Scenario New Year's Eve for high school students "New Year's trip". Funny scenario for high school students: "Baba Yaga

Scenario of the New Year's Eve for students in grades 9-11 "Around the world trip on New Year's Eve"


1. Form for the presenter.

2. Balloons.

3. Pacifiers - 6 pcs.

4. Prizes for the winners of competitions.

5. Prizes for the lottery.

6. Bananas - 2 pcs.

7. 2 x blindfolds

8. Toilet paper - 2 rolls.

9. The costume of the old man Hottabych.

10. Surprise gift bags.

11. Cards with the names of the heroes of literary works.

12. Lototron.

13. Phonograms.

The course of the evening

The hall is festively decorated with garlands of lights, serpentine, rain and openwork snowflakes. The DJ's stand is designed as a captain's bridge, where a helm is installed and a ship's bell is suspended. The hosts' costumes may contain elements of a sailor's uniform (peakless cap, cap or sailor's collar).

Leading. Good evening ladies and gentlemen! Good evening, dear friends! We are glad to welcome you in this cozy hall.

How long have we been waiting for this most romantic, mysterious and fabulous holiday. They waited and prepared for it: the chefs heatedly discussed the menu, the waiters rubbed the already shining appliances, the artists rehearsed day and night! Ladies probably spent half a day at the mirror, and men..., men today are more elegant and fit than ever!

And now the New Year tree winks affably at all of us, sparks of good mood, like serpentine ribbons, fly from one to another, and this is already the beginning of our New Year's Eve evening!

We wish you a pleasant stay and will try to make this magical evening memorable for you for a long time!

Leading. December has passed in the bustle of New Year's Eve, and a magical night is approaching. On the calendar ... December, and the festive mood does not leave us for a minute. And rightly so, because everything is just beginning!

Leading. Today we have a unique opportunity to go on a New Year's cruise to exotic countries, and now is the time to give all of you surprise gift packages that will be very useful to you throughout our trip!

So, full speed ahead!

The ship's bell sounds and the roar of the departing ship.

Background music plays. The assistant distributes surprise gift bags containing 2 sets of sparklers, New Year's whistles, 5 crackers and 2 packages of serpentine.

Leading. The coming year brings a lot of unknown and unknown for all of us. On New Year's Eve, everything always comes true, everything will always happen. So, make a wish - and it must certainly come true on this magical night!

Leading. Well, well, the hands on the clock are inexorably running forward and there is very little left before the New Year, and in order to meet it “fully armed”, I suggest everyone to carefully prepare for this. So, I invite you to take part in the New Year's quiz! The correct answer gets a token.

Gift collection of Santa Claus (Bag.)

A prop that allows Santa Claus to fight off wolves. (Staff.)

Cold in the ocean (Iceberg.)

Roof candy. (Icicle.)

A place where fish big and small are caught. (Hole.)

Sheepskin coat, which skaters have a triple. (Sheepskin coat.)

The object of artistic creativity of Santa Claus. (Window.)

Nickname of Santa Claus. (Red nose.)

What did winter salt in a birch tub? (Snowballs.)

Why did the little man cut down our Christmas tree? (Under the spine.)

How far are 3 white horses carried? (Into the ringing snow.)

Leading. Well done to those who answered the questions correctly. My congratulations! You have become participants in the New Year's win-win lottery. And those who did not give a single correct answer, I ask you not to be upset, because you will still have the opportunity to become the winner of the competition, but that will be later. And now... we are starting the New Year's lottery, and everyone who has tokens, I ask you to be careful!

A musical background sounds. There is a lottery.

Mask for your carnival

So that no one would know.

Helps you become more beautiful

And he can cheer

Comes in handy in the cold

That wonderful red nose!

You got an interesting prize,

Christmas ball, elegant!

In the New Year, to be more beautiful,

Decorate with blue tinsel.

I will give you today

New Year's bell.

Difficult trinket -

New Year's Eve!

They get you -

Lights from Bengal!

To happiness, not straying,

It's come to you for the New Year,

You light this candle

And put it on the window!

Just to everyone's surprise

Here is the decoration:

And sparkles and shines

Let it hang on the tree!

You are incredibly lucky

Get a nice prize

He spins and twists,

It's called Serpentine!

So that you do not get sick in winter,

And bloomed and prettier,

It contains a vitamin

Get a tangerine!

This rain is not real

It's not wet, it's shiny!

He is not a woman, not a man,

It's called the snowman!

You have a cool toy -

Spruce cone!

Receive a humble gift -

This amazing calendar!

So that the New Year leads the way,

We give you confetti!

Leading. Thanks to everyone who participated in our New Year's lottery! Our world tour continues.

The ship's horn sounds.

Leading. So, dear friends, we did not notice how we arrived in the land of the rising sun - Japan. In this country they celebrate the New Year like this: they have fun for a whole week. And everyone should launch their own kite into the sky.

And I suggest you launch the dragon.

The game "Dragon" is being played.

2 teams are recruited, 10-15 people in each. Then the participants of each team line up in a column, at the back of each other's head, put their hands on the waist (or shoulders) in front of the one standing. The first number of the column is the "head" of the dragon. The last one is the tail. The task of the game is to catch someone else's dragon "tail" with your "head". In other words, the first number of one column must catch the last number of the other column. The dragon cannot be unhooked. The dragon is considered defeated if its tail is caught or if it falls apart.

The host announces the concert number.

Leading. Everyone knows that in different countries different trees are decorated for the New Year: in Africa - a palm tree, in Japan - sakura, in Russia - spruce.

And now I would like to know if you know everything about our Russian beauty - the Christmas tree.

A quiz is being held.

1. Elochkina homeland. (Forest.)

2. What color do gingerbread and cones grow on a Christmas tree at home? (Pink and gold.)

3. The process ending with the fall of the Christmas tree. (Cutting.)

4. Ancient, but not aging dance at the Christmas tree. (Round dance.)

5. Performer of songs for the Christmas tree. (Blizzard.)

6. A person running past the Christmas tree at a trot is gray in all respects. (Wolf.)

7. Elochkin snow heater. (Snowball.)

8. A Christmas tree decoration that hurts the household budget on more than just the day of purchase. (Electric garland.)

9. A peasant's anti-Christmas tool. (Axe.)

10. What quality of a Christmas tree makes it related to every real woman. (The desire to dress up.)

Leading. Dear friends! There is very little left before the new year, and I propose to leave everything bad and unpleasant in the old year. May next year we have as many good and joyful events as there are lights on our New Year's garland!

Leading. May the coming year bring a lot of new and interesting things to all of you, and it is in your power to make sure that your most cherished desires come true this year!

dance block.

Leading. Throughout December, we live in anticipation of a miracle. We wait, we prepare, we hope. Always remain a little child, and then the doors to a fairy tale will always be open for you.

I suggest you send a telegram to the main character of the holiday - Santa Claus! And maybe he will visit us!

The text of the telegram is almost ready, but I need your help: name the adjectives, what is Santa Claus like on New Year's Eve.

The guests make a comic telegram to Santa Claus. The written text is read to the guests.

Telegram for Santa Claus

Santa Claus! All _____ guests are looking forward to your ____ arrival! New Year is the most holiday of the year. With ______ mood we will sing songs for you, dance _____ dances, play ____ games! It's finally _____ new year!

As much as I don't want to talk about education. But we promise that we will work hard and get only good grades.

So come quickly, open your ___ bag and give us ___ gifts.

With respect to you _____ ladies and ___ men!

Leading. In the meantime, our telegram is sent to Santa Claus, I invite everyone to the dance program.

dance block.

Dear friends!

Let's celebrate the New Year

Cheerful, kind look!

It's good that we are now

Everyone is gathered here!

Sweet smiles from the heart

There is nothing more beautiful

Santa Claus has come to us, friends!

And with him fun, happiness!

The game program of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden.

dance program.

The ship's horn sounds.

Leading. So, dear friends, our journey continues and we arrive in India. This mysterious, full of secrets and amazing wonders country. In India, the new year begins on the spring equinox. And today, the kind Old Man Hottabych, known to everyone since childhood, greets us.

Oriental music sounds, Old Man Hottabych comes out, welcomes all the guests.

A quiz is held, Hottabych gives prizes.

1. What are the names of the heroes of the fairy tale by S. Mikhalkov "The Three Little Pigs"? (Nif-Nif, Naf-Naf, Nuf-Nuf.)

