in a peaceful fight, giving out the accumulated energy so that aggression does not accumulate like statistical electricity, which tends to explode with painful discharges). Physical education can become a common and joyful activity for every family member. Slide 24.

Do not make excessive demands on a teenager that are not confirmed by his abilities. Honestly point out his successes and failures (and explain good luck to him by his abilities, and failures - by insufficient preparation). Do not praise a teenager, explaining his failures by chance, because this forms the effect of inadequacy in the adolescent. Passion for art, joint visits to cinema and theater, discussion of literary novelties, assistance in construction - this is not a complete list of those areas in which an adult can be with a teenager. Slide 25.

Always be sensitive to your children's affairs.
Analyze with the children the reasons for their success and failure.
Support your child when it is difficult for him.
Try not to shield your teenager from difficulties.
Teach you to overcome difficulties.
Supervise the child at all times, but without hyper-custody.
Encourage even barely arisen needs for knowledge, for harmony and beauty, for self-actuation.
Tell your child about your problems, about what worried you when you yourself were at their age.
Buy your child books on psychology, self-knowledge. Always be a personal example (teach by deeds, not words).

Slide 26.

Talk to children as equals, respecting their opinion, avoiding moralizing, shouting, edifying, and even more so irony.
Advise you to look after your appearance.
Do not under any circumstances prohibit relationships with the opposite sex, do not suppress conversations about the relationship between boys and girls.
Get to know your child's friends, ask them to inform you about ways to spend time, but do not turn into a spy.
Remember: mistrust is insulting!
Keep track of what books your child reads, what films he watches.
Always be for your child, first of all, the elder, wise friend and only then loving (them) mom (dad)! Slide 27.

Questionnaire "Are you good parents

The questions of this test must be answered "yes", "no", "I do not know." So:
1. You often react with an “explosion” to some of the child's actions, and then you regret it.
2. Sometimes you use the help or advice of friends when you are not sure how to respond to your child's behavior.
3. Your intuition and experience are the best advisors in raising a child.
4. Sometimes you happen to trust your child with a secret that you would not tell anyone else.
5. You are offended by negative opinions of other people about your child.
6. You happen to ask your child for forgiveness for your behavior.
7. You think that a child should not have secrets from his parents.
8. You notice differences between your character and that of a child, which sometimes surprise you. Slide 28.

9. You worry too much about your child's troubles or failures.
10. You can refrain from buying things of interest for the child (even if you have money), because you know that the house is full of them.
11. You think that up to a certain age the best educational argument for a child is physical punishment (belt).
12. Your child is exactly what you dreamed of.
13. Your child gives you more trouble than joy.
14. Sometimes you feel like your child is teaching you new thoughts and behaviors.
15. You have conflicts with your own child. Slide 29.

Calculation of results.

For each answer "yes" to questions: 2,4,6,8,10,12,14, and also "no" to questions: 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15, 10 points are obtained ... For every “don't know” you get 5 points. Calculate your score.

100-150 points. You have great opportunities to correctly understand your own child. Your views and judgments are your allies and solutions to various educational problems. If, in practice, this is accompanied by such open behavior, full of tolerance, you can be considered an example worthy of emulation. For the ideal, you are missing one small step. This can be your child's opinion. Slide 30.

50-99 points... You are on the right road to better understanding your own child. You can solve your temporary difficulties or problems with the child by starting with yourself. And do not try to make excuses for the lack of time or the nature of your child. There are several issues that you have influence on, so try to exploit that. And remember that to understand is not always to accept. Not only the child, but his own personality too.

0-49 points... It seems that you can only sympathize with your child more than you, because he did not get to the parent - a good friend and guide on the difficult road of gaining life experience. But all is not yet lost. If you really want to do something for your child, try differently. Maybe you can find someone to help you with this. It will not be easy, but in the future it will return with gratitude and the established life of your child. Slide 31.