2. To whom such a song was sung: “Bayu-bayushki, oink-oink, calm down, I say!” (Stupid mouse.)

3. In which fairy tale do nightingales do not sing for pigs? (“Telephone” by K. Chukovsky.)

4. The pigs meowed: “Meow-meow!”, And who grunted? (Kits.)

5. Who wrote the lines: “A pig will grow out of a son if the son is a pig”? (V. Mayakovsky.)

6. In what fairy tale G.-Kh. Andersen sang a song about Augustine? ("Swineherd".)

7. Who pronounces the following words: “Oh, you are ugly, oh, you are a dirty, unwashed pig!” (Moydodyr.)

8. In what fairy tale do piglets sing: “You are a pig and I am a pig, we are all brothers of a pig”? ("Cat house".)

9. A kid with a pig character. (Pig.)

10. Halfback pig. (Fang.)

11. Pork layer. (Salo.)

12. Pig bath. (Puddle.)

13. Brutal Piglet. (Boar.)

14. An event that increases piggy. (Farrow.)

15. The prominent part of the pig's face. (Piglet.)

16. One of the popular TV presenters of the evening program. (Piggy.)

dance block.

The ship's horn sounds.

Leading. Well, dear friends! Time inexorably flies forward, and we arrive in the next country, the most romantic and fabulous. And that country is France!

Paris, Arc de Triomphe, Eiffel Tower. These names are simply breathtaking. And this is the most suitable place for all lovers.

Do we have lovers in the hall?

The audience responds.

Leading. And now is the time to look into our surprise packages and find cards with the names of the heroes of literary works and just famous personalities.

Each of you now has such a card, and now, literally for 5 minutes, we will try to create new pairs. The couple that I name goes to the center of the hall and performs the dance that will sound for her.

There is a dance competition for couples.

The couple - the winner of the dance competition - receives prizes. In honor of her, volleys of firecrackers sound from each table.

The ship's horn sounds.

Leading. So, dear friends, we are arriving in the next country. This is Africa. You know, in one of the tribes, in Kenya, on New Year's Eve, when they meet, the tribesmen spit at each other, so they wish each other health, happiness and good luck. Yes, a very exotic custom, but don’t worry, we won’t spit on each other, but we’ll try to congratulate our friends in African style.

A pacifier competition is being held. That one wins. who will spit out a dummy farther than others.

Leading. Well, well, we have 3 winners (boys) who will now go to the hall and choose a lady for themselves.

With three couples, the game "Feed blindly" is played. The participants-ladies are blindfolded, and they, in turn, try to feed their man with a banana. The winning couple receives prizes. In honor of her, volleys of firecrackers sound from each table.

Leading. Papuans do not have the right to eat pig meat, as they consider it a member of their family, and yet they kill it for meat. What way out of this situation was found? (They killed pigs from neighbors, then they already ate this meat with a clear conscience.)

In their New Year's customs, an important place is occupied by a ritual dance around a palm tree. Let's try and do that.

A ritual dance is performed around an impromptu palm tree.

Leading. And in Africa, on New Year's Eve, the strongest man of the tribe is chosen.

The game "Burst the ball" is held. Each team member inflates the balloon until it bursts. The winner is the one whose balloon burst first. Fanfare is played in honor of the strongest man in the tribe.

Leading. I bury to celebrate the New Year at a party, but at home it’s still better, we are returning home to Russia.

It sounds like "Lady".

What is the Russian New Year without a snowman? Let's try to build a snowman!

There is a contest for the best toilet paper snowman. 2 pairs of participants are called. The ladies “sculpt” a snowman out of their gentleman, that is, they wrap it with toilet paper. When conducting this competition, it is important to remember that the main thing is not speed, but quality!

The winning couple will receive prizes. Firecrackers sound.

dance block.

Leading. Dear friends! People say: "The best song that has not yet been sung, the best city that has not yet been built, the best year that euje has not lived." So let the new year bring us 365 sunny days, an abundance of good meetings and smiles. May your dreams and plans come true! Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Dance block with sparklers.

Leading. Dear friends! I have a feeling that all the most cheerful, smart, beautiful people have gathered here, and, taking this opportunity, I would like to award those who have especially distinguished themselves!

So, we begin the awarding in the nominations:

- "The best dancer";

- "Wasp waist";

- "Courage of the city coast";

- "Miss Surprise";

- “My years are my wealth”;

- "The most cheerful";

“Beauty is a terrible force.”

Leading. We thank everyone who traveled today with us! After all, we not only met the New Year, but also made many new friends, and this, as you know, is a good omen!

Happy New Year again, friends! See you soon!

New Year's songs are played. The guests leave the room.

High school students are also looking forward to the New Year, just like younger students. For them, it means not only school holidays, gifts and entertainment, but also the opportunity to touch the childhood that has not yet gone far. We have prepared a scenario for the New Year 2019 at a school for high school students, the funny plot of which will help entertain even almost adult students.

The musical callsigns of the holiday sound. The Wizard enters the scene.

THE WIZARD: We all believe in our hearts that the New Year is still coming, and every New Year's Eve, with trepidation, we wait for the New Year's gift that the good old grandfather, Moroz Ivanovich, will bring. Have you ever wondered how Santa Claus creates this magical fairy tale for all children? How he manages to circle the globe in just one night, and what difficulties he has to overcome. If you don't know how to answer these questions, sit back and get ready to see the real story of Santa Claus.

A cool New Year's scenario for high school students continues with the fact that the throne of Santa Claus appears on the stage, the table of the Snow Maiden, elves and snowflakes dance near her, prepare New Year's gifts, collect them in a bag.

FATHER FROST: So, we are working, there is only an hour left until the new year 2019, what are we standing for? Snow Maiden, I urgently need a report on the preparation of gifts in all provinces.

SNOW MAIDEN: I'll do it now.

FATHER FROST: (to the elves) Why are you stopping? We work, we work! I still have to deliver gifts. Snow Maiden, is everything ready there?

SNOW MAIDEN: Now, here is your report.

FATHER FROST: Okay, let's work faster. Stop. What is it? Why are almost all senior classes without gifts?

SNOW MAIDEN: So, they are all almost 18 years old. Not babies at all.

Santa Claus: Don't argue! And so this year is not sweet for them: final exams, admissions. You really try, they don’t need much, conjure up so that for the new year their parents vacate the apartment and that’s it. This will be the best gift ever.

SNOW MAIDEN: Okay, I'll do it in a few minutes.

FATHER FROST: (to everyone) So, why are we working again?

SNOW MAIDEN: Grandfather, just received a message that your counterparts will not be able to bring gifts to Europe and Africa, they have not been granted a visa.

Santa Claus: What? Well, what should I do now? Run around half the earth yourself? Enough, I'm not so young anymore. So, Grandfather, think think. So, Snegurochka, call Masha and the Bear, then Snow White and her dwarfs, just don’t take them all, now it’s expensive, then the Eastern Princess and the Prince and you need something else Russian, oh, give Vasilisa and Ivanushka. It's clear?

SNOW MAIDEN: Of course, grandfather, fairy-tale characters are already on their way and will be soon.

FATHER FROST: Well done Snow Maiden, now make me coffee.

SNOW MAIDEN: (Almost screams) Well, everything, I'm tired of everything. Grandpa, you are completely lazy, sit and give instructions, and I do all the work for you. I want to celebrate too!

Santa Claus: What? How are you not ashamed? I'm your age...

SNOW MAIDEN: Times are changing.

(Lights flicker and then go off.)

SNOW MAIDEN: Grandpa, what happened?

Santa Claus: looks like I forgot to pay for the electricity again.

SNOW MAIDEN: Clear, what to do?

FATHER FROST: Don't be nervous, it's better to go meet fairy-tale heroes, otherwise they will wander in the darkness. In the meantime, I'll see what's going on with the light. (They leave, Grandma Ezhka sneaks onto the stage)

YAGA: So, what do we have here? Did Santa Claus quarrel with his beloved Snow Maiden? Wonderful. This is just what I need. Now I will arrange for them. Akhalay mahalai abdulay amatai New Year's Eve to the mountain with your feet, change the bodies of fairy-tale heroes.

According to the scenario for the New Year 2019 for high school students, the light turns off and then turns on, the characters dressed in women's costumes and dresses come out: the Bear (in the costume of Masha), the Prince (in the costume of the Eastern Princess in one shoe), Ivanushka (in the costume of Vasilisa), Dwarves (dressed as Snow White)

BEAR: I don't understand, but where is Santa Claus? And what am I? Headscarf, skirt, legs, oh, legs not shaved. What a shame. And, after all, where is my tail?

PRINCE: Huh, and I already thought I had one added somewhere.

Yeah, but it disappeared somewhere (looks at himself). Why are we in women's bodies?

IVANUSHKA: (runs out) Santa Claus, I'm sorry, there are traffic jams on the road. (looks at other heroes) Oh, I see my grandfather prepared a real gift for me. I don't think Vasilisa will guess anything. (walks around and looks at the heroes) Hello, beauties, how are you doing?

BEAR: You hear, boiler room in a skirt, now I'll arrange a beauty contest for you here, look in the mirror, and then we'll talk.

IVANUSHKA: Really a hairstyle? (looks in the mirror) What is it? (shouting)

BEAR: Ah, I understand, in the end. Oh, it also smells of you (steps back and grimaces)

GNOME: Misha, calm down, we need to think about how to return to our bodies.

PRINCE: Wait, if I am now in the body of the Eastern Princess, and she is most likely in my body. Miserable, she is definitely sad, crying. Let's go look for her! (leave)

(the composition sounds, the heroines come out in the corresponding men's costumes)

MASHA: Grandfather Frost, where are you?

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: (shouting) Ahh, it's a Bear! Save yourself.

All: Don't eat us!

MASHA: Wait, wait, I’m Masha, I don’t even know where I got this tail from, and my hands are so shaggy. And you, too, are such big guys, and squeal like real girls.

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: Hulks? I just lost 4kg in the last week.

VASILISA: Where is my morning make-up and manicure? And why am I Ivanushka at all?

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: Pinch me! (pinching) Aw, that hurts, I'm the Princess, not Klitschko. No, that's it, this is the end.

MASHA: At least you have become guys, and I have become a bear. I still have to bring a batch of pies to my grandmother for the new year, otherwise she was specifically hooked on this product.

1 GNOME: Girlfriends, let's look at it practically, we have now become strong (show biceps), powerful, beautiful and smart. Well, how do the guys say about themselves.

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: So, and now we can solve this problem without the help of our guys.

(Then, according to the New Year's scenario for the high school, a composition from the movie Brigade sounds, all the fairy-tale characters come out)

BABA YAGA: Well, in the end, you all got together. I'll tell you honestly, Santa Claus has always been my competitor in this not easy business. My holiday is Halloween, his is New Year's. Today I didn't miss the opportunity to spoil the holiday, but if you fulfill my whims, perhaps I will change your bodies.

PRINCE: You won't succeed.

BEAR: (approaching the table and threatening) Listen, I eat grandmothers in one fell swoop, quickly change our bodies.

BABA YAGA: I don't think so . (raises his hand, four guards come out and stand near the table)

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: Okay, tell us what to do.

BABA YAGA: So it would be right away. Well then. You, Prince, need to find a second shoe for your Eastern Princess, otherwise she is now barefoot on one foot. You, Vasilisa, need to teach Ivanushka how to dance the belly dance.

VASILISSA: This means that I am in this body forever.

IVANUSHKA: What is it? I dance wonderfully.

BABA YAGA: You, Masha, cook me the most delicious pies to melt in your mouth. And you, Snow White, I know that you love to eat apples, and then sleep off for years. Well, find me the apple of my dreams. You have one hour to complete the tasks, up to twelve. Everything, the time has come.

(heroes leave)

BABA YAGA: Let's get out of here.

Wizard: And so, fairy-tale heroes fled all over the world, in all fairy tales, in order to complete all the difficult and insidious tasks of Baba Yaga.

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: Well, it's hard to find shoes on you! We've covered the entire market!

PRINCE: That is, if I look for shoes for you every year, this is normal, but as soon as I arrange a ball, you see, only up to 12 is possible, and after that, look for it in the field.

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: What about me? And I'm nothing. Expensive, maybe..

PRINCE: No, not at all, just not that winged monster - the Wizard.

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: God, why don't you love him so much?

PRINCE: What? Ha, you can laugh. And remember, dear, how he mocked me. I charmed you so much that I couldn’t even kiss you, and I myself sat all day in the bushes - laughing.

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: It's for my good. Well, cat, bunny, please, or do you want to leave me in this body forever? Egoist, you never loved me! (turns around crying and walks away)

PRINCE: Not women's tears, that's all, pretty dear, come on, everyone call your magician.

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: Excellent. Hey Wizard!

(Funny scenario for the New Year 2019 at a school for high school studentscontinues with the wizard jumping onto the stage)

PRINCE: Magician, honey, we're in such a bind, we don't know what to do.

WIZARD: Hey, what is it? Two days ago he shouted that he would pull my wings, but here you are! (pushing the prince)

PRINCE: listen, old man, there was such an opportunity here. Baba Yaga and the Eastern Princess changed bodies for us.

(WIZARD looks at the princess and smiles)

WIZARD: Wow, so you are this, and he is that... Wow!

PRINCE: (to the Princess) And you still ask why I don't like him. You and I are in grief, and he laughs, his ears are twitching. Egoist.

WIZARD: Please, no offense. Laughter is an uncontrollable reaction of the body.

PRIZE: Well, how can you help? We need to find a shoe for his foot. (raises his leg and shows it to the Wizard). There is no suitable size.

WIZARD: Well, yes, a noble bast shoe. But now nothing is impossible. Wait. (pulls out a box and starts rummaging through it). So, it's not that, it's not from that collection. And here it is. Princess, kiss me - that's it.

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: Thank you (hugs Wizard) Everyone, thank you, we ran. (leave the stage)

WIZARD: Run, run. Well, this is what is needed. (leaves)

An energetic musical composition sounds, Masha and the Bear come out

BEAR: how to knead it, is it dough? I have it everywhere, except for pies. Masha, help me.

MASHA: Ha, I found something to scare me, as if this is the first time. I asked you so many times before you want to play with me - brush your teeth! No, today you will be left without sweets.

BEAR: Well, Masha, well, help.

MASHA: how do I make pies for you, with your bear paws? What do you think, I make these pies for you all the time? Bear, what century do you live in? Quickly blow to the local bakery, there everything will be done to you of the highest grade.

BEAR: Oh, right, I'll be quick, wait here. (walks. Stops, returns slowly) Stop, aren't you, you say, baking?

MASHA: Mishka, it's not up to this now, you run, run.

(Snow White and 3 dwarfs come out, they laugh and point fingers at everything)

SNOW WHITE: Come on, zitz, I can’t take it anymore, line up. Dwarfs, listen to my command. Need to do something.

GNOME1: You are the dwarf, and we are Snow White.

GNOME 2: We were scattered over the bodies with your main signs. For example, I am very kind.

GNOME 3: And I'm dreamy. This one is sleeping all the time. (pushing neighbor)

SNOW WHITE: Okay, girls, what kind of apples did you find?

GNOME 2: We found some apples here but...

(Ezhka flies in)

BABA YAGA: Well, I already want to get my apple!

GNOME1: I found this. (According to the scenario for high school students, the dwarf hands the apple to Baba Yaga, she does not take it, pushes Gnome 2, who is sleeping again). Hey, wake up. What apple did you find?

GNOME 2: What an apple, I still have time to sleep . (holds Apple's iPad in her hands, Baba Yaga grabs it)

BABA YAGA: So here it is, the apple of my dreams. Wow, guys, hefty iPad!

All: So are you going to switch bodies?

BABA YAGA: I'll think about it.

(Little Red Riding Hood enters with a basket of pies and a wolf)

BABA YAGA: Well, how are my pies?

MASHA: ready. (raises a basket of pies)

BABA YAGA: (tasting pies) Mmmm delicious, as I asked, it melts in your mouth. But no, I won’t swap you, because they are high-calorie, and I will get better because of them.

MASHA: Well, well, well, you promised.

BABA YAGA: get used to new bodies.

BEAR: (approaches Baba Yaga)) Do you hear, but do you want me to show you how the bear growls?

BABA YAGA: I'm sorry, I was wrong, I was joking, I'll exchange your bodies. I swear by the broom. Go.