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Slide captions:

Our teenage children

Associations for the word teenager, adolescence Adolescence: How do you think adolescence is characterized? What changes are taking place in children? What problems arise when communicating with children? Do they occur at all? - - - - Teenager: - - - -

Associations of children by the word teenager, adolescence A teenager is a person who has no goal, who wants to have fun more without thinking about the future; person who is on stage transitional age from 14 to 18 years old; person who goes from younger age into adulthood; a person who is aware of all the difficulties of life; this is a child who considers himself an adult, although in fact he is not considered to be; a fairly old boy or girl from 13 to 16 years old; a person who can express his opinion, understand others, keep secrets; a person who has his own opinion on life; a person whose opinion often does not coincide with the opinion of his parents.

* physiological; * psychological; * social.

Puberty Decreased working capacity Inattention, absent-mindedness Decreased interest in learning Increased sensitivity irascibility

Puberty depends on endocrine changes in the body Intensive physical and physiological development increases in height and weight Changes in height and weight are accompanied by a change in body proportions; children often feel clumsy, awkward at this time Secondary sexual characteristics appear - external signs of puberty Difficulties in the functioning of the heart arise, lungs, blood supply to the brain for adolescents are characterized by changes in vascular and muscle tone, which cause a rapid change in physical condition and, accordingly, mood. In adolescence, the emotional background becomes uneven, unstable.

The child is forced to constantly adapt to the physical and physiological changes taking place in his body, to experience a "hormonal storm". Teenagers seem to be under stress all the time.

New image physical "I" The interest in his appearance sharply increases: The child is acutely experiencing all the flaws in appearance, real and imaginary. feelings of inferiority, isolation, even neurosis Severe emotional reactions to one's appearance are mitigated by warm, trusting relationships with close adults, who must show both understanding and tact

Changes in appearance: pleasing - **% indifferent - **% annoying and angry - **%

Development of self-awareness In adolescence, two special forms of self-awareness appear in succession: a sense of adulthood and "I-concept"

Feeling of adulthood - the adolescent's attitude towards himself as an adult and the awareness of himself to some extent as an adult

How does a teenager's sense of adulthood manifest? In the desire for everyone - both adults and peers - to treat him not as a little, but as an adult In a desire for independence, a desire to protect some aspects of his life from parental interference Claims equality in relations with adults and goes into conflicts, defending their "adult" position Questions of appearance, relationships with peers, sometimes studies

Their own tastes, views, assessments, their own line of behavior appear. A moral "code" appears, prescribing to adolescents a clear style of behavior in friendly relations with peers: mutual support, help in case of need, confidence in and trust in a friend, protection of a friend in his absence, acceptance of a friend's success, emotional comfort in communication. Since a teenager is largely inconsistent and contradictory, he often deviates from this set of rules, but expects them to be strictly observed from friends Everything is unstable, views may change in a week "One for all and all for one"

Responsibility for their actions: thinking about the consequences - **% disclaim responsibility - **% sometimes bear responsibility - **% Assessment of their own behavior: had to evaluate - **% think sometimes - **% prefer not to think about it - * *%

Inner world Complex experiences associated with new relationships, his personality traits and actions are analyzed biasedly by him The adolescent wants to understand what he really is, and imagines what he would like to be Personal reflection, the need to understand himself give rise to confession in communication with peers, and diaries that begin to be kept during this period, poems and fantasies Self-esteem in adolescence turns out to be low in its general level and unstable A child's "I-concept" is formed. then there is a gradual complication and deepening of self-knowledge

An image of "real I" and "ideal I" is formed - Ideas about your own external attractiveness - Ideas about your mind - Ideas about your abilities in different areas - Ideas about strength of character, sociability, kindness and other qualities cognitive component Cognition of yourself Cognition of your various qualities Evaluation and behavioral component It is important to know how significant his individual characteristics are. Evaluation of his qualities depends on a system of values \u200b\u200bthat has developed mainly due to the influence of family and peers. A teenager is not yet a whole mature personality. The instability, mobility of the entire mental life at the beginning and middle of adolescence leads to the variability of ideas about oneself. Real "I"