BEAR: Watch me. (leave)

BABA YAGA: So, they fed me, I already have an iPad, now I want some kind of spectacle. (leaves)

(Then, according to the scenario of the New Year's performance for high school students, Vasilisa and Ivanushka enter the stage and dance)

VASILISSA: So, let's do it again.

IVANUSHKA: And I will not dance these boogie-woogie. What am I, girl?

VASILISA: You can stay her forever, remember?

IVANUSHKA: Yeah, you'll forget that, okay, you need to find this Baba Yaga, I'll show her a master class.

(Yaga exits)

BABA YAGA: Did you call me? You are ready?

IVANUSHKA: So, turn on the music!

Sounds "Kalinka", Ivanushka and Vasilisa dance

BABA YAGA: No, neither, nor again. Yes, I will dance the best. You failed.

Ivanushka: Sorry, I thought I could handle it.

VASILISA: what can you do - we will submit to fate. But, I will still love Ivanushka, he is the best.

(Yaga cries)

VASILISA: What do you want? Haven't you mocked us enough?

BABA YAGA: you touched me, I'm not iron, kind, I'll exchange your bodies. Just don't tell anyone that you saw me like this, it doesn't suit my image.

VASILISSA: Thank you, grandma!

VASILISSA: We won't tell anyone.

BABA YAGA: (touched) Go! (leave) Well, at five minutes to twelve, good again won, and I, and I was left alone - alone.

(all heroes exit)

ORIENTAL PRINCESS: Granny, what are you waiting for, New Year 2019 is about to begin.

MASHA: Let's eat pies with us.

VASILISSA: Do you hear? New Year is coming.

(Father Frost and Snow Maiden come out)

SNOW MAIDEN: What happened, where did you go? We were worried, looking for you, the holiday did not start.

Santa Claus: Granny, confess, did you do it?

SNOW MAIDEN: Moroz Ivanovich, Granny, enough quarreling already, let's conclude a peace agreement on New Year's Eve. I have already prepared. I am reading. (Reading) The agency of Santa Claus with the agency of Baba Yaga solemnly conclude a peace treaty, undertake to do everything in a friendly and in harmony.

BABA YAGA: I agree.

Santa Claus: hands. (shake hands)

VASILISSA: You hear, the clock is ticking the last minute, the New Year 2019 is about to come.

FATHER FROST: Well, what are you waiting for, let's celebrate!

The script for the New Year 2019 at the school for high school students ends with a cheerful New Year's song, all the heroes throw snowballs into the hall, and Baba Yaga tries to throw out a bucket of New Year's sparkles.

/ the curtain is closed, music sounds, 3 girls appear, sing the song “Three white horses” /

Leading: Winter. Peasant triumphant
On firewood updates the path
And the horse, smelling the New Year
Trotting somehow
/ a harnessed horse and a man appear, walk across the stage /
Man: The old grandmother is crazy
I ordered to bring the Christmas tree
Already a hundred years, and all to no avail
In the new year, lay out a Christmas tree for her
It's time for her to die
And not jumping by the Christmas tree
/curtain closes/
Presenter: Yes, people are in a hurry
Celebrate New Year's Eve
And prepare seriously
Meet Santa Claus.
Leading: Once ready, so what's the question?
Presenter: We have one problem
After all, our people have grown up.
Therein lies the whole dilemma.
Leading: Well, now how can we be:
How can we surprise our guests?
Presenter: I've been scratching my head for a long time
And I decided it was time
We can't wait for frost
And look for him now
among the assembled guests.
Leading: Something in the sense I will not take
I understand nothing
Don't be patient
Explain your decision.

Presenter: Our dear guests, it's time for us to ask you, do you believe that Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden really exist? (guests answer) You see, everyone is already quite old and no longer believes in fairy tales.

Leading: And you don't believe in miracles? No, well, that doesn't work. Today, we (gives the name of the presenter) are simply obliged to make you believe that miracles do happen on New Year's Eve. So let's get started! I offer everyone a New Year's quiz.

Place in advance in different places in your guest room three digital signs (from 1 to 3) on the green herringbone patterns, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, hung far from each other (as far as the dimensions of the apartment allow). Then the host of the evening asks questions about Santa Claus, while naming three possible answers. Cheerful music sounds. During its sounding, participants must make a choice and take a place under the picture indicating the number of the answer, “correct” from the point of view of the participant.

All those who made the wrong choice are eliminated from the "races", and those who answered correctly guess the answer to the next question and also receive one of the sweet toys that decorate a small artificial Christmas tree - the keeper of the prize fund.

I. In what country is the name of the New Year's grandfather Lana Pasquale?
1. Mexico. 2. Colombia. 3. Uruguay.

II. In what country is the New Year's grandfather called Ded Zhara?
1. Panama. 2. Cambodia. 3. Sudan.

III. In what country is New Year's grandfather's name Tash Noel?
1.Spain. 2. Czech Republic. 3. Finland.

IV. In what country is the grandfather's name Santa Claus?
1. Scotland. 2. Ireland. 3. England

V. In what country is the New Year's grandfather called Mikulash?
1. Poland. 2. Czech. 3. Hungary.

VI. In what country is the New Year's grandfather called Mosh Jarile?
1. India. 2. Pakistan. 3. Romania.

VII. In what country is the name of the New Year's grandfather Weinakhteman?
I. Austria. 2. Israel. 3. Turkey.

VIII. In what country is the New Year's grandfather called St. Basil?
1.Greece. 2. Bulgaria. 3. The Netherlands.

IX. In what country is New Year's grandfather's name Bobbo Natale?
1. France. 2. Spain. 3. Italy.

After the quiz, the hosts select the most distinguished young men (5-6 people) and invite them to take part in the competition

1. Entertainment begins with the Snowflake competition. The host gives each participant several napkins and scissors. With their help, they should get beautiful snowflakes. Whoever's "products" will be more plausible like a snowflake, he will receive bonus points. (after the first competition it will be better if there are 5 participants left)

2. Then they move on to the next competition - "Breath of Frost". All received snowflakes are laid out on the tables. Each applicant gets one. Competitors stand on the opposite side of the snowflake, and the host gives them the command to try to blow it off. Naturally, everyone immediately rushes to blow across the table onto a snowflake, but the prize is given to the one whose last one flies off the surface of the table. After all, winter is all around, and there should be snow in the yard! And the breath of Frost only strengthens it. Points are counted. (after the second competition there are already four participants)
3. Competition "The strongest Santa Claus." The host explains that Santa Claus always walks with gifts, and therefore, with a heavy bag. Therefore, he must be resilient. You don’t have to take out anyone, but you have to test your strength in this competition. 4 participants are divided into pairs and each of them needs to lift the other like a bag from behind on his shoulders, whoever does it the easiest, he won.

The winner is given the attributes of Santa Claus (suit, beard, staff). The hosts ask him to wish something to all those gathered before leaving, and he leaves to get ready.

Presenter: Well, Santa Claus has left us for the time being, there is no Snow Maiden yet, well, in order to continue miracles, we need to create a special atmosphere. Let's imagine that we are all now in a fairy forest. Something was noisy. It looks like the wind is blowing. (addressing one of the guests) So, you will have a wind with us, blow harder. Our wind is angry, prickly, it shook all the trees (you will be Christmas trees with us, wave twigs, it doesn’t look like the wind was blowing on you. Come on, wind, blow harder. Okay, we wave twigs). A frightened bunny jumped out from under the Christmas tree and galloped on (you will be a bunny with us. You are somehow not frightened, here, jump faster). From above, 2 magpies began to buzz (that's exactly the same as you - that's it, you'll be magpies. Come on, say something else quickly, quickly: Sasha was walking along the highway ... Okay, that's enough). Well, it is impossible that in our fairy forest it was not festive. And then the sun came out (just about, you look out well, the sun) and smiled. No, not a smile on duty, but such, from the bottom of my heart, from ear to ear. Oh beauty! The forest came to life: the Christmas trees affably waved their branches beautifully, the magpies jumped around them, the bunny jumped for joy, the breeze easily blew the snowflakes. It became bright, beautiful and really fabulous. Shall we call Santa Claus? All in unison: Santa Claus! Santa Claus!