Ideal "I" Ideal "I" can be very different from the real With a high level of claims With insufficient awareness of your capabilities The gap between the ideal image and your actual position leads to self-doubt, which outwardly can be expressed in resentment, stubbornness, aggressiveness When an ideal image is presented achievable, it encourages self-education Adolescents not only dream of what they will be, but also strive to develop desirable qualities in themselves The adolescent develops self-regulation

Your image through the eyes of others: sociable - **% Kind - **% Evil - **% open - **% Cheerful - **% sincere - **% Strong - **% Lazy - **% harmful - **% Traitor - **% confident - **% addicted - **% Funny (cool) - **%

Communication with peers Communication permeates the entire life of adolescents, leaving an imprint on learning, non-educational activities, and relationships with parents The leading activity during this period is intimate and personal communication Teenage friendship is a complex, often contradictory phenomenon “Happiness is when you are understood »Close friends - peers of the same gender, study in the same class, belong to the same environment Informal groups Mutual sympathy Common interests, activities Ways of entertainment, place of spending free time

Communication with adults The influence of parents is already limited.The value orientations of the adolescent, his understanding of social problems, moral assessments of events and actions depend primarily on the position of the parents. rights) from close adults: in need of parents, their love and care, their opinion, they feel a strong desire to be independent, equal with them in rights. How the relationship will develop in this difficult period for both parties depends mainly on the parenting style that has developed in the family, and the parents' ability to rebuild - to accept the sense of adulthood of their child.

Leisure and free time: spending time with friends on the street - **% participating in a party and discos - **% engaging in sports sections - **% Help in overcoming difficulties: turn to parents - **% turn to friends - * *%

Behavioral features of adolescents: Adolescence: - They strive to be adults, but avoid responsibility - They choose their idols - A competitive motive is manifested - Sensitivity to outsiders' assessment of their appearance - Purposefulness, perseverance and impulsiveness, Instability can be replaced by apathy, lack of aspirations and desires to do anything , Increased self-confidence, categorical judgments are quickly changed by vulnerability and self-doubt; extreme arrogance and peremptory judgments in relation to others, attentiveness sometimes coexists with amazing callousness, painful shyness with swagger, a desire to be recognized and appreciated by others - with ostentatious independence, a fight with authorities, generally accepted rules and common ideals - with the deification of random idols

Slide 2

  • The most important content of the mental development of adolescents is the development of self-awareness (interest in their own personality, the identification of their capabilities and their assessment).
  • The central neoplasm of this age is the emergence of a sense of adulthood.
  • Slide 3

    There is a conscious assimilation of values \u200b\u200band norms of behavior

    Character changes occur during adolescence cognitive activities: the ability for a more complex analytical and synthetic perception of objects and phenomena appears, the ability to independently think, reason, compare, draw relatively deep conclusions and generalizations develops the ability for abstract thinking, the intensive development of voluntary memory.

    Slide 4

    Features of behavior

    • A significant feature of a teenager's thinking is his criticality (the child has his own opinion, which he demonstrates as often as possible, declaring himself).
    • At this age, a teenager is very imitative, which can lead him to erroneous and even immoral ideas and actions.
  • Slide 5

    • If you want adolescence to pass without complications, the following requirements should be observed.
    • A teenager has a very fragile body, he can often get sick, he has exacerbated chronic diseases. We need to help the body cope with restructuring. To do this, strictly monitor compliance with the daily regimen. Do not allow overuse of spicy food, drink a lot of coffee, eat a lot of chocolate (this is extremely harmful for a teenager).
  • Slide 6

    • Teenagers spend a lot of time in idleness: they talk on the phone for hours, watch TV, listen to loud music around the clock. Teach your child to value their time. The norm for watching TV at this age is 60 minutes a day, and even less for excitable children.
    • The most important thing for a child is communication. Talk to him every day, discuss what interesting happened during the day. Do not elicit information from him, better organize a dialogue, tell about your problems, thus giving the child an example of self-disclosure. Talk to him more often about various issues of family life.
  • Slide 7