(the song of Santa Claus of the Disco Crash group is connected, Santa Claus appears)

Santa Claus:(reads congratulations)
Lots of laughter and fun
I want to wish you
Well, be patient with them.
Progress in business!
Let the starry tree shine
Let the swarm of snowflakes circle
To make the year bright, sonorous,
Kind, brave, punchy!
Let everyone be fine
May success await everyone at the end!
Let it be beautiful, peaceful, folding
You live - the best!
From myself I wish you
A sea of ​​happiness, a mountain of strength
And so that everyone, I beg you,
So always hanging out everywhere!

And now it's time for me to meet my Snow Maiden. Can you help me find her?

Choosing the best Snow Maiden 1. All the girls go out in a circle and turn their hands palms up, Santa Claus and the presenters select those girls who have the coldest hands.

2. All Snow Maidens are blindfolded. A young man stands in front of each, in whose clothes a small Christmas tree toy is hidden. The Snow Maiden wins, the first to discover this toy.

3. Snow Maidens say in a circle the names of films where the action takes place in winter or on New Year's Eve. Whoever says it last wins the contest.

4. The winner is the Snow Maiden who collects the most autographs from the guests.

While the results are being summed up, again a quiz for the guests:

Quiz "Winter Holiday"

1. Where is it colder - at the North or at the South Pole? (At the South Pole.)

2. What kind of tree is dressed up in Russia for the New Year? (Christmas tree.)

3. Ancient but timeless Christmas tree dance. (Round dance.)

4. What song do they sing at the Christmas tree? ("The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree".)

5. A person running past the Christmas tree at a trot is gray in all respects. (Wolf.)

6. A peasant's anti-Christmas tool. (Axe.)

7. Undersized blizzard. (Drift.)

8. Carnival "platband". (Mask.)

9. Ice casting. (Rink.)

10. The life time of the Snow Maiden. (Winter.)

11. Winter drummer. (Freezing.)

12. How many rays does a snowflake have? (Six.)

13. Seasonal "sculpture" made from truly natural material. (Snowman.)

14. Who came up with the lines: “Winter! .. The peasant, triumphant, / Renews the way on the firewood ...”? (Pushkin.)

Congratulations to the Snow Maiden, she is leaving to change.


New Year's competition "Mummy" Four volunteers are called, two teams are made up of them, and more can be called. One of the players in each team is a “mummy”, and the second is a “mummy”. Game: the "mummy" must wrap the "mummy" with "bandages" as quickly as possible. Toilet paper is usually used as bandages. Audience fun guaranteed! After wrapping, you can reverse the operation by winding the paper back into a roll.

Competition for the new year "Hold the snowflake" What you need: Cotton. Preparation: lumps are made from cotton wool, resembling a snowflake. The host is Santa Claus. Game: at the signal of the leader, the participants begin to blow from below on the lump so that it flies like a snowflake. The task is not to let the "snowflake" fall. The winner is the participant who kept the "snowflake" in the air the longest.

Contest "Tomato" Two volunteers are called. They stand facing each other on opposite sides of the same stool. The host puts a banknote on a stool and announces that at the expense of “one, two, three ..” “who will be the first to put his hand on the bill ...

"Christmas trees exist" We decorated the Christmas tree with different toys, and in the forest different Christmas trees grow, both wide and low, tall, thin. The host - Santa Claus explains the rules: Now, if I say "high" - raise your hands up "low" - squat and lower your hands "wide" - make the circle wider "thin" - make the circle narrower. And now let's play! (Santa Claus plays, trying to confuse the children)

"Telegram to Santa Claus" The guys are asked to name 13 adjectives: “fat”, “red”, “hot”, “hungry”, “sluggish”, “dirty”, etc. When all the adjectives are written down, the presenter takes out the text of the telegram and inserts the missing adjectives from the list into it. Text of the telegram: “... Grandfather Frost! All ... the children are looking forward to your ... arrival. New Year is the most ... holiday of the year. We will sing for you ... songs, dance ... dances! Finally, the New Year will come! How do not want to talk about ... study. We promise that we will only receive ... grades. So, open your ... bag as soon as possible and give us ... gifts. With respect to you ... boys and ... girls! ”...

The presenters come out, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, a competition is held:

Christmas decorations
Presenter: We will play an interesting game with the guys:
What we decorate the Christmas tree with, I will name the kids.
Leading: Listen carefully, and be sure to answer,
If we tell you right, say "Yes" in response.
Well, if suddenly it’s wrong, say boldly “No!” (then Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden ask in turn)
- Multi-colored crackers?
- Blankets and pillows?
- Folding beds and cribs?
- Marmalade, chocolates?
- Glass balls?
- Wooden chairs?
- Teddy bears?
- Primers and books?
- Are the beads multi-colored?
- Are the garlands bright?
- Snow from white cotton wool?
- Backpacks and briefcases?
- Shoes and boots?
- Cups, forks, spoons?
- Are the candies shiny?
Are the tigers real?
- Are the buds golden?
Are the stars radiant?

Santa Claus: Thanks to everyone who helped me meet my granddaughter.

Snow Maiden: And from me, Snow Maiden,
I wish everyone happiness,
Good luck and luck!

Let winter and summer
Love lives in the hearts!
And sincere feelings
And laughter, and sparkle in the eyes!


Bow. This is a simple New Year's competition for schoolchildren, in which three people can participate. Two participants are blindfolded, and one of them is given a bunch of ribbons in their hands, and the third is placed in the middle of the room. One of the players must tie as many ribbons around the body as possible on the "free" participant. And the second blindfolded player is to collect these ribbons by touch. Prizes in this competition can be received by all participants.

Slow motion. In this competition, participants must take turns depicting different everyday situations. But you need to show them in slow motion. And the rest of the class has to guess what is shown. For example, look hilarious: - frying pancakes; - coal mining; - dressing the wound on the finger; - Catching and plucking chicken. Prizes can be received by the most ingenious and the most artistic.

Visiting a fairy tale. For the New Year's contest "Visiting a fairy tale" you will have to stock up on various things that "belong" to the heroes of famous fairy tales. For example, a shoe from Cinderella, striped socks from Pippi - a long stocking, a lamp from Hottabych, a golden feather from the Firebird. During the competition, you must pull fabulous things out of the bag, and the guests must guess their owner. The guesser must make a New Year's toast or recite a poem in the voice of this character. The best imitator is awarded the best prize, and the rest receive nice gifts. It is better to hold such a competition among elementary school students.

Feed me. Two players are blindfolded, placed opposite each other and given an apple in their hand. The task of the players is to feed the partner. The winner is the pair that will eat the apples the fastest, and at the same time the fingers will remain intact.

Marianna Ovinnikova
The scenario of the New Year's Eve for high school students and students "The Tale of How the Snow Maiden Flew to the Crimea"

Characters: Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, Hares, Wolf, Old man Khatabych, Squirrel, Summer Boy, Goat, Monkey Monkey.

Winter. Great Ustyug. Kingdom of Santa Claus

Snow Maiden enters the room with headphones to the track "Lada sedan", chewing gum

Santa Claus (shakes head): Well, I got a share.

feed you on old age.

Snow Maiden(squats down, stretches the gum): Grandfather, when are we flying to the sea?

Santa Claus: Deer don't have wings!

Snow Maiden: Oh, what a bore you are. Every year the same: snow, snowstorm, snow, blizzard, Christmas trees, balls, lanterns, girls, boys. Your winter got me. I want exotics, I'm in I want Crimea to the sea, to the sun

Santa Claus: You'll melt, fool.

Snow Maiden: Come on, don't you want to fly with me to Crimea, I'll go on foot.

Snow Maiden escapes from the kingdom of snow, walks through the forest, meets rabbits

Hare-1: Ah, look Snow Maiden, Snow Maiden!

Hare-2: Urrrra Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden: Quietly, why did they jump, small ones?

Hare-1: Such a beauty (strokes Snow Maiden)

Hare-2: what an elegant (looks at coat)

Snow Maiden: Paws removed

Hare-1 (jumps away): Is not Snow Maiden.

Hare-2 (scared): not Snow Maiden.

Snow Maiden: Yes, Snow Maiden I!

Hare-1: so not real!

Hare-2: not real!

Snow Maiden: Yes, the real one, I’ll stop cracking, my head hurts, I really wanted to eat (looks at bunnies, thinks about eating)

Hare-1 (hides behind hare 2): Don't eat me, eat her

Hare-2: Do not eat us, we will still be useful to you. What are you dreaming about?

Snow Maiden: I'm not dreaming, I'm walking. in Crimea.

Hare-1: Do you know where he is and what gifts he is famous for?

Snow Maiden(shrugs): Not

Hare-2: Here, but we know and show the way, come with us!

Snow Maiden: Well, lead, if you are not joking.

Hares: - There in Life is not bad for Crimea,

Is in Crimea is such a miracle:

An island in the sea lies

The city stands on the island,

With golden-domed churches,

With towers and gardens;

Spruce grows in front of the palace,

And under it is a crystal house;

The squirrel lives in it tame,

Yes, what a miracle!

The squirrel sings songs

Yes, the nuts gnaw everything;

And nuts are not simple,

The shells are golden

The cores are pure emerald;

The squirrel is groomed, protected.

There's another wonder:

The sea rages violently

Boil, raise a howl,

Will rush to the empty shore,

Will spill in a quick run,

And will be on the shore

Dressed up by Armani

Hot Boy, Summer Boy

Oh, handsome daring

Handsome, young.

Hares (scared): wolf, wolf

Wolf: Opa-pa, what guests

And where are we headed?

Snow Maiden: Fathers, fleece, yes bones

I was emaciated, gray, horror (laughs)

Wolf: Don't be rude Snow Maiden,

Tea in one tune to blow us.

Snow Maiden abruptly interrupts laughter, looks at the wolf from under his forehead

Wolf: And who are you walking with? Oh, my sweet, bunny-children - approaches the hares with "hungry" intent.

Hares hiding behind Snow Maiden

Wolf: Give them to me Snow Maiden why do you need them?

Snow Maiden: Can't, grey, they're road in Crimea is known

Wolf: Yes, I will pay you twice as much for them, you will not only you will reach the Crimea, but you can also take a taxi to the hotel;)

Snow Maiden: Twice as many? (thinking)

Wolf: yeah ;)

Hares: And he, and he is the whole forest told that you stole gifts from children!

Snow Maiden: What? Oh you. Together they dragged the bag, and you dumped everything on me! Come on, put your paws in the mouth and run away from here before I skin you.

Wolf: Hey, why are you so daring, huh?

Snow Maiden stamps her foot chasing the wolf

Wolf (screams while running away): Let's count again.

Snow Maiden: Oh, what else is this? (picks up a bottle, looks at it)

Suddenly out of the bottle Old Man Khatabych takes off

Khatabych: I old Jin and I can grant you one wish!

Snow Maiden: Why one?

Khatabych: old, three already can not.

Snow Maiden: We want to get into Crimea.

Khatabych: Fuck bidohti bidoh

Snow Maiden and the hares were in Crimea

Hare-1: Do you hear? This squirrel sings

Sings a song Belka "It's a new year, new dreams"

Guy Summer: Who came to my palace?

To the music of the group Quest Pistols - "You are so Beautiful" meets eyes with Snow Maiden and is thrilled by her beauty, falls in love

Guy Summer: How long have I been looking for you, I will marry you, introduce me to your relatives.

Snow Maiden: What? (Translated into English - WHAT)

Guy Summer: Here, here, I’ll meet my parents, I say.

Snow Maiden in shock

Hare-1: Don't worry Snow Maiden, you are in Crimea, near the Black Sea, the sun, kiss already and fairy tales end

Hare-2: Looks like someone is missing.

Snow Maiden: Santa Claus. I offended him very much, I want to apologize, let's call him together.

The boys call Santa Claus

Santa Claus: Hello children!

Another year has gone by

We part with him forever,

But this is how the meaning of life is built -

Everyone gets old.

Let's drive away longing and sadness,

And we'll have fun together

After all, a bright holiday NEW YEAR-

Great reason to fall in love!

Monkey and Goat run

Goat: Get off me, Monkey.

Monkey: I'll break all your horns now.

Santa Claus: What else is this?

Monkey: This nasty goat face does not let me into the new year.

Grandfather (referring to the goat): Listen, horned one, on New Year's Eve you can't bother each other. Your year is over, but in 12 years you can come back again. After all, every night is always replaced by day, and the rain is replaced by a rainbow and the sun, winter - spring, and all because everything has its time. And our time is coming to an end, we need to forgive all insults, congratulate everyone on the New Year and say goodbye to the guys!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, forgive me, in New Year I will try to obey you

Goat: Forgive me, Monkey.

monkey: And you, Goat, forgive me for everything

But this year I will rule - I!

Dance flash mob to the track of Maxim Barsky - Girlfriend night.

All heroes: Happy New Year 2016!

Related publications:

"Snow Maiden and Forest Animals". Scenario New Year's party in the second junior group Characters: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, presenter. Children of the 2nd junior group: bear, wolf, fox, bunnies - boys. Children enter the hall to the music.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday for children of the second junior group 2015. "Snow Maiden meets friends" Scenario of the New Year's holiday for children of the second junior group 2015. “The Snow Maiden Meets Friends” Music sounds, children enter the hall.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday "The Snow Maiden and the Bear" Purpose: To create a festive atmosphere; make children want to perform in front of the audience. This scenario is designed with age-specific features in mind.

The scenario of the New Year's holiday in the middle group "The Enchanted Snow Maiden" The scenario of the New Year's party in the middle group "ENCHANTED SNOW MAIDEN" Purpose: - The main purpose of holding New Year's parties is.

We recommend preparing a holiday for your friends by high school students themselves - the preparation process will surely unite the team, leave unforgettable memories. Leading the holiday - a girl and a guy high school students. So, we offer you a scenario for the New Year 2020 at a school for high school students, funny.

If it does not suit you, you can change it a little or make your own.

HOST: Hello, dear high school colleagues, our dear teachers and long-awaited guests!

HOST: The New Year is already knocking on the doors of all of us, on the pages of social networks, on billboards and shop windows of the streets. Indeed, this holiday has long been considered the most long-awaited, most beloved, everyone is looking forward to it with impatience and hope for a miracle - naive and always young adults, not childishly serious kids, and, of course, we, high school students, because this is the last New Year's Eve at home school.

HOST: But we will not be sad, because there is an opportunity for everyone to make a cherished wish together and believe that it will certainly come true next year!

HOST: The New Year 2020 will certainly bring warmth and harmony to every family.

HOST: Health is like the greatest treasure.

LEADING: Good luck - to be lucky all year in everything.

LEADING: Love - so that the heart is filled with tenderness and mercy.

HOST: A huge bundle of gifts and New Year's wishes!

HOST: We gathered here for a walk, it's time to start the holiday!

BABA YAGA: Yes, it's me! Did you really think to do without Baba Yaga? Well, well, I understand that no one loves me.

LEADING: well, why, dear, to love you? For always spoiling all New Year's holidays?

HOST: Or because you were scared all your childhood: “Don’t paint your eyes, you will look like Baba Yaga!”

LEADING: Yes, you, dear granny, are far from the ideal of a good New Year's grandmother, both externally and intellectually!

BABA YAGA: Oh, right? Also for me, intellectuals showed up, Internet kids, but what do you know without your Wikipedia? Can you do without Yandex maps? And here I am, an illiterate woman, I have been flying on a mortar without a navigator for two hundred years, and a lot
I can tell!

LEADING: What do you know that high school students do not know?

Intellectual New Year contest

BABA YAGA: Okay guys. Now I will ask you New Year's questions, and you will prove to everyone that you really are the pride of the country and have a solid package of knowledge.

Question one

BABA YAGA: On the first of January, the New Year is celebrated together with our country of the country ...
(the answer is the countries of Europe and America)

Question two

BABA YAGA: If you ask children from different countries what year is coming, everyone will answer differently. So, what year will be celebrated in Russia?
(answer - 2020)

Question three

BABA YAGA: What year will be celebrated in Syria?

Question four

BABA YAGA: And what year did you celebrate in Israel?
(the answer is the jubilee year 5776)

BABA YAGA: Okay, we did the job. An aesthetic question. Everyone knows who Santa Claus is. How, in your opinion, did Dutch artists portray Santa Claus at the beginning of the nineteenth century?

(answer - slim and thin)

BABA YAGA: An artist of which country "attached" a beard to Santa Claus, and when was it?
(the answer is in 1860 the American Thomas Knight)

BABA YAGA: Who created the image of the modern Santa Claus?
(answer - Englishman Tenniel)

HOST: Granny, listen, do you really know a lot about the New Year holiday!