    • Try not to scold your teenager if you fail. Help him understand the reasons for what happened.
    • Praise your child more often and show love, do not forget about tactile contact (hug, kiss).
    • Given that the main neoplasm of age is a sense of adulthood, expanding the responsibilities of a teenager, do not forget to expand his rights.
  • Slide 8

    • Teach your teenager to work systematically. He must have responsibilities around the house.
    • Create an atmosphere of intolerance to smoking and alcohol consumption at home, then the child will not develop such bad habits.
  • Slide 9

    • Be sure to organize systematic exercise. Make sure that the child attended physical education lessons, help him choose a sports section.
    • If a child develops an unusual demeanor, analyze the reasons for its appearance, if necessary, contact a psychologist.
  • Slide 10

    The main tasks of development during this period

    • the formation of a new level of thinking, logical memory, selective, stable attention;
    • formation of a wide range of abilities and interests, highlighting a range of sustainable interests;
    • the formation of interest in another person as a person;
    • development of interest in oneself as a person, the formation of the first skills of introspection;
  • Slide 11

    • developing a sense of adulthood;
    • development of self-esteem, internal criteria for self-esteem;
    • development of forms and skills of personal communication in a group of peers and ways of their mutual understanding;
    • development of moral feelings, forms of sympathy and empathy for other people;
    • the formation of ideas about the ongoing changes associated with puberty.
  • Slide 12

  • Slide 13

    Slide 14

    Age features of adolescents.

    Educator-psychologist, secondary school №13, Zheleznogorsk Kursk region

    Kanishcheva E.A.

    These are the main truths:

    We noticed it late, took it into account late ...

    No, children are not born difficult,

    They just didn't get help on time.

    Mom and Dad!

    Your child is entering the stage of his physiological maturation. This makes certain changes in his character, relationships with others and peers. Obvious physical maturation changes the child's outlook on life, his value orientations.

    Problems of adolescence

    • Lack of self-esteem
    • Anxiety
    • Doubts about your own worth to parents and friends
    • Aggressive, unpredictable self-defense reactions
    • Emotional dependence on parents collides





    interest in learning






    The child is forced to constantly adapt to the physical and physiological changes taking place in his body, to experience a "hormonal storm". Teenagers seem to be under stress all the time. .

    New the image of the physical "I"

    Interest in your appearance is sharply increasing:

    • The child is acutely experiencing everything flaws in appearance , real and imaginary
    • Disproportionate body parts, awkward movements, irregular facial features, skin that loses its childish purity, overweight or thinness - all upsets , and sometimes leads to feelings of inferiority, isolation, even neurosis
    • Severe emotional reactions to one's appearance are mitigated by warm, trusting relationship from close adults who must show both understanding and tact

    Development of self-awareness

    In adolescence, two special forms appear successively self-awareness :

    sense of maturity


    Feeling mature

    the adolescent's attitude towards himself as an adult and the awareness of himself to some extent as an adult

    How does a teenager's sense of adulthood manifest itself?

    • In the desire for everyone - both adults and peers - to treat him not as a little, but as an adult
    • Striving for independence, the desire to protect some aspects of their life from parental interference

    Claims equality in relations with adults and goes into conflicts, defending his "adult" position

    Appearance, peer relationships, and sometimes study

    • Own tastes, views, assessments, own line of behavior appear
    • A moral "code" appears, prescribing to adolescents a clear style of behavior in friendly relations with peers:

    mutual support,

    help in case of need,

    confidence in a friend and trust in him,

    protecting a friend in his absence,

    acceptance of a friend's success,

    emotional comfort in communication.

    Since a teenager is largely inconsistent and contradictory, he often deviates from this set of rules, but expects his friends to strictly adhere to them.