BABA YAGA: yes, I’ve been living in the world for a long time, I’ve seen a lot, heard a lot, and I don’t complain about operational memory!

LEADING: yes, I would have such a memory - I would have learned all the exams by heart.

BABA YAGA: Teach, my dear, because teaching is the meaning of the future!

LEADING: (to Baba Yaga) Wait, old lady... Let's stop talking about science, lessons, let's remember about the New Year 2020.
This is the most beloved holiday, magical, mysterious, amazing, unique ... It awakens in people the best feelings, love for everything beautiful, kind

HOST: Yeah, and the rejection of everything insidious, evil.

BABA YAGA: evil and unpleasant - this is about me, but how much can you say! It's time to invite Santa Claus to look at him. Have you grown old? Old junk!

HOST: Santa Claus? I think we all need to call him together - it seems like this happens at all children's matinees?

LEADING: So, let's go together: “Santa Claus, come quickly! Make the children happy with the holiday, it will be more fun with us!

(Then, according to the scenario of the New Year's fairy tale for high school students, Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden enter with a song. Light)

Ded Moroz: Respect to you, dear high school students! Don't forget what to call me. And even all together, as in childhood, they called! Well, well done, pleased the old man!

SNOW MAIDEN: Yes, that's right, grandfather. Look, the guys have become quite adults, very soon they will go into an independent life, an adult. But, nevertheless, like little ones, they are waiting for Santa Claus, New Year 2020, and a new miracle.

Santa Claus: I know for sure, granddaughter, that the new year 2020 will bring the fulfillment of desires to all of us. And for high school students - all this is very important. Ahead - final exams, entrance tests, therefore, believe in a dream, and it will definitely come true!

SANTA CLAUS (notices Baba Yaga): I can't believe my eyes! And you, the old one, are here?!

BABA YAGA: Do not be surprised, dear. I decided on the eve of the New Year to change my image and become a reporter. How nice to communicate with smart and well-mannered youth.

Santa Claus: Okay. Stay. I see that the granddaughter wants to say something ...

SNOW MAIDEN: Grandpa, there are so many people here who want to have fun! I wonder what they know about you, about the New Year's holiday?

HOST: And now the guys will sing you beautiful New Year's songs, admire!

The next in the scenario of the New Year's holiday for high school students is the musical number "New Year's Potpourri"

SNOW MAIDEN: Great, but what do our guys know, and you, Granny, about Santa Claus? (Everyone takes part in the quiz)

Intellect game "Santa Claus"

1. Is there a Santa Claus in the world?
2. Where does he live?
3. Who is he friends with?
4. What is he like: kind, demanding, or evil? Justify your answer.
5. What is his favorite food?
6. What color is the fur coat? Why exactly this?
7. What does Santa Claus drive?
8. Why does he need a stick?
9. Where does he get gifts?
10. Where does he leave them?
11. What does he do in summer?
12. How old is he?
13. Is he related to Santa Claus?
14. Does he have brothers?
(Snow Maiden awards the winner)

FATHER FROST: Yes, it's me, that fabulous grandfather,
Whom the whole world knows
I travel all year with gifts, I welcome happiness and success. I have friends everywhere, so I always rush to them, I want to have time to visit every house.

SNOW MAIDEN: Now, it's time to please your school, give away fabulous gifts, and, of course, congratulate you on the New Year 2020!

BABA YAGA: Here, he came to us! The merry grandfather and his Snegurulya! And everyone will receive gifts, or just the right ones, white and fluffy?

SNOW MAIDEN: Well, why, everyone will get it, and even you, Granny-Yagulya. We heard that you also shine with intellect - therefore, receive a gift from us.

FATHER FROST: We give you wireless access to the Internet for the whole year! Enlighten me, I'm not sorry!

BABA YAGA: I'm delighted! Grandfather, you are a real advanced Frostbite! Respect to you too! Well, get a return gift from me too!

Continuation of the script for the New Year's Eve for high school students - the musical number "Break dance in the style of "Grandmothers Ezhki rule"

HOST: Cool dance, Granny. And you, I look - nothing!

BABA YAGA: Well, you said - granny, granny, but it turned out - a cool New Year's woman!

LEADING: So, with the grandfather - sorted out, let's move on to the granddaughter.

SNOW MAIDEN: Yes, I am the best of the granddaughters of the legendary Santa Claus. Everyone is waiting for me. Through the rivers, through the mountains

We enter every house, handing New Year's gifts to everyone.

FATHER FROST: And even to cheerful thugs and naughty ones!

SNOW MAIDEN: Grandpa, what are you?! What words are you saying? They were waiting for a meeting with you, and you were "thugs" and "naughty" to them.

Santa Claus: don't worry, it's a joke. Well, how not to joke with such cheerful schoolchildren. May I greet them again? You are the best, dearest, wisest young people! (To the Snow Maiden) How are you, Snow Maiden?

SNOW MAIDEN: That's the best, grandfather. Do you know what the high school students present at the celebration are most looking forward to? And they are waiting for the festive lights to shine with bright colors on this wonderful Christmas tree.

Santa Claus: No questions! Shine, tree, it's clear!
Play with stars!
Let the holiday begin in time
Add joy to all of us!

Herringbone glows

Then, according to the New Year's scenario for high school students for 2020, the musical number "New Year" sounds

SNOW MAIDEN: We must hurry to other schools. The children have already received their gifts. The class teachers helped us with this. You don't have to be sad. Grandfather Frost, you urgently need to read all the letters of the guys that you have not had time to read yet. The snowman just brought them, let's go and read them!

(Everyone leaves, “terrible” music sounds, the Snow Queen enters the hall)

THE SNOW QUEEN (included important): Wow, what a heat! I asked for frost, and they have Africa! Now you have to use artificial ice.

KOSCHEI THE DEATHLESS (appears immediately after the Snow Queen). Finally got there. I just found your village. Not a single road sign, not a single sign. None of the gadgets show the navigator. What are you? Hiding, or guests are not welcome? BUT? I can not hear! (After the guys answer, he looks for Baba Yaga with his eyes) Granny! My beauty, where are you?!

BABA YAGA: (runs out to him) My handsome, in the end, waited for you!

SNOW QUEEN: Enough with the nonsense! We're not here for that!

BABA YAGA: Well, my dears! I believe our time has come. How long can you live like this! Nobody loves us! I even decided to change my image and became a reporter... However, the attitude towards me has not changed...

KOSHCHEI IMMORTAL: And no one is afraid of us!

SNOW QUEEN: Both children and adults neglect us!

BABA YAGA: How they do not understand that other times have come. Now on the Internet you can find the answer to any question. I need to see... I grabbed a tablet... Wait a minute... (Looks closely, a smile appears on his face).
The Snow Queen and Koschey the Immortal (at the same time).

Well? Speak faster!

BABA YAGA: Rejoice! Bad news not for us, but for those who are gathered here. Listen everyone! Here is what is written here: "Many people today do not like to read. They threw books into old bookcases. Children are like little old people who sit in front of TV screens all the time. They don't care who wins: good or evil. Children now prefer the computer and computer games, but a fairy tale... They forgot the fairy tale. So, the country of Childhood will definitely experience a catastrophe! (According to the scenario of the New Year's performance for high school students for 2020, Baba Yaga, Koschey, the Snow Queen clap their hands for joy)

CINDERELLA (runs in): Stop immediately! Nothing bad will happen to the country of the School! The seniors will fix the situation! (Addresses those present in the hall) Truth?

(They listen to the answers of high school students. A boy runs up to Cinderella and passes a note. She reads and leaves.)

CINDERELLA: Everything is clear, we urgently need to call Grandfather Frost!

SNOW QUEEN: No! Not! Not!

BABA YAGA: (to the Snow Queen and Koshchei). And I can't agree with you. I'm the image, you hear - IMAGE changed! It's time for change!
(appears in a princess outfit, with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden). You see, my life has also changed. Whoever reads books knows about them.

CINDERELLA: As for the country of Childhood, its fate depends on you! Everyone has their own way, their own road ... The other cannot use it.

Santa Claus: Choose! Children with a kind heart and a sincere soul will always be lucky! And don't hesitate!

SNOW QUEEN: Surprisingly, I feel some pleasant warmth... The ice has melted. So, there will be changes!


Ded Moroz: May the New Year be in every school
Bring a lot of good
Full of sun, full of laughter
All for joy and pleasure.

SNOW MAIDEN: From the bottom of my heart, accept the wishes:
Everyone should live in health -
Both big and small!

SNOW QUEEN: May your dreams come true
In the new year 2020,
Let fate smile on you
At every step!

Music sounds, the main characters of the holiday invite everyone to the New Year's dance program.

And for preschoolers and first graders, we offer to hold a performance on.

Happy and merry New Year!

  • "Unusual New Year's story - 2020" (scenario of the New Year's holiday for children 5-6 years old)
  • Scenario for the new year for the preparatory group "New Year's trip to the country of Fairy Tale"
  • Modern scenario of the autumn ball for high school students
  • Graduation script option for elementary school: unusual and fun
  • Autumn ball for high school students: script with competitions
  • What scenario according to fairy tales to use for the New Year


07.12.2015 / 17:56

the guest

Well ...... normal, but somehow for the lower grades (if you didn’t read the questions)

16.12.2015 / 19:20

the guest

new year to the year


- I heard that it's coming
It's like the Year of the Monkey.

- Monkey? Who is she?
Something I don't know about her.

- That overseas princess
From some forest
Where it's always hot and summer.

- That would be to get into this place!

I would not refuse, brothers,
Lie in the sun there.

- What is her face like?

- Well, probably not bad.

- Doesn't she eat animals?
Should have known sooner.

- Stop, stop! You, Kos
Run quickly for Lisa.
This is her friend for sure
Let it be still in absentia.

- Yes, Lisa is full of passions
Be friends with those in power.

- No, it's not enough for her,
She registered as a sister

- That's it - that's it!
Well, you compose a painter!
Monkey and Fox
Can there be sisters?
They are completely different
It's clear to everyone!

I told the whole truth
Didn't write anything.
That's what Lisa told me.

- That might be fine.
Fox loves fables:
That she is the goat's sister,
That is a big gray ram
She got a friend.
And now the Monkey
Let her be a stranger.

- So, this monkey
Even from another planet?

No, she's from Africa.

- Where is the bright moon?

- Yes, and the sun shines brightly,
That's why it's always hot there.

- Oh, it's cold here.
The monkey will freeze!
Wind clouds with snow drives.

- Santa Claus will not touch her!

- Yes, it won't. Not otherwise.
He appointed her himself.

- I've got a fur coat for her.

- You are with us, Mishunya, class!

- I knitted hats.
I just didn't know the size.
I knitted twenty-five.

- There will be something for her to try on.
You are our young man!

- I've got some boots for her.

- It's great, friends,
Only I don't know
What kind of Nora is she?

I heard it's not bad.
Playful, like, here.

So it's going to be a fun year.
There runs the Fox-cheater,
Having become a relative deftly.
We'll ask her right now.

- Hi everyone! Yo mine!
That you stood up like donkeys
Set the tables!
New Year is coming, friends
I will be his symbol!
What are you staring at, dude? (Wolf)

Are you Foxy? That's it!

- What did you think, friends?
Year of the fox, the fox is me!

- No, let's not cheat!
We know that Monkey
Will rule for a whole year.

- Oh, what stupid people!
Who is the monkey?

- Who?

- Yes, stupid chicken!
Crooked bastard.
She has protruding ears
She has a tail like a snake.
And the Fox, that is, I -
Forest beauty!

- Yes, we know you, Lisa.
You are beautiful, no doubt
Give us a true answer
Is the monkey so obnoxious?

- Her gums are open
She has a big mouth
She takes everything in her hands.

- What does he take?

- Whatever.
I took this out myself.
Might even take a gun
Even shoot! (STRESS ON THE LETTER e)

- Yo mine!

- She's also stupid.
Well, why do you, I don't know
As many as three hundred sixty five
Days foolish trust!

- Santa Claus appointed her.
It will be so, and not otherwise!
He's already taking her
To give her a year.
We managed to set the tables,
And they wanted to know about her
Thought you were friends.

- Oh, I was joking!
Yes, we are good friends.
She has such ears!
The fur all over her sparkles.
We are cousins.
She is so smart.
I don't even know
Who is smarter, she or I.
It's for you to judge, friends.
She is small in stature.
She has such a face!
The eyes are like embers.
And fluffy cheeks.
In the paws can take anything.
Wears a trendy coat.

- Don't lie to us, it's hot there.

- Is it in the afternoon or in the morning
The sun is shining very bright
And then, of course, it's hot,
She is in a sarafan.
Well, when the moon rises
Here is a scarf, coat and hat,
And also a bag in the paws.
She is such a fashionista!
I don't know another one.

(Hear bells and the creak of sleigh runners)

Oh, and here comes Santa Claus
We brought our smart girl!

- Greetings to all, friends!
I didn't come alone.

- Hello! Glad to see everyone.
In the midst of this snowfall
In the midst of a storm and a blizzard
I see you are having fun!

- Yes, and we are all very happy
To see you here with us.
You after all to us from afar?

- Are you cold?

- Yeah, a little.

- Here's your coat!

Here are your hats!

- These are boots on the paws.

- Thanks to all! I see live
you can here.

- Let's be friends.

- Friendship forever I'm glad.
I brought you as a reward
The joy of sunshine
The tenderness of fabulous nights.
I brought you playfulness
And a little playfulness
Wisdom for all years.
Be happy always!

(Baba Yaga suddenly appears)

- Wisdom for all years!
Wisdom is not food!

- Grandmother-hedgehog, as always
You grumble, grumble everything ...

- Yes!
And why should I not grumble,
I won't be silent anymore
I'll say it straight to your eyes
You know I'm stubborn
You know I'm true
Look at this marvel (points to the Monkey)
Golozhopa, but in power!
I don't like it, passion,
When stupidity flourishes.
Monkey who here knows?
She is a stranger to everyone around.
And everyone around knows me.
I, go, two hundred years already
Lived in the same place.
They wrote about me
I am a fairy tale character.
I have to lead this year
I want to rule the planet!

- Well, you sing,
Grandmother-hedgehog, well, so what,
Maybe it's your turn
Let the people judge us.

- How can I understand?
Should we choose a symbol?
Then exactly the symbol I am,
Will you support, friends?

- No, Fox, you wait,
Here the layout is completely different.
You have to decide, friends
Grandma-hedgehog or me.
What I bring to you, I said.

- Only this is not enough for us.
We do not need games, dances,
The warmth of the sun, fairy tale nights.
Wisdom for all years
It's just nonsense!

- Your turn, Yaga. Well,
Tell us what will you bring?
Tell us without lying. (raises his staff over Baba Yaga)

- I'll make noise and uproar!
In a year I will bring misfortune!

- My God! What passions!

- We misfortune? What for?

- Everyone will have more fun!

- From misfortunes more fun?

- Well, lively at least.
Passions will immediately flare up.

- Oh, why bother?

- I'll bring you trouble!
I'll start a fire in the forest!

- Well, have mercy, but why?

- Everyone will have more fun!
And I'll arrange a pestilence,
This is necessary at times.
I'm using my power!

Maybe she's drunk?

- No, friends, she is not drunk,
Both Yaga and Monkey
All were truthfully stated.
You yourself took it all away
My staff shone over her,
He didn't lie.

- That's something I say is not the case.
I didn't mean to say that.

You wanted to lie
We do need to know the truth.

- Oh, you are harmful!

- Yes, I know it myself.
That's why I'm Granny-hedgehog.
I'm a little mean.

We're sorry, we don't need you.

- Well, let me, I'm even glad.
And then it would bring trouble,
And all around is so cute.

- Well, it's time and honor for us to know
It's time to hand over the year.

- Oh, sorry, this is too much,
Give the year to the monkey!
She has such a face!

- What?

- You look like me.
Same fur, same eyes!
Just all a different color.

- You know, Little Foxy,
I have protruding ears
I hear everything for miles.
Do you understand this?

- Oh, of course, sister,
I know you are a master
Do all. You are good.
You have a pure soul.

- I see you are cunning, Chanterelle.
Only you are not my sister.
Who you are is what you will be
We'll get along somehow.

- All right, everything is like in a fairy tale!
I wish everyone happiness, affection,
Friendship, joy, luck,
Good mood to all!
And everyone be healthy!
And be friends with each other!