    Everything is unstable, views may change in a week

    "One for all and all for one"

    The child's "I am the concept" is being formed

    At about 12-13 years old, interest arises to your inner world, and then happens gradual complication and deepening of self-knowledge

    Inner world

    • Complex experiences associated with new relationships, his personality traits and actions are analyzed by him biasedly
    • The teenager wants to understand who he really is, and imagines what he would like to be

    Personal reflection, the need to understand oneself generate and confession in communication with peers, and diaries who begin to lead precisely during this period, poems and fantasies

    Self-esteem in adolescence turns out low by its general level and unstable

    Communication with peers

    Communication permeates the entire life of adolescents, leaving an imprint on learning, non-educational activities, and relationships with parents

    • Leading activities during this period - intimate and personal communication
    • Teenage friendships are complex, often controversial
    • "Happiness is when you are understood"
    • Close friends - peers of the same gender, in the same class, and in the same environment

    Informal groups

    • Mutual sympathy
    • Common interests, activities
    • Ways of entertainment, place of spending free time

    Communication with adults

    • Parents' influence is already limited
    • The adolescent's value orientations, his understanding of social problems, moral assessments of events and actions depend primarily on the position of the parents
    • Teens tend to emancipation (release from any dependence, the abolition of any restrictions, equalization of rights) from close adults:

    needing parents, their love and care, their opinion,

    they have a strong desire to be independent,

    equal with them in rights.

    How the relationship will develop in this difficult period for both parties depends mainly on the parenting style that has developed in the family, and the parents' ability to rebuild - to accept the sense of adulthood of their child.

    What should adults do?

    • Give freedom. Disobedience is trying to get out of your care.
    • No notation. Change your communication style to a calm, polite tone. Understand: the child has the right to his own opinion and his own conclusions.

    What should adults do?

    3. Make a compromise. No one was able to prove anything with the help of a scandal.

    4. The one who is smarter is inferior. Remember: the laurels of the winner in relations with their own children do not adorn.

    5. Do not offend. The ability to get out of difficult situations the child learns with us.

    6. Be firm and consistent. Children are subtle psychologists.

    What does a child need?

    • To be loved
    • Understood
    • Recognized
    • Respected
    • So that someone needs him and is close
    • So that he has success in business, study
    • So that he can realize himself
    • Develop your abilities
    • Improve
    • Respect yourself

    • Try to spend time together. Just do not sit silently at the TV, but do something interesting to him. For example, play basketball or sing along with a guitar.
    • Do not interfere with the activities with which he copes without you, do not impose your opinion on any issue, do not criticize.

    • Help when he asks you to.
    • Maintain even the smallest success in everything - academics, sports, etc.
    • Share your feelings. Resolve conflicts peacefully. Do not give vent to tears, screams, threats.

    • Use friendly phrases more often. For example: "I'm good with you", "I'm glad to see you", "I like the way you ...", "I missed you", "Come on (let's sit, do it ...) together", "You, of course you can handle it "," It's so good that we have you "...

    • Remember that doing bad things isn't always a reflection of your teen's inner world.
    • Empathize, do not ridicule or repel in moments of candor.

    • Hug! At least four, and preferably eight times a day. In manifestations of parental affection, "adult" teenagers sometimes need more desperately than tiny toddlers.

    Yes, grown up children are not gifts. Sometimes it is very difficult to behave with restraint and calmness with them. But it is important to remember the wise words: "This too will pass." Make it a rule, when going to bed, to analyze the past day. Mentally mark mistakes in communication with a teenager, try to predict his behavior.

    Trust, respect and love will be your reward.

    Is it so important…

    "Love your child as he is, and forget about the qualities that he does not have ... The result of upbringing does not depend on the degree of severity or gentleness, but on your feelings for the child and on the life principles that you instill in him."

    Benjamin Spock

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    Slide captions:

    Age features of younger adolescents

    The main neoplasms of younger adolescence / according to D.B. Elkonin / The need for active, independent, creative cognition. The emergence of a variety of extracurricular hobbies. Communication with comrades becomes a "special form of life." "A sense of maturity." Awareness and validity of self-esteem. The emergence of a desire to experiment. An inclination to fantasize, to uncritically planning your future. Gender-role identification as a consequence age changes... Personal instability.

    Desire to be successful in learning activities (Intellectual Aids). Desire to build and maintain acceptable relationships with teachers and classmates (Communicative Alertness). The desire to contribute to the life of the class, and maybe the school (Activity in Activity).

    Schoolchildren's signs of anxiety 1. Cannot work for a long time without getting tired. 2. He finds it difficult to concentrate. 3. Any assignment causes unnecessary anxiety. 4. During the execution of tasks, he is excessively tense, constrained. 5. Shy more than others. 6. Often talks about possible troubles. 7. Usually blushes in unfamiliar surroundings. 8. Complains of having terrible dreams. 9. Hands are usually cold and damp. 10. Stool disorder is not uncommon. 11. Sweats a lot when worried. 12. Doesn't have a good appetite. 13. Sleeps restlessly, falls asleep with difficulty. 14. Fearful, many things cause fear. 15. Usually restless, easily upset. 16. Often cannot hold back tears. 17. Poorly tolerates waiting. 18. Doesn't like to take on new things. 19. Not confident in myself, in my abilities. 20. Afraid to face difficulties. Interpretation: if 15 or more signs are noted, the level of anxiety is high. 7 - 14 signs are average. Less than 7 signs - the level of anxiety is low.

    Signs of maladjustment in schoolchildren 1. Tired, tired appearance child. 2. Unwillingness to share your impressions of the day spent. 3. The desire to distract the adult from school events, to switch attention to other topics. 4. Unwillingness to do homework. 5. Negative characteristics of the school, teachers, classmates. 6. Complaints about certain events related to the school. 7. Restless sleep. 8. Difficulty waking up in the morning, lethargy. 9. Constant complaints of poor health. 10. Inadequate behavioral reactions to the teacher's comments, rudeness. 11. Violations in relationships with peers. 12. Decreased academic performance, loss of interest in learning.

    Educator Tips for Working with Anxious Children 1. Praise your child for even minor success. 2. Ask your child in the middle of the lesson. 3. Avoid speed assignments. 4. Do not compare your child with others. but only with his own achievements. 5. Make demands that are adequate for the child's capabilities. 6. Use visual support in class. 7. Reduce comments. 8. Be honest with your child and accept him as he is. 9. Promote your child's self-esteem. 10. Call your child by name more often. 11. Demonstrate examples of confident behavior, be an example for the child. 12. When punishing, do not humiliate the child. 13. Try not to shame your child, especially in the presence of classmates. 14. If possible, explain new material on familiar examples. 15. Avoid long notations. 16. Try to balance your core requirements with those of other subject teachers. 17. Discuss with the children in advance how the exam will be held. 18. If possible, choose a method of knowledge testing that is suitable for the child (written answer, answer from the field, report prepared at home, etc.). 19. Pay attention to your teaching style.

    Methodological and organizational conditions conducive to the successful adaptation of fifth-graders Creation of an atmosphere of benevolence, sincerity, trust. Creating situations that allow students to take initiative, have the right to make mistakes and their own opinion. Granting the student the right to work in the lesson at their own pace to receive assignments in accordance with the level of training. The use of various forms of education, such as: excursions, games (didactic and role-playing), disputes (discussions), discussions, practical work, mini-lectures. Development of written speech (ability to express one's opinion). Evaluate not only the result. but also the process of students' activity. Provide students with the opportunity to freely choose sources of information. teach the ability to work with them. Develop reflexive skills - the ability to look at yourself from the outside. Create an emotional classroom environment close to primary school (trust, sincerity, gentleness, optimism, the ability to consult, complain, talk frankly).